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    Lunar Guardian

    Diana Winchester
    Diana Winchester

    Alt Account- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Divine Huntress
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1362
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5,121,019

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Silent Reaper
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    Lunar Guardian Empty Lunar Guardian

    Post by Diana Winchester 18th June 2020, 7:39 pm


       Magic Name: Lunar Guardian
       Magic Type: Caster (Solitary Benefit: +25% to MP Cost Reduction)
       Training Thread: Rise of the Lunar Guardian. A magic change is being used to change the magic to Lunar Huntress. The Magic Shop: Page 2, Post Number 50 (Request), Page 3, Post Number 51 (Approval)
       Description: This magic was gifted to Diana by Selene, a goddess of the moon. It was granted to her after Diana was ambushed by a mysterious hit squad outside Silent Cemetery and carried into the cemetery by her would-be killers, then was left to feed the zombies. Selene came to Diana's rescue and destroyed the zombies, then healed the wounded mage and restored her to life. In return for this great boon Selene made Diana a Lunar Guardian, an agent charged with hunting and destroying darkness no matter what form it took.

    Lunar Huntress is a magic that allows Diana to gain powerful benefits to fighting at night or in dark places; evil will find no refuge in shadowy caves or abandoned mansions. It grants her numerous offensive spells, all of which can harm supernatural entities in addition to mundane enemies; some of the spells allow Diana to fight in hand-to-hand combat and still harm supernatural entities. Many of the higher-level spells are good for crowd control, enabling her to hold her own against multiple adversaries. Rounding out the spells of Lunar Guardian are a few defensive and healing spells to keep Diana and her allies on their feet.

       Unique Abilities:
    • Ability 1: Bane Of The Undead: As a Lunar Guardian Diana gets a 60% boost to damage against ghosts, zombies, vampires, and other types of undead creatures no matter what region they hail from. This UA works at all times of day and also works indoors and outdoors. Requires OOC approval to affect PCs and Event NPCs.
    • Ability 2: Huntress' Reach: Diana gets a 60% boost to Spell Range and a 60% boost to Spell Speed.
    • Ability 3:

    Divine Empowerment (Plot Ability):

    Hunter's Trail (Plot Ability):

    Huntress' Sight (Plot Ability):

       Signature Spells

       Name: Lunar Restoration
       Rank: S
       Category: Supportive
       Type: Multi-Target
       Healing: 90 HP
       Range: 300 Meters
       Speed: 225 Meters per Second
       Duration: 1 Post
       Downside: N/A
       Description: Holding both hands in front of her and channeling magic into them until they glow silver, Diana then pushes outward and casts a visible silver wave of magic at an ally (or allies). The wave reaches up to 300 meters and travels at a speed of 225 meters per second. If it hits, the target(s) is instantly healed for 90 HP.

    Lunar Restoration can heal up to ten people standing close together.

       Name: Backdash
       Rank: S
       Category: Auxiliary
       Type: Burst
       Range: 100 Meters
       Speed: 200 Meters per Second
       Duration: 1 Post
       Downside: N/A

       MP Cost:



       Name: Huntress' Speed
       Rank: D+
       Category: Auxiliary
       Type: Passive
       Description: Diana gets a 65% boost to Movement Speed.

       Name: Huntress' Endurance
       Rank: C+
       Category: Auxiliary
       Type: Passive
       Description: Diana gains a 75% boost to HP.

       Name: Huntress' Supplies
       Rank: B+
       Category: Auxiliary
       Type: Passive
       Description: Diana gains a 85% boost to MP.

       Name: Argent Hand Grenade
       Rank: A+
       MP Cost: 75 MP
       Category: Offensive
       Type: Area Of Effect
       Damage: 75 HP
       Range: 225 Meters
       Speed: 110 Meters per Second
       Duration: 9 Posts
       Downside: N/A
       Description: Forming a silver ball of magic in her hand until the ball is the size of a hand grenade, Diana throws the Argent Hand Grenade at the target(s), where it explodes and sends out a pulse of silver energy that manifests as a silver dome. The Argent Hand Grenade travels up to 225 meters and travels at a speed of 110 meters per second. If a target(s) is caught within the Argent Hand Grenade's blast radius, it takes 75 HP in damage on the first post and suffers both a 50% Debuff to Movement Speed and a 50% Debuff to Spell Speed for the next eight posts.

    The Argent Hand Grenade is suitable for use in inhabited areas because it does not damage or destroy property.  

       Name: Divine Flight
       Rank: S
       MP Cost: 60 MP
       Category: Auxiliary
       Type: Single Target
       Damage: N/A
       Range: Self
       Speed: 400 Meters per Second
       Duration: 10 Posts
       Downside: N/A
       Description: Calling upon the power of the goddess she is named for, Diana crouches down while glowing silver. Glimmering silver wings grow from her back and stretch outwards. Diana stands up and the wings fold up, but they are ready for use. Diana can now fly and flies at her Movement Speed for the duration of the spell.

       Name: Lunar Fury
       Rank: S+
       MP Cost: 90 MP
       Category: Offensive
       Type: Multi Target
       Damage: 135 HP
       Range: 450 Meters
       Speed: 340 Meters per Second
       Duration: 12 Posts
       Downside: N/A
       Description: Channeling magic into a hand, Diana forms a basketball-sized ball of silver light made in the likeness of the full moon. She raises the hand it is in above her head and the ball explodes in a bright burst of silver light that forms several separate beams of light that then race towards the target(s). The beams can home in on a target within their range of 450 Meters; if they have to travel any further they vanish on the spot without doing damage. The beams travel up to 450 meters and travel at a speed of 340 meters per second. If the target(s) is hit, they take 135 HP in damage on the first post and suffer a 5% Drain to HP and a 5% Drain to MP for the next eleven posts.

    Lunar Fury can fire up to twelve beams in a single casting.

       Name: Huntress' Arrow
       Rank: H
       MP Cost: 70 HP
       Category: Offensive
       Type: Single Target
       Damage: 140 HP
       Range: 600 Meters
       Speed: 500 Meters per Second
       Duration: 20 Posts
       Downside: N/A
       Description: Forming a bow made of silver magic in her hands, Diana raises the bow and draws back the bowstring, creating an arrow of silver magic. When the spell is ready Diana fires the arrow, which can home in on a target within its range of 600 meters... if it has to go any further it disappears on the spot without doing damage. If the Huntress' Arrow hits the target takes 140 HP in damage on the first post and suffers a both a 50% debuff to Movement Speed and 5% Drain to HP for the next nineteen posts.

       Name: In Nomine Luna
       Rank: H+
       MP Cost: 105 MP
       Category: Offensive
       Type: Multi-Target
       Damage: 160 HP
       Range: 700 Meters
       Speed: 600 Meters per Second
       Duration: 25 Posts
       Downside: N/A
       Description: Putting her hands together in front of her, Diana channels silver magic into them and her entire body glows silver. Once the spell is ready she fires a wide beam of silver light at the target(s). In Nomine Luna travels up to 700 meters and travels at a speed of 600 meters per second. If the beam hits the target(s) takes 160 HP in damage on the first turn and suffers a 50% Debuff to Movement Speed, a 50% debuff to Spell Speed, and a 5% Drain to HP for the next twenty-four posts.

    In Nomine Luna is Diana's ultimate crowd control spell in Lunar Guardian Magic. It can affect up to 25 targets in a single casting.

    Last edited by Diana Winchester on 26th September 2023, 12:34 am; edited 11 times in total


    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Lunar Guardian Empty Re: Lunar Guardian

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 19th July 2020, 8:28 am

    Heya Diana, Joh here to grade your magic. Only a couple minor edits in this color and you should be good to go



    Diana Winchester
    Diana Winchester

    Alt Account- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Divine Huntress
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1362
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5,121,019

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Silent Reaper
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    Third Skill:

    Lunar Guardian Empty Re: Lunar Guardian

    Post by Diana Winchester 19th July 2020, 11:03 pm

    The requested edits have been made. Let me know if anything else needs editing.



    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Lunar Guardian Empty Re: Lunar Guardian

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 20th July 2020, 8:53 am

    Lunar Guardian FbVA7uB




    Lunar Guardian Empty Re: Lunar Guardian

    Post by Guest 19th January 2022, 4:15 am


    Lunar Guardian 9DH5Ncy

    Lunar Guardian Empty Re: Lunar Guardian

    Post by Guest 20th April 2023, 11:09 am


    Archiving due to player request.

    Lunar Guardian Empty Re: Lunar Guardian

    Post by Guest 22nd April 2023, 11:00 am


    Lunar Guardian 9DH5Ncy

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:11 pm