Fairy Tail RP

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    Fa Yu Li


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 2
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Fa Yu Li Empty Fa Yu Li

    Post by Fa 20th February 2014, 4:13 pm

    Name: Fa Yu Li
    Gender: Male
    Age: 26
    Birthday: (15/05
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: His body is rough and scarred, and it's not at all rare to see at least a few bruises, all because of his personal training regiment. His clothes are rarely in better condition.

    Personality: Fa is confident, bold, determined, and stubborn as a mule. He is blunt and repeatedly shows himself to be reckless in his actions and harsh with his words, yet at the same time possesses a keen insight and great wisdom, especially in the heat of battle. He is a spiritual man, in fact he even claims to have been a monk, though his spirituality does not manifest in the normal sense. While he does meditate and pray, Fa feels most attuned to his spirit through his fists. For him, a punch is a prayer. To fight, to test one mans fist against another, is his ultimate form of worship. His devotion to his martial skill shows through what many would consider a self-destructive training regiment, willing to put himself through long periods of physically demanding sessions to hone both his body and his soul.

    Oddly, his dedication to his fist doesn't extend into other aspects of his life. When he isn't training or fighting, Fa is an incredibly lazy oaf. He would much rather find a nice, warm spot to have a drink and take a five hour nap than do something productive, like cleaning. He'd go through as much trouble to get out of having to sweep the floor as he would to complete one of his insane training sessions. His laziness can make him somewhat difficult to deal with at times, and it certainly hampers any leadership abilities that he might otherwise possess, as he'd rather not have to deal with the hassle of directing other people.

    Though a little rough around the edges, Fa has a heart of gold to match his will of iron. He can't tolerate the sight of bullying or harassment, especially towards women and children, and physical abuse is a sure way to invoke his fury. He has a soft spot for children, and it is not an uncommon thing for him to take time out of his day to go out and play games of tag with or show off his martial arts for the local kids, or even join in on their childish pranks against their elders.

    In battle, Fa's personal philosophy shines true. He has no interest in doing anything related to stealth or reconnaisance, and balks at the thought of serving the role of a passive scout, and anyone commanding him to fill such a role would be met with grumbling reluctance, if not a flat out argument. He's at his finest when he's sent charging into the thick of it, where he can rely on his keen battle senses and his brute strength. Despite his reckless behavior, Fa is the sort of man that can be relied on to act as part of a unit, if need be, and he would readily put his life on the line to protect a comrade. Since he is able to put the goal of winning the fight before everything else, he works very well with others in a fight, regardless of his personal relationship with his teammates.


    • Pitting himself against a strong enemy is his ultimate joy

    • While his training is strenuous and painful, he wears each scar and bruise as if they were medals of honor.

    • He always looks forward to a day of dozing off in a hot spring somewhere with a bottle of sake.


    • Dishonorable fighters disgust him to no end. That he actually has to use his fist against them fills him with bitter rage.

    • Fa hates doing chores and running errands. He'd much rather be doing important things, like training, or taking a five hour nap.

    • Abusers are just as disgusting, maybe even moreso, than a dishonorable fighter. A man's strength should be tested against anothers, not used to terrorise weaker people.


    • To find his true rival and have the greatest fight he could ever experience.

    • To master his mix of martial arts and magic and create a fighting style that will become legendary.

    • To be acknowledged by other mages and other guilds as a fearsome and powerful opponent


    • To lose his independence terrifies Fa. He has had nightmares where he has lost his limbs or become paralyzed, and they leave him in a cold sweat.

    • As someone who relies so much on his body in a fight, Fa extremely dislikes the idea of having to fight against a poison mage.

    • Fa is mildly claustrophobic.

    General Appearance


    Height: 6'4
    Weight: 245 lbs
    Hair: Dark brown. Shaggy, but kept to a reasonable length
    Eyes: Black
    Skin Tone: Tan
    Appearance: Fa is of a very muscular build, and his body is covered in scars, as well as bruises that seem to come and go as often as the days. His face is somewhat darkened by a thin layer of stubble. He prefers to wear the clothes of a martial artist, wearing loose fitting gi and bandage wraps. He refuses to wear shoes, and at best will wear sandals. His clothes are often ragged and even torn, subjected to the same manner of abuse as his body on a daily basis.


    Guild: Sabertooth
    Tattoo: It is black, and placed on his upper back, between his shoulder blades.
    Rank: D
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Fa Yu Li Empty Re: Fa Yu Li

    Post by Godlike Frederik 21st February 2014, 4:12 am



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