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    The Ones We Left Behind


    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Partner : Mura Kensho
    Posts : 452
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    Private The Ones We Left Behind

    Post by Mythica 21st September 2020, 2:38 pm

    A guild mage?


    That’s a great ambition; maybe you’ll become one of the greatest mage of your generation. Remember, you were blessed with magical potential Mythica but unlike others, you were blessed by a rarity of power, a magical potential so great that you would exceed anyone in terms of it, perhaps even I.


    Maybe if you were a guild mage, you’d probably have little competition with others, play your pranks like you did with the twins and I, or even climb to be a guild ace, and the best thing that can happen to you, is that you’d become a guildmaster. Opportunities can be found anywhere, you just don’t know it yet, time reveals what is hidden from us, and it is up to us alone to decide what we do with them...

    "C- Come quick! Get out of the way!" A heavily armored soldier yelled to the small crowd of people as the building shook violently in front of them. Just as they did as instructed its supports broke out completely and caved in almost completely! What followed was a large dust cloud that enveloped the entire cobblestone street as a result of the building's destruction. The citizens of the small town were all shocked and quickly covered their mouths as they coughed their way through the dust cloud. "You can't stay here! Quickly get to the town square... It might not be dead!" Another solider yelled, trying to help a group make their way out of the dust cloud. A sickly feeling fell over the air as the dust began to settle. One that made your stomach contort and knot while your legs trembled and your head spun... Some dark magic was afoot, but the town guards had no idea why.

    A monstrous growl vibrated across the street as the ruins of the now collapsed building began to shift and move, and without warning massively long flesh like tentacles sprung forth from the rubble! They spread it all directions grabbing and attacking anything that moved as they oozed vile sickness and bloody liquid from their skin. "W- We need to get this thing contained!"
    "Where did it even come from!?"
    "I- I don't know but this is clearly the work of some dark wizard!"

    Behind the ruined building in the dark alleys that sickly feeling followed. A trail of bloody footprints skimmed across the cobblestone, but they were tiny. Like a small child's. At the trail's ends was a small girl, her hands glowing with violent magic power as blood trailed her every step and darkness corrupted and covered the walls of the buildings she passed. She struggled to move forwards, almost falling a few times as her ragged breathing did not cease. She was so weak... Why... WHY WAS SHE WEAK?! WHY DID SHE FEEL THIS WAY!?! The girl clenched her fist and the dark aura began to expand again once more, threatening the appearance of even more calamity as she struggled to remain awake. Where even was she..? Why was she here? What had happened...? And why did she feel this uncontrollable rage and anger like she had never felt before?

    The clock eyed girl had no idea, and just as she walked out of the alley and into another public street her feelings grew even more intense. The little girl coughed and nearly collapsed, using a nearby outdoor cafe table to stop her fall. The crowd of people stopped and gasped at the site of her. She was bloodied, beaten, and barely had the strength to stand... But what was more shocking was the grotesque mass of meaty tentacles that began to slide out of the alley behind her... Slowly making their way across the stone towards the citizens as they all watched on in horror.


    The Ones We Left Behind  Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Private Re: The Ones We Left Behind

    Post by Luceam 29th September 2020, 7:30 pm

    Luna was walking through the countryside, trying to remain calm and enjoy her day as she was in no rush to rush back to Ace of Spades. She wasn't trying to avoid a situation that she knew would inevitably fall onto her to solve, working on a intense time table, or trying to put off troublesome subjects of thought. Luna genuinely had a moment to herself and chose to enjoy it as she was on her way back from a job. Luna walked at a brisk pace wearing her beige hoodie, red leggings, and her sneakers. This time the job wasn't complex, she simply had to retrieve a sword out of a well, a nice and easy job.

    Luna was starting to feel hungry so she took the path that lead to a nearby village, and that was when she was starting to get an ominous feeling. As she was getting close she could hear a commotion, and sensed panic among the various life forces of the citizens and other inhabitants of the village. Luna started to run forward but there was one in particular that gave her cause for panic. Luna sensed one strange life force that was in a state of constant chaotic flux, one that she recognized quite well. Mythica, the 'girlfriend' of Fairy Tail's guildmaster, Luna had met her once before and the girl seemed to be in a state that defies most rules as reading her life force was like looking at a spiraling typhoon of multicolored liquid, and trying to focus on a single clear marble while incredibly drunk and disoriented. At best all Luna got from that first encounter was that Mythica had a pulse, no emtions, no flow patterns, or anything. However this time the life force was incredibly different.

    The life force was indeed chaotic but it was more clearer, and significantly easier to read, and something most disturbing was that there was a detail that was clear, the life force came from a young girl. Luna ran forward into the town but kept distant, using her new slayer enhanced senses as she sensed the collapse of the girl and a dark magical feeing nearby up ahead. Luna started to run through the streets, jumping over the crowd, kneeling before the little girl and picked her up in one arm, flipping her over brushing back the stray hairs to look her in the eyes. "Same eye mutation... Is this possibly Mythica junior?" She thought but recalling the danger of the tentacle beast at hand. She jumped back as she held the girl in her left arm tight, and tried to keep her distance from the monster. "I am a Sabertooth mage, I got this in hand, everyone get back!"

    Luna's left hand glowed a soft pink as she was healing the girl and trying to restore her health, while at the same time she was trying to heal the girl, while her other hand was reaching out towards the monster, her grip tightening as she was magically reaching out to the cobblestone, dirt, and every other bit of earth she could find as she tried to encase and bury the creature. She had a feeling that Mythica would not want this child in the care of officials or any other stranger, so she needed to mention a plausible excuse to fight while holding the child. "The child is safer in my arms, I'm a world class healer." She said as she was trying to get a grasp on the situation, while multitasking with her magic to keep both problems from getting any worse.


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Partner : Mura Kensho
    Posts : 452
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,073,407

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    First Skill: Time Flow
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    Private Re: The Ones We Left Behind

    Post by Mythica 3rd October 2020, 9:02 am

    Mythica's entire world was nothing but a blur. In all directions she only saw groggy dizziness and pain. Her head was killing her, but she couldn't remember why. People all around her were staring in horror, but she could barely bring herself to stand for too long before stumbling over. Everything was spinning out of control and she felt as if the very fabric of her being was being pulled and twisted! Why was this happening? What was the cause for such a thing? She couldn't even think straight enough to visit her memory and figure out the answer to that question. As the beastly tentacle creature continued to ooze its way out of the ally behind her, Mythica felt a somewhat familiar presence amongst all the chaos. In a sea of brown, red, and black she saw something pink... Now that was odd, wasn't it?

    The girl barely responded when Luna grabbed her and looked into her eyes, the golden clock eye that Mythica was known for had faded from its normal bright glow and had stopped ticking entirely! She could barely register the Sabertooth wizard's face before the ground began to shake and crumble due to Luna's magic! The monster roared on in rage as the wizard tried to kill it, but it wasn't ready to give up that easily. Its long oozy tentacles flung out in every direction, digging into the sides of buildings and latching onto stones of the ground, pulling itself out of the hole Luna had made before its center mass opened wide! Inside it was a toothy mouth that hurled venomous globs of spit towards the wizard. Though as Luna's healing magic began to do its thing on the girl, the monster got visibly weaker. Its size and magic power began to dwindle as the seering pain from Mythica's head began to shrink, the storm in her mind slowly calming from this wizard's magic. Eventually its strength failed and it let go! It fell straight into Luna's trap and could not resist.

    Finally everything seemed to have calmed down, and Mythica's breathing had slowed to a more steady pace, her mind more at ease now than it was before and her eyes flittered open slightly to see Luna holding her. "Huh... Y- You..?" Were the only words that came out of her mouth at first as she took some time to steady herself. Mythica had seen this woman before, when she went on a job with her husband. Luna was her name, wasn't it? But what was she doing here? And why was she so much taller than Mythica remembered her being? The girl grunted slightly before blinking a few more times. "I don't.... I don't remember what I was doing..." She said honestly, and that's when Mythica noticed her voice was several octaves higher than normal. She instantly shut her mouth and her face turned red as a beat, a look of confusion on her face. Mythica adjusted the to the site of the town around her, but she noticed everyone was so much taller than her as well. She frantically looked for anyone her size when she noticed Luna was holding her... Holding her tiny body. Her eyes widened and she yelled in shock, reeling back and falling right out of Luna's grip onto the street. "W- What is g- going on?! Is this some sort of illusion?!" Mythica yelled, observing her hands and legs before turning over to see a puddle of water in the street. She quickly crawled over to it to confirm the horrors that she suspected. Her face was that of a child's... Her entire body was! "N- Nononono this isn't right! I- I don't look like this!" She began to say, her hands feeling her face in the reflection of the water. That's when she remembered Luna was still there and she turned to face her. "I- I don't look like this! This isn't me! Y- You gotta change me back!"
    Mythica pleaded with Luna, even though she knew there was likely nothing the wizard could do about it...


    The Ones We Left Behind  Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Private Re: The Ones We Left Behind

    Post by Luceam 5th October 2020, 9:04 pm

    The Nature Fae paid close attention to the relation between the health and wellbeing of the girl and the strength and activity of the monster. She found it either a massive coincidence that once the child calmed down the beast seemingly ran out of energy as Luna was able to encase it in rocks and before vines would sprout thickly wrapping the creature into a tight binding. Luna felt the child escape her arm as she was preoccupied at first as the monster was a larger problem, but she kept tract of the girl's life force. Once she was sure the binding was secure she turned back towards the child as she approached, the wording started to make Luna a little curious and concerned as she was operating under the initial assumption this was the child of Mythica, but not Mythica as a child.

    "So you are Mythica? Not Mythica Junior?" Luna asked quietly as she kneeled down close to the girl before recalling that they were in the midst of public. There were too many eyes and ears for her liking. She weighed her options and proceeded to lift up the girl with one arm before turning back to the townsfolk. "This is my friend's kid, I was cheated out of being the godmother but even then I suppose the father's brother is higher on the list. Still, tell the Rune Knights that the beast is pacified and sealed, they can handle the rest." She said pacifying the majority before she started to walk away, keeping careful watch around to make sure no one was following her before she ran towards a wall outlining the village, and carefully jumped to the top, grabbing it with her free hand before climbing over and falling onto her legs, holding onto Mythica carefully to ensure the small child was safe. Living the life of a mage, obtaining a slayer magic, and every other experience in between had given the fae a strong physique, and she had to admit it came in handy when she needed to quickly evade prying eyes.

    She slowly walked into the woods as she found a secluded area by a pond. "Alright, that gives us some privacy..." She said as she sat down on a nearby tree stump before seatiing the child form chaotic witch on her lap. "Alright kiddo, I'm here and I ain't leaving you anytime soon. let me get a look at you..." She said in her soft and reassuring tone as she tried to think of immediate causes for this regression. "This isn't mere applied transmogrification as the damage you sustained earlier would have regressed it..." She brushed back some of Mythica's bangs looking into her eyes. That was the one aspect of the chaos witch that intrigued Luna the most the first time the met as it seemed she had a functioning clock for an eye. However when she saw the clock eye halted she had a feeling that something was wrong, something that probably also affected the magic. Recalling that this was a married woman trapped in a girl's body a disturbing question popped through her mind. "Just double checking, are you a grown woman stuck in a child's body, or was your, more mature physique an alternate form generated by magic?" She asked gently as she was trying to figure out where to begin diagnosing such a severe case of rejection.


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Partner : Mura Kensho
    Posts : 452
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,073,407

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    First Skill: Time Flow
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    Private Re: The Ones We Left Behind

    Post by Mythica 7th December 2020, 8:53 pm

    After her pleas Mythica turned around again to see the crowd of people staring at the pair. Most were still looking at Luna, seeing as she was able to successfully deal with the grotesque mass of tentacles that nearly caused a lot more trouble than it did. When Luna refocused her attention on Mythica she spun around to face her, still on her knees in front of the pond. Her eyes were angry, a storm of confusion and hatred as tears started to stream from them. Odd, Mythica couldn't remember the last time she had cried, or shown any kind of rage this intense. In response to her question Mythica only scowled. "I- Is this some type of sick joke to you! Of course I am who I say I am!" However before the girl could say anything further she felt her body being lifted from the stone! "H- Hey what do you think you're doing, lady!?" She exclaimed as Luna addressed the crowd.

    She listened to the story she spouted before walking off, with Mythica in her arms! "Ngghh! What was that?! Hey let me go! I'm not some sort of stuffed animal!" She continued to rant all the way to the wall. When she noticed what the Fae was planning to do Mythica instantly went from anger to fear. "Wh- Whoa hey no need for that! Just use the Gaaahh!" She was cut short by the wizard's leap. What was happening to her!? Normally Mythica would not be phased by such actions, hell she did them all the time! But for some reason she felt a rush of anxiety wash over her the second Luna climbed the wall, and she couldn't explain it!

    When the pair finally reached a quiet spot in the forest, Luna sat down and forced the girl onto her lap. "kiddo" That was a word that really pissed her off. What was Luna even doing here in the first place? And why did she seem so intent on finding out what happened to Mythica? "I am a timeless being that's been around since the dawn of existence! I DO NOT BELONG IN A CHILD'S BODY!" She yelled angrily in response to Luna's question. As Mythica's anger rose, so too did the uneasy aura around them. The wind got colder and the trees rustled slightly as a dark cloud shaded the sun. Tell me who did this so I can tear their entire existence from the fabric of the multiverse!"


    The Ones We Left Behind  Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Private Re: The Ones We Left Behind

    Post by Luceam 14th January 2021, 9:51 am

    As Luna listened to Mythica freaking out on her lap she paid careful attention to the tantrum the of the chronomancer or at the very least who used to be a chronomancer, Luna could tell there was still plenty of magic within the small body. Luna remained calm and silent as she let the tantrum happen and Mythica express her fury. However the hard part of the encounter was trying to determine whether it was Mythica's natural mental state or if she was still coming down from shock as she was struggling to piece together what was going on. "Well Luna, you practically raised your siblings and you were the quintessential middle child, you worked in a lot of babysitting and you trained your whole life for just this occasion. While not this exact but close enough."

    Luna gently held myhtica's hands in a supportive manner as she looked the child body imprisoned mage in the eyes with compassion. She spoke in a gentle and calm voice, at the very least for the moment using her maternal voice to try and get things settled. "Mythica, I hear you, your thoughts and questions are totally valid. You want to know how you ended up like this and that is completely justified. You have my undivided attention." She said never veering from her tone. She wondered if there was something she had off hand that could help Mythica calm down, until she remembered the unopened bottle of grape juice in her pocket. She reached into her pocket and opened the bottle before gently handing it to Mythica. "Have some juice, take a deep breath, and we'll sort through all this stuff one by one, and get the answers to this situation."

    Luna thought quickly about a battle plan before she figured out a way to try and help get some answers without adding a full payload of stress onto Mythica's shoulders, but she needed to know if there was a chance to immediately undo everything. "Alright Mythica, we're going to do a thought exercise, I am going to repeat everything I know so far and give you my theories, I want you to think if anything clicks." She said as she decided to start from the top of the situation from her perspective.

    "I found you being chased by that monster in the form you are now, you were covered in scratches and your own blood but you and everyone else was being overwhelmed by the tentacle monster, shock seemingly overwhelmed and still may overwhelm a small bit. I showed up, and imprisoned the tentacle monster, found you were in a vulnerable state in more then one ways, and learned that you seem to have issues with memory recollection." She explained slowly and gently as she prepared to draw towards a few hypothesis's regarding all available knowledge. "While the most immediate explanation is the tentacle thing got the jump on you and that thing made you into a child. However I don't buy that, I believe that thing was more or less just finishing a job as it doesn't make sense for it to be in that town and it would be too big of a coincidence. As for how you got this way, I believe this is either the result of someone with a grudge, whether it be intentional or accidental I can't say since you use a time based magic."

    She said as she would loop around to summarize her theory. "So I believe someone tried to do something magic related and you struggled, managing to escape but not before losing about a decade of your physical age, and someone sent an underling to finish the job. Now take your time and try to think, is anything I am saying sounding familiar?


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Partner : Mura Kensho
    Posts : 452
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    Experience : 3,073,407

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    First Skill: Time Flow
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    Private Re: The Ones We Left Behind

    Post by Mythica 27th January 2021, 11:23 am

    Whatever Luna was saying in an attempt to calm the now smaller chronomancer down was mostly being ignored by the girl as she stewed in her thoughts. Never had she been so humiliated like this! Being forcibly transformed into a child was one thing, but to not remember how it happened at all was another thing entirely! Whoever or whatever was responsible for this must have had some immense power to place Mythica in a state like this. She had been so powerful for so long she couldn't even really remember the last time she struggled with another wizard. Mythica was proud to be sure, thinking herself far above most of the magical community, but she wasn't stupid. Insane certainly, but not outright foolish enough to challenge those above her. Not openly at least. That was why she tried to keep a low profile... Her acts were unforgivable, and if they became public knowledge she'd surely be hunted.

    Finally her attention snapped back to her savior when Luna offered her a juice box. Mythica's angered expression suddenly faded and she just sat there for several long moments staring at it blankly before some unexplained feeling compelled the girl to reach forwards and take it within her grasp. Whatever she was so angry about had just vanished from her mind and her train of thought trailed off as she took a sip. When Luna began to speak again Mythica seemed a little calmer and listened to her.

    "R- right... That creature was with me.." Mythica mumbled between sips, trying her best to remember the past 20 minutes. "It felt so... Familiar." She said again, her own mind lost in thoughts. "A shadow and a thought between the clouds above! Like some burning desire for the destruction of the world around me!" Mythica began to get louder before getting off of Luna's lap and standing on her own two feet in front of her, overlooking the small pond. "A fueled fire of vengeance! To see the colors beyond the horizon washed away by blood and deceit before the sky falls upon us! AHAHA!" As Mythica got more excited, the chilling feeling returned and a sickening sensation filled the air around her. "To owe those I've naught but killed some semblance of courage before their makers! TILL DEATH DO THEY PART BUT NOT BEFORE I'M FINISHED WITH THEM!" The girl yelled with a wide eyed expression before falling to her knees, her small hands clutching the grass before her. Before long the ground around her hands began to turn a dark shade of brown and the grass began to wither and die. Mythica then turned back to Luna, an maniacal grin across her face as small streams of tears dripped from her colourless clock eye...

    "And what stake does your journey have in this!?" She asked Luna. There was still so much about the woman Mythica did not know. She had only met her once before however briefly it was. She got the sense the woman was very powerful, but Mythica was not sure what her motives were. Could she trust her? Could she even afford not too? When Luna finished her summary of the situation Mythica stared at her for a moment before blinking a few times. "That devil from the town... It was one of my own compositions. I can still hear its melody in my head! I CAN HEAR ALL OF THEM!" Mythica laughed before her face returned to a calm expression almost instantly. She walked over and sat next to Luna on a rock.


    The Ones We Left Behind  Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Private Re: The Ones We Left Behind

    Post by Luceam 19th February 2021, 3:30 pm

    Luna listened to Mythica as she seemed to get more agitated and moody, but was seemingly talking nonsense at first. However with more and more information Luna assumed that more pieces of the puzzle would present itself, however it was not until Mythica confessed the true origins of the creature laid with her work that Luna started to get a dark feeling about the situation and knew that she would need to acquire way more information to be able to cast judgment upon Mythica or even understand the situation. Looking at the withered grass she could tell that Mythica even depowered was still a dangerous threat to deal with. "I am just going to assume you have enough sense that you didn't give a creature the means to kill you or at the very least land you on the opposite side of adulthood. Given what I felt while I fought it and you're still able to speak without a lisp, regression probably isn't in it's skillset." Luna said as she thought long and hard about the potential of who would do something like that to Mythica. She didn't know the chronomancy sorceress all that well but she was struggling to believe that she had a long list of enemies, or at the very least something that could do something like this.

    "Alright, so if I am hearing you right, and as inhumane as it is, that thing back there was just one in devil knows how many of your experiments. Assuming for a moment that whoever did this to you is familiar with your work, the most logical choice would have to be the most intelligent being intimately acquainted with your projects, and a detailed knowledge of magical removal or chronomancy, maybe a bit of both. So from those criteria we arrive at either, a sapient subject that gained free reign of a laboratory and notes of yours, a stalker, or a disgruntled assistant, family member, or anyone else with access to your work. Makes sense, why strike you down yourself when you made plenty of predators who can do it? Especially when someone makes you vulnerable." Luna was disgusted by the theory, however at the same time she had a big issue with the tactics of whoever tried to take down Mythica. Turning someone into a child and forcing them to face predators, even if the victim made the predators and probably is a war criminal is cruel and unusual.

    "As for why I care, think of it like this, if someone did declare open season on you to all your creations, odds are people might get hurt in the crossfire, while you are most likely guilty of crimes that might earn you a death sentence, you don't deserve to be clawed down as a child. Imprisoned as one is dubious at best but I'm not judge and jury." Luna explained as she tried to be impartial, mostly for the fact that she knew that if she left Mythica right now, she'd be opening a can of demons that she would regret.


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:45 pm