Fairy Tail RP

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    Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Mura Kensho 16th March 2020, 11:11 am

    Job Info:
    The office of Fairy Tail where the Guildmaster was located, resting on his chair and snoring loudly, had been attended by… okay, not all of the Guildmasters of Fairy Tail. That was untrue from previous knowledge. Given the rebuilding of the guild hall so many years ago - which equaled to 3, actually - he and Sorano were… yeah, they were the only ones who had attended this specific office. The shaman leaned onto the desk and wondered how the office must’ve looked like under Leonard’s time as a Guildmaster; as far as he remembered, the guild hall was built in medieval fashion akin to a fortress of sorts… or a small castle. It was a quite marvelous building back then, but it reeked with ‘Here I am, look at me’ and lacked discretion so painfully that it’d probably scream out to strangers that it had an erection.

    His framed picture was resting on the desk close to him, so the shaman could take a look at his old team. It was a stingy feeling in his chest, a feeling of homesickness and loss, but it also brought him pleasant and comfy memories of his adventures with them. In a way, after a while of just hanging about the guild hall and being for himself - directly taking quests from Heero like some kind of errand boy - Sorano-imouto had offered him to join their group to get more acquainted with the guild. It was because of them that he held his guild in such a high regard, and it was because of them that his soul was that of a true Fairy. If there was a way for him to thank them for everything they did under these circumstances and with his team being just him now after Sorano-imouto’s disappearance, he wouldn’t hesitate or wait a single breath.

    Just opening his eyes slowly and gazing upon the picture taken by the previous Guildmaster was a stream of nostalgia; Mura’s face was poking out from Sorano-imouto’s shoulder, and Hana’s face was on the other shoulder with a bright, blushing smile. Julius and Gamon were holding each other’s shoulders and smiling too, and Corliss was standing under them with a shy smile herself. Those were quite the days… he was a preteen back when he joined the guild, so being left in peace and silence and thinking back all those years ago made the shaman feel rather old. He was only 20 years old, but he had probably experienced more than enough for one lifetime. And yet, he had never wished to say the words ‘I have done my part’, for those words were reserved for those whose lives had ended. He was still living, so he would not say those words… obvious enough. Now that the statement aforementioned had been clarified enough for young brains, here was what was happening:

    Mura was actually waiting for Althea’s arrival. Mind you that he had fallen asleep after looking at the picture of his team again; not really professional of him, but who cared…

    He had gotten a call from Talonia. A man was searching for capable wizards to solve an issue of sorts in his house. He said that he had a lizard issue of a ridiculous character, and given the tone in his voice, Mura was afraid that he had some kind of huge lizard salamander in his basement or something along the lines of that. Hey, he knew a couple who would do very well in such a situation; Dragon Slayers! And he knew quite a good chunk of them, but one of them hadn’t been seen by him in quite a while - perhaps due to business with other missions. Althea Eventide, his ‘too-quickly-growing-to-be-a-small-kouhai-forever-‘ mentee who finally reported her call for duty in the guild recently. That meant that he could use her assistance in his mission and see how much she had grown magic-wise, for he predicted combat to be a part of this quest given to him by this strange, unnamed person…

    Yes, he was unnamed. Yes, that would raise red flags, but in the end, the guild were their own judges and judged the situations accordingly to what they experienced. That was why it was important to go to Talonia and find out more about this stranger; perhaps asking around and gaining help from civilians would help the Fairy Tail wizards unveil the identity of their client before they confronted him. Yes, it was a him given by the tone and voice of his through the lacrima phone; there was a lacrima box with an installed phone for official Fairy Tail business directly to the office, and the Ace offices had their own too (although Arcadia was far more used to just using her personal iLac). Mura’s iLac was still strapped to his left wrist like his Oracle used to be back in the days… ah, good times indeed.

    “Y’know, Althea-chan has been away for quite a while… maybe she was undergoing special training. Hey, maybe she did that just to be able to mop the floor with you, hehe…!”
    “Oh, shut up… as if she’d have a chance. Firstly, I’m a ghost; secondly, she would have to beat Mura simultaneously too, if that stupid idea of yours came to fruition.”
    “Oh, it’s not such a stupid idea! C’mon, they’re officially mentor and mentee! Mura took her under his wing! It’s only common to test her vigor against him-“
    “I said SHUT UP!”

    The dragon ghost took a chunk of Kyuken’s spirit ball form off of him like biting a bun to shut him up. It helped, causing Kyuken to cry out in pain and fly around the room, surprisingly not waking up Mura from his nap. He needed his nap right now, for he had finished reading through the archives concerning the events of Fairy Tail under Kiku’s mastership and had now begun reading the archives from Simon Baggins. After him, it would be Ken… then a person whom Mura was more than familiar with. Heero.

    He had a lot to read through.

    WC: 1018



    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Eater of Dreams
    Position : Shitposter
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 936
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mura Kensho
    Experience : 3,920

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
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    Third Skill:

    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Althea 17th March 2020, 10:19 am


    post word count: 1075
    total word count: 1075/11000
    tagged: @

    ٩( ๑•̀o•́๑ )و
    Althea let out a small yawn, rubbing her eyes out of drowsiness.  She was unable to sleep a wink on the train ride back to Magnolia due to a severe case of motion sickness.  So, she had to persist through a cursed existence of half-consciousness all while attempting to hold back her barf.  Truly, being a dragon slayer was inconvenient.  But it usually didn’t matter when Althea just traveled on foot most of the time.  In most instances, it was faster than more traditional methods, and running through the wilderness was actually rather refreshing.  Compounding this with the fact Althea regenerated magic power faster than she could use it through running, and it meant she could keep running as long as she wished.  But this time around was an exception seeing as running across a mountain range would take way longer than just sitting on the mechanical abomination referred to as a train.  Usually, Althea would prioritize physical and mental health over speed, but after spending so much time away she was eager to get back to the place she considered her home.  And now she was sleepy, but there was not the time for rest!  She had more than enough of that during her “vacation” away from her guild.

    Fairy Tail was the first piece of society Althea got acquainted with after ceasing her hermit-like lifestyle.  Before having become a mage within the guild, she could count the number of people she’d met her entire life on one hand.  She arrived at the guild simply because it was the first place she’d heard of, but stuck around because they gave her juice.  Oh, also the people there were super nice.  Despite all the property damage she created, for some reason, she was still valued and recognized by Fairy Tail.  Nowadays Althea could confidently say it was one of the most important places for her, and she was sincerely thankful for the people who welcomed her so warmly.

    Speaking of Fairy Tail, she was actually staring right at it from the roof of a neighboring building.  “I’m pretty sure that one’s for the guildmaster’s office…”  Althea murmured to herself, gazing at one of the office’s many windows.  A wise man once said, “the second impression is as important as the first, and all subsequent ones”.  Or maybe it was Althea’s dragon mentor saying some nonsense about the importance of balancing the “tsun” and “dere” of anime characters.  Honestly, who cares?  All that matters was that the slayer was going to be meeting her guild master after a long time and she needed to remind him how cool she was.  And how else should Althea go about this reintroduction besides from barrelling through a window?

    With one fluid movement, the water mage’s feet left the ground and she dived towards the window that would assumedly lead her right to Mura.  “GAH!”  However, instead of crashing dramatically through the glass as she expected, the young girl just kind of “bonked” right off the transparent surface.  Maybe if she had remembered that the whole guildhall was enforced through magic, she wouldn’t try to only use the force from her measly body weight to break a window.  Althea managed to land on the sidewalk below pretty neatly, brushing off her clothes in a manner she hoped was natural.  If people thought that the meant to almost crush some pedestrians in the street, that would definitely become her reality.  Fake it until you make it!  A few confused gazes landed on the young blonde that came out of the sky.  However, as a site designated for business between wizards, people quickly lost interest.  The only wound Althea had sustained from her failure was one to her pride and an imprint on her face.

    Hoping that her face wasn’t too red from the whole “face crashing into window” thing, she opted to enter the guild hall through the front entrance.  As she moved through the guild hall, Thea mentally patted herself on the back for not stopping for some juice.  It only required exerting restraint of a minimal degree by running right past the juice bar and right upstairs, but the impulsive Althea typically didn’t think twice before distracting herself.  But you could probably guess that from how she thought barreling through that guild master's window would be a good idea.

    No one bothered to stop her as she made her way straight to Mura’s office and burst through the doors.  “Senpai!  Mura!  Mura-senpai!”  Althea chirped as she enthusiastically flailed around both hands in some sort of advanced waving technique.  “You, erm, didn’t notice anything hitting the window earlier, did you?”  She said apprehensively.  If Mura had noticed her ungraceful display, the worst-case scenario was that he wouldn’t let her go on that request he called her to his office for.  Althea had no idea what any of the actual details were, but that’s what she had Mura for!  He sat around doing paperwork at a desk, so he must have more patience for reading than Althea ever could.  Whenever she took a job, all the water mage would do is a glance at the location and head there without actually looking at the request.  But then again there were times when she just selected with her eyes closed, so that was no surprise.

    If there was one thing that Althea adored more than juice, it was venturing out on jobs to beat stuff up!  As a reasonable battle maniac, she always kept her muscle headed tendencies limited to consenting parties, criminals, or people who tried fighting her first.  Indeed, Althea was extremely benevolent towards any of the people she got into a tangle with.  If it was for a job, she would one hundred percent fight them to the death unless it was requested otherwise.  How else would you be able to know that the other party is putting every single card on the table?

    Speaking of which… she wondered to what degree she could combat her senpai.  She was aware of the gap between her current S-rank and his H-rank, but not all battles are fought to be won y’know.  Sometimes the joy of being punched is just as great as punching.  Wait, didn’t that statement make her into some weird pervert?  There shouldn’t be anything wrong with enjoying a fight even if you're being beaten to a pulp, so it must be from how she phrased it...


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Mura Kensho 18th March 2020, 1:27 pm

    Mura’s deep slumber was necessary to keep his mind calm and rested. All the paperwork was… actually, he was quite lacking in the skills of a person who could deal with so much paperwork; it used to be solely the Guildmaster’s responsibility back when Heero was the master of Fairy Tail (although he tried to let Sorano-imouto do all the paperwork for him), but the Aces now had more direct influence in the financial, ecological, economical and infra-structural work of the guild, which in Mura’s eyes was a huge plus. He could now trust his deeply trusted Aces and life-long friends - Nessa Cordelia Lux, Arcadia Fairchilde and Althea Eventide - to aid him in these decision-takes, which cut down his paperwork by a good notch. That was mainly why he had time to read through the older documents and papers written by the previous Guildmasters to begin with. A little hobby of his, now… to read the histories of his predecessors and, possibly, learn something from each of them. He would need their wise words and souls in order to fare well as a Guildmaster, himself… yes, he had done well on his own up until now, but this was important for him.

    A sudden bonk slowly woke him up, however. He could’ve sworn that he heard a bonk nearby… the two ghosts looked towards the window, so by their notice at it, Mura moved his face towards it as well from his very, very comfortable chair. A chair made for quite a leader… but anyway, he was looking at the window and couldn’t spot the source of the ‘bonk’ sound from earlier, but he had his good idea and hunch. It was her, wasn’t it? She was… ye, she was trying to jump through the window, wasn’t she? It definitely sounded like something that eternal battery would plan to do as a kind of grand entry, but she must’ve felt very homesick since she forgot that the entire guild was guarded by a magical seal. It wasn’t that easy to damage any of the properties of the guild, especially not from the outside… maybe a vase or glass was easy to break once inside.

    Welp, all he had to do now was wait… he was eager to see her again. He knew that she would be quick to go the other way once she realized that the building was guarded. If he closed his eyes and listened, he could hear the footsteps already… speeding up as a certain Dragon Slayer was about to charge through the maple door to his office.

    And there she was. In all her glory, Althea Eventide. An honored Gold Member of Fairy Tail, and Mura’s very, little kouhai-chan… she had gotten some more height to her now, but she still expressed the same, lively and bratty attitude of her, what, 12-year old self? Then again, Mura was no person to judge a person’s young appearances… look at himself.

    “Long time, Thea-chan!” Mura greeted her with a raised, waving hand and a cheeky smile, “Look at how much you’ve grown! I can barely recognize you… actually, yes I can.” She chirped a little and mentioned the ‘bonk’ from the window, but Mura knew that it was her. Yet, he was playful. “… Noooooooooo,” he teasingly replied, “I didn’t notice aaaaaanythiiiiiiing.” His sheepish grin would likely be enough for the Dragon Slayer to chuckle at his remark. It wasn’t that he wanted to throw shade at her ‘ungraceful’ entrance that ended up being a failure, but he could tease his kouhai once in a while, right? That was one of his perks as being the senpai, right?

    “It’s nice to see you back here again, Thea-chan… I would’ve held a surpr- there’s a mission at hand that I’d like your assistance with,” he explained, cutting himself short mid-sentence. He poked the lacrima box with the epic-looking, fancy and rather antique telephone attached to it. “I got a call from a guy from Talonia. No information about him; he wouldn’t say his name, address or anything. However, he sought help with a lizard problem, but…” Mura held his chin with his fingers in deep thought and a slight suspicion growing in his face. “Just in case, we’re going there to figure out just what the real deal or problem is. He didn’t sound sincere in his request… and I fear that it’s something worse than a mere lizard problem. Either that, or he’s luring us into a trap… so are you in?”

    Yes, it was rather immature to take his kouhai with him into what was most likely a trap, but Mura wanted to test her too. Everything in his life could be intertwined together, and an investigation under his name - as a self-declared detective, which he was proud to call himself after having watched all those movies, some of the cassettes still laying on his desk for Althea to notice - would be a great way to welcome Althea back. Besides, he was pretty good at sensing magic power, and hers had skyrocketed throughout her time in Fairy Tail… and now, it was even higher than last time he saw her. She was leaking with highly concentrated, destructive Water Dragon Slayer Magic, and Mura was going to see her in action today; not just as his precious kouhai, but as a confident Fairy Tail Wizard.

    Some of this was also a test for Mura. He wanted to stop seeing Althea as a little child; yes, shocker, he saw her as rather immature and naïve, and he had seen her as such ever since he met her for the first time, and it was a stupid, bad habit of his - just look at his actions with Arcadia. He often underestimated the amount of time he spent in Fairy Tail, and people were growing up around him, and so was he. The young, 12-year old shy samurai was now a leader… and who knew, maybe someday, someone like Althea would take the mantle after his death. As a joyous wizard, who knew how long he would live…?

    WC: 1022
    TWC: 1018 + 1022 = 2040



    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Eater of Dreams
    Position : Shitposter
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 936
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mura Kensho
    Experience : 3,920

    Character Sheet
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    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Althea 19th March 2020, 5:54 pm


    post word count: 1019
    total word count: 2094/11000
    tagged: @

    ٩( ๑•̀o•́๑ )و
    Althea couldn’t help but smile as she was greeted by Mura.  It had truly been a long time since she had the pleasure to meet face to face with him.  In fact, the last time they talked could barely count as a conversation.  Her mentor had sent her out to do a small task for her S-rank exam, so did that set of directions count towards interaction?  It wasn’t like there were many ways to come into contact with Althea other than by catching her in person.  After all, as a former mountain hermit, the youth had never seen a lacrima in her life before coming to Magnolia, let alone a lacrima device.  So, if she were to talk to someone, it was only because she happened upon them on accident during a job or such.    What even were lacrimas in the first place?  Fancy rocks you could find in the ground?  Crystallizations of mana?  The blonde had no idea and not much of a reason to care.

    Althea was glad that she had a change in her physical degree to such a degree that Mura noticed seeing as she had been told most 15-year-olds don’t look so childish.  The slayer still didn’t understand how people could differentiate old and young people when eternal shotas like Mura existed.  From her recollection, Sorano was supposed to be fifteen too, but she had been both Fairy Tail’s guild master as well as an overall important person within magic society.  It wasn’t that mastery of magic had anything to do with age in the first place, so it was only expected that people just leaned to accept many mages being underaged.  Personally, Althea felt like she had stopped growing years ago, and was just a bit conscious about of vertically challenged she was.  No one would ever take her seriously if she threatened to punch them in the face if they messed with her, but maybe if they too could detect magic power it would be possible to estimate her level of prowess.

    However, a much more pressing matter was whether or not Mura actually saw her attempt to break his window.  The ribbon wearing mage let out a small sigh of relief once her guild master stated that he in fact “didn’t notice anything”.  But that grin of his afterward made her double back and question if that was really the case.  The more she thought about it, the less likely it seemed that Mura didn’t notice how she swan dived into a windowpane.  Her face began to redden slightly out of embarrassment as she realized she was being teased.  “Mura-senpai, I swear that I didn’t really have the intent to break guild property-- I just wanted to break one little window.  No one would've missed it, I swear!  I-I mean, you might’ve, but it’s important to look at the guild as a whole.  Do you know the fresh air is good for the body?  I just, uh, wanted you to, uh…”  The youth began trailing off.  “Please forget you ever saw me do that.”

    Speaking of fresh air, there was a much more pressing matter at hand, so Althea quickly discarded any trances of her embarrassment.  Mura pulled out this weird looking lacrima-thing, describing the kind of job the two were about to go on.  Making a request to a big guild like Fairy Tail did seem a bit fishy, but Althea didn’t feel worried whatsoever.  Her excitement for doing something interesting outweighed any concern for her well being.  The fact that he was having a “lizard problem” of all things brought up even more questions, but it was only expected she’d think of dragons first.  However, you couldn’t find the magical beasts just about anywhere.  In fact, there was a time she had arrived at a forest expecting a cool dragon but instead got a wyvern.  Imagine just how disappointing it would be to arrive at Talonia only to find out a guy lost his pet lizard or something.

    “Oh yeah, that sounds great.”  She replied immediately without a trace of hesitation.  Although Althea was trying to keep her expectations low, she couldn’t help but hope this was some sort of world-threatening level of opponent.  Maybe the entirety of the Talonia would be decimated by the gravity of the fight or something cool like this, who knows?  Althea found that the value of human life was just a tad bit arbitrary, so in situations that involved widespread destruction she’d always ask herself WWMCD, “What Would the Magic Council Do?”.  As an organization that prioritized humanity and Fiore as a whole over the individuals, she was sure they’d be okay with any mass murder Althea performed as long as she had a good reason.  When Fairy Tail came into the equation, she’d go ahead and prioritize that, but otherwise, it didn’t matter to her all that much.

    “Anyways, when do we start?  Can we go right now?”  Althea exclaimed, closing the distance between her and Mura’s desk.  “I’m okay with train rides seeing as I have a healing spell that can make it going around, so we can head to Talonia now, right?”  She said excitedly, her words coming out faster and faster.  “I don’t have any money on me, but we can sell these weird thingies, right?”  Althea picked up one of the many black bricks decorating the desk, taking a moment to inspect it.  She had no way of knowing what the heck a cassette tape was in the first place, let alone many of the technologies used in current-day.  In the first place, she didn’t even know where all that money she was making from jobs was going.  The youth just kind of went from place to place in a bit of a nomadic style while only using the funds handed to her in person.  But most of the time, people send jewels straight from that “bank account” to hers, but where is this fabled “bank account”?  No matter how much she looked for one, there was no large amount of money laying around anywhere in Magnolia.


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Mura Kensho 25th March 2020, 9:30 am

    The window jackass stunt was easily waved aside, since one of the reasons why the entire guild was reinforced with such a strong barrier was because of its own members tending to very rash and destructive manners. If anything, the ‘bonk’ on the window with Althea’s attempt at - in her own words - giving Mura some fresh air was to be expected, really… it just reinforced the reason for its existence. Like a reality check for the lazy Guildmaster. He would’ve been worried about whether or not she hurt herself on the way down, for there was a fair dozen of meters to the cement block that made up the road crossing the guild.

    The Water Dragon Slayer was quick to join in on Mura’s future quest to aid whoever had made the call for help with lizards. While she might have thought that this could end up being something far grander than a mere pet lizard being lost, Mura was thinking that it could be some poor fool’s setup to try and gang down on them. It had happened before with the shaman’s katana, Harusame, being stolen from him, and just to clarify; Mura wouldn’t look between the fingers when it came to his katana. Just saying.

    Althea was very eager to go right now, and Mura could somewhat understand that. He was thinking that the quicker they got this done, the quicker they could throw a party back at the guild. He wasn’t expecting much from this quest, but who knew? Maybe fate would surprise him or something? Althea surely knew how to enjoy the moment with her vibrant spirit and vigor, and Mura leaned back just a little in an instinctual surprise. His face was more than used to her outbursts, so it remained unphased by her ‘questions’ - which were more like demands at this point. Patience, girl…

    “Sure, just check if you have everything ready…” Mura informed her right as she mentioned that she didn’t have any money on her. Note taken for the future. She suggested that they sold the cassette tapes that Mura was watching, but he quickly took that out of her hand with a small blush and a flustered: “N-No, no, no! I’m still watching that one…” It might’ve sounded like there was some questionable content in the cassette tapes, but it was really just a series of ’David The Detector’ that had run for 7 seasons all immortalized within the cassette tapes on the Guildmaster’s desk. He was dead set on finishing the series, so no selling any of the cassette tapes…!

    “That’s a cassette tape. I’m watching a tv series on them…” he explained with a deep sigh, “Anyway, you don’t have to worry about the jewels, since I got that covered.” He pulled up a small leather bag and shook it a little, letting the sweet, sweet jewels clash against each other and make clanging noises for Althea’s Dragon Slayer ears to hear all too clearly.

    Her comment with the healing spell for the train ride did make him chuckle a little now that he recalled it. It was a fancy and famous thing among Dragon Slayers that they weren’t big fans of public transport… he remembered a pretty but depressing memory of back in his younger time as a Fairy Tail Wizard when he invited Hana to a Halloween party and revealed their transport being horse-drawn carriage. She had to hold it in all the way to the ball, that poor girl…

    Taking another look at the framed picture on his desk of the team ‘Flame of the Phoenix’, Mura sighed once more. Time had taken a toll on him way too soon, really. But it was time to do what was important here and now, for the sake of the guild and his guildmates. He knew that his past guildmates would agree to that.

    “… Alright, so if everything’s ready for you, let’s bail,” Mura proclaimed as Kyuken and Zirconis both manifested themselves in front of Althea.

    “Yay! Let’s beat up a bunch of annoying lizards or whatever… I sure hope that’s what the dude meant. If he’s leading us into a trap, let’s just beat him up instead, right? Right? Pinky promise?”
    “What is he going to do with us? It’s got to take a lot to ambush all of you… well, you’re a ghost, so I don’t really care about you at all-“
    “W-What do you mean by that?! That sounded like you just don’t care about me in general!”
    “Ow, whaaaaaat? Reeaaaaally? Why would that be, hmmmm…?”
    “Y-You cursed iguana! I bet you’ll feel right at home with those pests we’re heading to exte-“


    Another piece of Kyuken was bit off by the rather self-absorbed Zirconis who looked away in stubbornness with pieces of Kyuken’s spirit form stuck in his jaw. They were, really, acting a lot like kids nowadays… but the heat of battle would change that, if Althea wanted to see the two ghosts get serious.


    Although Talonia Train Station was only two stations away from Magnolia’s, there was just… something idyllic with taking the train. Maybe it was the fact that the wind didn’t slap into your face or the missing flamboyance of riding on a dragon, or maybe it was due to nostalgia… back when Mura didn’t even know about Onmyōdō, his main transport was the train that took him from town to town on his early missions in the guild. He had gone to Oshibana’s huge train station, to the Rose Gardens, and even all the way to Hosenka at the very west of Fiore. Now, he was able to fly and all, but it was nice to take the train once again…

    “Alright, the train’s about to take off. Let’s get in, Thea…!” Mura warned her as the train conductor blew his whistle to inform the passengers and other commutes of the train’s takeoff. The Onmyōji made it in and would help Thea in if she didn’t make it smoothly in time, and then they would be led to their seats at a moderately wide train room with comfortable seats.

    “Oh, mum look! It’s Fairy Tail!” a small boy exclaimed from his seat further behind them as Mura had just sat down right next to the window. The boy and his mother who were from Magnolia smiled brightly at their arrival, and soon, everyone noticed the two Fairy Tail Wizards and gazed upon them. Some of them were full of awe at their idols taking the train, and others looked rather suspicious at them.

    The boy would make his way to the wizards and ask for an autograph. “I-It’s for my father! He’s a very, very, very big fan!” The boy looked to be under 8 or around that age, and his face shone very brightly with all the optimism and naivety that a child could have.

    WC: 1153
    TWC: 2040 + 1153 = 3193



    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
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    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Althea 29th March 2020, 2:21 am


    post word count: 1006
    total word count: 3100/11000
    tagged: @

    ٩( ๑•̀o•́๑ )و
    Oh?  Apparently Althea couldn’t just sell the weird black things?  Mura referred to them as cassette tapes and held some form of digital media on them.  The blonde went into deep thought for a moment, reflecting on her many bad experiences regarding television shows.  Well technically, she didn’t have a problem with most, just the ones her dragon mentor watched.  Often the dragon compared the streaming services her Midian cartoons were locked behind to the Devil, but that was probably just an excuse.  Even Althea understood from the incoherent blathering that it was just an excuse to pirate cartoons instead of just paying for the services.  Hopefully Mura didn’t have a similar taste that consisted of “harem”, “echii”, and “isekai” shows, whatever those terms meant.

    Well, in hindsight, it would probably take more time to find willing buyers for the cassettes than to locate Althea’s bank account.  It wasn’t a very good idea in the first place, so much for being resourceful.

    But evidently, the slayer’s concerns were for naught.  The ever-reliable Mura had already procured funds beforehand, once again proving to be superior to the NEET dragon.  It should’ve been more concerning if he didn’t have any money.  He was a Wizard Saint endorsed by the Magic Council ontop of the guild master of Fairy Tail, so he’d be rolling in the dough by now.

    But something that caught Althea’s attention was how her guild master had chuckled at the mention of her motion sickness.  W-Was he making light of the youth’s trauma?!  There was a rather long time where she hadn’t even been away about the little trick with healing spells, yet didn’t have the physical abilities to just do a cross country sprint.  Honestly, she was about to bring up all the ship and train rides she had suffered through but dubbed it much too embarrassing.  And so, all the blonde could do was smolder and pout in silence, leaving her plight unvoiced.

    However, the moment departure for Talonia was mentioned, all previous grievances disappeared.  Althea’s whole face lit up in childlike anticipation, “Yeah!  I’m gonna punch something no matter what!”  She declared in response to Kyuken’s initial comment.  It was always nice to get a bit of blood on her hands, but it wasn’t that Althea liked violence.  There was a time and place for getting bruised and bloody, the water mage just happened to enjoy combat-related jobs.  Technically, this was her profession, so if anything the young girl was just a regular workaholic… who did all tasks besides paperwork.

    ♢ ♢ ♢

    The mode of transport had been designated as a train, a place that held many dark memories for Althea.  “Okay, yeah.  Let’s go…!”  She exclaimed, swallowing down her nervousness.  The moment the youth stepped onto the train compartment she cast a healing spell, immediately dispelling her motion sickness.  The blonde let out a sigh of relief as she and Mura were led to their seats, taking the seat across from her mentor.  She couldn’t make any sense of why dragon slayers were cursed with such a horrendous affliction in the first place.  The NEET dragon explained it once, but the mage could barely understand what she was talking about.  But in the end, it all just boiled down to “it can’t be helped”, which wasn’t helpful whatsoever.

    But when a child suddenly emerged from out of nowhere, the slayer immediately tensed up.  Just like trains, her past experiences with children were not good.  Back during that one time she kissed Sorano, the two had encountered such small organisms.  But they were such confounding creatures that neither distraction nor threatening resulted in a positive outcome.  By the end of the exchange, they were branded as pedophiles and forced to escape from angry parents.  So it was only reasonable that the blonde was astutely aware of her weakness towards miniature humans.  One might assume that someone who enjoyed being around others could talk to children, but were those small “things” even human?  As someone who was around the same age as children and appeared to be no older than twelve, Althea gave the impression of someone who could easily deal with them.  However, for most of her life, those around the young girl were way older than her.  The fact they treated her like an adult didn’t help, forcing her to meet their messed up expectations.

    In the first place, Althea didn’t get recognized as a member of Fairy Tail often.  She never really appeared in public, and more or less only did so during jobs.  Usually it was only those who were aware of her time as a Rising Star or familiar with the management of the guild who even knew the mage was apart of Fairy Tail.  It was probably Mura who was attracting most of the attention in the first place, darn nit!  With such widespread fame, he must also have way more interpersonal relationships than Althea.  Riajuu, go explode!

    Either way, she couldn’t keep staring blankly at the child forever, so Althea cleared her throat before speaking.  “Indeed, underaged individual.  I believe both I and my colleague are willing to grant a signature.”  Wow, that came out much smoother than Althea expected!  Truly, practice does make perfect.  The water mage glanced at Mura, grinning triumphantly.

    “Oh, erm, okay.”  The small creature said, his excitement dying down considerably.  However, the blonde couldn’t imagine what it was acting so tentative for.  Not only did she accept the request, but she also emitted a happy-go-lucky atmosphere!  Maybe the breeze was putting it in a bad mood or something, children were just fickle like that.

    The creature almost seemed hesitant as it handed a pen and paper over to Althea, the older girl quickly taking it and scribbled across the white parchment.  Once she was finished, instead of her signature, she had just doodled a juice box on the paper.  Looking satisfied with her work, the blonde handed off the pen and paper to Mura before sinking into her cushioned seat.


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Mura Kensho 10th April 2020, 3:42 am


    Mura’s eyebrow rose just a tiny bit at Thea’s reply to the young and possibly impressionable boy who had asked for an autograph - okay, technically, the child hadn’t even asked, for he just held up his paper and explained that it was for his father. Yet, Thea’s reply came off as comical to a degree; there was something about addressing a young boy as an ‘underaged individual’ that Mura couldn’t buy from her, but the shaman didn’t want to put her in an awkward position and sent her a thumbs up for good effort. Sadly, the boy’s excitement had died down a little by the unexpected reply, but maybe that could still be saved.

    Grabbing the pen and paper, Mura rose a smile to the boy and spoke: “I’ll write my name in Midian. That way, you can prove it to your father later.” It would be more authentic and likely blow the kid’s father’s mind when he would read it again once the kid had returned from wherever he was going right now. “Woooooaaaah! Thank you a lot!” the boy thanked them both before looking at the paper, his face suddenly turning a little confused, “… U-Uhh, why is there a juicebox on it?” The kid scratched his head with a finger, thinking a little too deeply on why they had drawn a juicebox on the paper instead of, like, a name or a signature of their name. This was Thea’s work, and clearly, the boy wasn’t childish enough to roll with it with a happy-go-lucky laughter.

    “… That’s actually no ordinary juicebox, there,” Mura answered him, pointing at the drawing of the squared box filled with what was assumed to be either apple juice or orange juice, “Usually, Thea doesn’t tell anyone, but that’s actually her favorite type of juice. A very exotic product all the way from Joya that we store back in the guild.”

    Faint rays of light flickered by from the window as the sun was quickly allowed to shine into the train’s cabinet. The boy’s eyes were a tad more widened, but he still looked… oddly suspicious of something. “W-What do you mean, Mira Kensho? What kind of juice is it…?”

    The boy had mispronounced Mura’s name, which caused a quick jolt in his skin that quickly dissipated into what could be assumed never took place at all. He was just a kid, Mura… it was okay if he mispronounced a name or two of people that he had never met before. That was just something that came along with fame.

    “It’s…” Mura was about to reply, the S stretching out as he thought up a fruit, “… Ssssssssssoda.” Okay, that was a daring jump; soda was a pop drink, not a juice. What kind of juice was classified as a soda? What kind of soda was classified as a juice? Juice was usually squished from fruits and refined via methods that the Guildmaster knew nothing about, but soda was more synthetically made without as much fruit involved than juice.

    “… Soda?” the boy asked out, causing Mura to sweat just a tiny bit. Why did he say soda? “Yes, soda. There’s a veeeery special type of juice that tastes like soda. Soda, itself, is actually made from a plant…”

    “… W-What? Really?” the boy asked out with a more curious voice than earlier, which signaled Mura that he was lowkey buying into what the shaman was blabbering out. This was dangerous; Mura shouldn’t blatantly lie to him just to cut Thea some slack.

    “… W-Well, actually, I’m not really an expert in sodas or juices. We just like drinking them. You like drinking juice, don’t you?” Mura would then ask the young boy, who quickly nodded as his reply. “See? Then you and Thea here share a common interest. Nothing wrong with that, right?”

    “Uh… I don’t think so. It’s a little weird, but…”

    “Well, we all have our weird sides, even us wizards,” Mura explained to him with his hands raised up carelessly, “Thea usually doesn’t write juiceboxes for other people. Consider yourself lucky, pal.” Kyuken and Zirconis were switching between gazing at Mura and at the young kid, mumbling between their lines:

    “Just… j-just what are we talking about?”
    “He’s probably just killing time and trying to make weird things make sense. What’s so great about juiceboxes…?”
    “Juice, huh… we didn’t- actually, I think we did have those kinds of beverages back in Midi. Although, I can’t really remember what I drank back then… other than shiro (milk mixed with alcohol to quirk you up before battle).”
    “There’s not much that you remember from your earlier life, is there?”
    “Fair enough… to be blunt, I don’t really remember much from my life. I spent most of my time as a spirit in Tenrou Island, and that’s the most of what I recollect from my memory.”
    “Yes, but unlike you, I don’t really yearn to remember what kind of bastard I lived as back then! I… like, I think I broke quite many a woman’s heart upon my deathbed, haha…”
    “… W-What?”
    “Don’t you ‘what’ me like you didn’t expect that from me! You don’t know how my life was back then!”
    “… Sure.”

    The boy took his autograph back to his mother and asked her to hold it, so they wouldn’t lose it. The mother chuckled, glad to see that her son’s interactions with the famous Fairy Tail Wizards didn’t come out awkwardly or disdaining. She nodded at them as a means of saying ‘thank you for making my son’s day’ to them. Mura nodded back understandingly.

    The train braked with a screaming noise from the outside due to its steel wheels grinding against the tracks. Once the train stood still, a bell was rang, and the doors were opened. The train conductor breathed into the microphone and proclaimed: “Talonia Station. Talonia Station. Next stop, Clover Town Station. Talona Station. Talonia Station. Next stop, Clover Town Station.”

    The shaman rose up from his seat and walked out through the opened door to plant his feet on the platform. The sound of a distant, huge waterfall could be heard even by him, and the town itself invited them with its Midi-like aesthetics. This was a town very inspired by Midian culture - much like Shirotsume - so Mura felt slightly at home in his motherland again.

    Mura wasted no time and approached one of the customer service booths at the platform. These booths usually just sold candy to kids, but Mura had more pressing matters at hand.

    “Excuse me,” he asked gently to one of the workers behind the booth who approached him, “I heard that a guy had lizard problems here. Where does he live?”

    “Urgh, don’t sweat it, pal…” the booth worker replied, “I swear, ten or more people have already gone to help him over the past two weeks. Even the officials won’t come back from his house… it’s a death trap, I tell you.” The workers stretched their arms and continued with a sigh: “... Hey, you’re a Wizard Saint, right? I can recognize those features anywhere… okay, his house is, uh… I forgot.”

    “… F-Fair enough,” Mura assured, after which he turned back to Thea. He pointed up an authoritative finger and suggested: “Dragon Slayers do have sharp senses of smell and hearing, right?”

    WC: 1230
    TWC: 3193 + 1230 = 4423



    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
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    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Althea 15th April 2020, 3:48 pm


    post word count: 1090
    total word count: 4190/11000
    tagged: @

    ٩( ๑•̀o•́๑ )و
    Althea couldn’t help but to smile as she watched Mura jot down his own signature and hand the small human the pen and paper.  It seemed rather pleased with the signatures it received, and Mura had even given her a thumbs-up as she conversed with it!  That definitely meant she was taking the correct approach, right?  But apparently, putting down a drawing instead of her name only resulted in confusion on the child’s part.  Althea didn’t make a habit of signing with juice boxes, but she thought the organism would appreciate something nice to look at.  After all, if she doodled on official guild documents, there was no doubt she’d be scolded.  But when she was their age, she definitely would’ve liked to have a nice picture rather than a paper containing the names of some random person.  But then again, this was supposed to be for their father, so maybe that was what resulted in the child’s confusion.

    However, Mura’s explanation of her “autograph” was what really surprised her.  She hadn’t realized that the juice in the guild was imported from out of the country!  In fact, she was sure most of the brands available had ‘Made in Fiore’ printed on them, so maybe it was some kind of secret?  But the glitter of wonder in the young girl’s eyes only intensified when Mura described how the juice was actually soda!  She was almost positive that the carbonated beverage had very little relation to juice, but apparently, she was wrong.  Her mentor seriously had some thought-provoking information, that one statement changed Althea’s entire viewpoint of soda!  No wonder he hesitated fo much before granting the precious grain of info.

    The small human also seemed amazed by this new information, their voice full of curiosity.  However, Mura clearly felt like he had disclosed enough of his profound wisdom because he quickly ended the conversation.  For the first time in her life, Althea felt a sense of kinship with a child.  She typically felt they were more akin to robots than actual people, but seeing that even an unmatured human could understand the curiosities of the world showed her a different side of the organism.  Wait, if both she and the child enjoy juice, then that means they have a common interest!  Aren’t they basically best friends by now?!

    At this point, the dragon slayer was absolutely glowing.  She had made a new friend in a juvenile younger than herself, something she had previously assumed to be impossible.  Additionally, she gained more knowledge about plants, soda, and such beverages.  Also, the mother of the child didn’t offer a single word of complaint!  Althea wasn’t sure if it was because Mura was with her, or her level of human interaction was better than she’d assumed.  Either way, she waved amicably to the mother and her child as they went on their merry way.

    ♢ ♢ ♢

    Althea was glad to see the train ride had finally ended.  She wasn’t bothered by her usual motion sickness, but it never felt nice to sit around for too long of a duration.  However, the only way people actually knew where to find her location was if she stayed put for a moment, so she didn’t mind it if it was necessary.  Otherwise, trains were lame, sprinting was still her preferred mode of travel.  The blonde followed her guild master out of the train compartment, entering the busy train station.

    It had been a while since Althea last step foot in Talonia.  She was pretty sure last time she ended up driving a pair of scissors through someone’s hand for an exam?  Either way, she didn’t actually visit often, but by no means did she dislike it.  The place had some really good food, in fact, she could really go for something to eat at the moment.  But she was sure that by the time the job really got underway, her sense of hunger would fade.  However, little did she know the first road bump of the job was already upon them.

    “Eh?  My senses?”  The youth echoed.  She usually didn’t bother with learning the specifics of a job, but she had just kinda assumed Mura knew where he was heading.  Althea hesitated to tell Mura that she had absolutely no idea what they were looking for, so logically she couldn’t search for the suspicious guy with her senses alone.  Talonia was full of many different sounds and smells, and unless one used adequate concentration you wouldn’t be able to distinguish them at all.  However, she guessed that some things simply weren’t based on any logical conclusions!  Surely if she believed in herself enough, they’d eventually come across Mr. Suspiscious.

    “Okay, lizardy smell… lizard…”  The blonde murmured, closing her eyes in concentration.  Then, without a moment more of deliberation, she began to speed walk away from the train tracks.  Her steps through Talonia were devoid of hesitation, and her royal blue eyes were fixated on the street ahead.  But it wasn’t long until she stopped… at a soft pretzel stand.

    “Oh, erm, that’s funny!  I must’ve gotten distracted…”  It was true that the mage was headed towards the most lizardy smell in Talonia, but now that a perfectly good soft pretzel was right before her eyes, why not treat herself?  Althea fished around in her pocket to find any loose change only to realize she had no money on her.  That is, besides this card with her name on it and a bunch of numbers.  The stand’s owner seemed extremely confused when she handed him the card in exchange for the soft pretzels, but the blonde walked away fast enough that he didn’t have a chance to react properly.

    “Haha, I got a bit sidetracked, but this will help me find Mr. Suspicous even faster!”  The young girl announced, attempting to half reassure herself and half reassure Mura.  However, little did Althea know that the section of the street she was about to step on was had been subject to constant repairs.  It kept caving in at random intervals into a dark, very suspicious underground area.  Locals knew the repair was dubious at best, so they knew to avoid it.  So thus far, no one had been injured by the shabby repair, and things weren't a problem until they caused actual issues.

    Sadly, Althea’s body weight wasn’t enough to break a window, but it was enough to make a shabby repair collapse.


    She had her soft pretzel promptly disappeared down the hole to who-knows-where.


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Mura Kensho 1st May 2020, 5:24 am

    ”Yeah, your senses,” Mura repeated Althea’s echo. She was a Dragon Slayer… he was 95% sure that she still was, after all the time that had passed since their last meeting. Dragon Slayer Magic didn’t just wear off overtime, did it? Nah, she still had plenty of aura in her, and an experienced shaman like Mura could see the silhouette of a glorious dragon looming over her. Speaking of Dragon Slayers, Zirconis had matured quite a lot himself; not once had he remarked on her magic with disdain or disgust. Good for him. He would have to get used to having two- no, three Dragon Slayers in the guild near him. Mura did a mental count; there was Althea Eventide right in front of him, the Water Dragon Slayer. Arcadia Fairchilde was an Ice Dragon Slayer. One of the newer recruits and Bronze Members, Kumiko Asakujaku, was a Dragon Slayer too… and given by the element that she almost blasted his head off with back in the office a couple days ago, she was a Light Dragon Slayer. Mura had met another Light Dragon Slayer before - shockingly, said Dragon Slayer’s niece was living at his house right now as they spoke.

    Mura had met many Dragon Slayers in his time in Fiore, really… the fifth Guildmaster was a Dragon Slayer. His, uh, child and grandchild were, too. Sabertooth had Dragon Slayers, too. He even faced off against mortal enemies that were Dragon Slayers 4-5 years ago. There were, in total, many Dragon Slayers in this world…

    But to the short and young-looking, 20-year old Onmyōji, today’s focus was on Althea and her capabilities as a Dragon Slayer.

    She quickly closed her eyes and appeared to concentrate on finding the right scent in the air that would lead them to this mysterious identity. Good thinking; Mura had mentioned lizards before back at the guild, so he expected Althea to catch up on it and track down that specific smell. It really showed how sharp she was on catching direct as well as indirect clues to seek her goal. Her energetic advancement didn’t disappoint her either, for she darted away in her irregularly fast walking steps towards the streets of Talonia, and Mura followed up with ease.

    … Urrrgh, what?

    “U-Uhm…” Mura moaned in a soft expression of surprise as he found himself with Althea in front of a soft pretzel stand. Zirconis and Kyuken floated over to her; Zirconis was about to bite her head, but Kyuken grabbed the dragon spirit as the scene turned into two, colorful orbs of auric life tug at each other.

    “L-Leave her alone! She’s just hungry-“

    “Would you two stop fighting each other for five seconds…?” Mura asked them in exhaustion. His sheer focus, however, turned back to Althea as she just flickered her cards at the stand’s owner. Those cards had personal info about her, and one of them was a credit card! And there she went without a second care! She couldn’t just leave her belongings on the table like that!

    “S-Sorry about that, let me-“ Mura excused himself to the stand’s owner as he picked up Althea’s cards. He then stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled up 25 jewels to the owner who gladly accepted the payment. “T-Thanks, but uh…” the stand’s owner thanked him for the jewels, but Mura was on his way to catch up to Althea before the owner could express any of his thoughts out loud. Mura was about to grab her arm and scold her, trying to explain how one paid people for food and snack when another problem revealed itself right beneath their feet.

    The street’s road caved in and cracked open, scaring Althea and causing her pretzel to fall down. “Watch out!” Mura warned her as he held out a hand, causing some of the debris on the road to stretch out into a thin, long hand made of granite and steel that grabbed the pretzel. “P-Phew, close one-“ he remarked, but he couldn’t take a break now; the road cracked beneath his feet now and resulted in him having no foothold whatsoever. There was quite a far way down to the bottom of the caving, but Mura couldn’t care less about his situation right now as he could fly. Althea, however…

    “Althea! Watch your steps, and come over to me!” he commanded her, “I got your pretzel down there… wait, is that a lizard?!” From the corner of his eye deep down in the caving, a lizard crawled up the wall or precipice of the caving and launched itself onto the granite steel hand, stealing the pretzel right off of Mura’s grasp. With the pretzel in its mouth, it hissed happily and dug its claws into another precipice before walking down to the darkness of the cavern once again.

    “… I think we found our lizard problem,” Mura remarked as he eyed Althea, “Let us not let it escape!” He would attempt to grab Althea if she hadn’t already gotten a hold of him yet, and then he would fly down to the cavern that revealed itself to be a round room with one entrance to what looked like a hallway at first… but said hallway could be the only passage that the lizard could’ve escaped into. And said hallway was, in fact, not just one hallway; it led to a whole, underground system of roads contoured by walls to resemble a huge labyrinth. A labyrinth that many residents of Talonia didn’t know existed right underneath their feet.

    The labyrinth reeked with scales. Reptilian odor. Salty tears. Was it a safe haven for crocodiles? Were there more lizards down there for the two Fairy Tail Wizards to encounter? And would it be connected to their secret client?

    WC: 1000
    TWC: 4423 + 1000 = 5423



    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
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    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Althea 10th May 2020, 5:35 pm


    post word count: 1121
    total word count: 5311/11000
    tagged: @

    ٩( ๑•̀o•́๑ )و
    Unfortunately, Althea’s actions seemed to have upset Zirconis.  The spirit ball-thing was almost about to resort to physical violence towards herself!  Hunger was a very prevalent human need, and just because she decided to take a small break from the job to fill her stomach didn’t mean she wouldn’t eventually get the job done.  And what would happen if the mage was in the middle of a fight, but suddenly her tummy got the rumbles because she hadn’t eaten all day?  She wouldn’t be able to properly maneuver, and then she’d probably end up dead at a critical moment.  Who would be to blame if that happened?

    Zirconis, that’s who.

    Althea noticed that, oddly enough, Mura had paid the stand's owner a variety of shiny rocks, reclaiming the blonde’s fairly useless cards.  She wasn’t familiar with that kind of currency, maybe it was a special kind for cool people like Mura?  Paper money was pretty overrated, but was it okay to pay with such a unique alternative?  Even Althea had enough common sense to know that paying for food with something like a commemorative coin was just a bit unreasonable.  Instead, you should stick things like that in your shoes, so if you need to brag about it you can pull it out at a moment’s notice.  It might feel a bit uncomfortable to walk around with around twelve rocks jabbing into your feet, but Althea felt like there was plenty of space in Mura’s shoes for a dozen rocks.  She was sure it’d be worth it in the long run, just like window insurance.  You wouldn’t think you’d need it until a loli tries to take an “alternative route” into a building.

    But the more pressing issue was how her pretzel had left her hand and fallen into the mystery hole.  The slayer thought she was pretty resilient to small stuff like falling, but the odds were that her pretzel wasn’t.  Desperately, she scanned the dark cavern for any sign of her beloved soft pretzel, praying that it hadn’t ended up fragmented into thousands of little pretzel pieces.  It was pretty darn dim, but for a dragon slayer like Althea, something of that level didn’t serve as much of a hindrance.  And it wasn’t until Mura informed her the location of her snack that the youth finally let out a sigh of relief.

    “Woah, that’s a pretty crazy looking hand-thing…” She remarked, her blue eyes brimming with curiosity.  Apparently Mura had made sure to catch it before it fell deep into the hole, which meant Althea could still eat it!  “I’ll be right there!”  She exclaimed, inspecting the rather precarious area she was standing on.  At times like these, Althea missed the time when she had wings.  Well, technically, back when she had wings she never actually used them to fly, but it was the thought that counted.  Sure, she could probably just try climbing up the jagged wall, but sometimes she simply wasn’t in the mood for that.

    Wait, there seemed to be some kind of weird lizard thing on the wall?  It was of a pretty moderate size too, Althea had previously fought a wyvern that was much larger than it.  Instead of comparing it to a small house, she’d probably put it around the size of a large cow or something.  However, it wasn’t long since the abrupt appearance of the strange lizard that it had made an incomprehensible move.

    “My… MY PRETZEL!”  Althea was shocked, stricken with grief, and just overall not feeling all that good.  The feeling of having her food stolen from her wasn’t comparable to anything she’d ever experienced before.  Well, maybe that was an exaggeration, but she had bonded with that soft pretzel.  It was her loyal friend and companion despite how short their time together was.  One shouldn’t discredit relationships just because of their lack of longevity.  If that was the case, Zirconis wouldn’t have tried to bite her head off.

    However, she believed it wasn’t too late to recover her pretzel.  Sure, a weird animal had kidnapped Soft Pretzel-kun, most likely with the attempt to eat it, but Althea still had the opportunity to pursue it.  Back when she was living a hermit lifestyle on Pheonix Mountains, she had often stolen prey from the local wildlife.  It wasn’t like she would discriminate against raw, slobber-covered, half-eaten chunks of meat.  In her eyes, all food was equal, that’s how you know she’s a good person.

    But anyway, she understood now why Mr. Suspicious had requested for help regarding a lizard problem.  If the thieving lizard had acting as discourteously to her as it had him, she also would’ve wanted it dead.  Well, she wasn’t sure yet if she was allowed to kill it, but Althea was sure that Mr. Suspicious would be okay even if she brought him a lizard corpse.  She wasn’t positive if he had lost his pet lizard or something, but the thieving lizard had made personally insulted the Fairy Tail mage.  If she let this one off the hook, what would she say to all the other stuff she’s killed because they annoyed her?

    “Yeah, that lizard will rue the day it dared to steal my food!”
     Althea announced as she was whisked away by Mura, the pair making their way to the bottom of Mystery Hole.  In fact, Mystery Hole seemed to not only be a simple depression in the ground, because there were all sorts of mystery corridors branching out to who knows where.  “Nooo, I hate mazes…!”  The youth cried, attempting to pick up the trail of the thieving lizard.  However, when the whole place reeked of lizard, there wasn’t any distinct path for her to follow.

    “Erm… I guess we might as well just pick randomly…?” The young girl muttered, stepping down one of the many hallways.  However, almost immediately, she abruptly tripped over a wire that was inconspicuously lying across the floor.  Althea let out a groan of pain from having face-planted onto the cold, hard floor, but was shocked from the sudden crash that resounded through the cavern.  The moment she activated the tripwire, an axe came flying towards her, embedding itself in the wall after having missed its target.  If she hadn’t face planted, Althea may have ended up getting injured--or worse--getting an extreme haircut!  The young dragon slayer shivered at the thought of suddenly going from having long hair to a short bob, good thing she was lucky enough to have tripped!

    But soon, she got over the shock, getting back to her feet and wiping the dust off her clothes.  “Okay, I cleared that trap nicely.  Let’s keep going!” She chirped, not exercising a hint of scrutiny.


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Mura Kensho 7th June 2020, 6:23 am

    Wew. Althea was furious about her pretzel being stolen by the lizard that had just made a run for it. Really, someone as lax and laidback as Mura wouldn’t be enraged over stuff like this, but to each their own, right? Besides, if it was important for Althea, then it should also have been important for him. She did want to quench some of her hunger with it before enacting the mission at hand, but it seemed that the mission had intertwined itself with her lunch. There was nothing more to do than to pursue the thief down into its home world underground.

    Once he sat foot in the cave and eyed the entrance to what looked like a hallway from his perspective, Althea cried out about how she hated mazes… well, Mura could easily just break down the walls of the maze, but what if it was a local memory? Those areas were often under the protection of the town, and please, Fairy Tail didn’t need to stand for more architectural casualties. He carefully followed Althea as she randomly chose a road to take in this large maze. It was… ancient. The walls had strange writings on it, but the words were wiped off too much, so all that was left were lines of paint that just looked like straws from a thick pen. It could’ve been blood. “I don’t think anybody’s been down here for ages… any human beings, that is. Why’s there a labyrinth right under Talonia, though?” Mura mumbled out in deep thought, curious to see where this labyrinth would take them should they be able to reach any fathomable end or goal to it. Don’t say that this was a trap and that they were trapped down here forever due to one secret or another about this place; they came down here specifically to retrieve Althea’s snack from the scaly thief who snatched it right off of their hands.

    Mura came to his senses in a flash as Althea tripped over something. Mura’s eyes widened, and he bent down to try and aid her up on her feet again. “Woah, woah, watch your steps, Thea-chan…” he warned her calmly. His demeanor dismissed the axe flying towards them, but Althea was safe from its sharp edge due to her low position with her face flat on the floor. Mura, on the other hand, looked to having been cut right through, but the axe’s steel alloy bent itself to avoid his head and neck as it passed by, sparing him of being cut open as the axe cut through the wall next to them and disappeared. Althea might’ve not even seen the axe, but per her next words, she was aware of its entrance. From her position, it was more likely that she didn’t see the stunt that Mura pulled by avoiding the axe without moving an inch…

    “… Ye, you sure did. Although, you should be more careful and observing of your surroundings. You have a huge advantage over me in that field,” he gifted her of such advice, obviously pointing to her capabilities and sensual prowess as a Dragon Slayer - wait, it was called sensual, right? When one’s senses are in question as an adjective? This language, man; still making Mura question his ability.

    “Well, there are surely other traps ahead of us. Let’s see…” he sighed while stretching out his right palm. From that palm, another iron form emerged and released itself from him before compressing itself into an orb and charging off, bouncing around and hitting almost every tile and brick on the walls and the floor. To Mura’s surprise, in this one hallway about 30 meters long, the only trap appeared to have been the axe from moments ago. That was somewhat reassuring if the sound of buzzing wings didn’t resonate through the same walls a few seconds later.


    It echoed and intensified, ringing in Mura’s ears. “H-Holy shit, that is loud…!” he cursed as he looked around, not spotting the source of the buzzing sounds before the bricks started to be pushed off by individual, flesh-eating scarabs. These tough, hardened beetles were surrounding them from behind the walls, pushing off one brick at a time to then fly towards them with their small pincers ready to gnaw at their flesh. Individually, they were harmless - really, one of them was already gnawing at Mura’s arm - but in a huge swarm like this with potentially thousands of them, they could prove a threat to whoever was unlucky enough to fall into this maze…

    … if they weren’t these two.

    “Oh…” Mura huffed in mild relief as he lifted his arm to see the scarabs trying their very best to bite off chunks of skin from him. The others circulated around Althea, searching for a good place to chop at. “They don’t hurt that much… allow me-“ Mura spoke to his mentee as he grabbed the handle of his katana, the ever-reliable and upgraded Harusame. It was as if he only jabbed the handle a few inches forward, but with that move alone, bright slashes surrounded the two Fairy Tail Wizards and effectively cut through each and every scarab visible in the maze’s road. It was kind of a bloody rain, and the guts and fluids from the scarabs threatened to splatter all over them if not for the pressure of Mura’s spell keeping the two of them safe.

    The walls were the misfortunate ones as they were now completely lamented in a thin layer of bug flesh, blood and intestines. Mura would’ve called it a satisfying end to the bugs’ attack if the buzzing sound stopped, but it kept returning to his ears as more bugs were ready to have a try at them.

    “Gee, how many are there…?” Mura asked himself before looking at his blonde mentee, “Let’s move on and see if we can lock those scarabs away, somehow. You lead the way, Thea-chan.”

    WC: 1000
    TWC: 5423 + 1000 = 6423



    Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
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    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Althea 19th June 2020, 10:19 pm


    word count: 1007 // 6318
    total word count: 12741
    tagged: @

    ٩( ๑•̀o•́๑ )و
    Mazes were truly some kind of horrific construct birthed from a twisted, deranged mind.  They were usually all dark and contained monsters, both of which were things Althea had no problem with.  However, the idea of being trapped within a space with many routes but only one escape didn’t help with her claustrophobia.  Perhaps that was the reason why the destruction-prone youth hadn’t even considered just breaking down the maze’s walls.  Either way, there was absolutely no way she’d allow her senpai to notice her meager anxieties.  Any personal feelings Althea held didn’t matter when she was in the middle of a job.  Well, that also brought up the question of why she’d pursue her soft pretzel, but that was a completely different matter.  Despite the conflicting implications, she would never allow something to think it could get away with wronging her.

    More importantly, she and Mura had quite splendidly overcome the labyrinth’s first trap.  Of course, she was too busy having her face connected to the floor to notice how the axe’s metal warped unnaturally around her mentor’s figure.  But the slayer hadn’t really stopped to think critically about the situation, so she wasn't questioning a lot of things she should've been.  Sure, Mura had been pondering the nature of the labyrinth, but it wasn’t like she’d been listening carefully.  Under normal circumstances, she’d use her special technique of “pretending to pay attention” as he imparted any advice or wisdom on her.  Letting words pass into one ear and out the other wasn’t that difficult, but the young girl’s respect towards Mura prevented her from doing so.  She might try and break windows, but she wouldn’t completely ignore words that may be useful in the future. “Yep!  Got it!  I can surpass you if I learn more about logistics!”

    Too bad she wasn’t too good at comprehending what was meant to be a simple lesson.

    “Oooh!” The water mage let out a voice of amazement as she watched Mura’s lump of iron being molded into an orb.  The way it neatly assumed a completely different form was almost like magic!  Well, it undoubtedly was magic, no amount of staring in the world would lead to metal behaving like that.  But watching the iron ball disappear from her line of sight prompted Althea to wonder what the purpose of sculptors was when there were people like Mura.  Years of work and effort could instantly be rendered obsolete the moment a wizard with the right magic appeared.  However, as she mulled over the intermingling of magic and the arts, a horrific buzzing reached her ears.  Althea frowned as the noise assaulted her senses, dulling her sense of sound enough so that she wouldn’t get nauseous.

    “They sure are obnoxious…” The teen murmured, as she watched the bugs emerge from the walls.  She’d only realized how annoyed her tone was after the words escaped from her mouth, but that was only reasonable.  It already wasn’t a good day for her, but a swarm of little bugs didn’t help it.  They were even trying to gnaw at the slayer’s legs, but there wasn't any real need for her concern.  Any injuries she suffered from would heal immediately, and the creatures weren’t capable of doing that much damage in the first place.  In stark contrast, Mura was able to flawlessly exterminate dozens in an instant.  Althea could hardly follow the movements of his blade, and she’d say her eyesight was pretty darn good.

    “Woah, senpai, that was super cool!”  Althea exclaimed, her eyes sparkling in wonder.  All of her negative emotions had been pushed aside at the sight of the amazing spectacle.  Seeing blood and guts brutally paint the walls also helped lighten her mood just a bit, but the effect probably would’ve been more impactful if the opponent’s body was larger.  “The way you went all fwoosh and then the insects went splat was-”  Althea managed to stop herself before her excitement got the better of her.

    “Oh, so I’m taking the lead?  Just leave it to me, senpai!”  The young girl proclaimed, turning to face the incoming cloud on insects.  She wasn’t the most well-rounded wizard, but she had enough tricks up her sleeve to deal with some bugs.  Well, she could always use her regular water magic, but Althea ought to show off just how much training she’d been doing!  Wearing a carefree smile, the youth raised her hand, sparks briefly dancing around her palm before shooting out a beam of white light that engulfed the passageway.  Of course, her mentor technically just told her to lead the way, but she had simply wished to incinerate them.  Lucky for her, there hadn’t been an infinite amount of insects, and the only remaining traces of them were scorch marks on the walls.

    “How was that?!  I worked pretty hard on learning how to do that.”
     The blonde said, smugly leaning against one of the maze’s blackened walls. “It’s pretty impressive if I do say so mysELF?!” Sadly, her cool pose was ruined by the fact the wall she was resting on abruptly collapsed.  It was the second time that day Althea fell through something that was meant to be secure.  Who knew so many surfaces were just waiting to shatter apart?  Thankfully, the fall wasn’t nearly as bad as her previous one, and the young girl only found herself a small hop down from where she previously was.  However, she wasn’t entirely alone in the large, dark room.  Althea found herself in a pit of rats, the little creatures attempting to viciously tear off her flesh.  They were just as successful as the bug-things, but the problem was how they were actually burying the slayer with their furry bodies.  Slowly sinking into a writhing mass of creatures attempting to murder her wasn’t a typical experience for Althea, nor was it a welcome one.  If she used a big spell again she might end up breaking another wall, so she was stuck flailing around in the pool of rats.


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Mura Kensho 28th October 2020, 1:40 pm

    Mura grinned proudly at her reaction to his display of magic, mainly of his Halo Blade as he cheekily called the storm of slashes that flew everywhere and made smoothie of those bugs. Usually, he would perform that spell with a spirited blade in order to make them non-lethal, but the bugs were an annoyance, and Mura felt no remorse exterminating them as they could cause quite the terror up on the surface of Talonia. He basically performed a C-Rank Quest on the go, if you really thought about it… and he couldn’t help but feel proud of himself and his ever-growing prowess. When you start out as a new mage and aspire to be as strong as others, you often forget watching your own, unending growth…

    Thea-chan gladly took the lead upon his suggestion, so Mura followed suit. The next wave of bugs, and likely the last one, charged right ahead at them from up front, but Thea-chan wasn’t about to let them gnaw on them anymore. Her pretzel was on the line, and she showed just how serious that she was in retrieving it from the lizard which stole it from her. Her next spell consisted of dancing sparks around her hand, which resulted in a white blast scorching through the swarm of beetle-like annoyances. The blast was bright enough to make Mura close his eyes for a second before taking a look at the resulting scene; lack of bugs, and burn marks on the surrounding walls where the creeps crawled out from.

    “You learned yourself Light Magic?” he asked with awe in his voice, “That was pretty impressive, yeah! It’s not always that you’ll need just one type of magic… did Kumi teach you that or something- His voice died out while assuming that Kumi - at the time, a White Dragon Slayer in their guild - had perhaps, not likely but maybe, shown her a trick or two, for they both possessed Dragon Slayer Magic and looked about the same height, blonde hair and shared the same little sister vibe. However, it was abruptly cut off as the wall behind Thea-chan collapsed while she was leaning on it. The crack before the entire collapsing caused a drop of sweat to fall off both Mura’s, Kyuken’s and Zirconis’ face. Thea-chan ought to have been more careful with her surroundings, but it was as if the world yearned to prove her efforts futile… especially seeing what was awaiting her on the other side.

    A horde of rats swarmed her just as much as the bugs from earlier, their hairy bodies almost drowning her person. Mura quickly flicked his arm to send a wave of fire at them, coating the rats’ back in flames and causing them to run off of Thea-chan. He would make extra sure that the fires didn’t burn her, for c’mon, he was good at controlling the extents and limits of his magic - that was one of the first fundamental things he learned back when he joined the guild 9 years ago. Remember, Master Heero wasn’t exactly a strategist or reserved, and Mura wanted to stand out back then…

    This was his efficiency, his extremely useful Onmyōdō. Yet he didn’t know just how useful it would prove a while later.

    “Thea-chan, quick, get up-“ he asked her in a hurry, not wanting her to be in the company of burning rat corpses any further. However, unexpectedly, a wave of rats came down from the ceiling - how they even got up there to begin with was a mystery, but they assaulted his back with all their strength and tried to bury their rodent-like frontal teeth into his spine, which annoyed him a lot. He arced his back a little and caused a bunch of branches - literal branches - to sprout out from him and stab the rats off of his body. The branches stabbed through the remaining walls around them, growing rapidly into a small bush before Mura broke the connection between his back and them. Small leaves began to grow out from the branches, but… they began to die. A sickening disease emitted from the rats’ dying corpses, and Mura only got more and more repulsive about them… but, of course, there were more. The room followed up to another hallway, where a third party of sick rats marched forward to throw their lives away. Why all the creatures in this labyrinth were so hostile to them was suspicious, really.

    “That’s it, someone must be behind all of this,” Mura growled, traces of Zirconis’ soul leaking out of his body in form of green aura and a change in his voice, “Where are we going now, Thea-chan?”

    The lizard had no intention of eating the pretzel that it stole from Althea. It scurried away across the ceiling with the item between its dry lips and teeth, heading towards a certain point by maneuvering through the labyrinth like it had lived here for all of its life. It reached an apparently dead end, before it slid through a short opening low on the wall that was about 30 centimeters tall and would just allow a human being to crawl through by laying on one’s belly and advancing like … y’know, an actual lizard. Its thin, sleek body proved a perfect adaption to the small spaces around it as it could crawl on all four surfaces with ease. Once inside the new room, the lizard crawled up to the presence of a man wearing ragged, old clothes. The room was lit dimly with candles, revealing lots of things; weapons and tools that had dragon-like themes, forms and decorations, old scales from the lizard itself and essentials like an empty dish in front of him. The most noticeable item in his possession, however, was the tome in his hands that emitted a wide array of magic.

    The cover was made with old leather and had the words The Mastership of Dragons written on it. Its contents were invaluable.

    WC: 1004
    TWC: 7427



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    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Althea 3rd December 2020, 5:32 pm


    word count: 1054 // 7372
    total word count: 14799
    tagged: @

    ٩( ๑•̀o•́๑ )و
    Althea had felt rather proud of herself after displaying her confidence for once, and Mura’s praise following it made the bug’s incineration all the sweeter.  Well, not literally, from her experiences bugs tended to have a pretty bitter taste.  Actually, no, she was pretty sure that wasn’t the case all the time.  Sometimes they end up just tasting like flaky nothingness.  Perhaps it was the kind of bug that resulted in the differing tastes?  Was it the amount of… um… juices they had?  Or perhaps their diet?  The slayer wasn’t too fond of eating insects unless she really had to… y’know what?  Who even cared?  Back when she was living by herself, the blonde was never picky when it came to what she’d eat and what she wouldn’t eat.  There was no reason to averse to eating invertebrates besides the fact that many weren’t a fan of the idea.  Could it be that magician life was making her soft??  ...No way that could ever happen.  Anyways, if she had the opportunity in the future, she’d test out insect cuisine or whatever.  Hmm, she could actually do it at right that moment, but Althea was pretty sure she’d be hard-pressed to find any bug-parts remaining after her attack.

    Speaking of which, that very attack had won some well-earned praise from her senpai!  However, the mention of light magic left her ever so slightly confused.  She couldn’t quite wrap her head around how sparkly light lasers and such were comparable to her… light laser, okay, understandable misunderstanding.  Additionally, it wasn’t one Althea had any reason to clear up at the moment either, the explanation of the magic she used was rather lengthy, and her pretzel could be gone any moment now!  When she first purchased the warm, soft delicacy, she had taken it for granted.  Now she dreams of being within its warm embrace(?) once again.  No bugs!  Only pretzel!

    Welp, that was the least of the youth’s worries now that she’d fallen through a brittle surface… again.  And this time was even worse, instead of just a hole, there were rats inside the hole!  And it didn’t take long for the stunned slayer to be submerged in the hairy mass.  She thought his special awareness was pretty good, could it be that old things secretly had some sort of vendetta against her??!  Wait, no, a wall and floor aren’t sentient… is what they want her to think.  Althea’s caught on to their tricks, and two could play at that game!  Well, uh, since the wall and floor were already playing she supposed it’d be three players, but she’d beat them anyway!

    Althea continued to ponder… whatever it was she was thinking about, so absorbed in her (useless) thoughts that the rat problem was resolved before she could even register it was an issue in the first place.

    “Oh, wow, thanks Mura-senpai!”  The young girl said lightly before getting to her feet.  She was about to make an attempt at dusting off her clothes, but after seeing the state of them, she doubted that a light pat-down would do anything.  At this point, she couldn’t tell what smelt worse, her, or the room.  Now she really have to get back at the maybe-sentient-maybe-not wall and floor, so she’d better figure something out before she forgot all about it.  Thankfully, it seemed like her guild master was already busy fending off the waves of diseased rats, so now she had time to get back into battle mode.  Actually, it was pretty nice to just sit back and have all the heavy lifting done for her.  Mura was pretty good at getting rid of the rodents with his… uh… tree?  Althea had never really bothered to ask for specific details on her mentor's magic… what was it that he used?  No matter how much she rattled through her head, she couldn’t think of it’s name.  Was it Om Nom?  Oushinwooshin?  Whatever the name was, it didn’t change the fact that Mura had pretty much been doing everything for her.  Sure, spectating the gruesome, bloody skewering of mangled rats was always nice, but hitting them herself was even better, right?

    “Huh?  Me?  Going?? How should I kn-”
     Althea muttered, having been so caught off guard that she almost said exactly what she was thinking.  To be fair, there was nothing around that suggested where they might be going… And she was the one who led them there in the first place… Well, she was sure they were in the right place anyways!  It’d all turn out fine, in the end!  “Mhmm, yeah, definitely someone behind this, I agree.”  The youth replied statically, doing her best to keep her expression as neutral as possible.  “I’m pretty sure the walls and floor have something against me, but I’m not sure if they keep pet rats or anything.  They don’t have hands or anything, so probably not… is what they want me to think!”  The slayer exclaimed, letting out a gasp of realization.  Clearly, their vendetta against her was immense, but she would’ve never imagined their plans were so immense.  She’d need to get better at playing this 3-person board game if she wanted to have a chance at victory.  Wait, she might as well add in Mura just to make things equal.  Now it’s a 4-person game of tag!

    ...Despite the fact rats were pouring in torrents from above, Althea couldn't feel any urgency in the situation.

    “Yeah Mura, I got it all figured out! Umm, let’s see...”
     The youth chirped before gesturing towards the first divergence she laid her eyes on.  “Over there looks good!  Let’s go, senpai!”  She could try and rely on her sense of smell again, but the reliability of that was questionable at best with the rancid rat stench that was clinging to her.  Might as well just go in a random direction!  Well, might as well assure her mentor that she was a competent person to be leading this job expedition.  “Don’t worry Mura, my sense of direction is great!  Like, there was this time I got lost in the desert, and it only took me 3 days to get out!”  Truly, deserts were vast planes of nothing.  If she could find her way out of there, she could find her way out of anywhere!


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Althea, Master of Dragons I Empty Re: Althea, Master of Dragons I

    Post by Mura Kensho 13th March 2021, 12:45 am

    … Uh.

    ”I don’t think the walls and floor have any say in this,” Mura responded to Thea-chan’s judgement of the situation around her. Yeah, the architecture of this labyrinth hadn’t been on their side for the most part, but no auras were emitting from them… only from the living rats. And there were more heading their way, hordes and waves of sickening pests wanting to gnaw their long incisors into their flesh and bones. That was why he asked her to lead directions; in sudden, pressuring situations such as this one, Thea-chan was to learn how to be spontaneous in strategic thinking, so that her every action was both rapidly fast and well-thought. This served as some mental training for the young Dragon Slayer who showed many signs of immaturity just via their present conversation. She was allowed to sound brattish, but when push came to shove, he expected her to fend well for herself and for her guildmate. Ganbatte.

    The way she chose led away from the rats and into some dark alleyways, which gave Mura the impression that she planned this route out due to her highly increased Dragon Slayer Senses. Navigating in the dark was probably child’s play for her, and the ground all around them could easily be navigated around by the Guildmaster via seismic vibration. Once she led them through the alleyway, Mura rose up a wall behind them to lock out the impeding rat army, but it also covered them in total darkness for a brief moment…

    Until a flame was conjured above the shaman’s palm to light up the new path. This brought ambience to the hallway… and a calm break with silence.

    “… Deserts,” he sighed in a slightly irritated voice, “Don’t remember any pleasant memories of deserts… My first time in a desert led to an ambush from whales. The second time, I thought I lost my life… I think I did.” Mhm, mhm, should he just tell her more about that? It wasn’t something to be taken lightly, the concept of death…

    However, the view around them served as another topic to talk about. The walls… they began to reveal clear etchings on them. Imageries of large beasts and stickmen… wait… those beasts had huge, wide wings and spiral horns. They looked like demons at first, but they appeared more quadrupedal. Some of them spewed fire… and others spewed bubbles? It was unclear to determine that from all the cracks on the walls, but it was all painted in some black, coal-like substance.

    “… Someone’s been killing time down here,” the shaman commented on the drawings, while he held his flame up close to illuminate them, “I’d swear that those are… dragons?”


    The moment he uttered the last word, the entire place began to vibrate. The word ‘dragons’ had triggered distant sounds of walls crashing down, sounds that Mura could hear from all around him. Thea-chan must’ve heard them too-


    In a flash, Thea-chan would see Mura get tackled away by a huge, beast-like humanoid that came crashing through the wall next to them and sent him straight into the other wall and continued its stampede. For a brief moment, Mura was out of the picture, and 3 other humanoids with the heads of bulls came charging through the hole in hot pursuit…

    That was, until one of them smelled the air… and aimed its bloodshot glance at Thea-chan, followed by a huge growl. The two other Minotaurs with it turned around, their wide shoulders pushing down any last parts of the wall that was still standing as they really cramped the place. The fourth, however… didn’t return to them.

    No matter, for they still rose their axes and swords to chop down Thea-chan right where she stood, finding only one intimidating factor about her – the stench of Dragon Magic. Their eyes began glowing deep-red in rage before they swung their weapons down.

    WC: 656
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