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    Nola Livingston (DONE)

    Soul Banshee
    Soul Banshee

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 5
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 0

    Nola Livingston (DONE) Empty Nola Livingston (DONE)

    Post by Soul Banshee 14th February 2014, 3:19 pm

    Name: Nola Livingston
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19 years old
    Birthday: June 20th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: N/A

    In battle, Nola is very strategic and even deceptive. When she fights, her movements are calculated. Because she is very flexible, she can easily dodge attacks with fluid movements. Nola is graceful in battle. She is extremely focused as well. When hurt or injured, her attacks seem to pinpoint weaknesses and she tends to remember the weakness of everyone she battles. Because of her ability to calculate and attack with precision, Nola had grown up in a family where violence was always present. She was taught by very experienced mages from all over Fiore. Her calculations sharpened with every battle she went into because she would always want to impress family, friends and even strangers. When calculating her opponent, it’s quick. She checks how the person moves, their breathing, their eye movements how they act, and if she has known the person out of battle, she would use what she had learned from the person to her advantage. When she would be in a battle with a partner or group, she would sacrifice herself so that her friends could get away safely or alive. Though she has never done that before, she would do it a heartbeat despite what her comrades’ protest.
    While her composure and her movements are calculated in battle, she is less than graceful outside of battle. She trips over nothing and seems to only use her mind in battles rather than everyday use. Although, she just seems to switch her thinking abilities off when she doesn't need them (in which she says “I never need to think outside of battle so why do I need to think about my battle strategies out of battle?”). She's also very caring to her comrades and friends and would always be there for them. Under a leader, she is very obedient and does not disappoint. Usually, you would find Nola daydreaming about things. You would never know what she’s be thinking about and it’s probably best left unknown. Her emotions are well controlled. She was never the romantic type; her daydreaming and her innocent mind cause her to be romantically inclined. Her people reading skills are close to nothing outside of battle though she would naturally try to read them and result in failing miserably. She hates to see others cry, and knowing she can do nothing about it, she’ll sit awkwardly near the person. When angered, she becomes blind in rage, eagerly wanting to pick a fight with the other person. Nola’s eyes will grow dark with hate and anger, as if her blue and green eyes succumb to the darkness. Though, because of her well controlled emotions, she isn't angered easily and her sadness is kept to herself. Nola never lets anyone see her tears. She thinks they are a sign of weakness and dishonor. One of her ugly habits is that she pushes herself to be great and never backing down. While that seems like a great quality, she would push it further, usually doing extra work when it really isn't needed. While thinking, her conscious is a voice of reason, often telling her what wrong and right and what to do, even words of encouragement, but then often being ignored more than necessary.

    -Nola really loves scarves. She thinks that they are like warm arms that hug the neck during cold days. Nola has seven different scarves.
    -Origami keeps her mind stable and it calms her down when she is feeling distressed or angry.
    -Nola likes being around her friends and teammates. She thinks that a good relationship will help her motivate her and help her through tough times.

    -Nola has a hatred of waking up early. She isn't a morning person and because she has a bit of a temper, she doesn't like being woken up by others. She will blow a fuse if someone wakes her up earlier than her desired wake-up time.
    -Nola doesn't like liars and dishonest people. Being lied to a lot usually does that to a person. So naturally, she is weary in trusting people.
    -Because of her constant use of sweatshirts and scarves, Nola really hates being cold and cold things.

    -Food is definitely a motivation. She especially loves sweet foods.
    -Her comrades are her strength.
    -She always is trying to prove herself to others (after she gets to know them fairly well).
    -Money is a motivation. She's not greedy but she does like to treat herself every once in a while. Plus, she likes to surprise friends with gifts.

    -She has a fear of not being able to pay her rent on time.
    -Giant spiders. Little ones are okay, not as deadly as the ones that can't be squished easily.
    -Dying alone (nobody really wants to die alone).

    General Appearance

    Height: 5' 5”

    Weight: 125lbs

    Hair: Nola has long, wavy, black hair, usually up in a messy bun with a few strands of hair down. When down, her hair reaches the small of her back. Her bangs are parted to the left and are shorter but it covers her left eye.

    Eyes: Her eyes are bi-colored. Her left eye is a dark blue while her right eye is a
    bright green. She is often told her eyes remind them of a lush Earth.

    Skin Tone: Light skinned/creamy.

    Appearance: Nola is a slim woman with an average bust size. She usually wears baggy clothes to cover up her figure and loves to wear scarves. Combat boot are her shoe of choice, letting her run easily. Nola never wears skirts in fear that in combat others will see what she's wearing underneath. Also, Nola likes to wear sweatshirts no matter how hot it is.


    Guild: Guild-less until further notice


    Rank: D-Rank
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Nola Livingston (DONE) Empty Re: Nola Livingston (DONE)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 15th February 2014, 6:54 am

    yup approved


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