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    Out Shopping!

    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
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    Public Out Shopping!

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 29th June 2015, 11:38 am

    Chapter 3:
    Happy Happy!  Magnolia Romp!

    Ah, Magnolia Town.  This place was happier than Anastasia was, which actually made this place a bit repulsive to her.  While it seemed like a friendly enough place where one wouldn't have to worry about violence, the constantly cheery atmosphere began to annoy her.  She didn't come here to play with the locals and join one of their millions of festivals they had every year.  Who knows, somewhere in Magnolia Town, they might be having a festival as they spoke.  A festival dedicated to what?  Who knows.  Probably the festival of throwing fire for all she knew.

    While happy things do not repulse her in the slightest, she really liked happy and beautiful things, even she had her limit to how absolutely cheerful she can be.  This has nothing to do with 'the secret' or the 'law of attraction'.  No, something simpler than that.  Anastasia looked up for a moment as she walked down main street to see people laughing and being cheerful in the street for no freaking reason!  There were no festivals going on and people were throwing a bash as if there was one.  Was this merely practice or an act of insanity?  

    Just as the contemplation of this place's sanity came into question, her hand was grabbed by a faceless NPC.  The man was dancing and skipping along with a larger group of individuals.  She got dragged into a flash mob.  Crap!  Not being able to do anything to stop the predicament she was in, she just cracked open a smile and laughed all the while being forced to participate in a dance number with a large group of individuals.  A woman beside her told her the movements while they traveled to their destination.  

    "Why did you guys pick me?" she asked the mob that she was drifting away with.  The woman who fed her the dance moves from earlier shrugged her shoulders.  "Oh yeah!  Do you know how to sing?" Anastasia was asked.  She nodded in response.  "Good!  Then you'll be doing the singing bit after the dancing.  I'll let you know when.  Make sure you sing something pretty for this couple, yeah?" the woman said before turning her eyes forward for a moment.  "We're almost at our destination, get ready!"  Upon reaching their destination, everyone began to act naturally -- sorta.  People were walking back and forth between 2 locations, each trying to time their placements with each other until the couple arrived.  

    Anastasia's placement was somewhere in the middle of the crowd, playing with her make-up.  Yeah, because that's natural for her to do.  Someone cleared their throat as the signal for the couple arriving, with that signal quickly being passed down from person to person in a subtle manner with everyone slowly moving to their places.  When everyone got into place, everyone stopped for a moment.  It was eerie seeing so many people paused on the street for so long; it was as if time stopped it's erosion for just a brief moment before music began to play from out of nowhere.  The music was forgettable, but it had a good beat.  Just enough for Anastasia to pull off the dance number she was instructed to do with the large mass of other people she was with.

    It was obvious that she didn't have any idea what she was doing, doing her best to mimic the behaviors of others in the flash-mob while just subtly lagging behind the others.  She continued to look out towards the others out of the corner of her eye to make sure her movements are correct.  Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the possible bride to be covering her mouth in awe of what she's seeing.  She turned to her boyfriend and playfully hit him on the chest before turning to look back towards the flash mob.  As soon as she did that, the flash-mob froze with the end of their dance routine.  Everyone in the flash mob took a knee in a wave-pattern, leaving Anastasia alone to stand.  

    This caused a little bit of nervousness to strike the girl before she felt a nudging at her feet.  It was a black microphone.  Turning her eyes down, she noticed a sheet of paper with the names of the two that would-be engaged to each other on it.  Picking up the mic, Anastasia stood up and looked towards the couple and dedicated this song to them.  Now she had to come up with a song to play for the two of them.  Bing!  Perfect!  She knew of the perfect song.  She clears her throat and closes her eyes for a moment, clutching the microphone tightly.  A strange black wisp zipped around her, turning her clothing black.  

    The song started out a capellla before the sound of pianos poured in from out of nowhere.  The singing caught the interest of the people in the flash-mob.  This caused them all to break out of character, kneeling down with their eyes cast on the ground, to all look at Anastasia awestruck.  They didn't realize that Anastasia was this good at singing.  Neither did the couple that is to be engaged, hopefully, after this song.  Once the song was over, Anastasia gave a nod with a big smile upon her face.  The blackness of her clothing evaporated back to her usual orange attire.  Her attention was now fixated on the couple before them.  She mouthed out 'go ahead' to the man.

    This caused the man to look down at his girlfriend and get on a knee and pull out a diamond ring from his pocket.  The size of the rock didn't matter, no, he had her melted just by the public display in her honor.  The man was tackled by the woman with the words "Yes, yes!  Of course!"  Following her acceptance for marriage, everyone in the flash mob stood up and clapped, pouring out fanfare for their future bond of marriage.  It was at this moment that the mob began to dissipate.  People passed by and began to give Anastasia accolades for her singing prowess.  While she accepted the compliments graciously, she really only came here to shop for clothes.  

    "If you guys really want to thank me, you guys would -maybe- give me the location to a lot of pretty clothing stores?" she asked the people that crowded around her.  She was given multiple locations at once only to eventually break free of the mob and lose everyone.  Sighing in relief, she returned to her regularly scheduled program.  But she strangely had a microphone in her hand.  Woops, might have to return that sometime.  Finding her way back on the main drag, she started looking into the windows of all of the clothing shop.  Her eyes becoming fixated on one particular shop, seeing a really cute dress in the window.  "Oh my god!  That dress is so cute!"


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Tess 29th June 2015, 12:12 pm

    Allison was only wandering around Magnolia Town, searching for anything to do, when a huge crowd rushing by shoved the girl out of the road and ended up causing her to fall into a puddle from the recent rain. Still smiling, Allison waved from her position and shouted out, "Good luck!" Even though she really had no idea what was going on, it just seemed to be an appropriate phrase for the time. Then still beaming widely, the girl hopped up and shook herself out, nearly like a dog. She was just about to continue walking on her way when the sudden disappearance of the large mob startled her. Allison glanced around, realizing that the people had suddenly dissipated into smaller groups, nonchalantly strolling around the main square of Magnolia Town, trying not to appear too suspicious.

    The girl skipped over and poked one of the people that she had seen in the mob as it rushed past. "Ne, what's happening?" she asked, tilting her head slightly to the side. The man replied something about a proposal, upon which Allison clapped her hands excitedly and then ran all around the area, watching for the couple and trying to pick out who was part of this proposal thing, just from how they were acting. Eventually after getting to at least sixty people, Allison gave up and flopped down on a nearby patch of grass. The shade from the tree above her was nice, since it seemed to be a sunny day, rainbows cast in a few places because of the moisture still lingering in the air from yesterday's rainfall.

    She stayed in that spot, and watched as the couple soon arrived and the entire mob formed around them in a flash, a pretty girl with blonde hair and shadowy attire singing a song that stunned the entire crowd into silence. It seemed that her skills had been underestimated, since the crew began to lose their formation and gather around the girl, listening to her sing with wide eyes completely focused. Allison glanced away for a second to find that directly after the performance, the girl disappeared into the crowd, and the mage scrunched up her eyes, trying to pick her out as the man proposed to the woman and officially became engaged. Eventually, she caught sight of the distinct blonde hair, but seeing that the girl she had spotted was wearing orange rather than shadowy black as the performing girl had been. Sighing a little bit, but not really disappointed because that just wasn't her personality, Allison got up and skipped away to find some place where she could buy clean and dry clothes.

    Eventually, the girl located a small shoppe with beautiful dresses and some casual wear, place some distance away from the ruckus that the mob had caused. Allison hadn't really minded being tossed into a puddle-- but it was still kind of inconvenient, considering that the girl had a tendency to be easily susceptible to catching colds. That was the only reason Allison hadn't just let her clothes dry in the warm sun, since it didn't take a whole lot of time to fall ill. The girl skipped into the shop, deciding not to linger outside and simply stare in since she had spotted a gorgeous dress that she had to have. Someone else already shopping might steal it if she didn't buy it now! Of course, Allison would've given the dress to the person if they really wanted it, but if no one did right now she was determined to have it.

    Allison got in line and when it was her turn, pointed to the dress in the window. The woman said something about it being a limited sale dress, and there were only a few left for purchase, but Allison wasn't paying attention any longer. Standing a little bit outside of the window was the girl that had been singing! Allison was certain of it, despite the fact that she was wearing that orange clothing instead of the black attire. The girl turned back to the sales person, measuring the girl in her mind. Perhaps it was a little bit creepy of her, but Allison went shopping very often and had gotten to be able to know whether something would fit her or not just by looking at it. This girl... umm... Allison leaned forward and said something to the sales lady, who nodded with furrowed eyebrows and then went off to the back room to get one of the dresses from storage.

    The red haired girl skipped outside, the box resting on her arms. She dashed straight up to the blonde singer and smiling, stuck out her hand for a shake while still balancing the box on the other. "Hi! My name is Allison-- your impromptu performance was beautiful, by the way! Here, a gift. It was really nice of you to sing for that couple." The girl held out the box to the stranger. She had been staring at it for a while, after all.



    Out Shopping! PXRL2Kd



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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Fair 30th June 2015, 7:28 am

    It was yet another beautiful morning in the bustling town of Magnolia, just like the flower it was named after. Tane had awoken rather late, however, around seven - yes she was used to waking up a lot earlier - and had freshened up for the adventures she was going to have today. The Sabertooth mage wandered about town, grinning and waving at everyone she met. She had learnt that waving was a form of greeting instead of just the action of shaking her hand from side to side while holding it up. It was awkward at first, of course, but with time, it came naturally - just like all the other things she had learnt to do. It was terrifying how easily she was adapting to the human world. Sometimes she wondered if she was transforming into a human!

    Tane walked by some people she was acquainted to, exchanging the morning greeting ‘Good morning’ and a few minutes of catching up with each and every one of them before continuing with her journey to nowhere in particular. The staring was expected, and something Tane had begun to ignore - not that he was being rude or anything. She understood that glowing skin was not something the humans were so used to seeing. In fact, she was probably the only person who had glowing skin on Earth.

    Wearing a snug creamy-pink sweater to avoid the biting cold that was lingering from the rain earlier, and a long A-skirt that was a lighter shade of her sweater, the Prestigious strolled into a shop that sold human wear. She was not the biggest fan of purchasing wear, so she would be there just to check out what was new and observe. The brunette then noticed something quite out of the ordinary happen outside the huge window of the shop. Why was a large group of humans doing weird body movements. Following their lines of sight, she spotted two humans - a male and a female, the female in state of awe, her hand to her mouth. A perfectly sculpted eyebrow lifted as she would continue to spectate the scene from inside the shop.

    Moments later, a girl in dark wear was the only one standing - now producing a beautiful song from just her mouth. It was so beautiful, Tane did not realise that her mouth was slightly parted in surprise. There was no background music or instruments playing. It was just her and her voice, making such a wonderful tune. It was magical. Tane smiled at the end of the show and clapped, even though the girl would not be able to hear her applaud. Such a talented human, she thought. The girl went back to observing the designs of each and every piece of wear in the shop. She was so engrossed with the sophisticated ideas humans came up with for their wear as if they were an important statement. Tane didn’t notice that the girl who was singing had approached the shop she was in.

    Tane looked up from the wear and blinked, watching another girl present the singer with a box. That must have been a gift. The Sabertooth mage then slowly walked towards the two, exiting through the double doors of the shop and standing in front of the singer girl. “You have a beautiful voice,” she said, turning to the other girl now, “And you are very pretty.” Tane smiled, continuing. “I am Tane. Who might you two be?


    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 30th June 2015, 9:42 pm

    Chapter 3:
    Happy Happy!   Magnolia Romp!

    Her mind continued on in her fantasy of owning that really pretty dress.  She didn't ask for much, if anything at all.  She was filled with desires unfulfilled due to her generally selfless nature.  The things she usually does ask for were non-material such as information or a favor owed to her that she spends benefiting someone else; someone more deserving.   But today, she desired that cute little dress, albeit, the dress's bust looked a tad bit too big for her; there are ways around that either through legitimate methods or less than legitimate methods.  Though, she'd rather not buy any padding to fill out the dress.  

    Her thoughts and longings were interrupted with a woman exiting the store with a box before looking at the woman with a bewildered look on her face.  She looked at the woman's face, studying it for a moment.  Yes, Anastasia looked absolutely lost.  Normally, she's on Allison's end in the event of gift-giving.  Well, recently, she was given her hanbok and her hair ornament by her mother before leaving to join the guild, but otherwise...  She put her hand into Allison's and shook her hand.  Her face melting away the confused expression and returned to the usual smile she wears.  "Well, hello, Miss Allison," she said in response to the her name being given.  "And thank you.  I," she said before taking a little pause.  She giggled a bit before releasing her hand from Allison's.  "didn't think it was all that great.  Anyone could have sung it like that."  Now she's just being humble, though she knows she's very good at her craft.

    It's only customary for her to respond with her own name, right?  "My name is Anastasia.  It's nice to meet you, Miss Allison," she said before looking at the box.  It was apparently a gift for her with the gesture of the woman holding it out to her.  A blush came over her face.  Not many people, let alone strangers, gifted Anastasia with much of anything.  This was apparently appreciation for the song she sang for the soon-to-be-promised couple.   With shaking hands, Ana lifted the lid of the box to see the dress she was eye-balling through the window.  Her eyes sparkled for a moment before lunging in and hugging Allison tightly.  "Oh my god!  No way!  Thank you so much, Miss Allison!" she squealed.  It would only be rude for someone to have spent money on such a pretty dress to have the one receiving the gift turn it down.  After all, the person DID spend money (regardless of how much) on another; in this case, money spent on a complete stranger.

    With a little bit of laughter, the girl mentioned to Allison.  "Though, I think I might need to get it altered a little bit," she said in reference to the bust area.  After that was said, she released her grip from Allison and took a step back and delivered a low bow to her.  It wasn't often she received gifts so she wanted to show her gratitude.  As she raised from the bow, she was confronted by a woman with glowing skin.  Ooooo, interesting.  Her jaw dropped slightly, completely intrigued by the woman with glowing skin.  She snapped out of her gaze of the glowing skin, not realizing she might be rude to do so.  She was just so intrigued by the oddity of it all.  Another compliment was paid to her for her voice and she responds with a smile and a slight bow.  "Thank you.  I'm glad you enjoyed it."

    "My name is Anastasia.  Nice to meet you, Miss Tane.  And your glowing skin is beautiful.  It makes me think of an angel's glow.  I'm so jealous!" she said, addressing her with an honorific as she addressed Allison.  She was jealous that the woman had a literal glow about her, not only figuratively but literally glowing is something beautiful art was made of.  She just realized that these two are so pretty.  Ever since she went to The Blue Pegasus Hall, she has started to notice a large amalgamation of beautiful people.  First, she noticed a large group of beautiful men, including a vampire, a demi-god, and a dragon-summoner, and now she's being introduced to a beautiful redhead and a beautiful radiant-one.  If this was a goofy ecchi anime, Anastasia would have a bloodied nose, but this isn't so a blush will suffice.  

    She turned her attention back to Allison for a brief moment.  "I don't know how I can pay you back, Miss Allison.  This dress was so expensive!"  She has earned a bit of money from performing jobs with a percentage going home, another percentage going to the guild with the rest giving her just enough for equipment, necessities, and very limited niceties.  In other words, she's on quite the budget; not a strict budget, but not a budget big enough to afford this dress.  If she saved up for months and months, performing jobs back to back, she may be able to afford the dress after another 2 or 3 jobs.  As she spoke to Allison, she took the box off of her hands.

    "Oh!  Now that we are all acquainted, do you girls want to go get some..." she said drawing out the Mmm sound.  "Cheeeeeeesecake?" she asked with an impish grin across pursed her lips and fluttering eyelashes.  Yes, it was a cardinal sin, but it was one of Anastasia's very few vices.  Junk food was something she absolutely adored.  She could eat as much junk food as she wanted and not gain a single pound.  Oh is she going to regret that in her 30s.  But then again, what better activity would a group of girls do to get more acquainted with one another other than cheesecake?  Shopping?  Yeah, but Anastasia's a bit poor at the moment as explained in the previous paragraph.  Go to a film?  No, that'd be too hard to write out.  So cheesecake it is!  If they accept.


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Tess 1st July 2015, 9:04 am

    Allison beamed at the girl standing in front of her, who seemed to be maybe three or so years older than Allison.  That wasn't very much, and she just continued to smile at her as she told her, "You're very welcome!  And your singing was beautiful, I'm one hundred percent positive that I could never have sung like that, so don't say that," the girl said, giggling a little bit just as the woman had done before shaking Allison's hand.  Then the girl introduced herself as Anastasia, which was quite a lovely name.  It reminded Allison of another person she had met a little while ago, but she couldn't remember the exact details.  Oh well, the girl did go up to random strangers all the time, after all.  She nodded at Anastasia, but then realized something.

    "It's Allison, not Miss Allison.  Or you can call me Allison-chan or Allie!  Or you can call me Miss Allison if you really want... but I bet I'm like two or three years younger than you, so that's kind of silly, right?"  She beamed at Anastasia again.  The other girl finally accepted the box and immediately began a wide array of various motions that dictated how shocked and pleased she was, which made Allison smile brightly.  "You're welcome!" the girl sang, and then thought to herself, I love giving things to people.  It makes them so happy!  Which makes me happy.  And this is a prize for being such an amazing singer, so I really don't think it's a gift at all!

    Next, the girl's smile didn't even falter as Anastasia commented on the dress, saying that perhaps it had to be altered to fit her.  Allison had already fixed any sort of problems like that, so the girl tilted her head slightly, looking at the one who had suggested there be changes to the dress.  "Don't worry, it's practically custom-made.  I measured you from inside, you know-- it should fit everywhere perfectly, so don't worry!  After all, I do go shopping a lot and meet a ton of people, and after buying so many things in other sizes besides mine, you kind of get a feel for how clothing stores measure people.  And even though it's a store dress, there are only a couple of these, and this clothing shop uses magical work to tailor them quickly, so that there's no wait to take them home after the sale.  Fancy, right?  All you have to do is tell them the measurements!"  The girl beamed at Anastasia.

    Just then, another woman came up, this one seeming to be straight out of an ethereal world.  Allison looked at her, trying to gauge her age too.  Oh well, it seemed that she couldn't be much older than them at least.  That, or she was immortal!  Like a vampire or something, which was kind of cool!  The girl stuck out her hand and beamed widely.  "My name is Allison!  You can call me whatever you want, though.  Nice to meet you, Tane-san!  I'm jealous too!"  The girl really wasn't but she felt it was appropriate to say something after what Anastasia had said.  After all, just because Allison didn't care about appearances-- well, she did love shopping and clothes, but besides that...-- didn't mean other people didn't care either.

    Allison noticed that a blush was forming on Anastasia's face and wondered if she was okay.  Perhaps it was getting a little bit too warm outside, or she had a cold and was sick?  Allison resisted the temptation to reach over and pat the girl on the head or cheeks, since she seemed to be wanting to say something else to the red haired mage.  And she said it, and Allison was not pleased, not a in the tiniest bit.  Well, the girl was always pleased, but she was less pleased than usual, one could say.  "Anastasia-san, you don't pay people back for a gift!  You should know that, you know.  You could offend some people.  But don't worry, I'm not offended!  But you are not paying me back, okay?  I don't spend money on very many things anyways.  Really, most of it is just sitting in a bank account... "

    Missions for mages tended to pay very well, and the ones that Allison went on were no exception.  She really just wanted to try to glomp Anastasia, but held herself back a little bit more, since the girl was saying something about getting... !  Allison leaped into the air, squealing in delight.  She loooooved cheesecake.  Actually, the girl really loved any kind of sweets, but cheesecake was probably one of her favorites!  And blood cheesecake... mmm... the girl's smile grew even wider thinking about that.  Maybe it would creep Anastasia and uh... Tane?, out if Allison asked if they could go to this certain restaurant that catered to demons and dark creatures, where they had blood cheesecake.  They also had normal cheesecake there, too, so it wasn't as though they would be forced to eat something that might be disgusting to them.

    Unfortunately, the girl could hold it in no longer and burst towards Anastasia in one big tackle.  She reached out to glomp the girl, simultaneously begging, "Can we please please please please please please please please PLEASE go to this resturant that I know?  It caters to people like me... so I can eat this delicious food!  And you all can have normal cheesecake too... I know I'm being selfish, but please?  I haven't been there in ages!  I can always go there later, but you guys might like to try their food some time!"  Allison was part demon dog, and she had no problem drinking blood or eating blood cheesecake.  Hopefully it wouldn't gross them out.  If it seemed like it was, of course Allison would immediately stop.  Her first priority was the comfort and support of other people, and then next was her mission to save the world from all pain and suffering.  After that came petty things, like blood cheesecake and clothes.  Speaking of which... Allison was a little bit soaked right now.

    The puddle and singing had been wonderful, but she herself really would catch a cold if this went on any longer.  Suddenly changing from begging and glomping, Allison whirled back into the store.  She had such a wonderful idea, and she rarely got wonderful ideas!  The girl stopped for a moment and looked back, scrutinizing Tane as well.  Hmm... well, she knew exactly what to do!  Allison reached out and grabbed a dark, red and black dress off of a display.  She didn't mean to wreck the store, but this dress would fit Tane perfectly, and it should also suit her fine going by what she was currently wearing.  Then Allison decided to drop in another dress, in roughly the same colours, for good measure, in case Tane didn't like the first one.

    Then Allison realized that now Tane had two dresses, while Anastasia had only one, and that wasn't any sort of good.  The girl shook her head furiously, and then went to go pick out a nice blue dress.  Even though Anastasia was wearing orange right now, this dress would complement her eyes.  And if she didn't like it, then that would just be too bad and Allison would go buy another one in orange!  The girl skipped up to the table up at the front and ran off some more measurements, which the woman, who had been gaping at the girl who was rummaging all through the store, quickly nodded to and typed into a computer before printing the sheet out and running to the back store.  Allison was thankful that she'd only had to slip one dress of of a mannequin, since previously she'd had experiences of all of the perfect dresses being only available as the sale dresses being modeled.

    Finally, the sales woman came back and handed three boxes to Allison, which the girl immediately took, not even stumbling under the weight.  She had carried a lot more than this, like on that day during the holiday season when she had given out presents to everyone in the square of Magnolia Town.  Bouncing back outside, Allison held out the boxes to Tane and Anastasia, a wide beam spread across her face.  "If you don't like them, I'll get you new ones!  But if you really don't like them, keep them anyways instead of returning them.  Then, you'll always have spares in case the good ones run out.  Strategy, you know?"  And then one last time, she bounced back into the store and grabbed the nearest clothes that she deemed would fit her.  Throwing her entire wallet playfully at the woman, which contained really probably ten times as much money required to pay for this dress, Allison skipped out of the store and out there in the middle of the street, undressed and then slipped the new dress over her head.  It fit like a glove, and then the red haired girl looked at the other two.

    "So, can we pleeeeeease go to this restaurant?" was all she said.



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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Fair 2nd July 2015, 8:13 am

    Tane’s face lit up with a radiant smile as the girl who called herself ‘Anastasia’ complimented on the glow of her skin. “Well, thank you very much, Anastasia,” she said, pronouncing her name in her own unique accent. She did not respond to the girl pointing out that it looked like an angel’s glow. I am an angel, she thought to herself. After all, that was how the humans called her kind.

    The fact that Anastasia was jealous about her skin worried her a bit. Did she want glowing skin too? Tane did not know how to respond to that, so she remained silent with the smile hanging on her lips. The other girl with red hair introduced herself as ‘Allison’. It was a coincidence. Both their names began with the letter ‘A’. Tane was the odd one out of the three.

    The blush that would form on Anastasia’s face made Tane’s eyes widen. She had never seen such a thing happen before. She would have commented on the color of her cheeks if Allison had spoken later. They were now talking about a dress, a conversation during which Tane stood awkwardly stiff, braving the cool gust of wind with her side. It wasn’t unbearably cold, that time of day, although it had rained, thus the reason she was not wearing very warm clothes. Tane listened attentively to whatever the two was talking about. She did catch the part about paying back. Money? Was Anastasia trying to pay Allison back for the gift in the box?

    Blinking in confusion, the Prestigious was disturbed from her train of thoughts when Anastasia talked about getting something. ‘Cheesecake’. That was a new term. She had not heard of it before. Yes, she had heard of ‘cheese’ and ‘cake’, but not the two combined. Was it a cake that looked like cheese? Was it a cake that tasted like cheese? Who knew? Tane was fine with surprises, so she nodded three times, saying, “I would love to,” in a cheery tone. A shocking action took place afterwards. The Allison girl leaped for Anastasia. Tane’s immediate evaluation of the situation was that the redhead was attempting to suffocate the talented singer! Code red went off as a thousand alarm bells signaled for Tane to do everything in her power to protect her new friend. She almost squealed, but was surprised even further with what happened next. A relieved sigh escaped through her lips.

    Apparently, Allison was only hugging Anastasia and pleading her to take them to a restaurant that she liked. Tane was not sure which one she was talking about as she rarely ate. Her kind did not feed too often, only once in three or four days. She was trying to figure out why humans like to have several different restaurants with different names all over the country. They were such an ununited kind, among all the other kinds of beings she had come across throughout her life. Everything in the human world was basically all over the place.

    A few moments later, she was brought back to reality by Allison who handed her two boxes. Tane would produce a small ‘hm’ noise before slowly lifting the lid of the box to check what was in it. Allison had bought her a dress? Actually, two dresses? But why? She had not sung beautifully or done anything worthy to receive such a gift. Tane after observing how Allison liked to give people gifts and disliked being turned down or paid back, she only smiled and said, “Thank you.” She held the boxes carefully and turned to Anastasia. “Let us have this ‘cheesecake’, she said.


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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 4th July 2015, 11:57 am

    Chapter 3:
    Happy Happy!   Magnolia Romp!

    ~Measured me from the.... inside?~ Anastasia asked herself (within her own mind) as she looked up at Allison with a strange and puzzled look on her face.  There was clear and evident confusion in Ana's expression.  Well, at least there was the compliment she could fall back on.  "You're very talented and with a keen eye,"  she stated trying to cover up her confusion with a smile.  "You'd make a great assassin," she said in a joking manner.  Not that she would condone someone being an assassin, she was aware that it was a common profession, remembering that man in green she met in the forest before joining the guild.

    Tane spoke up about her skin and her attention returned to her and her eyes sparkled even more.  She has met a god, she has met a vampire, and she has met dragons; how far-fetched would it be that one of the people she has met was truly an angel sent down from the heavens?  It wasn't as if she prescribed to that brand of belief, but someone claimed they are exactly that.  It was a good explanation for this woman's beauty and radiant skin.  There are multiple yays and nays in terms of the glowing skin, but it wouldn't hurt her image to be able to glow-on-demand.  That would further emphasize her song-idol appearance that she eventually plans on undertaking.  

    Perhaps a song magic that allows her to grow angel wings and allows her flesh to glow.  Hmm.  The possibilities got Anastasia thinking for a moment, until Allison brought Anastasia back down to earth with her lessons in 'how to accept a gift properly'.  Moving a hand to the back of her head, she bowed to Allison for a moment.  "Yes, you are most certainly correct," she said with a little laugh.  She made an error, not simply accepting the gift and requesting returning the favor; which she actually intends doing in the future anyway.  "How absolutely silly of me," she mentioned before removing her hand from the back of her head.  Slapping her hands together, she looked at the two women she is now acquainted with.  

    "So, ladies, about that cheesecake!" she stated with plenty of pep.   She didn't mind where she ate the cheesecake as long as it had the flavors she wanted (and not have every cheesecake covered in blood.  As long as she isn't told that the red-glaze on Allison's cheesecake wasn't blood, she probably wouldn't mind so much.  Her mind is already dead-set on the kind of flavored treat she wanted and will stick to that without budging.  It's just her love of junk-food that will be the end of her.  Perhaps some of that weight can be diverted elsewhere other than her hips, thighs, or belly.  But wishful thinking does exist and it keeps her enthusiastic about the future (even if it's delusional).  

    She was absolutely delighted to hear that Tane wanted some cheesecake as well.  She hasn't heard much about angels and their diets; she wasn't even sure angels -could- eat and digest food the same way others did.  Well, if angels were technically physical beings of this dimension she wouldn't have issues with this, but seeing that she grew up knowing that angels were other-dimensional beings, her confusion isn't completely unfounded.  

    And then, the glomping.  >< Why is this girl such a tease?  She nodded her head in response to going to her cheesecake restaurant.  She didn't mind the fact that they were going to a place that caters to demons, that's fine.  Strange that she was put right in the middle of a half-dog demon and an angel.  At least Allison had smooth skin.  If Allison was a reptilian creature (or Xierak for that matter) this would have been terribly painful.  Then suddenly, Allison vanished into the store once again.  She returned with three boxes, one of them with her name on it.  Why was this girl being so nice?

    Learning her lesson from earlier, she took the box and bowed to Allison.  "Thanks again.  The dress is so pretty!" she said glimmering in gratitude.  She actually has a song for gratitude, but she'd rather make their way to the restaurant.  She had no intention of returning these pretty dresses, so she's definitely gonna keep them.  "If Miss Tane is alright with it, please lead the way!"


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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Tess 4th July 2015, 5:01 pm

    (( There isn't really much to say without piloting your characters, since both of your posts left off nearly right after when Alli bought the dresses, so I'm just going to head to the restaurant if that's okay and make a suuuper short post.  Also, the timing gets a little bit funny because Allison buys the dresses in the middle of this post, which already happened... so I'll put that in a spoiler so you don't have to read it again and can skip it easily if you would like.))

    Allison beamed happily at the compliment.  "Thank you!  Actually, I'm often told that I have terrible eyes and that I don't notice anything!  The only reason I knew your size all the way from inside the store is because I go shopping so much!"  The girl smiled at the other two.  She hadn't taken offense all those times after being told how scatterbrained and hyperactive she was, ignoring most of the world besides the people, animals, and other living creatures.  Still grinning brightly at Anastasia, the girl nodded excitedly.  "Do you really think so?  I've been told that I would make a terrible assassin!  Apparently I'm too loud, since I skipped in on a target one time... "  The girl babbled away, her eyes still sparkling from the compliment.

    Then Tane said something directed towards the red haired mage, and Allison blinked a little bit.  She hadn't caught what it was and opened her mouth cheerfully to ask when she realized that the other girl had probably only been thanking her.  Beaming and shutting her mouth, the mage turned back to Anastasia, who seemed to be apologizing.  Allison's eyes widened before she waved her hands quickly.  "Ah!  Sorry, Anastasia-san!  I shouldn't have lectured you or anything like that!  You can pay me back if it makes you happy!  Whatever you want, I'm great with it!"  Allison mentally reprimanded herself.  The girl seemed to continuously forget that some people didn't feel comfortable with accepting gifts, and she was determined that they were as happy as could possibly be.

    The Dress Thing (for reference):

    Anastasia replied that she thought that would be all right, and Allison cheered out loud, reaching out to glomp the blonde before realizing that Tane seemed on edge whenever the redhead attempted to make abrupt physical movements toward someone else.  The girl immediately stopped mid-glomp and turned around, bowing to the dark haired girl.  "I am sorry!  I won't glomp anyone in your presence if it makes you feel uncomfortable!"  Beaming at the other girl, Allison grabbed each of their hands and then marched away.  If they forcibly removed their hands from hers, and decided to follow along, that was perfectly fine with the red haired mage.  She even purposefully made her grip the tiniest bit looser than normal, since Tane seemed to have some restraints towards physical contact, and Anastasia had blushed and that usually wasn't a good sign.



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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Fair 6th July 2015, 7:00 am

    Allison caught Tane by surprise when she said that she would try not to ‘glomp’ anyone in her presence because it made her feel uncomfortable. She blinked and raised an eyebrow. What did the word ‘glomp’ mean? Tane replayed the sentence in her head and tried to figure out the definition of the word ‘glomp’ on her own. She must have appeared high on alert when the girl leapt for the other. Allison probably noticed this and thought it made her feel uncomfortable when she saw others hug each other. And since she was talking about not doing what she did, the action that she thought caused Tane’s discomfort, the meaning of ‘glomp’ must be similar to ‘hug’.

    Oh no, Allison. That is not the case,” she gave her a reassuring smile. “I am completely fine with you glomping.

    Now that she had cleared the confusion, Tane grinned, bobbing a bit. This almost caused the boxes in her hands to drop to the ground. If the ‘cheesecake’ was as delicious and filling as it sounded, Tane would not need another meal for a week! Fismuth was a place where the inhabitants did not name their food. There was a meal every four days, and it was the same every time. Therefore, Fismuthians did not bother naming the food. They did not savor it. It was solely meant to keep them alive and kicking, not to please their taste receptor and thus, most taste receptors of Fismuthians have grown dull from the moment they were dragged. Tane’s, however, had not grown dull. In fact, the opposite happened since reaching Earth.

    Another surprise from the redhead. The Prestigious’ hand was grabbed, making her have to hold the boxes with the only free hand. It was hard balancing the two boxes on the palm of her left hand, but in mere seconds, Tane had mastered the art of balancing boxes on a single hand! She began walking, following Allison to where she would take them. It felt a bit awkward as both her hands were occupied which meant that she could not wave at the people who initiated the action. Instead, she smiled at them.


    Anastasia Isayev
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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 9th July 2015, 2:16 pm

    Chapter 3:
    Happy Happy!    Magnolia Romp!

    [[OOC:  Sorry it took me so long to post.  
    In the middle of a holiday, my birthday, stomach illness, and other IRL problems.  
    Should be good now.  So yeah, again, sorry about the lateness.]]

    She wasn't given much time before her hand was grabbed and dragged by the vivacious redhead.  A big smile came across Anastasia's lips as a laugh escaped.  She knew it was all in good fun.  The destination was for something delicious, so she didn't mind at all.  After all, the people she just became acquainted with seem to be nice and fun-loving.  Well, then again, her biggest fault is being too trusting in people.  But then again, not trusting people isn't any fun and leads to others not trusting you; double-edged sword, indeed.

    The three stopped in front of a rather unsettling but inconspicuous building.  She stopped where the other two did and looked towards Allison.  Her finger pointed towards the building for a moment while her other hand held the two boxes tightly (and without crushing the boxes, themselves).  "Um, Allison.  Are you sure this is a restaurant?"  Ana asked inquisitively.  The building didn't look like a place to eat cheesecake or even eat food.  Though, the smells wafting from the building betrays it's exterior appearance.  The smell of sugary confectioneries and baked meats filled the air.  The sugary smell captivated Anastasia while the meats made her nauseous.  One would never see Anastasia eat meat due to...  reasons.

    Turning and taking her hand back from Allison, she turned to look towards Tane for a moment and shrugged her shoulders.  Now she took control, grabbing a hand in each of her hands, she turned her back on the restaurant and started to tug at the other two until the three of them made their way into the restaurant.  Don't bother asking how Anastasia got into the door, we'll just say it was a clever and convenient coincidence that she got in.  Upon making (and forcing the others with her) inside of the restaurant, she stopped for a moment and looked around.  So much blue.  Not that Anastasia was complaining, it was complimentary to her favorite color.  

    While inside, she stopped and looked around, seeing some things that she isn't used to seeing.  Furries.  While she saw some more celestial figures within, she hasn't ever seen furries before.  She noticed some of the furry ears upon the top of their head and she blushed and giggled a bit.  "Oh my gawsh!" she said before absolutely 'girling out' and she turned to look towards Allison and Tane.  A strange look of euphoria could be seen upon Anastasia's face.  The very look of rapture and her brain being flooded with dopamine and endorphines.  She likes things that are just absolutely cute.  The cat-ear-ornament upon her head twitch just slightly as she turned to the other two.

    "So!  Let's get a seat!" she said, completely charged up.  She would act very similarly if she was put into a pen with a bunch of puppies and kittens.  

    [[OOC:  Yeah, I took the wheel.  I hope you don't mind.  The RP's pace was going nowhere until we got to the restaurant, so I decided to drive a bit.  Was given the description of the restaurant by Allison.  Yay for trying to fix the pacing!]]


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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Tess 9th July 2015, 2:31 pm

    Just when Allison had arrived at the restaurant, she had just been about to explain that it looked a lot different on the inside than outside when Anastasia adopted an attitude that the red haired girl usually would have had, grabbing the other two females' hands and dragging them inside of the building. Letting out cheerful peals of laughter, Allison just skipped along and let herself be half-forced through the doors, which Aanastasia some how miraculously opened with all of her hands full. In fact, how was the blonde even holding onto both Tane and Allison, while also balancing the boxes? Tilting her head slowly to the side, the red haired girl was just about to shrug it off when a delicious smell came wafting towards her nose from behind a wall. She resisted the urge to pounce on the nearest patron and rip out their throat-- and it seemed that the waitress, who was bustling towards them, understood the mage's train of thought.

    The waitress was rather tall, and had dark brown hair, although not nearly as dark as Tane's. Allison beamed patiently at the young woman, who gave a slight bow and then escorted them to a nearby booth. There wasn't anyone else nearby, and the red haired girl was smiling happily at the fact that Anastasia seemed to be enjoying herself. Allison was especially grateful that she didn't mind that not everyone was completely human... in fact, most of the patrons weren't human, but since many did have the same tastes, regular food was served along with the option for other kinds. The half-demon glanced at Tane, tilting her head slightly to the left and blinking-- wasn't the black haired girl some sort of angel, or celestial being? Anastasia had said something about how she resembled one, and that seemed to be a true statement, given that a few others in here seemed to have the same glow to their skin.

    Allison shrugged this feeling off too-- she was sure that there would be options for angels or whatnot, if Tane desired. Focusing on the little fold-able menus that the waitress had handed them, Allison scrunched up her face. She had wanted cheesecake, but now... a bowl of vanilla bean ice cream and sauce sounded so good. Then again, the cheesecake might just be better, so eventually Allison ended up brightly saying to the waitress, who was still waiting there quietly, "Umm, blood cheesecake, please! And Anastasia," Allison pointed to the blonde, "Is human. And Tane," the red headed girl pointed to her black haired acquaintance, "Is a celestial type, I think. She'll tell you if it matters!"

    With that, the waitress nodded and then simply turned towards the other two girls, asking in a quiet voice, "And as for you two?" The young woman wasn't sure whether she was supposed to give people with a human-appearance the same menu, but had anyways, and was relieved. However, in her brief moment of relaxation, the glamouring charm that hid her appearance winked out of existence, and a pair of fluffy ears appeared on top of her head. Additionally, her eyes seemed to take on a more cat-like appearance, the pupils becoming vertical slits and the iris turning a more vibrant and neon green.



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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Fair 11th July 2015, 3:13 am

    Tane did not mind the two girls at all. In fact, she was having a lot of fun being around them. They reached a restaurant that did not really resemble other restaurants she had seen before. These people might be different. What if they did not serve normal food? What if...oh no...what if ‘cheesecake’ wasn’t what she expected? The Prestigious shuddered inwardly as she followed the two in. A frown was formed on Tane’s beautiful face, her eyebrows knitting together. Strange creatures occupied the established, humanoids with animal ears and whatnot! Tane’s eyes were so wide with confusion and shock. Where did all these otherworldly beings come from? She had never met one with such features!

    Oh my,” the brunette muttered, barely audible for the other two to hear. Anastasia seemed to enjoy the presence of these creatures. Tane was perfectly fine as well, only surprised to discover their existence. She followed the two, taking a seat at one of the booths, sitting opposite Allison. A waitress arrived at their booth, asking for their orders. Tane honestly did not know what she was supposed to order, now that she realised the difference of the current situation and the one she expected. Allison told the waitress that Anastasia was human and Tane was of the ‘celestial type’. Did that mean she was not human? Paranoia set in and the brunette sat erect, her sense organ picking up anything and everything that seemed to be suspicious activity.

    I am a Prestigious,” Tane told the waitress. Humans liked to call her kind angels, but the truth was, her kind was higher than the angels. They were the Prestigious children and the angels - their workers. That was how it was in Fismuth, anyway. Allison ordered a ‘blood cheesecake’ after much thinking. Then, it was Tane’s and Anastasia’s turn to order. With a smile, the Prestigious said, “I would like a normal cheesecake. Without blood,” she nodded.

    Once Anastasia finished ordering, the waitress would leave the three girls to their private little chat time. Tane watched as Allison’s features changed. This was all gladly satisfying. She was discovering new things, new beings who lived among humans and in disguise so as not to make them scared, thought Tane. “You have beautiful features, both human and those that are not,” Tane giggled. It was true. She loved how Allison’s furry little ears looked so soft and delicate, and her bright green eyes, seemingly luminous.


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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 11th July 2015, 10:34 pm

    Chapter 3:
    Happy Happy!    Magnolia Romp!

    Questions need not be raised on how she balanced 2 boxes, 2-4 hands, a door knob or two.  No.  Everything can be resorted to simply MAGIC.  Yes, pure fricken magic is the answer to all of life's questions, woes, and inconsistencies.  Yes, let us remember that in the future.  It's just like the magic of friendship and of delicious cheesecake, whether it is doused in blood or strawberry syrup.  Yes, don't bother yourself with such petty little things.

    Once the young waitress came around, she removed her hands from Allison's and Tane's and her hand magically appeared around the boxes that probably stayed glued to her back magically.  (Refer to the top paragraph)  Being escorted to a booth was divine.  Normal seats hurt her back and her butt.  Bending at the knees, she placed the boxes down by her feet and stood back up, sliding into the booth, covering herself as she entered the booth.  Looking around, her look of excitement remained.  She was completely high off of dopamine right now to the point that precise and higher-faculty critical thinking was inhibited.  Don't get her wrong, she isn't stupid nor is she amused by the simplest of things.  She's surrounded by things she considers 'cute' being furry people (well, those that exhibit cute animal-like traits anyway and not those with follicle surpluses) so the constant flow of the feel-good chemical was to be expected.

    The cat-ears she was wearing twitched slightly.  These cat-ears were a tool she's working on to help amplify her voice.  The item is currently in the prototype stages right now.  She would have used it earlier if the headset microphone was attached.  But the item, which she would aptly name, the Nyanplifiers required a bit more work and some testing before every day use.  However, Anastasia was stuck in her own private dimension thinking of fluffy and adorable things only to get quickly dragged back to reality by Allison mentioning her name. "Hm?" she turned to look towards Allison for a moment, asking inquisitively, as if jumping into a conversation mid-sentence.  Well, yes, she was human.  She completely didn't catch the part of Allison ordering her cheesecake with blood, so that made what Tane said all the more strange.  Who would eat cheesecake with blood?  That's silly!

    But it came to her turn to order after the beautiful Tane made her order.  Ana turned and looked towards the waitress with a big smile upon her face.  Her face had a large blush just painted across her cheeks.  "I would like cheesecake with blueberry syrup on it.  Oh!  I would like a REALLY large milkshake," she said before raising three fingers.  "With three straws, pleeeeeease," she said in a playful manner; holding out the word please.  

    It was't long that after Ana made her order, she noticed a shifting in appearance on Allison's part.  Anastasia blinked for a moment only to see her turn into a cat-like person.  Sensory over-load-in-progress.  For a moment, Anastasia's head just falls onto the table.  Not a peep was heard from her for a brief moment before she lifted her head back up and wormed her way to the same side of the table as Allison and hugged her, pressing her face up against hers and rubbing her cheek against hers.  Yes, this is the definition of a glomp.  "Oh my GAWSH!  You're so CUTE!!" she shouted with a squeal.  Yes, she's probably the loudest thing in the restaurant, but she didn't care.    


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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Tess 12th July 2015, 4:25 am

    (( Uh. Well guys, I meant that the waitress's appearance had changed, but since I wasn't clear... even though Allison is part canine type demon, rather than feline, I'm sure she would love to be both, especially since she loves cats more. So wai nawt, I'll just roll with it xD ))

    After the waitress left, Allison had decided that she was being a complete lazy, and had let her glamour slip... and apparently, both Tane and Anastasia had noticed, respectively. Tane had simply made a few comments about how Allison's appearance was cute, which the red haired girl appreciated very much, and said so. "Ah? Thank you!" Allison beamed, not embarrassed by the compliment at all. It really wasn't in her nature to become embarrassed, but she did have a tendency to be very emphatic and full of excitement, even when it came to the most boring of things. The red haired mage then blinked and went back to focusing on staring at Tane and Anastasia, since their food hadn't arrived yet, and for some reason their blood smelled so... appetizing. Allison wasn't a cannibal or anything, and therefore the girl had no taste for human flesh, or any for that matter-- she hated meat for the most part-- but nonetheless, there was a certain richness to that crimson giver of life that Allison just...

    Blinking, the girl realized that her canines had inadvertently sharpened, and blinked before beaming brightly at the two other mages, not worried in the slightest that they might find her scary. Allison wouldn't really mind, either way-- so long as the two girls were happy and all right, she was perfectly fine with anything. The redhead did doubt that they would mind, though, and she then noticed that Anastasia had caught sight of her change in appearance. The blonde immediately collapsed onto the table, and Allison blinked, completely startled. By the way Anastasia had been acting previously, the mage had been expecting the other to glomp her... oh, here it was. The singer had somehow squeezed into Allison's seat, even though Tane should have been blocking the exit-- well, considering that Allison had seemingly magical powers when it came to glomping, why couldn't Anastasia have them too, plus a few for getting through doors that required a hand when none were available?

    Giving up on the entire thought process since after all, going with the flow was basically everything Allison did-- the red haired girl simply counter glomped back and tackled Anastasia to the floor. Her squeal hadn't bothered the female mage at all, and instead it just made her eyes sparkle with delight. Then, gently Allison picked up Anastasia, even though the blonde was significantly taller than the other mage, and deposited her carefully over the table, back into her seat on the other side of the table. Then, the red haired female realized that the staff here truly was exceptional-- she could smell her cheesecake, and what was probably Tane's and Anastasia's, from across the room, and her eyes lit up with excitement. Allison handed a napkin to Tane and Anastasia in knowledge of the fact that they wouldn't know what was coming-- perhaps they would have battle-tuned reflexes, but the redhead had found that even this could often not stop what was coming...

    As the waitress moved towards them at a decently quick pace, dodging neatly between others of the restaurant staff, Allison didn't bother to prepare her own napkin to cover her entire dress, and instead just tucked it onto her lap like she did while eating. Perhaps the girl would have on a normal day, but she typically didn't care either way. And then, it happened.

    One of the nearby tables of patrons, a young man and a little girl both tripped the waiter as she passed by their booth, therefore stumbling once again immediately after attempting to regain her footing. However, the young woman's expression was a little bit resigned, as though she had known it was coming-- and so had everyone in the restaurant. Allison decided to explain to Tane and Anastasia before they were hit with flying cheesecake. "They do it basically every day! Anyone who sits in this booth has to be either splattered with their food or--" the girl reached out to snag the plates one by one, moving around with inhuman agility and eventually finishing the process. The waitress gave her a relieved look, probably glad that her failure to catch the food this time hadn't ended up with a huge mess and disappointed customers. Allison actually sat in this booth quite often when she came here-- it was much better than other people being upset, especially since the girl didn't really mind at all.

    Turning towards Tane and Anastasia, Allison presented a plate to each of them with a beaming smile. "It's very delicious, I'm sure! Even without the blood sauce!" The red haired girl turned away, picking up one of the napkin wrapped silverware sets and fishing out a fork possessing the longest tines possible. Taking a ginormous bite of her cheesecake, Allison beamed at the two females, not realizing that some of the... sauce... was smudged at the corners of her lips and on her pointy eye teeth, granting the girl something like a vampiric feline appearance. "How's yours?" she wanted to know, observing the other mages. Allison was really hopeful that they would enjoy the food-- after all, this was one of her absolute favourite places to visit.



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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Fair 13th July 2015, 8:13 am

    It was a relief that they all settled down and were quite calm for a while...only until Anastasia’s head dropped to the table. Eyes widening in shock, Tane stared at the blonde head that was now glued to the table. What has happened!? The brunette was just about to poke the light-haired girl’s head in order to check if everything was alright, when she shot out of her seat towards Allison. Tane retrieved her hand rapidly, hitting her chest. It was another ‘glomp’, this time with Anastasia’s face rubbing against Allison’s. The Prestigious one giggled. These girls never failed to keep her alert system in overdrive.

    Now she was accompanied by two girls with a pair of extra ears each. The blonde one’s ears were not like those of an animal, however, and seemed to be used for a purpose concerning with sound. Tane could hear a soft vibration from the instrument thanks to her sharp receptor. She sat in her seat as the two played around with each other, or that was what she thought they were doing, until Anastasia was back in her seat. Tane waited patiently for their food to arrive. She could see the waitress coming towards them with the food on a platter in her hands. But just as she was about to reach their table, she was tripped. The Prestigious watched with unblinking eyes as the waitress lost balance and the food came flying, towards the three of them!

    Thankfully, Allison was fast enough to catch everything. She placed the food in front of each of them and began to eat, telling them that it must be delicious, even without the blood sauce. Tane nodded, patted the napkin on her lap and took a fork, copying Allison, and delicately dissected the cake into pieces before using the fork to pick up a piece and placing it in her mouth gracefully. The softness of the cake melted against her tongue, the cheese on top making sparks fly in her mouth. Tane placed a hand to her mouth, saying, “Oh my god,” in a hushed whispery tone. It was so good. She could not wait to have more of it, and so she did, finishing the cake faster than she should.

    That was delicious!” Tane exclaimed, although it came out like an excited whisper kind of sound. She cleared her throat then, waiting for the girls to finish their own cheesecakes. Anastasia had ordered a large milkshake with three straws. Tane wondered if they were all going to drink from one huge cup of milkshake. The waitress brought the giant cup filled with the liquid called ‘milkshake’, with three straws as instructed. Tane blinked as she stared at it.


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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 18th July 2015, 8:58 pm

    Chapter 3:
    Happy Happy!    Magnolia Romp!

    [OOC: Yeah, my bad on that one.  I couldn't tell who you were talking about... so right.  Thanks for rolling with it though @.@ /OOC]

    Anastasia could only blink as she was easily handled away from Allison, carried over the table, and gently placed back into her seat.  The squealing and 'fangirl'ing was quickly replaced by amazement and awe.  She was at a lack of words as she realized how easily she was returned to her place at the table.  Numbers, angles, and other calculations ran through her head before her brain said 'nope, not gonna think about how she did that'.  The answer is simple.  

    M A G I C

    Either it was pure magic or monstrous strength.  She hasn't encountered anyone with absolute brutish strength such as that other than her teammate Axos.  According to her, Axos is the strongest person (physically) that she has ever met.  Due to Anastasia's density, she probably ignored someone that could rival her partner's strength or even exceed it easily.  Perhaps that's a perk to being a demon.  While Anastasia was stuck in her little dream-world where she has internal monologue with herself, pondering Allison's actions and other quandries of existence, one of the poor servers decided to launch cheesecake.  Was Anastasia paying any attention?  Nope.

    The story had began.  Explanations that, every day, people who reside in this booth are doused with food and drink.  Whether the actions are determined by fate or if the dice were rigged against those that sit in this booth are unknown.  What Anastasia does know, however, is that with Allison's quick and agile hands, she noticed them catching all of the cheesecakes with their plates in tow.  Her eyes widen at the sight only for her to clap in fanfare of Allison's great act of athleticism.  

    Anastasia was quite amazed.  She became more and more amazed at both of these new people she met so very recently.  All of this because she was forced to sing for a pair of newly weds.  Strange, the moment she joined the Blue Pegasus, friends began to appear on a daily basis.  She didn't have many friends before setting off to grow up.  Regardless of having very little friends, she remained cheerful and happy-go-lucky.  Where does it stem from?  Well, that reason is for another story altogether.  "Wow, not only are you so~~ adorable!  But you are very agile!  And a mind-reader!  It's like you knew that was coming!" she said amazed at the fact that Allison seemed to have taken the spotlight from Tane.

    Tane took a bite from her cheesecake.  While Anastasia was paying attention to Tane, all mention of blood was dismissed yet again.  Yes, you aren't mistakenly reading that Anastasia is a she, even if she has a signature trait of men -- selective hearing.  Something about her reaction piqued at Anastasia's interest.  This caused a foxy grin to creep across her face as she leaned in closer to Tane.  "This is your first time, isn't it?"  The mischievous side of her begins to show.  She leaned in slightly and poked at Tane's cheeks as she chewed on the cheesecake.  "I wonder what else you are inexperienced at, hm?"  Oh yes, she was teasing Tane.  

    "Maybe we'll interrogate you for that later on," she said with a chuckle as she turned to her cheesecake, picked up her spoon, and scooped the tip of the cheesecake and puts it into her mouth.  Her reaction is censored.  This site doesn't support this kind of reaction.  So let's skip ahead, shall we?  Taking a deep breath out, she leans back with a blush over her face.  "Oh, my, gawd!  This cheesecake is so good!" she stated before turning to look towards Tane with a smile.  Perhaps she was mistaken.  The cheesecake was just that good.  Moving her hands up to her face, she slapped her cheeks just a bit to try to return to her normal color.  

    Oh!  That's right!  The milkshake!  She had forgotten about it!  "Oh, that thing?" she said with a little giggle.  We can wait on that afterward."


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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Tess 19th July 2015, 11:03 am

    (( Ah, you're perfectly fine. Sorry for this short post, I'm losing my inspiration after writing 4000 words already today, after getting up a few hours ago xD ))

    Allison blinked at Anastasia's words before breaking out into a cheerful smile, her eyes closing as the corners of her lips turned up. "Thank you!" was all the red haired mage said as she scooted back into the seat, continuing to eat her cheesecake as though nothing had happened. She began to think about exactly what was happening here-- Anastasia was teasing Tane, but about what? Blinking in confusion, the red haired mage simply listened, trying her best to understand the conversation. Her first time... doing what? Visiting a restaurant, or what? Allison also didn't really have the best of hearing at times, especially when she was distracted by something... for example, this delicious blood cheesecake! Tilting her head slowly to the side, the mage continued to eat, ignoring most of the conversation between Tane and Anastasia.

    Typically Allison would have been right in the middle of it all, babbling and beaming, chatting away like the social little girl she was. However, right now the food was simply too exquisite for her attention to be diverted by the current conversation. Allison ignored what everyone was doing until she realized that Anastasia had said something about a milkshake. OH! Dangit, she had ordered one of those, hadn't she? Allison had told the woman that the blonde was a human, but maybe she had ordered it without glancing at the human-specific menu she had been given. The only milkshakes which were sold here in the restaurant contained... well, hopefully Ana wouldn't notice that the taste was different than usual. After all, desserts varied from restaurant to restaurant, and it shouldn't be too bad.

    Beaming, the girl went back to eating, scooping up the last bite and then giving a smile to each of the other girls. Anastasia's milkshake should be coming right about now... aha! This time, the waitress had emerged from the other direction, no doubt attempting to avoid any unnecessary acrobatic tricks attempted while catching flying food. After setting the tall glass down, along with three straws, the waitress nodded her head and left. Apparently the others weren't finished with their food yet, or she probably would have collected the plates-- Allison began to glance over to see how far they had progressed. Unfortunately, her attention was caught by the milkshake, which was creamy vanilla as far as she could tell, through the glass. It was topped with a thin spoon to stir, as well as twisting red swirls of strawberry topping, which seemed to give the smooth surface the appearance of that of a latte, in different colors.

    But unfortunately, the strawberry was not actually strawberry, and Allison wasn't sure whether Anastasia or Tane would appreciate that fact. Therefore, the red haired mage blinked at the two and leaned forward, touching one finger to the spoon. "Anastasia-san, Tane-san! Can I eat the strawberry off of this?" she asked, with a cheerful smile.



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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Fair 21st July 2015, 6:35 am

    It was very hard for Tane to keep up with the events that unfurled before her. Both the girls were aesthetically vivacious while she was silent and passive compared to her companions. Ana had asked her if this was her first time having a cheesecake, as if she already knew it. Tane smiled, saying, “Yes, it is,” with a nod. Her next question made her blink a little. Her cheek was poked as well, to which her body reacted by stiffening subtly. For some reason, she decided not to reply.

    She giggled at Ana’s reaction towards the taste of the cheesecake. The self-harm the blonde did to her cheek caused Tane to stop giggling and instead, widen her eyes as she stared at the cheek that was probably in pain. The only thing she did was stare though, since she did not know how to tend to slapped cheeks. Maybe use ice? But she was not sure, and so she stayed still, fidgeting with her napkin on her lap, where the two girls wouldn’t see. For a moment she turned to her right, observing the others in the restaurant. She noticed another being gawking at her, causing her to abruptly turn back to face Allison.

    Tane had finished her cheesecake, now waiting for the ‘milkshake’ that Ana had ordered. It arrived pretty soon, with a red strawberry on top. She liked strawberries, one of the fruits she enjoyed having in her stomach. But this one looked somewhat off. She shook off the (probably mistaken) observation and leaned in to the center of the table when Allison asked if she could have the strawberry. Tane tilted her head so she could see the redhead’s face, which was covered by the tall glassware before.

    I am fine with that,” she smiled, tilting her head back and giving Ana a side glance as though she was asking her if she should start consuming the liquid, since the blonde was the one who had ordered it in the first place. She did not want to be a disrespectful person by doing such a thing as having someone else’s order first.


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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 22nd July 2015, 2:47 pm

    Chapter 3:
    Happy Happy!    Magnolia Romp!

    ~Tempus Edax Rerum~
    Time, The Devourer All Things

    The best things in life were ephemeral; love, dreams, friends, and even this cheesecake were testaments of this fact.  It's sad that the potential to never ever meet these two again crossed Anastasia's mind.  The fact that this might never ever happen again is saddening, and what is worse is that this memory would eventually fade from the minds of everyone in attendance.  While the existence of all actors involved and the events are stamped within this small portion of time, the very fact that nobody will remember this many years from now and that the three may go their own separate ways after this frightens Anastasia.  The feeling of loss terrifies her, even if she doesn't outright show sadness or terror.

    How could she?  Her expressions were completely censored out with each taste of the cheesecake.  Upon finishing the final bite, she placed the fork she used upon the plate, licking her lips for a moment.  Yes, the flavor of the cheesecake was that good coupled with the lack of eating junk-food for a while made the flavor that much more intense.  Noticing her actions, she paused for a moment and pulled her tongue back into her mouth abruptly.  She didn't want to give anyone the wrong idea about her.  It was, after all, just cheesecake she was fawning over at the moment and nothing else.    

    Using the awkwardness of the situation, she turned to look towards Tane for a brief moment and tease her.  But before she had the time to do that, the big ass milkshake arrived, being placed in the middle of the table.  It came in a large glass goblet big enough for the three of them to probably not be able to realistically finish, unless someone has a godly appetite like this was a comedic anime.  The milkshake looked delicious, causing her mouth to water.  Everything from the texture, to it's smell, to it's beautiful colors and the swirling deliciousness just kicked her salivary glands into overdrive.  Anastasia did what she could to keep herself from flooding the table in her own oral fluids.

    Her attention was grabbed the moment Allison asked about the cherry (or what appeared to be a cherry).  Regardless of what it was, it didn't bother her.  Whether it was an eyeball or some strange creepy-crawly that she had never heard of before, the fact that she remained ignorant was probably for the best.  She nodded to Allison, giving her permission to eat the thing on crowning the delicious sugary beverage.  Clapping her hands together once, she moved her hands to the side of her face and with a delightful smile upon her face.

    "Dig in, ladies," she said calmly allowing them to enjoy their fill of the milkshake.  While she does, indeed, enjoy the taste of milkshakes, she enjoys Tane's and Allison's company far more than she enjoys the drink.  Anastasia is a very lonely person, having had very little in terms of friendship outside of her family and very small group of childhood friends.  So getting to know new people like Tane, Allison, Axos, and Dante was invigorating for her and recharged her love for humanity.  A bright smile came across her face as she reflected on how good her life has become since joining the Pegasus.  

    Though, she may clip her wings at some time.  She didn't feel welcome with the Pegasus.  Perhaps changing guilds may be in order.  It's not that they were 'hardcore', no.  They didn't take the effort to know who she was or what she was capable of.  They didn't nourish her abilities nor did they even care to introduce who they were.  They didn't trust her or any of the new members of the guild, so how could she have any trust in them?  The guild couldn't be bothered to say hello to them, having shown their own way in.  She was contemplating entering the void and becoming a free-agent, but she is torn that her leaving the guild may be seen as betrayal and a traitor is the last thing she would want to be seen as.  Though, she is extremely loyal to those that deserve loyalty.

    Loyalty and respect are earned....
    Not automatically given..
    And the Pegasus had earned neither.

    Pushing aside those thoughts of betrayal, she takes one of the straws and begins to draw in some of the thick liquid into her mouth. While delicious, something about this milkshake was off. This caused Anastasia to smack her lips together afterwards, sampling the after-taste. She takes another sip with an inquisitive look on her face. She couldn't pin down what's so weird with the milkshake. Turning her head to look towards Tane and then Allison for a moment, hoping that one of them might have the answer, she licked her lips for a moment and spoke.

    "Is this milkshake made from goat's milk or something?"


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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 12th August 2015, 4:58 pm

    Chapter 3:
    Happy Happy!    Magnolia Romp!

    A voice reached her head, a familiar voice.  The girl let out an audible squeal before realizing what she just did.  Clearing her throat and looking around slightly embarrassed, she reaches into her pockets and pulled out enough money to cover for everyone.  She slammed the money on the table.  Turning to look towards Tane and Allison, Anastasia smiled and waved at the two.

    "I'm sorry I gotta bail, but I completely forgot that I'm expecting company today.  We should meet up again, sometime!  I usually come here once a month because, why not, you know.  So if you guys wanna meet up again, I'll be here the same time next month!"  she said as she slid out of the chair and bowed to Allison.  "Again, thank you for the beautiful clothes!  I'll miss you two until we meet again!" she said in her hyper-peppy manner before zipping out of the restaurant and back towards her guild hall.  

    After a brief moment, Anastasia returned to the restaurant in a calm and composed manner.  She cleared her throat before grabbing the two boxes gifted to her.  "Woops, I wouldn't want to leave these behind.  But for reals though." With that said, she left for real this time in an equally cartoon-ish manner.  

    [Topic Left.  Sorry guys, but I really oughta start clearing out my posts :/ people keep going inactive on me]


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    Public Re: Out Shopping!

    Post by Tess 13th August 2015, 12:00 pm

    Allison blinked in confusion as Anastasia explained the situation.  Once she had somewhat of an understanding of the situation, the red haired girl's expression switched immediately to a cheerful smile.  "Okay, Anastasia-san!  Sorry that you have to go-- actually, I need to go someplace too!  I'll see you later-- ?"  Just as the girl was calling a farewell to the blonde, who was just passing through the doorway, a moment later she came back inside.  Noting the sheepish expression on her face, Allison was just about to ask what the matter was when the girl carefully picked up the two boxes that the redheaded mage had gifted her.

    Smiling, Allison once again bid Anastasia farewell before turning to Tane.  "Bye, Tane-san!  I'll see you later!  It was glad getting to meet you two-- uh, you might see me around!"  And with that, the red haired girl skipped out of the restaurant, headed vaguely in the direction of the Train Station.  Thankfully Anastasia had reminded her that she had an appointment with a client sometime soon... maybe five minutes?  The job was important, she remembered.  Shrugging to herself, Allison beamed brightly up into the sun as she bounded towards another adventure.


    (( It's alright. Sorry Ana, I just got back from my absence and I understand that I messed up everyone who I was in threads with. ))



    Out Shopping! PXRL2Kd

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 5:11 pm