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    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro}

    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 138
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} Empty Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro}

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 25th April 2020, 11:12 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Cold winds whipped across the face of the hungry girl as she came nearer and nearer to the summit of Mt. Hakobe. Snow pelted her, painting her ragged sweater, its once-vibrant shade of pink now worn down to a dull rose shade, and now being peppered with speckles of white snow. Her thick hair seemed to be a favorite place for the snow that began to slowly fall, and she wondered how amusing it looked, the white flakes of falling snow covering her hair. Perhaps by the time she arrived at her destination, it would be entirely coated in white, and she would look some years older. She giggled at the thought. To think that a member of the affluent Velkhomme family would now be reduced to a travelling, hungry beggar marching her way to hopefully find a new home. She shivered at the cruelty that had become upon her. Even if it had been some time, she still remembered how the courts judged those who murdered her father "not guilty." How they dictated the fates of others by the money that would be handed to them. It angered her. Perhaps the heat from her rage would warm her up?

    Such foolish thoughts were Valkyria's best way to cope with everything that transpired the past few months. She lived in the wilderness for those months, the girl who once was fed and provided for, all on the silver spoon of nobility, now being reduced to a savage. Yet Kyra could not say she did not enjoy the life. The thrill of the chase was much more exciting than the mundane life Father had appointed for her, where she would be wed for the sake of alliances and cash, no regard for who she was. That was why this "Errings Rising" appealed to her so. From what she heard from the rumors, it was somewhere that someone could be free. Someone could live their lives and make their own destinies. Kyra wanted that. She had desired that from the moment Father told her that she was to be wed to some fat noble older than Father was. Despite the rumors that swirled, this was enough for her to accept.

    Perhaps they would accept her curse? This strange lacrima she had encountered while on the run, that led her to such efficient savagery and a taste for human flesh, would they accept it nonetheless? It was her ticket to true freedom, even if it made her an outlaw by the world's standards. While it was an accursed magic, it was one that was accepted by her nonetheless. One that she could use to bolster her power and thrust her into a life of freedom...a life worth living. She was tired of it all. The jeering faces of those who found her "lesser" because she did not have magic, while all her siblings and cousins and every single relative bore such a gift. The disdainful scowls of those who called her "filth" while she was on the run. The hunters who called her a monster as she wandered the wilderness. It was all something that she had caused, all things that were her fault, and the providence of the cruel world that she had to accept. She obtained freedom from genericity only to be scorned for being different. Perhaps she would die in this unfortunate hike? It would not be an unwelcome thought, but one that Kyra still fought against, out of the purest survival instincts.

    A rumble roared in her stomach. She had not eaten before making the trek from the wildernesses around Shirotsume to Errings Rising, eating along the journey briefly. Upon reaching Mt. Hakobe, she did not eat, resolving herself only to feast upon what the guild would certainly have in store. It would be painful, sure, but something she would accept for the sake of a greater, tastier reward in future. Her body refused with her mind as she reached a village. A man was unfortunate to catch her alone at night, and he would fall victim to the cannibalistic urges the lacrima gave her. A quick bludgeon to the head marked his end, and soon enough, his corpse became mangled from the ripping of flesh and gnawing of bone. Kyra left soon after, where she now lay on her journey, hungry, cold, and lonely.

    She finally caught sight of the grand castle of Errings Rising. It was a majestic building, the grey spires piercing the heavens just as Kyra would imagine in her storybooks she so loved to read.  She came upon the doors, slowly pressing them open and feeling a warm, refreshing haze of heat blast across her face. This was a kind of homey warmth she had not felt since Father's death, and she welcomed it. Inns and taverns ran afoul of her in short fashion, whether for lack of funds or for sheerly mocking Kyra, and the times she would still manage to bore her way into a storage room, there was a damp air that clung to the roof of her mouth, and an aggravating feel of out of placeness, this princess of the wealthy now having been brought in as a remnant of her former self and forced to lay behind barrels and on shelves for comfort. The days in the wilderness provided less respite than that, only relying on leaves or coping with the stench of recently killed prey. This place felt so much nicer.

    "H-hello?" she shyly asked into the air, seeing no one around. Even if there was someone around, there was little chance they could hear due to the timidity in her voice, speaking little louder than a tepid whisper. "W-Well...I guess I could...just..." She took this as an invitation to bask in the warmth and, before she knew it, she was laying on the ground, soaking in the warm hearths and dotted candles filling the halls. The stone, though cold, still felt warmer than the usual dirt and mud she would have to sleep in otherwise, and all of it was a welcome escape from the snowy, blizzarding hellscape behind her. Even if she in particular was not cold, she would wake up shivering from sleeping in such cold locales, even she knew. Despite the strangeness of the situation, with this mysterious, strange girl napping on the floor of a castle, Kyra felt it much more hospitable than the world had been to her, and she smiled.

    WC: 1079 | TWC: 1079

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} Empty Re: Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro}

    Post by Fraag 26th April 2020, 7:33 pm

    This was one of those days when Mount Hakobe seemed desperate to increase the volume of snow which sat on its crown, as though it needed the accumulation of extra white stuff for the times when it would play tricks on the buggers who lived on the slopes of the mountain, distributing unasked for snow in forms of blizzards, or worse, avalanches. The mountain was bad news. As was the great, foreboding castle which sat comfortably on its crown. There were, of course, a lot of rumors that the evil creatures which inhabited the cold castle on the mountain peak were responsible for the hardships of life on Hakobe's slopes. If that was the case, the mountain dwellers never left. They had grown used to the mountain, and they were wise to never stray near the crown of Hakobe, as it was likely that they would never return, were they to do so.

    Of course, most people that strayed up Hakobe never returned, the mountain ending their unfortunate existences before they even set eyes on the guild hall of Errings Rising; Beira had seen their corpses or what remained of them the few times she bothered to wander down the mountain. While the cold was sufficient to keep bodies from rotting away for long periods of time, the raving carnivores that prowled the inhospitable slopes made certain that dead bodies did not remain whole for long. The Utgardian paid the carnivores no heed, and they were just as content to let her be as well. They seemed more interested in cold, unmoving meat.

    During such weather as this, it was rare to see anyone out and about, much less apparently seeking the guildhall. Due to the fact that the castle was so large, and most of its denizens were often not around, probably preferring to stay in Hostia, Errings Rising's other holdings, due to the more clement weather, it was often silent, and Beira was able to easily detect that the doors of the guildhall had been opened, though her ability to do so was largely due to her impressive senses granted her by her slayer magic. Aware of the newcomer, the God Slayer rose from her bed, on which she had been reclining, surrounded by lots of books, and wordlessly left her room, walking silently and softly through the halls. She was feeling mischievous today, so she had rendered herself invisible using her secondary magic's signature spell, and was headed for the entrance. Aside the inclination to play a prank or two, it was safer to approach the visitor undetected. If the stranger was a foe, she would have the advantage of surprise.

    The newcomer didn't look like a foe, at least apparently. The Winter God Slayer saw the relatively tall (in Beira's opinion) young woman stretched out on the floor, obviously enjoying the warmth of the interior of the guildhall, and apparently lost blissfully in sleep. Beira, for her part, was immune to the effects of natural weather, so as was her custom, was barely clad. It never ceased to be amusing to her how people always had to wrap themselves up so much to get away from the weather, but she didn't bother to mock them for it. Different strokes for different folks, so went a Fiorean adage. One of Beira's favorite.

    Silently drawing close, as quietly as she could afford, she settled into a cross-legged sitting posture, just in front of the young lady's head so that if the redhead opened her eyes, her eyes would meet Beira's. Seeing as the young woman was asleep, Beira rendered herself visible, and cast her Beneficat spell, conjuring small balls of light which floated round the sleeping woman, healing her if she needed it and whispering their strange but salubrious secrets. Beira was sure that the whisperings would rouse the young woman. And when she awoke, the first thing she would see would be the God Slayer, sitting close to her head, with a passive, yet curious look in her eyes.

    "Greetings," Beira said quietly, when their eyes made contact. She would say no more, but wait for the redhead to respond.

    WC: 693 words


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 138
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} Empty Re: Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro}

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 26th April 2020, 8:04 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    To think that, the first time she had entered a proper building in months, the first action that Kyra thought of was to take a nap right then and there on the floor. The cold of the outdoors was especially biting. Perhaps if Kyra knew that the halls of Errings Rising were atop such a high peak, she may have reconsidered her actions in favor of a warmer place. Though, if it were too warm, that would have been an issue as well, so she merely accepted the invitation of the relatively warm ground, snuggling up in her sweater as if it were a blanket. One of the best parts about sweaters, she found. The warmth and comfort they provided. A smile rose upon her face, which marked the realization that she had fully fallen asleep. She rose up, rubbing the weariness from her eyes, coming upon a blonde, under-dressed woman sitting in front of her. "Good morning!" Kyra said, in as chipper a manner as her tired voice would let her.  She would blink a few times to fully exhume the tiredness from her mind before coming to yet another realization. "W-wait! A-are you one of the residents here? Ooooohh, I'm sorry about just walking in here and-"

    She stumbled to her feet, looking back down upon the woman. She waited in silence for a second before lowering her head slightly. "I'm sorry, I-I'll just leave. I... I didn't mean to intrude on you." She mumbled, turning to leave. She pushed the door open just a slight bit, and she was blasted once more by the cold air bellowing in. She closed the door once more, a well of resolve flushing across her face quicker than her blushing. "N-no! It's too cold out!" she said to herself quietly, psyching herself up. She turned once more to the woman. "S-sorry to intrude, again, b-but... is this where Errings Rising is? I-I've been looking for them for a f-few months now, s-so..." Each word of her speaking grew gradually softer and softer, the minuscule confidence she had drifting away quicker than the blizzard outside. Once more, a small burst of confidence rose to her. "I-If this is actually Errings Rising, d-do you mind if I j-join? I-is there an application I have to fill out o-or..."

    Once more, her voice faded away. She was never used to deciding things for herself without it being for the bare need of survival, and even those survival instincts rose up in the months since getting her lacrima. Kyra was never going to inherit Father's company. She was the youngest of eight, and a daughter as well. She was just that - a woman to be wed to someone else. She wanted to defy that, but considering her actions now, she was contemplating if that was the place she belonged: just as a bargaining chip.

    "N-no... of course there's no application. This is a wizard guild, not a restaurant. S-sorry to bother you with such a stupid question. I-I should just..." She began to turn around once more, making more spins than a top, but she resolved confidence in herself once more. Surely this was a strange sight for the woman in front of her, but she did not care. She finally had a chance to prove her worth! Even if it was something as simple as introducing herself, she found confidence in hopefully being able to do at least that. "S-sorry. I should stop being so indecisive. I-I'll stay. I already traveled this far up to get here, right?" She hoped joking with herself could help dissipate her tension. It did not. "I-I guess I sh-should start with an introduction. M-My name's-" as she said her name, it became unintelligibly quiet. A blush had already painted her face, she just knew it. She welled confidence in herself once more, before "shouting", "M-my name is Valkyria Velkhomme!" though the shout was no louder than someone asking a family member to pass the salt when they're a few chairs away. Going to a return to her quietness, she quietly mumbled, "B-but you can c-call me Kyra."

    Each attempt at an interaction Kyra had with this woman surely made her look worse and worse and even more incompetent than she could have ever liked. Kyra was flubbing everything. She struggled to even open a door, she barely managed to stumble through an introduction of herself, even with so many breaks in speaking. And now, she was sure she looked redder than a tomato, the blood rushing to her cheeks in a bright red blush. She slowly began to tuck her head into her sweater, as if to attempt to hide from the world as she had done so many times. Surely she looked like a mess right now, the unbalanced footing, the fidgeting hands, the head trying to retreat into the sweater like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand, and what was shown of her face was a nervous, blushing mess. The rumors said that Errings Rising took part in... criminal acts, of any kind. If Kyra could not manage to even introduce herself to someone who seemed friendly enough, how could she manage to survive and thrive in a guild like this?

    "S-sorry if it seems a bit forward..." she muttered quietly, the already quiet voice muffled by the collar of her sweater, "b-but can I a-ask your name? A-and if this really is Errings Rising. I-If it isn't I-I'll just go. S-sorry to bother you."

    WC: 0922 | TWC: 2001

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} Empty Re: Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro}

    Post by Fraag 27th April 2020, 2:31 pm

    Beira found the antics of the young woman interesting. She seemed pleasant enough, and she appeared to have manners as well. She did seem worried that Beira would take offense that she had come into the castle unbidden, and was willing to go back out into the freezing weather outside. Having enjoyed the warmth of the castle grounds, leaving was most certainly going to become a problem. As expected, the cold winds chased the woman back, once she opened the doors. Though Beira felt the wind when the doors had been opened once more, she registered absolutely no reaction to the cold wind, a calm, half-amused smile resting on her features, as she watched the nervous mannerisms of the redhead. She had heard that people might get more flustered in the presence of calm silence, but she wasn't sure interrupting the other girl was in good taste, and if she did not keep the amused smile on her face, she would probably be observing the red-eyed girl with confusion on her face. Better to look amused than confused.

    Many times, Beira wanted to ask what exactly the girl in the sweater was doing, but she decided that asking such questions might make her guest more unnerved. So she did not. However, when the girl asked if this was Errings Rising, she nodded her head. It was interesting to see that she had been searching for the guild for a good deal of weeks, and apparently, her persistence had finally paid off. The girl asked if there was going to be a membership form to fill or something, which amused Beira the more, though she was not sure laughing out would be a good idea, as it night undermine the other girl's confidence, or what little existed of it, at present. And so she watched the redhead turn round in circles, and waited for her to bolster her confidence by herself.

    Eventually, the girl decided to introduce herself, revealing her name to be Kyra, or at least that was the name Beira would call her. She really seemed very shy, making Beira wonder what exactly someone like herself was doing in a place like this. Yet, for all that, there was certainly a reason someone as socially awkward as Kyra would be here, in the Errings Rising guildhall, and not some other guild in a warmer region of Fiore, in which they groomed ponies and vomited rainbows and stuff. Still, Beira didn't think she fit the evil dark mage stereotype, and yet, here she was as well, delighting in the blizzards of Mount Hakobe with the most bloodthirsty of them. And to the credit of her fellow guild members, although they tended to mind their own businesses and were not so much in the way of searching each other out to help with gardening, no one had ever discriminated against her or made her feel unwanted.

    In response to the young woman's muttered question, Beira rose to her feet, and gently drew down the collar of Kyra's sweater, so as to expose her face. "My name is Beira the Third, Daughter of Utgardr, but you can just call me Beira." She chuckled. "And yes, this is Errings Rising, so there is really no need for you to commit suicide by running out into the snowstorm or something like that. Now, stop behaving like a cornered rabbit. Despite what you've heard of this guild, which I'm certain can't be good, you still risked life and limb to find this place, which means your reasons for finding us must be rather strong. And although I am not qualified to... present you with a membership application form to fill out, I would very much like to hear why you would come looking for us. Welcome to Errings Rising, Kyra. Now, I suspect you must be hungry, so come along and put something warm inside you."

    Having said this, she led the young woman through a corridor and into the spacious dining room, where she took a seat and gestured to Kyra to do the same. Almost as if summoned, a servant appeared out of the shadows, looking questioningly at the two women. "Tell him what you'd like to eat," said Beira. "If we don't have it, I'm sure there'll be a close substitute. Now, while we wait for one of the... what's the word, big guns to get you the membership application form, let me hear why you've come here. And don't say it's because we're the most prestigious reading club this side of Earthland."

    WC: 761 words


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 138
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} Empty Re: Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro}

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 27th April 2020, 7:27 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Beira, the woman called herself. Kyra wondered how she could be so underdressed, especially in a cold environment like this. Nonetheless, figuring it would cause more trouble if she failed to listen, she followed after her as the two came towards the dining hall. Beira took the first seat, and Kyra followed shortly after. The entire time, she had her head still tucked into her sweater, looking towards the ground, attempting to avert her eyes to the much more competent woman than her. When the servant came by from the shadows, Kyra could not help but jump a little bit. She had not been expecting such a thing, and the quick yelp of fear caused her face to grow yet redder, if it were even possible. She had fully warmed up by this point, now growing to the risk of overheating from her blushing face of embarrassment.

    She mumbled quietly to herself a request for food, so quiet it would not have been heard even without her sweater muffling her voice further. That, and she did not really say anything, just "Whatever is fine." Of course, the only one that could hear this was herself, and even then it was barely more than the quietest of whispers. An urge ran bubbling in her stomach. The same urge that had filled her body each time she partook in the taboo feast. She wished to quell it, but she knew it was inevitable that the desires would overcome her, no matter what she herself truly wanted. "I-If you wouldn't m-mind, c-can I get some t-tea?" The servant nodded in approval before asking the food preference. "I-I guess I'll have s-some meat?" she finally said, tilting her eyes up ever so slightly before they retreated once more. The waiter, as she feared, asked what kind. "A-anything's f-fine." The demon within roared. "B-but..." she whimpered, her voice strained. Even though she knew it was impossible, she struggled against the calling beast. "...i-if you h-have some h....h-human.... th-that'd b-be j-just fine..."

    A rush of emotions flashed across her entire body. Fear. Sadness. Embarrassment. She was flooded with the negative emotions she had grown so used to. "S-sorry, I k-know it's illegal, b-but..." she fidgeted in her chair. "I-I bet you don't want s-someone like me w-"

    The servant cut her off, insisting that she stay, and that they would be willing to oblige. Kyra could not just decline such insistence, so she gave in and stayed, returning to a seated position. "Y-you want to know wh-why I want to join th-this guild of yours?" She at least smirked slightly underneath her sweater at Beira's joke about the reading club. "Th-there's a f-few reasons. M-mainly...I just wanted to be f-free from... well, everything. Th-the rumors I heard about this place s-said that Errings R-Rising doesn't really c-care for laws, a-and that means y-you've got a lot of f-freedom, right?" She sighed, sinking further into her chair as her mouth continued to hide beneath a layer of fluffy sweater. "I...I n-never really got to decide a-anything for myself. I-I just had to listen to F-Father a-and... whatever h-he said, I did. B-before everything happened, I-I was supposed to marry s-some f-fat b-b-b-bas..." she whimpered slightly, unable to bring herself to the word. "I was supposed to marry some rich m-man from S-Seven once he got s-some big deal taken c-care of. S-so...I wanted to be free..."

    She mumbled to herself a little more before speaking aloud again. She did not know why she was opening up so easily to this strange woman. Perhaps it was because she finally had the option to make her own decision? Perhaps she was proud of such a mundane feat, and being able to explain it to the first person who seemed willing to listen to her wrapped Kyra's heart in confidence.

    "A-and...if y-you don't care about l-laws...then I g-guess you p-probably won't c-care about my... unfortunate habits." For some reason, a deeper blush washed over her face and she blurted out in her version of a loud shout, actually removing her face from her sweater, "I-I swear! I-I'm usually vegetarian! S-sometimes my l-lacrima j-just wants to eat m-meat..." She looked around scaredly, wondering if anyone heard her outburst. She had felt like it was a scream to the world, the loudest noise that anyone could have ever imagined, but it seemed as though the stark reality of her quiet voice and its booming sound of a slightly angry kitten did little more to effect the immediate area than gather a few curious, second-long glances.

    "S-sorry... I j-just get a bit l-loud sometimes. I-if you want, I-I'll just..." She sighed, failing to complete her sentence. She knew that, no matter what she tried, it would just lead to the same result of her chickening out on her own or someone telling her to stay. So, she remained, having buried herself in her thick clothing once more, waiting for the people to continue to investigate her in morbid curiosity, as if she were nothing more than a zoo beast.

    WC: 0847 | TWC: 2848

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} Empty Re: Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro}

    Post by Fraag 29th April 2020, 1:54 pm

    Kyra's request for human meat was quite strange, to say the least. Perhaps if Beira was back in Utgardr, she may have found it odious. However, the Utgardian had learned a lot of things since finding herself in Fiore, and she was beginning to be careful how she judged others and their issues. It seemed the young woman was unable to control her urges for human meat, which Beira understood as something involuntary on the redhead's part. After all, if drinking water was a sin in a country, any human who went there would be found on the wrong side of the law. Beira didn't know what had happened to this well-mannered young woman to get her into such a condition in which she would have such apparently "base" and "awful" cravings, at least as far as Fiorean standards were concerned. But she already began to feel some sympathy for Kyra.

    Kyra's desire to join the guild was borne out of tiredness of the laws which shackled her, the expectations society demanded of her, and so on. Textbook guild member material. The Utgardian smiled at the other woman's inability to even throw out a full insult. And someone as well behaved as Kyra would be deemed a monster by society, because of matters she could not control. The guild would make a good enough home for her, it seemed. That was why a good number of people joined Errings Rising. Many of them had been on the wrong side of oppressive laws, and no longer had any faith in the system that oppressed, instead of protected them. Others were pure psychosis in humanoid shells, but one thing was certain: once they joined the guild, they became family. A sort of twisted, dysfunctional family, but family, nonetheless, because family looked out for each other.

    "Laws, rules and order are an interesting paradox," Beira said, picking a steel table knife from the dining table. She suddenly flung the cutlery at a pillar, with the makeshift projectile bouncing off it with a loud twang. In an impressive display of trajectory changing, the knife bounced off another obstacle, this one a chandelier above, and returned to stab into the table just in front of Beira. "If there were no rules, totally no rules, nothing would be dependable, would it? And everything needs a structure to depend on to survive." She paused to look at the waiter, who had a passive expression on his face; if he was impressed by Beira's showmanship, he did not show it. "I shall have tea as well, but tea alone. Thank you." The man nodded and retreated back into the shadows, as the Utgardian turned her blue eyes to Kyra's face once more.

    "If Errings Rising had absolutely no rules, there would be nothing to prevent me from killing you and using your left ulna for a hairpin, would there? Don't be afraid, I have no such intention," the God Slayer continued, giving Kyra a welcoming smile. "We all have our own reasons for joining this guild, but what is certain is that once you become a member of this guild, you have a responsibility to everyone else, and everyone else has a responsibility to you. Our grudge is against the laws that force everyone into predetermined roles, for the pleasure of a select few." Beira shrugged. Her own reasons for being here were merely borne of a strong desire to join, as though being a member would have a strong bearing on her future. She had not been turned away, so here was where her loyalties lay.

    "Tell me, Kyra. What do you think of 'freedom'? Permit a philosophical question, but which do you think is free, smoke, or a stone?" The steward returned with a trolley, whose contents he placed on the dining table. One of the dishes thereon had a large slab of meat; Beira was not going to ask where he got it from, nodding her thanks to him. As the man disappeared back into the shadows, the Utgardian poured a cup of tea for Kyra, and then herself. "So, Kyra, which is it? Stone or smoke?"

    WC: 692 words


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 138
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} Empty Re: Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro}

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 29th April 2020, 10:27 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    To say that Kyra found herself shocked at the woman suddenly throwing a knife would be an understatement. At the initial toss, she retreated into her sweater in a panic, flinching once more when the cutlery returned. She seemed to give an expecting look, but Kyra was too stunned to really say anything regarding the matter.  She felt herself quiver ever so slightly, the pause between the knife toss and Beira's order enough to seemingly stop Kyra's heart. The only thing that kept her remaining was when the girl across from her continued speaking. It confirmed she was not hit by the knife, at the very least.

    That said, the relief from knowing she was not impaled by flying silverware quickly faded when the threat of using her bones as a hairpin came in. A twinge in the back of the shy redhead's mind told her it was just an example case, but the rest of her being accepted it as a real, honest threat. She was prepared to apologize and leave once more when Beira thankfully made her intention, or rather, lack of intention clear. Kyra did not know whether or not to feel relieved at this point. She settled with terrified. It seemed to be the natural course of action in this entire conversation with the strong-looking blonde.

    Then came the talk of responsibility. "O-Oh. R-right. I-I apologize in advance for when I don't do my job right. It's going to happen, I already know it, s-so I might as well warn y-you in advance. A-and don't bother with w-worrying about me. I-I'd just be a burden to you." Her head dipped in sadness. If she did not remind herself of her shortcomings, who would? After all, it was something she knew about more than anyone else. But even with those fears, there was still a flicker, the faintest ember of confidence laying in her being. "P-predetermined roles? The pleasure of a select few? S-sorry for speaking so brusquely, b-but it's kinda dumb, isn't it? S-sorry if I'm insulting your g-guild wh-when I say this, b-but I'm n-not the best for a l-life of crime. S-sorry! I-If that's not what you g-guys d-do, then, sorry! B-but...I h-had to make a ch-choice. S-stay powerless o-or get p-power. I w-wanted to stand up for myself, b-but...i-it made me a freak! An outcast!" Her voice rose to a feverish, conversational pitch. "I didn't want to be like this! I didn't want any of this crap! I just wanted to stand up for the people I care for, to not be a burden, and then I get cast out from the known world because of it! I know what I do when my power gets the best of me is wrong, but those rules and laws that don't permit me to just be a normal person that doesn't need to rely on anyone are crap!" She took a few deep breaths before realizing what had just happened and she once more shrunk back away into the recesses of her sweater. "S-sorry, I-I think I got a bit c-carried away there. I-if you want, I-I'll just go."

    She was prepared to leave when the server came by with their food and drink. A piping hot cup of tea, and a grotesque slab of meat. As much as her brain reviled it, her mouth watered and her nose filled with the pleasure of an enticing aroma. She stopped all preparation she had towards moving when Beira spoke once more, asking a strange question. "Wh-what I think of freedom? S-stones and s-smoke?" She pondered aloud as she took a knife and cut away a portion of the strange meat and ate it like one would do with any sort of meal. "W-well...I s-suppose it depends on h-how you think of it. B-both are free, but neither are. S-smoke seems the most free at a glance, b-but...in order for smoke to form, there needs to be fire, right? B-but the smoke itself is free to d-do whatever it wants. It can c-curl and twist, it can be pushed by the wind, or just float into the sky and e-exist on its own. It has free actions, b-but it cannot exist freely. B-but the stone is also a bit free, too. It doesn't need anything to let it exist, b-but, and it's just a p-part of nature. But even still, i-it can't do anything without a-anyone acting on it. I-it exists without anything else, b-but it's not able to do anything by itself..." She sipped on her tea, not even realizing that, since beginning this conversation, she had not even retreated her head into her sweater. "I-if I had to choose one, th-though...I g-guess the smoke. O-once it's out into the w-world, it can d-do whatever it wants. E-even if it needs something to b-bring it that freedom, once it's there, nothing c-can stop it."

    She continued munching away at her meal, each bite becoming less civilized than the last, a contrast to the always-constant cultured sips of tea. "I-I honestly d-don't know much about freedom. I-I needed Father for me to exist, a-and even then I c-couldn't do anything. I-I was just...an object. I-it's what I deserve though. I-in my whole family - brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, everyone, - I was the only one w-without magic. I-I was a d-disgrace from birth, a-and I kept being a burden until th-then. All that I-I was useful for w-w-was m-m-m-my..." She felt herself becoming more and more reclusive as she spoke. "F-F-Father o-o-only said I-I w-w-was useful f-f-for b-being s-some b-b-b-bimbo-" her voice cracked at quoting her Father. "-t-to marry to s-someone f-for the sake of h-his c-company. Th-the sake of the f-family, h-he said..."

    She curled up into a ball on her chair, leaving a small portion of meat and an empty tea cup on the table, having completely lost her appetite. Why was she opening up to this... this stranger? Someone she had not even known for an hour, and had threatened to break her bones for accessorizing, and now Kyra was speaking to her more than she had with anyone else. Perhaps that was the effect of having someone that treated her like a person as opposed to "that magicless Velkhomme daughter" or "the human-eating monster." She felt all sorts of conflicting emotions as she dug her head into her sweater entirely, leaving only her hair to spill over the head hole of the sweater. She did not care how embarrassing it looked, she just wanted to escape from her own words. Of course she would bring this on herself. Beira had not prompted Kyra to speak on her past, Kyra just did. And now, Kyra was in a dark place. That faint ember of confidence had not only been snuffed out, it was extinguished with the might of a thousand firefighters. Perhaps Kyra would have preferred if the dark warmth of her sweater would be the last sensation she would feel before finally fulfilling her only useful purpose and dying. She could dream, but she had a faint glint of fear that such a thing would not happen.

    WC: 1195 | TWC: 4043

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} Empty Re: Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro}

    Post by Fraag 30th April 2020, 2:31 pm

    "Your idea of comradeship leaves a lot to be desired, if you assume that just because we are a dark guild, we shall cut off your left pinky if you fail in a mission," Beira replied to Kyra's apologies about not doing her jobs well. "Your responsibility to me is simply to be someone I can trust, someone I won't be worried about if you're standing behind me. My job is to see that you're at home here, having joined us, and help you out however I can. Does that surprise you? After all, we're evil; we steal babies in the night for the fun of it, raze entire countrysides, slay the young men and ravage the maidens. That's what people think of us, I'd wager." The God Slayer chuckled to herself at that last sentence.

    It seemed that Kyra had a lot to be educated on about the world. She smiled when Kyra went on about not being suited for a life of crime, and shook her head. She waited until the redhead suggested that she leave if she had offended Beira. "Stop that," Beira said gently but firmly. "I neither want you to go, nor do I think that stating your honest opinions should make me annoyed with you. However, you should know that nobody initially is suited for a life of crime, or wants to be the villain of the story. Who doesn't want the crowds to cheer when they pass by, and have rose petals strewn on their path by the adoring masses? At least I know I wanted this. But the world, dear, isn't just black and white. In fact, you'll see stuff that you can't even classify as grey, things that do not fit into any category whatsoever. And of particular note is this: the same laws you spit at, that would have you dependent on others who will choose your path in life, and ostracize you when you don't fit in, are the very laws I speak of when I talk about 'predetermined roles' and 'a select few'. Errings Rising gives such outcasts like yourself, those abused by power, a home, and an option. An option to kick back against the hated system. Personally, I don't care for such an option. To me it's all politics, politics I would most gladly avoid. But at least I have the space to strive to get stronger, strong enough to have a say in the affairs of my own life."

    Beira waited until Kyra was done with her opinion of freedom, choosing to keep silent as the girl launched into matters of her past. It all ended up with her curling up on her chair and looking so forlorn. Initially, the God Slayer was a little perplexed. She had never been in a situation like this before, in which she would have to bring cheer to another who was so downcast. Being the baby of the family in her own case, the Utgardian understood the feeling of being unwanted, as her elder sister had always seen her as a threat, for reasons she could not understand at the time. The world was really a cold place, with all its cruelties and apathy. If the world's lack of compassion could be translated into physical temperatures, Hakobe would be a tropical island by comparison. Beira dragged her chair so that it was facing Kyra, and she placed a hand gently on the redhead's shoulder. "Look at me, Kyra."

    She waited until the other girl had done as she asked, and then continued. "Do you know why I asked you about the stone and the smoke? Because in truth, freedom is an illusion. A pretty, lovely, unattainable illusion. Smoke seems free, but it cannot control its movements. It would rise, if unbothered, but even the slightest breeze will show you just how devoid of free agency smoke is. A stone, while apparently unmoved by such external forces, cannot boast of the same level of mobility as smoke. But it cannot be controlled by wind. And still, it can be crushed by powers greater than it. There will always be powers greater than us, Kyra, and for that, freedom as such remains a lie. True freedom, in my opinion, is your ability to live and die without regrets..." Beira trailed off for a moment, then fixed her gaze on Kyra again with a wistful smile.

    "I guess I shall have a number of regrets when I die...."

    WC: 747 words


    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} Empty Re: Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro}

    Post by Jennifer Ford 30th April 2020, 8:42 pm

    A low whistle could be heard as another blonde woman entered the room, from further in the castle. "Well now, two lovely young women, and just my type, too. I'm guessing that you're new here, red. Welcome to Errings Rising. You're probably cold, right? I'd offer to warm you up myself, but we've only just met....then again, I AM the less inhibited type, myself. Is that something you might like?"

    She carried a bottle of whiskey in one hand, and sported cat ears and a tail to match. However, if one were to look closely enough, they might be able to ascertain that these were not mere fakes. No, these were the real deal. She also seemed to have a mechanical arm, and wore clothing that did not quite fit the chilly climate of the mountain. "Oh, but where are my manners? I'm Jen, Jen Ford. I'm usually out hunting, but I stop back in every now and then to get more of the good stuff." She gestured to the bottle in her hand as she drew nearer.

    "Actually, this warms folks up pretty good itself. So, how do you like the castle? It's got just about everything, even some hot maids. Or do you prefer butlers? Either way, I'm sure you'll make a great addition. I got sort of a sixth sense for that sorta thing, myself. As for the little tidbit I happened to overhear, lemme tell you something. Only you get to decide what you can and can't do. If anyone tells you that you can't do something, prove them wrong, then kick their ass. That's how you teach them to respect you. And if they don't, then you take it a step further, and teach them to fear you."

    There was a shine to Jen's eyes with that last line. "Anyhow, I'm crashin' here tonight, figured I'd see if anyone wanted to hang out for a while, and low and behold, I find two beauties such as yourselves, I must have done something right in a past life." She sat in a comfy looking chair as she greeted the pair.

    "Oh, and as for you--" she turned to the blonde. "I don't believe I've had the pleasure of your company, but it's nice to meet you, all the same. Forgive me if I sounded like I was ignoring you just now, but I wanted to make a good impression on the new girl. Tell me, what is it that the two of you seek in life? For myself, I have no shame in admitting that one of my goals is to amass a harem of quite a large capacity, that I might lose myself to the very sin that the magic coursing through my body is tied to. I'm a succubus, believe it or not, but don't let that frighten you. I know how organized faith tries to make us seem like the bad guys, and I mean, I am, but we're not all bad, and not all straight, believe it or not. We're just as varied as any other species. We just happen to get a bad rep because some of us like to party a little harder than their human partners can handle."

    Word Count: 539


    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} Webp_n10

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} Empty Re: Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro}

    Post by Cirven 2nd May 2020, 8:54 pm

    -------------------------------------Before Kyra got to the castle----------------------------

    "Cirven." A man dressed in a regal-like garb that at first glance looked like a normal expensive clothing but those who knew what to look for would see that the man was clad in a strong light armor underneath. He stood in the snowy area of one of the settlements in Mount Hokabe. It was dark out so not many of the settlers were out. The addition of seeing the man out in their settlement was also a factor that made them stay inside. There had been villages nearby that had been destroyed in the past and the rumor was that people from the castle on top of the mountain did it. There was no reason behind it that they knew but that didn't matter. They only saw them as a threat to their lives at this point even though there had not been any attacks done, until now. "What did you find, Ves?" A voice spoke out but no one was near the man. A portal then formed near the man and another man with long white hair and wore a black button up, long sleeved shit with a black vest over is with matching pants and shoes. Some settlers watched fearfully from their homes as the two men started to converse over the situation.

    "This is what was left of someone from this village." Ves spoke as he pointed to the remains of one of the villager that was clearly devoured by something. "Oh? This is interesting. Good thing we have patrols set up to keep watch. It just surprises me that someone would do something so 'threatening' near our castle like this. Maybe they want to be found?" Cirven looked at the remains and then back to Ves for an answer, who nodded to confirm Cirven's assumption. "This may have been worth the trip back from Hostia to see what is going on here." Cirven moved his face closer to the remains and sniffed a few times. "A girl... She went towards the castle.. A new recruit or maybe something even more fun; A new enemy!" A grin formed over the Devil King's face as he looked towards the castle. "Tell everyone to stay on alert. I'm going to contact our men at the castle for more info."

    --------------------------------------Present Time---------------------------------

    After Jen hit on the two women at the table the servant let out a sigh followed by a chuckle. "Nice to see things have not changed much around here." A familiar voice came out from the servant who had just served the women earlier. "Sorry to deceive all of you but-" The servant's body started to morph along with their clothes into the shape of one of the aces of Errings Rising who slyly smiled at the trio. Once the transformation finished a pressure would come over the room to those who could feel the power of other mages that spoke volumes of just who the trio had near them. This was Cirven testing Kyra a bit by putting off just how powerful he was. "-I couldn't help myself with gaining some valuable intel on our new recruit. She seems a bit green everywhere but around her hands and face which a trained killer like myself can see is covered in red. That lacrima must be a hassle, huh?" Cirven spoke as if he knew everyone at the table already before realizing his fault and correcting himself. "Sorry about my manners. I have on really met Jen here and you two have not met me yet. I am Cirven Mizune, Devil King and Ace of Errings Rising. I returned recently as my men gave reports of a body being left in tore to shreds as if some wild starving animal had gotten a hold of them. I thought I would be coming face to face with some sort of crazed person but you surprised me, Kyra." Cirven would then snap his finger and a demon dressed as a servant would quickly bring a chair to him that he would sit down in and prop his right ankle over his left knee while his emerald eyes looked over the table of three. "So I'll bite, maybe not as hard as you do, Kyra but I'm curious. What abilities does that lacrima give you other than a hunger for human flesh?" His aim wasn't for the question to be answered but to see exactly how Kyra and even how Beira took him being there. It was his first time meeting them after all.

    Wc: 762


    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 138
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} Empty Re: Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro}

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 3rd May 2020, 9:58 am

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Kyra thought that she was finally getting at least the faintest bit comfortable when another louder, as she put it, "less inhibited" woman entered the dining hall. She would be lying if she did not say that the appearance of the girl set off a few alarms in her head, though she was not sure of exactly which ones. "B-beauties?" Kyra mumbled, tilting her head away from the second under-dressed blonde. "S-sorry, y-you shouldn't think of me th-that way... A-and I c-could never 'kick s-someone's a-a...' Um...I c-could never k-kick someone. Th-they'd just be too b-bothered by me..." Her voice trailed off as Jen kept talking. The slightly muffled air seemed to shut off when the word 'succubus' was heard. Was that why Kyra was feeling this way? Or perhaps...was it something more simple?

    She seemed to warm up more quickly to the succubus, though she did not even know why, and was beginning to go back to a normal seated position when the servant who had given her their tea and her food suddenly morphed form. He seemed to know about her and her unfortunate habit. "C-crazed person?" she said at Cirven's mention of the phrase. She curled up into a ball on her chair. "Y-yeah...that's all I am. J-just a crazed person, o-or a wild, starving animal th-that should be p-put down..." She sunk her head back into her sweater, once more leaving a puff of fluffy hair as the only visible part of her body that was not clothes. "M-my l-lacrima? Fr-from what I c-can tell, i-it gives me G-God Slayer p-powers. I-I'm sorry! I-I don't know f-for sure! J-just...w-when I hear p-people t-talk about G-God Slayers, i-it s-sounds like s-something similar t-to what I can d-do. B-black, u-unholy attacks, a b-breath attack..." She whimpered, curling up tighter into a ball inside her sweater and rocking on her chair. "I-I don't know! I-I'm sorry! A-all I k-know is th-that this l-lacrima g-gives me magic a-and makes me w-want to eat th-things!"

    WC: 0334 | TWC: 4377

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} IuXzSkd

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro} Empty Re: Priestess, Princess, Cannibal {Open | Intro}

    Post by Fraag 4th May 2020, 3:02 pm

    Beira turned at the arrival of the other blonde, a demure but warm smile spreading across her features. She had never really met her in person, but she knew this cat-eared girl was called Jen Ford, even if there was nothing else she knew about her. As one who prided herself on matters of knowledge, Beira always strove to know as much as she could about most things, and her guild members were no exception. Of course, she didn't get to know that much about them just from reading, but at least she had seen the guild roster multiple times; she was in charge of the guild's library, after all. Maybe someone like Jen would be more able to get Kyra to feel easier. It wasn't the most sociable of situations when two socially prudent individuals ended up in the same space.

    "Heh, you probably did something in your present life," the Winter God Slayer said, grinning at her guild mate's conversation. It was an interesting bit of information to know that Jen was a succubus. It made Beira feel somewhat connected to her, as one of the God Slayer's souls was that of a succubus as well. The Utgardian poured herself a cup of tea languidly and replied, "Don't break a sweat; first impressions are always the most important. I'm glad to finally meet you in person, Jen. We should party together one of these days. I suppose I'm of the more conservative sort..." never mind her style of clothing, "but I guess it would be fun to just kick back every now and then. After all, I had already resigned myself to having a number of regrets when I die." That is, if she died.

    She was about to introduce herself to Jen, when Cirven introduced himself and stole the show. The revelation that the butler was actually one of the guildhall aces was quite surprising to Beira, though she only allowed the discovery to cause a slow rising of her eyebrows, which settled to their normal position. She said nothing while he spoke, feeling the power he seemed to generate just by being in the room. Of course, she knew his name, but only that. It was not too difficult to pin names to descriptions, after all. Beira waited until Kyra had responded to the ace's question, then she gently kicked one leg of the chair the redhead was folded up on in a gentle, but mildly amused gesture of rebuke. "God Slayers aren't all bad, Kyra. I'm one after all." She turned to Cirven, her sky-blue eyes meeting his green. "A great pleasure to meet you, Devil King," she stated formally, her voice carrying a tone of respect and her lips curling into a lopsided smile, as she managed to elegantly execute a slight bow, while still holding the tea cup in her hand. "I am Beira of Utgardr, and I am currently the austere jailer of this guild's books. A pleasure to meet you all."

    It was probably her being holed up in the library that resulted in her not having met a good number of her guild mates, despite the fact that she had become a relatively strong member of the guild in her own right. "Despite her apparent turtle-inspired mannerisms, I think she's alright. Adorable, even," the Winter Goddess said about Kyra to Cirven and Jen with a chuckle, before she took another sip of tea.


      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 2:11 am