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    Catch and Release

    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 779
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,075,256

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Catch and Release Empty Catch and Release

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 20th March 2020, 4:55 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Catch and Release RJtajUnz_o

    This wasn’t usually the type of job that Vandrad went for. Hide and seek was hardly in his interests and locating a relic that hadn’t been seen in hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years sounded even more time consuming. If there had been any other option, he would have gone for it. But alas, the job board had been scarce in its posts that required actual effort. A lot of them were simply handling small, daily tasks that hardly provided a test for his abilities. And Vandrad still very much wanted to push his limits beyond where they had been.

    Mercury had been the muse for a newer, more powerful transformation – though that was out of being an absolute terror than altruism. And during his time in the alternate joke dimension with Patty, she had used her secondary magic to push him to a plane he had never even imagined. She called it ‘Arc of Time’ and with it, she was able to grant him a temporary glimpse at what he could very well become. It was exhilarating and he knew that to get to that place, he had to start with what he had already achieved and lost the ability to touch upon. He hadn’t come up with a proper name for the crimson form that he’d reached in his fury but he would at some point. He just needed to assume it once more.

    This job probably wasn’t going to provide an opportunity for that but it would, at the very least, keep him active outside the training hall at Fairy Tail. And it brought him somewhere new to explore. An unnamed mountainous region that was thick in its humidity and its dense jungle surroundings. Supposedly the last location of the relic was somewhere in the ruins that lay near the peak of the mountaintop. While it arguably would have been easier to simply fly to the location, Vandrad was feeling oddly sentimental today. Being in the area reminded him of his time in the Bellum army and the number of times they had to slough through similar terrain. It was some of the hardest exercise he had ever experienced and therefore, deciding to lean right into the nostalgia train, he had decided to backpack his way up.

    He’d even dressed down for the occasion. Rather than sporting the combat armor and jumpsuit he usually could be found in, he had opted for his regular training outfit. A black tight tank top clung to his torso, matched by the black shorts that covered his lower half. Gone were the white gloves and boots and instead, he had opted for jet black mountaineer boots. Dressed for the occasion, he had packed himself a suitable pack and begun his trek up the slope. He’d spent a good portion of the day freeclimbing his way up; bounding up the hill and performing great feats of acrobatics on tree limbs as he went. But evening had come quicker than expected and the Prince of Bellum had only made it perhaps halfway up the mountainside before he decided it was best to set up camp.

    So there he was, sitting by a sizable fire, with a roast hanging over the fire along with an iron pot full of mixed vegetables. Unknown to most people – as he didn’t go around and brag about it – was just how well Vandrad knew how to cook. An odd thing for a royal to partake in, given their upbringing no doubt. But the Prince had always found a calming place when he cooked for himself. The rest of his time was often involved in training and honing his magic; preparing meals was almost like his detox for the rest of his day. It was still several minutes before anything was ready so the man was standing just outside the perimeter of the firepit, practicing several different martial arts strikes on a tree trunk.

    Words: 654 | Tag: @Fraag | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
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    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Fraag 23rd March 2020, 3:12 pm

    Being the sort of person that Beira was, always fascinated by old, dust-gathering things that were better left in the darkness of vaults so secret that they would never see the light of day, the young God Slayer was quite fascinated to hear of a strange item which had spun tales of wonder and woe, to the point of being rather preposterous. But she knew, as did the wise, that stories with repeating motifs stemmed from a communal trunk, and probably were based in reality of some sort. Whatever the reality of the artifact which had caught the young Utgardian's attention, it had been something to leave a sufficiently delicious trail for Beira to greedily follow, and after weeks of careful research and planning, the trail had led her to the foot of a stately mountain, whose peak was rumored to hold the ruins of a long dead city.

    What had sicced Beira on the trail of this amulet like a wolf on a blood trail was the ranting of some drunk fellow in a bar on the lower, more hospitable region of Mount Hakobe's base. He had mentioned that he had been hired by a rather rich fellow, intrepid adventurer that he was, to seek the resting place of an ancient bracelet which housed incredible power. The Utgardian had been little desirous to follow the line of thought of the rantings of a drunk, until the man had mentioned that the ancient relic had come from a civilization which had worshiped some long-departed creatures called the Ancients. The Old Ones. Truly, it could just have been a coincidence that Beira was affiliated to the inscrutable, but much less than benign, creatures called the Old Ones, and "Old One" and "Ancient" in Fiorean sounded rather similar. Then again, having nothing pressing on her hands to do, the God Slayer had decided to get on the item's trail, especially when she discovered that the intrepid adventurer had left the item in its resting place.

    Getting information out of him was too easy. After buying him a drink and being nice, she coaxed everything she needed to know from the inebriated man, and a lot of unnecessary details. From there, she began tying loose ends together, joining pieces, and seeking more information. It helped to have access to all the books belonging to an entire guild, as well as a very untrustworthy spectral library somewhere in her own personal dimension, and soon, her quest of information had directed her in steps to the foot of the mountain where she currently stood. The end of her journey was upon her, but it was here that the real adventure began. For if in truth, an adventurer had quested here and failed to retrieve the item, there would be definitely resistance along the way. She took a deep breath, and began the climb.

    Aside the thick boots that Utgardians preferred to wear, and her traveling cloak, nothing about the young woman climbing the mountain suggested that she was well-prepared for the task of mountain-climbing, talk less of engaging in a perilous task of retrieving an ancient and well-guarded secret from the resting place in which it slumbered. Still, neither the rough terrain of the mountain's contour, nor the temperature seemed to bother her in the slightest, as she made her way up the range at a casual, unhurried pace. She wasn't in a hurry; whatever guarded the relic would most likely require all her faculties, and she was not keen on wasting energy rushing up the mountain when nothing existed to suggest that time was her enemy, though it never had been her friend.

    As Beira traveled, she first caught the scent of smoke and of meat cooking. A human. Or some other sentient. What, she wondered, was such a person doing here? Silently, she moved into a patch of trees, following her nose to the source of the smell. In time, she soundlessly came upon a clearing, with a large metal pot, and an animal carcass over a merry fire. At the edge of the clearing was a short, stocky figure, punching and kicking a tree. The form was familiar. Beira found herself smiling slightly, in spite of herself, though she was also quick to warn herself that even though she had met this fellow without fangs bared some time back in Rose Garden, it didn't give any assurance that he would not be hostile, and as such dangerous. Still, it was good Utgardian manners to never offer a preemptive attack unless you were fully convinced of the enmity of your subject.

    "Isn't it too one-sided to keep beating that tree trunk so, seeing as it's not going to return violence?" the God Slayer inquired calmly, leaning against the stem of another tree as she watched him with amused curiosity. "But please, do go on. Don't let me be a distraction."

    WC: 817 words
    Total: 1471/...


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 779
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,075,256

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 23rd March 2020, 5:29 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Catch and Release RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad certainly didn’t wish to simply keep beating on a tree. If he had his way, he would have someone else there training with him. If he’d thought of it, he may have asked Mercury to come along so he would, at the very least, have someone willing to spar with him. But as she had been busy with her own jobs and focuses, the trunk was left the unfortunate target of the Prince’s attacks. He made sure to manage his strength; simply cracking the bark and knocking pieces away with each kick, punch or otherwise. He didn’t want to be breaking down the woods anymore than he already had. Plus wanton destruction tended to attract the wrong curiosities.

    He couldn’t quite feel them at this range but he knew there were presences up upon the mountain that bode a danger to him. He’d heard plenty of tales about the monsters that roamed the plains at night but scarier still were the stories about the ones that kept to the forests and jungles. Still, the level of ‘danger’ didn’t seem any scarier than others he had come up against and crushed. Then again, his particular magic granted him the additional ability to injure creatures that would be otherwise impervious. Should he happen upon and ghouls or spirits that had tormented wayward adventurers in the past, they would be sullenly surprised when the Prince of Bellum’s hand wrapped around their throat.

    He had sensed someone approaching his camp but they moved slowly that he couldn’t quite identify if they were friend or enemy. Instead he played coy and continued to practice, giving the appearance that he was unaware of any intruder. If they attacked, he would be ready to counter it instantly. But they paused just outside the perimeter of his camp – perhaps they were planning a means and direction of surprising him?

    Instead, he was treated to the sound of a familiar voice. Vandrad’s head came around to look over his shoulder, finding his former date, Beira, lounging against a tree trunk. She had commented about his attacking the poor innocent tree that couldn’t even fight back against him. Yet she insisted that he continue and not allow her to take his attention away from the task at hand. "Tsk,” he scoffed aloud, even as he took another swing at the tree and planted a knife hand against the smooth under-bark. "If you didn’t mean to distract me, you wouldn’t have bothered to speak up in the first place. Then again, you did approach my camp with an impressive amount of skill – someone who hadn’t taken part in the military and trained in tracking may have been outdone by your stealth.”

    He chuckled softly to himself as he turned to face her, crossing his arms over his chest. "I’d ask if you were following me but I’m almost entirely sure I would have picked up on that sooner.” He wasn’t faithfully sure that his skill in detection outclassed hers in stealth but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t take the opportunity to bluff, if only to test his wit against hers once more. She had proven quite the thinking opponent the last time they had met, having been forced together as dates to a wedding. Though truly, before they could even attend the namesake event, she had been flustered by a heinous dance floor and fled, leaving him stag. He met her gaze evenly before he sighed and gestured to the camp. "Well if you’re here anyways, you might as well sit down. Or hover by the shadows – choice is yours.” With that, he walked away from the trunk he had been woefully abusing and sat down on the log he had set up near the campfire.

    Words: 626/1280 | Tag: @Fraag | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Fraag 24th March 2020, 3:39 pm

    As Beira had expected, Vandrad's response to her appearance appeared offhanded and dismissive. And yet, he didn't throw any particularly sharp barbs her way, which meant, or at least suggested, that he was, to some extent, favorably disposed towards her. That, in Beira's opinion, was a good thing; she would rather have friends than enemies, not because she loved unicorns and wanted all people of every race, clime and tongue to hold hands and chant "peace is the way", as they waddled around some large bonfire releasing psychedelic fumes or some similar shit. She wanted more friends... or maybe 'allies' was the more appropriate word, for she knew she had a lot of enemies, and could only hope that many of them were dead. It was already bad enough that she did not know exactly how many enemies she had, and she could not even say she knew precisely who, or what, her enemies were. She knew what they were called, and that they possessed great technologies, or witchcrafts, whichever one chose to call such. Aside those sketchy rags of information, Beira realized with a lot of misgiving that she knew next to nothing about the Old Ones. It would be most foolish for someone with unknown, and potentially numerous foes, to antagonize everyone they came across.

    The fact that Vandrad had actually delivered a backhanded compliment on Beira's proficiency at stealth was not missed by the young God Slayer. "I'm glad to see there's something you find commendable about me," she replied, allowing a small smile to spread across her face. "I'm sure if you tried, you'd be quite the charmer for the ladies, wouldn't you?" Still, his compliment had pleased her, for she was vain enough to like hearing good things being said about herself, though she was wise enough to be wary of flattery. His comment about almost mistaking her for stalking him was met with laughter. "Where I come from, it's not very mannerly for an unmarried lass to follow an unrelated male. It makes her appear... desperate... in an uncomely fashion. I have no idea whether that holds true with Fiorean traditions, though. In any case, seeing as you didn't come here to wait for me, then our meeting is purely coincidental, and one I'm not in the least sorry about, at least as far as company is concerned." Despite his apparent brusqueness, Beira suspected Vandrad would make a very good discussion partner, once he was interested in the subject to be talked about. For some reason, at the very moment, she was feeling slightly more garrulous than she often was.

    Vandrad's invitation to sit was accepted silently but not unwillingly, and Beira immediately took stock of where she could sit. The first and most plausible option was the log on which Vandrad had seated himself. It looked clean enough, even for someone with her desire to maintain sanitary conditions in as many cases as she could control them. There was a mossy rock, which Beira turned up her nose at; she was most certainly not going to sit on the bare moss, and the crushed plant matter would stain her cloak, if she were to spread it over the rock. The next option was the ground. Yes, the log was the best choice. She seated herself on the woody construct, though she took some care not to sit too close to Vandrad; despite the cordiality between them, he was still a stranger. "Sitting is preferable. Hovering in the shadows is for the bats."

    Whatever was being cooked smelled heavenly. Even if Beira didn't have her heightened Slayer senses, she could easily admit that what was going to be served would taste amazing, if the taste of it was commensurate to its smell. She gave the dark-haired man a sidelong glance. "Most soldiers I know are plainly horrid cooks," she stated, "though to be fair to them, they probably could not taste the difference between properly seasoned, well-roasted game, and rotten mushrooms. If what I'm smelling is an indication of anything at all, you're the first who knows his marbles around the fire. Is cooking considered a feminine engagement in Fiore?" The fact that Vandrad was military was no hidden matter; he had mentioned that, and even included that he had been trained in tracking, when he had commented on his not being taken by surprise by her stealth. Though she was not using her magic to sneak, Beira had received extensive training in woodcraft, a skill highly necessary for survival in the Utgardian outdoors, with the almost incessant snow all year round, and miles of coniferous forests, rugged mountainscapes and vast plains with herbs, many of which seemed to be no longer common in Fiore. That Vandrad had not been taken by surprise by her was an impressive feat on his own part.

    "You will also have to tell me where you learned to cook."

    WC: 821 words
    Total: 2918/...


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 779
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,075,256

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 24th March 2020, 8:42 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Catch and Release RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad still wasn’t sure what to make of Beira. She hadn’t opened up a lot about truly anything about herself the first time they met. Indeed, for an outing that would be classified as a ‘date’, they hadn’t really gotten to know one another a whole lot. If anything, they seemed far more interested in testing one another’s wits and brevity for idle conversation. Overall, it had been a good event, he supposed. There hadn’t been any combat so it wasn’t spectacular in his opinion, but it certainly could have been leagues worse. At least Beira had proved a good foil to verbally spar with. He would never admit it out loud but he was quite let down when she had departed in such a haste. It robbed him how verbal sparring partner for the rest of the evening.

    And yet it seemed fate was doted upon him and given him another chance to run into her. Out in the woods, on the hillside leading up to a mountain was certainly a unique place to meet her again but that just seemed to be what was going to happen. In truth, he didn’t consider her in any terms of any kind of relationship because the Prince of Bellum wasn’t used to assigning people to groups. He kept most people at arm’s length, utilizing their usefulness when it was presented but never getting personal. The only person that had managed to worm her way anywhere close to familiarity was Mercury and that was because she was so damn incessant with it. But Beira was still a stranger, a witty one but still fairly unknown to him. She had showcased a little to make him curious but he was never one to actively pursue a person if it didn’t align with his personal goals.

    She responded to his reproach with appreciation and a smile, even musing over how, if he had tried, he could probably be quite the charmer. "Tsk,” he scoffed, though this time it was out of amusement. "I’ll do you one better than and say that I’ve only met few that can truly keep up with me in terms of witty banter. You’re one such lady. How’s that for charming?” He flashed a quick smirk, admittedly a bit proud of himself over the mischievous comment. As he insinuated her following him, she laughed and explained that where she came from, a single woman chasing a man was quite deplorable. It made them seem desperate, though she wasn’t sure if that translated the same way to Fiorian standards. It seemed it truly was happenstance that had placed them on this mountain together and for her part, she seemed satisfied with the company. A single brow raised in her direction as he assessed for a moment. "I believe the term in Fiore is ‘thirsty’ when it comes to describing women of that caliber. But I’m not that keen on the phrases used in this country either; I don’t hail from it.” He took a brief moment of consideration before he continued. "And I suppose in terms of company coming to my camp, you are far from the worst. At least you’re quick.”

    And so he offered her a place at the camp, rather than lurking in the darkness. She took a moment to consider her options to sit and he watched her propose her mental hypothesis. She had several options – frankly, in nature, anywhere could be considered a seat. But she seemed to have a standard and after clearing away other placements, she opted to sit on the log he sat upon, though leaving plenty of room between the two of them. That was fine by him – he would have had more of a problem if she was practically on his lap.

    He picked up the stick he had cleaned and scraped to use as a cooking utensil, using it to poke the deep, sizzling flesh of the roast. As he checked the status of the food, she idly brought up her experience with soldiers and cooking. He listened to her as he turned the meat and continued to check it, glancing over at her as she wove the tale about fighters that seemed to be lacking in taste buds. She complimented his ability based on how it smelled and asked if preparing meals was considered a woman-like pastime. "No more than fighting is considered a male engagement, I suppose,” he answered her honestly, leaning back and look over at her. "Even if it was, I’d like to see someone try and accuse me of being feminine for preparing a meal. They’d be drinking their food through a straw as a result.” He allowed himself another small, proud smile at the thought. She continued on the train of thought of food, stating that she was interested in knowing where he learned to cook.

    "I taught myself,” he said as he flipped the stick idly in his hand, rolling it between his fingers with practiced expertise. He quickly worked out how to phrase his words, so as not to reveal his noble heritage. "No one ever took time to show me how to do it. I was taught a very many other activities that I wished could have been swapped but alas. So one day I decided to just learn. Picked up a book, memorized the recipes and cooked what I could. Once I joined the military, I learned how to prepare meals with minimal supplies and utilizing what the natural world had to offer.”

    The twirling of the stick came to a pause as he set his gaze on her. "And what about you? You’re not from Fiore, nor does your outfit fall into any of the other nations cultural designs. Where do you come from?”

    Words: 965/2245 | Tag: @Fraag | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Fraag 25th March 2020, 3:23 pm

    Beira was surprised, but not at all displeased that Vandrad had decided to point another compliment in her direction, though in his terse manner, he alluded that his reason for the compliment was simply to attempt to exercise his faculties of charm. "Mm, that's more like it," she intoned with a smirk of her own. "Now we'll just have to work on that oaken face of yours." Truth be told though, Beira was of the opinion that Vandrad's grumpy look suited him. Maybe it was because she had first met him as an apparently irascible grouch, in her opinion, and first impressions had done their dastardly work. The thought of him smiling the kind of smiles that the famous guys on Fiorean female-biased magazines usually had pasted on their faces was somewhat disturbing to Beira. She was sure she would be more freaked out than amused if she saw Vandrad trying to be sweet. Well, lime trees were prickly, and their fruit sour, yet they were still cultivated. Different strokes.

    Beira wasn't initially sure why Fioreans would equate thirst with a woman chasing around a man with not very chaste intentions on her mind. Her curious side desired to know more, but she was not going to ask Vandrad why; he himself had just commented on his lack of interest in Fiorean parlance, and that because he was not from the country. She decided to set her mind to the task of solving the equation of desperate females and thirst, and quickly decided against it, when her thought process suggested a rather dirty, but very likely reason for the comparison. Best to just focus on Vandrad's not being from Fiore. It was her safest course of action. She wasn't particularly one hundred percent certain about the details governing fact that her being an Incarnata with nine souls gave her a collection of useful powers, and behaviors to go with them. In any case, until she was more certain how the whole Incarnata business worked and the extent of her souls' influences on her behavior, it would be best to be as mentally vigilant as possible, to avoid giving in to some influence and later regretting it.

    Beira chuckled at the dark-haired man's intention towards anyone who looked down on him because he could cook. Her reason for the question was because she had heard someone once say to her that the kitchen was the natural space of a woman. It  seemed to onlookers that he had been trying to be rude, but Beira somewhat agreed with him if the woman in question was herself, though her reasons had very little to do with cooking. "Well, I once did meet some fellow at a public place who told me that a woman's place was in the kitchen, which is why I had to ask. The other women there seemed offended by the statement, though it wasn't aimed at them, and eventually became offended at me because I replied that if I were a standard for women, he would be mostly correct. I wonder why. Naturally, in a world as hostile as the one we find ourselves in, the best place to be would be a kitchen. Where else in a house are knives readily available?" To her, fighting being considered a masculine engagement was a bit odd. All Utgardians, male or female, great or small, were encouraged to  learn to fight. During a frost giant raid, the giants wouldn't see a girl and decide to leave her alone and go after the boys because they were bigger.

    Vandrad's declaration of being self-taught as far as culinary skills were concerned was commendable, in Beira's opinion. That he mentioned he was taught a lot of things implied that he came from a family of mixed professionals, like a performing troupe or itinerant folk. Or he had blue blood. Beira could assume that, because it had been the same with her. She had been made to learn a lot of apparently unnecessary things, and had always wondered why she had been forced to waste time learning Utgardian nuptial rites and flint petroglyphic lettering, when she was sure the time would be better served improving her spear play. Soon enough though, the discussion shifted to her, as Vandrad asked her where she was from. "Utgardr," she replied, as though she expected him to know where the place was. Actually, she would have been shocked if she met anyone that actually knew where Utgardr was, not to talk of being Utgardian. It was best to explain a little further. "I don't think it's on Earthland, or at least not anymore. Whichever the case, as far as regards my culture, and dressing especially, which I fail to see why it bothers so many Fioreans, I'm just an average Utgardian damsel. But as far as birth nationality goes, I'm not sure I have an idea. I don't even think I have parents."

    Vandrad was the first person she was actually telling this. While it was natural for one who had few friends to be so forthcoming about personal details, Beira saw no possible way that her telling him would be detrimental to her. But just for kicks, she stopped there. "So, you mentioning that you had to be taught many things, much of which you weren't eager to learn, suggests to me that you grew up with performers, migrant traders or the lot of some hotchpotch of talents. Either that, or you're an aristocrat. Only children of noble houses get to be cursed with learning mountains of utter irrelevances, so they can grow up and have nothing relevant to do. So, which one are you? I also wouldn't mind you throwing in where you're from while you're at it."

    WC: 961
    Total: 4844/...


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 779
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,075,256

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 26th March 2020, 2:29 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Catch and Release RJtajUnz_o

    Work on his oaken face. What an absolutely outrageous suggestion. Vandrad instinctively reached up and rubbed his chin, as if he could massage more meaning into his façade. It was a comment he was used to receiving at this point, from several people over the years. He’d always had a bit of a sour visage; even when he did find reason to smile, it was generally in the form of a smirk and carried a wicked and smugness to it. He didn’t believe himself sullen – just focused. Smiling didn’t convey anything beyond amusement or happiness and why would he waste time showing that when he could simply tell a person over his enjoyment? Of course, that required him to find some kind of joy in anything and considering that only really came during battles, he wasn’t often seen in a fit of pleasure.

    He answered her question as truthfully as he understood it. The effeminate insinuation about cooking, from anyone, would have resulted in quite the physical punishment from the Prince of Bellum. She chuckled at his answer, earning her a slight glance from Vandrad. She explained that she had met a man once who had stated, rather plainly, that a woman’s place was in the kitchen. The reason for her asking sparked from the follow up, as women around were offended by the statement and then further insulted when Beira agreed with the sentiment. Admittedly, Vandrad looked at her a bit curiously in her agreement until she explained her reasons for wanting to be in a kitchen; it was where the cutlery was and in a world such as theirs, being near the armaments seemed to stand above all else. He snorted and smirked, shaking his head – he probably shouldn’t have been surprised at her philosophy but still was. Not that he disagreed. "What, you don’t keep a stash of weapons in every room of your home? For shame,” he teased her in his own way, twirling the stick once more between his fingers.

    To his question about her origin, she stated a place. Utgardr – it was a strange name that resonated with absolutely no spark of understanding. His eyes narrowed at the mention but she continued, explaining that she wasn’t sure if it was on Earthland or, if it had been, it wasn’t anymore. She continued, expressing surprise at people’s reaction to her dressing as she considered herself just an average member of nation – former or present as it was. But she didn’t really know her true origins, even saying that she believed she didn’t even have parents. Now that was especially interesting and curious. He certainly had more questions after that but to show respect to their back and forth, he instead remained quiet until she spoke up once more.

    She touched upon his admittance to being taught many things – something he had stated generally and hadn’t elaborated on. She’d picked up on that and began to hypothesize aloud for him, asking if he had been raised as a performer, some kind of trader or even an aristocrat. Luckily she had given him several options so he was, at the very least, prepared when she brought up nobility as a possibility and didn’t make a face to reveal the truth. But she asked him straight out which of the options he was and even encouraged him to share where he came from. "You could say I grew up with performers,” he said, finding his way to work the truth in circles. "My family is all about putting on acts. And they wanted me to have a bevy of skills that I could master, so that I would be prepared for anything that came my way.” It was still following the honest line without telling her outright what he was. It was still safer that way. He prodded the meat a few more times, discovering that it was finally tender and ready. As he got up and prepared to remove it from the fire, he continued. "I was born and raised in Bellum. As I said, I received a lot of training in skills that I found to be useless in the grand scheme of things. It wasn’t until I was old enough to join the military that I found something I could connect to. Cooking is… it’s a sobering time for me to gather my thoughts about events and occurrences through the day. But other than that, I will train. I train my body, my mind and my magic at least twice a day. Those are the skills I truly want to master. The others are just… dressing.”

    He pulled the roast off the fire and examined it. A cursory glance over to her and then back to the meat, he sighed and walked over to his pack. From there her extracted a small knife from his cooking set, using it to gently slice along the meat and separate it into two equal parts. While he hadn’t exactly prepared for two for dinner, there was still plenty of food and it would be rude if he ate without offering. His teacher’s words echoed in his ears like thundering drums. He walked back over and sat down on the log, holding out the piece of meat for her on a napkin. "Here,” he said simply, waiting for her to take it. Once she had, he would settle himself in to start eating. But before he took a bite, he paused to look at her once more. "You say that Utgardr isn’t on Earthland, though it may have been. I’ve studied several tomes of history, mostly books from generals and warriors of the past, but I’ve never heard mention of any place called Utgardr. But you make it sound like it’s passed into history and yet… you’re here.” He didn’t necessarily voice a question but his words were leading in that direction. He was curious to know more about her and wasn’t sure how to outright ask her the circumstances of what she had described.

    Words: 1006/3251 | Tag: @Fraag | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
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    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Fraag 27th March 2020, 2:29 pm

    Vandrad expressed mock surprise at the absurd idea that every room in Beira's house was supposed to hold assortments of weapons. She giggled at the thought, and shook her head. "What, you expect me to live in an armory? What would my potential suitors say? I thought it would be more up your alley, being in the military and all that." After all, it was Vandrad who had admitted to being, or having some affiliations, whether past or present, with an army. Since she had never admitted to such, it was easier to turn the mild barb back in the direction from which it came. Still, the only reason Beira often appeared unarmed was because she was quite able to fend for herself in the occasion of battle. She knew of some Utgardians who did actually have weapons in every room. But she didn't want Vandrad to feel he'd gotten away with that one.

    Beira raised an eyebrow at the man's first sentence in response to her questions. To use words like "You could say" meant that he was willing to allow Beira's mind to make up all the postulations and arrive at the answer by herself. Like he didn't want to particularly commit to giving her an answer. It wasn't as though Beira found that particularly bothering. Unlike most people, she had little to hide. If her conversation partner wasn't all that willing to disclose every detail about himself, that was his prerogative. All the same, Beira decided that she would be content with extracting what information she could from him, not to seek some way by which to gain leverage over the man, but simply because she was a curious creature, and took joy in the discovery of a new tidbit of information, and though she preferred to quest for information that would be useful to her, it was just as well to have trivia when she had nothing better to do. Besides, what was considered trivia today could have life transforming properties tomorrow.

    "Interesting. Though that mindset seems too deliberate for the eclectic considerations of your average performers. I take it that your family comprised a rather special set of performers." It was, after all, very unexpected of mere performers to want to train their children to 'be prepared for anything that came their way'. Most times, performers saw themselves, and their children, living all their lives carrying out their trade, and as such, they trained their little ones majorly for that reason. Those who wanted to train their minors to be prepared for anything were, by Beira's judgment, very wise, very conceited, or had lots of enemies, and garden variety performers did not fall into any of the three. All the same, Beira didn't deign to press more questions in the direction of his family's characteristics. It was better to have an evening of comfortable conversation than guarded exchanges.

    So Vandrad was from Bellum. Beira had never been there before, but she had read a bit about the place. It was saturated with magic, and was hostile to Fiore. Oh, and Pergrande. Though Beira was not from Pergrande, having a Pergrandian accent meant that she would have to do something about it if ever she were to set foot in Bellum. It was likely that Vandrad was not politically affiliated with his home nation, else he'd have been hostile to Beira because of her accent. And if he was in Fiore, apparently living there, in an enemy nation, he was either a spy, or a runaway. "Well," the God Slayer said, a naughty glint in her eye, as she eyed his musculature appreciatively, "it does seem the training has done quite some impressive amount of paying off." Suddenly realizing her train of conversation, the Utgardian quickly attempted to steer into more harmless territory. "I mean as regards your mental acuity," Beira continued hurriedly, hoping the crimson glow of the fire would hide the burning in her cheeks. "You're quite the opponent in verbal confrontations."

    She attempted to stare forward without catching Vandrad's eye, until his voice prompted her to turn and see the meat being proffered to her. "Many thanks," she stated, taking the food gratefully. It seemed at this point, Vandrad was interested in having Beira explain a little more of the enigmatic things she had mentioned about herself. "And yet," she echoed, a look of reminiscence in her eye, "I'm here. Utgardr is quite unknown to most, if not all people today, for two major reasons. The first is, I'm not sure whether Utgardr exists on this world or not. It may have been on another world. Have you by chance heard of Asgardr? Utgardians are of their stock." She had met someone before who claimed his magic was closely related to Asgardian powers, though he knew nothing of Utgardr as well. That had not surprised her, because of the second reason she was about to give. "Secondly, Utgardr was destroyed long ago, and by long, I don't mean fifty, or even a hundred years. I'm not even sure it happened a millennium ago, but I cannot say. All I know is that Utgardr was destroyed a few months after my twenty first year. And while I was busying myself fighting to the death, some infernal magic came to play, and exiled me in space and time, and behold, Earthland found itself graced with the august presence of Beira the Third, Daughter of Utgardr."

    She paused to take a bite of the meat in her hands. "So, my little understanding of armies and their organization informs me that it is uncommon to just quit the military life and walk away. May I be so bold as to wonder what you're doing in a country which your home country doesn't consider amiably? Or is it a matter of you having to kill me if I got to know what you're doing in Fiore?" Whether Vandrad chose to answer the question or not, Beira was hoping to at least have an idea of whether his loyalties lay with Bellum, or with himself alone. Just in case she ended up getting wanted in Bellum.

    WC: 1027 words
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    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 29th March 2020, 1:55 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Catch and Release RJtajUnz_o

    "As far as I’m concerned, if your suitor is not impressed at your sense of combat proficiency, then he isn’t worth keeping around,” Vandrad expressed his thoughts in a deeper manner as she giggled and commented on the lunacy of having a weaponized home. In spite of himself, he smirked. "In truth, I don’t generally use weapons. I rely on my magic and my own body to cause the damage I need to bring about. But I have been well trained with swords, knives, bows, firearms and spears. Some from the military and some from my extraordinary family.” He couldn’t help but touch upon them again, if only for the sake of telling the truth to Beira.

    She listened with interest as he remarked about his family, skirting the line between full nonfiction and concealed truth. He’d only been on one job with Beira, if the wedding event could be called as such, so he didn’t have any idea of where her allegiances lay. He didn’t even know what guild she called home, if any. A question to ask at some point, no doubt. She mused over his explanation, sorting through it with interest as to why a family of performers wished to be that prepared for anything. She was smart; there was simply no denying that. She picked up on things and notched them carefully to ensure she was seeing all the angles. He was impressed.

    Her accent had seemed familiar to Pergrande but Beira had found one of the rare Bellumians that did not instantly assume one’s nationality or dedication based simply on an accent. And even if she was truly from Pergrande, they weren’t actively at war with one another right now and with them both being in Fiore, there was little to no reason to throw such grudges out into the open. Besides, showing any disdain generally came off as haughty and aristocratic and that would further betray exactly what he was. Luckily she got a bit distracted as she took a moment to comment on the results of his training, her eye barely moving but enough so that he could see that she was giving him a once over. She caught herself, trying to redirect her compliment to his mental sharpness and went even further in commending him as a worthy opponent for their banter. How rarely the advantage came to Vandrad and he simply could not pass up the opportunity. "Of course. My… mental acuity,” he said with a wry smirk, his tone telling. His words spoke in agreement but his voice told her that he knew exactly what she meant.

    After that she seemed far too frazzled to continue the conversation immediately, at least until he offered her part of his meal. An action he normally would be against; after all, she had come here of her own volition and should have brought her own food for sustenance. But given how much she had impressed him before and presently, he was willing to part with a portion of his meal. Call it standards that the royal court had bred into him. But his ability to show compassion wasn’t the most shocking thing to occur in that moment of time. No, she had opted to take up his question and answer it sincerely, as abnormal and unbelievable as it sounded. She didn’t believe that Utgardr existed on this world, honestly believing it was from another world. Whether she meant plane of existence or an entirely different planet didn’t really seem to matter – she was from off Earthland. She asked him if he’d heard of Asgardr and he shook his head. "For all our knowledge here, Earthland is very limited on its knowledge of the cosmos and other planes. The belief is there and there have certainly been events that have proven other realities and civilizations exist but it seems no one is that interested in actually documenting the differences.” It was still a bit shocking to be meeting an actual alien but Vandrad took it easily, seemingly as unperplexed as one of her own kind might have been. He’d read enough and researched enough to know that other beings existed out there and eventually, he was bound to run into one.

    What was quite surprising was learning that her home had been destroyed so far in the past that she couldn’t even put it to a calculation. It was destroyed right after she had turned twenty one and she had been fighting during its extinction. It had been the lucky – or perhaps unlucky – chance that some kind of magic had plucked her up and tossed her into the present day, seemingly ‘graced’ by the presence of Beira the Third. He listened intently, genuinely interested in her tale and the results of it. He nodded softly as he eyed the meat in his hand, her words rattling around in his head loudly. "I am sorry to hear that. Even if it was that far in the past for us, I imagine it’s still fairly fresh for you,” he offered her, doing his due diligence from one warrior to another. "But I must say, you look fantastic for a woman of incalculable years,” he teased her, if only to lighten the mood slightly. Focusing too hard on the defeats of the past could do a fair number to anyone. As much as he didn’t like flirtatious jokes akin to the way Mercury talked to him, he did understand when they could be appropriate.

    They each took a moment to take a healthy bite from the meat, the Prince chewing and staring out into the dark as he tasted the meat. As usual, he’d managed to spice and cook it to perfection, though he’d used some newer Fiorian spices for the rub. They were quite good, surprisingly. His attention returned to her when she brought up his being in the military and she asked him outright why he was here, in a nation that was considered hostile to his own people. She even jokingly asked him if he would have to kill her if he told her. He snorted as he swallowed his mouthful. "I was honorably discharged some months ago. I had no plans of ever leaving military life but…” He paused, his brow furrowed as he weighed the chances of telling her the truth. His gut didn’t give him any reason not to give her a straight answer, beyond his being a prince and all. "I found out that my origins were not altogether what I believed they were. I was led to believe that I was abandoned and adopted as a baby. It came out that I was not – I was born out of wedlock. My… father is or was from Fiore. Legally he is dead, killed some decades ago. But I’ve heard stories of him being sighted. Upon hearing them, I decided to take my leave and come here to find the answers for myself.” He looked back over at her. "You’re the first person I told that to,” he mused aloud. Something about sitting around a campfire made one nostalgic and seemed to open up the possibility of truths. How strange. "Maybe I should kill you just to make sure no one else finds out,” he said to her, smirking as he couldn’t help one last tease before going back to his food.

    Words: 1231/4482 | Tag: @Fraag | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
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    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Fraag 31st March 2020, 6:53 pm

    With each moment of discourse with the dark eyed man from Bellum, Beira was more and more convinced that whoever he was, he was not the son of some run of the mill performers. After all, what sort of performers would train their child to be proficient in the use of a variety of weapons? Even weapon smiths, or at least the average ones, were not that focused on their trade to determine to learn how to use every single arm they created. Of course, there was the likelihood that he had been raised by a group of assassins, but if that was the case, he would probably have been much more unwilling to reveal anything about his heritage to her. The fact that he could mention snatches of the data she pieced together to form her own inferences meant that where ever he was raised, it couldn't have been as illegal as a tribe of hit men, but for reasons best known to him, he didn't feel it safe, or wise, to be open about his past. Beira, for her own part, would not push him to reveal beyond what he felt comfortable with sharing.

    It seemed her slip was noticed by Vandrad, but fortunately for Beira, he made no attempt to harass her beyond allowing her to know that she'd been caught. The Utgardian mentally kicked herself again  and hoped her decision to guard herself more would be enough to keep her from misbehaving further. Attaining mastery over one's emotions had been one of the more stressed upon lessons which seemed to be of particular importance to Utgardian royalty, and Beira was quite sure she could see the usefulness of that lesson, which had, for her, been one of the most difficult to learn. Though she was relatively introverted by nature, the Winter Goddess, in spite of her element of control, could be a veritable fireball, especially when she was angry. The fact that she could check herself from time to time meant the lessons were not in vain. Yet, she was still far from having total emotional control. There was still time to improve.

    Beira totally agreed with Vandrad about the lack of information of other planes and worlds and dimensions beyond Earthland. And it seemed there was too little being done about it, probably because there were too few scholars eager to make enough treatises on the subject. "Well, I'm actually very much interested. Who knows, one day maybe I shall write a book on the worlds beyond Earthland," she mused aloud in response to Vandrad's suggestion for the reason of limited information about the confines beyond Earthland, as her azure eyes reflexively turned towards the heavens above with their starry expanses, and mysteries unplumbed, far beyond the reach of mortals. "But first, I'd have to do some traveling, and too often, it's either I don't have the Jewels, nor the time." Well, if the things she'd heard about herself were true, she still had quite a lot of time to live.

    The young God Slayer was surprised at Vandrad's considerate reply after hearing about the fate of Utgardr. Well, he definitely wasn't so bad after all. She nodded gratefully, glad for his words. She'd managed to occupy herself with activities, the hunting of this quest included, to avoid having to deal with the sting of losing her homeland. So far, she felt she had done pretty well. But it still did hurt some, always being reminded that one didn't belong, even if nobody said so, even if nobody meant so. The teasing about her age was a very welcome diversion, causing her to laugh and feign modesty. "Oh stop that, you," the God Slayer said in a mock dismissive tone, as her facial expression proved the exact opposite of her words. "Though your flattery is not at all erroneous." Vanity, one of her favorite vices.

    For some reason, Beira was glad to hear that her discussion partner was not on the run from any military force, or any such thing that would make his presence in Fiore as a result of him being a fugitive. He was even half-Fiorean, a love child, it would seem, on the hunt to find his father, though the reasons for him looking for his father were not known to her. "Well, I guess that makes two of us," the God Slayer stated with mild amusement. "We both had wrong information fed us about our origins. But that's where the twist in the story comes. You were told you were adopted, I wasn't told I was." She shook her head. "Life is one heck of a convoluted mess. No wonder they say 'threads of fate'." She raised an eyebrow in response to Vandrad's false threat, a smile twiching the left corner of her mouth. "Kill me to make sure that what? That you're still 'daddy's boy' at your age?"

    Yep, she knew she was looking for trouble.

    WC: 827 words
    Total: 8935/...


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 6th April 2020, 3:46 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Catch and Release RJtajUnz_o

    Much like Beira, Vandrad had been seeking a way to master his emotions, having recently discovered how strongly they could influence his actions. He’d done so much work in controlling them over the years that he had, apparently, created a lockbox of unhinged feelings. When Mercury had pushed him just a tad bit too far, a monster had taken over and he had lost the will to control his actions. It was disgraceful and certainly humbling in a number of ways. But he didn’t seek to put yet another lid and lock on top of his emotions -- instead, he had opted to try and use them more freely. After all, it was because of his rage that he had attained a new level of Empowerment.

    It had created a new range of interaction it seemed, up to and including teasing, almost flirtatious comments. Vandrad had always possessed a sharp wit but there hadn’t been much playfulness to it. Instead, he opted to wield it like a weapon against worthy opponents and a way to belittle enemies. That was no more evident than in the way he had seemingly pointed out Beira’s comment without saying anything, a tact that he had observed and learned from Mercury. In truth, it was something his mother was quite adept at as well.

    Beira spoke about her future goals of wanting to write about the worlds beyond Earthland, a lofty and dignified challenge indeed. The part of him that loved adventure couldn’t deny that such an expedition would be quite the trip, diving into exotic and often dangerous locations for the means of mapping and chronicling. In a way, he was a tiny bit jealous that she was already experiencing that. She’d come from a different place and Earthland had been entirely new, giving her the opportunity to learn an entire world’s way of operating. What he wouldn’t give to be part of that kind of journey. Unfortunately, it seemed that Beira lacked the material of money or the openness of time to do any sort of traveling. "A woman of your intrigue and manners is lacking jewel? You’ll forgive me if I don’t believe you,” he said to her, once more teasing her. She held herself quite highly and yet hearing that she lacked resources was surprising, if not amusing.

    He’d managed to figure out that she truly enjoyed compliments, pride in her being staying right at the forefront of her personality. She didn’t utilize it in an unattractive manner -- she certainly didn’t go out of her way to demand compliments. But she enjoyed them and while Vandrad wasn’t one to feed any kind of ego except his own, he wasn’t about to lie for the sake of undermining. If she was truly as old as she claimed, she did, in fact, look quite good for her age. He imagined others that had lived for so long probably looked a bit more ancient than the young woman beside him.

    He confessed to her his reason for coming to Fiore, which was strange in and of itself. She was the first person he had said as much so and he wasn’t entirely sure why. It didn’t feel wrong, per se… she’d certainly shared a fair amount about herself to earn some truth. And it wasn’t like she was actively going to hinder his journey nor push herself into his business. She seemed far more… conscientious than that. He was equally surprised to discover that they shared a trait, in terms of their birth. They were both adopted, the only difference being that he had been told as much. He snorted a small laugh. "It was not without pressuring from me that the truth came to light. My mother was more than happy to let me believe in the lie that they had fabricated. But as I grew older, answers that seemed wholesome started to fray and seem suspicious. When I confronted her about it, she opted to tell the truth rather than continue the fallacy. Yet I don’t hold any grudge against her for it -- a child out of wedlock in Bellum is notoriously wicked and it would have ruined my family’s standing. I just wish I had known sooner than this.”

    Beira was right though -- life was one heck of a convoluted mess. He was busy chuckling at that when she turned her gaze to him, apparently amused at his idle threat. She responded with queries, wondering if he was threatening her to ensure that he was still, as she called it, ‘daddy’s boy’. He glanced over at her, raising a single brow in her direction at her words. It was bold and were he in a worse mood, it may have struck a chord. But instead he simply snorted and smirked. "Most people my age are generally considered the daddies of the world,” he said as he finished up the rest of his meat and tossed the bone aside. "I have no intent of trying to insert a father figure into my life after so long. I’m simply curious about my history. I know my mother’s family line but I know next to nothing about my father’s. Call it morbid curiosity but I wonder where I come from more than seeking dear old dad’s approval. Besides, last I heard, he was fairly noble and righteous. He preferred to arrest people, whereas I simply kill anyone that tries to kill me. I doubt that I would equate to anything similar to ‘daddy’s boy’,” he said with a moment of dark clarity.

    He grabbed some kindling for the fire and tossed it in, to keep the fire alive and burning bright. "I imagine you don’t have a place to rest for the night,” he said, glancing back to her. "You’re welcome to stay in my camp. Though admittedly, I only have a single bedroll.” He was about to tell her that she was out of luck in that department but his damn royal etiquette manners came roaring back in his head. With a side wince of annoyance, he sighed. "You are welcome to it. I don’t mind taking the ground.”

    Words: 1046/5528 | Tag: @Fraag | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
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    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Fraag 7th April 2020, 3:55 pm

    Beira made a huffing sound, turning up her nose in a mildly dramatic fashion, as Vandrad jokingly berated her over having all the appearances, but not having enough money to do whatever she desired with. "You make it sound as though I owned my own country," she said in a chiding tone. "Though I suppose that would have been a rather nice thing to have, if one could do without the attendant excessive pageantry and responsibilities of having to sit on some ornery throne and trying to find one's enemies in the court so that the headsman could remain entertained, oh, as well as the people. Did you know that common people seem to actually revel in spectacles of public bloodshed, even though they pretend to recoil from such matters of violence to appear, what's the word, decent?"

    She had a look of mild disgust as she spoke her last sentence, shaking her head slightly before she returned to the meat which she held in her hands. Though the spices which had been used to cook the meat were mostly unknown to her, salt aside, the taste of the food reminded her strongly of home. Despite the arctic nature of Utgardr, it was a common Utgardian sentiment that barbarians did not know how to use fire and thus did not cook their food. Of course, the more "modern" civilizations like Fiore would see Utgardian culture as barbaric, but the Utgardians cooked their food, and for them, that was, in addition to their runic writing script, enough to set them apart from those that had no culture. One of the quirks of Utgardian culture was that on the day of a particular holiday, after a large-scale hunt, as the forests of Utgardr were teeming with deer and wild pigs, and meat would be in great supply, bonfires would be built in the royal courtyard, and meat roasted. Sitting before a fire and eating freshly roasted meat, though Vandrad's campfire was much smaller than the Utgardian courtyard fires, brought back memories of a time long past.

    Beira was looking absently into the fire, lost in her memories, when Vandrad's voice pulled her back to the present. Talking about ruining his family's reputation made Beira decide to assume that unless evidence proved otherwise, Vandrad was surely from a noble house. Yet, she decided she would say nothing of it, at least for the moment. The Winter Goddess gave a laugh of her own, though like Vandrad's, there wasn't much mirth in the sound. "You know the craziest thing about my case? It was here in Fiore that I got to know that I'm not, as far as blood is concerned, Utgardian, when fragments of my past suddenly and unexpectedly seemed to force their way through the curtain of time and harry my mind. Interestingly though, I had always seemed, always felt... different, different from everyone, but the mystery I cannot get myself to comprehend is whether those who served as my... parents and siblings, whether they knew I wasn't actually part of the family all along. At any rate, I think my elder sister may have caught on, for we never really did see eye to eye."

    Beira half-wondered whether her 'daddy's boy' barb had hit too close home for comfort when Vandrad raised an eyebrow, but the dark-haired man simply smirked in response, merely pointing out reasons that proved he was most likely not like his father. "Yeah well," she replied jovially, "arresting people does have its advantages. Though I see the greater merits in making sure you don't have to be looking over your shoulder all the time." The matter of not having a place to sleep was no problem at all to Beira. She had slept in more inclement locations, and had still gotten up the next morning and performed whatever activities she needed to. As a matter of fact, she had been planning on leaving Vandrad's camp, after finishing her discussion with him, and finding a comfortable place to pass the night. She could always sleep in a tree. She'd done that before...

    ...only to find him offering her his bedroll. Her eyes widened, and then softened into a slightly more emotional expression. "Awwwwwwww, you're actually so sweet, killer machine that you are!" the God Slayer gushed, feeling grateful, not because she needed the comfort, but because Vandrad put her interests before his own, unexpectedly. "Underneath that spiky exterior, you're actually so cuddly and huggable, just like a-- what do they call those fluffy dolls-- oh, teddy bear! A teddy bear under very dark, macabre, spiky armor." Then, anticipating a rebuttal coming up, she dove for the bedroll, unrolling it in record time and finding solace beneath its covers. "You're such a gentleman, though, you really are." That last sentence was said with conviction.

    WC: 805 words
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    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 12th April 2020, 8:31 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Catch and Release RJtajUnz_o

    Beira was quite amused at the fact that Vandrad had simply assumed that she was rich, chiding him for assuming that she had fortune, even escalating to say that he made it sound like she ruled over her own nation. But as she thought about it, she had to admit that having a country would be rather nice, in its own way. But she would only accept it if she could avoid all the pageantry that went along with it, the responsibilities that came with being a ruler as well as the people. She even mused on the fact that common people, as she referred to them, were actually quite delighted with public displays of bloodshed, despite their sharp, predominantly superior opinions of gore and such in other works. "Humanity is a dark, soulless race that revels in the pain in others while wanting pity for their own miseries. The few that do genuinely care are abused and used by those that believed themselves superior and, therefore, destroy them down until they are but a shell of what they were before. So yes, I have to agree with you there -- ruling a country would be just fine if it were without the people. Perhaps you should look into purchasing an island nation for yourself? Remote, colorful and free to do whatever you want,” he said, managing to round out his rather dark thoughts with a joke. There was authentic pain in his words, from a man that looked down on other people with such disdain. But he didn’t seem willing to focus on it more than he already had.

    They remained in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before he spoke up about his discovery over his father, relaying his tale to her and breaking her momentary daydream. She found bitter amusement in the irony as well and spoke up about her own paradoxical situation. It seemed that her true nature hadn’t really come to light until she had come to Fiore, some thousands upon millions of years after she had been ripped from her own time. Apparently fragments of her past had come to the present to state as much, though she didn’t make mention in what manner they had appeared. Had they been physical manifestation or were they something within her own psyche? It didn’t seem to matter, as she turned her attention to her own feelings, explaining that she had always felt separated from the rest of her people. But she wasn’t entirely sure if the people that had acted as her direct family had known the truth of the matter or if they had been pulled into the long con. Only her older sister, she said, seemed to have an inkling, at best. "So long as they treated you as one of their own, it doesn’t really matter. Family members go beyond blood and if they care about you, respect you -- then that’s all that really matters in the end.” Vandrad knew quite well what it was like to have a doting family, even if he’d spent most of his life believing he had no relation to them at all.

    She mused over the act of arresting people over outright killing them, seeing the greater benefit on the side of not having to be concerned. Vandrad personally never killed out of a necessity to keep his life uncomplicated -- it had either been duty or self-preservation. Rarely did he throw the first metaphorical punch in fights, allowing others to prove that they were intending on hurting or killing him. He just felt no need to hold back, showcasing a dominance that established himself as the victor and the other party as the deceased. It was a fairly blunt and brutal stance which seemed rather contradictory as, only a moment later, he selflessly offered his bedroll to her for the sake of giving her a place to sleep.

    And apparently she was quite taken with that, grinning and openly teasing him over his actions. She cooed at him, calling him sweet and insinuating that beneath his rugged exterior he was, in her own words, a ‘teddy bear’. As he turned to her, now incensed to retort, she was already diving off the log and to the bedroll, unraveling it fully and burying herself beneath the comfort of its sheets. He looked down at her and scoffed, shaking his head. "I have half a mind to come over there and drag you out of that bedroll,” he said, giving her a look before he simply sighed. "I just happen to have a good sense of manners.” It was a mumbled answer and certainly not the most convincing.

    Well, he had given up his bedroll and that meant he was sleeping on the ground. Sliding off the log, he put his back against the impromptu chair and stretched his legs out, so that the fire was set right beside him. He glanced back over at her as he crossed his arms over his chest before he slowly closed his eyes, not quite going to sleep but certainly resting his heavy lids.

    Words: 864/6392 | Tag: @Fraag | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
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    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Fraag 15th April 2020, 3:51 pm

    Vandrad's depiction of humanity was particularly accurate, in Beira's opinion. If the Utgardian thought her people were not human, well they certainly behaved like humans. The nicest person she knew, her brother, had apparently spent his life being used, before being betrayed and killed for the selfish reasons of others. All she had seen on getting to Fiore was hardly any different. The powerful seemed to be free to do whatever they wanted, and justice, the law and what was 'right' were unfortunately determined by those who had the power to make the rules. There were good people in the world, but they seemed to be at a disadvantage, at the mercy of those who would exploit their altruism for selfish motives. As someone who had felt used all her life, Beira had decided that she would not allow herself to be used ever again. And yet, she often felt that she was still being controlled by something, or someone, beyond the shadows.

    An island nation sounded like a good idea, a form of sanctuary away from the madness of sentience. Of course, the island would have to be policed by denizens that were well under Beira's control, but she didn't think that would be so much of a problem. In the end, the problem Beira had was her inability to sit still. Maybe she would cart a lifetime worth of books to the island, and stay away from the rest of the world. However, the feeling that she was made for an existence way beyond sitting by the beach and perusing old tomes of esoteric knowledge kept resounding in her head. But if she had a purpose which went beyond occupying herself with her own pursuits, what was responsible for determining such a destiny. Were destinies fixed, or did they become what people made them to be? While the latter felt like such a pleasant sentiment, the feeling she always had, that someone or something was pulling her strings from the shadows, made her feel that the ability to command one's destiny was just a cruel mirage dangled before the eyes of sentient creatures, to make them spend their lives trying to run from a fate they could never truly escape from.

    The Utgardian had to agree with her Bellumese camp mate on his belief that real family involved those you could trust, those that had your back, no matter the situation. Such people were a rarity, and as such it was best to reciprocate the actions generated by the feelings of camaraderie and friendship shown by those who cared. It seemed that, in the end, no matter how much of a loner one wanted to be, they could never truly do without people. Perhaps another cruel joke forced on sentient souls by the forces of fate and destiny, if such things existed. Or maybe the innate need for others was a call to remember that one was not the ultimate being. The thought of such matters was enough to instill a sense of humility in one. She had read somewhere that hubris was the weapon of the gods against people they wanted to kill, whatever gods were. But even gods, she was sure, were plagued with episodes of hubris.

    Vandrad's response to Beira's comparison of him to a teddy bear in spiky armor was not very dramatic, although Beira wasn't eager to take chances and assume that he would respond graciously. He did, in any case, confessing that he felt like forcing her out of the bedroll, but blamed his refusal to do so on good manners. Beira responded with a cheer and an applause. She hoped he would be able to rest well, with his sitting position on the earth. There was also the thought of whether sleeping inside a bedroll was fundamentally workable, in case of an attack in the night. Well, that would mean she would have to tear through the bedroll, if she had to rise from sleep to defend against an assailant. Hopefully then, there would be no unwelcome visitors. As Vandrad's eyes drifted closed, Beira said, "May your dreams be pleasant... but don't dream of me."

    It was not long before sleep claimed her. Her dreams were strange, as though something on the mountain wished her to dream. She saw ruins, broken structures resembling the ancient bones of temples to gods long forgotten. One of these ruins seemed to have a series of winding ways beneath the earth, and as the Utgardian wandered down the dark passages, she suddenly came upon a gulf, a wide chasm opening out into nothingness. While she tried to stare into the darkness to see if she could make out anything from the murky sight of an apparent abyss, something, or maybe someone, pushed her from behind. She plummeted into the darkness. Normally, while that would have been only a disturbance in the waking world, as Beira's control of nether rime could help her in situations wherein gravity was not her friend, she found she had lost the agency of her magic. On an on she fell, and the realization struck her that she would never stop falling. Then she awoke.

    It was dawn. The rays of the sun had begun to scatter the night, and the birds were singing in the trees far below, towards the base of the mountain. It was strange that despite the forested nature of the area, the birds seemed to avoid the higher slopes of this mountain. The Utgardian maiden sat up, considering the dream of last night. She was used to nightmares; she had them often, but this one was weirder than her usual fare. It felt like something was trying to give her the dreams, like something was suggesting to her to dream. She wondered whether Vandrad had had a similar experience, or whether he had had dreams of his own making. The God Slayer looked to where she had last seen him sitting to sleep, though a part of her was almost certain that he would not be there as she turned her eyes to where she had seen him last.

    WC: 1023 words
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    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 23rd April 2020, 3:08 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Catch and Release RJtajUnz_o

    Apparently his lack of choosing to get up and drag her out of the bedroll was enough to earn him a cheer and applause. Vandrad rolled his eyes at her but he couldn’t help the small, amused smirk on his face as he did so. There was no point in denying the fact that she had one this round and with a flair that he was starting to wonder came with her territory. He threw another two logs on the fire to ensure it lasted late into the night and settled down onto the ground, laying his legs out and leaning against the log. Similar to her, the Prince had been forced to sleep in positions that most people would consider quite uncomfortable. Several hunkered down battlefields had required using a rock as a pillow and the ground as a blanket and those were on the nights when they were able to catch any sleep at all. He highly doubted anything would be able to sneak up on him here though; he was quite attuned to the camp and if anything got a little brave, they would find themselves in a world of pain.

    As his eyes fluttered closed so that he could simply sit and relax, she spoke to him and wished him good dreams… so long as he didn’t dream of her. He lifted a single lid to look over at her. "I won’t. You said pleasant dreams, after all,” he said, flashing her a mischievous and teasing smirk once more before he let his eye slide closed again. If anything, he was able to safely say he had gotten the last word in. Her breathing changed shortly after as she fell asleep, drifting off into the world of slumber. It took him a bit to get in a perfectly comfortable spot, his magic sensory keeping a keen tab on the camp’s limits. But eventually he fell, nodding off to get a few hours of rest, at the very least.

    His dreams were always strange. Most nights they were reels of  his time in battle; visions of the tragedies, the pain, the blood that had made up a good portion of his adult life. But every now and again, he saw images of himself in different places -- lands that he didn’t recognize and what appeared to be different versions of himself. He rarely wondered about these strange fantasies, simply chalking them up to mirages made up by the damaged, child-like parts of his brain. The piece of him that had been so utterly broken when he was young that he had boxed it away and left it in the dark. It was safer that way.

    Vandrad woke a little before dawn, only the hint of sunlight along the horizon. His eyes opened slowly to take in the camp, sharply aware of his surroundings despite the dreariness of his mind. He chanced a glance over at Beira to find her still in the bedroll, quite asleep. Everything was still where it was from the night before, save for the campfire that had dwindled to nothing but burnt logs and ash. No one had tried to sneak into their camp over the night from what he could tell. He stood up slowly and stretched, the morning ache of his muscles crying out for exercise. He had half a mind to return to his minimalist way of working out from the night before but then thought better of it. He knew it would be rude to wake Beira with the sound of bark being cracked from his fists.

    Instead, he opted for a much less noisy exercise. Peeling his shirt off and placing it on the log, he got down on his stomach and placed his hands on the ground while putting his legs together. He took a deep inhale before he lifted himself up, swinging one hand around and placing it against his back. With two fingers he pushed himself up to a full stretching position before he began to rise and fall slowly, the one handed push ups creating far less sound than anything else. As he worked through reps, his mind began to wander -- particularly in why Beira was here. She had come to the camp at night, moving through the dark to get close. She hadn’t done anything malicious from the moment she had revealed herself but in truth, he had never asked her why she had come. The conversation had headed in a different direction -- a far more intimate direction, in fact. Rather than gaining intel on her motives, he had learned more about her person. That was strange, especially for him.

    He sighed, shaking his head as he continued. It was probably his time with Mercury rubbing off. While she wasn’t exactly the nicest person on the planet -- far from it -- she was always curious and asking questions. And he had grown so accustomed to it that it seemed he focused more on the deeper questions than the obvious ones right in front of him. There was also the fact that he had already met Beira, gone on a date with her even, whatever the hell that was supposed to mean. Nonetheless, now he was more than curious about what her intentions were on the same mountain as him. Maybe she was also hunting for relics.

    By the time she was awake, he was finishing up the last few push ups. He pushed himself up and noticed she was awake, glancing over to her. "Early riser,” he explained simply. Considering most of the people he knew from Fiore were far more suited to sleep in, he found himself explaining why he was up at the crack of dawn more often than not. As he stood back up, he spoke up once more. "I don’t think I ever asked you but what brought you to this mountain and at such late an hour? An evening stroll perhaps?”

    Words: 1002/7394 | Tag: @Fraag | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
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    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Fraag 26th April 2020, 9:04 pm

    The God Slayer knew her senses were still clouded by the mists of slumber, else she would have immediately been able to pinpoint Vandrad's location, if he was anywhere close by. Normally, Beira was conditioned to be able to snap from deep sleep to full alertness in a split second's notice; such things were often the difference between life and death, so said the martial instructors who had been responsible for part of her military training. And Beira believed they were right. But in a place such as this, there was no evident threat, which was why she could allow her senses approach full wakefulness at such an unhurried pace. Without the emergency of an urgent situation, she took her time locating him. As Beira had guessed, the dark haired man was not where she had seen him settle for the night. Instead, he was somewhere else, still within the camp area, performing one-handed push ups.

    Of course, watching a well-built man performing physical exertions that showed rippling muscles and all that made Beira switch from slight grogginess to wakefulness dialed to 11. Sadly, for her intentions to behave with the decorum and regal aloofness that was supposed to attend royalty, she was a hot-blooded young woman, and that was not helped by the fact that one of the souls which made up her being had to be that of a succubus. Still, for all her amorous tendencies, and probably against popular opinion, the God Slayer was a lot more innocent than she seemed, and lacked quite a lot of experience as far as sensual matters were concerned. And for that unfortunate reason, when Vandrad noticed she was awake, she was looking at him with an expression which appeared to be a cross breed between starstruck wonder and something naughtier, with flushed cheeks and slightly ajar mouth.

    His statement about being an early riser helped slap the Utgardian maiden out of her apparently stunned state, and she huffed dismissively, hoping that the offhand response would mask her embarrassment at the realization that she had been staring at him like a stupid fish. "I didn't demand your excuse for not waiting for the sun to come up before you decided to jump out of bed," she replied, rolling out of the bed roll before folding it as neatly as she could afford, which was actually well done. She handed the item to Vandrad, smiling slightly at him. "Still, it was in very good taste for you to have given me the privilege of sleeping in your bed roll, a gesture for which I am quite grateful. I hope you were able to get a few hours of peaceful repose, while I occupied your sleeping quarters."

    Beira had expected Vandrad's question as to the reason for her presence, although she had not expected it to come this late. All the same, there was no reason to hide her motives for being on this strange mountain. But first came her desire for the necessary ablutions that came with personal hygiene and all that. Fortunately, if Beira really felt like she had to take a bath, she could always teleport back home, engage in the ablutions, and then return to where she had been before, by walking the Travectio Infinium. But there would be no need to waste her magic energy by gating herself back home; there was a stream Beira had seen on her way up the mountain, though she had parted ways with the running water as she climbed. Still, she was sure that a short hike across the uneven ground of the mountain range would bring her to where the stream made its way down the mountainside. Unless Vandrad was in a hurry, and he didn't look like he was, she was more partial to giving her reasons for being here, while breakfast was being dealt with.

    "All of that in good time; a lady needs a bath," Beira replied to the inquiry. "Don't worry, I'm not going to suddenly abscond and leave your questions unanswered, but talk is better done when food is being attended to. And I want a bath before I eat. Don't worry, breakfast, or some degree of it, is on me." Bathing was a luxury she could do without, but why do without it when you could have it? "I'll be back soon, be good and don't go running off without me." So saying, she marched off in the direction in which she suspected the stream would be. It took fifteen minutes of quick walking before she found the stream, about ten minutes to get herself cleaned up, about five minutes to forage bunches of edible berries from some shrubs growing in great numbers in the area, and a little less than fifteen minutes again to make her way back to camp. Once there, she used the cover of Vandrad's vegetable stew pot as a makeshift plate on which to place the berries, and retrieved a pack from where she had stored it in the Librarium Obscuri, from which she produced two loaves of bread. Having a mobile dimensional store was handy for events such as this. Handing Vandrad one of the loaves, she made herself comfortable.

    "So, I'm here because I heard tales of some relic bracelet in some abandoned city in the mountains," the God Slayer began, "and while many of the stories I heard about it are preposterous, there did seem to be some truth in the tales. I eventually came across someone who attempted, and failed, to bring home the relic. To his credit, he did come back alive, so I got much of my details from him. Then I did a little puzzle piecing here and there, and my sleuthing brought me here, right up this mountain and into your bed roll. That, and an evening stroll." She threw a handful of berries into her mouth, making sure to finish chewing them before speaking, yes, she knew of Fiorean table manners. "So, what brought you up the mountain as well? I'd wager it wasn't to bully defenseless stumps of wood out in the behind of nature."

    WC: 1025 words
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    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 27th April 2020, 10:06 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Catch and Release RJtajUnz_o

    Contrary to what a lot of people seemed to think, Vandrad didn’t work out for the sake of visual approval from others. The fact that his well constructed and maintained form apparently acted as eye candy for certain individuals made very little difference to him, as it had for many years. He worked out for the sake of keeping his body strong and he was unabashed by anyone else being around to see how comfortable he was doing so in near nakedness. She was lucky in a way -- if he’d been back at Fairy Tail, in the comfort of his own room, he’d be doing his push ups stark naked. But there was no point in taking off any further clothes than he already had when really, the only parts of his body that were going to get sweaty was his upper body.

    Still, it was humorous to see the gawking stare as he finally looked over at her, her head slightly tilted and her mouth hanging just so. Even Mercury wasn’t that obviously stunned by the state of his musculature build or, at the very least, she wasn’t so obvious about it. He gave her his excuse and she sorted herself out, snapping back at him and stating that she hadn’t asked for an answer in the first place. A fair point but if anything, he was nipping it in the bud should that query arise later. Her morning attitude left a little to be desired but then again, not everyone was as cheery as he was at dawn -- if one could call his demeanor cheerful.

    She rolled out of the bed and carefully folded the roll up for him, showing her impressive ability to wrap it accordingly. As she walked over to him and held it out, he took it in hand, watching her as she spoke up once more. She observed his appropriate mannerisms in lending her his bedroll, expressing her gratitude and hoping that he had gotten a few hours of sleep while she ‘occupied his sleeping quarters’. "Careful now; you go around saying it like that and people might get the wrong impression,” he replied, teasing her slightly and offering a mild smirk. "When you’ve slept on the ground more times than you can count, it becomes easier to find a place to fall asleep. It’s just been awhile since it’s involved company.”

    Not as long awhile as he would have liked but that was besides the point. Up until his little soiree with Mercury in Desierto, it had been perhaps a year or so since he had slept in the same vicinity of another person and that had been several people. A camping trip among the recruits that he was commanding that was not a family getaway. In fact, it was a real time war simulation; to give the greenhorns a taste of what it was like to hunker down and adapt to the situation while the enemy was breathing down their neck. He’d had to camp out with the rest of the rookies.

    But his question about her being there seemed like it wasn’t the most demanding task for the morning. Beira insisted that before she could do that, she required a bath. She let him know that she had no intention of disappearing on him before explaining, only requiring a quick wash and a gathering of food for breakfast -- which she would take care of. She asked that he not leave while she was gone and then off she went. What was it with the women he met and needing a shower first thing? It was like no one else woke up and worked out to start their day beyond him. With a simple shake of his head, he returned to his workout, hoping to get in as much training as possible while she was gone.

    It was nearly an hour later that she returned, with berries in hand. Vandrad was just finishing up the culmination of his workout. He had found a suitable tree branch right next to the camp and was doing curl ups as she approached the area once more, the Prince casting a glance in direction before he continued his count. He swung his legs up and held them towards the canopy, posed against the tree with all of his weight pulling on his biceps and core. He held it until the burn started to flare and then he let it go, his legs swinging back down. He let the momentum carry him, tucking his body momentarily so he performed an intricate back roll in the air before he landed on the ground.

    From there, he walked over to her as she poured the berries into the cover of his pot as a communal meal of sorts. She then quite literally materialized two loaves of bread, which was… unique. He glanced at the loaf briefly before shrugging and taking a bite of it, chewing through the fiber. Now that she had bathed and was currently beginning her breakfast, she was ready to explain. Even before she got that far into the story, he already knew that they were there for the same reason. A bracelet that had been lost in some city in the mountains was exactly what had been on his job posting and as she explained, she had gotten the confirmation of its existence from the source. Her investigation had led her up the mountain and, as she put it, into his bedroll. He snorted again, amused at her phrasing of it. "Into my bedroll? The second time you’ve made such a statement in such general terms. And here I thought you weren’t one of the ‘thirsty ones’,” he remarked, giving her a playful glance as he tossed a few berries into his mouth.

    After her explanation, she returned the question to him and that same smile on his lips remained as he swallowed the food in his mouth. "It seems you and I are here on a similar journey. Though I didn’t get word from the man himself, a job posting was put up in my guild. It was asking that someone journey up this mountain and find a relic… a bracelet, as it seems. How interesting that the challenge was put forth to several guilds, that or you have a rather interesting pastime.” Some people opted to travel the world and seek hidden and lost treasures. Given her interests, it was entirely possible that she was one of those same people. "So now we are both here, on our way up the mountain to seek the same piece of jewelry. Normally I’d suggest we battle it out here to see who earns the right to go up and claim it but… I’ve heard nothing of any danger within the ruins above. That almost always means that there is most certainly some kind of threat. So instead of us beating each other senseless here, why not work together to get to the relic and then… sort it out there?”

    Words: 1189/8583 | Tag: @Fraag | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
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    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Fraag 29th April 2020, 1:21 pm

    Despite her mastery of Fiorean, and her ability to speak it like the best of them, even though her accent was still foreign, Beira was still very much a novice when it came to the nuances of the language, as well as the slangs, hidden meanings and implications that the dynamics of Fiorean afforded. So when she had referred to herself getting into Vandrad's bedroll, she had actually intended the wordings of her sentence to be as innocuous as possible, although Vandrad had somehow read something else into her words, definitely on purpose. His teasing warning about people getting the wrong impression about what she had just said actually flew over Beira's head, for he had not identified exactly what words or phrases she had used that required scrutiny. Unable to immediately discern what Vandrad was talking about, Beira had not responded in any way, though she still attempted to figure out what he was talking about, to no avail.

    The next time Vandrad raised the matter, he was elucidatory enough to present the problematic phrase, as he accused the Utgardian of apparently indecorous behavior. She remembered the definition of the term 'thirsty', which he had incidentally talked about when last they had met in that tedious nuptial event in Rose Garden, else she would have wondered what bedrolls had to do with drinking water. In retrospect, looking at the way she had put it, the God Slayer realized the ways her words could be interpreted, with not so innocent implications for the person who had made such a comment. It was probably the way the Fiorean language was structured. It tended to be slightly vague, so that the interpretation of a statement was almost entirely dependent on the context in which it was used. Utgardian was more deliberate, and it was thus difficult to come across phrases and sentences with double entendres, or hidden suggestiveness. The Utgardian maiden's cheeks colored slightly, and she attempted to express sufficient outrage, though her flustered composure only managed a gasp and a scandalized "oh!" as her hand involuntary rose to partially cover her mouth.

    "You, kind sir," she eventually managed to say, "have a very improper mind, if I must say so myself. And to have the opinion that I'm 'one of the more thirsty ones' is quite an affront to my comparatively innocent moral sensibilities. Such shocking behavior. You really ought to be ashamed of yourself." Neither her words nor her tone of voice carried any hurt or offended intonations, in any case, so it was clear that, while she may have been truthfully scandalized by Vandrad's allegation, the level of outrage she felt was not particularly destabilizing. As a matter of fact, the scandal had only arisen due to the fact that Beira was not particularly accustomed to such conversations, having lived a relatively sheltered life back in Utgardr, and her present status as affiliated with a dark guild, which made interactions with other people often guarded and uneasy.

    It was interesting to see that by coincidence, or perhaps it was by design, Beira and Vandrad were on the mountain for the same reason: a treasure hunt of the same item. The God Slayer was not particularly sure that her discovery of this artifact was just a twist of fate, seeing as she had stumbled on the information relating to the bracelet by apparent accident. Vandrad himself had gotten on the trail of this quest because he had seen it as a mission in his guild hall. The God Slayer shook her head in reply to his question about the hunt for the bracelet being placed on the mission board in her guild. "If this mission was presented to multiple guilds at the same time, my guild did not get the memo, fortunately," Beira replied, considering that any client who did that definitely had some measure of mischief intended. "I'm here because of-- how did you put it-- an interesting pastime. Chasing my curiosities is a rather fun hobby, especially seeing as my imagination is quite untamed."

    Of course, as soon as Beira discovered that she was interested in the same goal as Vandrad, she knew that the issue of who would have the relic might be a problem. Though Vandrad so far had proven to be a gentleman, she was not sure she could count on him going further to relinquish possession of the bracelet to her, once it had been retrieved. After all, he had a mission to complete. While Beira didn't have such a burden, she could not say whether the relic was connected somehow to her, and if it would be important to her. It would be best to not fight for the rights to get the item, seeing as the risks to get it were yet unknown, and might require more than a single person's efforts and abilities. "Aha! I suspected that it was strange that you'd be on this mountain just as I was, and had already surmised that we were after the same thing," the blonde mage said exultantly. "There won't be any need to fight now or when we get the artifact. You see, the bread I gave you is laced with a very potent poison, so there!"

    She paused a moment, to see his response, then broke into laughter. "I'm fooling around, silly. There's nothing in the bread." As if to persuade him of this, she pulled off a chunk of the loaf in his hand and ate it, smiling at him, though the expression was one of mock innocence. "But really! To leave the horseplay until when we've gotten our hands on the prize, wouldn't that foster secret scheming and underhanded tricks? Of course, I could just easily mention that I have no serious desire to have the relic for myself, then buy you a drink when we get back to civilization, only for you to awaken the next morning naked, groggy and tied to your bed. But I'm sure you'd really like that, wouldn't you, with that dirty mind of yours? Well, let's be nice to each other, okay? When we get to the artifact, we'll see how it goes from there."

    WC: 1032 words
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    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 1st May 2020, 2:35 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Catch and Release RJtajUnz_o

    It seemed he had found yet another thing to ruffle her over.

    She hadn’t had a reaction the first time he had made a comment about her words, her vocabulary concerning the bedroll far more general than specific. Were there others with more degenerate thoughts in their minds, they would have found the statements to be quite concerning, albeit scandalous. But he’d also commented on it in such a way that it could also be misunderstood and it seemed that Beira had experienced just that. Rather than ask him, she had opted to let the topic drop… at least, until it came upon a short while after. She’d circled back to it and her further addition to the idea had been slightly more focused. Vandrad had, in turn, decided to speak on it but with a more scoped comment. That time she had picked up on it and had suddenly gasped, raising a hard to her mouth.

    And in spite of himself, Vandrad couldn’t help but chuckle. The look and sound was something he had grown up with, especially in the du Wolff manor. His family was not easily embarrassed or ashamed but the antics of the court but plenty of other Bellum nobles were by his family’s own practices. Several times came to mind, viewing the shocked Beira along a line of other men and women who had been delivered scandalous news. It was an amusing mental image and he couldn’t stop the amusement from coming out of his mouth. When she did manage to speak, finding the strength to get past his insinuation, she accused him of having an improper mind. She believed that having the opinion of her being thirsty, while she had done nothing but remain proper and moral in their interactions was shocking, enough so that he should be ashamed of himself. "Me? You’re the one making the insinuations. I’m just… aware of them,” he said, chuckling. Truthfully, they may have gone over his head too if it hadn’t been for his time spent with Mercury. That damn woman was making him more socially aware and not in the proper ways.

    But he, in no way, was ashamed of calling her out. In fact, getting the reaction he had was quite the present. He was still smiling to himself even as he explained that their being on the mountain was, apparently, for similar reasons. While he had received a proper memo about the jewel, she simply had come of her own accord. She admitted that she made a hobby of following her curiosity wherever it led her, as her own imagination was more grandiose than other people. That was fine but the real issue came to the fact that he was there for the same thing she was and, given the little he knew about her, he doubted she would just hand over the relic once they got there.

    Apparently she had a resolution for that and he was curious as she spoke of her suspicion from the night before. He had quite literally just taken quite the large chunk out of the bread and was chewing it as Beira explained that there would be simply no reason to fight for the artifact because she had laced the bread with poison. His eyes widened slowly, falling down from her gaze to the bread in his hand. It was obvious that he took her at her word, the look of surprise and shock seeping into his face. She let him linger for a long moment before she started to laugh, insisting that there was nothing in the bread. He honestly didn’t believe her until she plucked a chunk of the loaf off and shoved it into her own mouth, her gaze mocking him for believing such a prank.

    "I…” he started before he scoffed, shaking his head. He couldn’t even honestly be mad at her -- it was, for all intents and purposes, a decent trick. And even if she had been serious, it was certainly a way to take an enemy off guard. She was more wily than she let on; he’d have to keep an eye on that. She wondered aloud about his suggestion that they leave the fighting until later, remarking that such a plan would devolve into one or both of them trying to scheme against the other. She provided an example of her own thought by stating that should she say she had no earnestly serious wanton of the relic beyond mere curiosity, she could then lead him back to civilization, buy him a celebratory drink and the next thing he’d know, he would be naked, groggy and tied to his bed. She gave him a look as she realized that he would probably enjoy that, what with the state of his mind. In the end, she believed sincerely that they should maintain their partnership until they had made it to the artifact.

    "First of all -- you’re the one playing pranks about supposed poison in bread, so it’s me that should be wary of you,” he stated, even as he bit off another piece of the bread and ate it. "Second, your hypothetical scheme -- you claim I would enjoy the outcome but frankly, it would be just as easy to tie me to the bed and leave me there with clothing still on. You’re the one that opted to describe that I would be lacking clothing. Say what you want but your mind is no cleaner than mine if we’re going by comparison. I would at least have the decency to leave you in your clothes were I to drug you.” If she wanted to play that game, he could play it quite well. "But I have no intent on scheming against you, whether I was to get the relic or not. I believe prizes earned by honest conquest are far sweeter than those won through underhanded tactics. And with any luck, we’ll have a bit of a challenge waiting for us up there.”

    As he finished the rest of the bread, he stood up. He kicked some dirt onto the campfire, to ensure that no accidental remnants of fire took hold of the nearby leaves and started a blaze. He grabbed his pack and tossed it over his shoulder as he cast a glance over at her. "Shall we then?”

    Words: 1081/9664 | Tag: @Fraag | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
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    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Fraag 4th May 2020, 4:01 pm

    Beira was feeling quite good with her delivery of the 'poisoned bread' trick. As a matter of fact, it was definitely going to be a memory she would laminate and store in some well-preserved area in her mind, seeing as, so far, he seemed to have been a step ahead in their social tussle. Speaking of memories, Beira suddenly recalled the expected behaviors of Utgardian royalty when dealing with stranger, especially ones such as Vandrad who were more or less allies, but could turn into a foe in a little moment. The response was expected to be guarded and polite, attempting to give nothing and take as much as you could from the interaction. And for the love of the stars above, do not laugh. Beira wondered what her wizened instructors would think of her if they saw her here, jesting with a situational ally and a potential foe. Well, they'd been dead for eons now, so who knew?

    Beira waited until Vandrad was through with his response before making a reply of her own. "Don't worry a single bit about me," she said, "Despite your rather biased opinion, you've absolutely nothing to fear. I'm quite innocent and harmless... almost." An enigmatic smile crept to her lips. "But I must admit that it is quite refreshing to come across someone who grew up with the nuances of court politics, and yet seems to be quite favorable towards honesty. All you're missing is the shining armor and a horse." Her words carried a tone of mild jesting, but there was clearly some degree of respect that could be heard in her voice. Beira had made sure to mention 'court politics', so that Vandrad would be aware that she harbored her suspicions of him having been raised in noble settings.

    At his prompting, Beira rose and thus began the march up the mountain. Well, not so much a march. Beira was in high spirits, and she was practically romping along. The path was easy, and though there had been a road of old, which led up the mountain, it had of course fallen to disrepair due to the inexorable hand of time. Still, its remains had not been entirely eradicated from the landscape, and thus provided an easier path on which to tread. As the two made their way up, they began to come across ruined buildings and remnants of mortared stone. A giant hand of marble lay covered by ivy, and elsewhere the remains of a tower offered a very rickety shelter against a storm if it swept over the mountain. Through it all, an observant person would have the feeling that the pair were being watched. If Beira noticed, she seemed to pay the sensation no heed, prancing along without an apparent care in the world.

    Soon the mages got to the top of the height they had been ascending. It looked to be the ruins of a temple or maybe palace complex. In its days of glory it would have probably been an amazing sight, but even in its posthumous existence, there radiated a sort of majesty of an age long gone. Due to the pieces of roofing materials all around it was evident that this place had been mostly roofed. "I would have liked to see this place when it was still inhabited," Beira said, looking with interest, but not wonder, at the pillars. Judging by the height of the pillar remains, and the blocks which lay about, this building seemed to have been rather high, but Utgardr had possessed colossal buildings too in its day. "Do you have a map or something, that will direct us on where to go?" Beira asked, but the details she had managed to glean that had sent her on this journey informed her that having reached the top of the mountain, one just had to follow a number of landmarks until one came to a square-cut hole leading into the depths of the earth.

    "This looks interesting..." the Winter Goddess stated, as she walked into the ruins of what looked like a miniature bowl-like construction made of marble, with circular stairs leading down into the center of it. At the rim of the construction stood eight statues surrounding the structure, equidistant from one another. In the center of the bowl was a small cuboidal podium, with strange etchings on it. "I cannot read what these things say," Beira muttered, as she squinted at the odd markings. She could not guess what the marks meant, or what they were supposed to accomplish, but just by looking at their structure, arrangement and design, the God Slayer could wager her traveling cloak that these etchings were writings in some strange, perhaps long forgotten language that had probably gone extinct along with the civilization that had produced it. Still it was interesting to see how the marks seemed to have been pressed into the stone, as though some tool which could easily make imprints on materials as hard as rock had been used. The culture of whatever, or whoever, had built this place was, in the young Winter Goddess' opinion, definitely worthy of study, and maybe subsequent cataloging. "I don't suppose you can speak 'Old-Dead-Guy-ese', Vandrad, but come have a look." As the two looked at the structures, they would hear some clanking sounds. From behind four of the statues on the rim of the construction, four strange figures clad in armor from top to toe stepped. From the gaps in their armor, a strange black vapor seeped, and they held swords and spears in aggressive positions as they slowly marched into the 'bowl'. "Uh, I don't think it's something I did..." Beira said, moving slowly behind Vandrad, almost as if she wanted him to face the armored figures alone. But if he turned, he would see that from the other four statues behind, four armored specters had come as well. Beira had positioned herself to face them.

    "I don't suppose they want to play Thieves' Bones," Beira said, preparing herself for battle. It was unlikely Vandrad had heard of the Utgardian game, but Beira didn't have any Fiorean games she was familiar with. She was sure he'd get the message, in any case.

    WC: 1039 words
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    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 4th May 2020, 10:51 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Catch and Release RJtajUnz_o

    Beira claimed that there was nothing to worry from her, going further to explain that despite his discriminatory opinion of her, there was no reason to regard her with any fear. She even went as far as to state that she was innocent and harmless but even as her cheeky smile pulled onto her face, Vandrad was giving her one of pure derision. He had seen her during the festival, he had felt the rage boiling up inside of her as she faced misstep after misstep from all the people around them. He was more than certain that if she really wanted to, she could cause quite the commotion. And he wasn’t one hundred percent sure that he would be able to stop her if it came to that. But still, he wasn’t about to simply roll over and show his belly without taking a chance. He was here for the relic, as was she, so they would have to settle their differences then.

    The Prince did not miss her insinuation about court politics, though he kept his face as stone hardened as ever. Though she continued, painting him as some kind of embodiment of honesty and truth, even going as far as to hint that he was simply missing shiny armor and a horse, he was studying her. So she hadn’t bought into his story completely, had she? Given his newly acquired involvement with Mercury, he had learned to pick up on things every so often when it came to undertones in words. Or perhaps that was just left over from his time in the courts of Bellum -- probably a mixture. But he wasn’t about to confirm or hastily deny, as either or would reveal the truth.

    But the time for sitting around and chatting was over -- they had a prize to search for. She rose and joined him back on the path that they had been treading the day before. The civilization that once resided at the top of the mountain had cleared a walking path back at the height of their existence and thought it hadn’t received proper maintenance, the plant life that had grown over hadn’t made it impossible to follow. His partner was in quite the jovial mood, almost skipping along the path to a tune in her own head. Up they climbed, passing several structures that had eroded over the years; their once pristine surfaces caked in moss and scars from weathering. They passed a fallen hand, the last sign of a mighty statue that must have existed in the woods and a tower that was still in a suitable condition, should they need another place to stay.

    Yet there was little doubt that Vandrad would choose to stay elsewhere. All along their journey upwards, there was the distinct feeling that something was watching them from just out of sight. They were beings made up of ethernano so he could sense them, lying just beyond his realm of sight but close enough to cause metaphorical blips on his radar. He would have simply assumed they were animals, were it not for the fact that they seemed to be following them along. So long as they kept their distance, Vandrad saw no reason to give away his awareness of them. And if Beira sensed them as well, she was of the same mind.

    As they crested the mountain, they came upon a densely ruined complex of stone. Age had not been kind to the temple but it could have looked far worse. Most of it was still standing and while there were large gaps in the roofing, plenty of spots still managed to hold against the years of weather. In its heyday, it would have been quite the sight to see. Beira remarked about her wish to have seen it in its prime, which Vandrad grunted in agreement as he glanced upwards at the columns that towered above them. He pressed his hand against the smooth stone, feeling the gaps where nature had eaten away at the carved surface. His partner inquired if he possessed some kind of map to aid in their trip. He shook his head. "From my understanding, there is a hole somewhere on the premises that leads down into the earth. That’s where the relic was put  to rest… if the job sheet is to be believed.”

    Already Beira’s attention was elsewhere, spotting something that piqued her interest. He followed her gaze as she walked into the ruins, heading down into a depressed, rounded pit of marble. Around its circumference were eight matching statues of indistinguishable markings. Inside the center of the bowl was a podium, that had uniquely strange carvings on its face. He followed her down into the bowl, coming around to look at the podium as well. He couldn’t recognize the language either and even if he had, he wouldn’t have read the words exactly. Too many times he had been burned by people reading verbatim from a tome or item and activating some kind of spell. "Not whatever that is,” he stated plainly, already turning away with disinterest.

    But then there was that sound. Metal slamming down on marble in the slow beat of footsteps. Now he could sense something approaching and as his gaze turned towards a set of statues, four armored beings stepped out and marched towards them. Black miasma poured out through the open spaces in their armor, spilling over the shining plate and dissipating before it hit the ground. Swords and spears were at the arms, ready to engage the pair that had come wandering into their realm. "They probably were prepared for invaders or were activated when we stepped down here,” Vandrad growled softly, as he felt Beira turn and move behind him. Luckily his senses picked up on the other beings on the opposing side, a small battalion that had them sufficiently surrounded.

    "No, I imagine they want to make bones of us -- the supposed thieves,” the Prince said irritably. At once his magic swelled up inside of him, igniting a flame of magic in the form of an aura. His hair and eyes burned with crimson color, flashing into the new hue in an instant. He thrust a hand out and unleashed a blast of compressed magic, crafting a beam that slammed in and through one of the armored monstrosities. For a second it started to fall apart before it reformed, the chest plate still melting on the black vapor beneath. "Of course, why would it be that easy…?” he mumbled as he looked at her over his shoulder. "I hope you were joking around about being harmless because I’m going to need you to take on those four while I had these ones.”

    Words: 1142/10,806 | Tag: @Fraag | © marzia at shine & gs.



    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
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    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Fraag 6th May 2020, 2:54 pm

    It seemed that though Beira had more or less stumbled upon the mission to find the artifact, she was not so much more ignorant than Vandrad was on the resting place of the item. Either that, or Vandrad was trying to hold out information on her. Beira was sure the latter was not the case, as hiding information would only end up setting the two mages back, unless said information would be vital to getting the artifact and escaping with the item with minimal resistance from Beira. For her own part, she decided she would not bother her head with considering how the two of them would amicably part, when the artifact was in their grasp. Thinking too much about such things would definitely make her more and more interested in having her eyes on Vandrad all the time, and that was annoyingly distracting.

    As was expected, Vandrad was unable to read the markings, but quickly enough the markings became a secondary matter of concern. The primary issue was the eight armored things marching from all sides towards the mages. Beira was not sure that they were alive; they were probably constructs of magic, or some sort of ward to keep thieves and other such unsavory elements from disturbing the secrets which lay hidden in such a place as this. In most cases, such guards tended to be quite common to defend tombs and resting places of kings and others who possessed great power when they still lived. This place was most likely not a palace or a temple; it was a tomb. And going by the description that Vandrad mentioned about where the artifact was expected to be, it was very likely that this tomb was underground. For now, though, taking care of these guardians was the priority.

    Beira felt a surge of magical power, and looked over her shoulder to see Vandrad blast through one of the approaching suits of armor. Even though the armor was damaged, it did not prevent the construct from still marching forward, almost as though it had taken no damage at all. At least that was proof without doubt that these things were very much not alive. In any case, it seemed that if they could not be blasted to pieces immediately, they could at least be halted. The advantages of being a Winter Goddess. Beira smiled at the statement Vandrad made, even as she began releasing her own magic aura, which was felt as a noticeable reduction in the ambient temperature, though it wasn't enough to make one shiver. "Quite innocent and harmless, I maintain, good sir," she replied, flicking her wrist at one of the approaching armor suits. From her hand flew a dark purple shard, which struck the closest opponent to her, encasing it completely in purple ice and halting it in its tracks. "It does seem there is some advantage in being a Winter Goddess, after all."

    There was a creaking sound, and then the ice shattered, as the automaton raised its greatsword above its head, fragments of ice flying in all directions from the animated armor. The smile on Beira's face fell, as she saw her spell had done little to restrain the foe. "Or not..." the Utgardian muttered, just before leaping out of the way to avoid a downward swing of the armored creature's sword. The greatsword bit into the stone elevation in the center of the bowl, cutting into it like a hot knife through butter. "Point of note: those weapons are incredibly sharp," Beira announced, more out of shock than anything else, though she quickly recovered her wits. "Did I mention that red hair suits you, Vandrad? A spell that changes hair color must be very nifty to have. You should have done your hair-changing thing at that nuptial ritual in Rose Garden. It would have matched my dress."

    She was sure that the change in hair color was probably a way of Vandrad's body responding to his magic, but it was fun to still poke at him, even if she found his blast quite impressive, though she said nothing about that. Creating a thin longsword of nether rime, Beira stabbed through the neck of the greatsword wielding enemy, and felt nothing there. So there was no flesh within, just the strange dark stuff. Beira could not tell if it was matter or energy, but she wasn't interested in finding that out. Dodging to the side, she evaded the attack of another animated armor, and attempted to slice off its right leg. Her ice weapon was up to the task, the construct's leg falling to the ground, as the monster, apparently unconcerned about its leg, attempted hopping towards the God Slayer, trying to balance itself well enough to thrust at her with its spear while standing on one leg. It seemed that whatever black smoky stuff existed in the cut-off armor part quietly evaporated, leaving the empty armored leg on the ground.

    Beira was quick to go for the second leg, removing it as well, lust before avoiding another swing from a third assailant, whose missed blow knocked the head off of the spear-wielding armor. As the helmet detached from the rest of the body, the armor fell to the ground with a loud clang, as the black stuff within it evaporated out of it rapidly. "I found the solution, Vandrad sir," Beira half-yelled in a sing-song voice. She paused to avoid another downward swing, acrobatically flipping to the right to dodge a sword slash, and making a reprisal attack of her own, which was parried. "Take off the heads. That should just about do the trick. Oh, and definitely, mobility is key. You seem to be a relatively good dancer, so you shouldn't have a problem with that, yes?" Another missed downward blow hit the ground with a resounding ring, and cracks began rapidly forming on the marble floor of the bowl-like contraption in which the mages fought. "That doesn't sound good..." Beira said nervously.

    WC: 1001 words
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    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 7th May 2020, 1:12 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Catch and Release RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad wasn’t upset by enemies being nearby -- in fact, it was safe to say that he was thrilled that there would be some kind of challenge. If they had come up and there hadn’t been anything to fight, he may have chalked up the entire job as a failure. Of course, there was still the prospect of him having to face off with Beira at the end of this all but that was still to be determined. But he was greatly hoping that he didn’t have to handle all of the foes himself, if only for the sake of seeing what his partner was capable of. She teased him back over his remark, doubling down on her innocence though in a completely faux paus kind of way. With a flick of her wrist, she sent a blast of icy magic into the chestplate of one of the armors, the dark purple shard embedding in the steel. It expanded quickly, overwhelming the creature until it had been completely frozen in its spot. Proudly, she proclaimed that there were certain positive features to being, as she said, a Winter Goddess.

    That was an interesting remark. She had already claimed to be from beyond this world but now she stated simply that she was some kind of winter deity. But it seemed that such a lofty title wasn’t going to hold much weight to the armored beings, as a moment later the ice cracked and broke away, allowing the creature to move once more as it brought its sword high. He leapt to the opposing side she did as the sword came down, carving a slash through the stone as if it were nothing but paper. "Noted, Winter Goddess,” he shot her face quickly as he spun around, realizing he had put himself close to one of the armored creatures. The spear was already pulled back and rushed forward towards his chest as he turned to face it. Vandrad’s hands snapped out and grabbed the wooden shaft of the weapon, halting its progression mere inches from impaling his armor.

    He twisted his arms, snapping the wood into pieces and granting him control over the sharp head of the spear. He twisted it around and sent it flying towards the being, impaling the chest piece once more but with something more substantial. Still, it didn’t seem to make much of an impact on the smoky creature inside. As he pulled back a few steps to give himself room, she called out to him, remarking on his sudden change in hair. Apparently it suited him, according to her, and she mentioned the fact that having such a hue would have allowed them a better match back in Rose Garden during their ‘date’. "As I recall, you had no interest in matching colors,” he replied evenly, twisting around a sword stab and unleashing a kick into the armored beast’s head. The sound of it reverberating echoed in the small area but the plating didn’t move… which was strange, in and of itself. The rest of the armor had been broken or damaged easily but not the headpiece?

    He glanced over at her briefly, enough to see that she had brought forth a weapon of her own and seemed to be handling herself well enough. As her rime weapon carved through armor, Vandrad set his gaze on the remaining three on his side. One’s spear had been broken by him but the creature seemed unbothered over the prospect of using the broken wooden pieces to impale the prince. The other two had greatswords. Pooling his magic into his right arm, he leapt towards them, dodging a side swipe by spiraling through the air. He flipped around and slammed his fist into the front of the armored being’s head, energy releasing from his knuckles in a detonation of sorts. It completely incinerated the armor and the head beneath and with a loud hiss of smoke, the rest of the body started to evaporate.

    He was turning his head around to call out to her when she spoke up, yelling over to him that she had discovered the answer. By the sound of her voice, she actually sounded like she was enjoying herself, which was amusing. It wasn’t often he ran into people that genuinely found the fun in combat and luckily he’d managed to run into two. She voiced his self-same discovery, stating that removing the heads was the solution to defeating them. That and apparently moving about, as she remarked about his expertise in dancing helping with his mobility. "If you thought you saw the extent of my abilities on a mere dance floor, you are sure to be surprised momentarily,” he sent back her way as his aura burned just a bit brighter.

    The greatsword and broken spear came flying in at him during his conversation, moving too quickly to dodge. But rather than cleaving him into pieces, they collided loudly with the frame of his body. Magic shielding had run its course over his form, embedding itself over his armoring as an extra layer of protection. Vandrad’s eyes swept back to his enemies, a vicious grin upon his face. "Ouch,” he said teasingly as he reached out and grabbed the sword in his hand. Wrapping his armored fingers around the blade, he yanked it out of the hold of the armored monster, causing it to stumble forward. In an instant he slashed upwards with it, still wielding it from its blade side, and sliced the head from the off-balance being, causing its armor to clatter loudly to the ground.

    He then twisted on his heel and slammed the handle and guard into the helmet of the remaining armored enemy, easily piercing the metal with the speed and strength of his body. Twisting it slightly so that it remained stuck within the confines of the helmet, he jerked his body the opposite way and tore the helmet -- and the smoky head beneath -- from the rest of the body, tossing it and the greatsword off and away from him.

    He turned around to check on Beira, only to find that the ground was, in fact, starting to give away. The slashes from the swords had damaged the marble to such a point that cracks were beginning to form. "Son of a bitch,” he hissed as he disappeared from his spot, reappearing next to her. His hand snapped out and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her to his side. His magic took hold of him and he shot up from the ground, narrowly lifting them away from two more strikes aimed at her. They hit the ground with enough force to finish the damage done and the marble broke away suddenly, collapsing inwards and taking the armored creatures with them. Vandrad kept them hovering in the air, watching as the ruins were turned into even more rubble at the hands of their own guardians.

    Words: 1174/11,980 | Tag: @Fraag | © marzia at shine & gs.



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    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Fraag 7th May 2020, 3:24 pm

    It was quite interesting, getting to watch Vandrad from the corner of her eye while she dodged this way and that and engaged herself with the attacks of the animated armors which had been summoned to get rid of the intruders. For someone like herself, even though her magic was strangely colored, it was after all strange to see ice appearing in a dark purple hue, it would not take long for an observer to determine that Beira's primary magic was ice based. After all, if it looked like a duck, sounded like a duck, walked like a duck and did all those strange things that only ducks could do, then logic dictated that it surely was a duck, even if its plumage was of a violet shade. Likewise, even with Beira's ice possessing a number of unique properties, it was still ice, for the most part. Even the gods- and angels-killing part of the ice hardly changed its major properties, maybe aside aesthetics and the limits to what it could freeze.

    Vandrad's magic, however, was a bit of an enigma. Definitely, she could surmise that whatever he was ding seemed to revolve around manipulation of some form of energy. But Beira was not accustomed to energies that could turn people's hair a shade of red. And exactly what sort of energy was it, and what could it do? Perhaps lend more power to his punches, and create shields. That looked very nifty, and suggested that this energy could somehow be condensed, if to form a body shield, then perhaps it could also be projected to form physical constructs such as walls, armor, weapons, and a host of other things. But that was all conjecture. The thought that she might have to face that power before the end of the day resulted in a mix of emotions for the young God Slayer, ranging from concern to excitement. In any case, energy meant long-range attacks; she had seen Vandrad punch a hole through one of those armor ghost things, and while Beira's physical body was tougher than it looked, and felt for that matter, she wasn't sure she wanted to be on the receiving end of that blast.

    The Winter Goddess quickly generated a spear of nether rime, as she weighed her options, taking note of the cracking floor. For now, it seemed to be relatively stable under her weight, but she could not assume that it would hold her weight safely until she was through fighting the armored guards, or even the weights of the armors, in any case. Evidently, each armor case was heavier than she was, so their walking all over the cracking ground wasn't helping matters. Only they didn't seem to be bothered one bit about the cracks spreading about on the marble surface. The way the cracks were appearing meant that there was a hollow space under the marble bowl. And who knew how deep the hollow went? Beira was not interested in having the floor give way beneath her and her armored opponents, suspecting that they would probably still be keen to press on the attack while everyone fell through the floor. With a quick, graceful step forward, she thrust the spear in her hand through the helmet of the nearest animated armor. It whirled away and took about two or three staggering steps, before collapsing on the stairs, the shadowy essence within the armor escaping without a sound.

    "Oh!" Beira exclaimed in surprise as she felt an arm round her waist. Whatever Vandrad had done to cover the distance between them was rather impressive, as she wasn't expecting such a feat of speed. The next thing she knew, she was pulled out of the way of the attacks of the two remaining armored guards, and found herself being lifted into the air. Normally, she might have aimed an elbow at the head of whoever had the gumption to grab her by the waist as though trying to force her to dance or kidnap her. But as long as they were on this treasure hunting business, Vandrad was considered an ally, even if a temporary one, and Beira was not comfortable with trying to harm her allies until she was quite certain they mean to cause her harm. "Well, I say!" the Utgardian stated vehemently, realizing to her consternation that, mixed with her feelings of irritation at being suddenly interrupted by someone grabbing her, she did feel some bit of excitement... okay, to be honest, it was a little more than 'a bit' of excitement. "Someone of your social bearing should be aware that it is in rather poor taste to manhandle a maiden, especially when--"

    Beira's tirade was cut short as there was a loud crack, and the marble floor gave way, with everything on the floor falling down into the darkness, and disappearing out of sight. Of course, the two mages were airborne, and as such, the falling floor held no danger over them. "Oh," Beira said again, her tone now gentler and more subdued, as her wide eyes turned from the void below the flying mages to Vandrad's face, her expression one of mollified sheepishness. "I beg your pardon, kind sir," she apologized, realizing the reason for Vandrad's 'manhandling' of her person. "And I thank you for the ah-- rescue. It was quick thinking on your part. Now, despite my gratitude to you for saving me from such a sticky situation, I'm neither accustomed to being in the embrace of male folk, and even less so without my feet on solid earth. So would the gentleman be so kind as to set me down on stable earth?"

    This being done, Beira curtsied at Vandrad, the gesture executed quite gracefully, despite the humorous air with which she performed it. "I would have been rather surprised, if I didn't know you this much, to hear that you didn't belong to some guild such as Sabertooth, or perhaps the Rune Knights," the Winter God Slayer said, a smile of gratitude mixed with something more teasing on her face. "A gentleman with honest and noble virtues, who can fly. You sir, are a textbook superhero." Beira realized that she did not hear the crash of the falling marble and animated armors, so either they had descended into some muck, or the depths into which they had fallen were more alarming than they seemed. Carefully, Beira peered over the edge but only saw darkness within. "That is alarming, to say the least. I suggest we seek to just complete this quest as soon as possible."

    The square hole in the earth was not hard to find, and its descent led to an impressive sight. After the two mages descended through the hole (Beira chose to go down first, perhaps as a sign of trust and goodwill), the tunnel suddenly expanded into a massive space beneath the mountain. The steps, about a hundred meters in length led straight down to a sarcophagus. Not too far away, a hole in the ceiling of the subterranean vault marked where the mages had done battle with the animated armors, and the light that shone through the large hole revealed that aside the platform of stone on which the sarcophagus lay, which rose from the depths of a great chasm, there was no other piece of land to be seen, everything else disappearing into a great void.

    "This is... grand," Beira said, though her voice did not sound convinced. Walking down to the sarcophagus, she could not sense any residual magic around, so she pushed the cover of the sarcophagus off to reveal a skeletal figure in majestic robes lying in state, with a bracelet on its wrist, said bracelet matching all descriptions to the relic in question. "I think we found it," Beira said, just before the skeletal figure rose up into the air and cackled, a rather disturbing sound. "Two adventurers," it hissed, a strange light in its eyes, as it held up its hands, and an ominous green glow began emanating from it. "Now I can continue my existence in your world. One of you shall relinquish your skin to me and serve as my vessel. The other shall be my meal. Now, you may both bow to me and die."

    Beira noticed, however, that the sarcophagus seemed to have a pool of magical energy from which this wraith seemed to be drawing sustenance, probably before it transferred its life into some hapless adventurer. "A very rude way to make demands," the God Slayer said, suddenly punching the sarcophagus. It was made of sturdier material than Beira suspected and did not break, though a fissure ran vertically along its height. The floating skeleton screamed and fired a blast at her, sending the Winter Goddess almost over the edge of the stone platform. It then began to chant, as it slowly held out its arms.

    WC: 1485 words
    Total: 23823/...


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Catch and Release Empty Re: Catch and Release

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 10th May 2020, 8:30 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Catch and Release RJtajUnz_o

    Normally Vandrad wouldn’t go out of his way to fly over and play the part of savior. The role of hero wasn’t one that he generally embodied and he always believed that people will survive by surpassing their weaknesses and limits. That meant that help wasn’t necessarily something he offered or asked for at any point in time. The Prince had done everything in his time growing up, right up until that same year, to make himself stronger by his own means. Many had offered assistance but he had always turned it down, refusing to accept a hand when he could handle it all on his own. And his philosophy was that the weak were those that gave up when they could easily make themselves stronger.

    But recently, he had begun to learn that the circumstances of a job or mission wasn’t as cut and dry as weakness or strength. He’d been in the military for so long and had been so attached to that mindset that he had forgone the obvious lesson prior. But after coming to Fiore, after joining Fairy Tail and meeting its members and Mercury, his awareness had sharpened. He began to understand that one could be strong as all get out and still suffer from downfalls. And there was no preparing for certain events, especially when the literal ground was starting to fall out from one’s feet. Maybe it was that or maybe it was some influence he had unintentionally picked up from all the people he had met. He couldn’t put his finger on it or perhaps he was unwilling to look that deep and realize what he was feeling.

    In a flash, he zapped from one spot and reappeared right next to her. Instinctively, his arm snaked around her waist to ensure he had a proper, but not invasive, hold of her. Then his energy took hold of them both, pulling the pair upwards into the air. It was only a second later that the marble came crumbling apart, falling down into the depths of the ruins. The Winter Goddess protested to the sudden closeness of their bodies, claiming that someone of his stature should understand how improper it was to just grab her without permission. He didn’t need to provide context as the ground gave way and the two of them watched as the bowl and the armored beings disappeared into the void.

    Upon realization of why he had rushed over to her, she suddenly got quite chastened, apologizing for her outburst. She thanked him and then asked politely that he put her down, as apparently she wasn’t exactly comfortable with both flying and being close to him. He floated over to the most stable portion of the ruins and set them both down, releasing her and taking a step away, to look down into the darkness. He glanced over at Beira as she curtsied to him, giving him a show of gratitude, which was odd but he gave her a short nod. Beira commented idly about her knowing him so well and how otherwise, she would be pretty surprised to learn he wasn’t within one of the legal guilds. "I don’t believe the topic of where our guild allegiances lie have ever come up,” he remarked with a snort. A moment later she was teasing him, comparing him to heroes from legends and calling him some kind of superhero. "Please,” he cast aside the satirical comments. "The only reason I felt the need to come to your aid is that I’m hoping for a proper fight by the end of this. Those armored weaklings didn’t provide much challenge -- I’m hoping you’ll make up the difference.” Though it seemed like a harsh statement, he gave her a look showing just how playful the statement was meant to be. After a brief moment of taking in the sight of the endless hole they had avoided, Beira suggested they find a quick means to end their journey.

    It didn’t take them long to find the square hole and the Winter Goddess led their trek down into the depths. The dug path opened up into a wide cavern, cleared out of dirt and stone by the makers of the original structures. Forged steps carried down to a platform where a dark, ancient sarcophagus had been set. A beam of light from off the path showed where they had opened up a hole in the marble. But the only stable foundation was the path with the coffin; everything else was empty, black nothing that seemed to disappear towards the core of the world. Vandrad could only imagine what happened to the original builders that had to dig down into the depths.

    "Grand is a word,” he commented idly at her own remark. He followed right behind her as she approached the sarcophagus, arms crossed over his chest as she pushed off the cover. Inside lay a skeleton, dressed with exquisite taste, including a bracelet that seemed to match the description of the relic. Beira stated as such, only for the skeleton to start moving a moment later, surging up into the air, laughing at the intruders to its tomb. Ethereal light sparked into its eyes as it took stock of them. It remarked that their invasion meant it could survive, as one of them was going to serve as a vessel for the skeleton and the other would be relegated to sustenance.

    Beira accused the being of being rude with its demands before she punched the sarcophagus. A quick glance to the coffin allowed Vandrad’s senses to pick up on the magical energy that seemed to ebb off of the structure. The skeleton screeched and unleashed a bolt of magic at the Winter Goddess, knocking her back and almost off the edge into the darkness. Vandrad snapped his hand out and grabbed her by the wrist, righting her before her balance could be lost. "You break the box,” he said, nodding to the sarcophagus. His own arm snapped out and unleashed a blast of magic at the skeleton, slamming an orb of blue energy into its chest and knocking it back in the air. "I’ll keep it distracted.” His hair and eyes once more changed to crimson as he launched himself at the stunned skeleton, wrapping his hand around the bony neck. He used his momentum to carry the creature into the wall, pinning it against the cavern walls. "Now then, demon… elaborate on how you’re going to take over one of our bodies. I’m quite interested.” The skeleton screeched and released a blast into Vandrad’s chest, knocking him flying through the air.

    The Prince righted himself in the air, his aura sparking to life. As the skeleton began to chant once more, Vandrad shot forward and engaged it.

    Words: 1156/13,136 | Tag: @Fraag | © marzia at shine & gs.


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