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    Minako's Magic

    Minako Sakurako
    Minako Sakurako

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    Minako's Magic Empty Minako's Magic

    Post by Minako Sakurako 14th August 2013, 7:31 am

    Primary Magic: Take Over: Aqua Soul
    Secondary Magic: None yet
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Take Over: Aqua Soul is a magic that is used to take over forms of creatures that live in the water, with habitats as lakes, seas, oceans, etc... You don't need to see or touch the creature to take over, but you do have to know what you are taking over. This makes it possible to take over creatures that are extremely rare or not even proved to exist. Of course a stronger form will mean more magic energy and take over points used, and if the mage is to inexperienced to take over that form the take over will take the caster over and not the way around. This will result in the caster attacking everything it meets. Spells in take over are usually either water or physical element.
    Strengths: Varying forms to take over. Both full and partial. Is very dangerous when used in the deep waters. Multiple Partial Take Overs can be used on different places on the body.
    Weaknesses: Most forms are weaker or harder to use on land. full take overs are harder to do then partial. Switching has a cooldown at lower ranks: D=3 posts, C=2 posts, B=1 post. This is the rank of the mage, not the spell. A creature that does not live in or close to water cannot be taken over.

    -when in a certain form she will be stronger, faster, or more durable, etc... Each forms spell app will give more details about what applies for that form. Most forms favor water, and gain better advantages when used in water that's deep enough. Other advantages might also be the case.

    -switch: the ability to switch between two forms: there is a cooldown on this in lower ranks it is:  D=3 posts, C=2 posts, B=1 post. It is possible to go back to human form in that time, but it won't become possible to change back into something before the cooldown ends. This ability on it's own does not consume any magic power or Take Over Energy, but the take over itself will.

    -water breathing: While not every Take Over can breath underwater, most can stay underwater longer then a normal human can. Basically this can give the caster a short time water breathing on it's own. (Only if the head is changed for partial take over)

    Name:Partial Take Over: Pictus cat head
    Rank:  D
    Type: Partial Take Over
    Description: The user changes their head into that of a pictus cat, a small fish. It can't really fight, but it does grant the user some other abilities. The head size doesn't change.
    Strengths: Ability to breath underwater.
    Weaknesses: Very weak and fragile, not suited for combat. Can barely move on land.
    Duration/Cooldowns Sustained, max duration 5 posts, 3 post cooldown

    passive ability:

    active ability:

    Name: Partial Take Over: Anglerfish head
    Rank: D
    Type: Partial Take Over
    Description: This spell turns the casters head into that of an Anglerfish. As long as the user has it, they can breath underwater.
    Once the user activates this ability the lure on the end of the head will give light, which will illuminate dark places.
    Strengths: Good for exploring in deep dark waters, or caves.
    Weaknesses: Not so well for combat.
    Duration/Cooldowns Sustained: 4 post max Cooldown 4posts

    passive ability:

    active ability:

    Name: Partial Take Over: Lobster arms
    Rank:  D
    Type: Partial Take Over
    Description: turns one of the arms (or both) of the user in lobster front claws. These can cause light damage such as small bruises or small cuts.
    Strengths: The claws can cut small ropes. They also becomes slightly stronger and more durable in comparison with human hands.
    Weaknesses: It is impossible or hard to grab something with it. Most normal things break if tried. hard strong things may be possible but hard as it can easily fall. The range is also very short.
    Duration/Cooldowns sustained, max 4 post duration, 4 post cooldown.

    passive ability:

    active ability:

    Name: Partial Take Over: Dolphin tail
    Rank: D
    Type: Partial Take Over
    Description: turns the feet and legs of the caster into a dolphin tail.
    Strengths: You can swim underwater faster then normal humans could.
    Weaknesses: It's not really practical to use on land.
    Duration/Cooldowns sustained, max 3 posts cooldown 3 posts

    passive ability:

    active ability:

    Last edited by Minako Sakurako on 22nd August 2013, 7:20 am; edited 11 times in total
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Minako's Magic Empty Re: Minako's Magic

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 15th August 2013, 9:41 am

    Minako Sakurako wrote:Primary Magic: Take Over: Aqua Soul
    Secondary Magic: None yet
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Take Over: Aqua Soul is a magic that is used to take over forms of creatures that live in the water, with habitats as lakes, seas, oceans, etc... You don't need to see or touch the creature to take over, but you do have to know what you are taking over. This makes it possible to take over creatures that are extremely rare or not even proved to exist. Of course a stronger form will mean more magic energy and take over points used, and if the mage is to inexperienced to take over that form the take over will take the caster over and not the way around. This will result in the caster attacking everything it meets. Spells in take over are usually either water or physical element.
    Strengths: Varying forms to take over. Both full and partial. Is very dangerous when used in the deep waters.
    Weaknesses: Most forms are weaker or harder to use on land. full take overs are harder to do then partial. Switching has a cooldown at lower ranks: D=3 posts, C=2 posts, B=1 post. This is the rank of the mage, not the spell. A creature that does not live in or close to water cannot be taken over.

    -when in a certain form she will be stronger, faster, or more durable, etc... Each forms spell app will give more details about what applies for that form. Most forms favor water, and gain better advantages when used in water that's deep enough. Other advantages might also be the case.

    -switch: the ability to switch between two forms: there is a cooldown on this in lower ranks it is:  D=3 posts, C=2 posts, B=1 post. It is possible to go back to human form in that time, but it won't become possible to change back into something before the cooldown ends. This ability on it's own does not consume any magic power or Take Over Energy, but the take over itself will.

    Name: Full body Take Over: Fish Soul
    Rank:  D
    Type: Take Over
    Description: The user changes into a fish, this fish cannot have any kind of weapon including sharp teeth, razor fins or anything. It also as big as your average river fish. It's colors have to be like a fish the caster knows.
    Strengths: very fast movement underwater, ability to breath underwater.
    Weaknesses: Very weak and fragile, not suited for combat. Can barely move on land.
    Duration/Cooldowns Sustained, max duration 5 posts, 3 post cooldown

    Name: Air Bubble
    Rank:  D
    Type: Water
    Description: Full body Take Over: Fish Soul has to be active to activate this spell. The user creates a bubble from their mouth. Other people can put this on their head to have some air for the duration of the post. This way they can breath underwater for a short while.
    Strengths: giving another the ability to breath underwater.
    Weaknesses: Only can affect one person. The bubble breaks if attacked by anything, possibly drowning the person.
    Duration/Cooldowns 3 posts duration, 4 post cooldown

    Name: Partial Take Over: Lobster arms
    Rank:  D
    Type: Take Over
    Description: turns one of the arms (or both) of the user in lobster front claws. These can cause light damage such as small bruises or small cuts.
    Strengths: The claws can cut small ropes. They also becomes slightly stronger and more durable.
    Weaknesses: It is impossible or hard to grab something with it. Most normal things break if tried. hard strong things may be possible but hard as it can easily fall. The range is also very short.
    Duration/Cooldowns sustained, max 4 post duration, 4 post cooldown.

    Name: Claw Shot
    Rank: D
    Type: Physical
    Description: Partial take over: Lobster arms or it's full form are required to cast this spell. It fires a missile in the shape of the lobster claws at the opponent. they are exactly as big as those claws and deal the same damage.
    Strengths: further range then a normal attack in lobster form.
    Weaknesses: one time shot, goes in cooldown directly after fired and is the only ranged attack in those forms.
    Duration/Cooldowns instant/3 posts

    Before I begin reviewing this I think it is only fair to let you know that if you wish each takeover can have a passive ability and an active ability. So an ability that is always active(such as breathing underwater) when you using that takeover and spell, like your air bubble, that can only be used when the takeover is active, but has its own cooldowns and stuff.

    So you could actually have your air bubble as your fish soul's active ability and claw shot as your lobster form. This would allow you two more takeovers.

    However, it is up to you.


    Minako's Magic Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Minako's Magic Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Minako's Magic Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)
    Minako Sakurako
    Minako Sakurako

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Minako's Magic Empty Re: Minako's Magic

    Post by Minako Sakurako 16th August 2013, 9:12 am

    thanks and bump
    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

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    Minako's Magic Empty Re: Minako's Magic

    Post by King Zenshin 17th August 2013, 11:28 am

    Minako Sakurako wrote:Primary Magic: Take Over: Aqua Soul
    Secondary Magic: None yet
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Take Over: Aqua Soul is a magic that is used to take over forms of creatures that live in the water, with habitats as lakes, seas, oceans, etc... You don't need to see or touch the creature to take over, but you do have to know what you are taking over. This makes it possible to take over creatures that are extremely rare or not even proved to exist. Of course a stronger form will mean more magic energy and take over points used, and if the mage is to inexperienced to take over that form the take over will take the caster over and not the way around. This will result in the caster attacking everything it meets. Spells in take over are usually either water or physical element.
    Strengths: Varying forms to take over. Both full and partial. Is very dangerous when used in the deep waters.
    Weaknesses: Most forms are weaker or harder to use on land. full take overs are harder to do then partial. Switching has a cooldown at lower ranks: D=3 posts, C=2 posts, B=1 post. This is the rank of the mage, not the spell. A creature that does not live in or close to water cannot be taken over.

    -when in a certain form she will be stronger, faster, or more durable, etc... Each forms spell app will give more details about what applies for that form. Most forms favor water, and gain better advantages when used in water that's deep enough. Other advantages might also be the case.

    -switch: the ability to switch between two forms: there is a cooldown on this in lower ranks it is:  D=3 posts, C=2 posts, B=1 post. It is possible to go back to human form in that time, but it won't become possible to change back into something before the cooldown ends. This ability on it's own does not consume any magic power or Take Over Energy, but the take over itself will.

    Name: Full Body Take Over: Fish Soul
    Rank:  D
    Type: Full Body Take Over
    Description: The user changes into a fish, this fish cannot have any kind of weapon including sharp teeth, razor fins or anything. It also as big as your average river fish. It's colors have to be like a fish the caster knows.
    Air Bubble: The user creates a bubble from their mouth. Other people can put this on their head to have some air for the duration of the post. This way they can breath underwater for a short while.The bubble will break if hit by any kind of attack. duration 3post, cooldown 4 posts.
    Strengths: very fast movement underwater, ability to breath underwater.
    Weaknesses: Very weak and fragile, not suited for combat. Can barely move on land.
    Duration/Cooldowns Sustained, max duration 5 posts, 3 post cooldown

    Name: Partial Take Over: Anglerfish head
    Rank: D
    Type: Partial Take Over
    Description: This spell turns the casters head into that of an Anglerfish. As long as the user has it, they can breath underwater.
    Light Source: Once the user activates this ability the lure on the end of the head will give light, which will illuminate dark places. Duration 3 post 4 cooldown.
    Strengths: Good for exploring in deep dark waters, or caves.
    Weaknesses: Not so well for combat.
    Duration/Cooldowns Sustained: 4 post max Cooldown 4posts

    Name: Partial Take Over: Lobster arms
    Rank:  D
    Type: Partial Take Over
    Description: turns one of the arms (or both) of the user in lobster front claws. These can cause light damage such as small bruises or small cuts.
    Claw Shot: It fires a missile in the shape of the lobster claws at the opponent. they are exactly as big as those claws and deal the same damage. instant, 3 posts cooldown.
    Strengths: The claws can cut small ropes. They also becomes slightly stronger and more durable.
    Weaknesses: It is impossible or hard to grab something with it. Most normal things break if tried. hard strong things may be possible but hard as it can easily fall. The range is also very short.
    Duration/Cooldowns sustained, max 4 post duration, 4 post cooldown.

    Name: Full Body Take Over: Lobster Soul
    Rank: D
    Type: Full Body Take Over: Lobster Soul
    Description: This spell turns the entire user into that of a lobster, their skin get full of scale and the arms get strong claws. The user becomes stronger and more durable, but moves slower on to walk on the land as the user also becomes heavier. the user does not slow down in if they are swimming in water. Minako does not yet knows how to control this form. Perhaps in the future...?
    Claw Shot: It fires a missile in the shape of the lobster claws at the opponent. they are exactly as big as those claws and deal the same damage. instant, 3 posts cooldown
    Strengths: stronger skin, hit harder with claws. Can breath underwater.
    Weaknesses: Slower on the land.
    Duration/Cooldowns 4 post duration, 5 cooldown.
    I'll take over (pun intended), before I start checking the app, though, you should know. As a D-Rank mage, you cannot have full body takeover. Also, you must treat your active spell and passive as actual spells, with the proper template. Please bump when edited and good luck~


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    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
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    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019
    Minako Sakurako
    Minako Sakurako

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Minako's Magic Empty Re: Minako's Magic

    Post by Minako Sakurako 22nd August 2013, 2:11 am

    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Minako's Magic Empty Re: Minako's Magic

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 22nd August 2013, 6:53 am

    Minako Sakurako wrote:Primary Magic: Take Over: Aqua Soul
    Secondary Magic: None yet
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Take Over: Aqua Soul is a magic that is used to take over forms of creatures that live in the water, with habitats as lakes, seas, oceans, etc... You don't need to see or touch the creature to take over, but you do have to know what you are taking over. This makes it possible to take over creatures that are extremely rare or not even proved to exist. Of course a stronger form will mean more magic energy and take over points used, and if the mage is to inexperienced to take over that form the take over will take the caster over and not the way around. This will result in the caster attacking everything it meets. Spells in take over are usually either water or physical element.
    Strengths: Varying forms to take over. Both full and partial. Is very dangerous when used in the deep waters. Multiple Partial Take Overs can be used on different places on the body.
    Weaknesses: Most forms are weaker or harder to use on land. full take overs are harder to do then partial. Switching has a cooldown at lower ranks: D=3 posts, C=2 posts, B=1 post. This is the rank of the mage, not the spell. A creature that does not live in or close to water cannot be taken over.

    -when in a certain form she will be stronger, faster, or more durable, etc... Each forms spell app will give more details about what applies for that form. Most forms favor water, and gain better advantages when used in water that's deep enough. Other advantages might also be the case.

    -switch: the ability to switch between two forms: there is a cooldown on this in lower ranks it is:  D=3 posts, C=2 posts, B=1 post. It is possible to go back to human form in that time, but it won't become possible to change back into something before the cooldown ends. This ability on it's own does not consume any magic power or Take Over Energy, but the take over itself will.

    -water breathing: While not every Take Over can breath underwater, most can stay underwater longer then a normal human can. Basically this can give the caster a short time water breathing on it's own. (Only if the head is changed for partial take over)

    Name:Partial Take Over: Pictus cat head
    Rank:  D
    Type: Partial Take Over
    Description: The user changes their head into that of a pictus cat, a small fish. It can't really fight, but it does grant the user some other abilities. The head size doesn't change.
    Strengths: Ability to breath underwater.
    Weaknesses: Very weak and fragile, not suited for combat. Can barely move on land.
    Duration/Cooldowns Sustained, max duration 5 posts, 3 post cooldown

    passive ability:

    active ability:

    Name: Partial Take Over: Anglerfish head
    Rank: D
    Type: Partial Take Over
    Description: This spell turns the casters head into that of an Anglerfish. As long as the user has it, they can breath underwater.
    Once the user activates this ability the lure on the end of the head will give light, which will illuminate dark places.
    Strengths: Good for exploring in deep dark waters, or caves.
    Weaknesses: Not so well for combat.
    Duration/Cooldowns Sustained: 4 post max Cooldown 4posts

    passive ability:

    active ability:

    Name: Partial Take Over: Lobster arms
    Rank:  D
    Type: Partial Take Over
    Description: turns one of the arms (or both) of the user in lobster front claws. These can cause light damage such as small bruises or small cuts.
    Strengths: The claws can cut small ropes. They also becomes slightly stronger and more durable in comparison with human hands.
    Weaknesses: It is impossible or hard to grab something with it. Most normal things break if tried. hard strong things may be possible but hard as it can easily fall. The range is also very short.
    Duration/Cooldowns sustained, max 4 post duration, 4 post cooldown.

    passive ability:

    active ability:

    Name: Partial Take Over: Dolphin tail
    Rank: D
    Type: Partial Take Over
    Description: turns the feet and legs of the caster into a dolphin tail.
    Strengths: You can swim underwater faster then normal humans could.
    Weaknesses: It's not really practical to use on land.
    Duration/Cooldowns sustained, max 3 posts cooldown 3 posts

    passive ability:

    active ability:

    Just one comment really on your lobster one. Also, before I approve this i'd like you to make sure you don't want to add any other strengths to your spells. If you don't then let me know.


    Minako's Magic Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Minako's Magic Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Minako's Magic Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)
    Minako Sakurako
    Minako Sakurako

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Minako's Magic Empty Re: Minako's Magic

    Post by Minako Sakurako 22nd August 2013, 7:10 am

    bump, and yes it's good like this.
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
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    Minako's Magic Empty Re: Minako's Magic

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 22nd August 2013, 7:20 am

    Minako's Magic GhqjI28


    Minako's Magic Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Minako's Magic Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Minako's Magic Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

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