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    Midsummer Festivities!

    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

    Lineage : Evil Angel
    Position : None
    Posts : 170
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Vera Walden 22nd June 2019, 1:38 pm

    Vera J Walden

    With a jolt, Vera shakingly rolled up her ivory sleeves, made a grab for her sleek, new ilac, and checked the time, while the citizens of Fiore thronged to where the festival rose to recognition. Walden, on being so thoughtless as to sleep against the gnarled roots of the tree, hesitated for a moment between her line of sight and the great gathering, then she ran a wary hand through her soft, purple locks. The crowds she had observed from where she wanted to frankly disappear, interacting with such mirth and so attentive to the music that swelled in her ears, was, uniformly, the creeping discomfort gripping her tender insides. She tucked the mobile device away and blew her untidy bangs to the side.

    There she sat, pensieve, calculating, sucked in by a thought with grass clenched in the hollows of her hands. It was no small celebration, with its broad selection of fun activities and appetizing stands—with the scent of caramel apples, popcorn and cotton candy finding a place in her nose. All those things, she found delicious, cumbersome, and familiar. Bedazzled faces sifting to and fro through the paths, laughing with their loved ones, carrying prizes won and visibly egging on enthusiastic performers.

    The purple-haired writer left her resting place and weaved past the many happy souls there; she was squeezing through tight spaces, and muttering absentminded, nearly meaningless, apologies as she wanted to find the quickest route out of this circus; nimble, soundless, and ready to leave. The endless mass, noisy as ever, was suffocating her; from person to person, applause burst forth and everyone formed a startling circle, and then she saw why; a talented juggler and, not so far from him, sat a woman painting the faces of the young. The artist spoke sweetly to the little child, “I find clowns to be very scary. It’s nice to know you’re the exception. Aren’t you just the cutest little thing?”  

    She could hardly distinguish the past and the present now. “I’m all for psychedelic trips,” the hippy whispered, “just not this one.” She needed a distraction. Vera spotted a tub full of water and no apples, her attention seemed split betwixt the container and herself, and her vacant mug became more lively and more animated. Not wasting a second, she swiftly tipped the tub over and watched as she parted a smaller sea of people. Then she raised her skinny arms in a manner most holy, and once more enjoyed her space -  she could actually breathe again! That is, until she opened her eyes and found herself greeted by generous insults and frowns.

    It was sickeningly embarrassing.

    Her big blue eyes expressed feigned innocence and practiced remorse. She blinked dumbly, and willfully smoothed down her gray slacks. “Bobbing for dead spiders?” she improvised, her gaze flashing fire, “I think not. Gross!”

    Honestly, she loved spiders. She just didn't like being smothered to death.

    Tags: @Beaux@Cillian duCrosse@Dela@Wren
    Word Count: 487
    Notes: Please DM me if you feel this starter needed something more.


    Midsummer Festivities!  Puglyfe6

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Otherworldly Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 27,782

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Witches Bonds
    Second Skill: Enchantress of Woe
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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Wren 22nd June 2019, 7:39 pm

    Zipping high in the sky from the capital on her black broom, a little witch sat over the broom with her little black and purple cat perched at the front. She had both hands holding onto the stick of the broom while she zipped through the sky. Eventually, she spotted a celebration going on below in a town, and her curiosity got the best of her. She directed her broom down and let herself circle around the town. The decorations she was spying from a distance had her gasping in sheer surprise. “Nanny! It’s a Summer Solstice!” She squealed in excitement as she quickly directed her broom to go down and let herself hover slowly through the crowds while she sat on the broom sideways. Her brown eyes were looking around in excitement as she was taking in the scents and sights. “Nannyyyyy.” She cooed as she let her head swivel around her at the sighs and lights. She had spent some time in the capital to earn some money, mainly at Nelsons Apothecary, so now she was dressed in a more casual attire. She bought herself a pink and white crop top , that fit her like a normal shirt, and some tan shorts and white sneakers.

    She giggles as she kicks her feet a bit on her broom. No doubt someone would call her ‘kid’ or ‘boy’ here, regardless of the color clothes she wore. She still had no chest and short hair, and the fat glasses on her face didn’t help apparently, especially since she looked cheeky. If someone ever recognized her as a girl over a boy the first time they met, she honestly had no clue what she would do. She was caught up in the sights around her, and in her thoughts, she had stopped paying attention in front of her. It wasn’t till she heard someone speak that was right in front of her, that she realized she wasn’t paying attention, and she crashed into them. Both Wren, and Nanny, tumbled off the broomstick and crashed over the tub and into the water. She lets up a groan as she was all wet, and looked towards the person whom she crashed into. “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going! Are you okay?!” She cries out. She was glad that only the sleeves on her shirt was white… but she wasn’t glad that the fabric was now soaked…

    Nanny was hissing as she was all wet, quickly jumping on top of the tub, shaking the water from her fur, and back onto the still floating broom, waiting for the driver to get back onto it and fly it around. Wren looked around towards the other people, and nervously scratched the back of her head. Did she do this? Well… that must of been quite an entrance. “Sorry!” She says to everyone else as she removed her glasses that had water on them. She needed to find a dry spot on her shirt to clean them… but that was near impossible with how she had landed in the water on the ground. Muddy, and wet… doesn’t go too well with glasses.

    HP: 200/200
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    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
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    Posts : 175
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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 24th June 2019, 10:24 am

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      680/1500 WORDS
    @Vera Walden
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.

    Cillian was a people person.

    Most of those people that had ever interacted with him wouldn’t necessarily agree that he was a people person, of course. His rather lackadaisical attitude toward life in general and how he often showed a blatant disregard for authority often got others around him into trouble, and he never opened up about himself. Ever. But, he did love interacting with other people in almost every capacity, and he got along with near about everyone.

    Still, he tended to keep to himself most days, never really having made any lasting friends. So he’d wandered into this festival by himself, taking in the sights and the experiences with the awe and excitement of a six year old. He even managed to cram himself into a ride with other children, his feet squished so closely to his body that his knees were practically on either side of his head. It was worth it though. The little roller coaster had been a ton of fun, and he cheered as loudly as the other children on the ride as it went. He partook in some fresh food and surveyed some of the games, trying to figure out what he wanted to spend his money on.

    His attention was drawn by a small crowd of people suddenly yelling and jumping out of the way of something. Cillian merely stood there as muddy water rushed up and over his flip flops, flooding past him. His crimson eyes blinked at the violet haired woman before him, whom he certainly recognized. He wasn’t that great with faces, but it was hard to forget the one that had endured with him the trauma that was Mrs. Cartigan and her massive garden. Before he could even get the chance to say anything, a young boy flying overhead on a broom accidentally crashed right into him. He and the boy, and the boy’s cat, tumbled over and into the dirty water in an awkward heap.

    While the cat protested angrily and hopped back up on the broom to clean itself, the boy immediately started to apologize to him profusely. After only a brief second of stunned silence, Cillian just started to laugh where he was laying. “It’s alright, kiddo. I’m an easy target from up there.” As if to emphasize his point, he stood to his feet and offered the kid a hand up -- way up. Cillian stood a few inches over six foot, taller than the average height in the crowd. Today, he wore a pair of board shorts as well as a red and white flowered shirt that was fully open in the front, revealing a body that was lean but toned. The eight pack on his abdomen was hard to miss.

    Despite being soaked in muddy water, he only had a wide, happy grin for the boy. The expression took on a more mischievous look after the witch was on his feet and he was able to turn his attention back to Vera. “Why is it that every time I run into you, you’re always making a mess and getting me into trouble?” Cillian teased her, knowing full well that most of the trouble they’d gotten into last time had been his fault.

    The messes were definitely hers, though.

    “And now you’re bringing this kid and his poor kitty cat into it. For shame, Vera Jayne!” After shooting her an impish grin, he looked over to the cat on the broom and offered his fingers politely for the sleek creature to smell. In a voice that only an animal lover could use, he crooned at the feline. “Did the mean lady get dirt and grime all over your beautiful coat?” If the cat would let him, he’d give her an affectionate scratch under her chin or behind the ears, otherwise if she made it clear she didn’t want to be touched he’d let her have her space.

    Looking at the witch again, he asked, “You alright there?”

    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
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    Age : 22
    Mentor : ✤ DOPPO ✤
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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Beaux 24th June 2019, 11:13 pm

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Summer Job
    Post Word Count: 503
    Job Word Count: 503/1,500
    Muse: 12/10
    Music: Summer Never Ends
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Beaux loved the summertime. Sunshine was one of his favorite things in the world and its abundance during the warmest months of the year left him with a cheery mood - even more than usual. As was the case today. The angel strode through the rows of tents and tables grinning from ear to ear. Rays of sunshine warmed the pair of white wings hanging lazily from his back. Beaux didn’t particularly care about the occasional stares he got from those passing by. He figured their eyes would be more occupied with the colors and shapes provided by festivities. Besides, it was worth the exposure to the wonderful weather.

    Beaux flicked a few strands of silver hair from his eyes. Though it was as neat as always, the combination of the breeze and the flower crown that sat upon his head messed up the perfect formation. He had decided to wear a simple plum colored shirt with comfortable pants to explore the festivities, topped off by the blossoms that crowned his head. A simple but fashionable outfit for the day’s activities.

    Speaking of which, after spending some time exploring the merchant booths, Beaux decided to head towards the game area. Children’s laughter and shouts of excitement could be heard all around. Beaux quickened his pace as he saw a crowd gathered ahead. Maybe there was someone winning a game!

    The angel pushed through the throng until he was at the front - only to have a wave of dirty water wash over his fancy shoes. “Ah, merde! he cried, subconsciously spreading his giant white wings and leaping into the air. A few strokes downward and he was hovering in the air, focused on shaking the water from his shoes. Then he noticed the crowd had parted at his outburst. “Oh dear, I’m terribly sorry,” he began, only to hear screams from the people below as a figure on a broom whizzed down from the air. The person knocked into a tall man in a floral patterned shirt, the two crashing into the puddle of spilt apple bobbing water.

    Beaux remained hovering above the crowd for a moment, then slowly descended. A few yards away was a girl with purple hair, seemingly the one who had knocked over the water bucket in the first place. He heard a man call her Vera. The voice came from floral-shirt-guy, who was about the same height as the angel but with dirty water dripping from his spiky hair. He seemed relaxed despite being the landing site for a flying broom. The person on the broom turned out to be a young-looking person, though he couldn’t tell their gender. They were accompanied by a pristinely groomed cat, who looked offended by the water surrounding them all. Beaux noticed that water had splattered all over the broom-rider’s glasses. From his pocket he produced a small kerchief and offered it up to them. “Excuse me, I saw that your glasses are dirty. Would you like to clean them, le petit?


    Midsummer Festivities!  60654_s

    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Teaming Up!- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the Candy Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 184
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,987,286

    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Dela 26th June 2019, 2:00 am

    By far the weirdest fact of the day was that while everyone else was crawling festivals all over Fiore for some summer solstice fun, Dela-- of all people-- was actually working. Not necessarily in an official capacity, but she was unplugged from her games and left her cats behind to investigate. Spec Ops back at Rune Knights HQ was always buzzing with rumors. Most were uninteresting or unimportant to the information broker, but one about the solstice caught her interest. There'd been some buzz about some light and fire creatures being all in a tizzy this time of year, let alone mages with those affinities who would be taking a power cut for the next few months. That alone didn't stir her out of her laziness, but the nature of the beasts in relation to the sun did pique her interest. She wasn't sure what element her curse fell under, but she suspected it was light. The contract had drawn her in to vanquish the shadow that took her sister and threatened her village, so if she was operating on the notions of Light and Shadow, these solstices were potentially part of it. Why had she not thought of this before? Dela wasn't combat savvy enough to pick up whether she felt more powerful right now than at other times, but maybe if she investigated into it more she could glean some answers as to how to get rid of her contract and curse or maybe even where to find him

    What she didn't understand, though, was why anyone would make a ruckus about the Summer Solstice to begin with. Objectively, the principles were all screwed up. Sure, it was inconvenient to some magic wielders, but what could someone do about it? Ruining a few dumb festivals wouldn't stop the natural movement in the heavens that had been in place since the beginning. Did they have some plan to actually stop the tilting of the planet toward the glowing star they circled? If they did, she would have hoped that the Rune Knights would have actually been dispatched to stop them since that's a pretty huge, possibly apocalyptic plan...but it was ultimately unrealistic. It seems they simply didn't think it through. Probably some Flat Earthlanders or something.

    Dela's eyes were currently crystalline blue and were peeled for any sign of a disturbance, hoping to catch some sentient solstice-loving beings in the act of being spoopy so she could interrogate them, but she ended up just endlessly wandering in the joyous crowds. So far everything seemed incredibly benign. Tents peddling all sorts of things caught her attention, as did the food carts. Black and yellow thigh-high boots that all but met her short white and yellow skirt clacked along the stone walkways at a leisurely pace, taking her in and out of the various activities offered. Large black headphones provided her with a personal soundtrack, which she occasionally sang along with. The longer she was there, the more she enjoyed herself. Her loose black top fluttered open from the bust down, offering her little modesty but feeling glorious in the warm midsummer breeze. Before she knew it, she was just munching on cotton candy and watching a couple of kids half drown themselves while bobbing for apples. Would she rather be home than being the loser that goes to a festival alone following false information? Yes. But she was already here, and traveling back to HQ would be a bother. Besides, the longer she was in her apartment at the Rune Knights' disposal, the more likely she was to be made to actually work. Putting up with crowds, rigged games, greasy food, and cheap trinkets were vastly more appealing than going on some dangerous mission to thwart 'evil'. 

    The sudden yelling near a second apple bobbing location caught the blonde's attention. Had she finally caught a break in her search for information? Someone was flapping wings from above, which seemed promising! Elbowing through the crowd, she broke through hoping to see some light and fire flying but instead found the people angry about some soggy ground and a particularly off band of misfits...two of which she recognized. The one with the wings was actually a fellow Rune Knight she was pretty sure. The other was Cillian, someone she'd only met recently but knew all too well. Judging purely by the pink shirt there seemed to be a little girl that had been accosted by the same muddy water Cillian had rolled in? And to top it all off, there was a purple haired woman lingering near the barrel looking a bit awkward. "What retired old man did you accost for your outfit, Cillian?" Dela asked flatly, stepping in on the grounds of just knowing the man with the distracting eight pack was up to no good. "Are you harassing little girls now?"



    Midsummer Festivities!  60731_s
    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

    Lineage : Evil Angel
    Position : None
    Posts : 170
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,237

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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Vera Walden 29th June 2019, 5:37 pm


    1188 WORDS
    @Cillian duCrosse @Wren @Beaux @Dela
    We are the kings and queens seeking our aces out.
    We got all we need, no new friends now. No New Friends by LSD

    She stared wide-eyed at the only familiar face in the crowd, astonished that she would come to see him again and so soon. It didn’t take her long to detect a child and her cat on a flying broomstick. She quickly fixed her attention back on Cillian for what seemed like an eternity, a thousand different thoughts flooding her head, for she was still not sure how she should proceed. She had considered warning him of the incoming catastrophe, and now she wasn't sure if she had the time to do it. She released a decisive breath, kept much of her expression vacant and raised a single eyebrow high.

    It appeared Vera finally stopped her fretting, and without missing a beat just pointed to the sky, waiting patiently for it.  What’s next, she thought, and the words she used so often played endlessly through her mind, causing her to imagine she had voiced this  openly, notwithstanding the fact that she had not. She was not above anticipating the absurd. Would her finger glow and make accidental contact with her extraterrestrial brethren? It wouldn’t be a source of amazement to her.  She also wouldn’t say no to a surprise alien abduction if it meant absenting herself from the midsummer bash. She actually welcomed it, yearned for it.

    Oh, yes, peril.

    The silence between them was short-lived, ending as quickly as it began, and at last came the startling collision. Carefully, she approached the pair and inspected the damage. There was no negative reaction to multiply her worries. Beyond her expectations was the sound of joyous laughter, making light of the mishap in the most genial way. It was enough to make her smile. “We have got to stop meeting like this.” She said with heavy irony, giving herself a much needed laugh.

    She shook her head and tried to give the fallen sapling a helping hand. Her acquaintance, however, was already on it. There was that humorous take of his. When a goof up happened, she supposed his preferred method of dealing with it was to laugh.

    “Aren’t you so glad he broke your fall?” she said, forgetting just who she was referring to. In addition to that, she was also the reason this entire thing happened and most everybody ran.  Even the cat was mad at her for being a - a mean - lady, she sadly assumed.  Now he’d done it. That might have hurt Vera the most. She loved animals. To have something so adorable hate her? She could have died. He was making her look bad in front of the soft lovable creature! It wasn’t fair to her.

    She opened her mouth to object, but her big pathetic eyes looked like azure puddles and her face reddened dramatically for the fluffy feline. She would look away so the child’s pet wouldn’t see or sense her shame. The kitty would forever abhor her, no thanks to tall, soaked and muddy. Pushing this depressing assumption to the side, she glanced at the soggy girl to see how she was taking to being drenched from head to toe. Vera had instances where she could be a heedless imbecile, but it wasn’t a characteristic native to her nor was it an ongoing disposition.  She could be just as empathetic as she was silly.

    Vera easefully opened the buttons of her white collared long sleeve shirt. She made no attempt to explain herself until the motive manifested itself discernibly. She was assuredly po-faced, near innocent-looking as she parted her blouse and slowly revealed a white undershirt. She took it off and left the remaining top untouched. Vera handed over what once belonged to her, hoping she would accept her silent apology and wear it. “I don’t have to ask if that hurt,” she said, cheering up a smidge. “I really only have this shirt to give you, my pants, if I’m willing to walk around in just my underwear. Which I am not. So you’ll just have to change into this, ok? It’ll totally fit you like a dress, I promise..”

    She stopped talking, and that was only because she felt a few rapid puffs of air pulsing through her hair.

    She blinked. "Hey, wait,” said Vera. “Is it just me or is there a major draft?” The thing that fascinated her the most was what she had seen just as she was turning around. Did she piss off a heavenly figure as well? The sun had bathed the fashionable stranger in a heavenly glow. It was impressively bizarre. Perhaps the young woman was just coming down with a drug-induced psychosis, instead of sharing the same reality the rest of them had. Vera wanted to believe she was still on the same page as everyone else. Because something that could fly, sport a wicked halo and curse in French like it was a sweet and selfless prayer? It could only mean one thing.

    “Oh, wow, an angel.” She said simply, accepting the handkerchief for the smaller human.  In the back of her mind she supposed, not at all certain of what the winged fellow was, he was here to guard the redhead and pass on the message that Vera should  turn over a new leaf. Or maybe he was here to take her away from this silly old festival. There was slight disappointment in that case. She was truly looking forward to summoning a visitor from outer space. She supposed he would suffice for now.

    She leaned in, giving it to the ginger-haired youth with a half smile that lingered for a time. She was mentally off again. Vera was just remembering her early days in the circus, and it still seemed to follow her in small spurts. She was put off by how terribly they reminded her of home, so colorful and with their own poor perspective of normalcy. The carousel music playing tauntingly in the background did very little to eliminate that awful feeling of nostalgia. How it scared her. “Where’s the bathroom when you need it?” Vera asked distractedly, realizing her tiny companion had yet to change.

    Before she could make herself useful — a first time for everything — and scan her surroundings for one, a pretty blonde with vibrant blue eyes had brushed into view and acknowledged Cillian with all the dryness of a desert cactus or that questionable patch her deceased father formed over the skin of his left knee (turned out to be a fungus). It was so delightful and unheard of, Vera had to keep herself from laughing.  “Hey, why don’t you two team up with Wings over there and choose a game we can all play? We’ll be right back!”

    When she departed a nearby stand packed with clothing had seemed too ideal, the walk not too far at all. It struck her that there was no need for hand-me-downs. There was a need for affordable pricing. It was ridiculous, but the slender girl had no fault in this. Vera was purely the one responsible for her no good, very bad day.

    “Let’s get you something super cute. It’s on me, ok?” She offered cheerfully.


    Last edited by Vera Walden on 29th June 2019, 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Midsummer Festivities!  Puglyfe6

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Otherworldly Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 27,782

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Witches Bonds
    Second Skill: Enchantress of Woe
    Third Skill:

    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Wren 29th June 2019, 8:12 pm

    * (969)1500/1500 words || @Vera Walden @Cillian duCrosse @Dela @Beaux || Midsummer Festivities! / Page 2, Post n°39 || Word Count Reached For Me.
    **196 words || @tagged || Link / Link || short note here
    Wren honestly didn’t know what to say after she heard the guy laughing after she apologized to crashing into him and to the others around for the scene. She puffs her cheeks up a bit as they started to get red in embarrassment. Of course it had to be her doing. She twitched at the word ‘kiddo’ though. She grits her teeth and glares up to the man, then he stood up. She had been standing on her knees before, but now she ended up back on her butt once more in the mud, further splashing her clothes. Now she was envious of his height… she was mad. She puffs her cheeks up again before she reluctantly grabbed his hand, letting him pull her back up onto her own feet. She didn’t pay any mind to his outfit, figuring he was probably hot in this weather and that it was too hot for him to even button up. The orange haired girl looked over to the purple one when she questioned if she was glad this tall guy was there to break her fall. She couldn’t help but shake her head as she sighed deeply. She didn’t know.

    She turned her head up to him again to tell him that she was a girl, but he was already talking to the other girl. She at least knew it was rude to try and interrupt, and simply begun pouting till the guy went over to Nanny. Nanny had looked towards the fingers that were being held out to her. Would she allow this guy to even touch her even though she was already dirty? She seemed to ponder a moment while she gave him a glare, looking like she was trying to decide if he was okay or not. Of course he picked on her witch in a sense... but he didn’t seem to bad to her. Because of this, she leaned in just a little towards him to let him scratch her ears. Nanny glanced over to the other woman, seeming like she was snickering at her for her reaction to looking away in shame. As if to say; ‘Good, you ruined my coat.’ Wren was trying her hardest to bite her tongue at him calling her kid for a second time, and saying ‘his kitty’ when referring to Nanny. She hadn’t paid much mind to the girl when she started unbuttoning her shirt, honestly not thinking much of it at first, especially since her mind was stuck on the words the guy was calling her. “I’m no-” Wren looked up and noticed another man coming up and approaching and offer their kerchief to her. She slumped her shoulders. “That word… means small… or kid, doesn’t it?” She pouts as she sighs deeply. She was cursed. Completely. Utterly. Cursed. “Thank you.” She mused halfheartedly, trying to hold a strained smile on her face...

    Before she could take the cloth, the purple haired girl had taken it before her! Another had entered the fray and started talking to the tall man she crashed into. So far she heard two named. Vera and Cillian… But wait… what did she call her? This blonde that came in instantly called her a girl?! Wren’s head snapped towards her with eyes wide with disbelief. Someone actually finally recognized her as a girl?! She didn’t know how to respond, but started having a grin on her face. Finally! “You’re the first person to- wait… did you call me little girl? I'm a woman! Damn it! Twenty-four years old!” She screeches finally. “Do I have to wear a sign saying my age and gender?! Why was I cursed with this terrible height?!” She crows out. Was she really making a scene now? Probably. Were people going to be watching definitely if they weren’t already? Probably again. Did she care? HELL NO! It took her a moment to realize though, that she was still in muddy clothes, and that the purple haired girl had given her her shirt. She shakes her hand behind her a bit to shake off any mud before she gingerly grabs it.

    She was going to put it on and try to slip her shirt off, but then she realized that it would defeat the purpose of the shirt and kind of just held it for now. She also was finally able to accept the kerchief, and used it to clean her glasses fully finally. The world was always much better with her eyeballs freshly cleaned. When she was sure her lenses were finally cleaned, she handed the cloth back to the guy with a nervous smile on her face. “Thanks again… for letting me borrow it… and,” If he took it, she let him, or just continued to hold it if he let her keep it. She turned her attention to everyone in general. She scratched the back of her muddy head and takes a deep breath. “Sorry for making a racket there…” She cast her eyes down. She was ashamed for her outburst. She looks up slightly as the purpled haired girl started talking about them doing a game? Who was she goi- oh, it was her and her muddy self. “I’ll be right back Nanny~!” She tells her cat as she was taken away a bit by the girl.

    Looking towards the other girl, Wren frowns once again, till she noticed the clothing stand. She blinks a bit before she was told the clothes were on her, and taps her chin a bit. “Something cute…?” She murmurs before she spotted something not too far. She hands the shirt back to the other woman, and strolls over to the white and pink two piece. “This cute enough?” She questions as she gingerly held the stuff up in front of her to* make sure it could fit, but didn’t let it touch her. Once it was paid for, she had asked the vendor where a bathroom was that she could rinse the mud out of her hair and change her clothes in. After being told where, Wren near immediately went there, being careful to keep her new clothes clean before she went in. She came out and smoothed out the skirt some, actually enjoying this look. She didn’t have a mirror, but she hoped it would get people to NOT think she was a boy though. She walked back to either Vera, or the group again, and smiles brightly to not being completely muddy. She whistles for her broom to come to her, and it zipped over to by the little witch, who sat gingerly sideways on the broom as it hovered only a few feet off the ground. Would she really follow the group to the games they seemed to be wanting to do? They did try to help her after she crashed into the big guy, Cillian… Maybe she could have some fun here… That was the original goal. Why not make the best of it?**

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 300/300
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    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much

    Last edited by Wren on 7th July 2019, 3:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 30th June 2019, 6:40 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      1713/1500 WORDS
    @Vera Walden
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    The sad truth was, Cillian actually wasn’t trying to be insensitive toward Wren. In fact, he was actually being nice in his special way, and not really aiming to tease her or anything. He didn’t talk about it with anyone, but he was much older than he looked. It was rare for him to meet anyone that wasn’t basically a kid in his eyes, even fully grown adults on their death beds. No one would ever guess that about him, given the sheer aura of immaturity he typically gave off -- and that was fine by him. But he was still typically a very social and outgoing person that was, in this instance, actually being quite friendly with Wren. Unfortunately, he didn’t realize his assumptions were making the young woman quite angry.

    For all the space that Vera had made with her little stunt, the place had sure gotten crowded in a hurry. One second he was teasing Vera, scratching Nanny attentively behind her ears, and staring in blank shock as Wren yelled at him about her age and gender -- which was met with a simple, “Oh. My bad.” The next, an actual angel was landing down in their area to offer the short woman a cloth to clean her glasses and yet another of his acquaintances showed up.

    He was a bit fascinated with Beaux, to the point where he didn’t even notice Dela until she spoke up and drew his attention to her. Cillian gave the cop a mischievous grin. “Hey, I am an old man. I’m allowed to wear as much floral print as I want. And I didn’t mean to accost her,” he said with a comical pout. “I can’t help how tall I am, you know. And walking around with a neon sign on my head to warn overhead flyers is just tacky looking.” Coming from the man wearing a shirt with big flowers printed all over it…

    Vera announced that he, Dela, Beaux were to find them an activity for the group of them to do before pulling Wren away, presumably to find her some new clothes. “Bossy little thing,” he remarked with a smirk after Vera was out of earshot. Since he had the attention span of a fruit gnat, Cillian moved on immediately to the next item at hand. He smiled at Beaux and introduced himself. “Welp, I hope you didn’t come with friends, cause it looks like you’ve officially been wrangled into hanging out with a bunch of strangers. I’m Cillian.” Not being a very formal person, he didn’t offer a handshake, but his demeanor was more than friendly and sociable enough to make up for that.

    “We should find a game. Vera gets cranky when people don’t listen to her, and she’s scary when she’s mad.” Despite his words, he didn’t actually sound like he was intimidated by the purple haired woman. If anything the thought was entertaining to him. His crimson eyes eventually landed on a ross toss game. “Ooo, perfect! I am really good at this one.” Giggling like a school boy, he hurried over and slapped some jewel notes down on the counter. Cillian accepted the small rings with a smug look, and tossed the first one.

    It missed.

    He shrugged and tried again. No one ever got it on the first try anyway. He tried again, but even his second ring missed. Three more times he tried, but each time his ring never landed on the bottle in the middle, even though he was aiming it spot on. By the time he was out of rings, he was frowning. Fixing a suspicious eye on the worker, he put more jewel down and received more rings. Testing a theory, he tried aiming for some of the other colored bottles. Three times, his rings landed where he wanted them to and he won smaller prizes. The last two rings he aimed once again at the center bottle but they kept falling short or going past.

    Was this game rigged? Cillian focused his senses on the bottles. It was faint, but he was sure that he felt a bit of magic on the one in the middle. Rather than say anything, he just gave the attendant a too friendly smile and slid him some more money. “Third time is the charm, right?” he asked the guy.

    The game host snorted. “Oh absolutely,” the man said with the tone of one who knew all too well that no one was going to be winning his game any time today. Yep, definitely rigged.

    Cillian lined up his shot and focused real hard. Using just a tiny bit of his magic, he cancelled out the enchantment on the center bottle, then threw his rings confidently one after the other. Each one landed on the center bottle.

    The Necrothurg grinned at the man. “I guess that will be five more prizes for me.”

    The host was flabbergasted to the point of being red in the face. “Y-you cheated!” he spurted out. “You used magic!”

    “No more than you used to fix this game so no one could win.” The man was shocked into silence, just staring at Cillian and not knowing what to say. He’d been well and truly called out. “All I did was cancel your little enchantment so people could win fair and square, so I believe you owe me some very large prizes…”

    By the time Vera and Wren had caught up with them, Cillian’s arms were comically overloaded with more prizes than he could carry. “Pick one,” he offered to Wren with a smile. “It’s the least I can do for knocking you out of the sky with my big head. And calling you a boy. And a kid.” He stopped, giving consideration to just how much he’d actually messed up there.

    “Actually, why don’t you go ahead and uh... take like… three.”

    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.



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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Beaux 30th June 2019, 8:37 pm

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Summer Job
    Post Word Count: 1,093/1,596
    Job Word Count: 1,596/1,500
    Muse: 12/10
    Music: Summer Never Ends
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    When he heard the purple-haired girl call him “Wings” Beaux almost laughed out loud. Since leaving Napedia he had heard all sorts of nicknames: Birdie, Fly Boy, Angel, Babe, Feathers-For-Brains, Bobo. His teammate Chiyuki had even called him Joe. Never had Wings been heard before.

    At the little witch’s outburst, Beaux wilted. He had assumed she was a little kid, as had most of the other people around them. She was older than he, yet he was nearly two feet taller. How awful of him to assume, he had been raised better than that! The angel chided himself. “I-I’m terribly sorry, Mademoiselle,” he stammered, cheeks flushed red in embarrassment and distress, “I meant no harm with my words but it seems I’ve caused just that. Please take my sincerest apologies!” After she had cleaned her glasses, he accepted the kerchief back from her and stuffed it into his pocket.

    As Vera and the witch departed to find some clean clothes, Beaux was left with the other man and a blonde lady who had showed up shortly after he. The angel vaguely recognized her from seeing her around the Rune Knight headquarters. Her name was Dela if he remembered correctly. A lesson had been learnt about assuming so he decided to wait until she introduced herself to be sure. “Hello Cillian!” he replied as the floral-wearer introduced himself. “I’m Beaux, I did come here alone but it seems I’ve found myself some company. It’s a pleasure to meet everyone!” The cheery greeting was aimed at Dela too. The angel found himself staring at Cillian’s eight-pack but quickly averted his eyes. He was very attractive, but Beaux didn’t want to ruin the vibe by flirting.

    He could only follow and watch as Cillian zipped over to a ring toss game and began playing. After a few misses and a suspicious comment from the game attendant, the man suddenly won! In a blink there were giant prizes being handed out. With Wren and Vera’s return, the witch was offered multiple things. Beaux secretly wanted one, but figured it was inappropriate to ask when Wren was the one who deserved them. It would be more satisfying to earn his own, right? The angel began looking around for another game to play.

    Baby blue eyes came to rest on a booth across the aisle. There was a giant tank of water with glass walls. Above the water a wooden plank extended, a cushion on the top. On the side of the tank was another plank with a bullseye painted on the circular end. A crooked sign hung on the side that said Dunk Pit. Beaux had never played the game before, but surely it couldn’t be too hard! He turned to ask the group if they wanted to play, but was distracted by a shout that came from behind.

    “OI, BIRD BRAIN! YEAH, YOU WITH THE WINGS! BET YOU CAN’T HIT THE BULLSEYE YOU PANSY!” The shout had come from a scruffy man sat atop the plank in the tank. His beard was patchy and he wore a set of neon cat ears, a vibrant red blazer, and gold booty shorts with no shoes. A smug expression sat on his face as he stared at Beaux. The young man’s jaw dropped. He had never been addressed so rudely before, let alone by someone so obscenely dressed! Forgetting about his companions for a minute, he strode over to the dunk tank. “Excuse me?” he asked, flabbergasted.

    “You heard me, stupid bird boy! I bet you can’t hit this bullseye!” the man repeated, laughing mockingly. Beaux pouted and his brow furrowed. He knew the man was just insulting him so that he’d play the game, but those words really hurt! He wasn’t stupid or a pansy! “Fine,” the young angel snapped as the clownish man opened his mouth to spew more insults. “I’ll play your stupid game!” He dropped a few jewel notes into the box on the side, where four balls were dispensed in return.

    “That’s what I’m talking about! Give me your best shot dummy!” Beaux’s usual smile was replaced by an upset frown. He focused in on the bullseye and drew his arm back, a ball in hand. It was surprisingly heavy. The angel let loose, the ball launching forward and barely grazing the edge of the bullseye. Merde! he swore quietly. Beaux was sure he had aimed correctly!

    “Ha! You throw like a girl! Maybe you should actually try next time,” the strange man jeered between laughs. Beaux’s feelings were starting to get hurt. He was more sensitive than he would let on. “Girls can throw just fine,” he retorted, despite knowing it was useless. Was this game rigged just like the one Cillian had done? The angel extended his magic sense and felt a hint of enchantment around the tank. But what did the spell affect? Swiftly Beaux drew his arm back, and let loose another ball. Blue eyes followed intensely, but nothing seemed to be visibly amiss. The ball hit the edge of the target.

    “Ha ha! You missed again, lame bird!” came the next insult. Beaux decided to try something out. In a heartbeat his wings had shifted into a larger gray pair. They still hung limply from his back, but now he had the ability to control gusts of air, granted by the new angel wings. A third time he drew back and released a ball, focusing on air currents around it. He nudged it with air gusts straight towards the center of the bullseye. Confidence soared through him, convinced that he had beaten the enchantment.

    The ball hit the center of the bullseye… but nothing happened. “What?!” Beaux cried in frustration. The ball had hit it square in the middle! How could it have not triggered the dunk? There seemed to be no explanation.

    Above, the taunter was nearly rolling around with laughter. Between gasps of air he managed to hurl another insult. “You tried to win! BUT YOU SUCK SO BAD! HAHAHAHA!” The angel turned away, frustration nearly bringing tears to his eyes. Apparently this game was harder than anticipated.

    Gray wings melted back into normal white ones. He approached the group of mages once more. A defeated look resided on his face and the wings on his back drooped low. “Does anyone want to try this game?” came the question, the fourth ball held up in a gentle hand. Blue eyes glanced between their faces. “I think it’s rigged but I couldn’t beat it… and that guy is mean!”


    Midsummer Festivities!  60654_s

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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Dela 2nd July 2019, 5:19 pm

    Dela's brows shot up slightly at the girl's outburst, vaguely shocked by the ferocity of it as well as the truth about her age. The brows then lowered as she squinted at the girl's chest, which was undeniably flat. "Coulda fooled me..." she muttered under her breath. Boob size didn't always correspond with age, but with that height and that washboard chest, surely this woman could see how everyone would draw this conclusion. But Dela was no stranger to being treated like a minor as well, so she understood the frustration on a cellular level and would say no more than a mimic of what Cillian had said. "My bad."

    The small, rowdy crowd was starting to chill, meaning the excitement was waning and the disappointment that it wasn't an elemental she could interrogate was settling in. Cillian responded to her earlier dig, which in-turn brought another from her paired with a smirk. "I don't think you could get more tacky, though," she quipped him good-naturedly, unable to ever let an opportunity pass by.

    After Vera gave her orders and left with the small, muddy woman, instead of tagging along with the girls or doing as she was told and finding a game, Dela resorted to goofing off with Nanny the cat. She was so distracted that she only tossed her name back to Beaux offhandedly, way more interested in trying to scritch a catto ear. She adored cats. Lazing about having underlings do stuff for them and only getting a burst of energy when they wanted to do something specifically was precisely how she lived her life if you could call this a life. "Who's a good kitty? Ooshy wooshy booshy face," she unabashedly baby talked the animal, looking as happy and pleased as she ever had out in public. Whether Nanny fended off her affection or not would make no difference. The Rune Knight had cats herself, so she knew even cranky kitties were good kitties. Despite the cat's haughty expression, the blonde didn't seem to care at all. Actually, she was thrilled. "Oooh, you're better than me, eh? Well, you aren't wrong," she giggled.

    The only thing that tore her attention away from Nanny was Cillian's eventual return with all the prizes. Her cerulean eyes lit up. Seeing all the cute prizes drew her in closer, half hoping he'd give her one. But no, these were for the not-so-little girl, weren't they? All three of them were supposed to go together, and while she still didn't really feel inclined to go find games for them all to play, she did wish she'd gone to win her own cute plushie now. Cillian had obviously had good luck, but at which game? Beaux was missing, and since she hadn't been paying attention she assumed they'd gone together maybe to the same game? Without moving, Dela located the conspicuous wings and watched him play from a distance. It was rough to watch. She heard the dunkee squawking off some pretty hefty insults while Beaux missed, but she knew full well these games were rigged. They always were. Surely he'd overcome it like Cillian had somehow, right? Maybe she'd expected too much from such a pure looking entity because she soon found herself shocked as the suspiciously dry man suspended over the tank hurled one last heckle and saw the young Rune Knight return to the group in near tears.

    "Hm. I got this," she said, leaving the ball in Beaux's hand and walking instead over to the apple bobbing tent. Normally Dela wasn't one to expend effort like this, but there was an adorable stuffed tiger at the dunking booth no one had won yet and she wanted to be the one to take it home while also getting revenge for her distant colleague. Paying a few jewel, she leaned down and carefully plucked a floating apple out of the water without getting wet. "You're supposed to see how many you can get in one breath!" the attendant cried, but Dela hushed her. "This is all I wanted...along with that little stuffed sun keychain. I can get that for one apple, right?" she asked, to which the girl nodded and handed it over with an odd expression.

    Next Dela headed over to the dunking booth, apple in hand. "Would you like to try your luck, airhead?" the man jeered. The blonde adopted a rather doe-eyed expression and nodded, smiling sweetly as if she hadn't understood the insult. As if he'd been correct in his insult that she wasn't too bright because of her fair hair. "Oi! Oi! Lookit here, the bimbo's gonna try and dunk me. Lay yer jewel down, dum--"

    His words were cut short. Without paying and without saying another word, she hurled the apple at the man's head, knocking him off balance. Though the mechanism didn't budge, the impact was enough and he fell into the water with a satisfying splash. "My friend already paid plenty and had one more throw to go. Your bullseye is broken, it seems. I'll have the tiger now, thanks," the street savvy girl grinned, walking forward and claiming her own prize before returning to the group and tossing the sun keychain to Beaux.

    [1691/1500 || Event WC Complete]


    Midsummer Festivities!  60731_s
    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Vera Walden 6th July 2019, 12:36 pm


    1113 WORDS
    @Cillian duCrosse @Wren @Beaux @Dela
    We are the kings and queens seeking our aces out.
    We got all we need, no new friends now. No New Friends by LSD

    “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name...?” she asked, surprised she hadn’t introduced herself sooner.

    Vera stayed by her side,  very certain the bespectacled woman might take her time selecting a decent outfit and require her jewels shortly. She crossed her arms contentedly and tilted her head to the side, her sleek tresses a vibrant flood against the stark white blouse she had returned to her to wear.

    She watched her be selective of her pickings. Vera was standing close by, happily relaxing in the atmosphere she dreaded the most, observing her silly companions from a small distance away and enjoying a rare moment where the sickening combination of music, large crowds, and the smell of specific foods didn’t bother her as much as before. She didn’t understand how or why that was, but she wouldn’t question a good thing or puzzle over it eternally.

    She suddenly looked thoughtful. The girl hadn’t been the only one to get so muddied up; the silly boy she crashed into looked a wet heap himself, and without being so particular with taste,  Vera found an outfit a size bigger than what he’d probably be comfortable with wearing. She couldn’t have accurately guessed a rightful fit for him even if she wanted to. But something was better than nothing, was it not? He was going to have to make do.

    Her little companion ultimately decided on a pretty set.

    “Huh? Oh, yeah, I give it the old two thumbs up.” she complimented her excellent choice, already mentally counting the notes she had at her disposal for payment. She slid it across the makeshift counter and folded Cillian’s small bundle of clothing with care. She was mildly concerned for her jolly acquaintance and wasn’t too thrilled with the fact that he’d potentially fall ill because of her shenanigans. Walden didn’t want that on her conscience. And then she saw the tiniest sign, quite notably sitting by the humble merchant, denying potential refunds. All that selflessness she exhibited earlier came crashing down and consumed anything remotely charitable in its path. A shadow marred her features, her cheeks looking especially hollow and overly defined. Her face was exaggeratedly sucked inward by shock and a whole lot of figurative salt. And then she relaxed. You win some, you lose some, she mentally sighed.

     Vera was drifting off again and knew it wasn’t aimless pondering. She was not daydreaming; she was, rather irritably,  analyzing the ensuing plight. “Lame bird? What is up with this mouth-breather?” she snapped.    She didn’t mind a pinch that the insult-slinger was only doing his job. That was a vital part of the game, and he probably needed the money. What she didn’t like was how ruthlessly he heckled him, and from their brief interaction, he seemed to be a genuinely nice guy. But if she didn’t enjoy that display, then what came next would rile her up.

    “Um, what?” she nearly foamed, indicating to the blatantly rigged. “Shut up! He should have won fair and square, you putz!”

    He was maliciously smug. “It’s not my fault the kid’s got bad aim. If I throw a ball, will you go away?”

    Vera wanted to punch him in the face. She would have done it elsewhere, but not in front of so many people. She didn’t want to get in trouble a second time for getting caught up in yet another impulsive act.  What a massive cheat!  When she saw the blonde avenging Wings, she saw a true example of nobility. When she saw the sopping wet fiend climbing out of the tank, she saw dead meat.

    “Aw, I really shouldn’t have. You’re welcome, Cillian.” She rushed, adding to his list of things to carry. What a delightful opportunity! She was going to contradict her wisest and most cautious viewpoint. She slipped away from her companions with a little smile on her face.

    Vera had followed her simmering target and approximated the distance between the man and the tub closest to them.   The sore loser was mumbling blonde and effeminate boy jokes when Vera grabbed a fistful of his hair, causing him to buckle under her control. Since he had fallen to his knees from the pain, Walden found herself roughly guiding his head into the water. What she didn’t expect after pulling the poor fellow out so quickly was to find two apples lodged in his teeth.

    Her eyes sparkled gloriously as she pinched the man’s nose shut and watched as her precious apples popped out of his oversized mouth like candy. “What can I get with two apples?” she asked, ecstatic, and then emphasized the last bit. “Caught both at the same time?” The vendor, a neutral party to all of this, graciously accepted her payment and offered her the softest plush on the shelf. It was a baby chicken -- yellow, beady-eyed, and huge.

    Dead air.

     Something seemed not at all right. The friendly girl  had been evidently petrified by what she saw, and in the end Vera knew why. So did the man behind her, for that matter - the nutcase had done a terrible thing to him and she was going to get a taste of her own medicine. Vera didn’t budge, the slightest swell in her throat observable as she gulped down the tension. She peered over her shoulder and smiled nervously, her lower eyelids twitching. “My bad.” She laughed, fearful of her fate.

    She turned around,  took two apprehensive steps back, and observed a threatening hand reaching out to her. As he got closer she became more and more aware of the wooden counter that barred her escape. Without letting go of the chick, her new plush friend, she awkwardly scooted her entire upper body onto the aforementioned counter and fell over the rough surface of it with a resounding thud. She made a grab for the tiny door and opened it, slamming it against his leg over and over again. It was violent.

    Vera  ran shrieking from one of the neighboring stands with the injured fellow limping painfully after her, ran past the choir of frightened children - a run of only three minutes that left her feeling like she was running a marathon. She jumped onto a picnic bench and didn’t stop there. I’m going to die! I’m going to die! I’m going to die! She told herself. She cleared her mind for a moment and raised her precious prize high into the sky. She looked at her acquaintances solemnly, knowing she was not long for this world.

    “It’s been a real slice. Take care of Peepers for me!” she said, out of breath, tossing her treasured cuddly stuffed animal in their direction.



    Midsummer Festivities!  Puglyfe6

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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Wren 7th July 2019, 3:10 pm

    The little short haired woman blinked as after her outburst, she only got a ‘my by’ from a couple of people, and the fancy speaking guy apologized to her. She already felt bad that she yelled and his look made her feel even worse. As the Cillian guy said he was an old man, Wren raised an eyebrow. He looked decent for an old man. As he was mentioning he wasn’t able to help how tall he was, she nervously scratched her head. “That… was my fault, not your heights fault… I wasn’t paying attention…” She had murmured. When she was dragged away with Vera, Nanny pouted from being left alone, and was going to just lay herself on the broom to wait for her witch to come back to her. Before she got time to relax though, she was already bothered by another person. Her green eyes glare at them before she hissed at her. Like she would tolerate talk like that to her. She preferred the other guy and her witch. She backed away from the hands that were trying to touch her, turning around on the broom and sticking her tail up in the air a bit.

    When Vera asked Wren her name, she smirked slightly. “Wren Hayden. I’d say where I’m from, but I honestly don’t think it’s even the same dimension.” She shrugs her shoulders and chuckles quietly to herself before she picked out her outfit. She actually didn’t really pay attention to her response, she kind of just went off to change. When the two had gone back to the group, Wren was greeting by Cillian with a mountain of prizes he had just won. She blinked in surprise as her mouth hung open. “Whaa…?” She said at first. She puffs her cheeks for a moment and quickly goes and grabs a large sparkling rainbow cat that was in his arms. “Thank you…” She mumbled a bit. No one ever apologized like this to her before. “And I said before, but it was my fault for crashing into you… So I don’t need anymore than-” She spotted a little black cat prize he had also won, and quickly snatched it as she looked up to him again. “Thank you!” She says again as she smiles sweetly before she went onto her broom.

    Nanny didn’t seem amused by her witch having oversized prizes in her arms, and just sat herself up at the front of the broom, casually licking her paw while she waited for them to get going again. Wren had spotted the guy with wings go off and play a dunk tank game. The guy sitting in the tank was yelling obscenities at him, and it made her rather upset hearing such things. She frowns as she noticed he missed all, even if he hit the target dead on. Her cheeks puffed out as she was about to fly over there, but the blonde had went ahead of her and was already doing something after he came back looking dejected. She flew up to him and grabbed the ball from his hand though as she guided her broom towards the game. The blonde had gotten an apple, and chucked it at the dunk tank guy, knocking him into the water. She couldn’t help but snort! She was going to do that, but with the ball instead! Or slam into the target. She hadn’t fully decided by then. She dropped the ball back where it belonged before she went up to the target. She adjusted her two plushies to one arm, and used her other arm to smash the target to see how ‘easy’ it was to get the dunk seat down. It was actually rather hard to do, even from right there! She shook her hand as she directed her broom back to the group. But regardless, the seat dropped as the guy was getting himself back in the seat, giving him a second dunk.

    “I feel they’re all cheats…” She grumbled as she was slowly stopping shaking her hand. It hurt a bit from the target, she was glad she didn’t break it though. Then Vera ran off after the guy it seemed… She blinked as she wasn’t expecting that. “Guess she’s going to give her own try?” She questions a bit. Honestly, Wren didn’t know. She then realized she never introduced herself to the others. She clears her throat and smiles from atop her broom. “I’m Wren by the way! Sorry again for causing all the ruckus…” She didn’t think she could ever stop apologizing for that. Glancing out of the corner of her eye, she taps her chin. The strength test game caught her eye… No doubt that it was rigged too. There was another plush cat though… one similar to Nanny. She needed it. Nanny seemed to jump off of the broom, and onto the winged mans shoulders as Wren started to fly by him. She flew up to the strength test and was wondering what exactly one could do to tamper with this game… She balanced the two stuffed cats on her broom after she got off and walked up towards the game. Handing the vendor the jewel, she picked up the mallet and gripped it in both of her hands before she put it over her shoulder. It was rather heavy. She then yanked it over her shoulder as she let up a small growl and attempted to slam the mallet down hard.

    It didn’t even go passed the first area that read ‘That’s Embarrassing.’ Her cheeks puffed as she paid for another go. She stood the mallet on it’s tip in front of her feet as she held her hands out in front of her and takes a deep breath. She was gathering magic into her arms and breathed, “Ascerinianonas…” When she opened her eyes again, her brown eyes were now glowing blue, and she grinned as she lifted up the mallet effortlessly. She brought it down with a pretty heavy smash. This time it went higher! But it stopped in the ‘Getting Better’ area. Right above the first area... She let her shoulders drop as she puffed her cheeks up, glaring at the game before she throws the hammer over her shoulder again and handed the guy running the game more jewel. She then walked towards her broom and sat herself on it. She started leading the broom up and smacked the bell with the mallet, snickering as it dinged rather loudly as she was all the way at the top. “I think I won!” She giggles as she let the tool fall from where she was to let it fall on the plate again. From that height, she honestly thought it would hit the bell again, but it didn’t do anything besides go up one more area. ‘Hope Nobody Was Looking!’ She snorts and lowered herself on the broom as she smiled to the guy, raising an eyebrow to him.

    “Clearly others saw that, even from up there, the game won’t let you win…” Her eyes were still a bright glowing blue color. As she pointed towards the black and slightly purple cat on the stall next to the game. “I hit the plate and rang the bell too.” She points out before he gave in and handed it to her. She grins and holds onto the three cat plushies she had, feeling super excited for them all as she went back towards the group. “I think I’m in the mood for food now.” She kicked her legs a little while sitting on her broom sideways. Nanny had stuck with Beaux, but if he hadn’t liked her company, she had made her way over to Cillian’s shoulders instead.

    As Wren had returned though, Vera was running from the direction of the dunk tank it seemed, or somewhere around there at least. She was running away and holding a stuffed chicken? Nanny saw this and didn’t seem like she wanted any part of that, jumping over to Wrens broom once again, and started to look bored as the stuffed animal started flying over to them from Vera throwing it at them. Wren looked at her all too full hands, and puffed her cheeks up a little. She wanted to help, but she didn’t want to drop any of the stuffed cats!

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 300/300
    Spells Used: list them here
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    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 16th July 2019, 5:46 pm

    OOC NOTE: This post marks where the event has ended and we are continuing on as a social freeform.

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      1438/1438 WORDS
    @Vera Walden
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    Thankfully for Beaux, Cillian was completely oblivious to the fact that the angel was staring at his chest. He was far to busy grinning like a doofus at Dela’s furthered insult toward his sense of style. It wasn’t long after that he’d returned with an armful of prizes, and Vera and Wren had returned with new clothes for the smaller woman.

    This was also just in time for Beaux to be harassed by a man heckling him from a dunk tank. Carnies didn’t always have the best reputation, but this jackass was certainly living up to the stereotype. He was being flat out mean to Beaux, which the angel didn’t seem to be handling very well. Four throws the winged gentleman made, at least one of which hit straight on the target, yet the man sitting on the platform did not fall. More rigged games. As Wren made her selections of the gifts Cillian had won, the tall man observed the scene.

    Beaux offered up the last ball for someone else to take, absolutely drowning in shame and embarrassment. Cillian was about to say something to encourage the man to try again -- after spending a moment to undo the enchantment, of course -- when Dela stepped up to take the reigns. Rather than taking the final ball that Beaux had left, however, she went to the neighboring booth and paid for one of the apples which she then used to complete the dunk tank game. However, instead of aiming for the target, the feisty blonde hurled the hard fruit right at the man’s noggin. The asshole was cut off from his ranting when he lost his balance and fell off into the water below.

    Cillian immediately bust into unrestrained laughter. He could barely hold onto the prizes he had left in his arms as his tall form was bent in two from the fit. “All I am is proud,” he told Dela as she smugly returned to the group with her stuffed tiger. The last thing he’d expected from a police woman was a solution to that particular problem that involved technically breaking the rules, but then again Dela wasn’t exactly a typical Rune Knight. She gave Beaux the keychain she’d gotten at the apple booth, but frankly Cillian felt the abused angel deserved more than that.

    Holding out his selection of prizes to the man, he told him, “Take a couple. You earned it. You too, spunky.” Cillian nodded at Dela, grinning at her. “That was a great… show?” His sentence was drawn into a question as Vera spoke to him and added a small bundle of clothes onto the pile in his arms. His crimson eyes followed her, his curiosity captivated by the almost impish smile she had on her face. What in the world was she doing?

    His gaze widened in absolute shock as Vera angrily took the guy by the hair and shoved his face into one of the tubs for the apple bobbing game. It was like something ferocious had overcome her at the sight of Beaux being picked on. She firmly held the man underwater probably longer than was really healthy, and when she allowed him to come up for air there were no less than two full apples lodged in his mouth. Cillian’s amusement was renewed, and he was practically wheezing with laughter at this point.

    “Well, bud,” he said, turning to Beaux, “Between these two ladies I don’t think you’re going to have to worry about anyone else harassing you today. It’s like you’ve got your own, personal protection squad.” While Vera was collecting her prize, Wren had returned victorious from her own game. In addition to the two feline plushies that she claimed from Cillian earlier, she held yet another such one in her arms and looked quite proud of it too. Claiming to be hungry, a wide grin split across the silver haired man’s face. “A woman after my own heart!” There were few things Cillian enjoyed more than food and cooking, so he was more than ready to get something to eat.

    Unfortunately, before he could even consider what to put together for a meal, Vera’s situation took a turn for the worst. It seemed the hot headed man that had been picking on Beaux was not, in fact, a fan of tasting his own medicine. A shriek from the violet haired woman brought almost all attention in the area back on her as she frantically tried to outrun her angry pursuer. Cillian sighed dramatically. “I can’t take that woman anywhere, I swear. Virgo!”

    A new woman popped into existence beside him. She had shoulder length pink hair and dark blue eyes. She was on the shorter side with a thin frame that was dressed in a traditional black and white maid outfit. “You called, master?” the woman asked, her voice light and crisp. Dela and Vera would already be familiar with the Zodiac celestial that Cillian was contracted to work to, who had a strange obsession with punishment. Before he could even say anything, her gaze fell upon the prizes in his hands and she lit up at the sight of all the plushies. “Oh my goodness! Did you get me a gift?” she asked, literal hearts in her eyes.

    Cillian blinked at her. “Huh? Oh! Yeah sure, you can have one. But first I need you to--”

    “Do you have to punish me first?” Her tone was oozing with hope and excitement at the prospect.

    “Actually, I was thinking more about you doing the punishing. Go handle that, will you? Jayne over there got herself in over her head again.” He nodded in Vera’s direction.

    Virgo followed his gaze, greatly disappointed that he wasn’t going to attempt to torture her in any fashion. Still, she was always more than happy to be of service. “Yes, my lord!” In a flash, she burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

    By the time she was out of sight, Cillian had already moved his mind to other things. He selected three plushies out of the ones he still had left, as well as the bundle that Vera had given him. “Here you go, kid,” the Necrothurg said as he dumped the rest of the prizes on a random little boy that was walking past him. The kid’s eyes went wide in surprise and joy but before he could even thank the tall man Cillian had already turned back to the group and forgotten about the child.

    He set the remaining plushies on a dry spot of the ground at his feet and dug into the bag Vera had gotten him. “Oooo… Give me a sec, guys.” He ducked into a random booth to go change.

    In the meantime, a hole opened up beneath the feet of the man that was chasing Vera and he yelped in surprise as he fell into it. The pit was deep enough that his cry of surprise seemed to echo as he dropped, and if Vera took the time to turn and peer into it she would not be able to see anything but darkness within. A few seconds later, Virgo popped out of the ground next to the woman. “He will not be bothering you anymore, miss,” the Celestial told her happily, conveniently without mentioning whether or not the man was even still alive wherever he was. “I made sure he was properly punished.”

    When Cillian returned, he was dressed in the clothes he’d been given by Vera: a slim pair of jeans with a partially checkered black and white shirt, and an oversized green top that was unbuttoned in the front. His previously muddied outfit was nowhere to be seen. Picking up the three remaining plushes he had left, he would wait until Vera and Virgo had returned and gave one to each of them. One to the Celestial for helping him out, and one to Vera cause at this point he’d given away his toys to everyone else, so he figured she shouldn’t be left out. Virgo clutched hers happily before poofing back to the Celestial realm. The only one that remained was quickly tucked into his armpit so he could put both his hands casually in his pockets.

    “I’m with Wren. Who’s hungry?”  
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.



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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Beaux 22nd July 2019, 11:11 pm

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Summer Job
    Post Word Count: 503/2,099
    Job Word Count: 2,099/1,500
    Muse: 12/10
    Music: Summer Never Ends
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Beaux’s woeful expression turned to a dumbfounded one as he watched Dela knock the mean guy right off of his perch. The apple collided with his head with a resounding crack, and he was at last dunked. The knight normally wouldn’t condone such crude actions, but after the awful words that were hurled his way he was more than appreciative of Dela’s attack. The blonde returned and tossed him a keychain with a plush sun on the end. The angel caught it with a gasp. “Thank you, Mademoiselle Dela, he gushed, “I will cherish this forever!” He attached the sun to his belt loop and couldn’t stop himself from glancing at it occasionally.

    The little witch introduced herself as Wren. “What a wonderful name,” he chirped cheerfully. He still felt awful about his earlier assumptions, so he was trying his best to stay in her good graces. She seemed to get distracted by a game and a particular cat plush, so her pet cat jumped from the broom and landed on Beaux’s shoulders. “Oh, hello!” he greeted the feline with a smile. He offered her a hand to sniff before reaching to pet her. Should she accept, he would scratch under her chin affectionately. Though he favored reptilian companions, he would never turn down petting a friendly animal.

    He watched beside Cillian as Vera marched off with the dunk tank guy’s hair gripped firmly in her fingers. It seemed that Dela wasn’t the only one willing to show that guy what they were made of. The other man made a comment about the two ladies being his protectors, and Beaux let out a laugh and agreed. It was amusing indeed how the two were so quick to spring to action, but inside he was absolutely glowing with happiness. A day he thought would be spent alone had resulted in making new friends, ones who were kind and protective. There was something about forging relationships with others that filled the angel with joy unlike any other. All his previous hurt from the insults was long gone.

    Beaux had lost track of Vera while conversing. She reappeared from nearby, running from the dunk tank man and shrieking while holding a giant plush chicken. “Wha-?” the Knight began to ask when she launched the chicken towards the group. Beaux was hit full in the face by the squishy item - dubbed ‘Peepers’ by the sprinting woman. It was too soft to knock him back, but the angel found himself juggling the fluffy thing and trying to get a grip on it. At last he managed to latch on to Peepers and clutched it to his chest with a relieved gasp. Luckily the cat who was perched on his shoulder had jumped off to a safer location, or he would have had claw marks all over his shoulder from the movement.

    “I agree on the food,” Beaux chimed in, stomach letting off a growl in response. His cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment. “Err… maybe sooner than later…”


    Midsummer Festivities!  60654_s

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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Dela 9th August 2019, 1:12 am

    Her apple-y attack upon the heckler had been much more effort than she meant to spend and gain nothing in return but a stuffed animal. As she looked between the flurry of movement around her, she decided this group was exhausting. Too much going on. It was hard to keep up. Cillian's laughs at her quick solution made her grin devilishly, though she wasn't sure how she felt about the nickname 'spunky'. Either way, she approached to check his earned wares. Cat plushies seemed to be very popular, which meant all of those were gone by the time she chose. Rotten luck. She settled for a unicorn that reminded her of Chester.

    "...Nnng.." Dela grunted, her face tainted with mild distaste even though her cheeks were slightly rosier than usual. For whatever reason, her eyes flittered from the angel's face at his declaration of appreciation. "You're so adorable it's gross," she muttered under her breath, finding his unnatural beauty off-putting. Or maybe it was his glistening purity and innocence. Whether he was really any of those things was unknown to her, but for now she just assumed. Beaux was nice. Almost too nice. The type of nice that is magnetizing, but potentially dangerous in the wrong hands. Call her jaded (because that's exactly what she is), but she both liked and didn't trust her fellow Rune Knight. Then again, did Dela truly trust anyone?

    In truly Dela fashion, she disjointed from the crowd a bit to sit on a bench nearby. She wasn't much of a people person unless there was info to suss out, and at this point she'd accepted nothing would enlighten her today other than Cillian's fashion sense was as old as he claimed to be and that this group of people seemed to want to stick together for some reason. Her plushies gripped her attention after a moment or two, at which point she lost track of Vera and Wren entirely, though eventually they both turned up to varying reactions. Whatever was going on with Vera seemed like way too much energy to look into, what with the tossing of plushies and Cillian summoning Virgo.

    "Master," Dela echoed knowingly as vaguely amused aqua eyes watched Cillian essentially spring into action, and by action she meant summon that masochistic maid. The corners of her eyes crinkled in the throes of restraint, which she quickly lost. "Kinklord," she jeered at him, still amused with the strange celestial spirit and the endless amount of ammo she provided Dela with to use against the tall man with the shock of white hair. However, when the man that was trying to attack Vera fell into the hole, her interest was brought back to the present. Her brows lowered a little. "Sure, food is great. Let's go already," she said, urging the mismatched grouping toward the more food-centric area. "They have a bit of everything over here. I recommend the teriyaki chicken on a stick...or the fried atomic wings. Scatter and get what you want and meet back at this bench over there if you want," Dela continued, pointing out a long picnic table plenty big and empty. Little Wren could stand to eat some food, not that it'd make her grow, but maybe a little chub would pop out some boobs so she didn't look boyish enough to get pissed about it for the rest of her life. And frankly, after Vera's ordeal, that woman probably needed a stiff drink. "There's a booze tent over there," Dela told the woman that somehow caused all of this, though there was no animosity on her voice. Just the average amount of Dela sass. The magical girl predicted Beaux would find something like pure sunshine and rainbows to eat, and Cillian no doubt would sniff out the most delicious item in the whole festival. Speaking of Cillian...

    "Hey, did that dunk-booth troll die in that hole your maid dug?" inquired the Rune Knight, sorta doing her job for once.

    [wc: 665 || Dela's Total: 856]


    Midsummer Festivities!  60731_s
    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

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    Midsummer Festivities!  Empty Re: Midsummer Festivities!

    Post by Vera Walden 26th August 2019, 8:35 am


    779/ ---  WORDS
    + BG MUSIC
    If you have no legs, run. If you have no hope, invent. - Alegria

    “I now realize that letting you go bobbing for apples was an extremely poor choice. I didn’t think you’d go berserk, my dude . . .” Walden laughed nervously, flashing Cillian a guilty smile. He had to summon poor Virgo again.

    Vera might’ve only stood there for a moment, and after that, while the children were still rushing past in yelling, running cabals with their worried parents calling after them, she remembered there being ketchup and mustard bottles neatly arranged on the bench and hurriedly started kicking them in the direction of the ruffian and running backward, almost simultaneously. Spooked, she couldn’t watch where she was going and didn’t care to engage if it meant she had a good eye on the festival tyrant. He charged through the barrage of such used, fly-infested bottles, too bitter to stop there and was about to run around the table to snag her by the ankle when he instead felt nothing but the air slipping through his fingers.

    Vera was too stunned to save him and fell off the picnic table, as every onlooker raised their ilacs to record what would or could become Lactube’s next trending video. She frantically crawled around the bench on all fours and made it to where the petite maid would inform her calmly of the situation. “Thank you for saving me, Virgo!”  she replied cheerfully, only slightly disconcerted by her need for punishment and made no effort to hide the strange look on her face as she peered into the hole. It didn’t help that Dela boldly bequeathed unto him the title Kinklord.  She was trying to talk, not die of laughter. It was too soon. “What you and Cillian do in private is none of my business. But I’m pretty sure your reward is just a gagball away.”

    Vera  seemed to do an awful lot of blinking around him and his tunnel-digging lover. She was highly convinced the two were caught in a bad romance and nothing could change her mind.

    The more you know, she said this, almost too easily, in her mind. There was a pause in which Vera wondered if the man perished in the great fall and thoughtlessly plucked a handful of weeds to honor him. She had no flowers with which to do the right thing, so she unceremoniously threw what she had down the endless pit and, much to her dismay, the result was stupidly anticlimactic. She was more affected by the loss of her plushie than his life and rose to her feet, trying to look like she wasn’t upset at all. She would privately buy real flowers later for her stuffed friend. To Vera’s relief, she had no need for a bouquet  of roses, for Peepers had been tucked safely in the arms of Beaux and seemed happy to be there.

    There was a sweetness so striking and yet so soft, that she could have imagined him being surrounded by classier folk than they, while including herself in the scale of being quite average. “What’s that?” she asked, suddenly unfocused. Her next course of action was to take Peepers from its place of comfort and breathe life into the baby chicken, much like she had with her silly shadow puppets, way back when she was young and actually cared to learn the craft. She dramatically pinched the back of its fat head and caused it to look both ways.  The sun favored the private show; she used it to her advantage and made it seem like Peepers’ beady black eyes were shining with joy. Vera quickly pressed its beak to Beaux’s cheek and feigned exaggerated shock, wagging a finger at the naughty bird. Who could have predicted the scandal? Vera couldn’t stop shaking her head as she turned around.

    “Bad Peepers!” she scolded.

    The impromptu mime gazed on Cillian at first with such a doubtful but thorough and steady glance from her bright clear blue eyes, that she was starting to appear rude; then she happily hugged the stuffed armadillo he’d given her close, finally addressing his attire —"Hey, looking nice and dry.” Virgo wouldn’t be able to keep her hands off the white-haired man now and it was all thanks to Vera. She deserved the armadillo and the teriyaki chicken Dela recommended.

    With a troubling sensation of guilt and concern, the purple-haired woman embraced her toys tighter, and for some instances underwent the trials of denial. Having a conscience disgusted her.  “Don’t even go there,” she laughingly told the blonde, understanding perfectly well where she was coming from. She would use her proposition to scatter briefly.

    “Any requests?” she asked the horde, implying she would do the buying.


    Midsummer Festivities!  Puglyfe6

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:45 pm