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    Birth of the House


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,700

    Birth of the House Empty Birth of the House

    Post by Charlotte 9th February 2018, 3:54 am

    ☆ Job Details ☆

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    The White Witch

    A very strange request was recently delivered to all guilds across the land of Fiore. One that asked powerful individuals who were experts in the field of magic to investigate a certain house in the Rose Garden. On the outside, it appeared to be just another completely normal structure like any other. Walls painted pure white, though not exactly maintained very well. The house had a front door right into one of the less busy streets of the town and no garden of any sorts. Just a regular structure people would live in. That was about it appearance-wise at least.

    Though, of course, there was much more to it than just that. The reason why someone wanted this house to be investigated was that it recently became a source of incredibly dense magical energy. Those sensitive to ethernano particles would feel as if the building housed every individual from the Ten Wizard Saints list and more. Several mages already accepted this request, thinking it to be easy jewels. But the moment they would approach the building, they turned away in terror, their sense of self-preservation kicking in. No matter what was inside, it surely had to be extremely powerful to have this much magic.

    And no one wanted to deal with that head-on. But as one would have it, there was not a single person who knew the truth of this place. What was really behind those unlocked brown doors? A mundane hallway with three different doors both on the left and the right with a final seventh door at the end of the hall itself. Behind each of those doors, a plain looking room with barely any furniture and living space. This building was the home of Charlotte, a young White Witch of Black Rose. A fact that everyone failed to realize, as the house was still in ownership of two different people who fled the town fifteen years ago.

    Charlotte’s parents. They were unknown. The girl’s special powers started showing very soon after she was born, so the pair decided to leave the ‘demon’ alone. The baby would be put in her crib as the two individuals pack all their belongings and left, never to return. The child was meant to die of hunger and thirst, completely and utterly alone. But it was not only her powers that made her special. A tall man in black suit with golden eyes found himself standing next to the wooden crib the moment those two left, a wide and eerie grin on his face. The Observer. He would take care of Charlotte from now on.

    And as such, the girl survived and lived on. Alone, in this decrepit and bare home, her only friends beings creatures that no one else could even see. There was more to Charlotte’s story, but that was a tale for another day. For now, the important thing is that her power was only growing more powerful with time. Her white magic was special and it would leak out of her body that could not properly hold it under control. And as time went on, the magical energy would seep into the house itself, becoming part of it. Finally, the structure became so saturated with ethernano that regular people took notice.

    And thus, this job was created for whatever brave soul would enter this monstrosity of magic. But perhaps they were right to worry. After all, nothing is left to chance in Charlotte’s story. The puppeteer has everything under their control and writes this story to their own liking. But there was another aspect to it all. The origin of Charlotte was not a simple one. Recycled from a story that already met its ultimate end, she was broken, and so was everything connected to her. And the house? The house might have been the biggest part of it all, pieced together from junk of magic and otherworldly stories.

    Because of that, an anomaly was created. Charlotte herself could not trigger it, for she was in tune with the house and all it represented. But the moment someone else would open the doors of this house and set a foot into this building, a powerful wave of magic would activate and change everything. The front door would vanish and leave whoever entered trapped inside, the hall suddenly transforming into a single small room. An elevator that would start moving up. And after few seconds, it would come to a stop, regardless of buttons that might have been pressed on the selector to the side.

    Welcome to the First Floor, Guest

    It was not an automated message. The elevator spoke on its own as if it was a living entity. And it spoke straight to the person inside of it. The doors would open to reveal that very same hall that was meant to exist right after the front door. But it was no longer dim with walls covered in mold and nearly broken down wallpaper. They were painted a beautiful and pristine white, almost shining and blinding whoever would see this place for the first time. The doors remained unchanged, but gave off a much warmer, yet dreadful feeling of what they could be possibly hiding.

    Regardless, one of them would open the moment this chosen person left the elevator. The third door on the right side it was. And from there, a young looking girl emerged. Her hair was just as pure white as the walls themselves. Her skin pale and her eyes the same as her hair, lacking pupils of any kind. Pure white orbs that stared right at this stranger. She wore a white swather with a bright yellow ribbon and a black short skirt. An attire similar to a school uniform in a way. Her legs were hidden away beneath a thin layer of black fabric as well, all ending in a pair of neat black shoes.

    W…who are you?!” Her voice was slightly shaking and clearly alerted, as she did not expect someone to enter her house uninvited. But other than that, she didn’t even notice any changes to the House. No, of course she didn’t. For she always saw it like this. The girl was unreliable when it came to her magic and mental state. While living in a home that was slowly falling apart, all she saw was a beautiful place she grew up in, a palace of White. But now, that imagination turned real by using a mage of this world, controlled by a different puppeteer, into reality.

    1,089 / 10,000 WC

    Last edited by Charlotte on 13th March 2018, 1:28 am; edited 1 time in total


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1694
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Samira Nassar 11th February 2018, 8:33 am

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
    Magic Power: 100%
    Health Points: 100%
    Post Word Count: 1407
    Thread Word Count: 1407

    Birth of the House V6JIcYH       Birth of the House WOyJ6my       Birth of the House JOeaZ9l       Birth of the House W1bEUgL       Birth of the House MrksPDy
    "Rose Garden? Again?" Samira Nassar, one of the three aces of the guild of Lamia Scale, stared with her verdant eyes at the paper notice she held. It was a notice that was being delivered to all guilds that were within Fiore, and she just so happened to be on her way out when the delivery was being made. The one making the delivery did not say much or even had much information for her other than the location of the job. The city was not unknown to the summoner. Not too long ago she had gone there to investigate random disappearances that led her to some sort of haunted doll shop. It was then that she had also met a mage from the local guild there. Why was it that problems always seemed to arise in Rose Garden and could not be handled by the local mages? She knew they were powerful enough, so why did such a notice once again make its way all the way to Lamia Scale? They weren't even on the same continent anymore! Well sort of. Lamia Scale was still listed as a guild located in Fiore, and so notices went to both branches. The one still located in Hargeon where most of the new recruits were, and the branch that was all the way out in Pandora where she was.

    The summoner sweatdropped, realizing that it was probably not a quick or easy delivery. Not many would go to a continent filled with monsters just to deliver a notice. The poor delivery man looked very anxious to get out before something huge and terrifying stomped its way through. "Apologies, you may go now. Thank you for taking the time to deliver this way out here." The deliverer couldn't get out of there fast enough. Before she could even finish blinking he was gone and running for the ship that originally brought him there. "Pandora is not really that bad." The opinion of a monster hunter that felt right at home.

    'All right, what are we doing this time?'
    "You assume I would be handling this? I was just going to pass it along to another. After the last job I took that was located in Rose Garden, I would rather not go there again." The haunted doll shop was still a terrible memory for the high ranking summoner that had a great fear of the soulless monstrosities.
    'Wait! Rose Garden again? They do know Lamia Scale hunts monsters, right? You're right, pass it on. That's a waste of time. What kind of monster would hang around that place?'

    Samira read the notice further as she left the guild's entrance and went inside to head towards her room. "It appears I would be investigating some sort of house that is releasing very high levels of magic. Supposedly many that had taken the job before refused to even enter and fled."

    'That is pretty much how the doll job sounded. Lets ignore this one. That one was pretty cringe worthy. I am scared to see something like that again.'

    An acknowledged agreement from all spirits and summoner. Rose Garden was a place to avoid. It wasn't as if weird magical houses fell into the monster slaying category. Sure there could of been some sort of ghost, extremely powerful entity, a mage that lost control and became similar to a monster, more soulless dolls, a portal to some sort of monster filled dimension... Well damn. With as few details as there were there really could of been a monster lurking in the mysterious house of mysteriousness.

    The spirits could feel their summoner's hesitation. Their link with her was strong, and it was impossible for her to hide her thoughts and feelings completely. 'Shit, we're going there again, aren't we?' Samira could only sigh before letting out a reluctant, "Yes." It probably was not at all wise to pass over something on that scale. She was no Wizard Saint, but she was powerful. Letting weaker mages try to attempt something so vague and likely dangerous did not sit well with her. And so Samira readied herself for the journey to back to Fiore, and to Rose Garden.

    Once the summoner had reached the city she immediately went towards the magical house. The actual location she was unsure about, but a few people that had heard about it pointed her in the right direction. It was one of the less busy areas, but not so terribly condemned and abandoned as the shop of her last job. The pure white house she stood in front of wasn't a very well maintained one. That much Samira could see. It appeared perfectly normal otherwise. What was abnormal about the place was the very heavy feeling of magic energy. Now she understood why people that had taken the job before had fled. No sane person would want to go in there. The feeling was actually unbearable and sent chills down her spine. Her own survival instincts were telling her to leave. They would be ignored. Unless it was around dolls, Samira was one that could normally overcome her sense of fear by sheer will power. Such a trait was being used once again.

    Samira walked up to the brown doors and knocked to be polite. Someone could have been living there for all she knew. No response. She went for the doorknob and was surprised to find that the doors were actually unlocked. The door slid open slowly with a light push, and her eyes peered in cautiously. "Hello?" No answer, but she did note the set of doorways. A strange design. 'Okay, I'm already creeped out just from watching. This is how horror lacrima flicks start!'

    The spirit in her head went ignored. Samira did what others had failed to do: she stepped inside. The moment she did, the door behind her vanished and then the whole room suddenly transformed. Now she was trapped in some sort of elevator. What on Earthland?! 'I told you this was a bad idea! Now you're trapped!' A sigh escaped her. For something that was so strange to have happened she remained collected. "Calm yourself. This place is full of some sort of magic, so this should not come as a surprise," she replied to the spirit as she pressed some of the side buttons to see if she could control the elevator. It didn't appear to work at all. Perplexing. No matter. The elevator came to a stop and she had even been greeted by name. 'Now the place even knows your name!'

    Yes, the elevator knowing her name was creepy indeed. It didn't even sound like a recording. Something about it felt off. The door opened and she was left to view the original hallway she had seen before the transformation, only it was white, clean, and perfected. Curious and with no where else to go, Samira stepped out of the elevator. Near immediately one of the doors opened, and her attention and gaze went towards the direction. Out came a young girl. Much like the walls of the place, the girl had so much white. The only color she even had was the yellow ribbon and the black skirt of her school uniform styled attire. Even the eyes were pure white. That alone was something that Samira had never seen before, at least not on anything considered human. Aside from that, the strange girl appeared human.

    "I am a mage of the guild Lamia Scale," Samira replied gently, taking notice of the girl's surprise and shaky voice. Was the girl unaware of the magic radiating from the peculiar house? Really the summoner couldn't tell much of anything. Surely if someone lived there the locals would have known about it. No one had come to the door when she knocked either, and that wasn't even going into detail of the weird way she ended up on the first floor. "You may call me Samira, if you like. Would you mind telling me who you are? I was under the impression no one lived here." Samira walked closer to the girl, although still keeping some distance in order to prevent invading personal bubbles. Her eyes darted towards the other doors curiously before landing back on the strange girl in white. There she stood, waiting for an answer as to who the girl was and what she was doing in that house.

    Template by ○Kaori



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,700

    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Charlotte 14th February 2018, 7:53 am

    The White Witch

    Not only was the girl perplexed by a sudden presence of another being in her house, she was also scared. Her voice surely gave that away, but there was just nothing she could do to prevent that. Surely if this green-haired female was an enemy, then Seth would find a way to save their puppet from this situation. What actually happened was a semi-friendly greeting from the invader to this place, which was not exactly something that would happen very often during robberies and such. Though the girl still could not even think of any reasons why a mage from Lamia Scale would suddenly appear here.

    As she would start making her steps, so would Charlotte who instinctively and out of fear started backing away from this new and unknown presence. At least until she would hit the wall behind her. Slightly cornered and unsure of what to do, she would normally rely on her puppeteer. Though this time, Seth remained silent and not giving her any instructions as to how to proceed or address this Samira. Because of all that, tears quickly started appearing in the corners of the white girl’s eyes before they would be forced out and slide down her cheeks, depart and fall onto the ground to stain the wooden floor.

    I… I… please don’t hurt me!” As if she saw a ghost, the girl would tightly clench her small fits as she would drastically turn her body around and bolt it toward the door she came from. In her hurry, she wasn’t even able to properly grab the handle for the first few moments, accidentally putting several deeper scratches on the wooden door with her nails before finally managing to open the very simple mechanism and disappear inside. If Samira were to follow, she would notice even some blood on across the scratches, as the girl probably hurt herself in the panic.

    Behind the door she would find a single small room that was even more white than the hall it lead to. Not only that, it was drawn. Whatever was happening in this house, it was affecting the reality itself, as all the walls, floor and ceiling appeared as if it was drawn by someone on a piece of paper. This created a room that was pure white with black lines creating all the edges which would make it possible to even see anything. In the far corner, there was a single small bed with white sheets and a nightstand separating it from the wall. Across from it to Samira’s left, there was a single shelf filled with books.

    And that was it. There was absolutely nothing else in this room aside from a bed and two other pieces of furniture. The white-haired girl was very blatantly hiding behind her bed and next to the nightstand, sitting on the floor with her back pushed against the bed’s side. Her had was in her palms and even from distance, it could be easily heard that she was crying and muttering something to herself in fear, perhaps a prayer? The right sleeve of her white sweater now had red stains on it from blood, as the fingernail of her right index finger got broken and nearly forced out of her skin, which tore it.

    A small, but quite painful and nasty looking injury that probably occurred during her desperate attempt at escape earlier. Though as she fled into a dead-end room with very little space to hide, it probably said a lot about her ability to run from danger or think properly in panic situations. For now, she remained in place trembling and crying, hoping that nothing bad would come her way. She didn’t want to die, she didn’t want to feel pain. But her heart was racing so fast it hurt, as she struggled to breathe or even get back up to try and run again if need be. She was trapped.
    1,746 / 10,000 WC


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1694
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Samira Nassar 12th March 2018, 9:10 am

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
    Magic Power: 100%
    Health Points: 100%
    Post Word Count: 1255
    Thread Word Count: 2662

    Birth of the House V6JIcYH       Birth of the House WOyJ6my       Birth of the House JOeaZ9l       Birth of the House W1bEUgL       Birth of the House MrksPDy
    A simple blink was all Samira could give as a first reaction to the girl's terrified demeanor. Samira had thought she was gentle and kind enough to not make the girl so concerned towards her presence. Apparently it was not so. Her movements were much too forward as was indicated by the girl stepping back to the point of hitting the wall behind her. Then came the tears that brought a look of worry upon the summoner's face. The girl in white truly was terrified for some reason. Was she really so sheltered and fragile? Samira had befriended one that could bring on the waterworks easily around her, but it was nothing of the scale of the girl she had just encountered. She had done nothing but introduce herself and had hoped the young girl would do the same.

    The expressionless face was replaced with a kinder one. Perhaps even if her words did not express some ill intent her neutral look did. It was difficult for her to express some sort of a cheerful and happy expression when she was on a mission, and even more so when around someone she just met and did not immediately consider as an ally. Only those that were considered as such would see such a thing on a normal basis without her forcing it. Her lips formed into a small smile, and she had stepped forward again in an attempt to get closer so that she may comfort the girl to stop her crying and maybe even ease her fear a bit. "There is little reason to cry. I am not going to-" The attempt did not work. Quite the opposite, in fact. The white haired girl pleaded to not be harmed before she turned and ran in terror, disappearing behind the door she had originally come through.

    Samira's mouth could only hang open as she watched the girl take off. One eye blink. Two. Three. She was completely baffled by the reaction. Never had she pictured herself as some sort of scary looking person that made people flee in terror. There really was a first for everything. Then again, there were plenty of monsters that had used her as a human shaped teddy bear. There must of been a reason for that. Maybe she was actually scarier than she thought.

    In her mind she could hear several of her less serious spirits laughing at what they just saw. Jokes were made about her being the next monster her guild had to slay due to her being confused for some monster. There were even other comments regarding her newly promoted status of her very name causing young women to flee. She was even sure there was a play going on with the script following the small encounter to the letter. "This is not worthy of jokes. There is clearly something wrong with that girl." Samira said out loud, the message being for the spirits in her head. Her smile turned into a deep and serious frown. She was annoyed with her spirits making light of the situation, and she was further disturbed by the house in general. A house that no one even told her was being occupied by another. Now she would have to swallow her pride and apologize for being in the wrong and intruding. Assuming that was even what she did in the first place. The house was weird. For all she knew she may of not even been in the original house anymore.

    'Okay, okay, fine. It's not a laughing manner for now. We'll bring it up later. What's next?'
    "That girl is my only lead so far as to what is going on with this place. With that in mind, I follow her."
    'It could be a trap, you know?'
    "It would not be the first one."
    'That's because you always fall for them! Learn something for once, will you?!'

    Samira ignored any further comments from those that occupied her mind. They were unnecessary and redundant. The fact it could all be some sort of trap was true. Although whatever source was behind the house would be doing a lot of extra work for something so small. She was in unknown territory and not the other way around. Surely she could have been ended the moment she walked through the door rather than make her part of some weird situational trap. A slight curiosity also burned and nagged at her. She wanted to know who that girl was and why she was in the house. Maybe she was trapped within it too and could be the reason she was so fearful.

    Putting away all caution, Samira dared to go through the door that the other woman had went through. She had noticed the bit of blood on it, but paid it no mind for the moment. It was to be expected given how terrified the other was. Once she had gone through the door herself she was nearly blinded by the even brighter white of the new room. Her eyes closed from the intensity and she slowly opened them to allow them to adjust. What she saw was even stranger. A room that resembled a drawing on paper. That was a new one...

    Her green eyes scanned the room, finding it to be mostly empty aside from a bookshelf, nightstand, and a bed where a small voice was coming from, from behind it. Samira tilted her head as she tried to interpret and understand what was being muttered but soon gave up. It was getting a little on the creepy side honestly, but so far she had little reason to be too wary. The moment the other woman revealed herself to be some sort of possessed porcelain doll though she was getting the hell out of there. That wouldn't happen though, right? It wasn't some sort of horror story.

    "Hello?" Samira called out, hoping to get the girl in white's attention. "I apologize for intruding on what may be your home, and for startling you," she continued further as she went further inside the room and made way to slowly walk around the bed so she could see the freightened girl that seemed to resemble more of a child than older teenager as far as behavior was concerned. Samira felt sorry for her really. It must have been terrible to feel the need to react in such a way. "You did not give me a chance to tell you before. I am not here to hurt you. I did not even know of your existence prior to seeing you."

    Her eyes lowered more and focused on the blood on the woman's sweater. There wasn't all too much of it so she knew the injury was small. Painful most likely and quite inconvenient, but small. She herself had moved on with life with worse. Still, it was not something to be ignored if she wanted information and to prove she was not some monster out to get her. "Do you need any healing? I can help if you allow it." Well technically she had a spirit that could heal. Only one though. The abilities of her spirits were all spread around to cover a little bit of everything. Offense and control were the more dominant though. Healing came nearly dead last. Normally she would have just summoned He Bo and heal without asking, but with how jumpy the girl was Samira was afraid the healing waters would send her running off again.

    Template by ○Kaori



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,700

    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Charlotte 15th March 2018, 3:23 am

    The White Witch

    Charlotte was nothing more than just a regular human. Something that almost seemed unusual in the world of magic. That was not to say that there were no regular humans who managed to turn into powerful wizards, not at all. There were many. In fact, the green-haired female who appeared out of nowhere just few moments ago might have been human as well. But how was the girl to be sure? She did not know and she had absolutely no way to confirm. Not what she was, or if her words were the truth. This house, it was the girl’s home. And she had lived here alone for over fifteen years.

    A stranger suddenly appearing here out of nowhere, of course it would freak the girl out. She had never seen this other person and did not know if she could believe them or not. And while they appeared friendly enough, one would have to look through the girl’s eyes to discover just how terrific the world could be for her. While just human, she was rooted in something completely different from reality itself. She was drowning in a sea of black, inky substance that would paint her world pitch-black. Perhaps that was why she seemed almost obsessed with color white at times?

    She thought her room to be a sanctuary of solitude, a place of absolute safety that no monsters could enter. A childish view on something, as seemed to be always the case with the young white witch. The moment she heard words spoken behind her back, all hair on her body would stand up and her body as tense as a wooden board. She did not want to believe that anyone other than herself entered this room she had grown up in. The truth was undeniable, however. If this were any other case, then perhaps… perhaps her powers would shift the reality around.

    But in the house, and with another puppet present, even Charlotte could not erase the presence of another human being. So as Samira slowly approached, shew would turn to face her. Tears were staining her cheeks, making those pure white eyes without pupils take on the second color besides white - bloodshot red. It was as if she could not even hear, or process the apologies and reassurances. For the longest time, Charlotte would just stare back at the other female with a blank, yet absolutely terrified expression and not sure of what she should do.

    But a mention of healing came by and the girl finally felt pain in her fingers. Looking down, she saw her nails broken and some nearly torn out of her skin from the prior panic. It hurt. Oh, it hurt so bad! How come she didn’t feel anything before now? Was fear truly that paralyzing to her? Perhaps… after all, there was an unknown invader in her own home. She was terrified beyond belief. Clenching her fists tightly, a gentle and pastel white aura would surround her fingers, hands as a whole. And the moment she relaxed her muscles again, those very hands were in their original state.

    A display of the girl’s power and the fact why she joined Black Rose. The reason why she was abandoned by her parents in the first place. A mage was welcome in the world of magic, in Fiore. But she was different. The moment she was born, the reality around her would start to slowly collapse in on itself. Twist and turn mangled, that was the power of her blood. A curse of being a puppet and an unseen, yet omnipotent force and the chaos magic of a White Witch flowing within her blood. She was destined to a life of absolution, chaos and death repeated.

    It seemed that she was no longer shaking. Though she did move her body back again, away from the green-haired female. She would move until her back hit the nightstand, making a small reading lamp on top of it jump slightly. She was cornered, the bed on one side of her body and the drawn white wall on the other. The only way was forward, straight through the unknown magician. Still scared and confused, the girl would bend her knees until they were pressed against her body, her face pressed into her legs as she also hugged them with her slender hands.

    She wanted to say something, but did not know what. How should she approach this situation? How could she possibly do anything that would not result in her imminent demise? The life she lived prior to this lead her to believe that anyone who would breach onto this world of her must have wanted to harm her. And yet, the other girl was not approaching in that way. She was confused, oh so confused. The embrace on her body would only grow tighter as she started sobbing again. She wanted someone, anyone to be here for her… to embrace her and tell her it would be okay. She wanted to feel that warmth of another and be assured by it that nothing bad would happen.
    2,599 / 10,000 WC


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Samira Nassar 15th March 2018, 10:06 am

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
    Magic Power: 100%
    Health Points: 100%
    Post Word Count: 1223
    Thread Word Count: 3885

    Birth of the House V6JIcYH       Birth of the House WOyJ6my       Birth of the House JOeaZ9l       Birth of the House W1bEUgL       Birth of the House MrksPDy
    It seemed no matter what was said nothing was getting through to the terrified girl. The white eyes that had now become stained with red from all the crying could only stare back at her. Samira was at a loss with how to approach the situation. Not even children had displayed such a reaction. Normally it was the polar opposite even when they saw some of her more ferocious and intimidating spirits. To be in front of someone that feared her so... that was completely new and different. If only the girl knew she was perhaps the weakest of the Lamia Scale aces, and even the weakest among high ranking mages in general. At least, in that point in time. Certain events had not transpired yet that would make the girl's fear of her a little more accurate and understood.

    When healing was mentioned, there was an actual reaction that made Samira's eyes light up with relief for a moment. Progress had been made! Or so the summoner had thought. Rather than she being the one to heal the injury, the strange girl healed herself. The injured and bleeding hands were covered in a white glow, leaving behind the pale hands in perfect condition as soon as it faded. So, the girl had healing magic of her own. There was a slight feeling of foolishness for even having offered to heal her for such a minor injury that she easily took care of herself. The feeling had to be pushed aside and ignored. There was the important fact that the girl had magic. Was she part of the reason why the house was leaking an enormous amount of magic?

    There was also something else Samira noticed. A guild logo. One she had not seen much, but knew of its existence. On the back of the girl's palm was a mark that would have almost blended in completely against her pale skin if not for the black outline. The symbol for the guild known as Black Rose, the local guild of Rose Garden. It was with that knowledge that Samira arched a brow curiously and with a hint of suspicion. She had met one other from that guild, a member who was more like a living doll. That was all. Although, there was the time her closest friend had fought the guildmaster of that guild and had actually lost against her. A duel between Wizard Saints to prove who deserved the number one spot more. The purpose of that fight still did not make much sense to Samira, but it did give her an idea of how much power the guildmaster had, and of the other members that were probably on its roster. The crying and terrified girl before her was a part of it? Huh. Appearances must be deceiving indeed.

    The relief of the progress that had been made quickly passed as the girl went back to being frightened once more. Samira closed her eyes and let out a small sigh as she watched the girl back herself further into a corner. The only way for her to escape now was straight through her, and that was not happening. Honestly, now she felt as if she were cornering a small and helpless animal. It made her feel terrible, and she considered leaving the drawn room altogether to explore the rest of the house on her own and without any answers. She was getting no where with the girl. Not even so much as a name had been given out.

    Samira was unaware of what the girl really needed and wanted: a warm embrace so that she would feel protected, and reassurance that she would be fine. Not that she could really provide it. Her level with such affection towards strangers was minimal. Only young children were an exception. One could say the girl that personified the color white was much like a child at that moment, but still the thought of comforting the girl in such a way never crossed her mind. Her spirits, however, were another matter entirely. Thankfully, it was a more caring spirit that had decided to pop out of her own accord rather than one that was more blunt and incapable of keeping their words in check.

    When Samira's eyes opened, she nearly fell over dead at what she saw. Isis had left her place in the celestial realm and materialized right there in front of the girl that was hugging her knees. The spirit was kneeling when she fully formed, and she gave a gentle tap on the girl's arm. "What is there to be afraid of, little one?" Isis asked gently and with a small smile. She was a spirit that was often quite motherly, and had even been like one to Samira for over a decade. Her soft glowing aura had a comforting warmth to it, and she hoped it would be enough for the girl to know she was not something that would hurt her. She was not an offensive or battle oriented spirit, and so she should not appear or give off the feeling as such.

    "Isis, what are you doing?"

    "Comforting the poor girl, of course. You have gotten too big and have found support elsewhere. You no longer have a need for your mother spirit." Isis didn't even turn around to look at the summoner. Instead, if Charlotte allowed it, Isis would grab a hold of the girl and pull her in for a hug, resting the girl's head against her chest and stroking the white hair softly. "You don't need to worry, child. Now dry those tears of yours. There is nothing to fear here. We only wish to help."

    'We actually don't know that. You two may be telling her that no harm will come to her, but what if she's the reason this house is... well lets stick with being a weird type of funhouse. Aren't we going to have to deal with that?'

    'Possibly, but the mission is to investigate the house. I honestly have no intentions of harming her unless things get out of control, and I have to act in defense. Getting to the bottom of things and letting the employer know should suffice for my part. I would imagine the Black Rose guild would be in charge of handling the girl if it came down to it.' Samira forced her reply to the spirit to be mental so it would not be heard and cause more concern for the girl.

    'I am really starting to miss when we could do normal simple jobs. You know, like taking down the obvious monster of death. These vague ones are starting to get to me.'

    'Your comment is noted.'

    Samira focused back onto the unknown girl and her spirit. If the hug had happened, Samira would be shaking her head and wondering if Isis would demand to keep the girl next so she could have someone child-like to comfort and hug all day. Regardless of the interactions between the girl in white and her spirit, Samira's words would be the same. "This house is leaking all sorts of magical power to the point that the locals are starting to get concerned. I am only here to investigate what this power is, and why it is present. Nothing more."

    Template by ○Kaori



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    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Charlotte 29th March 2018, 8:03 am

    The White Witch

    Face buried in her arms, the white sweater absorbing the tears which escaped from her pure white orbs. If one were to see the world through the eyes of Charlotte, then perhaps they would understand why she acted how she did toward others. Or perhaps they would not. There was simply no telling. But the world was cruel to the girl until now. And there was more cruelty to yet come. However, pain was not all that was there, present and awaiting. The puppeteer had many plans, but could let loose ever so slightly when the time was right. After all, having just a broken down puppet would be no fun at all.

    Thankfully, it seemed that Seth did not have to do a thing this time around. The other green-haired puppet would do so in their stead. It seemed that the puppeteers could understand one another after all, even if it was all through simple and sometimes only barely visible hints in the actions of their puppets. The warmth slowly washed over the pale and cold skin, making the slow white blood inside of the White Witch flow just a bit faster, let her heart beat just a bit faster in the excitement for this and outside world.

    It was indeed the spirit’s presence and voice that would coax the little bug out of her shell, let Charlotte move her head up and take a look at the spirit. She had yet to see anyone dressed like that or even look as such. The girl was not familiar with the warmer regions of this world yet, such as deserts or even jungles. But if she were to guess, then she’d say that this Isis was from such a place. She might have also been surprised at how little clothes the spirit had to hide her body away, her figure showing boldly.

    But none of that truly mattered to the young one. What mattered was that calming aura and a pleasant voice that had no aggression or bloodlust hidden behind it. It was true that Samira’s voice was like that as well, but she was still connected to many spirits that were of different natures. Some of them deadly while others peaceful. It was because of this connection that the house and the puppeteer would not allow Charlotte to understand right away. Presence of numerous beings inside of one figure, such thing frightened her. But right now, there was but one single spirit inside of her.

    Her nose was runny and tears still slightly flowing out of her eyes, her face flustered as the normally nearly white skin had been painted pink, almost actually red by this situation. She was shivering and clearly frozen in place still. Yet, there was a certain sense of consent coming off of her, which then slowly lead into a loving embrace between the broken girl and a spirit of another mage. A hug, something unusual to the girl. Something she had not really received from anyone outside of few members of her guild that were more friendly than most and had strange ways of saying hello.

    As she was pulled into the embrace, her hands would at first fold against her own chest, as if to protect it. But as her head rested against the spirit’s welcoming bosom, the White Witch would finally be allowed to relax, her hands slowly moving down and then grabbing onto the scarce white cloth and fabric. Closing her eyes, she would just let her body lean into the spirit, completely giving up control over what would happen. A bold move, even from someone naive. And Charlotte was far from that, considering how she was acting until now.

    Perhaps it was just the fact that she was tired. Tired of being afraid, scared and hurt. Afraid of feeling nothing but the dreadful cold of loneliness, the lack of contact with others. Of course, it could have also been the puppeteer themselves, who had pulled the strings and forced the young girl to trust this being from another world. But whichever was the truth, did it really matter at all. Everyone seemed to be happy now, at least to some degree. And as such, there was no need to question the means, at least not in a world such as this. A fabricated reality for the amusement of others.

    Only a small whimper would escape from the white-haired child as her hair was stroked, a warm hand running through it with affection rather than anything else. Her hair was not being pulled, torn out or cut by bullies. No, it was actual affection, something she barely recognized. It was pleasant. So pleasant that she almost wished it would never end. To remain like this forever, being comforted and pampered, surely that would be a blissful existence. However, such fate was not to be. A tale good for the puppet, yes. But far too boring for the puppeteers.

    Still, as already mentioned, even Seth was willing to give Charlotte some happiness from time to time. So as the girl fully relaxed her body and calmed down, so did the world. The house, the place where they all were right now, was part of her magic, after all. It was only natural that it responded to the change in her emotions. Magic was alive, no matter what anyone thought. Such was already a proven fact. Especially the magic of White Witch, something that relied on the user’s heart and even creativity to weave the world around them.

    The sterile white room all around them started falling apart as if the paint the walls were made out of started melting into an endless whirlpool of black that was swirling beneath them as if they were standing and kneeling on a flooring made of glass. But despite the darkness looking rather intimidating, there was no sense of danger. Only warmth, as if they were all resting beneath a morning Sun, fresh air all around them. Instead of the white walls, a faded yellow color showed itself and formed new borders of this one room.

    Even new furniture started shaping itself out of nowhere, several futuristic boxes appearing out of thin air while traditional wooden furnishings appeared all over the place. In but a heartbeat, what was until now a barren wasteland of a house changed into a warm and pleasant old-styled house that one could find in the middle of nowhere for people to retreat to when they had enough of their busy lives for a while. Even new windows appeared, ones through which those warm rays of Sun were entering. And yet, they were still very clearly beneath ground if the elevator that took them here was to be trusted at all.

    But as unfortunate as it was, the hug had to end at some point. Charlotte would very slowly and gently pull away, using the sleeve of her sweater to wipe away what tears were left staining her cheeks and eyes, leaving the fabric somewhat wet in the process. She would again scan Isis and her master with a quick glance, trying to process everything that was told out loud until now. But due to her distress, a lot of it was still distorted and unusable for her. She was unsure what was going on, but at least she felt safe now, rather than threatened and about to die.

    S…so sorry…” She would eventually apologize, realizing that if these people were to do something bad to her, it would have been done already. So now they were, at least partially, on the same page as what was going on. “Leaking… magical power?” Clearly, she did not know what the summoner really meant. But a tiny whisper in the back of her head helped her figure it out. Trying to stand up, Charlotte suddenly stopped as she realized that she was still holding onto the spirit. And for somehow, she did not want to let go.

    She wanted to be hugged and patted more, she wanted to hear the spirit’s heartbeat as her head rested against her chest. Thinking about all that, the blush on her face also remained present even after she stopped crying, her mouth wavering slightly at the same time. In the end, she decided to stay sitting on the ground, hopefully with the spirit staying, while she would explain what was going on. “U… Um… Seth is saying that this was because the House was not stable. But when you entered this place, you brought new magic in that was used to make this place perfect. Your task is already done, the leak is gone.

    And it was true. On the outside, the massive magical energy that was coming from the house was no longer present. Simple gone. And if someone were to try and enter again, they would find an abandoned and decayed interior. The only way to enter where the girls were right now was to possess the magic of White Witch now. Or have a permission of one, such as Charlotte herself. But whether Samira had any way of knowing or sensing this was an unknown to the young girl, so there was a good chance she would just have to take her word for it.

    And after a moment of silence, the girl also realized that she said something that she did not actually want. Making her grip on Isis’ clothes, provided she was still there, tighter, she looked up at Samira with some semblance of hope in her eyes. “I…! Uh… Um… there is something… I need help with… I’m scared to make the first step alone…” She wasn’t quite able to explain what she wanted due to her still pretty shy nature. While Samira’s job was done, there was little something the young girl could use help with was what it boiled down to.

    The elevator… leads to different places. I need to explore them, but… making the first step is scary… if done alone…” When they entered this place, the hall they were in suddenly transformed into the elevator that started going down and brought them to the real House where Charlotte was. With that little fact and what Charlotte just said, it could be pieced together than the elevator was like a device that could move those in the House between different places. In this case, it was actually different worlds that were somehow connected.

    The White Witch was able to move between these worlds on her own by using her magic and even transport others with her. But using the elevator seemed to be a better option. It was a powerful tool that the girl had no idea how was created, but it definitely allowed connection even to worlds that were very far away from Earthland. And why exactly did she have to travel to different worlds, even ones that were so, so far away? She was given this task by a girl whose name she did not know. But this girl was above the worlds and constructing a theory.

    A theory that would either save or destroy the world. She was the one who controlled the multi-verse if one were to think in such way. And there is a thread to this theory called Phreta. That was Charlotte’s goal, she was to find Phreta and stop it. But she could not do it alone. Thankfully, she already had a certain dreamer as an ally. But said dreamer could only help her in certain ways and not everywhere. Which was why she was still very much alone in this place and desired help from the green-haired summoner.

    She also knew that mages rarely worked for free, which suddenly caused a bit of desperation to run though her. “I’ll give you anything from this place that you want for a help… even if I don’t have much here… but I’ll part with anything, so please! Please…” Realizing that she didn’t even have a proper way of paying, her head quickly came to hang low, her expression saddened again as in the back of her head, the worst possible scenario started playing over and over again, showing her how she would be left alone here again to do it all on her own. It had her scared.
    4,654 / 10,000 WC


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Samira Nassar 30th March 2018, 1:40 pm

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
    Magic Power: 100%
    Health Points: 100%
    Post Word Count: 1424
    Thread Word Count: 5309

    Birth of the House V6JIcYH       Birth of the House WOyJ6my       Birth of the House JOeaZ9l       Birth of the House W1bEUgL       Birth of the House MrksPDy
    The current room had changed entirely as the white walls and near empty room shifted and became dark. The sudden change was a surprise on its own, but to add the element of unknown darkness to it concerned the summoner. Not as much as it normally would have for even though there appeared to be nothing, there was a warmth and comfort there that the white walls from before did not provide. It did not make sense, and seemed illogical. She really had no idea what to make of it, although there was not much time to really take any form of action. From the warm darkness came the warm yellow color that would now take the place of the past color white. The room quickly became more welcoming as it shifted, and somehow spawned furniture and even windows that let in the sun that Samira was sure should not have been there. Astonishing and curious.

    The spirits left in her mindspace could see the shift take place. Some whistled in amazement, some made comments that made it clear they were anything but impressed, and others were baffled and starting to wonder if they should really still be in that house. It was becoming apparent the place was very unpredictable, and they did not know anything about how it worked. Even if they found the source that caused the house to radiate such extreme levels of magic, how were they to make it out? Already that question was on their minds and they hadn't even gone too far into the mysteries of it.

    'Okay, remember how I said this place was some weird type of fun house? Yeah, funs over.'

    'No, it isn't! Can I come out?! I want to check out the other doors and see where they lead to!'

    'Hell. No. Agni is already annoying me by being huddled in a corner over there. I am not about to play a game of find the stupid scorpion spirit who ran off excitedly to her doom. I'd sooner leave you in this place to rot.'

    'As amusing as the thought is, Serqet is a spirit and would not rot so long as she is able to return to the celestial world. I would say with guarantee that it is possible, although I do wonder... This place reminds me of the reality shaping abilities of another. Is this the same category?'

    'Perhaps. The magic of this place shifted the moment this child began to relax and calm down.' Isis kept her words mentally, sending her thoughts to the others and her summoner through the magic link connection they all had. She was about to say more when the girl in white started to pull away, though not completely. The spirit still felt the girl clinging to her, but she made no efforts to move herself or bring it up. Isis was a caring spirit and had grown used to such holds from back when Samira was a child, and if she had to admit it she enjoyed being able to act as if she were a mother or older sister once more. "There is no need to apologize. We were the ones that startled you."

    Samira said nothing towards the apology, feeling her magic spirit had taken care of that enough as it was. She was more interested in the reason she was actually there and waiting for some sort of response for that. Hand on hip, she stared at the girl and arched a brow when the words of leaking magic was repeated as if she were confused by them. The girl in white truly had no idea? While she approved of comforting the girl and making sure she was all right and not trapped in the weird house, Samira still had to consider it a waste of time when it came to her mission. The expectation of there being some sort of lead had been there and was quickly evaporating to leave only disappointment. "So you know nothing of it then." Her gaze lowered slightly and went towards the side. Well, she would now have to do things the harder way.

    The girl spoke again just as Samira came to her conclusion, and what was said made her green eyes widen and nearly faceplant into the floor. The leak was already gone the moment she even stepped inside?! There were no words she could even say to that. The only thing she could do was slap her palm into her forehead.

    'Huh... This was actually the easiest mission we have ever had and we didn't even know it. We should do these more often.'

    "I have no way of knowing whether that is true or not. I suppose I will have to go back outside to check." Samira began to turn around and head towards the room's door so that she could make her exit and maybe find her way out without the place switching again in some unpredictable way. "The elevator will take me back instead of into some other strange area of this house, correct?" An answer to that question would never come. Instead, as the summoner had made it to the door she was forced to stop her steps and turn her head to glance back at the strange girl who's name she still did not know. Isis was also still there, unmoving and allowing the younger girl to hold onto her. "First step?" The girl wanted help with something, but so far it had been vague. From what Samira could assume from those words, maybe she needed help making the first step outside the house? That did not make sense though since by having the mark of a guild that meant the girl had been in the outside world before.

    Eventually, Samira and her spirits would be told what the girl wanted. She was supposed to use the elevator to travel to different places. That information alone would have been hard to process if not for the fact she had already seen the type of magic of the house. Going to different places by way of elevator was very possible in the world of one with a strange imagination. The girl was afraid to do it alone though and that admission was enough for Samira's stern expression to soften. It was made worse when the girl pleaded and said that she would part with anything as a form of payment. Her eyes closed and she processed the thought as well as communed with her spirits. Really having to say no would make her feel terrible, and accepting a reward from a strange and fragile girl who seemed to not have much of anything aside from a weird funhouse made her feel even worse. Isis remained silent, not wanting to influence her summoner too much.

    "Seeing as my actual mission was completed within a minute with absolutely no danger, I am being overpaid. I defeat monsters and am used to more difficult jobs. This was beyond the description of trivial." The verdant colored eyes opened and she stared at the girl with a frown on her face that turned into a small smile. "I suppose that leaves a bit of room to help you. Assuming nothing too dangerous happens, you should not be required to pay me. I will count it towards what I am already being given for just entering this place." With that said, Samira turned back towards the door and made her way towards the elevator where she waited for the one that would lead her to whatever place they would be going. Possibly even describing more about why this needed to be done to begin with and what they would be doing once they got there.

    Isis had been looking at Samira as she spoke, but upon hearing that they would be helping the spirit turned back towards the girl with a bright smile. "It looks like my summoner will be helping you on this, little one." She rose from her place on the ground and stood up, gently bringing the girl to rise with her if she was still being held on to. "I must depart for now. I am one of the weaker spirits and my time in this realm is often short. It was nice to meet you." The warm aura would surround the girl once more if she was still there and accepting as the spirit hugged her. Then the spirit vanished in a swarm of colorful particles. "Farewell for now."

    Template by ○Kaori



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Charlotte 4th April 2018, 4:56 am

    The White Witch

    Without any doubt, there was simply nothing better than trusting a stranger you have just met simply because they said few kind words and hugged you. Sounded good to Charlotte! The young white witch’s pure white optics would sparkle with hope and excitement when she heard that she would not be required to pay her. She was already preparing her heart to have to give away her precious staff, the only item of worth she had. That said, there was the condition of “nothing too dangerous” mentioned by the summoning witch. And while the girl did not know of anything dangerous, she could also not rightly be sure that all will be peaceful.

    After all, her life seemed to be nothing more than a roller coaster of death and despair. At least most of the days, anyway. The only problem was that she was innocent enough to believe her adventure to a different world would go without any problems at all, so she did not mention anything and just nodded to the proposal, happy that it came her way instead of Samira either demanding pay or leaving her in this place all alone and going back outside of the house. Though to do that, she would probably require a bit of Charlotte’s help in the first place, at least now that the house was in this form.

    She still clinged to Isis all the same, until the moment their goodbyes had to be said. As one could expect, that was not exactly the easiest thing to do for the young white witch that very quickly got used to the protective warmth of the spirit surrounding her. With one last hug, the girl would remain staring at her with wide eyes, one last attempt at catching the spirit’s hand as she dissolved into the light and resulting in a failure. “N..no..!” A clear tone of desperation and sadness could be heard from that last cry, but she could not prevent the spirit from returning to her world.

    And so she remained in the room completely alone while Samira headed to the elevator as if all had returned to normal and she was once more completely abandoned in this place. But she could not stay there for too long. The green-haired girl actually said she would help! And while she remained distant and cold toward the white witch, it was an offer she had to take if she ever hoped to accomplish anything on this journey of hers. Swallowing the nervosity stuck in her throat, she would slowly walk out of the room and carefully approach the small mechanical box in which the other witch already resided.

    Still unsure how to actually act around this older female, Charlotte would just quietly and with a rather shy attitude slip into the elevator and look at its interior. It was still the same old familiar elevator that was in her house from the moment she was born, or at least ever since the moment she could still remember from her past. She actually didn’t remember much, at all, but it felt to her like everything was fine. Well, the elevator was never able to move until this very moment. “Welcome, Miss Charlotte. Where to?” The sudden mechanical voice made the girl jump a little.

    A..ah… umm… the eighth floor?” Replying by giving the elevator a random number, they quickly started going up while a relaxing elevator music started playing out of nowhere. Charlotte would remain completely silent, only fidgeting in place unless Samira actually spoke to her. In the end, she had absolutely no idea how to initiate a conversation or what to even talk about. But they would arrive to their destination soon enough. The doors would open and the same voice from before would let them know. “Destination reached. Have a fun day!

    Stepping outside, Charlotte was stunned. Outside of the mechanical box, there was a completely different world from their own, as they stood on a floating platform that could be easily described only as a geometrical shape of a triangle, playing with all kinds of colors on top of a white base, as if it was splattered with different buckets of color several times over. And yet, the floor on which they now stood was glossy, as if covered with a protective layer of something. All around them were more of these floating, flat shapes, platforms that defied gravity and serve seemingly no purpose.

    They were also a fair bit in the air, a green and grass-covered ground about two hundred meters beneath them. And if they were to look into the distance, they would see a giant painted city, composing of tilted buildings that would have already fallen over if they were in a normal world. Skyscrapers that would suddenly turn ninety degrees half-way through their length and thus form an L shape for some strange reason. And above all, there was life. Humanoid figures moving on the ground all over, their behavior completely passive and non-hostile, chattering among themselves about the most meaningless of things.

    And yet, they seemed to lack any facial features at all. It was as if their faces were nothing more than a black hole, or perhaps random painted parts of human faces arranged in a completely random fashion. To put it simply, they were the least memorable of NPCs someone could ever meet. So much so that no one would ever even pay any attention to their face, how they looked, what were their names or what they even really talked about. But they were the life that filled this world, one filled with bizarre architecture and giant, absolutely massive strawberries floating in the air.

    Looking up, the young white witch noticed a black Sun, yet it was shining just like the on in Earthland would. And as she observed this new world, she just couldn’t help herself but to admire it with everything she had, as she moved toward the edge of the platform they were on. “So pretty…” The most innocent of words, even accompanied by the gust of wind that played with the girl’s skirt and sweater a little bit, as well as her hair that danced to its whim. She had certainly made the first step, and it was much easier than she thought it would be.
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    Samira Nassar

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    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Samira Nassar 8th April 2018, 8:35 am

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
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    Birth of the House V6JIcYH       Birth of the House WOyJ6my       Birth of the House JOeaZ9l       Birth of the House W1bEUgL       Birth of the House MrksPDy
    The strange girl in white had grown attached to one of her spirits so easily and quickly. The moment Isis disappeared Samira's mind grew slightly heavier as the spirit returned to the special and magical space that connected all of her spirits with her mind. Isis spoke of the girl's rather clingy reaction and of the girl's cry that was similar to that of a plea for not wanting to be left alone without reassuring comfort. While it was true her form had been disappearing during it, and the girl's hand had failed entirely on desperately trying to keep her there, the spirit could still hear the word before she had completely gone. Such a lonesome sadness that was much stronger than even Samira's when she was a child and before she had stopped caring. Even that information was relayed to the green-haired summoner with the hope that she would be a little less blunt and more gentle, much like she was with her fellow guild members.

    Samira's eyes softened slightly at hearing the words spoken by Isis, but nothing was said. Instead, she took to leaning against the elevator wall and closing her eyes as she waited for the girl to make it work. After all, the metal box was unresponsive when she herself had tried to control it earlier. The voice of the elevator spoke again, that time greeting the girl, or so she figured. There was only one Charlotte that she knew of, and the one with that name was not presently there that she was aware of. The girl had responded to the elevator, indicating that she was indeed the Charlotte the elevator spoke of. Not the way she had in mind of obtaining her name and confirming it, but the question itself was crossed off her mental checklist now regardless. The eighth floor was the given destination, although Samira was unsure if there was any significance whatsoever to that number or if it were picked at random. It mattered very little. She had said she would help the girl with what she needed to do so a general floor number was a small detail. Rather, she was curious as to what they were even going to be doing to begin with. Only the general description of explore had been given before she accepted the mission. Surely there was more to it than that?

    The hums of the elevator began as it started to move upwards to the eighth floor, mixing in with the soft music that began to play from no where. Samira questioned her music spirit if he was behind it, but the answer was a definite no. Well, with what had happened so far random music was the less strange thing to occur thus far. Her green eyes opened to glance over at the girl in white; Charlotte. She was fidgeting and had remained quite silent. Her gaze kept on the girl and focused as she went into her own thoughts. Was she really that sheltered that she could not strike a conversation? A more detailed explanation on where they were going and what would come from the explanation had been expected, but Charlotte had failed to deliver. That or the young girl did not realize that she should have been discussing it. That led to her thoughts going even further. Where were Charlotte's guild members? Why had they not checked up on the house themselves or even her? Why could they not have helped Charlotte in her task of exploring the places the elevator went to? Very strange indeed. Still Samira remained silent just as her current elevator buddy was. Only the music and the hums of the metal box filled the void.

    Soon enough it was announced that they had arrived at their destination. The doors opened and both girls were able to see where they had ended up. Samira followed the other out of the metal box, but upon seeing the new outside world she was very hesitant to do so. Her eyes widened and she had gasped. As she stepped onto the oddly colorful triangular platform she was conflicted on whether to be filled with a sense of wonder or feel nervous being in such a strange setting. Samira tilted her head, her green hair flowing and rushing to the side as she did so. The tilted buildings... those were not right at all. She commented to her spirits on how that should not have been physically possible for them to be at that angle, but they just responded by recalling all of the other oddities of the day and of the world in front of them.

    Once the people of the world were noticed, all spirits and even Samira were stunned. The summoner's face turned pale and blank, and even though they could not be seen the faces of the spirits matched her shock. The "people" that were walking in the city minding their own business had no faces at all. They appeared to not be hostile so far, but that could have just meant Charlotte and herself were just not noticed. The behavior of the strange people could change at any moment. However, even while in a non-hostile state there was still a bit of fear and anxiety growing within Samira. She could face monsters all day and many other tough enemies, but the seemingly harmless people before her now were terrifying. Their lack of face was abnormal and unheard of. It just should not be so and was creepy in its own way. She could also question the massive floating strawberries, but well, by the time she noticed those the faceless people and weird tilted buildings had already took the surprise and shock right out of her.

    The world had a sub of its own, much like their own world, but it was colored black. Another odd and random detail. While blinking in a mix of wonderment, fascination, and concern for what they may run into, Samira heard the younger girl comment and make her opinion of the view. Her green gaze shifted towards her and she too walked further down the platform to stand beside Charlotte. Yes, in a way it was pretty. Creepy when one thought too much about it, but pretty. "I suppose some may think so. It is a little odd, however." Samira commented, tilting her head again to match the angle of one of the buildings. Nope, still wasn't any less strange, and by that point she was feeling as if she were a child.

    "Charlotte," Samira began in a kind tone as she straightened her head and turned slightly to face the girl. "You mentioned you had to explore the destinations the elevator sent you to. Do you know anything about this place or what it is we are supposed to be doing or looking for while we are here?"

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    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Charlotte 12th April 2018, 8:01 am

    The White Witch

    The strangeness of this world was honestly nothing too special for someone like Charlotte. Her whole world and life were special in this rather different way to the normal special. The result of that was the delight that Samira noticed. Normal people would see this world as plain strange, but to someone as the White Witch, it was just fascinating because it looked just as normal as everything else, but all those colors around made it more special in this very special way. A logic that was hard to comprehend for anyone who did not live in the girl’s shoes, the reason why almost no one understood her.

    When she was addressed again, the girl jumped in place ever so slightly, almost not expecting there to be any communication at all after the rather silent presence of them both in the elevator only mere seconds ago. Though it would surely be rather awkward, doing things like that. She would turn toward Samira before looking around once more somewhat nervously. “That’s… I’ve never been to this world, so I know nothing about it at all… but I was told what to do. I need to find the author of Phreta theory and stop them from finishing it.

    This was probably a good amount of nothing for anyone other than Charlotte. The words she used, they would probably not mean anything to those who were not already involved in her little quest. But she did not quite realize this and continued on explaining and providing the summoner with additional information. “I should be able to recognize the right location because it will be quickly deteriorating, fading out from the existence itself. But this world looks pretty alright so far…” Despite its strange structure, it was not falling apart at the seams.

    But that meant very little as of right now. The Phreta theory might have been contained in a much smaller area, a single room even. But that was something she didn’t let out yet, it was an information that could be rather discouraging to others people, especially if they were here for free. Or at least that was what Seth said to Charlotte in her mind. The girl didn’t really understand, but she went with it anyway. After all, Seth was never wrong, as they were omnipotent and had knowledge of quite literally everything. Which also meant that they could lead her straight to Phreta.

    However, they would never actually do that, for that would simply cut this whole story far too short. In the end, the girl had accepted that this was not her story in the sense that she was writing it. She was the main heroine of this tragic tale, but Seth was the one writing it. A fact that most other people would surely never accept and would be driven mad eventually because of it. Thankfully, Charlotte was raised into this mentality and had to accept it for as long as she could remember of her life. Was that a sad existence? Maybe. But she did not mind it right now.

    She would slowly walk toward the edge of the platform and look down. There was indeed still ground there, one that would lead them into the city ahead. But before taking that certain step forward, she would turn with Samira with an uncertain expression. “Um… thank you very much. I was afraid of leaving the elevator because I didn’t know what would be on the other side. But now that I know, I’ll be fine… I think… maybe…” She was very clearly not convinced by her own words, but she was still forcing them out. It didn’t feel quite right to her to just keep silent.

    So if you want to leave, you can… I have to go ahead.” Samira really wasn’t forced to continue any further than this, even if Charlotte hoped that she would. But she couldn’t ask this of her, so she would just turn toward the edge of the platform. But being the girl she was, she had to close her eyes to avoid the fear as she made a single step forward, one that was meant to toss her over the edge so that she could fall toward the ground. But as one would have it, she managed to trip over her own feet and instead pummeled toward the grass-covered ground head first.

    But as she figured out from everything around her, the fall didn’t actually harm her. Instead, she fell down so slowly that there might have as well been invisible sheets of thin material slowly tearing beneath her and moving her lower and lower. Eventually she would touch down on the ground, but still let out a pain-filled grunt as her head made contact with the earth. But it seemed that she was fine even then. With an annoyed groan, she would stay laying on the ground, her back firmly pressed against the cold dirt and grass while she looked up at the black sun.

    She wondered if Samira would follow behind or not. Before she could formulate her own answer based on what she would see, Charlotte noticed something else. The faceless NPCs were all around her, staring down at her. No less than ten of them were surrounding her entire body, all standing tall in a circle as she remained on the ground. Anyone else in that position would probably be properly spooked. But the White Witch only blinked few times and then smiled while also opening her mouth and letting out several kind-hearted words.

    Good day! How are you doing?” And they would all answer at once, voices coming out of those endless black holes that adorned their faces and their voices resonating deeply within the air. Some had distorted voices, other little bit more normal. But the fact they have synchronized, as if they were part of a single hive mind, was surely something regular people would consider a bit creepy to say the least.
    6,895 / 10,000 WC
    Hello, I'm good, thank you for asking.
    Hello, I'm good, thank you for asking.
    Hello, I'm good, thank you for asking.
    Hello, I'm good, thank you for asking.
    Hello, I'm good, thank you for asking.

    Despite how it all appeared, Charlotte accepted the answer with a smile and tried to nod, though that was a bit difficult as she was lying on the floor. “That's good to hear. Whcih way to the city?” To her question, they have all pointed in a single direction toward the very obvious nearby city. She really didn't have to ask, but she did anyway.

    And with that, it was time for her to get up. And so she did, stretching a little bit in the process. While surrounded by these NPCs, they have actually also formed a little space that would allow her to skoot between them and head out. But before then, she looked around, honestly hoping that the certain green-haired woman was somewhere nearby, as the NPCs have distracted her little too bit to pay attention to whether she jumped down as well or not.


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Samira Nassar 13th April 2018, 1:31 pm

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
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    Post Word Count: 1421
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    Birth of the House V6JIcYH       Birth of the House WOyJ6my       Birth of the House JOeaZ9l       Birth of the House W1bEUgL       Birth of the House MrksPDy
    "Phreta theory?" Samira mumbled softly to herself, repeating the name she had been given. Based on how it was put and that Charlotte needed to find the author she could only assume it was some sort of book. Why did she need to find the author and stop them from finishing it though? Aside from that question the goal seemed simple and basic enough, although the one that was supposed to be completing the task knew nothing about the strange world and likely knew even less on how to find the author. Of course, just as she begun to think that the strange girl in white went on with her explanation. The author would be located because the place would be deteriorating and fading away from existence. Even more confusion for the summoner since it barely made any sense to her as an outsider in whatever story the girl was a part of. If Samira had known how little Charlotte knew and how she was just going along with it she would have found it to be absolutely ridiculous. Such way of thinking and logic was beyond her and there would never be a day where she would understand or accept it. That information regarding the puppeteer and his puppet, writer and character, that was left unknown to her. If she had known, she probably would have turned around and left, not wanting to be a part of some tale that was being written out and controlled without her knowledge. For the moment, Samira had intended to go through with exploring the rest of the world to help the girl. Keeping her word was something she tried to do whenever possible.

    Samira had waited for Charlotte to move on ahead, and had prepared to follow as the girl went closer to the edge. One step forward had been taken to follow, but she stopped herself when the girl turned around to face her. In a rather uncertain tone, Charlotte had thanked her and said she would be fine to continue on alone while she herself left if she had wanted. The confusion meter was reaching the maximum point with what she could handle. Once again her purpose was to just take a single step in a strange place. Once again she was being overpaid. It was a lazy mage's dream to get such an easy job, not once, but twice in a row. Samira was anything but lazy though, and she couldn't possibly take the jewels that were waiting for her from the original assignment if things really were going to be so simple. Or were things really that simple? Charlotte seemed so unsure of her own safety if she were left alone. Samira's green eyes blinked as she heard the words, not really understanding why she was being told to leave when she had barely done anything.

    "But-" Too late as the girl had already turned and taken a step forward... or tried to. She tripped and fell over the edge instead. "Charlotte!" Samira had quickly moved to the edge, getting down on her knees and had planned to grab a hold of the girl before she fell too far. That had been the plan. The summoner was caught off guard by how slowly Charlotte was falling. Well, it should not have been too surprising that the gravity of the place was rather... off considering the tilted buildings. The mini heart attack panic began to die off as she watched the girl slowly fall to the ground. Then the sigh of relief when Charlotte finally hit the ground and was perfectly fine even though she continued laying there. The girl couldn't even manage to step off of a platform properly! How was she to explore an entire strange world safely enough? Naturally, the thought of following the girl ran through her head. Even more so when several of the faceless people surrounded Charlotte. Samira's eyes narrowed in suspicion as she became alert. Whether they were friend or foe was still very much unknown. Her hand went to the keyring that was attached to her shorts, prepared to take a key from it and summon a spirit down there if necessary. She didn't want to drop to conclusions and immediately act on a defensive instinct. Doing such a thing could seem as if she were the hostile one if the faceless beings had no ill intent in store for Charlotte.

    Samira watched silently from where she was on the above floating platform. Strange as it was, Charlotte was a much more friendlier and cheerful person towards the faceless ones than she was when around herself. She allowed herself to relax slightly when the faceless beings answered the rather pleasant question. Their responses were strange, distorted soundings, and all the same word for word. Still, they continued to be harmless. She could hear the girl in white ask the direction of the city. A question with an obvious answer, but the faceless people around her answered anyway by pointing towards it. Then she watched as the girl began to walk in that direction, even looking around a bit beforehand as if she were looking for someone. Her most likely. Charlotte had said she could leave before but she did not seem as if she really wanted her to take that option.

    'Are you going to follow her? I am worried what sort of trouble she will get into alone.'

    'Aw, hell. This is her mission. We already got the all clear to head out of here before another strange thing pops out at us and blows up our minds. I usually don't have a problem with whatever sort of hell we fall into, but I draw the line at things like this. I don't even know how to write about this in my diary!'

    "Point taken. However, I am curious about this world and what this Phreta theory is and why the author of it must be stopped. Besides, the moment I leave here is the moment I am tossed into some other sort of monster catastrophe that I do not feel like dealing with at the moment. I may as well enjoy this little oddity of a mission before things return to normal for me." With that said the spirits in her mind made no further comments or complaints. Samira took a step off the platform and allowed herself to fall just as Charlotte had, slowly but without the faceplant into the grass. The summoner landed softly on her feet as they touched the ground, and she looked around at the group of faceless people that had originally surrounded Charlotte but now had surrounded her. Her hand kept itself on her keys just in case. Charlotte was likely expected to be in that world whereas she was not. No harm came to her though, just a lot of awkwardness and unease on her side of it. "Excuse me," Samira told them calmly, attempting to hide how uncomfortable she was while around them. Her rush to get away likely told them of it, but it didn't matter. She left them and made her way out of that small crowd to quickly catch up with the girl that knew more about the mission of that world than she did.

    "I have decided to come along further." Samira told Charlotte kindly and with a small smile once she had caught up. "This world intrigues me, and would make an interesting entry for my journal. I also have my concerns about you going in alone. You did not seem convinced of your safety or of your ability to handle your task here." From there, Samira would frown to show how troubled she was by it all. One could only hope she wasn't getting into something she herself could not handle all that well. She was powerful in her own way, but that did not mean she could handle anything thrown at her. There was another that generally took care of things of that nature, and they were obviously not present. Samira would have to adapt and take charge of the protection since her mind was beginning to wrap around the theory that the girl was far from able to defend herself properly. That or she just hid it very well. At that point, she did not know. The only thing she did know was that she was following the girl into a strange city in search of something she had no clue about. Some help.

    Template by ○Kaori



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    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Charlotte 20th April 2018, 4:26 am

    The White Witch

    The girl was walking somewhat reluctantly, but also firmly. She knew that she had to explore the city if she ever hoped for being able to find anything, or confirm that she could not find anything in this specific world. Her mission might have been a futile one, searching for but one single thing in the entirety of the Universe. Much, much worse than mere needle in a hay stack. But when it came down to the puppeteer, they always were ready to make things interesting. They would not have this story stall, lose its appeal because it would drag on. No, not at all. They were ready to move the girl toward her goal when the time was right.

    For, however, she was to wander endlessly in this artificial maze. And yet, someone was willing to suffer through it with her. Hearing the noises and sounds behind her tiny frame, the girl would turn and her pure white eyes widened. Was Samira really standing right there? She had said that she wanted to come further, for this world was interesting to her. So much she could understand. But the summoner was also worried about little Charlotte? Why was that so? Why would she care about the girl that she was not connected to in any way?

    Regardless, the young White Witch was rather happy with this development, to say the least. And to show so, she would nod with a very happy expression, a smile wide, shown. “Okay!” But even then, one question remained. How should she interact with this green-haired individual? It seemed that they did not go all that well together so far, which was a bit problematic in a situation like this. And Charlotte was not someone who knew how to improve things of this kind either, complicating matters further without even meaning to.

    So she did what she did best, keep on moving forward. Turning around again, she looked at the giant city in front of them. “Let’s see…” There really wasn’t anything else that they could do but to go inside. And so she did, one step after another in hopes of reaching even higher places of this world. This place was huge, looming over them menacingly. And yet, it appeared rather clean. A pure white city, where it seemed as if all was made out of one singular material rather than a composition of more.

    This pristine white, yet not blinding, was almost inviting to the girl. More of the nameless beings stood all around, going about their business. Some trying to sell what appeared to be useless white cubes while others trying to get someplace only to turn around and go back where they came from, repeating the process without end. And within the shadow of this place, they all appeared like pitch-black stains on this beautiful reality. Charlotte and Samira would too, once they entered the city. As if entering a painting, while the world all around them was white, their bodies became of pure black color.

    The White Witch stood still for a moment, looking at her own shadowed form, before turning back to her companion. Their skin, clothes, hair, all of it was pure black. But their facial features turned pure white instead, giving them at least semblance of human-like features. Yet, it seemed that the girl did not mind this, smiling at Samira instead. Perhaps a sign of reassurance if she was distressed by their palette changing, or perhaps letting her know that she was okay with this and they she did not have to worry about the young girl.

    This was not something that would have her just stop moving forward, either. She continued on, walking through the city and observing the different shadows all around them. But she would not stop along their side for too long. They were really unrelated to what they were doing here. Soon, stairs along one of the building caught her attention. Not even really thinking where they could lead, the blackened White Witch moved up them, soon waiting for her companion so that they would go up together. Was this world interesting enough to her, she wondered.

    As she conquered the steps, one by one, the world shifted around. And soon, they would enter an impossible space, buildings all around them, aimed in every single direction. They would walk to the stairs against gravity, yet they would not fall. Upside down, sideways, it did not matter. She walked and walked until she reached a hole between the white homes and stairs. Inside of this hole, she saw the sky. It was blue and pretty, reminding her that all had its own beauty. She tried to reach for it, but something happened. Something inside of her mind. She…

    Looking up, I saw it. An eye looking down at me through the crack in the white, silicon skies. It was perfectly still, watching me. And I was watching it. But was it good for anything at all? No, probably not. The eye drifted away and I remained staring at the sky. Because what was below me, I did not want to see. That hellish landscape of flesh, blood, and black. It could corrupt anyone who set their gaze on it. I did not wish to succumb to such fate. Not yet. Not yet. My duty was not yet finished. And for that reason, I continued walking, through this empty world. When was it exactly, that all the people here have disappeared? Consumed by the worst of nightmares, surely. But who was to really say? There were no survivors, after all. It did not even matter at all. I have finally reached the door. Wrapping my hand around the cold handle sent shivers down my spine. Something, in the greatest depths of my being, was telling me to pull away. To run, to turn back. But I did not. I faced what was on the other side.

    …recalled something strange. As if her head was suddenly filled with memories that did not belong to her. A vision of this world, but it looked much different to how it was now. Why was it so? She had no idea. The only thing she knew was that she extended her hand and all of that happened. Confused about it all, she retracted her head and look around before continuing up the stairs. And only few seconds later, she had reached the summit. A large platform extending above the white city. It was a grand view, but there was not a single sign of life here. She looked at Samira, still confused as to what she saw a moment ago.
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    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Samira Nassar 27th April 2018, 1:40 pm

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
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    Birth of the House V6JIcYH       Birth of the House WOyJ6my       Birth of the House JOeaZ9l       Birth of the House W1bEUgL       Birth of the House MrksPDy
    For a moment it seemed the younger girl was thrilled at the fact Samira had come decided to keep going through the strange world with her. A wide smile had appeared and her demeanor had brightened up a great deal. The unfortunate thing was that there was not much of a connection still. Charlotte still remained very quiet and made no effort to really start up a conversation of any kind. That was fine with Samira really. She worked well in silence and did not always need to communicate with the person she was teaming up with on a job. Getting along with the individual was also not necessary so long as the task was completed in the long run. It was very noticeable though. Rare was it that she worked with someone like Charlotte. A new description would now be used for others that she ran into that acted much the same way in the future: "Charlotte-like." It would not matter if they did not know the girl from Black Rose or not. That would be Samira's term for them regardless.

    Samira nodded and followed Charlotte into the city, being as quiet as she was. That is until her companion changed in color. No longer was she a girl in white, but rather a girl in black. The facial features contrasted heavily against the new color as they appeared in bright white. The Lamia Scale summoner gasped at the change for having not expected themselves to be altered just by entering the city. "What on-?!" Then she realized that her own appearance had changed as well. She held out her hands in front of her, then down at her clothes, patting them as she did to ensure only the color had changed and that everything else was still there and normal. The green eyes she used to have had taken on a pure white to match Charlotte's, and had widened in alarm. Of course, she was very much unaware of the fact her face had changed as well, but given Charlotte's change she could take a guess. Charlotte had only smiled at the change and seemed unphased by it. The strange girl was not affected at all by the strange world. Samira had the thought that she fit right in actually in some way. Well almost. The faceless beings were even more odd than Charlotte. Samira watched them as they made their way further into the city. Whatever logic those "people" had was beyond her level of understanding. They appeared to be going somewhere but at the same time no where, and she dared not even question what those white cubes were that were being sold around.

    A set of stairs had caught Charlotte's interest as she made her way over towards them and had stopped for Samira to catch up. The summoner was so busy looking over the random things the faceless people were doing that she had almost been left behind. An interesting world, but not one she wanted to get lost or left in. "I hope that we do not end up turning into one of them." Samira commented as she began to ascend the stairs with her current companion. Being turned into a faceless hive-minded being was only one set of worries. As the world began shifting around them the feeling of being lost and the worry of venturing too far into the unknown was increasing. Buildings were going in all directions, and even the stairs somehow defied gravity. They were able to walk upside down and sideways without falling off, something that was unheard of aside from stories inside books. Maybe there was a magic that could create the same effects, but never did she think there was an entire existing world that was like that. Nor that she would be exploring it. Despite the twisted gravity keeping them in place, Samira still had the instinct to grab onto something, anything! Not that there was much to grab. She had to settle with being as close to the wall as she was able while slowly following the leader that was supposed to find something in that world.

    For a long while they walked, the silence continuing until Samira finally broke it. "Are you sure this is the right way?" A question that would receive no answer. Charlotte seemed distracted by the blue sky that could be seen through a hole between all the buildings and sets of stairs. Samira paused her steps as the girl continued standing there, seemingly zoned out. "Charlotte?" Her head tilted to the side as she said the name, wondering what was going on with the girl so suddenly. Whatever happened was overlooked rather quickly. Charlotte came back to whatever reality they were currently in and kept moving forward without saying a word.

    'Question. Did we do a thorough insanity check before we agreed to keep going with this fantastic adventure? Samira is crazy enough, but this girl is starting to give me the skeevies.'

    'I admit, the silence is starting to become unsettling. I do not think she is well.'

    'Great! Does this mean I can eat her now and we can get the hell out of this place?'

    'No, you may not. She is also not crazy... I think. Just a little more unique, I suppose.'

    'Unique... I'll remember that when this whole trip turns into a horror flick rather than a strange suspense novel with creepy vibes.'

    'Oh, be quiet! That is not going to happen.'

    Her thoughts to her spirits was actually correct. When the top of the summit had been reached things did not turn into some sort of horror Lacrima vision movie. Nothing happened at all. Samira stood there, staring blankly at the empty space around them. It was a nice view of the city below but other than that is was rather dead with no signs of life. Somehow she had expected a bit more than that. Such as what they were looking for, for instance. Samira crossed her arms over her chest and turned a questioning gaze on the girl. "Um, Charlotte," she began to say, trying to sound as kind and patient as possible even though she was confused and was beginning to think time had been wasted going the wrong way entirely. "The view is nice and all, but there does not seem to be anything else here. Are you sure we went the right way to find this author you spoke of earlier?" Honestly Samira was useless in that regard. Nothing about that strange world was known to her, and she did not really understand how and what they were looking for or how to find it. Only Charlotte knew that much and yet there they were, standing on a platform void of all life except for themselves that floated above the city.

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    Last edited by Samira Nassar on 11th March 2020, 6:33 am; edited 2 times in total



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    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Charlotte 4th May 2018, 4:49 am

    The White Witch

    Upon hearing her name again, the girl somewhat snapped back into the reality around them. Still in this black and white world, their bodies unlike the regular. Of course, it was nothing permanent. And there was no way they could even remotely transform into the mindless inhabitants of this world. Such said Seth. And so, Charlotte knew. But they did not want her to share this information with her more powerful companion. How exactly would she appear if she knew so much about this world? Suspicious? Crazy? Seth already knew how uncomfortable this whole situation was for Samira and even her puppeteer, after all.

    And so, they did not wish to make this any more convoluted. No point in continuing this struggle any longer. And pulling the appropriate wings, Charlotte would sigh and approach the end of the square platform they were on top of. Beneath her, the white city of shadows. Anyone even remotely afraid of heights would probably refuse to approach the place she was standing at. All of those strange stairs they have walked up, they could only hint on how far up they were. A fall would be lethal. And perhaps there even was a tiny, tiny desire inside of the girl. A desire to jump.

    She blinked few times and turn around, to face the green-haired girl. A single step back would surely cause her to fall. “I’m sorry… it seems that this world really was empty. Phreta isn’t here and all appears to be just fine. I just wasted your time…” She felt guilty. Absolutely nothing had happened. Even for the puppeteer. The plan was quite different at the start. Much more dark and cruel. But in the end, they have decided to have the puppet survive without harm. Was it boring?

    Perhaps. At least so it seemed for Samira. A strange hollow feeling filled Charlotte’s soul because of it. But, well… at least they were done here, right? She was free to leave now. “Let us head back?” Saying that she had moved her hands up to the level of her chest and made a praying motion. At that moment, a thin veil of magic moved from her and enveloped Samira. A warm and pleasant magic. It caused light to crystallize around both girls, starting to form white wings behind their backs with gold accents. Wings that responded to their wills.

    And just like that, she made that one step back. Her weight shifted and gravity did the rest. It was no longer the same as when they entered this world. Instead, it was the normal weight forcing the entire world and all within it down. Charlotte was falling, the wings on her back leaving behind a trail of beautiful particles, stretching lower and lower. A moment of hesitation crossed her mind. Why not just let it happen? Leave the wings be and fall asleep on the blanket of crimson red, never to wake up. The thought might have been there, but it was still fleeting.

    And so, before she actually hit the white floor deep down, the light wings flapped and the girl stabilized with a good bit of distance still to go before she would hit the bottom. Her plentiful hair would wave and dance with the air currents all around, her clothes trying to do the same. It felt cool on her skin. Refreshing? Perhaps. The puppet wasn’t quite sure how to tell anymore. And stalling was not helping either. Moving more into the air, she searched for her companion. She did not know whether Samira was fine with flying or not.

    But if she was, then they would simply fly above the city and back toward the elevator. There really was no more point in staying. And as they moved past the border, their bodies would return back to normal as well. Colors that had returned to them might have even appeared much more vibrant after they were exposed to so much monochrome. It was a good way to make one appreciate something they have, by removing it from them. Not that this was the intention of this world, or even Charlotte and Seth. Merely just an observation.

    With the wings, it was of no issue for Charlotte to land back on the platform they were on when they first arrived. It was still as bizarre, the skies around them looking muddled. Doors of the elevator were open as well, waiting for the two girls to enter and move away. The purpose of this place was over, so the world itself started slowly growing more dim and boring. There was simply no point in it. It only existed for the two girls to explore it. And maybe that was why all of this fell apart in the first place.

    The White Witch waited for the summoner to land next to her as well. It was uncertain if they would even have to talk about anything at this point, but it would be rude to just leave and not be by her side. In the end, it was because of Samira that all of this was possible. But for all the grand questing that this was meant to be, it all ended up rather dry. And perhaps, that would also be the end of Phreta’s story. Because if the reality that the puppeteer wrote down was not any fun, then there was no point to it.

    And whether the story was any fun at all depended on the puppeteers within it, as well as the other puppeteers that joined and read through it. Unfortunately, it seemed that this place just did not make the cut. And so, as they were to leave for the elevator, the entire city started collapsing into an endless abyss behind them, as would eventually this whole worlds and all of the nameless beings inside of this place. Nothing would be spared, as this very reality was meant for Charlotte alone anyway. It just had no other purpose. It was a sad goodbye story for them.
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    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Samira Nassar 5th May 2018, 8:08 am

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
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    Birth of the House V6JIcYH       Birth of the House WOyJ6my       Birth of the House JOeaZ9l       Birth of the House W1bEUgL       Birth of the House MrksPDy
    Samira watched the girl and waited for some form of response. The fact Charlotte had been so close to the edge was one that was overlooked. Never would the summoner suspect the thoughts of jumping Charlotte had. Although, even if she did have some sort of mind reading ability she would only stop her for selfish reasons and nothing more. She was a woman that believed people chose their own fate. Should the girl want that end to her existence then she would have been free to do so, and Samira would not consider any blood being on her hands for ignoring it. Still, she could be selfish as said a moment ago. Charlotte being alive may have been required in order to leave the strange world of black and white, and Samira would not be the type to watch the fall happen. If something so dreadful did take place it would happen without her being around.

    The news that Phreta was not present on that world was then said. There was surprise on Samira's face at hearing those words. Then the expression shifted to disbelief and then disappointment. She did not exactly have too high of expectations for the world. After all, she had only volunteered to help. Her original reason for the job she took on was accomplished a while ago. It was unfortunate that at the end nothing had happened at all. Just a walk through a strange world. An interesting one that was very abnormal and not quite what the summoner was used to. That alone would make the trip not an entire waste of time as Charlotte had thought it to be. Samira would have preferred if the end goal for the girl in white had been reached though. For Charlotte, it was a waste of a trip. Why would the mysterious talking elevator bring them to that world if what they were looking for was not on it? There was very little sense. Of course, was there really any point in making any sense for everything she had experienced and witnessed just by simply walking inside an odd house? Most likely not.

    "No, it is fine." Samira replied softly, although with a frown on her face rather than a smile. "I got to see a bit of this world so that is enough to satisfy me. It is a shame that we were unable to find what you were looking for. I am sorry for that." At the very least the world at least proved to be a rather safe one should Charlotte need to visit again for another look. It would be without her though. The volunteered help was a one time deal. The world would be less interesting and amusing a second time. Not to mention Samira planned to be busy with other things once she returned to her guild.

    Charlotte had mentioned heading back, to which Samira nodded her head in agreement. It was time to go now that the tour was done. Her green eyes watched as the younger girl positioned her hands as if she were praying and only a few moments later did magic appear from her and cover the summoner. It was not a harmful magic, that much Samira could tell just by seeing it. The added feeling of warmth and pleasantness only confirmed it further. The magic crystallize in light, soon leaving a set of beautiful wings on both of them. Samira turned her head to glance at her own set and gave them a gentle flap. She had, had wings before. One of her spirits was capable of giving her a set with his magic whenever she needed it so it was nothing new. That did not mean there was never any awe and fun once she had them though.

    Her companion had already gone over the edge, once again unaware of the thoughts and hesitation that was going through Charlotte. Once she noticed she had been missing Samira approached the edge and looked down, seeing the other hovering in the air waiting for her. She leapt from the edge and allowed her set of wings to do their job with efficiency and grace. Unlike Charlotte, Samira had no thoughts of crashing down to meet a blood red end. She had too much to do and look forward to. The two then traveled through the air high above the city and made it back to the magical elevator that would take them back to where they were previously. Or that was what Samira had assumed. Once inside the elevator though Samira took notice of the world outside it disappearing into the dark abyss. How strange it was that the world seemed to disappear just as quickly as it came into existence. Was it a world solely made for the purpose of finding the author? The one they could not track down? Who really knew? Charlotte had seemed content with the way things were. There was never any question to it that Samira noticed. That was one thing they differed on. She had many questions and was not getting any answers. It was rather annoying for her, and only provided confusion when she thought about how someone could live with such an existence. But, it would be rather rude to judge Charlotte, wouldn't it? The two knew very little about the other and it would remain so. Aside from being temporary traveling companions they had no bond. Once Samira left the house to return to her normal life and routine that would be it. There would be no reason she could think of that would allow them to meet again. But the future was a funny thing. The possibilities and theories were endless.

    When the elevator arrived, assuming it led right back to where they were previously, Samira would thank Charlotte for allowing her to see the world. It was probably not necessary. Charlotte had been the one to ask for her to come along. Samira would overlook that detail though. It was nice to see something different all the same. From there the summoner would ask how to get back to the main door so she could take her leave. The elevator had been what brought her there originally, but it had also been used to take them to that weird place. She had no idea how to work it properly since before it did not respond to simple button presses. Afterwards, she would say her goodbye to Charlotte and leave the house entirely. Another strange job in Rose Garden completed. Will she think back on it? There was no telling at this point in time. For now, the small and for once non-dangerous adventure would be an interesting tale to write about in her journal.

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    Last edited by Samira Nassar on 18th March 2020, 12:31 am; edited 2 times in total



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    Birth of the House Empty Re: Birth of the House

    Post by Charlotte 8th May 2018, 12:46 am

    The White Witch

    The two of them flew gracefully over the temporary world like pure what pigeons. Despite the architecture here is not exactly what one would expect or even consider all that well-done, it must have been beautiful for at least someone. It was only a shame that no one else would get to see this place from this point of view after the two of them left, for it would crumble into dust. Would they feel sad for the nameless creatures down below, or would they be forgotten all too easily, much like the rest of this place? That, perhaps, was the most tragic thing of them all.

    For as they landed on the platform near the elevator, all of this world was forgotten completely. The journey was a peaceful one, in the end. Not what was intended in the beginning, an unexpected result of a wish. The Echo must have stared from the distance, ready to show itself any moment. But then, wouldn’t this really just turn into some cliche horror movie? The writer of this story must have realized this and intentionally did not allow the trans-dimensional being to leave its nest. And now, it was the end of the story, without any twists or hooks.

    Shame that it appeared so unsatisfying to some, despite the Samira puppet claiming otherwise in the end. Sending an appreciative nod her way, Charlotte would sign ever so slightly. “I see. Even though we did not find the Phreta theory, I thank you for coming with me. It was fun, not being alone!” It might have been the girl’s curse, to stay eternally alone. Because no matter what she tried, or how hard she worked, it just never seemed to be enough. This world was cruel like that, toying with their emotions at the puppeteer’s whim.

    However, it also made her look at the past fondly. There was a time when she wasn’t alone. When she had her very own team, formed by a mermaid and the glorious and mighty Horatio, all mages of Black Rose. Together, they accomplished much and the White Witch was as powerful as shew as only thanks to them. She also used to have a best friend, Desireé Blooms, a shining star on the stage and adored by many. They were all lost to her now. A story drawing to the close did not need any loose ends, after all.

    Was it sad? Should she grieve, knowing this? Perhaps. But she may have already made her peace with it all. After all, she lived with the puppeteer’s presence for years now. Supernatural and cruel was not new to her. This was her world. The cruel and unforgiving world of Charlotte the White. It was all about the suffering, only to entertain the masses. She did not even mind knowing that she was nothing more than a puppet, meant to carry out another’s will. It was perfectly natural, something that she was being told every since she could remember.

    As they both entered the elevator, the young girl would press one of the many buttons. The first floor, it said. And the elevator started heading down, silently. A dreadful and penetrating silence, louder than ever before. But the White Witch stood with her body straightened and full of confidence now, a smile on her face. That was because she at least got to have some fun before the end. Sure, there was one or two more adventures planned by the puppeteer, but then it would be the true end for her. Or at least this version of her. She knew that very well.

    And so she had to make every last moment count. They would be all that she will have left for the eternity to come. If someone asked, she would admit that it all seemed pretty scary. But also liberating. In the end, all life was born only to be put on a road toward the inevitable end. For some, it just arrived much sooner than for others. And that was fine, she thought. Finally, the metal box they were inside of had come to a screeching halt, tiny little bell letting them know as the doors opened wide to reveal the outside world.

    Not another bizarre existence filled with nonsensical visage, but the real Earthland Samira belonged to. Stepping out, there was a thank you from the green-haired summoner. To that, Charlotte would bow deeply. “No, I think we are even. If you have truly enjoyed seeing that word, then perhaps that is the payment for your assistance. Even though there was nothing dangerous in that place, I don’t think I would have been able to do it all alone.” Were they even with this? Maybe. Maybe not. After all, the older woman did not enjoy this journey as much as she was admitting here.

    But that was fine. Charlotte would wave her a goodbye nevertheless. It was a saddened wave, as the girl honestly hoped to see that very nice spirit once more before this would be over. But she did not get to. She was simply to be left alone again. So as the summoner was slowly disappearing in the distance, the White Witch would run forward few steps and shout at the top of her lungs. “I hope we will see each other again in the future!” A sincere wish.

    Though if it was to become true, then the Charlotte present would probably be a different one to her self in this very moment. Realizing this again, she had quickly turn her back toward the scenery of Black Rose and started moving toward the house. But she did not enter it. No, instead she closed the doors from the outside and started running. She would not return to this place, to her very own home, until it was time. 「Seth」 was already guiding the child, the final marathon. Will she be able to finish it gracefully, or will she fall flat? Both options were fine, really. All that mattered… was that they had at least a tiny bit of fun in the end.

    - Birth of the House End -
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