Fairy Tail RP

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    Fortune's Findings


    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Fortune's Findings Empty Fortune's Findings

    Post by Fraag 6th April 2021, 10:06 am

    Nita Fortune's Bank

    Name: Ms. Fortune | Black Maria
    Rank: S+
    Guild: Luminous Rose
    Lineage: Progeny of Arcanos


    Magic 1: Arcane Fate Magic
    Magic 2: Night God Slayer, first half of Lunar God Slayer hybrid
    Magic 3: Relativity God Slayer, second half of Lunar God Slayer hybrid


    Pegasus- Mythical Spear/Shield
    Xenokraft Firelance 9400- Artifact(+) Firearm

    Kraken's Lament- Unique Shield

    Ares, Keeper of War- Zodiac Summoning Key
    Lauma's Favor- Artifact(+) Wings
    Ring of Cura- Artifact(+) Ring
    Matiasma- Artifact(+) Necklace

    Ascendant Abilities





    To Trick Or To Treat, That Is The Question- Social Event [Completed]
    Whispers of War- Event [Completed]
    Archangels of the Sephiroth- LR Guildscale
    Baiting the Trap- 100-Year Freeform [Completed]
    Oshibana Railway Madness: The Sequel- Freeform
    Finding the Lost- 100 Year Light Mission
    A Step Away From Sanity- Two A and two C-Rank Freeforms [Completed]
    The Rose Garden Raid- 100-Year Freeform [Completed]
    Ms. Fortune and the Sea of Stolen Souls- 10-Year Light Mission [Completed]
    Enter the Black Maria!- 100-Year Character Job [Completed]
    Grand Theft Auto- A host of C Rank Missions [Completed]
    Cabal in the Capital- 2 Freeform A-Rank Missions [Completed]
    The Battle of La Roche- Event [Completed]
    Spring and Its Attendant Woes- Social Event [Completed]
    Is A Passport Really Necessary?- D Rank Mission/Passport Acquisition [Completed]
    Staking a Claim- One 100 Year and one S Rank Freeform [Completed]
    Spooky Night in Hosenka- Social Event [Completed]
    The Moon's Inkling- TBD
    Bad Pumpkins- TBD
    A Trip to the Moon- Two 100-Year Freeforms [Completed]
    It's a Wonderful Life- Social Event [Completed]
    Evolution- TBD


      Current date/time is 9th October 2024, 5:59 am