Fairy Tail RP

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    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 268
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A


    Post by RF007 13th April 2022, 6:17 pm

    ❝Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.❞ – by Marie Curie.

    Note: Credit for the special bbcode included within this posting template goes to the user named Janneline Ariel.

    Job Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral)

    Job Signup Approval Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral) Approval

    It had been a while since Nikola's latest adventures and during this period of respite, Nikola had once again gotten back to attending to his duties towards his family and the associated business group as well as the associated multinational business conglomerate. These included things like attending business meetings, meeting other high society families and getting acquainted with their heir(s) and heiresses, overseeing and signing off on the developmental processes for new product lines, and so on. Additionally, he had also gotten back to his usual ongoing and ever-burgeoning mad science research efforts during this time as well and in these endeavors and in the handling of his daily life routine, he was assisted as always by his trusted and exclusively personal, 6-unit strong, maid squad made up of monster girls of all sorts, this squad also being his personal bodyguards in any combat situations too.

    So, in this manner, time marched on for him till present wherein he was relaxing in the company of said maid squad, with all of them currently lounging in recreation room section of his mansion in Crocus, the capital of Fiore which was his home base of operations. In terms of arrangement, one maid was present on each side of his person, while two more were currently lounging while carefully balancing atop the backrest of the large and comfy plush-cushion-equipped couch they were all sitting upon at present, again with one maid on each side of his person. Lastly, the remaining two members of his personal maid squad were sitting on the ground on each side of his person like the rest of their comrades of said squad. Currently, all of them were keeping him company while watching a recently released popularly acclaimed movie on his HD-resolution magitek audiovisual lacrima system and conversing with him occasionally about various topics in addition to the movie.

    However, this peaceful setup of Nikola's and consequently his pleasure-filled mood was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of his mansion's head butler as noted by his head personal maid, Jeanne

    "Master Eisenstein, it would seem that our merrymaking is to be put on hold for a while...for it would seem you have your next job in your magus work..."

    To that, Nikola grimaced as he remarked, his voice clearly demonstrating his now disgruntled mindset

    "Indeed...how truly irksome this is..."

    After that, he watched his head butler enter the recreation room and then head over to him swiftly. Said butler came to find him since there was apparently a job request flyer which came for Nikola by post and thus required his attention, a fact that was much to his chagrin and the dismay of his maids as well. That said, it was not something he could ignore since he could always use more money than he already had, and thus he had no choice but to leave the pleasurable company being offered to him by his maids to attend to this. So, he took the flyer offered to him by his butler who, along with his maid squad, was also one of his bodyguards in combat situations and after reading over it, penned his reply regarding his acceptance of this job on a separate piece of parchment and instructed his butler to mail it back to the client

    "Here, Alfred, please send this off to the client in question to alert them that I shall be arriving in short order."

    After that, Nikola gently disengaged himself from his maids and then left for his bedchambers, wherein upon arrival, he quickly set about getting ready in his usual work attire, aka that of a mad scientist magus, and then headed off for the destination mentioned in the job request, which was some place known only as the "Mountain Village". Unbeknownst to him, he would be meeting a rather interesting person over the course of this job request.





    POST WC: 647, TOTAL WC: 647/500 (for Nikola/EISNIK003 only)


    Last edited by EISNIK003 on 19th May 2022, 2:39 pm; edited 3 times in total



    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 24
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Deal with the Devil
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Golnax 13th April 2022, 7:02 pm

    Mountain Village was two major settlements away from Magnolia, and that meant travelling by means other than feet. Fortunately for a man as devious as Giuseppe, acquiring a means of transportation had been as easy and signing his name on the dotted line! The memory of the transaction brought a smile to his face as the wind whipped through his hair at the head of the magic car he drove, the wrist band placed delicately on his left arm that held onto the motor shaft while his right fist rested against his chin as he thought of the moment.

    A stranger, some man he'd never met, who just so happened to have the vehicle he was now driving, caught his eye and Giuseppe had approached him. As per usual when he did his thing, he talked a big game with the man and eventually the conversation turned to that of a deal. In exchange for the use of his car, Giuseppe promised that he would perform an entertaining spell for him. Of course he had made sure to tell him that he was a wizard at the Fairy Tail guild and needed the car for a job he was going on so it wasn't as if this request was particularly strange. One conjuring of a contract later, a quick signing of names and boom - he now owned the vehicle he was driving! He'd said that he'd bring it back, but he was still mulling that part over. After all, he wasn't obligated by his contract to return the thing!

    That was three days ago and it brought a smile to his face now as he rounded the last bend to Mountain Village as great speed. Of course he'd told the man the truth - he was on his way to perform a job for the guild. A request from an old man, if he recalled correctly, to help build him a cabin... without the use of magic. A unique challenge for sure, but he wasn't exactly keen on that. If he saw an opportunity to use his wiles, the blond wizard had already decided three days ago when he plucked the flier off of the board that he was going to use it. After all he'd picked this job because it looked exceedingly easy, and using his magic was only going to make things easier if it came about. Why hamper himself needlessly?

    As Giuseppe came to the outskirts of Mountain Village he brought the vehicle down to a more reasonable speed and eventually a stop altogether as he pulled up just outside of the village. Stepping out of the cab and detaching the cuff link from his left hand, he rolled down his sleeve and let out a sigh. "Alright, now to find the old man that posted the job..." he said to himself, rolling his sleeve down and walking into the village proper.

    WC: 488
    TWC: 1135

    Last edited by Golnax on 17th April 2022, 4:51 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 268
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A


    Post by RF007 17th April 2022, 4:31 pm

    ❝Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.❞ – by Marie Curie.

    Note: Credit for the special bbcode included within this posting template goes to the user named Janneline Ariel.

    Job Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral)

    Job Signup Approval Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral) Approval

    It did not take Nikola too long to reach the “Mountain Village destination that was mentioned in the flier thanks to the fact that he had chosen to use his personal transport, a magitek all-terrain limo with a vintage-style body on the outside but with the latest and most advanced in automotive technology inside. Once he arrived, he drove into the village and then parked his car somewhere out of sight to prevent any unwanted attention from descending upon it. Then, he headed off to the meet the old man who was the client for this current job.

    Well now, this should be interesting…thankfully even without magic, I can still employ mechanical advantage to get this job done…ah, it truly is good to be a science-type and to have the relevant repertoire…

    Nikola mused silently as he knocked on the door and announced himself to alert the old man client for this current job that he had arrived and that he was ready to begin the job at hand

    Greetings, sir. I am Nikola Eisenstein, the mage who has received word of your job request and who has come here to fulfill it.

    In response, the old man came out of his residence atop that snowy mountain and invited Nikola inside after greeting him

    Ah yes, good to see you then. However, I have been notified that you will be having company during this job, but that company has not yet arrived, so please do come inside and warm yourself up, Mr. Eisenstein.

    As he heard this, Nikola nodded and remarked in response, his tone filled with mild curiosity

    Oh? Well now, then this request of yours should not be too difficult to handle…my thanks for the invite, sir.

    With that, Nikola headed inside the old man’s residence and then took a seat and began waiting for his job partner to show up, all the while wondering who it would be and if they had any mechanical engineering skills to speak of to use in this endeavor.





    POST WC: 337, TOTAL WC: 984 of 500 (for Nikola/EISNIK003 only)

    Tags: @Golnax

    Last edited by EISNIK003 on 16th May 2022, 4:01 pm; edited 1 time in total



    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 24
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Deal with the Devil
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Golnax 17th April 2022, 6:23 pm

    On top of the local mountain. Of course the client lived on top of the mountain that he wanted to build on. He couldn't live in the village itself and wanted to build the cabin to move out, no, he was already living there and just wanted an upgrade apparently. How annoyingly crass. Giuseppe had been quick enough in figuring this out - it'd only taken talking to three people to get the information he needed, but he was still annoyed by the answers he got. He couldn't take his newly acquired car up a mountain after all, so he'd have to leg it!

    It was early in the afternoon when he arrived at the old mans' residence and by then he was fairly agitated by the, as he saw it, unnecessary hike. Steadfast and determined to use his magic to take advantage of this old man however he could at this point, the blond wizard stood outside of the door, took a deep breath to compose himself, and knocked the back of his fist on the cabin door. After a moment of waiting the door was answered by a small old man with tan skin darker than Giuseppe's and a bandana wrapped on his head, a wooly sweater and a pair of overalls carrying a cane in his left hand.

    "You're a little late," the old man said grouchily. He sounded as if he was in as bad of a mood as Giuseppe was!

    "Apologies, sir, I am Mephistopheles of the Fairy Tail wizard guild, answering the job you posted to help you build your cabin," Giuseppe answered, doing his very best to keep himself from being snarky. The job bill hadn't said anything about hiking to meet the man himself, after all.

    The old client grunted before jutting his right thumb over his shoulder. "Partner's already here, come on in and warm up a bit," he said before turning around and heading back inside.

    "... Partner?" Giuseppe asked skeptically, stepping forward and heading inside. He had to duck his head in order to fit in through the doorway, a fact that the owner of the small cabin (closer to a hut, really) took notice of.

    "Yeah, that's one thing I need changed in the new abode - bigger doors to accommodate the occasional guest! Have a seat," the old man said, gesturing towards a hand-made table and set of chairs where someone else was already sitting. Giuseppe took a look at this other wizard, his supposed partner and for a brief moment the light almost made his blue eyes glint red with some unseen malice - a flicker too quick to properly pick up on, though.

    "Know each other? If not I guess get acquainted with one another, 'cause you're gonna be working with each other for however long this takes. I assume you boys know what the job requires?" their patron asked, turning to face both of them and tapping his cane on the floor. Giuseppe was silent, choosing to wait to see how his so called 'partner' responded first.

    WC: 516
    TWC: 1988



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 268
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A


    Post by RF007 19th April 2022, 6:21 pm

    ❝Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.❞ – by Marie Curie.

    Note: Credit for the special bbcode included within this posting template goes to the user named Janneline Ariel.

    Job Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral)

    Job Signup Approval Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral) Approval

    Fortunately Nikola did not have to wait long for his supposed job partner to show up as well for shortly after he had arrived and made himself comfortable in the client’s residence, the nanoscopic sensors of the auditory enhancement module installed in his magitek cyborg body picked up the noise of the client heading out to meet the newly arrived help and despite the door being closed, Nikola was able to learn the name of his job partner as being someone he now knew to be called “Mephistopheles”.

    Well now, that is quite the intriguing name…but perhaps he does not have any connection to the demon by the same name

    Nikola mused silently as he watched the scene unfold and as his partner stepped inside the client’s house as well. After that, when the client inquired as to whether Nikola and his impromptu job partner knew what they were getting themselves into, Nikola noticed that said partner remained silent for whatever reason and so, he had to speak up instead

    Indeed, the description on the flier was sufficient enough for that. As for becoming acquainted with each other, for the sake of convenience and practicality…my name is Nikola, Mr. Mephistopheles.

    With that, Nikola fell silent after addressing the client and then his partner in turn and then waited to see what would happen next and for whatever directions the client would be giving them.





    POST WC: 235, TOTAL WC: 1219 of 500 (for Nikola/EISNIK003 only)

    Tags: @Golnax

    Last edited by EISNIK003 on 16th May 2022, 4:02 pm; edited 1 time in total



    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 24
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Deal with the Devil
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Golnax 21st April 2022, 7:55 am

    What a scrawny looking man! This wizard from some other guild (he surmised as much from the fact they were there in response to the job summons and that Gisueppe didn't recognize him from the Fairy Tail guild hall) was supposed to help him build a house without the use of magic? The idea seemed pretty laughable to him. Scheming though he was to find a way to use his own magic during this job, he at least knew he had the physique required to actually do some hard labor. How exactly was skinny in a lab coat going to do to help?

    Never the less he smiled and bowed his head in Nikola's direction. "Charmed," he replied simply before lifting his head and addressing the client. "We're to help you build a new abode without the use of magic, correct?" he inquired.

    The old man nodded. "That's right. No magic. Can't stand the stuff - makes life too easy! What's the point of livin', says I, if you've got the answers to all your problems lickity split? No challnge! No growth! S'why I live out here instead of in town. A right proper hermit I am!" He let out a chortle and Giuseppe smiled, an expression he put on simply for the sake of being polite. He kept quiet until the old man stopped laughing, cleared his throat, and continued.

    "So, you two responded to the job so you two are gonna build me a new house. I'll be there with you helpin' out some, but I'm old! Won't be able to do much of the heavy liftin'. I'll mostly be here tellin' you boys how to do this job correctly. If you got to problems followin' directions, this should go fairly quick-like."

    "Yes yes, that's all well and good," Giuseppe said, not quite interrupting but definitely speaking right at the tail end of the clients' sentence. Raising his hands into the air a piece of paper would manifest itself in one hand while a quill showed up in the other. Stepping over to the table Giuseppe would set the paper down while the old man spoke up. "Hey! What'd I just say! No magic! Can't stand it!"

    "This doesn't have anything to do with the job, sir, I can assure you. It is just a formality on my part, something I like to keep track of for my personal records," Giuseppe retorted with a warm smile, tapping the piece of paper with the end of the quill which got to work writing all on it's own at an extremely fast pace! "I just want you to sign this piece of paper stating that I met with you and agreed to the terms of your job and completed it as specified with your supervision. A written proof to take back with me to show to my guild master, you understand."

    While the blond wizard spoke the quill was fast at work, the sound of scratching against the wooden table loud and clear over his words and by the time he had finished, the quill came to a stop too, falling over on top of the piece of paper where Giuseppe picked it up and held it out to the old man who, skeptical of magic as he was, walked over and took a look at the piece of paper - only to find a wall of text! His brow furrowed as he began to read, but his eyes quickly glazed over.

    "I don't understand much of any of this..." the old man said. "Let alone trust it!"

    "It's merely a standard contract of employment. I can read the important bits for you," Giuseppe said, reaching down and picking up the piece of paper before expertly placing his finger right where it needed to be for him to start reading off. After all, he knew exactly what was on this Contract. "Hereupon I, the creator of this contract, do give my word that I will perform any and all tasks required for the completion of this contract, limited to and not exceeding the necessary protocols required here within to achieve such a goal, knowing full well that the misuse of the terms within this agreement or the insufficient completion of the request at hand does fully nullify the binding agreement of this Contract, and that my signature, as well as the signature of the recipient of this Contract, acts as a binding word and proof of my acknowledgement of the terms written here within as specified by the recipient. In this particular case..." He trailed off, picking up the quill from off of the table and setting the Contract down on it's wooden surface again while he himself wrote a portion that had been left blank. The old man looked confused and unsure but was doing his best to be attentive.

    Giuseppe wrote something quickly and underlined it before speaking again. "The building of a house without the use of magic. See? There in fresh ink," he stated, tapping the page where he had written to draw attention to the exact words he'd spoken and written down for the client to see. "It is merely a promise in written form to do as I'm told and proof that I did as such, with you as a witness. Nothing magical about it really! If you'll just sign right here at the bottom..."

    Still looking quite confused the old man stepped forward and reached out to take the quill. "Suppose there's no harm in giving my word in writing for you to take back as proof..." he said. Giuseppe grinned, watching as the man signed his name on the dotted line. Once the client set the quill down he would pick it up and write his own name opposite of the recipient before both the quill and the contract vanished in a puff of smoke.

    "Well! That's that, then. I'm ready to get started whenever you are, you as well," Giuseppe said, looking over to Nikola and winking before taking a seat at the table and folding his hands over themselves, feeling quite content with this job now and knowing that no matter what came next, he could look back at this moment and feel satisfaction.

    WC: 1047
    TWC: 3270



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 268
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A


    Post by RF007 28th April 2022, 4:05 pm

    ❝Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.❞ – by Marie Curie.

    Note: Credit for the special bbcode included within this posting template goes to the user named Janneline Ariel.

    Job Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral)

    Job Signup Approval Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral) Approval

    Nikola nodded to Mephistopheles and then replied with his own greeting and a perfectly natural-seeming cordial veteran businessman’s smile on his face, if for no other reason but to keep up the appearance of civility in the present situation despite his usual ignorance of social cues


    Then, Nikola fell silent and watched on as said job partner of his went to great lengths to document the job completion proof from the poor old client who, as a result, began to look ever more confused as the man went on to get his signature on the dotted line on an official looking document that he had manifested from thin air. For his part, Nikola waited patiently till that exchange was complete and when Mephistopheles addressed him to inform him that he was ready to go complete the job, Nikola nodded and then remarked while opening a hyperspace micro-portal out of thin air which had a distinctly sci-fi feel and look to it with a snap of his fingers and pulling out from it a magitek digital tablet of sorts along with its corresponding stylus

    As am I, but please give me moment to follow your lead and get my own proof of job completion ahead of time, Mr. Mephistopheles.

    Nikola remarked thusly with that same cordial smile from before and then handed the tablet and stylus to the old man while requesting of him

    Now sir, if you would be so kind as to read over this document and then sign on the dotted line at the bottom of the statement, I would appreciate it greatly. It is another standard job completion proof document in the same vein as what my partner presented you with mere moments ago, of course.

    Naturally, as Nikola watched on after instructing the man on how to use the tablet and stylus, the old man reacted with the same shock and dismay at his display of his capability as he had to that of Mephistopheles earlier, but since the document had all the same elements to it due to being standardized, this time, he skimmed the document and then signed it at last on the dotted line as before while grumbling

    You young’uns and your new-fangled magic…even though I don’t got any love for it…gosh darn it…

    Nikola was amused to see this, but he had to correct the man since what he had shown was not magic at all, but rather sophisticated technology instead

    Magic?…oh no, good sir…this is not magic, I assure you…it is simply advanced technology…though I suppose, as a wise man who lived a long time ago once said…’science when advanced enough will seem indistinguishable from magic’…so it is perhaps understandable why you would think this of me.

    With that done, Nikola fell silent and then let the old man take the lead and for his part, the old man led them to the actual job site where there were plenty of construction tools and supplies of various sizes resting there ready for use and then left them both alone with a parting remark before heading back to his cottage

    Well, here’s the place, fellas…you boys can handle the rest, I hope? It should be straightforward enough between the pair of you. Good luck.





    POST WC: 544, TOTAL WC: 1763 of 500 (for Nikola/EISNIK003 only)

    Tags: @Golnax

    Last edited by EISNIK003 on 16th May 2022, 4:02 pm; edited 1 time in total



    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 24
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Deal with the Devil
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Golnax 30th April 2022, 9:29 am

    Giuseppe watched as Nikola activated his own magic - or no, the use of magitek technology, he would clarify after a moment - and claimed to be following his lead in getting proof for his guild of a job well done; he watched this and had to work very hard not to burst out laughing! He had to go so far as to shift in his seat, clear his throat and turn his head slightly to control himself! The very notion that he had gotten this Nikola to mimic his nefariousness without realizing it and, what's more, the fact that there was honest intentions behind it was nothing short of hysterical to him! He'd have to make it a point to show him the difference before they parted ways.

    Shortly thereafter they departed from the small cabin and further up the mountain to the actual job site where everything was laid out for them. The air was colder up here but Giuseppe didn't mind, knowing that he wouldn't notice once he got into the swing of things. As their old client left them to their work, he smiled and waved the old man off before turning to Nikola and clapping his hands together. Time to do his part of the Contract.

    "Well then, we'd better get started," he'd say, reaching up and unbuttoning his suit jacket and rolling it off of his shoulders, followed by the white and gold colored vest underneath, the red tie and purple dress shirt to reveal his impressive physique! Physically he wasn't going to struggle it looked like. "Well we'd better get started," he said after folding his clothes over themselves and walking over to one of the piles of materials and setting them down on top of it. He'd pick up a hammer and lightly toss it in the air before catching it and taking a better look at what they were working with.

    "We'll need to build a foundation first. Digging one out is out of the question with the tools we have on hand I should say. The client didn't exactly leave a blue print for us to work with, so I suppose we have creative freedom, Nikola! How do you want to start?" he asked, turning and looking at his work partner for input.

    WC: 386
    TWC: 4200



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 268
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A


    Post by RF007 3rd May 2022, 9:56 am

    ❝Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.❞ – by Marie Curie.

    Note: Credit for the special bbcode included within this posting template goes to the user named Janneline Ariel.

    Job Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral)

    Job Signup Approval Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral) Approval

    As the old man client left Nikola and Mephistopheles to their own devices so they could get ready to complete the task at hand, Nikola took some time to look over the building materials and construction tools they had on hand which had presumably been set there by the client for said task of building a cottage as per the instructions of this job request.

    Hmm…well, this will certainly be a problem…especially the foundation…

    As he was musing thus silently, Nikola heard Mephistopheles speak up regarding the task at hand and heard him remark about how it would be nigh impossible to dig out the foundation for the cottage with the tools they had available to them in this situation. After that, Nikola heard Mephistopheles also ask him about the blueprints since the client did not provide them any. So, after musing silently for a few moments, Nikola replied

    Indeed…the foundation will be the difficult part as you said and requires further deliberation and planning, but as for the blueprint, I do believe I have a suitable solution to that particular problem…

    With that said, he extended a hand out before him and then from his palm, an electric blue light shone forth onto the ground and within its field, a fully furnished, exact, hi-def, scale model of the cottage dwelling of the client made from what seemed like innumerable miniscule translucent electric blue particles was swiftly constructed fully for both him and Mephistopheles to use for this project and the associated blueprints which were accurate down to the most minute detail were displayed in hi-def resolution alongside them. Then, Nikola looked to Mephistopheles and remarked while gesturing to his construct

    While I was awaiting your arrival, I took the liberty of doing a hi-def, 360-degree scan of our client’s residence down to the most infinitesimal detail and then stored it in my memory banks for reference’s sake. Therefore, methinks it would be both apropos and most expedient to build this cottage to be a carbon copy of the client’s own residence. We can, of course, fully interact with this construct and the blueprints as and when we need to since they are both made from hardlight holographic technology…so what say you?

    With that said, Nikola fell silent and awaited whatever response that Mephistopheles would have to his actions and remarks.





    POST WC: 392, TOTAL WC: 2155 of 500 (for Nikola/EISNIK003 only)

    Tags: @Golnax

    Last edited by EISNIK003 on 16th May 2022, 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total



    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 29
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    Post by Golnax 12th May 2022, 4:08 pm

    Giuseppe shivered in the snow and crossed his arms over his chest as he watched his partner perform some sort of magic, presumably, without the presence of their client with an approving grin. It didn't take him but a second after he was told to put together that the hologram was in fact the same as the cabin he'd been in just a little bit ago before the cold mountain air.

    "You don't think it would be a bit lazy to just make the exact same building? The client did say he wanted larger doors after all, so surely we have some wiggle room to add improvements as we see fit?" he asked, floating the idea further that they could really build whatever they wanted... which, in reality, meant building whatever he wanted, but Nikola didn't need to know that.

    What followed as the sun rose higher in the sky was a little discussion between the two of them on what to change and what to keep the same, Giuseppe making sure to use language that sounded exactly like it would be entirely in the client's favor, coming off entirely as though he were just a well meaning wizard trying to give his 110% on this job. Once discussions were finished the final design for the cabin was a fair bit larger without being excessively so given the materials they were working with, and together they began to set work on the foundation.

    Giuseppe did a lot of the heavy lifting - insisted to, frankly - but gladly accepted help when offered on moving some of the larger beams. Truth be told this was the first time that the blond wizard had built any sort of building like this, yet his knack for carpentry seemed almost natural as Nikola directed him with his hologram, pointing out where beams of wood needed to go and how they needed to be nailed. Certainly the blue-light wielding wizard seemed to actually be more knowledgeable about architecture than Giuseppe was, and was a great help in getting the job done as it was demanded - which was to say without the use of magic.

    A few hours later and the sun was starting to settle into mid afternoon and the foundation of the cabin was built. Giuseppe no longer shivered but was indeed sweating in the snow. With hammer in hand he wiped the sweat from his brow and looked at the mountainside foundation that they'd build together. "Alright, that's done. If we hurry, we can get the basic frame work up by the end of the night and possibly finish it tomorrow!"

    WC: 446
    TWC: 5038



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A


    Post by RF007 16th May 2022, 3:46 pm

    ❝Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.❞ – by Marie Curie.

    Note: Credit for the special bbcode included within this posting template goes to the user named Janneline Ariel.

    Job Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral)

    Job Signup Approval Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral) Approval

    It took them a while to get onto the same page, but before too long, Nikola managed to find some middle ground with Mephistopheles and then the work on building the cottage without magic began in earnest. The foundation was the difficult part, but with some persistence and the combination of Nikola’s brains and Mephistopheles’ brawn, they managed to get the foundation built completely by the time mid-afternoon came along. At that point, Nikola took a break and then remarked regarding the speculation Mephistopheles had put forth that they would be able to hopefully get the cabin’s basic framework up by the end of the day and then get the rest of it finished by the next

    Indeed, work has progressed smoothly enough thus far, so it would be reasonable to presume we can certainly get this architectural project completed by tomorrow.

    Nikola was about to say more but then, he was interrupted by the old man who was their mutual client coming in with a plate of snacks and some beverages in the way of refreshments for them. After Nikola watched the old man setting the refreshments down on a relatively flat piece of stone nearby, he saw him look over the work that had been done so far and give an approving nod before offering a few words of thanks after which he left. So, Nikola along with Mephistopheles took a short break to rest and refresh themselves with the food and drink that had been brought in and then got right back to work on the basic framework of the cabin. This part did not prove to be so difficult since they already had all the tools and work setup established by then and thus, by the end of the day, Nikola managed to work together with Mephistopheles and completed the basic framework as well. After that, it was just a matter of filling in the rest of puzzle, as the saying went.

    Naturally, this took both Nikola and Mephistopheles working, again without direct use of magic as before, till nearly mid-afternoon on the next day to complete the cabin and stock it with the furniture pieces needed to truly make it a home to live in for the client’s daughter and her fiancé as per the contract. Once that was over, Nikola notified the client of the official completion of the job request, at which point, said old man client came to greet them once more as well as to handle the paperwork to signify completion of services rendered and rewards given.





    POST WC: 427, TOTAL WC: 2582 of 500 (for Nikola/EISNIK003 only)

    Tags: @Golnax



    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


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    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 24
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,100

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    First Skill: Deal with the Devil
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Golnax 18th May 2022, 1:53 pm

    "Fine work, gentlemen, fine work indeed," said the client as he came walking up the hill towards Giuseppe and Nikola. The former of the two turned away from their finished job with a grin on his face. This is what he'd been waiting for! "An excellent little cabin for my daughter and her betrothed... And made without magic?"

    "Entirely," Giuseppe reassured him, picking up his jacket and putting it back on one arm at a time. He wanted to savor this moment and so took great care to specifically button up his cuffs as well as the front of his jacket while the client continued to speak. He had to wait for the proper time...

    "Good, I'm glad to hear it. Don't want the taint of that stuff on my daughter's new home. Now that the job's done, you boys will be paid promptly, and I can head on back to my cabin after informing my daughter that her new home is ready."

    This was the time. Giuseppe paused as he was buttoning his left arm jacket cuff and gave an eerie, toothy grin. "You mean my cabin," he corrected.

    "Hm? What's that now?" the old man asked, genuinely unsure if he'd heard correctly. He was getting to that age where ears weren't as reliable, after all. It was very likely that he'd heard a word wrong or something...

    "My cabin, as per the contract you signed," Giuseppe reminded him, pulling on his jacket sleeves once each before turning towards his former client.

    Now the old man was certain he'd heard correctly and a deep frown fell on his lips. "What are you talking about, mister?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.

    "The contract you signed yesterday," Giuseppe clarified slowly. He loved this part, the reveal of his misdeed! With a snap of his fingers he pulled the contract out from it's safe keeping place and unfurled it, holding it delicately between his hands and scanning over it with his eyes searching for - aha! There it was. "Right here, see? It states clearly... well, not so clearly, right here between paragraph three and subparagraph two, and I quote: In exchange for services rendered, the recipient of this contract agrees to relinquish all rights and ownership, legu or otherwise, to the creator of this contract in full and in perpetuity without complaint or reconsideration their property of the creator's choosing, end quote. Well, that's the gist of it, anyways," Giuseppe said with a light chuckle, rolling up the contract and holding it in his left hand.

    "You liar! You said that was just as proof to your guild that you did the job!" the old man growled.

    "It is proof, and I'm going to enjoy telling others about it, but it isn't just proof and never was! Really, you should have read the thing before signing," he mocked, snapping his right hand fingers again and sending the contract away where it could be safe. The old man was beginning to fume, his old fists balling up as though to strike Giuseppe... yet nothing happened, and a look of confused rage began to come over the old client's face.

    "What is this? Why can't I punch you?"

    "Simpu. A defensive clause in the contract magically prevents you from causing direct violence on me, for my own protection. Now then, about the matter of my cabin - your property is still inside of it. You have three weeks to remove it from the cabin, otherwise I'll claim it as my own," Giuseppe answered, turning and walking past the old man. As far as he was concerned, this matter and job were settled and he was free to head back to his ill-gotten vehicle so that he could return to the guild in a timely manner to reap his reward fully.

    "Where am I supposed to go..? Where am I going to live...?" the client asked impotently, the realization that he had been duped out of house and home truly dawning on him with no way for him to retaliate.

    "Simpu! We had the courtesy to build in an extra room to your daughter's cabin, so you can live with her and her fiancé! If that isn't agreeabu to you, you can always find a place in town, or hire another set of wizards to build you a new cabin for you! Hopefully you don't get me again, and maybe you should consider letting them use their magic next time so that it gets done quicker!" Giuseppe called back without turning around. He raised a hand and waved back, calling out once more, "Good working with you, Nikola! Let's do it again sometime!"

    And then he was gone, off to cause more misdeeds to some other fool who wouldn't read the terms and conditions.

    WC: 803
    TWC: 6268



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 268
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 34
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A


    Post by RF007 19th May 2022, 2:33 pm

    ❝Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.❞ – by Marie Curie.

    Note: Credit for the special bbcode included within this posting template goes to the user named Janneline Ariel.

    Job Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral)

    Job Signup Approval Link: Snowy Cottage (D-rank Neutral) Approval

    Slowly and steadily, Nikola worked alongside Mephistopheles to finally finish the cabin and once it was done, as per Nikola’s summons, the old man who was their mutual client came down to inspect the work and pronounced it to be officially complete and to his satisfaction. However, this was where things took a turn for the worse. Specifically, it was because, as Nikola watched and waited for the old man to go get the proof of payment for the job that had just been completed, he heard Mephistopheles speak up one last time. However, his words held nothing good for the client as the client was swiftly and quite literally fleeced out of house and home by said job partner, aka Mephistopheles.

    Good grief, I saw this coming a mile away…it was truly a wise move to get the old man’s signature on my copy of the job completion proof earlier as I did…also, note to self…never ever make a deal with this man, Mephistopheles for any reason, no matter how dire the situation is…

    Nikola thought as he silently stood at a safe distance and watched with a bemused smirk on his face as the old man turned aggressive briefly against Mephistopheles only to be stopped by the magical geas spell which seemed to have been woven into the contract that the old man had signed for him earlier the previous day. After the dust had settled down, as Nikola watched on with the usual ice-cold apathetic expression of a stereotypical mad scientist on his face, he saw the old man finally give up on getting just treatment from Mephistopheles and fell into despair at which point Nikola heard Mephistopheles bid him farewell and express some intent to work together again in the future which made Nikola’s bemused smirk widen as he mused silently

    You hope to work together again in the future, eh? So, some other poor sap will be getting fleeced out of everything they have, I bet…oh well, it is no concern of mine…though perhaps it would be wise to be on my guard against him…

    Of course, out loud, Nikola pretended to be on the same page as Mephistopheles as was seemingly reflected in his parting reply to him with a wide and convincing, albeit completely fake smile on his face

    Indeed! It was truly enlightening to have had the chance to work with you today, so fare thee well till next we meet, Mephistopheles!

    Upon hearing that, Nikola saw the old man get up and come over to him to rage against him and then beg for his help afterwards for his presumed part in this debacle. However, Nikola had foreseen such a possibility and protected himself against any actions by the client as he so told him

    Sorry, sir, but as you can see in this contract that you have signed for me, I am prevented from assisting you any further as this is not in the job description...and trying to retaliate against me for what my job partner did is also equally futile…for just as you could not harm him…you are also magically bound by this contract against harming me in any manner. So, I leave you now with an adieu…and the advice to remember to read the fine print in any contract you sign henceforth.

    With that, Nikola’s part in the job was also over and thus, he left the client lying in the dust and headed back to his personal manor, intent on getting right back into his ongoing and ever-burgeoning mad science research and to spending time relaxing with his monstergirl maids who were no doubt patiently waiting for his return at home.







    POST WC: 615, TOTAL WC: 3195 of 500 (for Nikola/EISNIK003 only)

    Tags: @Golnax



    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:


      Current date/time is 20th September 2024, 6:05 pm