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    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ Empty ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕

    Post by desirée 6th April 2021, 5:40 pm

    a e r i t h a g a r i c

    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ Dak3nu0-65b1b105-2822-493e-bf58-b664f2f36778.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZjhmYzVhYWQtMmVmNS00N2QyLThmNDYtYWIzMWFjMGJhNTMxXC9kYWszbnUwLTY1YjFiMTA1LTI4MjItNDkzZS1iZjU4LWI2NjRmMmYzNjc3OC5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

    Meandering through the dark, chilly winds of the sky, the princess of bright crimson eyes would yawn as she would begin to descend lower toward the ground of the cursed lands upon her mushroom broom- the moonlight would make its descent from the highest point of the sky as well, symbolizing that the time was approaching midnight in these twisted parts of Earthland. Led to these lands by what was described to be a horde of living corpses that had kidnapped a few members of a band of merchants, it was said that this massive coterie of bones and flesh was spotted with that of a commander- someone which Aerith had taken responsibility to eradicate from the face of Earthland, especially due to their manipulation of what was rumored to be the deceased. A threat to that of the natural order, this was something that could not be tolerated by the pink-haired girl; this and kidnapping of innocents were both things that made her demonic blood boil. This anger was the driving force of her taking of the job, alongside the wish to steal the wretched figurehead's soul for the greater good. ♡

    ♡ If anyone were to spot the summoner drifting through the lower parts of the sky upon her giant mushroom, she would appear to look similar to that of a floating blob of red and black colors. As it was extremely cold in the skies, Aerith had bundled herself in her giant weighted blanket that typically stayed bundled up inside of her mushroom stuffy- this would cover all of her body beside her face, which would stick out in the bright moonlight. However, as the landmark that she was looking for appeared to stick out within the mist on the dark horizon, her blanket would fall down to her waist to reveal her upper body, alongside a sleeping exceed in her lap. A giant dead tree that looked to be charred by lightning, this would serve as a rendezvous point for anyone else that had also decided to take on the horde of the undead- the progeny of the demon agaric sighed as she noticed that nobody else appeared to be present at the tree as she was quickly descending towards it, soon causing her to dismount and sit upon a giant tree root. Due to this job being a rank higher than hers as a mage in Earthland, she had wished that someone other than her pet were to have accompanied her on the trip from the Dies Irae Throne Hall- while confident in her abilities, she was aware of her limits while not experiencing the euphoria of battle just yet, and felt as though it would be quite difficult to take on by herself. Hopefully, she was just a bit early. ♡

    ♡ Unclasping the gothic lockbox that sat on one of the loops of her belt and opening it, a set of red, black, gold, and pink tarot cards would smoothly release into the hands of the elvish girl, quickly being shuffled with each passing second that found herself sitting among the charred wood. If anyone were to lay their eyes upon the Aerith, she would look to support that of a red and black uniform that resonated with the guild that she considered herself a member of; her bright ruby-colored optics and matching oversized witch hat would stand out in the darkness of the Cursed Lands, along with the endless amounts of tattoos that showed on her bare skin. As for the things that she brought with her, the giant mushroom that she flew here from would lay up against the rotting, dead sequoia tree, and the black exceed would continue to sleep in her lap bundled within the blanket, not giving a care in the world as to what may lurk in the shadows around them. Anticipating the arrival of other individuals that sided with the good, she would patiently wait upon the landmark's roots, allowing her energy to feed into her magical cards. ♡

    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ Dcpafiv-dd4028ff-4c1c-4e52-9964-f3b59decf3fe.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvY2YyODM2Y2ItNTg5My00YTZjLWIxNTYtNWE4OWQ5NGZjNzIxXC9kY3BhZml2LWRkNDAyOGZmLTRjMWMtNGU1Mi05OTY0LWYzYjU5ZGVjZjNmZS5naWYifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

    word count: 674 ♡
    tag(s): @aerith @Danny @Knight Owl
    job info:


    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ IY2eFxu


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
    Position : None
    Posts : 122
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 8,192

    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ Empty Re: ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕

    Post by Danny 16th April 2021, 9:43 pm

    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ 3B61TaQ
    Are you CRAZY when all your friends are GHOSTS?

    The young man took a deep breath as he sat back in the carriage he was riding in. Besides him, was a mostly transparent boy with similar features to him, despite his hair and eyes being different colors. “Don’t look at me, you’re the one who’s wanting to do this stupid job!” He says as he looks away from him. “Corpse kidnapping people… pshaw… they’re just merchants. What good do they do to society?” “Besides delivering goods to stores for others? They trade things from other countries to have here.” The pink haired man said as he glanced over to the ghostly man, who was looking back at him with a slightly nasty face. “Don’t give me that look. You don’t have to worry about them, but I do. Some things Sammy gets or needs comes from a merchant, so I don’t want to hear anything from you about it.” He says as the carriage stopped a distance from the cemetery. It was time to get out and walk the rest of the way to the hallowed grounds. At least for the pink haired man. The others would just float along.

    To his surprise, the blond had materialized himself and was walking next to the pink haired man with his hands behind his head. “Someone needs to make sure you’re in your place.” He grumbles as he glances away. There was no chance in any hell or underworld or afterlife would he admit that he was doing this for his family. Or at least for his living twin Danny, his cute nephew, Sammy, was another story. Danny rolls his purple eyes and continues to walk around. “You’re not just doing this because of the merchants, are you? Is there a girl involved? Or is it the nature of it?”

    “Maybe the nature of it really? Could I be able to do something like that too? Or what?” His eyes looked up to see the floating blob of red and black? He was utterly confused as he glanced at it. Of course the cold of the cemetery and cursed lands didn’t bother him as the otherworldly beings had made him accustomed to the cold. “I think…” “Yeah, it’s going to the place we’re to meet up. Now hup two, soldier!” The ghost snorts as he was already walking ahead, arms behind his head still as he did so. He didn’t even look back as he walked on ahead. The pink haired man glared to the blond, shaking his head as he was ready to throw a punch to him, but knowing Armi, he’d make himself be transparent again and make him go through him to miss.

    As the two approached the dead tree, the two would see the woman sitting on a root of the tree, and Danny raised an eyebrow. “I had no idea we had such a belle femme with us on this adventure~!” He purred rather loudly to her. The blond glared to the pink haired man, who only shrugged his shoulders as he smirked. “Really didn’t know.” He chuckles as he continues forth. He put a hand on his chest and the other behind his back and cheerfully smiled at the woman. “Bonjour~! I’m Daniel von Weiss! You can call me Danny though~” He had bowed to the woman after he had introduced himself. Arminius rolled his eyes as his twin was trying to charm the woman with his ‘noble upbringings’. “Yeah, yeah…” Danny glanced over to him and took a deep breath. “That is my brother Arminius. Call him Armi, or ‘Connard’. Either would work just fine for him~!” The pink haired man smiled just as brightly as he had introduced his brother, who glared at him like he had ten heads, which wouldn’t surprise him with the man's ability to attract ghosts of all kinds to his body.

    The pink haired man looked down to the cards and found himself dropping his noble tendencies to squat in front of her. Even if he was in the Dies Irae uniform, he didn’t want to act too much like a noble. He was still trying to renounce his title of that anyway… “C'est intéressant. What are these?” He asked as his eyes went back up to the woman’s face. He kept a slight distance, in case she didn’t like his closeness, and was trying to be respectful still. Arminius peered over and snorts. “Cards, dumbass.” Danny glared at the ghost twin, who stuck his tongue out at him before he jumped away from the two in case something was thrown at him, even though he’d probably go transparent anyways before that would happen.

    || Words: 776 || Thread Total: 1,444 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Danny #ffccff & Arminius #cc9900
    Tag: @aerith @Knight Owl
    belle femme - beautiful woman
    Bonjour - Hello
    Connard - Shithead? (google translate says so at least)
    C'est intéressant. - This is interesting.


    Knight Owl
    Knight Owl

    Lineage : Psionic Soul
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 428
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 4
    Experience : 1,421,385

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Psionic Ascendance
    Second Skill: Manifold Armory
    Third Skill: Sepulchre's Sigil

    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ Empty Re: ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕

    Post by Knight Owl 17th April 2021, 10:35 am

    Michael Brooklyn Morgan "Red Alert"
    To Kill a Corpse

    “Haiyaahh!” What loud panicked noise could be heard within the outskirts of the Neutral Grounds was a pained scream from a blonde sassy woman with a degree in magic engineering, looking at a futuristic but dented armor resting on the table, its circuitry visibly torn out. It looked like it had sustained heavy fire from its user’s previous foray against Pergrande. Not that Michael was to blame, who knew that some people can see through his invisibility? “Michael. Brooklyn. Morgan.” She said at the rugged man before her, visibly frustrated at the extent of damage done at her handiwork, “What did you do to the armor?! What happened?!”. Today, Michael was only wearing his black tank top, a pair of cargo pants, and a pair of black leather boots. His arms were left visible, the scars from his previous battles seen on his arms. Though none of them were as large compared to the heavy casualty he sustained from a hostile demonic owl which, in retrospect, seemed silly with that description in mind. As for the damages on his Snipe Strix armor, he could only describe it as being careless. “Never thought the imperial army’s paladins have the ability to see through invisibility. To be honest, I never knew Soldier’s Gambit couldn’t keep up with the armor’s repairs.” Michael said, scratching his head at his carelessness. To be fair, he overestimated his pseudo magic’s ability to repair the damages on his armors. Or maybe his pseudo magic did work as intended, except there was a bug that prevented it from doing so, a possibility that Giselle didn’t think of.

    With that in mind, it was in her best interest to upgrade his pseudo magic as well as get rid of the bug in the systems. “In any case, I’d have to take a closer look at Soldier’s Gambit. I’ll have to remove it from you temporarily.” She said as she grabbed several cables, connecting a large one to a port hidden behind his head just as he laid down her table. All was done, his Soldier’s Gambit successfully retrieved from him, leaving him with nothing save for his own psionic powers. If only he could use his telekinesis as freely, there wouldn’t be any prejudice against him using it. However, after the clash between Pergrande and Bellum, there’d be even more hostility against him if he did display his telekinetic ability. Fortunately for him, his psionic powers have grown considerably so that he can simulate earth related magics. “I’m sorry I have to do this, Michael. But I can’t have you use such buggy magic!” She was still frustrated over what happened to an armor she spent the entire night forging in her computer back when they were in the Lavanitir port city.

    “If you don’t need anything from me, I’ll be heading off to do a job.” He said as he was about to walk towards the door, wearing a camo hoodie along the way. He did pick up a job prior to being called to Giselle’s home in the outskirts because he needed to be active. A workaholic, for sure, being restless without being able to do some physical activities. The job involved undead, missing merchants, and the merchant’s guild asking for help. Dealing with the undead is simple enough for him as before. He used to take jobs involving the restless undead back in the events prior to his psionic reawakening. This shouldn’t pose a problem for him, though he didn’t really need allies to do this job. Not that he’s complaining, he can still execute this job with a handicap.

    Fortunately for him, he’s been to that place, and the rendezvous point was only a portal away. Extending his hand as if casting a spell, he visualized the narrow road and eerie trees near the cemetery in an attempt to open a portal around that place - somewhere hidden. Inconspicuous. It was easier said than done, taking up most of his psionic power just to conjure one portal from far away. “Oh, and if you’re using going there through a portal, might I interest you with this?” Giselle said as she tossed him a ring-like object. “What’s this?” “It’s a ring that helps you create portals while using only a fraction of your power. I, like, got that idea back when we were trapped. I have one more surprise for you, but it’s not ready yet.” He equipped the ring, fitting snugly at the base of his finger. “... thanks. I’ll be heading out now.” He said as he made an exit for the outdoors.

    Once more, as if casting a spell, he extended one his arms, thinking of somewhere inconspicuous near the silent cemeteries. For some reason, the image was very clear, perhaps owing to the ring he was given. A precise image of the area was set in his mind, and through the power of his telekinesis, created a wormhole connecting the place in his mind and of his current position, opening a portal that revealed the area he imagined. He didn’t feel any sort of fatigue at all, unlike his previous attempts.

    He stepped forward, entering the portal from his side and exiting through the other. The sudden change of atmosphere doesn’t bother him, from a lush green forest to an eerie ‘probably-haunted’ forest. Removing his pseudo magic took more time than what he thought, though, as he was almost late. The portal immediately closed behind him after he went through it, and he isn’t one to stand idly to get his bearings straight, immediately walking towards a suitable rendezvous point. He did make sure to alter his aura so he seemed like an average looking wizard, A rank at best, camouflaging his psionic power under the ethernanos around him. His short walk was cut short when he saw two- no, three figures standing idly near a dead tree. ‘They must be my comrades.’ he thought to himself as he approached them. If one were to set their gaze on him, they’d seem to be an average wizard when, in truth, he isn’t one. On top of that, those who had sensitive magic sensory or other supernatural senses would somewhat view him differently - a possible threat owing to a demon and an elder god residing inside him in a long contest for dominion over his body and mind. It could be that something’s ‘off’ about him somewhat. “I take it you’re here for the undead problem?” He said to the three of them without so much as a greeting. He preferred to be blunt and straight to the point, wasting no time on formalities. After all, he is a soldier, not a nobleman like his twin sibling, Francois.

    TAGS: @aerith @Danny | Job Sign Up Page | Job Details
    JOB WORD COUNT: 2570 / 5000
    MEL @ WW





    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ Empty Re: ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕

    Post by desirée 19th April 2021, 12:04 pm

    a e r i t h a g a r i c

    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ Dak3nu0-65b1b105-2822-493e-bf58-b664f2f36778.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZjhmYzVhYWQtMmVmNS00N2QyLThmNDYtYWIzMWFjMGJhNTMxXC9kYWszbnUwLTY1YjFiMTA1LTI4MjItNDkzZS1iZjU4LWI2NjRmMmYzNjc3OC5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

    In the form of a gentle gaze, the princess of the renaissance would peer upwards to the address of the pink-haired boy, causing her to flinch backward and release the tarot cards from her grasp; landing in the darkened grass that resided among the inbound roots of the sequoia tree, it would feel as though a giant thud of magical energy were to hit concrete, all seemingly flipping over to cover their recognizable sides and to shuffle. While he appeared to suit a uniform that was of similar style to that of Aerith's, it was as if the fellow guildmate very closely resembled her lost brother which met his demise many years ago- in the form of a twisted hallucination of nostalgia, the spirit of Angel Agaric was to flash over Danny's presence within the summoner's vision alone, which was greeted closely with the pink-haired girl's wide eyes drifting downwards, appearing to maintain eye-contact with her deck alone as she would be addressed. As a response to the trauma originated by the death of her brother, it was difficult for the witch to move past what had occurred back in her castle's inner sanctum between the two siblings, especially due to the guilt produced by her actions. Although this reaction to the salutation was a lot to handle in the mind of the demon girl, it would not look like much other than a delicate wandering of the eyes downward due to the fall of her cards as she would listen; she wished to remain composed and still, as it would make her feel as though she would be deemed as a stronger asset for this quest. Deep down, she knew Angel was gone forever. ♡

    ♡ Putting her hand forward to reveal what looked to be a severed demon head tattoo, the cards would begin to shuffle on the ground and telepathically rise into her grasp once more, sitting in a gentle stack upon her palm. As Danny would squat slightly close to the princess, she would slowly raise her eyes once more to recognize that the hallucination had ceased to exist, which would allow her to take a deep breath and sit more comfortably upon the large tree's roots. Seemingly curious about the cards that sat within the possession of the girl, in addition to whether or not she would be receptive of his flirting, the boy of noble descent seemed to be quite the character within Aerith's crimson optics- despite his charming quirks, her face would remain still as she would maintain eye contact, petting her exceed with her other hand coated in tattoos as well. "While I appreciate your kindness, I do not wish for those informalities or trivial matters to take root within this quest," she would softly speak into the wind as she would gracefully get up and stand upon the tree root, addressing his flirtatious mannerisms from a bit before, "but indeed, these are cards. Magical cards, which are capable of harnessing immense magical power in the name of my throne. Although, I'm not quite sure one is ready to witness my mystical wonders as of yet. Perhaps if it gets vicious within these lands, however."

    "Oh, it seems as if we have company, von Weiss," the princess would begin to speak softly as the white and red mushroom that had accompanied her would float behind her to meet her back within the winds. Behind the three, what appeared to be another mage would materialize within the darkness of the Silent Cemetery; it seemed to be another mage that was to accompany the party of Dies Irae in the rescuing of the merchant guild's captives, which appeared to not don anything that was to make them stand out, unlike the two bubblegum-haired soldiers. They seemed to address the issue that was at hand, which the clock was ticking closer and closer to their time to begin their mission- the taking on of the undead, and the defeat of their seemingly wretched commander. "Indeed, and I take it you are here to take on the unholy marionette of death as well?," Aerith would speak out a bit louder to be within earshot of the stranger, her eyes glistening within the moonlight with her verbiage, "I am Aerith Agaric of the House Demonscale, Last of Her Name, the Mycelium of Kyoka, Heir of the Mushroom Throne, Shatterer of Rose Quartz and Obsidian, and the Blade Dancer of Lilith." Definitely her longest form of introduction, the princess would hop down from the large protruding piece of wood from the ground and reach into the mouth of what looked to be a red mushroom plush with a face, pulling out what looked to be a giant fragment of a rose quartz crystal. ♡

    ♡ However, if one were to look closely at this chunk of faintly-glowing crystal, it would appear as if it had tiny text sprawled across one of the sides in the color of deep black- it was similar to that of a dry-erase board and markers, but with a crystalline pen and a large fragment of her castle. Reducing itself to a smaller angle within the deep, dark canvas of indigo and black, the moon would bear witness to another new hour within the day. "And the clock strikes one," Aerith would quietly speak as she would look toward the moon, the witch hat upon her head falling down to rest upon her neck, "prior to my arrival in these lands, I stumbled upon a party of four which had retreated from fighting similar opponents that were described within the notices of the merchant's guild, which described the unholy marionette of the dead to come from places one would not expect while deep within a battle. I believe we will not meet the same fate as them, especially if we remain on edge." The pink-haired girl would speak loudly and sound quite determined to defeat what was to come- maneuvering her fungal broomstick to float sideways, she would sit upon its stalk and look downward at the information that she had collected from the other mages of Earthland. While the group was quite disheveled as she was retaining information upon the crystal, they kept mentioning a massive grave of sorts but did not make much sense in their speaking. ♡

    "If there is a crypt somewhere around these parts, that would most likely be our best bet for where we could find the commander of this horde of death and the captives of the guild," she would float as her eyes would wander across the horizon, "shall we begin our search, then?"

    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ Dcpafiv-dd4028ff-4c1c-4e52-9964-f3b59decf3fe.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvY2YyODM2Y2ItNTg5My00YTZjLWIxNTYtNWE4OWQ5NGZjNzIxXC9kY3BhZml2LWRkNDAyOGZmLTRjMWMtNGU1Mi05OTY0LWYzYjU5ZGVjZjNmZS5naWYifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

    post word count: 1,113 ♡
    personal word count: 1,787 ♡
    thread word count: 3,683 ♡
    tag(s): @aerith @Danny @Knight Owl


    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ IY2eFxu


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
    Position : None
    Posts : 122
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 8,192

    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ Empty Re: ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕

    Post by Danny 28th April 2021, 9:53 pm

    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ 3B61TaQ
    Are you CRAZY when all your friends are GHOSTS?

    The pink haired man smiled ever so sweetly to the woman as she looked up to him. He wasn’t sure why she flinched, but he was assuming it was because he was close to her. “Je suis désolé, mademoiselle! I didn’t mean to frighten you!” He panics as he picks up a few of her cards that landed near him. Before he could grab too many though, the woman would seem to use her magic and released the cards as he looked up with a sweet smile. He glanced down to see the cards shuffling themselves before they were in her hand again. He found the cards to be really fascinating now. As she spoke to him and told her she didn’t want to be informal with him, Danny found his lips dropping a little, but he quickly twitched his lips up and shot himself up again, putting his right hand over his left breast as he beamed to her. “Mes excuses, mademoiselle. I should have thought of that before I introduced myself. I’ll keep that in mind for next time. And I am sorry for frightening you by accident.” He was still taking her flinching and dropping of her cards as a mistake on his end, not any other reasonings.

    Arminius pinched his nose as he looked over. “Just call me Arminius. If you try being formal with me, I won’t answer.” The ghost growls a warning at the woman. While he knew noble formalities and all that lovely shindigs that went with it, he didn’t follow a single one. He was a free soul… almost.

    Both of the males did seem a little interested as she explained that her cards were magic, even if Arminius turned his head away to not look at the pink haired woman while she did so. When she mentioned that they had company, the two looked up and over to the newcomer. Danny straightened a little more before he smiled at the man as well. He closed his eyes momentarily while he looked the man over. Something was off about him towards the ghost magnet of a man, but he was brushing it off currently to be the surrounding areas essence with more people gathering together. He may have also watched one too many horror movies that involved graveyards… As the man spoke, Danny smiles as he nods, letting Aerith take over answering since she had been at the location first. He blinked though at her name. It was long… but his wasn’t too much better, or he thought? Potentially? He also wasn’t going to be flaunting his house too much either.

    Clearing his throat again, he bowed to the man and lifted his head up again. “And I’m Daniel von Weiss. My brother Arminius is also joining us. I hope to work well with you on this mission.” He would glance towards Aerith as she jumped down from the root she had been on and grab a crystal from a plush mushroom’s… mouth? That was new. He listened to the woman as she spoke of the time and what she had come across before. At the mention of a crypt being a potential starting point for finding the commander of the dead, Danny would raise his hand slowly. “Um I could… lead us to one… potentially?” His purple eyes glanced over to Armi, who started shaking his head. “S'il te plaît, mon frère? Jolie s'il-vous-plaît?”

    Arminius pinched his nose while he was grumbling Minstrolies obscenities under his breath. He then throws his head back as he growls and points a finger at Danny. “Tu me dois. Fine! I’ll see if any ghosts or whatever can help us.” He sometimes hated his soul and how it was. He would start turning mostly transparent before the three, getting onto the spiritual realm. He glanced around to see what spiritual traces would be left behind with his hands stuffed in his pocket. “Follow me, meatsuits…” He growls as he silently storms through the cemetery. Danny was quick to follow him, eyes on the lookout for any corpses that would come alive. “Maybe you should tell your companions about us, mon frère. The ghost would say as he looked back to Danny, who was nervously smiling, waving his hand at him.

    “Oui…” He glanced over his shoulder and held up a peace sign while he continued to nervously smile. He had absolutely no idea how to explain this. Them believing him would be up to them. Otherwise, he could potentially play it off as a joke. “Soo… um… I can talk to ghosts? And sense them? Arminius is my twin, and he’s a ghost as well.” That was out of the way now, he could go back to searching for energies. Arminius lifted his head as he stopped, making Danny pass through him momentarily. The pink haired twin looked to his brother as he stood there. The blond lifted an arm as he turned his head towards where a mass of broken graves were. Danny turns to follow his brothers hand. The dirt of the graves were freshly moved, and Danny felt a shiver go down his spine. “Bon chagrin… I have a bad feeling about this…” He gripped his hands nervously before looking back towards his brother. Who simply glared at Danny.

    || Words: 887 || Thread Total: 4560 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Danny #ffccff & Arminius #cc9900
    Tag: @aerith @Knight Owl
    Je suis désolé, mademoiselle! - I’m sorry, miss!
    Mes excuses, mademoiselle. - My apologies, miss.
    S'il te plaît, mon frère? - Please, brother?
    Jolie s'il-vous-plaît? - Pretty please?
    Tu me dois. - You owe me.
    mon frère - my brother
    Oui - Yes
    Bon chagrin - Good grief


    Knight Owl
    Knight Owl

    Lineage : Psionic Soul
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 428
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 4
    Experience : 1,421,385

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Psionic Ascendance
    Second Skill: Manifold Armory
    Third Skill: Sepulchre's Sigil

    ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕ Empty Re: ♕ to kill a corpse | aerith, danny, knight owl job ♕

    Post by Knight Owl 10th May 2021, 10:35 am

    Michael Brooklyn Morgan "Red Alert"
    To Kill a Corpse

    After everyone had introduced themselves to him, Michael thought it best to introduce himself. He was hesitant at first, wanting them to refer to him by his codename, Red Alert, or ‘Red’ for short. This was the codename given to him by his higher ups, and having them call him by that name would only bring unsavory memories of the massacre. He ultimately decided to just tell him his name. “Refer to me as Michael.” His introduction wasn’t as grand or as long as the woman named Aerith, but the important thing is that they have something to call him by. After all, it is important for them to know everyone’s names in a mission to call on them for orders. One wouldn’t respond to ‘telekinetic soldier with ptsd’, thus the importance of getting to know their names.

    Yet this band of wizards is without a leader. Typical, yet unsurprising to the soldier who was used to following orders given to him by his higher ups. Most of the memories of the events prior to his amnesia were still hazy, but his experiences as a soldier could prove beneficial to the success of this team. Strangers, no doubt, to him, as he was used to fighting alone to avoid dragging a comrade in harm’s way. His role in this quest is uncertain, usually defaulting to long range assassinations with his Soldier’s Gambit, though without his pseudo magic, he only has his telekinesis to rely upon. What’s great about him is that he is versatile in most roles except for being the team medic. As it stands, he has no knowledge of their magic or capabilities. That was, until Danny mentioned their supernatural abilities relating to ghosts after their brief exchange.

    Aerith had also mentioned a crypt within the Silent Cemetery. He does agree that the answer to where their enemies are is obviously somewhere with lots of graves. His foresight was telling him that maybe it’s too obvious of a location that it might be a trap, and there was a possibility that their enemy already knew that they were coming. Regardless of whether their intuitions prove right or wrong, Michael already planned on doing some recon work around them. “Geo Magic. In my name, I beckon - Land Surfer, Volos.” He said as an orange magic circle appeared behind him, and a construct of earth rose from the surface.  It bears the likeness of a muddy earth golem or a slime, or something like quicksands that blend with the surroundings. In reality, this was just a product of his psionic powers involving Geokinesis and Aura Manipulation, using Psionic Scribing to write down the magic circle. And to give it a sense of awareness, he granted the construct temporary life force using his psionic energies, created to act on his own will. To everyone else, this is genuine magic, feeling the ethernanos coursing through the construct. It was a little difficult to pull off with all the extra steps involved.

    He had already ‘telepathically’ ordered it to blend in with the ground beneath them. The construct he summoned sunk to the ground just as he was finished in ‘casting’ his ‘magic’. He thought he should probably tell them exactly what he was doing, something he wasn’t used  to doing. “I don’t want any enemy springing up from the ground while we look for them. My… summoned earth elemental can tell us if there are any nasty surprises up ahead.” He said. While he did use his abilities in front of them, he isn’t one to just tell them what he is capable of. After all, he is an esper, and his goal at the moment is to make them think his arsenal consists of earth elemental spells. It would be bad for him if he outed himself as a telekinetic.

    As if he would blow his own cover.

    He doesn’t exactly have a solid plan yet, and there weren’t as many leads to go with other than the crypts Aerith mentioned. At the moment, he would just be following them, using his Geokinesis to protect his team should they unexpectedly get ambushed. He isn’t one to let harm befall on his temporary comrades.

    TAGS: @aerith @Danny | Job Sign Up Page | Job Details
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