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    Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Morning Star
    Morning Star

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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Morning Star 12th June 2017, 6:47 pm

    Last edited by Morning Star on 13th June 2017, 12:46 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Morning Star
    Morning Star

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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Morning Star 12th June 2017, 6:47 pm

    Dice rolls!


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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by NPC 12th June 2017, 6:47 pm

    The member 'Morning Star' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Morning Star 13th June 2017, 11:39 am

    With a hand clutching a job poster, the Orange haired man calling himself Morning Star walked towards an old dig site that had been buried by time long ago. Apparently he was to meet up with a rather large group for this job, something he wasn't so sure about as he didn't want to reveal his powers to anyone just yet if he could help it. Sure he had super strength, speed and an uncanny ability to leap very high and far but those weren't spells. Those were due to his link to the Morphing Grid and years of training. With any luck he could keep it that way and let these other guys do most the work. Today he was dressed in a white sailing suit with a blue tie rather close in look to that of a marine. Had he not been on the job representing the West Fiore Trading Company, he would have worn his normal grey suit.

    Upon the horizon of the early morning he could see a large tomb that jutted out of the side of a rather imposing mountain. "How does anyone miss that thing?" He asked with a fair bit of confusion. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders while glancing around due to feeling the magical energies of people with similar power to his own, maybe a little stronger. That was good. He wouldn't be relied on so much. He patted the Morphing device on the back of his belt to make sure it was locked in place but still in an easy to grab location. He swallowed a lump in his throat and made his way to a dirt road where a man stood, waiting for who Morning Star assumed were the others.

    The man in question was a seemingly scrawny man with spiked brown, almost black hair, with horn rimmed glasses and a white shirt on. Both of them were about to get rather dirty. "OH hi there! You must be one of the Wizards who is coming with me to search the ruins? I'm Guy, I know. It's a strange name but blame my parents." Guy reached out to Morning Star as the Ranger got closer and shook the man's hand. "Hi there Guy, I'm Morning Star from the West Fiore Trading Company. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sure we will get this job done in no time at all. Just stick close to me and we can get through this safe and sound. Now, do you know who the others are?" Morning Star responded. "Sorry, not a clue. I haven't had the chance to meet them yet. You were the first to arrive. But I think they will be here soon."

    WC: 458/2000

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Hania 13th June 2017, 6:30 pm

    (Dice rolls)


    Searching for Power! (Part one) 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by NPC 13th June 2017, 6:30 pm

    The member 'Tamashi' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Boss Searching for Power! (Part one) WeakMonster
    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Kaja Jelen 14th June 2017, 12:22 am

    (Dice rolls)


    Searching for Power! (Part one) 0WKR6kK


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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by NPC 14th June 2017, 12:22 am

    The member 'Berggeit' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Hania 14th June 2017, 6:33 am

    The long white haired mage had seemingly somehow managed to loose his living shadow. He didn't understand why the younger dark coloured haired mage kept tagging along with him most of the time but it made Advent think of him as some sort of tamed circus animal. Since he was still in town he decided to stop off at a job board his hand going to several of them as the blindfolded boy tilted his head until one seemed to tare itself off the board and be plunged into his strangely cut clothing "So what are we doing this time?" he scratched at his cheek and chuckled a little "Well, yeah I guess socialising is needed hu" his voice was bouncy but at the same time he bit his bottom lip "Is a task rea-" he stopped mid sentence almost like he had been cut off and started walking towards down a dirt path humming to himself, he was hoping that he was going in the right direction but he could have been going in the complete opposite direction and still think it was the right way for him at least.

    Eventually he stopped just to hear another's voice and was curious to what he was speaking about "By being blind I would assume" he retorted moving to be next to the other a cat like grin on his face as he seemed to clasp his hands behind his head "Wow, you're right though... that is big, what the hell is it?" he stated starting to walk next to the orange haired person humming a little. He had absolutely no idea if this was one of the people was meant to meet but they seemed to be going in the same direction so if nothing more at least he had a little company for a while as he suddenly began to miss the living shadow known as Rhyolo.

    Advent tilted his head feeling subtle vibrations through the earth becoming steadily closer though blinked under his blindfold as the man introduced himself "Well I can hear you're a male but what's your name?" he asked wondering why the new person was introducing himself in such a strange manner, before tapping his head "OOOOOHHHH! I see!" he exclaimed as if he was taking part in a conversation "People here are so weird" he said with a slight sigh and smiled waving leaning forward a little "I'm Advent, I'll try not get you killed... but no promises because I can't control what you do only what I do" he seemed sincere in what he said as he stood straight looking around "Are we waiting for other people or are we everyone?" he asked his voice showing a little confusion.

    Word count: 456/2000


    Searching for Power! (Part one) 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019
    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Kaja Jelen 14th June 2017, 9:25 am

    Akane sat in the Guildhall with a cup of tea. She looked around, the Guildhall was rather empty and she didn't feel like doing anything. "What about a stroll around the area, to do some sightseeing" She thought. She gulped the remaining part in one go and left the table. On her way out she saw the job board and couldn't rest to take a look. "Maby there is something that I can do close by." She looked at the board and noticed one titled "Buried Secrets! Enter Guy Stratus!". It was just outside of Terra Ignis. "Well, I can take a look there!" said Akane out loud. She went in a little rush to her room to get her equipment. She adorned her armour and took a rice hat with her. She inserts her Tachi in her belt and took a quiver from a wooden peg in the wall. She attached it to her belt and hung it on her hips as she walked outside of her room towards the stables.

    Raimei, we are going! She said as she took her saddle from the wall and placed it on Raimei's back. We have a job to do!. "Raimei, that is nice." Said Raimei annoyed while he ate his hay. A few moments later they took off.

    It took her an hour to arrive in the little village. Akane looked  at the job description "So where would this tomb actually be?" Said she. Raimei stops walking and bended his a bit and glanced at her. "Maby you should take your hat off and look up"Whined Raimei. Akane took here rice hat of and looked around. She saw on the mountain side some ancient structures. "How have I ever missed that?" Said she with a surprised voice. "Because you're too deep in your though maybe" Said Raimei as he shook his head.

    Then they eventually met three guys. She assumed it where the people she would team up with. She nodded her head and said: "I'm Akane and I'm here for a job."

    343 of 2000

    (note: Raimei is a horse, and he can't speak. Akane can speak to her horse.)

    (I would use colour but my browser is fucked up with these things, I'll edit on my laptop later)

    Last edited by Berggeit on 15th June 2017, 4:52 am; edited 1 time in total


    Searching for Power! (Part one) 0WKR6kK

    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Morning Star 14th June 2017, 4:45 pm

    It was then that Guy and Morning Star noticed the white haired male with a blind fold still standing next to the orange haired man. Morning Star looked at the man who he had mostly ignored due to being lost in his own thoughts for so long and blinked slowly. He slowly made a fist and considered hitting this guy but instead listened as he introduced himself to the others. "Advent eh? That is a unique name wouldn't you say?" Morning Star asked then looked to Guy. "Well I got three responses to this job, meaning there will be four of us total. I was really wanting five but four will do." This statement made Morning Star lift a brow with suspicion. Why was the number with him so important? Did he mean five in total? Did this possibly have something to do with Morning Star's secret mission as well? All of this was a little much for the man to take in but it didn't take long for his mind to be dragged elsewhere when a horse and a woman riding it came upon them. "Akane, short and to the point. I like that. Well I suppose that is everyone. So if you will all follow me we can begin. But maybe the horse should stay outside. I doubt it will fit trough the halls once we are in." Guy suggested then started to lead the group.

    "So in the side of the cliff over this way there is supposed to be this... lets call it a relic. The relic in question is called the Prismatic Aegis of Gen'atoh. By all accounts it seems like it's a shield or maybe a suit of armor but it is supposed to have extremely magical powers. So strong in fact that the power can't be held by a single person. I've been searching for this for two years yet I still know very little about it. I just know its in there but I'm not a fighter. I can do a little but wouldn't stand a chance if I had to face everything alone. Teamwork is the best option here. I wanted five of us so we would always have someone watching out over the others." "Four is better for this. At the very least we can pair off and still watch one another's backs. So maybe while we are walking up to to this cliff now would be a good time to explain what our magics are. I have enhanced strength, speed and leaping abilities. Plus I can teleport while not in combat. It takes to much concentration to teleport for me to do it during a fight. I'm worried I might end up inside a wall or something. What about the rest of you?" Morning Star was hiding his requip powers for now, as he wasn't supposed to tell anyone about them unless he was in dire straights.

    WC: 951/2000
    OOC: Tamashi, I leave the look of the tomb to you~


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    Bank<> Magic<>Morning Star<>Theme

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Hania 14th June 2017, 11:41 pm

    Advent turned his head as he felt a unique set of vibrations, it was one he wasn't overly use to even when he was at home. "Is that... a horse?" he couldn't help but ask, at this moment in time he was beginning to believe that this may have been a highly intelligent one or perhaps a shape shifter until he heard the horse coming to a hault and a female voice coming from higher above. For now he would ignore her and move towards her companion, stroking his nose gently a smile on his face "Such a good friend and companion you must be" It was strange as it seemed he couldn't care less and was more interested in praising Raimei, though after a while he looked up after flinching a bit "Nice to meet you." he bowed his head a little and now paid attention to the one leading the mismatch group.

    "I'm never going to remember any of this" he admitted as he followed his hands clasped behind his head as he walked forward "I don't think really the horse would be that much of an issue given the halls aren't overly close quarters apparently..." he began with a shrug "I do however believe that the horse should remain outside or be sent home for his own well being as we don't know what kind of traps are or enemies inside. It would be unfair to put him in unneeded danger" for some unusual reason he seemed to think logically at least for the moment, as for why it could have been because it was a defenceless horse but really it could have been for any reason given who was speaking.

    "Star has a point, odd numbers in something like this leave things up to chance and well we kinda don't want that do we" he didn't know why but he had a sinking feeling in his stomach and something told him he wasn't the only one, then something else dawned on him "You've got a name like Morning Star and you say my name is unique... at least mine is all one word" he huffed a little but flinched and rubbed his head "Okay, okay... geeze..." he bowed a little "I'm sorry for my rudeness, please forgive me" his voice was respectful and sincere as he spoke as he was taught never to say anything he didn't mean. "Our magics?" he bit his lip and seemed somewhat nervous at that thought resisting the urge to touch the runes that went up his arms "I... I can't do that... I'm sorry... I'm... not allowed" it was clear that this subject scared the white haired mage.

    Before long they found themselves at the entrance of the tomb, Advent couldn't help but cover his ears, his eyes instantly clenching as he was assaulted "Will you please fall quiet... It's going to be hard with all of you talking at once." with a deep breath he cautiously moved his hand slowly a sigh escaping his lips as he lowered his hand. Moving forward he touched his hand onto the rough stone that had odd faded markings, weeds had broken through some of the cracks also and pushed themselves inside "Nothing but death awaits" he whispered though his eyes went wide as he heard the creaking of the grand eight foot old iron and wood doors and for once in his life he seemed to find himself face palming as he was informed that Guy had rushed in before he could get any information at all from the building itself. "See this is why I said what I said earlier... he's gonna get himself killed." he pouted running in afterwards.

    As everyone moved inside the tomb, their nostrils would be filled with the aroma of an incense of sweet fruits and spices. The first thing anyone would notice about the first hall was that immaculately preserved, like the tomb was still being used day to day by someone or some thing. On the walls evenly spaced fire and light lacrima could be found allowing for the room to be lit properly and for the place to be comfortably warm to what a person needed it to be. On the walls and around pillars rich gold, blue, red and green silks could be seen draping around like lavish decorations of a celebration about to take place, the walls, pillars and floor themselves where noticeably of high quality marble and polished stone. Each wall had two grand doors with what seemed like gold and silver markings on it. "We shouldn't be here..." Advent stated as he walked towards the marble alter in the middle of the room, this alter would seem as if it was just a block that would have been expertly carved for whatever its desired purpose may have been when created. Advent's hand moved over the carved images that seem to depict a scene "This scene is a warning about traps... Seems like we all have to go on a trial of some sort" He shrugged smiling "So which door are we going through then?" he asked looking to the others.

    Word count for this post: 861
    Word count total: 1'317/2000


    Searching for Power! (Part one) 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019
    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Kaja Jelen 15th June 2017, 5:31 am

    "I like this guy." Whined Raimei. Akane ignored it and said, "I will leave Raimei here." She got out of here saddle and started to undone Raimei of the travelling gear. "Again a job where you leave me behind?" Whined Raimei whilst he looked at Akane. "I cannot take you into there." Said Akane strict, she disliked those complaints from him, it's nothing she can do about. She looks up at the sky and saw that it would stay sunny weather, so she wouldn't place any protection above the gear. She listens to the other about what magic they used whilest she set two bamboo poles with a piece of cloth in between them to give Raimei some shade. "Hmm, that morning star's magic is interesting but is he going to fight with bare hands?" She examined him to see if he carried any hidden weapons but she didn't saw anything that would hint to that. She was surprised that Advent didn't want to talk about his magic. "Why would he hide it from them?" She filled a leather bucket with water and placed it in the shadow. "I have Requip cards as magic, I can summon armour and weapons with these cards." Said Akane as she tapped on her satchel with cards. "I fight with bow and arrow and with melee weapons and I have a few cards that can give us all protection like magical shields."

    They went into the ruins and Akane noticed that Advent was touching the stone walls moments after he asked them to go silent. She wondered "He has a cloth in front of his eyes and touches walls?" It reminded her of a monk of the temple near where she once lived. There was a monk that was could see better without eyes then with eyes. "Maby Advent has some kind of magic around this?" She then snaps out her though by the voice of Advent. Guy already ran through the doors.

    wc: 330

    ..now my laptop doens't want to do colours aswell...


    Searching for Power! (Part one) 0WKR6kK

    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
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    Experience : 100

    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Morning Star 15th June 2017, 6:06 pm

    Morning Star couldn't help but chuckle when the new team's blonde member said he wouldn't remember any of what they were talking about. As bad as it was that he wouldn't remember, at least he was honest. "Advent, I wish you would be sure to commit the strengths of our team to memory, at least for as long as this current job remains ongoing. It could prove vital to our success but thanks for being honest I suppose." Morning Star wasn't even sure if Advent should have been on the job with how annoyed he seemed to be about everything, for sure not ranger material. Unless his annoyed persona was actually a way to remain level headed that Morning Star hadn't considered.

    "Truly astounding! It seems the ruins haven't been touched in hundreds of years. Do you see how the grass and moss sprout of cracks, its like time itself had to restart inside the tomb and are has decided it best to hide the area from the view of man. A shame really that we have to disturb it in order to move on." Guy rambled on about the doors to the temple like ruins. It was then that Advent pushed the door open and Guy charged inside as if he couldn't possibly wait to see what was inside. The rest of the group entered behind the man who hired them they were hit with a smell that caused Guy and Morning Star to stop and smile. "Well at least the scent is pleasant and the halls seem to be well lit." Morning Star looked at each door then to the others who were on the job and grinned. "Seriously? We go left, it's the fastest way to figure your way out of a maze." He explained as if everyone knew that.

    It seemed Guy agreed on the course of action as he pulled the door on the left open to reveal a long hall that had a series of colored tiles leading to one door that had normal marble tiles sitting in front of it. The hall itself was far to long for any normal person to simply jump across, making Guy stop and think for a moment. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a rather flat but large stone, something perfect for skipping across a still pond. With a gentle under handed toss he hurled the rock into the room to land on a blue tile. All was silent for a single heartbeat, then the rock was lifted up and imploded on itself, becoming dust. "Hmm I wonder what the trick is?" He pondered while taking a step back. "Okay this is where my skill comes into play, the rest of you sit back for a moment and I'll take care of this part." Morning Star cleared the way for some room to move then walked to the door opposite the one on the left. He tensed his legs, feeling the magical power from the Morphing Grid flow through him. Using his enhanced speed he sprinted through the room, and once at the door way he jumped, again his enhanced jumping powers aided him. Morning Star soared through the long hall and landed on the other side of the room with a bit of a stumble. Next to the door was a brass indent of a hand. He placed his hand on the indent and after a bright glowing light pulsed from the brass, the tiles on the floor behind him all flipped, creating a safe path.

    "See, nothing to it. Now who wants to see what's on the other side of this door?" "Truly astounding Morning Star, tell me... When you use your magic does it drain your energy or is what you just used through some sort of magical item you carry?" Guy asked while walking down the hall.

    WC: 654
    Total 1605


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    Bank<> Magic<>Morning Star<>Theme

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Hania 16th June 2017, 2:37 pm

    Advent moved his head as to look directly at Morning Star his smile wasn't exactly dark but not exactly welcoming either "Don't underestimate me Morning Star" he said calmly almost as if had, had a lucid moment before walking on. It's not that he didn't want to be helpful or not remember, it was more that he was unable to take in much information at any one point or it caused him to become disorientated which would be bad for everyone involved in the immediate vicinity. His head dipped for a moment as he walked passed the orange haired mage "You're strength is in speed, my guess would also be dexterity and accuracy... but then most requip mages need these things yes?" He showed he had taken in the information but he was more stoic on how he gave out the information as if he was reading it out of a book.

    He moved through the doors and walked down the corridor quietly his hands going back to the back of his head as he yawned one of his hands covering his mouth. As he was about to step on the floor it would almost look like he was pulled back "wh.. wha?!" he huffed turning to a wall and pointing his finger at it "What do you think your doing Ari?!" his voiced heated as he seemed to be telling the wall off "And? You could have just told me to st-" he stopped mid word and sighed before flinching and rubbing his head "Oww, what was that for Yuui?" he turned to look behind him "I guess... I'm sorry, I should be careful and respectful... I love you all" he smiled happily only turning around as he heard the sound of the floor changing completely finishing.

    "What happened?" he finally asked scratching his cheek tilting his head "oh really? Wow, he's so cool!" he grinned like a child completely forgetting what he was doing just before hand "So where to now Mister Guy?" he chucked like an immature child after hearing such a thing coming from his lips it did seem funny to him as he had never heard such a name before. "And my magic isn't something I'm not allowed to talk about given it's nature, it's nothing personal towards the group" he stated walking across the floor wondering what would happen next.

    Word count for this post: 396
    Word count total: 1'713/2000


    Searching for Power! (Part one) 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019
    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
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    Age : 30
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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Kaja Jelen 17th June 2017, 1:45 am

    Akane looked curious at what Guy was doing with his stone and then she was shocked that the stone exploded after it had hit the tile. "How did he know thought" Where the thought that went through Akane's head. Then Morning Star sprinted and jumped over the dangerous tiles and a new though occurred in Akane's mind "If he is this fast, then he will be able to hit through most warriors defences that I know, including myself." Morning Star managed to find some sort of switch to clear a path for them. Advent was wondering was wondering what had happened. Akane answered, "He jumped to the other side." In a stiff voice, she was still thinking about how to improve her defence against such high-speed attack.

    They travelled now through the corridor to the other end. Guy opened the door and behind it was yet another corridor. They pressed on into the area. and kept on walking, walking and walking. They didn't say much to each other and eventually, they were all silent. Akane kept on thinking "Maby I need to learn a secondary magic that gives me more speed to counter speeding attacks or should I get better armours? Maby I can even create or buy a card that applies a speed boost?" She then felt that they had walked for so long, so she asked Guy "How long will this go on? It has been hours since we entered this corridor!" But no one answered her. She looked over her shoulder and didn't saw anyone of her group. "What?!" Shouted a confused Akane loud. A chill went through her bones. "Have I lost them while I was thinking so much?" Though Akane. The lights turned off. "What is this!" Shouted Akane as she drew her sword. A rumble went through the tunnels, the walls started to crack. Akane grabbed her sword in two hands. Then the walls seemed to explode and out of the dust, three stone golems with hammers appeared. She started to calculate the situation and sheeted her sword and she went into the retreat to get some distance but the golems were faster than she thought so she stopped and drew two cards from her satchel.

    Searching for Power! (Part one) Ninja_10 Searching for Power! (Part one) Kami_c10

    She held both cards in her hand and shouted "Requip" The cards started to glow and a dark grey and green clothing appeard around her body and she held a Kusarigama in her hand. "I need speed and flexibility for this."

    WC: 430
    Magic: 80/100
    Health: 200


    Searching for Power! (Part one) 0WKR6kK

    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
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    Experience : 100

    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Morning Star 17th June 2017, 4:14 pm

    Morning Star glared at Advent when he said something about the Wizard using requip magic. How did he know that when Morning Star was careful to never mention what his magic really was? His cold brown eyes narrowed as he considered attacking the man out of fear but instead he let the issue play out for a while longer, at least until the job was done and over... In the temple, Advent started to talk to seemingly himself, drawing the attention of Morning Star and Guy, who both looked at one another then shrugged and moved on to getting through the first room. Once they were through, the entire group moved on to another long passage. The group walked for what felt like hours and when Morning Star finally looked to ask Guy where they were going. To his surprise, nobody was there. "Damn it..." Morning Star muttered and cupped his face. "This is gonna suck." Morning Star started to consider what was happening, the entire place was clearly a trap meant to keep people out or kill anyone who managed to get in. Why had they not seen bodies before hand? It was clearly because the hall they came from killed everyone else who entered. The way Morning Star saw things, people likely didn't do what Guy did and were simply caught off guard and killed. While he was considering things a thick fog started to fill the room he was in, the ground began to crack and three stone figures exploded out of the ground, each hoisting weapons high into the sky.

    Morning Star groaned and reached behind his back to his belt. His hand grasped his morpher and pulled it free. Since nobody was around he could freely morph without fear of revealing himself at the moment. Quickly he thrust his morpher out and shouted. "It's Morphing Time! Silver Swashbuckler!" A bright silver light exploded out of Morning Star's body and when the light cleared he was garbed in his sliver, black and gold ranger suit. He took a fighting stance that was wide and shouted. "Silver Swashbuckler Ranger! Mercury Minion!" He shouted, creating a clone of himself at his side. Morning Star shouted and charged forward, leaping into the air to drive his knee into one stone golem as hard as he could, knocking the monster back a few paces. He came down and twisted his body around while dropping and extending his leg, tripping up a second golem. With one left not harmed Morning Star reached at his hip and allowed his magic to produce a pistol inside a holster. Quickly he took aim and pulled the trigger, then continued to move the pistol, firing off a series of shots into each of the golems to keep them from being able to catch the fighting Wizard off guard. Morning Star rolled to the side of the trio of golems and shoved his weapon back into the holster then made a circle with his hand while standing up straight. "Ocean Master, Now!" He shouted, summoning up a large trident into his hands. It was time for the finishing move. "Cleansing Wave!" He shouted while aiming his weapon at the trio. Before him a ten meter tall and wide wall of water shot up out of the ground and rushed towards the three golems, eroding them in one fell swoop. The Silver Ranger spun around and planted his weapon into the ground. "Power down." He muttered, flashing into a blast of silver light to reveal Morning Star, taking deep breaths of air from using three of his spells so rapidly. As the golems were evaporated the fog lifted from around him and Guy appeared at his side. "Oh, it appears we have defeated our foes. Let's hope the others are just as safe. I'd rather not have to drag their bodies out of here."

    WC: 655
    Total: 2260
    OOC: Whoever wants to move on to the next part of the job is welcome to, also Beg can you tally up your total word count in your posts as well?


    Jobs Completed: 3
    Jobs In Progress: 1

    Bank<> Magic<>Morning Star<>Theme

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Hania 17th June 2017, 5:39 pm

    Advent turned his head looking around scratching his head noticing how everything had suddenly got quiet. "Well, that's odd... even for me" he muttered walking down the hallway stretching his hand going to his top making sure those he carried with him where calm, last thing he needed was tormented souls crying out to distract them "I made a promise, perhaps I can find information here" he wasn't holding his breath but there was a chance he could find out something here or find a clue as to where he should be looking. As he was distracted he hadn't noticed the fact that the stone tomb guardians had began moving as he began to hum gently to himself though it wasn't long before he stopped in his tracks hearing a noise turning he tilted his head releasing a sigh "Really? I don't need this right now..." he huffed crossing his arms "If you go to sleep, I can find my... hm... friends I guess with no issue..." he really didn't want to harm these 'people'.

    "There is no other choice I guess" he sighed removing his blindfold tying his hair back at current his eyes would be closed though opened them slowly; if anyone had been there to see this they would see that his eyes where far different a they lacked a pupil instead there was golden runes on the moon blue coloured part of his eyes. Looking at the guardians he bowed his head as a sign of respect "It's not their fault... I don't want to do this... don't make me" he almost pleaded jumping back as a sword came towards him "Wow, they're not playing... a little help please Ayu" he said bending backwards as another sword was swung towards him missing him by a hair.

    Beside Advent a male with long azure hair tied back in a pale blue ribbon high on his head, he wore a pale blue and white silk hanfu "You're hopeless" he chuckled shaking his head turning his view towards the apparent threat. "Please forgive what we must do, you are in the way" he was soft spoken in his words but soon his soft look changed to that of a harsh blizzard as his hair changed to be the same colour as Advent's own hair. With a simple fluidic motion he had created what seemed to be water chains though after a few seconds they crystallised "They won't hold long, use your time wisely" he said bowing and fading once again "I've heard that before" Advent huffed like a petulant child as he closed his eyes.

    Advent started to move in a somewhat bizarre style of movement he was completely still however his hands where stiff and precise his fingers the only other thing moving but they seemed to be more flowing with each passing second. After he moved six more of himself appeared he managed to move them much as a puppeteer would a puppet to be around the two guardians. Now his motions became frigid and a cold song seemed to come out of nowhere, slowly his motions became smoother and the song followed his hands still moving as they had been he almost seemed like a human willow tree by the end of it. In his hands appeared seven golden butterflies in each hand as he continued to dance. Soon the butterflies began fly towards the bound guardians and shades.

    As much as he wished these where not his enemies he knew if he didn't see them as such it would be his live and the lives of those he carried with him that would end, so it was out of survival. While thirteen of the butterflies attacked the guardians, one attacked a shade making a chain reaction as it vanished doing splash damage to the other shades and the guardians making them crumble. Advent fell to his knees as the illusion of the hallway ended and he was once again by Morning Star and Guy. His hands going to his blindfold to place it back around his eyes "I hate what I just did" he said his voice sincerely hurt at what he had done. "I'll need to rest a little to regain energy... that took more than I care to admit" he said leaning against the near by wall.

    Word count for this post: 724
    Word count total: 2'041/2000
    Mana: 88/115


    Searching for Power! (Part one) 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019
    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Posts : 556
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 7,993

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arma Machinis
    Second Skill: Archive - Nemo
    Third Skill:

    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Kaja Jelen 18th June 2017, 2:28 am

    Akane swung the iron ball around and threw it at the hammer of the closest golem. The ball and the chain wrapped itself around it and Akane pulled the chain towards her. The hammer got pulled out from the hand of the golem and Akane jumped forward. She jumped on the shoulders of the golem and hit 3 times quickly on the head of the golem. With each hit, a more cracks appeared and with each hit the cut got deeper. A green flash came from the hand of the second golem. Akane jumped off the first golem to created distance while at the same time the first golem got wrapped in a sea of green vines. Akane evaluated the situation again so she could choose the best course of action. "Vine's ha" where her though. She sprinted forward and jumped on top of the second golem. She hacked with the Kusarigama in two hands at the head and then jumped to the other golem and landed behind it. She hacked a few times in the back of the golem but then her weapon broke down. She drew her sword with her right hand and her left hand went over to her satchel.
    "Minor Elemental Bound, Metal," Said Akane in a normal tone.

    Searching for Power! (Part one) Elemen10

    The card and her sword started to glow and a steel layer surrounded the sword. The sword felt heavier now and the gripped it with two hands. She rose her sword and hacked into the back of the golem, the body couldn't bear the sheer power and broke down. She then moved to the other and hacked off one of the legs and then the neck. She took a few steps back to bow for her defeated opponents and when she looked up the light had returned and she stood with her group. "What did just happened? You guys were gone?" Said Akane as she undid your spells.

    They went on through the corridor and saw at the end a large ornate stone door. Guy pointed out that there was a carving from the Aegis on the marble sides, though they were hard to see through the vines that had grown over the marble. Akane was still looking at the carvings when the door opened and Guy rushed in the room. Akane hurried after him, she saw a large statue in the middle of the room and noticed a sarcophagus just in front of its feet. For some reason all the focus was on the statue, this statue looked like an old man and then Akane noticed the shield. A shield decorated with gems, in different colours. Guy started speaking about the history but Akane's ears seemed to mute the sound around her. Guys voice faded away and she didn't hear the other come in. She started looking around and then noticed the skeletons scattered on the ground and the other sarcophaguses in the corners of the room. It felt as if an hour had passed. But then she saw a bright red flash of light, which kept on glowing red. She turned around and saw skeletons raising and Guy in the middle of the air. The sound got back. A sudden fear hit her as she took a few steps back. Her hands went to the hilt of the sword.


    Magic: 70/100
    Health: 200

    Well, I've haven't had much chances to RP with others so I try to be a bit carefull I guess.


    Searching for Power! (Part one) 0WKR6kK

    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 100

    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Morning Star 18th June 2017, 6:37 pm

    Everyone had assembled and seemed to have all gone through the same situation. "Glad to see you're all okay. Things could have gotten really bad if one of us didn't make it out of here. Guy, you weren't hurt were you?" Morning Star asked while making "eye contact" with everyone in the room. "Hm? No no. I'm quite alright. My sword and whip were more than enough to keep the brutes at bay. That being said I'd rather not deal with a fight again if I can help it. Now, shall we continue down the path?" Guy clapped his hands together and took off ahead of the rest of the group yet again. "Boy, this guy doesn't learn. Advent, no worries from you right? It seems like you might be going through some things based on how you were acting earlier." The last thing Morning Star wanted was to get attacked by a crazy man.

    Once everyone was ready the group moved on into a large chamber with a coffin set in the center of the room along with a large shield, various colored gems stuck in the metal sheet. Morning Star eyed the gem covered shield carefully when his Morpher softly vibrated on the small of his back. "That is what we are here for!" Guy shouted and ran for the shield. As he reached for the heavy item skeletons broke out of the wall, hundreds of them to be exact, maybe more. Morning Star sighed and looked at all the undead that were quickly drawing on the team. "Guy, if you don't get that shield quick we are all gonna die!" He warned then grabbed his morpher off his back, knowing that it was too much for him to simply punch things. "If you guys tell anyone about this I'll have to find and kill you. Got it? It's Morphing Time! Silver Swashbuckler!" Once again a bright flash of silver light filled the room and when it cleared Morning Star was in his silver Pirate garb along with a clone of himself. It was time to take down everything!

    WC: 375
    Total: 2635
    OOC: Okay everyone this is it. Catch up on word count if you aren't at 2k and I'll end it on my next post.


    Jobs Completed: 3
    Jobs In Progress: 1

    Bank<> Magic<>Morning Star<>Theme

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
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    Experience : 206,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requiem
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    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Hania 20th June 2017, 12:33 pm

    Advent sighed hearing the footsteps of whom he had been told was Guy running off again "And you call me impulsive" he huffed standing up stretching "That guy is going to get himself killed at this rate and I don't know a resurrection spell... yet... give it time..." he grinned knowing with enough time he could train himself to pretty much do anything with his magic but everything had a cost and he found himself wondering what the cost of such a spell but he decided it may be worth learning it. Shaking his head he came back into reality as he heard Morning Star talking to him though he was a little confused as he had no idea as to what the other was talking about so turn around to look at the wall tilting his head for a moment.

    "Oh right... well he has a point you know" he rolled his eyes turning towards Morning Star "I am fine, just my magic is... um... unique" he tried to explain without going into much detail on his magic. Biting his lip he hated what he was going to do given it was physical contact and thought that the other may freak out but touched his hand with a single finger. What the other would be able to see for a few seconds was nine people of varying ages and races (there are five girls and two males, not going into details on them all as it would be a stupidly long post.) One of them was leaning against the wall Advent had just been talking to "These are my parents, I wasn't acting funny I was just talking to my family" he explained "Matray! Esaeu l'taeuhgr'q gae yoq, esaeu trael xaqqabbi" He flinched as the one on the wall pushed off with a sigh as Advent began running off the nine fading as they ran after him. Curiously enough the one thing that would be easy to see was that they all wore Chinese clothing of some variation.

    Advent stopped in the next chamber his head going this way and that as he tried to make heads or tails on what was going on. "I know the whole of seven people that in Fiore and two of them are here... seriously who am I going to tell?" he sulked as he moved to take a stance and slowly began to dance once the tone neutral, though on the undertone there was a warmth so as six clones appeared it almost looked like the undead started to become sluggish, even their strength seemed to be getting sapped as he continued. He wanted to yawn so badly but he knew that would wield bad results for anyone close to him if he did the his movements became slower but became increasingly more manic as time passed by his mind concentration on those who he wanted to hit with it. Soon the undead stopped and would begin to scratch and/or move in manic ways, Advent wasn't much of an attacker but he hoped that what he was doing would be enough to buy the others within the party enough time to deal with the threat that seemingly was coming out the walls and quickly given that the white haired mage hated undead with every fibre of his being.

    Word Count: 556
    Word Count Total: 2'597
    Mana Left: 70



    Searching for Power! (Part one) 59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019
    Kaja Jelen
    Kaja Jelen

    Dragon VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Posts : 556
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 7,993

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arma Machinis
    Second Skill: Archive - Nemo
    Third Skill:

    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Kaja Jelen 20th June 2017, 11:46 pm

    28 skeletons stood between them, our hero's, and Guy. Akane thought for a moment, "I can shoot some down before we get into the melee!". She sheathed her sword and grabbed four cards from her satchel. She threw one of them on the ground "Requip Tate!", the other three she held in her hands. Requip O-yoroi, yumi, longer draw!" Bright lights showed their golden colours as a tate shield appeared in front of Akane, a samurai armour around her body and a bow within her left hand.
    Searching for Power! (Part one) Yoroi_11Searching for Power! (Part one) Yumi_r12Searching for Power! (Part one) Longer10
    Searching for Power! (Part one) Tate_c10

    She took an arrow from her quiver and placed in her bow as she pulled the arrow to her cheek and pushed the bow away from her. She breathes in and released the arrow which raced at high speed at the closed skeleton. It pierced straight through its head and into the behind it. Both skulls broke down into pieces, destroying both. She grabbed another arrow and repeated to process. She fired it and the arrow flew into the skull of a third skeleton, but it didn't kill it. She fired a third and the fourth arrow at different targets. Neither once would go down with one arrow. "At lest, they will be weakend." Thought Akane. In a quick session, she shot another series of arrows, this time 5 of them. They got too close to her so she laid her bow on the ground and took the Tate in her left hand. Akane puffed "Ugh, this thing is heavy.". Never the less she held the shield in front of her and drew her sword. Slowly she moved forward, slower to her liking but she didn't want to be overrun. She started to cut down the first few skeletons that came near her. She cut through all the weakened skeletons as if they were butter. At that point, she had slain 9 of them bastards.

    She was looking around, to see how the others were doing but one of the skeletons got to close so the bashed it with the Tate and then slashed its head of where her Tachi. She dropped her Tate and took her sword in two hands as she charged forward, cutting through 2 more skeletons. And two skeletons charged in and released a kind of gas. She took two cards from here satchel.

    Searching for Power! (Part one) Horo_c10 Searching for Power! (Part one) Horo_d10

    "Requip Horo!, Activate Horo dome!" Shouted Akane as a silk balloon appeared on her back and then a light green, transcluding sphere appeared around her. The gasses drove back from Akane but the skeletons entered it. A brief fight happened between them. before reinforcements arrived. 2 other skeletons crawled out of the gas into the dome to fight her. They managed to damage her but she was able to cut two of them down. Akane was exhausted. She breathed heavy as she as she pressed forward, deflecting one sword stroke as she passed one to cut through the other and then turned to hit the other in the back. She fell back to Advent who didn't seem to have the fighting capabilities, she would be there to protect her from any that might pass Morning Star, who was still fighting them off. Right now she needed to catch her breath.

    wc 590
    Mana: 15


    Searching for Power! (Part one) 0WKR6kK

    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Searching for Power! (Part one) Empty Re: Searching for Power! (Part one)

    Post by Morning Star 21st June 2017, 7:59 pm

    Even fighting as hard as they could the three couldn't seem to defeat the hordes of undead. Morning Star drew a sphere with his palms in the air and created a trident that sparked with power. He attacked as best as he could to try to fend off the undead from his allies who were fighting just as hard. That was until a voice rang out from behind them. "Ruby Ranger!" Guy jumped into the battle dressed in a similar yet different uniform compared to Morning Star. "The Shield was a moprher, it granted me requip powers similar to yours. Lets finish these things!" Guy and Morning Star readied their weapons and called out. "Lets bring em together! Ruby Staff!" "Lets bring em together! Ocean Master!"

    The pair activated a unison raid as they jumped up into the air and pointed their weapons at the ground, the two weapons touching. A blast of fire hit the center of the group, exploding, burning all the undead in the blast radius then on the edge of the blast, a tidal wave of water appeared and washed the rest of the undead into near by walls, crushing them to dust. Both Morning Star and Guy landed on the ground and powered down their magic then looked back to the others. "This shield is the key to finding others, like me. I will seek them out but I must thank you. If not for your help I couldn't have gotten this. Thank you all very much." Stones exploded out of the shield and soared out of the temple to seek out their rightful owners. Guy reached into his pockets and handed each Wizard their reward then headed out to find the other rangers...

    WC: 294
    Total: 2929


    Jobs Completed: 3
    Jobs In Progress: 1

    Bank<> Magic<>Morning Star<>Theme

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:55 pm