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    Soul Searching

    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Soul Searching Empty Soul Searching

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 31st July 2015, 7:10 pm

    Job: Matter of the Soul:

    Lexa Grimoire was messing around after her mission to the accursed labyrinth of insanity known as Ancient Ruins when she was sucked away to some strange place. The area lit up with some star patterns, and a ball of light appeared. The ball glowed gently, floating, bobbing around in place and seemed mystifying to her. "Child, we have watched your actions." the ball said in a calm, soothing, but deep voice. The orb seemed to be a spiritual mystic, all knowing, all seeing, and quite creepy when it talked. Lexa looked around frantically, trying to connect the dots. "We wish you no ill fortune. We wish to press you through a trial." the orb said, its calm voice doing little to convince Lexa that it wasn't gonna hurt her. "If you wish to undergo this trial, you will be compensated with experience beyond anything you've done thus far. You may also find some monetary compensation along the journey that you may keep." the ball said, ignoring her frantic state.

    Lexa calmed down after she heard the word 'experience' come from the orb. She didn't care for money, she wanted to get stronger and stronger. Lexa would take knowledge over money any day, and any time, and the idea of more knowledge than she'd ever had before was simply marvelous to her. "What's my trial." Lexa said with a very serious voice. A portal opened, and showed Lexa a world that was nothing but tunnels with an open sky above. The sky was night time, and stars were abundant. "You will be placed in the Celestial Spirit's world, and go through our maze. There are enemies within these walls that you must defeat, and if you find your innermost nightmares, and come out with them alive you would have learned more than ever." the orb said. "You may now choose a partner to enter with you." the orb added. "I want someone I can trust. I don't care who, but call someone from my guild on Silver Island!" Lexa said confidently, knowing that no matter who it was, they'd be just as powerful, if not more powerful than Lexa. The orb exploded into light and dust, and a figure stepped out...


    Alie and Ariel
    Alie and Ariel

    Lineage : Serpent Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 369
    Guild : Black Rose
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    Experience : 181.25

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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Alie and Ariel 1st August 2015, 12:05 am

    Or two as the case was. Two figures tumbled out of the portal less than gracefully. The girls fell and rolled out of the portal and onto the floor. The momentum carrying them and leaving them in a tangled mess on the floor. It took them a few moments in order for the world to stop spinning and the twins until they were able to untangle themselves from each other. They each stood up and dusted off “Uh, were are we?” the one in pink asked, looking around the area. “No clue…” the one in black said. It was then that she noticed there was someone else here with her. She poked her sister’s shoulder and pointed at her. “Hey isn’t that the new girl who showed up here a few weeks back?” she asked. Alie took a second to look at her. “Looks like it.” She said going up to her. Her pink clothes with black highlights, bright and out of place among the ruins. Her sister Ariel, followed behind. Dressed in similar clothing, yet black with pink highlights. “Hey Lexa!” Ariel called as she and her sister arrived at the place where their guild mate stood. “What’s going on? Who or what is that? Were are we?” Alie asked all these quick succession. Both the twins were confused on why they were pulled from their work to this place. The last thing either of them remember is that, they were in their room as usual. Just changed out of their work clothes and were getting ready to do some practice sparring when two large black hands emerged from Ariel’s closet. Grabbed both of them before they could react and pulled them into it’s depths. Though it wasn’t a closet they had found themselves in, but what felt like black water. They couldn’t move, see or breath. Then light, and they come tumbling out of the portal and ended up here. They looked at the small glowing light, both twins made their hands into fists, the crystals embedded on the back softly glowing. Whatever it was, they sensed something sinister emanating of it. Like flies around a rotten piece of meat. This ball was something bad.


    Soul Searching Aa-sig10

    Magic Powers
    Backstory Info
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 1st August 2015, 12:50 am

    Lexa tried to hold back her excitement about being able to partner with two adorable kids, already considering the pair her little sisters. She jumped up energetically and pulled them in for a hug, ignoring their wish to attack the glowing orb. Lexa quickly let go from the hug and stepped back a couple times with a bright smile on her face, her blue yes shimmering with her enjoyment. She gestured to the ball saying "He actually is dangerous. But this one doesn't have orders to kill us, just put us through a trial" with a voice that relayed her happiness perfectly. "Come on!" Lexa said while jumping through the portal, allowing the gravity of the celestial plane to take her. "She asked for reliable allies from her own guild. You fit the description, go and assist the one who is putting her trust in you." the glowing orb of light said before disappearing, leaving the portal to the celestial maze the only option for the twins.

    Lexa felt the breeze moving past her face, her short hair flicking against her cheeks. Just before she would his the ground, Lexa shifted her weight and landed on a foot, pushing off the ground to enter a forwards commando roll. She looked around, marveling at the world around them. The stars above were absolutely beautiful, twinkling far more brightly than anything that could be seen back on earthland. Lexa saw shooting stars, comets gracefully moving across the universe in the far distance, and even some constellations. "Beautiful..." Lexa said in an amazed tone, hearing the sound of her friends behind her, followed by Taranis. Lexa quickly went to them and hugged Alie "Ah-chan!" she said in an upbeat tone, doing the same to Ariel "Imōto-chan!" she quickly skipped to Taranis's side. The six foot tall being staring at the twins, his grim mask covered face disallowing him to show emotion. "This is Taranis! He's my absolute best friend!" Lexa said as the towering man bowed to the twins. "He doesn't talk too much, but he's very sweet." Lexa said with a smile on her face, trying to alleviate any fears the twins may have. She looked at the 3 meter high walls of the maze she had jumped into, turning back to the twins. "Come on, we have to get to the end!" Lexa said in an extremely happy voice while twirling around, her blue eyes as happy as could be, before running down the maze with Taranis not far behind her.

    ((OOC: I like to keep my threads clean, so instead of having our rolls on this thread I made This Thread for the purpose of rolling. At the end of our job I'll put another link to it for the mod who grades it.))


    Alie and Ariel
    Alie and Ariel

    Lineage : Serpent Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 369
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 181.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fantasy Fragments
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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Alie and Ariel 1st August 2015, 1:38 am

    The twins looked at each other, the spot where their guild mate disappeared, and the spot where the ball floated before winking out. Sighing they stepped through the portal and were greeted by two things that threw them off balance a little. The first being well, the tall being standing in front of them. He wore a horned skull mask that matched his pasty white skin. The large hole in his chest not seeping a drop of blood. It was a very intriguing character for Alie, as she too has her own little creatures to play with. the second was the lack, of well, anything in this place. there was simply stone slabs leading in a staircase down into darkness. It was rather odd for a place supposed to be the home of spirits. The twins hugged Lexa back in turn without a word, they could sense that this place wasn’t a place to be fooling around. By the time they had turned their heads back, both Lexa and her friend were already heading down into the darkness. As the group descended down the stone slabs that acted as steps, Alie was regretting their impromptu arrival. If they had time to prepare, she could have whipped up…something for this darkness! It was rather difficult to see anything. The only light they had was from the portal they stepped through, and even then it didn’t last long in this sinister place. Once the light faded, the twins, not normally scared of the dark felt something off. Instinctively they grabbed a hold of Lexa. “There’s something not right about this. They said it was a maze, but I can’t see a thing…” Ariel said looking around. At least she thought she was looking around. She felt her head turning and the muscles in her next twisting with it, and yet her eyes saw nothing. The only bearing she still had was that her guild mate was to her left, and her sister behind her. "I could have at least prepared some potions to help us here had I had the time…" her sister added. The twins were clearly spooked by…something. They could feel it. Not just one, but many. There were eyes watching them from all over, they could feel it. Old feelings were acting up, blood rushed through their veins and their eyes darted about with every step. Something was coming, and it wasn’t friendly.


    Soul Searching Aa-sig10

    Magic Powers
    Backstory Info
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 1st August 2015, 2:00 am

    Lexa noticed the twins's unease as she too felt. Lexa stopped in place, utilizing the meditation technique Seikatsu had taught her during their short training session in the demonic plane. She disconnected her mind from the twins, and connected her heart to the world around. She breathed slowly, allowing her memories to be suppressed and connecting to the celestial world. She smelled nothing among the wind, aside from the smell of the twins who stopped her. She heard a type of shuffle among the darkness surrounding them, feeling the movement of the darkness. Lexa opened her eyes and grabbed Alie's hand, lifting it off of her glove, and using the other arm to removes Ariel's hand from the other. She stepped forward with her hand hovering above the grips to her two swords, Taranis not moving as he was ordered to protect the twins. The sound of rushing foot soldiers, the thundering of their feet charging to her with hands ready to be lain upon the wizard. Lexa waited a moment longer, allowing the charging army to come closer to her, from the sound of it, there was 10 men in this army.

    The sound was louder now, Lexa grabbed the grips of her swords and began to spin on the tip of one of her toes. The magic circuits all over her body simultaneously lit up bright gold, illuminating the visage of a trio of human shaped enemies with their hands ready to grab at the mercenary. Lexa drew her first sword, a 2.5 foot long blade that was kept at her hip, the spinning motion strong enough to blast through one of the enemies. She drew the second sword while still spinning, and continued spinning for a moment, using herself as a type of bladed top of death. The small army charged through her, being torn apart by the two swords, spreading a strange black powder in a circle around her. Lexa stopped spinning, using her leg for support as she let the world stop spinning. She stood up straight and shook her head, relieving her of her dizziness. "There's more of them, and these will be back soon." Lexa said calmly, keeping her swords drawn. "I'll keep the lights on for us, so the two of you should be able to see a bit." Lexa said while tapping one of her circuits on her arms with the blade of her smaller sword. She gestured for the twins to walk ahead of her, this way her and Taranis would be able to cover their backs if it was needed. Lexa's brightly shining circuits finally acting as a good thing, she couldn't help but feel happy being useful to her newly found little sisters.
    HP: 120%
    MP: 100%

    Enemies Defeated:
    Weak: 10/30
    Normal: 0/2
    Strong: 0/1


    Alie and Ariel
    Alie and Ariel

    Lineage : Serpent Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 369
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 181.25

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    First Skill: Fantasy Fragments
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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Alie and Ariel 1st August 2015, 2:24 am

    The twins watched in amazement as Lexa quiet literally destroyed 10 dudes at the same time. With some source of light, the two girls walking ahead. From what they could tell, this is something old, very very old. Ariel went over to a wall and ran her hand over the rough surface of the stone. It was cold to the touch. Like it had just been pulled from an arctic river or something. It was then that she heard the footsteps again. “A second regiment.” Alie said confirming her sister’s ears. They had entirely switched gears. Now that they could see a little, their scared expressions replaced with grins of pleasure, eyes wide with anticipation. Oh yes, the old lust for battle was boiling up inside them. Once again, the black men stepped into visible range, wielding spears and swords they charged the group. But this time it was the twins who acted first. Light shown from their hands as Ariel pulled out two swords from seemingly nowhere “Menus Dei” She whispered as she lunged at an attacker. She planted a sword right in his eye and as his screams dissolved two arcing blue bolts shot from the side of the sword and blasted apart another 4 as they passed through their heads. She was grinning ear to ear as she leaped back into the fray. Alie had placed her hands out in front of her as two balls appeared. One swilling with a black liquid, the second containing a yellow dust, she jumped back and tossed the first then the second. The black ball exploded upon contact, leaving a fowl oil looking fluid all over the floor, it stopped the men only momentarily until the second ball connected with the floor. Suddenly the remaining mean were encompassed in a flame so bright it actually light up the area they were in. But light a bolt of lightning striking in a storm, it was gone. There was no black dust this time, as her sister returned from the darkness. Both her signature swords in hand she looked over at Lexa giggling slightly and looking at her blades “Too bad they don’t bleed.” She said looking over at he sister, who was also smiling ear to ear. “True, but their screams of pain as they burned away into nothingness.” She said looking up at the darkness “Was euphoric.” She added. Both girls smiled and giggled at their little play time. It had been a long time since they could let loose. And this seems like just the place to do it.


    Soul Searching Aa-sig10

    Magic Powers
    Backstory Info
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 1st August 2015, 2:41 am

    Lexa smiled joyously as her sisters were having fun, not caring for their love of battle as she shared the same sentiment. She didn't know if they were putting effort into their attacks though... to her it looked like they were just screwing around, hiding their true power just like she was. Lexa walked forwards a little bit, the light from her circuits allowing the shadows behind her to creep in while the dark before her receded. Taranis placed his hand on her shoulder, having sensed something coming from a distance. The glowing wizard stopped in her tracks, waiting for whatever it was to come closer, her hands tightening as the small footsteps grew louder and louder. Before long, a small creature had stepped into Lexa and the twins's paths, being illuminated by the light.

    Soul Searching Exholo10

    The creature was so small, and harmless looking. It had small jewels where its eyes were supposed to be, and its teeth were sharp but so small they seemed harmless. "Uh... umm... I- um.. p-please." the creature said. Taranis got ready to slam the creature with his Kurohitsugi when Lexa placed her hand on the large beings arm. "Stand down." Lexa said calmly. "T-thank... um... I... I show exit? Y- you protect?" the small creature said, its body shaking drastically. Lexa sensed danger from it, but despite her instincts she decided to pick the creature up and put it on her back. She looked at her allies and said with an authoritive big-sister voice "I have a feeling he'll make it harder for us, but I say we take him with us. He can show us the exit, and all we gotta do is keep it safe. I'm relying on you both to do most of the leg work then." With that established, Lexa began moving ahead, allowing the two younger girls to lead while Taranis begrudgingly followed, protecting the dangerous... thing.


    Alie and Ariel
    Alie and Ariel

    Lineage : Serpent Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 369
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 181.25

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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Alie and Ariel 1st August 2015, 3:09 am

    Alie and Ariel watches the strange little creature, ready to pounce on it if need be. That was until Lexa placed it on her back like parent giving a kid a piggy back ride. Then she told them they’d have to help protect it too. They both nodded “S’long as we get to kill more things.” Alie said smiling happily. Ariel kept her blades out, no telling what could happen now. “Show us the exit then.” Ariel commanded the little creature on Lexa’s back. It pointed one of its arms over her shoulder an in a direction, once more the group began walking. Having no choice but to follow the instructions of the little creature. The group walked, following the directions given to them. It seemed like they were walking forever when once again they heard steps in the distance, coming from behind them? The twins stopped and turned around, and there were standing more of the black figures, though less of them they seemed more heavily armored then before. Some wore heavy looking Japanese samurai armor wielding halberds, others wore eastern style plate mail and had great swords. Alie and Ariel once again made quick work of the group of 4 people. Alie’s hands glowed and the same two orbs from before appeared, she tossed them high in the air and there they collided, showing the black men with fire. In the disarray, 4 bolts of blue lighting arced from Ariel’s swords. Slicing and cutting through the legs of their foes. They then stood there and watches as the maimed fools burned in agony before fading away again. And just like last time, grins of pleasure spread across the twins’ faces. They rejoined Lexa quickly, since she was quite literally the only beacon of light. What no one seemed to notice however, was 3 sets of eyes, each stacks above each other blink from the a wall just out of the light’s range. Alie turned her head, saw nothing and shrugged. No one liked this place. It held bad, bad things.

    (Weak: 26/30 Normal: 0/1 Strong: 1/1 obtained Boss 0/0 )


    Soul Searching Aa-sig10

    Magic Powers
    Backstory Info
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 1st August 2015, 3:32 am

    Soul Searching Shadow10

    A large shadow beast stepped out from behind the wall of the maze, phasing through as if the wall was a portal. The beast began charging at them, rapidly approaching with it's teeth wide open. Lexa looked over her shoulder and smiled, sending an image of Taranis with his hand buried in the beast's face to Taranis, signaling him to take it out. Taranis jumped over Lexa moving to the twins where he jumped and pushed off of both of their faces with his bare, clawed feet, landing on the shadow beast's head. Taranis grabbed the horn of the monstrosity and spun around it, keeping his hands held tight to the horn while resting his pale feet on it as well. Taranis jerked his body quickly to the side, causing the monster's head to tilt, and then the rest of the body with it. The monster crashed to the floor, kicking up dust and dirt, with Taranis jumping off.

    Lexa threw her sword to Taranis, the sword of gold and silver glowed brightly in the hands of the fearsome looking man with a bony mask as he turned to face the monster. The creature got back o his feet, letting out a low pitched growl at Taranis for having got in its way. The beast let out a horrifying roar, echoing throughout the maze and causing Lexa's hair to flicker from the force behind it. "Taranis. Execute." Lexa said, the two words holding more power than anyone would imagine. Taranis burst forth and the shadow beast followed the example, both charging at each other at full speed. The monster lowered its head, ready to impale Taranis with its huge facial horn, but being unsuccessful as Taranis leaped to a side and pressed his feet on the ground. Pushing off the floor, Taranis displayed how much power he held by hitting the beast so hard that it was lifted from the floor and thrown on its side. Taranis began slashing with the sword Lexa lent him, spreading black blood all over while letting out a low-pitched, scratchy series of sounds at rapid speed. Lexa smiled with her eyes filled with joy "It's been a while since he got to have fun. It's good that he'd laughing in such a dark place... But I'm still going to have a word with him about using people as springboards." Lexa said, her voice letting the twins know there was no sarcasm intended. Taranis finished the monster by thrusting the sword into its neck and gashing it open, causing the shadow beast to explode into a black powder. Taranis sensed something coming, and placed his hand in the air with his palm facing up. The world grew darker, so dark that even Lexa's brightly shining circuits couldn't even illuminate it as a box began forming around Taranis while he said in his deep, scratchy voice "Seeping crest of turbidity, arrogant vessel of lunacy. Boil forth and deny, grow numb and flicker, disrupting sleep. Crawling queen of iron, eternally self-destructing doll of mud. Unite, repulse. Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness...."

    HP: 120%
    MP: 100%

    Weak: 26/30
    Normal: 1/1
    Strong: Got Him
    Boss: 0/0

    Kurohitsugi is being charged...


    Alie and Ariel
    Alie and Ariel

    Lineage : Serpent Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 369
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 181.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fantasy Fragments
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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Alie and Ariel 1st August 2015, 5:25 am

    “Well, that’s new.” Alie said rubbing her face with her hands. “Learn ta control yer damn pet or I’ll do it for ye!” Ariel yelled over Lexa. Clearly angry that at what Taranis had done. They watched the fight briefly before Ariel slammed a hand into the wall, instantly a stone pillar shot up under Taranis’s foot, throwing him off balance enough for another one to shoot up under the other foot, this one much taller. Causing him to fall over. The two girls laughed at him as he hit the ground. It was just too funny seeing what most would consider a monster, fall on his backside due to a little prank like this. But there was not all times for fun and games, as the monster had recovered enough to not only get on it’s feet but return the safety of the wall. “This could be a problem…” Alie said looking around, her hands already glowing with magic, ready to use at a moment’s notice. It was then that a large rumbling sound was heard and what seemed to be a massive bear claw shot up from the floor, right behind Lexa. The twins reacted instantly to the attack. Alie shot forward and pushed her out of the way of the oncoming attack, only to not have enough time to react now that she was in the line of fire. 6 lights flashed, and 6 shots rang out from were Ariel was standing. In her hand she held a smoking black and silver revolver. Half a dozen shots connected with the beast’s paw, just enough to knock it off course. It was then that Alie decided that she’d need a little more firepower. From her thigh she pulled a small knife, the blade was small, less than an inch long and curved. She slashed meat of he left hand with it and held it out. The blood dripping into a ball below her hand. “Delfingrer!” she called the name of one of her champions. The blood exploded into a circle roughly 5 feet tall. The center of it becoming a bright red. A gout of flame shoots out of it, searing the beast’s paw at it retreats to the ground. And from the portal steps a man, slightly green skinned and standing almost as tall as Taranis. He wore plate leggings, a plate arm on his right, in his left he held a large 2 headed axe almost as big as he as with ease. A long black cape adorned his back and his horned helmet gave him a demonic look about him. The beast shot up from the ground again, intent to kill. The figure swung his ax in a singular motion, cleaving the beasts entire left arm in a single swing and causing it fall on it’s back. “This monstrosity is what you summoned me to fight?” it asked rather annoyed “Is there a problem Delf?” Alie asked “No.” it responded. Gripping the ax with both hands and waiting to see what the beast would do.


    Soul Searching Aa-sig10

    Magic Powers
    Backstory Info
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 1st August 2015, 5:59 am

    Taranis had finished his incantation as something sprouted under his foot, and another under the next as he was thrown off balance. Taranis fell down, hitting the floor harder than he expected but didn't lose focus. Having been attacked by his 'ally' Taranis no longer cared for what they called themselves, he now considered them both his enemies and he finished his incantation. "Kurohitsugi." causing his realm of darkness to explode as the force of ten soldiers that Lexa killed previously, as well as four extra enemies to be engulfed in an inferno. Lexa having sensed his ill intent from Taranis, as well as having caught a vision from his where the girls were reduced to body parts sprawled across the ground, Lexa quickly sprung up and grabbed the two girls by their necks by accident and used her Dark Evade. Lexa reversed the flow of the spell, so instead of her being safe, the two twins were sent into the shadows as Lexa was hit by the force of the explosion they were supposed to take. The two girls returned from the shadows immediately after the explosion occurred. Taranis quickly moved to Lexa, getting ready to see if she was alright, but as he put his hand out Lexa drew her swords again and put the blades at Taranis's and Ariel's throats. Her voice no longer cheerful, and energetic, but low and filled with wrath. Her normally golden glowing circuits now blood-shot red, glowing with the power of hell itself. "If you're going to be a danger to my life, I'll fucking kill you where you stand! And Taranis, if you use another person as a goddamn spring board I'm burying you with your family!" Lexa said with her blades glowing, prepared to use the power of Gabriel's Blade against her best friend, and someone she considered a sister. "Taranis, fucking apologize! You too Imōto-chan, or I swear on my grave I'm reducing all three of you to blood sausage!" Lexa said. Taranis looked at her arm, and some of the torn and burnt clothing on her, noticing several spots of her skin were burnt to a crisp, yet she was letting her hatred of fighting between allies over ride the pain. Taranis unwrapped the feelers from around his waist and extended one of them to Ariel, and the other to Alie saying Taranis. Apologize. Truce? "Both of you shake it!" Lexa ordered the girls, the swords she held were steady, letting her 'allies' know she wasn't afraid to end them all. After the twins made their decision, Taranis turned to Lexa and said "Keikatsu." Causing Lexa's burns to begin healing as Taranis glowed with a red and black aura. Lexa winced from the pain of the burns, keeping her swords in hand in case she had to fight the twins. Having used none of her own spells, she would be at an advantage as far as magic goes.

    HP: 95/120 (Took full explosion, saving the twins)
    MP: 95 (Used Dark Evade to save twins -5% D Rank Spell)

    Lexa Grimoire +5% HP per post for 2 more posts

    Weak: 30/30 No More Respawns
    Normal: 1/1 No More Respawn
    Strong: Got Him
    Boss: 0/0

    Pet Spell:
    Dark Evade:
    Pet Spell:


    Alie and Ariel
    Alie and Ariel

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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Alie and Ariel 1st August 2015, 6:58 am

    Alie reluctantly shook the hand. It was bony and cold to the touch, it didn’t feel right. She turned around in time to see Delfingrer’s cape retreat to his realm. That attack must be pretty strong to knock Delf back to his own world. Ariel looked around, when the little scampering beast run back and latch on to Lexa’s back. It pointed in a direction that the group should go, and sighing, everyone started moving again. It was hard to tell time in here. All that could be seen by Lexa’s light were the stone walls that seemed to twist and turn and go on forever. If they didn’t have this little thing on her back, everyone would be wondering around in the place forever. Then something interesting happened, once more the black solders showed up, but something was different about them. They stood taller than before, like they were confident in their victory. It was then that the halls echoed with growls. Lots of them, that deep low growl they heard not too long ago when that beast came out of the wall. “This aint good…” Ariel began looking around. Already she could see 4 of the beasts emerging from the walls, being ridden atop by the black clad soldiers. “This defiantly aint good…” Alie said taking a few steps back toward Lexa. Ariel’s hand flashed as two revolvers appeared in her hands, she lifted them up and 12 targeting marks appeared in her vision. She pulled them back “I don’t have enough bullets for this, sis you got a plan?” Ariel called hopping back as another beast advanced on them slowly. “If we wanna get out of here with magic to spare? No. we might have to go all out on this one.” She said assessing the soldiers in front of her. This was bad, if she could being back Defingrer it’d be easier, but he’s still recovering, and her other summons wouldn’t help much. She looked back at her sister, knowing that she didn’t have enough bullets to make this work. For now their best bet was probably run. She voiced her concerns as much to the others. “My guess is if can blitz through whats in front of us, we can lose the rest…hopefully.” She said returning her attention to the small army that was slowly closing in on them.


    Soul Searching Aa-sig10

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    Lexa Grimoire
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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 1st August 2015, 7:30 am

    Having seen them shake with Taranis, Lexa pulled the being from her back and shoved it into Taranis's chest, the creature clung to Taranis immediately. Taranis didn't want to carry it, but he didn't want to die either, so he put it on his back and stepped back. Lexa's blood red circuits emitted plenty of light to the area, but it wasn't as bright and vibrant as her golden, happy circuits. The sound of an approaching force was heard, and then it came into view. She was standing behind the twins as they spoke, trying to hold her emotions back, but her rage was building. Taranis slowly began backing away from Lexa as he made his way to Ariel, putting her between Lexa and himself. He got on the floor in the fetal position, shaking with absolute fear while saying "Taranis. Lexa, angry..." with a shaky voice, his deep voice filled with fear of what was about to happen.

    Lexa let out a very shrill scream of rage and the crimson aura from her circuits exploded, vanishing like a blown light bulb. The lights gone, but Taranis could feel the force of wind as Lexa blasted past the three of them in the dark lighting, charging full speed to the four shadow beasts in front them. "Lexa. Angry, Taranis..." Taranis repeated, still shaking in front of Ariel. Lexa charged at the first one, jumping over the horned shadow beast and slamming Gabriel's Blade into the shadow man's chest, causing him to explode into dark dust. She grabbed jumped to the shadow beast behind the one she was on, rolling under its stomach as it tried to back up. Using her two swords, she spun and cut a hole in its gut, and then used her Shadow Burst to go in the ground, and erupted from a wall near a third shadow beast's face, slamming her Mortal's Incarnation into it's eye. The beast began to go into a frenzy, knocking itself around as Lexa pushed off the ground and rammed her knee into its rider's face. The shadow man became a blast of dust, and Lexa grabbed his pole axe, using it as a spear to slam the third shadow soldier. The beast who's stomach was cut open was beginning to topple over, falling on the leg of its rider who would never be able to escape from under the beast. Lexa lost her balance and fell from the frenzied shadow beast, calling the words "Lady of The Lake!" as two gloves replaced the ones she already had on. A dense fog enveloped the area, consuming the three remaining shadow beasts, and Lexa. Taranis slowly got up and tapped Alie on the shoulder saying "Lexa distract. W-we go." with a voice that suggested he was absolutely terrified to stick around for Lexa's blood rage, especially when there was no light in the area...

    HP: 100/120
    MP: 85/100 (-5% Lady of The Lake, -5% Shadow Burst)

    Lexa +5% HP Per post for 1 post
    Fog Call is active for 3 posts
    Lexa has Aura Vision for 3 posts

    Weak: 11/15
    Normal: 3/4
    Strong: Taranis Got Him
    Boss: 0/0

    Shadow Burst:
    Lady of The Lake:


    Alie and Ariel
    Alie and Ariel

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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Alie and Ariel 1st August 2015, 9:22 am

    Alie and Ariel watched as the normally passive Lexa turned into a raging monster. Part of it was that without their light source it left them at a massive disadvantage, she easily felled the soldiers as they were beginning to expect. These guys couldn’t take much of a punch worth anything. But they grabbed a hold on Taranis’s arm and followed him. If following the instructions given by the small little creature pressed against his chest. It directed them around the seemingly endless maze like darkness, though they couldn’t tell. For all they know they could be walking in place, since none of them could see anything. By the time they stopped, they felt like they had covered at least a few miles of ground. The twins leaned up against a wall to catch their breath. If hell could be a place this must be it. Pitch black with no idea where one is going, monsters that can come from everywhere and who knows what else could be lurking just out of view. This was hard on the two girls, they’ve dealt with reduced senses before, but they could rely on other senses like smell. Yet here, there was nothing. The only smell that they smelled, was the sweat from themselves. They had been on edge since they entered this damned place. A vacation was sorely needed for the twins after this. As they took the moment to rest, it was Alie who came to a startling realization. “I just realized, without Lexa, we can’t see a thing down here. And without that little thing, she ‘ll have no idea where we are.” She said grimacing. Though the darkness concealed her facial expression, Ariel could tell her sister was worried. They had to think of something, but what? They didn’t have time to prepare for this trip, having been suddenly pulled in to a closet. Ariel sighed “We just have to hope that she stumbles upon us, or vice versa.” Ariel said reassuringly to her sister.


    Soul Searching Aa-sig10

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    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 1st August 2015, 10:04 am

    Lexa was continuing her fight with the 3 remaining beasts while the other eleven foot soldiers went after the twins. Starting from the one that had a sword in its eye, Lexa ran around to the side of the monster, it being blind when Lexa approached the side with the injured eye. She quickly grabbed the sword and ripped it out of the beasts eye, and took a few jumps back to avoid the bests thrashing. The horn got close to Lexa, who was watching through her aura vision granted to her by the Lady of The Lake requip she casted before ordering Taranis to get out of there. The spun on the horn, using the momentum to launch herself at the shadow demon that was walking in front the one she was taking on now, upon her feet touching that one Lexa bounced off it and slammed her sword into the one-eyed beast. Quickly pulling her weapon out, Lexa ran and jumped at the one she'd bounced off, inserting her sword into its rear end, and pulling down. The monster ran forward stretching black powder across the way as it dissolved to its death. Lexa charged at the second one, noticing it was coming to her using the sound of her foot steps as reference. She quickly jumped to a side, landing in a sideways tactical roll and using her feet to push off the ground, she grabbed onto its fur. Lexa clung to the monster as best she could, holding her two swords in her mouth and barely being able to keep them in. The beast was thrashing about, and it caused Lexa to drop one of the swords, the longer one, in the process. She made her way to its head and slammed her shorter sword into the monster's spine, lifting it out and repeating the action multiple times until the beast stopped moving. The shadow beast erupted into a burst of black powder that would reform much later. She grabbed her sword and sheathed it, dismissing the Fog Call from her Lady of The Lake, and dismissed the requip as well.

    Lexa, having finished combat, disappeared and became one with the darkness. She emerged from the ground in front of her friend Taranis who was still quivering, but had followed her orders to leave. Lexa walked over and rested her hand on his head, feeling him flinch. "It's alright Taranis, I'm not mad anymore." she said in a caring voice while rubbing the thing's bony skull. Lexa's circuits flickered several times, but didn't re-light themselves. "Sorry for flipping out sweet hearts... Looks like I blew a circuit back there, it'll be a bit before I can get em back on. The circuit has to fix itself, but it won't be long. In other news there's 11 more coming this way, we could wait for them or we could run?" Lexa said, recommending the run option as they still had their little guide monster thing with them.

    Keikatsu: 3 Post
    Kurohitsugi: 1 Post
    Dark Evade: 2 Posts
    Lady of The Lake: 4 Posts
    Shadow Burst: 3 Posts

    HP: 105%
    MP: 85%

    Enemies Alive:
    Weak: 11/15
    Normal: 4/4
    Strong: Taranis Has It
    Boss: 0/0

    Last edited by Lexa Grimoire on 8th August 2015, 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Alie and Ariel
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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Alie and Ariel 8th August 2015, 12:20 pm

    The girls jumped a little as Lexa suddenly appeared in front of their faces. Their hands lightly glowing as she appeared, but faded as they noticed it was her. Letting out a sigh they leaned against the wall “More are coming?” Ariel asked absent mindedly, “That’s what she said.” Alie replied dully. Ariel stretched her arms out to the side and felt a strange tugging sensation on the backs of her hands. She rubbed the crystal embedded on the back of her right hand. “Hey sis?” she began, “Remember how those men in coats said something about batteries and gems?” she said referring to the scientists that conducted experiments on them. “I do, very much so.” He sister said shaking slightly. Like she had just gotten goosebumps from remembering their past. Ariel ran her hand lightly over it again “I think I got an idea. For now anyway.” She said. Sitting down crossed legged on the floor she cupped one hand over another “What’re you doing?” her sister asked curious. “Our magic can make what we image right? So why not light?” she said cracking an eye open at her sister and grinning. Alie’s eyes went wide for a sec before she too took a similar position. The sounds of metal footsteps were drawing closer and louder, yet the girls did not move. Then backs of their hands pulsing with a soft, warm, golden light. The soldiers were almost upon them now, both the girls opened their eyes as smile spread across their face as they leaped up. They held up their fists in a boxing stance as the light grew brighter and brighter. It was now as if someone was holding a torch as a circle of light and visual began to encompass the group. It was then that the group got in sight range. The girls’ arms were encompassed by a bright glow at this point. They both dashed forward. Dispatching the entire group in only a few punches and watching them seem to vanish into nothingness felt much easier than those large beasts. The twins lowered their hands as the glow faded from their arms, yet it still shone in their hands. Lighting an area around them. “S’long as the crystals have magic in them, we should be able to keep the light up.” Ariel said smiling at Lexa.


    Soul Searching Aa-sig10

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    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 8th August 2015, 12:41 pm

    Lexa grabbed Taranis's horn and gave a playful tug on it while smiling. "Common big guy, we still gotta make it out of here!" she said in a childish voice. Taranis got up from the ground slowly, nervously, in fear that Lexa may have found out his dirty little secret. Lexa gave Taranis another hug and gently took the small black creature from his arms, placing it on her back. Before she knew it, the twins had come up with a way to get around her circuits being fried, and made their own light. Still, Lexa tried to light her circuits back up, but all they did was flicker a little before going out. Lexa put on a sad face and tilted her head down while her sisters went to fight. Taranis rested his large hand on Lexa's head and rubbed her hair gently. "Lexa, be okay." he said in a caring voice, it was still deep and slight menacing, but Lexa could hear the concern through it. Lexa looked at the twins and saw they had taken the last of the enemies, and were producing their own light. She grabbed her left arm nervously with her right hand, putting on a pained expression. "I... I'm sorry I can't be more useful now... Umm, maybe my circuits will come back after I take a break from fighting... I- I don't know." she said with a substantial amount of sadness at the fact that her magic was gone. Lexa took the sword off her back, and undid the clips for the holder than it rested in. Passing both to Taranis, Lexa said "You're gonna have to fight for me while I try and get my circuits back up. I'm counting on you bud." with a forced smile, and false joy in her voice. Lexa held both her hands clasped together, and forced a smile as she followed behind the twins, but in front Taranis, trying to think happy thoughts instead of focusing on her uselessness.

    Keikatsu: 2 Post
    Kurohitsugi: 0 Post
    Dark Evade: 1 Posts
    Lady of The Lake: 3 Posts
    Shadow Burst: 2 Posts

    HP: 105%
    MP: 85%

    Enemies Alive:
    Weak: 15/15
    Normal: 4/4
    Strong: I got it
    Boss: 0/0


    Alie and Ariel
    Alie and Ariel

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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Alie and Ariel 13th August 2015, 2:42 pm

    Though there was light, there too was darkness. All around the group there was light, yet just outside of that was darkness. The twins could keep the light up indefinitely, probably. But they were going to try and be of some help on this endeavor. They continued to wonder around the maze for what felt like forever. At least they weren’t constantly getting bombarded by monsters attacking them. So it felt more like a midnight walk. If that midnight walk included the possibility of agonizing painful death with every step. Once again the twins sat down with their backs against the wall, it had been almost constant fighting up to this point, without proper set up the twins were exhausted. They were burst fighters, quick fights that ended quickly was their style. Not long drawn out endurance tests. It was fun the first few times killing the knights of shadow, and taking down the large horned beasts with combos, but they were exhausted. Both the girls sat down against the stone walls again, sweat dripped from their forehead and they breathing was heavy, keeping a light source up this long was taking its toll on their bodies. The visible range was slowly flickering and shirking as the light from the crystals in their hands began fading. “Sis…I think… I’m gonna…nap…here…” Alie said as the light from her crystals slowly faded out. She collapsed against her sister’s shoulder, her sister lifted her up and felt her forehead. Then she touched the gems on her hands, even as her own light was fading “uh oh…” she said turning to Lexa. “She’s…entirely drained…she’s…”she suddenly stopped talking “she’s…out…” she whispered before her eyes went dull. Ariel’s light shutting off entirely too. Her body fell limp against her sister. Both wear sweating buckets and their breathing was ragged and heavy. It didn’t take an expert to tell that something was seriously wrong with the two young girls.


    Soul Searching Aa-sig10

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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 13th August 2015, 3:04 pm

    Lexa saw a slight flickering ahead from the twins, and saw they pull over to take a seat at the wall. She didn't mind them taking a break as they had just inherited a massive work load, and after all the fighting they've done it was probably too much for them. Lexa took a seat next to the twins, and Taranis took his seat next to her. "This was supposed to be fun." Lexa said in a soft, disappointed voice, beginning to feel slightly hopeless due to her current lack of use. She noticed the light getting dimmer, and looked at the twins. The first one had leaned over on her sister's shoulder and fallen asleep, or so Lexa thought. Lexa began to worry when she heard the other say something about her being 'out' before she herself began to flicker. The other twin, Ariel, then slumped over and passed out herself. Lexa felt their heads and realized that they were both sweating horribly, as if the strain of creating light was far too great for them. Lexa felt herself beginning to panic. She was unable to use her own power, and now her little sisters had passed out. She hated the idea of putting all the burden on Taranis, but at the moment that was all she could do. The sound of metal dragging on metal was heard, and then an intense light erupted from Taranis's direction. The light dimmed and became bearable as the large thing was seen holding Gabriel's Blade. He shoved the sword into the floor and crossed his arms over his chest, bowing his head. Lexa ripped a few strips from her shirt and wrapped them around the twin's heads so the sweat didn't get in their eyes. "That's really all I can do..." Lexa said in a hushed, depressed voice, being on the verge of crying. She sat next to the twins before switching positions to laying on Ariel's lap and letting herself fall asleep, hoping that the twins would be alright when she woke up in an hour or so.


    Keikatsu: 1 Post
    Lady of The Lake: 2 Posts
    Shadow Burst: 1 Posts


    Alie and Ariel
    Alie and Ariel

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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Alie and Ariel 15th August 2015, 9:35 am

    Heat, there was a searing pain all over her body. She couldn’t move, her mouth way dry and the pain was unbearable. Suddenly the heat and pain faded, replaced by a cool feeling. As if someone had just poured cold water all over her. Alie’s eyes snapped open, and for a few moments saw nothing but white. After it had passed she looked about her surroundings with increasing confusion. There she sat, on a plain bed on metal struts in a long room with similar beds. Dark wood walls gave rise to a high roof where dim lights hung down the center. It was quiet and the other thing that could be heard was the sound of cards hitting a table. Alie sat up and looked over at the source of the noise, there sat a girl in a small pink dress with green hair, she couldn’t have been more than 8 or 9. Her blue eyes darted over the cards on the table. On the other side of the table was a dark skinned hulk of a man. Standing easily a head over an average man. He wore a blue collared shirt and jeans, golden eyes stared at his cards while a large hand rubbed the back of his shaved head. “Looks like you got me again.” He said in a deep yet soft voice. Alie hopped off the bed and walked over to the table. She stood there for a moment looking at the large man “Dad…” she whispered to herself. It was this large man, who had first taken care of the twins when they were bought by the New Human Initiative. This large man had a soft spot for the two young girls and treated them like a real family. A door swung open at the far end of the room, the green haired girl’s head snapped back at the sound and Orjin’s eyes looked down the row of beds. Two figures stood in the doorway, one was a green haired girl with similar blue eyes, dressed in a small pink dress and seemed to be of a similar age. The other girl bolted down and hugged her, “Nee-chan! You’re back! How’d it go? You do well?” she asked as they started walking. The other figure was male, probably about 10 years the girls’ elder. He followed behind and sat down at the table, light skinned with messy black hair and bright red eyes that glowed even in the dim light. He wore brown cargo pants with a few holes in them, and a plain dark shirt. “Aki-nii…” Alie whispered once again. Orjin put his hand of cards down on the table and propped his elbows up. “Well? How’d she do?” he asked nodding his head toward the two girls. Before the teen could open his mouth, Alie was hit by a wave of nausea, as she doubled over, the scene faded and she once again, fell into a sleep.


    Soul Searching Aa-sig10

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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 15th August 2015, 10:40 pm

    Lexa normally didn't have dreams. She didn't know why it was like that, but when she went to sleep all she could see was black. But now, she was experiencing something in her sleep. Opening her eyes, she found herself on a strange type of bed, looking into a bright lamp with five bulbs. She turned he head, the sound of the half assed operating bed's materials crunching under her. There were five people in the room, all their faces were blurred out and shadowed over. She could see them all wearing snow white lab coats, and mumbling something to each other... Something about someone named 'Subjext X-003' or whatever. "Shit, shit, shit! Hurry get the sedative!" a hazey voice called out, the blurred image pointing off in a direction. "We've already used a whole 30 milligrams not a few minutes ago!" a female voice responded, sounding rather panicked. "God dammit, I don't care! X-003's the only one to take to the implants. We're not risking her waking up before the rest are in place. Use an entire gram." the voice called back. Lexa felt a pain in her chest, she heard her heart begin racing. Faster, faster, and faster the beating went and each time her chest ached. Beeping was heard from a machine, the beeping was in perfect sync with her heart until finally she heard a puffing sound. She felt her heart rate decreasing, and the beeping along with it. The beeping became a steady pace as she heard the voice call "Subject X-003 stabilized..." the voice began fading, but the last bit was very clear as she heard the name 'Alexandria Lexicus Grimoire' being said. The world faded to black, the normal thing she had that was ever close to a dream. Meanwhile, Taranis kept an eye out on the three sleeping girls, making sure those shadow things didn't get a chance to hurt them.


    Alie and Ariel
    Alie and Ariel

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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Alie and Ariel 22nd August 2015, 6:39 pm

    Ariel woke first, she only saw black. There was a moment when she thought that the little adventuring group she had gone into this darkness with had left her once she passed out. But as her consciousness slowly gained awareness she noticed that her sister was still leaning against her and…some weight on her lap. She blinked, or she thought she blinked. It was still dark even though she could have sworn that she had awoken. One hand went to her right and she felt the familiar feeling of her sister’s hair, while the other went down to the weight in her lap. She felt hair, a face, nose and closed eyes. Although she couldn’t quite make out who it was. “This is a problem…” she thought to herself. She moved her hands down to her sister’s shoulder “Hey. Sis, come on. Wake up.” She said shaking her shoulder.

    Alie awoke to a sudden shaking on her shoulder. Her eyes slowly opened and saw her sister, looking down at Lexa in her lap and saying…something… her lips were moving yet she heard nothing. There was a dull murmering sound as her sister. “Sis I can’t hear you.” She said, or thought she said. It was a little difficult to tell when one can’t even hear their own voice.

    Ariel’s ears twitched as her sister said she couldn’t hear. “This is great. I can’t see, and you can’t hear.” She said as she petted the head on her lap instinctively guessing that it was either Lexa or something much worse. Though it was probably the former judging from the breathing pattern. She gently stroked her hair and smiled. “I like her.” Ariel whispered to herself as she sat there and shook her head for a second. Needing to clear some more… unnecessary thoughts from her head. “Are we ever gonna get outta here?” Alie asked. Ariel just shrugged. “I have no idea…” she replied closing her eyes again.


    Soul Searching Aa-sig10

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    Lexa Grimoire

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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 24th August 2015, 6:04 pm

    The circuits covering Lexa's body began flickering faintly, noticeably a very very soft glow against the pitch black labyrinth. Her fingertips were the first to burst with a blinding light, and then the glow extended to her lower arm, then her upper arm. As if it were water poured on concrete, her entire body lit up in sequence as Lexa exploded from the ground. She quickly grabbed the sword stuck in the floor, lining the blade on her side with a hand hovering over it. Her circuits glowing brightly, and her eyes shimmering blue, Lexa charged at what she'd heard coming from the wall. "STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTERS!" she screamed as she swung Gabriel's Blade, revealing a massive leg as he glow passed. The leg hit the floor as the sword passed through it, soon turning to black dust. A claw came out of nowhere and slammed Lexa in the back, sending her into the wall. She bounced off it and hit the floor, seeing the black figure coming down on her she rolled to her back and then a hand stand. She pushed off the ground, performing a flip mid-air and landed to her feet. The sound of the massive shadow beast's body hitting the ground was heard as a tremor shook the ground. Lexa charge forward, a claw came at her and she ducked under it, spinning and cutting it off with a couple quick slashes. The monster got on its hind legs, and began charging at her while dragging its body on the ground. Lexa jumped up and rested her foot on the horn of the shadow beast. Continuing her momentum she jumped and pointed her sword down as she slammed it in the shadow beast's back, leaving a massive gash down its spine. The gash didn't slow it down as the monster began using its hind legs to turn, likely to attack again. Lexa was quick to run next to it, and slash one of its legs off. She walked up to the beasts face, the bright light radiating from her magic circuits illuminating it. She saw that the monster had a scared look on its face, and it closed its eyes, looking away so it wouldn't see its own death. "Sis, whadda you want to do? They regenerate after a bit, so if we let it live it might not try to kill us. On the flip side, it might try to kill us as soon as it regenerates." Lexa said inquisitively. The beast let out a soft, squeaky whine as a bead of water showed under its eye.


    Alie and Ariel
    Alie and Ariel

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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Alie and Ariel 31st August 2015, 10:30 am

    Alie didn’t really notice anything, there was no sound. She did see Lexa hop up off her lap and start swinging a glowing sword around to fight another one of the shadow beasts that, oddly enough, they hadn’t seen for quite some time. She was spinning and dancing like some sort of glowing ballerina of death. Ariel smiled as she watched, because she could feel the emotions that came from her declaration. Ariel on the other hand couldn’t do much due to the lack of sight. She heard movement and roaring, clashing of metal and Lexa yelling. She too smiled, it was nice having someone else looking out for them. When asked about what they should do with the beast Ariel stood up and felt her way over to it along the wall. Bumping into one of it’s big furry legs. Alie instinctively followed her sister and keeping her from just wondering around.  Ariel felt along it’s body, it’s hair was thick and matted with something the same consistency as blood. She pulled her hand back and felt it between her fingers. It was thick, sticky and smelled something awful. Alie watched her sister pull her hand away and something that could be only described as a blackish red tar was stuck to her hand. She too went over to the beast and gently ran a hand through it’s fur. “It’s kinda cute.” She said a little awkwardly, not being able to hear was definitely a problem. “I think we should let him come with us. He doesn’t look that bad.” Alie said. She then realized what she had said and burst out laughing. The beast gave a little grunt and a soft growl, the closest thing to a smile came to it’s face. Rows and rows of pale white teeth shone in the night, almost like stars. Ariel thought it was rather pretty if it wasn’t so terrifying. Alie hugged the leg again “he will be named Captain Fluff.” She said childishly giggling.


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    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

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    Soul Searching Empty Re: Soul Searching

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 31st August 2015, 11:02 am

    Lexa listened to the twins, nodding as they spoke, and smiled when the two agreed to take it along. She gently band over and focused her mind on the creature, augmenting her Heal spell so it would be partially dark energy. The creature let out a low growl as the spell was cast, the process of healing a dark being with light wasn't so pleasant on the receiving end. After a brief moment, the monster was restored just enough life to regenerate its body and get up. It gave its body a shake before nuzzling one of the twins while making happy groaning sounds. "Hey, thanks for healing me. No problem buddy!" Lexa said in a soft, child like, voice mocking the creature that seemed to have no gratitude. She walked over to Alie and grabbed her hand, pulling her to the creatures side. "It's obvious you're not seeing too well, so here, you should ride him." Lexa said with a caring, big-sister voice. The large creature leaned to the side Alie was on, getting lower so she could get on. Lexa looked at Ariel, gesturing towards the creature "You wanna ride too?" she said with a smile. Lexa didn't know that Ariel's ears were disabled. Taranis offered to lift her up on the beast, but Lexa simply took the small creature from him and sat it with the twins. "You and I need to keep guard. I'll walk in front and keep my circuits lit up, you need to keep in the back and make sure nothing sneaks up on us. Kay?" Lexa said, her voice was still high-pitched, but was brimming with confidence as she delivered the order. Taranis walked behind the beast and nodded, agreeing to fulfill his task with flawless accuracy. Lexa took the lead, her circuits glowing brightly to illuminate the darkness. "Common captain fluff." she said with a big smile and a warm voice.

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