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    A Long Day(Job)

    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

    Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragonfly Healer
    Position : None
    Posts : 492
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 494,070

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    A Long Day(Job) Empty A Long Day(Job)

    Post by Haraka Omaras 21st June 2019, 12:49 am


    Haraka Omaras

    The west fiore trading company member let out a sigh. For some reason the young looking man has felt especially worn out all day, something he didn't quite appreciate. It was a strange and uncomfortable sensation that he had hoped to shake away with festivities. Today was the summer solstice, a time for celebration. What better place to find festivities than the place full of celebrations all the time? His elemental spirits were out, lightening showing just as little interest in everything as he normally did when it came to anything party like. Wind was the reason why Harakas arms ended up full of treats and toys, though the frown on the doctors face certainly suggested that the medium didn't enjoy getting such treatment. Interest in toys hadn't really ever been his thing, even as a child. Then again a true break from learning, training, or working was a hard thing to get him to actually do for a large portion of the mans life. By the time it had wormed it's way in, he was already past the age of stuffed toys and dolls. He knew this was just wind trying to be parental in some weird way, the toys. The ones from this round consisted of a lion with a sun themed mane, a fire cat, a rag doll in a summer themed dress and red hair, a yellow teddy bear, and a winged tiger. He was sure a child would enjoy each of those toys, Maybe William would enjoy them when the baby was feeling better. The demonic clam was under Omaras shirts collar, a a blanket the size of a napkin being tucked around him. What caused the aquatic creature to feel that way?

    He wasn't sure, as they weren't sick. It was strange to see the blood red creature not acting curious and excitable to some degree. None of the fair food he had been handed seemed like foods to offer an unwell feeling child either, or were they? A candied apple, grilled corn, kabobs, a corn dog, popcorn balls, a funnel cake, churro cookies, and vegetable skewers. The man dared not ask the elemental how or where he got them out of fear of actually getting an answer. Spirits tended to see the world in a different way than mortals did, add that with how wind tended to shrug at the mention of things involving mortal laws or cultures. Then again, wind didn't even fully get the point of names so it was no wonder the elemental had issues with everything else. At least they were a holy spirit? Fire for some reason seemed especially energetic, eventually tugging the group from one celebration to another. The half dragon wasn't interested in going festivity hopping, but wasn't about to argue against the motherly figure.
    "...Fire, can you promise to keep an eye on wind for a bit?" She and lightening both had better understandings of cultures, laws, and rules. Fire he was sure understood due to the countless years the spirit had spent as a priestess. Even if no longer in such a position anymore, he was sure the woman still practiced, if it was possible for a spirit to do so. Part of her faith was refusing to commit violence, even at the cost of yourself and others. She still dressed the part, even if it was robes to a faith that was now long since dead to all mortals.

    The spirit hit her wooden thick sandals against the ground, using it to make quick sounds. It was one of the many wordless ways she used to speak, each one being a language that he was positive was likely mostly or fully out of use among the majority or all people by the time he was taught it by her. This meant he understood her, even without verbal communication. He felt mildly surprised, as her words had meant she had been paying attention to everyone. Does that mean Wind behaved? There was nothing the man could do except sigh and give in. He sighed, though lungs stiffened a bit once fire had pulling Haraka along to a different celebration concerning the summer solstice. He wasn't sure how, but it didn't feel like the other ones in the area. Was it just him? Something just... Didn't feel right.
    "I need to ask some made of flesh if this place feels off to them too..." But who?

    The Blood of death kept me breathing. From that fluid birthed a new rhythm.

    Words: 741


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    A Long Day(Job) SnakeWeaver
    Perry Bardell
    Perry Bardell

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Natural Illusion
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,587

    A Long Day(Job) Empty Re: A Long Day(Job)

    Post by Perry Bardell 21st June 2019, 6:29 am

    Perry Bardell

    Post WC: 715 words
    Total WC: 715 / 1500 words
    Job Info: Mid-Summer Festivities
    Tagged: @Haraka Omaras @Bianca
    Notes: weee

    While Perry was not assigned any Trading Company official business quite yet, he was trying to make use of his "free time". And what better way to spend it than going to a festival and join in on the fun. Magnolia was a little bit out of the way for him this time around, but heck, Perry was sure that there would be a lot of people. A lot of distractions so that he could finally satiate his proverbial hunger for thieving. It was getting to the point where he nearly believed he turned into a magpie, he wanted to steal nigh every shiny thing he came across. Perry couldn't remember the last time he craved to act on his hobby that badly. If ever, if he had to be honest. It was getting kind of frightening. He surely didn't want to offend his newfound employers, after all. Nova assured him time and again that his time would come and Perry had to believe that.

    Thankfully that belief would provide some rewards. The young man weaved in between the folks who were going from attraction to attraction, from stall to stall. His companion was there with him, though he explored at his own pace. Even though Perry wasn't particularly tall, he was sort of easily spotted when one knew what to look for, so Nova would easily find him, should the need for it arise. Perry wanted to keep Nova close to him, because of what happened in the Neutral Grounds, but at the same time he wanted to say that people of Magnolia were more open minded than the slobs of NG alleyways.

    Perry's skilled sight spotted a few potential candidates for a little pickpocketing and he did just that. Swift and silent, his fingers pulled out the Jewels out of pockets and wallets without anyone noticing. He slipped the acquired currency into his own pouches, his thieving urges being calmed down. Sadly, those pickpockets were severely unsatisfying. Once again he felt like those people were just begging him to steal their bloody possessions. The young man sighed as he took off his monocle and cleaned it with his gloved hand. Perry then put it back where it belonged and started walking. Perhaps just enjoying the festivities would do him better.

    However, there was one issue that arised as Perry browsed the many stalls that littered the main street of Magnolia. He noticed that the very air was thick with magic and the more time he spent milling about, the stranger he felt. As if something was sapping away his strength, making him feel kind of sloppy and tired. Then it dawned in him. Since it was a celebration of summer and all that, it was kind of fitting that he, being one with shadows, would feel kind of spent. Then again, he had no idea about the true cause of that feeling, just that something was affecting him. And he didn't like it.

    The young man bought a festive lemonade at one of the food stands and pushed through the crowd of people. He wanted just a tiny breather. Being smushed by tens of people was not his vision of an ideal afternoon. Perry managed to get out of the confines of the crowd, finding himself at what he presumed was an imaginary edge of the festivities. He sighed a sigh of relief, when he noticed a young man being pulled by a robed woman towards the festival. It seemed like a scene where an overly excited girlfriend was trying to get her boyfriend to go where she wanted to. Perry would grin and give the young man a thumbs up. "The festival's neat, if you like large quantities of people in one place." He would say with a little chuckle. But then he noticed that the young man in question had a very certain attire. Attire that Perry didn't have on, because he didn't think it was neccessary to represent the Trading Company during a festival break. "I'm sorry for asking, but are you perchance affiliated with the West Fiore Trading Company?" Perry would try to ask. He could be entirely wrong as he was very new to the Company, but maybe he had found a fellow employee in a proverbial haystack.
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    A Long Day(Job) PkW4jOz

    Useful links:

    Character: Perry Bardell ⭐ Primary Magic: Black Cat of the Night ⭐ Perry's Inventory & Info: The Black Cat's Threads and Possessions ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Golden Lacrima active until 10/10/2020 - purchased here
    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

    Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragonfly Healer
    Position : None
    Posts : 492
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 494,070

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    A Long Day(Job) Empty Re: A Long Day(Job)

    Post by Haraka Omaras 30th June 2019, 9:03 am


    Haraka Omaras

    Dark sapphire blue eyes looked towards the new voice, curious of the new voice. It was a nicely dressed blond with short wild hair. It was almost the opposite of the mixed bloods own long ink black hair that was always tied back into a pony tail. He let out a sigh, but did give a tired smile. If one was to talk, it was better to look and respond as politely as possible. Who knows, maybe polite chat could lead to an entire conversation. What should he say? Well likely nothing about his elemental spirits, it takes more than a few seconds to explain things like that. "It's easier for people to enjoy things when there's multiple activities, even if they have a notoriously autumn labeled as summery." In the end he didn't say much about anything, unless his remark about the bobbling for apples activity counted. It was a response that most would assume it meant Haraka was enjoying himself. Why say something like that if you weren't having fun yourself? But it was a good way to be honest and dodge a topic without looking like you did. Not everyone fell for it, but most did. It certainly sounded a lot more friendly than the doctors true current mood. Then again, his current mood was 'its too hot and my spirits are treating me like a kid and I hate it'. That wasn't exactly a mood that sounds friendly to say to a stranger as an introduction. Friendly was something that Omaras had worked on for many years to try to pull off, just gentle, harmless, and friendly. It was something that had to be calculated and learned if you don't have magic but do have an appearance that could be viewed as not so sweet.

    Dressing nicely didn't change being half dragon and half demon, nor that not every area in every play thought nicely of either half. Where also changed depending on when. Most people liked dragons now, but there was an entire war that involved some dragons feeling they couldn't co exist with humans, some disagreeing, and humans picking their own sides on the issue. Also, there would always be people who wanted to collect dragon parts. The rarer the item, the more desire there was for an item on the black market. There were many reasons to be weary and always try to be at his friendliest. That's why he spoke with a soft, quiet, and gentle voice, was careful of what he said, how it was said, how he held himself, and other details. The question the stranger asked next felt a bit out of nowhere, but it was a little reassuring just to hear. The young looking man gave a slight tug to fires hand, causing the spirit to stop.
    "There's no need to apologize, I Joined a bit over a year ago, work as a mage and doctor. I'm Haraka Omaras, son of Fennos Omaras. Are you a member?" Members of the guild tended to stand out, the blond seemed to do just that. This wasn't something he would vocalize though. But of course this was when he realized that wind had vanished from his sight again. The worn out smile faded slightly, giving way to a sigh. Was it possible to ever get to something like this without that fae like being being mischievous? Probably not as long as the spirit loved him. That was practically a promise that wind would always be up to something.

    Why couldn't he be that way with strangers too? Getting upset about it wouldn't change his fate that was coming eventually that involved even more toys and food. Haraka just had to suck it up and accept his fate of being loved and move on. Attention went back to the green eyed stranger after a quick muttering 'wind'.
    "What do you think of the summer solstice festival so far? Besides crowded." At least it felt a bit like this could lead to a decent conversation now. That was what he was thinking until someone from a nearby game started yelling something about summer near his head. The long eared person winced a bit, briefly looking over at what was going on. It was just the person in charge of the bobbing for apples game? That was sort of agitating.    

    The Blood of death kept me breathing. From that fluid birthed a new rhythm.

    Words: 726
    Total: 1,467


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    A Long Day(Job) SnakeWeaver
    Perry Bardell
    Perry Bardell

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Natural Illusion
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,587

    A Long Day(Job) Empty Re: A Long Day(Job)

    Post by Perry Bardell 1st July 2019, 11:53 am

    Perry Bardell

    Post WC: 439 words
    Total WC: 1154 / 1500 words
    Job Info: Summer Event
    Tagged: @Haraka Omaras
    Notes: weee

    At first, it didn't seem that one of the strangers that he chatted up seemed to be too pleased, but at least he humoured him and was polite about it. Though Perry could agree that some of the activities smelled of autumn, rather than summer. The young man took a sip of the refreshing festival drink he had in his hand. He still actually didn't know what it was. But it was good and that was all that mattered. The stranger then answered the question that Perry asked a few moments prior. The thief was very much glad that his guess was right. The stranger not only confirmed Perry's guess, but also provided a name and occupation within the Company, as well as inquiring about Perry himself and the festival.

    The charming young man would take a few steps towards Haraka. "I'm Perry. Pleased to meet you, Haraka." He would tip his top hat, as he introduced himself. "I am the Company employee myself, albeit an extremely fresh one." And it wasn't an exaggeration. But it was also the reason why he didn't know Haraka or vice versa. After the pleasantries, the young man would slightly shift his body towards the festive crowd. "The festival is fine. Not the biggest fan of the games myself, but the food and drinks seem pretty good." He would share his little review of the Magnolian festival of the summer solstice. That being said, Perry would be down for a game or two. Provided that there was a cute girl to impress, of course.

    As soon as his thoughts were brought back to the solstice, he felt tired again. The thief would sigh in frustration. "I've got to ask you something." Perry would turn his head towards his newfound fellow employee. "Do you perhaps feel tired today all of a sudden? Like somebody sucked a bit of life out of you? Or is it just me?" He didn't have a clue as to why he felt in such way. He had a few guesses, of course, but it never hurt to ask an another on that particular matter. Besides, he was no scientist or scholar or whatever. There was no way that he would be able to find the source just like that on his own.

    However, after he asked that of Haraka, Perry felt something. Or rather, presence of something or someone. His senses, being distracted by the feeling of tiredness, couldn't precisely pinpoint their strength or location. The thief's body would tense up. He hoped that he was just out of his mind because of that strange feeling of being drained.
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    A Long Day(Job) PkW4jOz

    Useful links:

    Character: Perry Bardell ⭐ Primary Magic: Black Cat of the Night ⭐ Perry's Inventory & Info: The Black Cat's Threads and Possessions ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Golden Lacrima active until 10/10/2020 - purchased here

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    A Long Day(Job) Empty Re: A Long Day(Job)

    Post by NPC 1st July 2019, 11:53 am

    The member 'Perry Bardell' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    A Long Day(Job) OdAaNwh A Long Day(Job) OdAaNwh A Long Day(Job) OdAaNwh A Long Day(Job) OdAaNwh
    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

    Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Dragonfly Healer
    Position : None
    Posts : 492
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 494,070

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    A Long Day(Job) Empty Re: A Long Day(Job)

    Post by Haraka Omaras 2nd July 2019, 11:56 pm


    Haraka Omaras

    Haraka felt even more calm after Perry introduced himself, glad to have someone he could trust. There was something about a person being from the same guild that caused such a feeling, that trend starting with the first job he ever did with Johann. That person was no longer in the guild though and more than likely now couldn't care less if he lived or died, but time doesn't keep still for anyone. They never had any deep conversing, so it wasn't as if he ever expected to be told of events going on within the lives of fellow guild mates anyway. "It's nice to meet you Perry." The nervous emotions that briefly pressed against the insides didn't show in facial expression. Intense emotions couldn't be hid by smiles if one knew what to look for on him. The air coming out soon started being cold and chilled, the half ice dragons body radiating some amount of cold as well. "Fresh is nice, do you have magic? Both of us sharing could make working together easier, if we ever take jobs together in the future. I'm a medium with three elemental spirits and a lot of plants. I can also use ice magic and take one of my hearts out. Would you like a snack? My wind spirit buried me in questionably gained festival toys, foods, and drinks." Wind spirits weren't exactly the type to use if you wanted an easy to control spirit. Actually none of his really fell under that did they? But thinking on that didn't change his relationship with any of them. Just looking at the items caused the doctor to let out a semi exasperated sigh. He couldn't be that annoyed, not when all of this was a symbol of the spirits deep affection for himself. That would be like getting angry at a parent for loving their child.

    Even if the ice blue skinned person definitely was not a child and hadn't been in a very long time. Not a biggest fan of the games?
    "I could see that. Dart games, water gun races, and tossing balls might have been better game choices for them." He wasn't trying to insult the festival in agreeing with the blond and naming some suggestions he thought would be less boring, but he could also see looks of disapproval from multiple fair staff members. Actually those expressions looked unusually hostile? Was it just his imagination? Maybe, but damn if it didn't look like the staff wanted to blast both of their heads off. Deep sapphire blue eyes certainly did want to do more than a brief glance at their surroundings, but staring would have been rude. The question was a bit strange, but not too strange. "Yes, my baby William as well. Did you feel that way since waking up?" he was about to move some things so he could point out who or what William was, but a fireball hit all the items the mixed blood had been carrying. He released the items, coating them in snow to avoid it from spreading. Where the items damaged? They were most definitely completely ruined. That may have been a bunch of junk he didn't want, but it had still been full of winds love and best of intentions. The doctor looked over towards the origins of the flames, but only after he was positive that all the burned pile that was now on the ground wouldn't burst into flames or anything.

    Long taloned fingers pushed above the vest, unbuttoning the top part of the dress shirt fast enough to make a stripper blush. The pale ice blue digits quickly dove through the chest above where the heart should be, pulling out a lantern. It was the size of a persons heart, a light already burning dimly within the item. His emotions had called the item to change before has will had decided. The item transformed itself into a well sized eku that looked to be made from aquamarine and coated with a carved ocean design. The next fireball that came was quickly blocked by a blue wind spell that screamed with many voices of agony.
    "Summer will-" Haraka quickly ran over, swinging the eku into the mages head as soon as the man was close enough to do so. Of course there was a second fire mage right next to the person, but that was fine. They had pissed off the draconian crustacean already. The second one was quick to use fire, just as the doctor was quick to swing his weapon and break the fire mages arm. The young looking mean meant to beat the two more, but light burned at the mans back. It didn't take much thinking to decide to continue attacking the two fire mages, only with his more animalistic parts out in the open. Massive wings appeared behind him, as if they had always been there, waiting to be released. Under that was a thick and very long deep sea mantis shrimp like tail. With this it would at least hurt less to get hit, and so he continued to beat the hell out of the fire mages, beating them as fast as he could.

    One reason needing to rush was the light from behind burning his back, the second was fire being a big weakness of the mans. Thus it was better to get hit by painful light if it meant avoiding any and all fire hits. It was only when the two fire mages were out cold that he turned then hit one of the other attackers. Apparently by this point the four luminescent and very naked women were already on him. So he hit one woman into other with the eku, only really giving any signs of pain when one of them managed to hit his weapon. Pain anywhere else was something easy to ignore with a bad enough mood, but a burning bright spell hitting the heart would always hurt in a special way that pissed him off. With a deep breath in, he breathed out a large amount of ice crystals, followed by practically a wall of snow. This hit one of the women, temporarily buried her. The group of for had spread a bit now, but he still whacked any that got close enough. They hated him? Fine, he hated them too. Feeling a bit of spite over getting randomly attacked, his body had started emitting enough cold for it to be a visible thing, but only because the weather was so hot. A needle flew out from under a tiny blanket on Harakas person, William it seemed was awake. It hit the furthest one away, so that was the one that was charged at. It was after that one was caught up with and beat down that he realized all four were down. Of course, that didn't mean there wasn't more trouble, only that it wasn't aimed at him. With a frown the doctor hurried himself to try to get back to the part of the festival that Perry had been at.

    The Blood of death kept me breathing. From that fluid birthed a new rhythm.

    Words: 1,186
    Total: 2,653


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    A Long Day(Job) SnakeWeaver

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    A Long Day(Job) Empty Re: A Long Day(Job)

    Post by NPC 2nd July 2019, 11:56 pm

    The member 'Haraka Omaras' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    A Long Day(Job) OdAaNwh A Long Day(Job) NXDHjfc A Long Day(Job) OdAaNwh A Long Day(Job) OdAaNwh
    Perry Bardell
    Perry Bardell

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Natural Illusion
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,587

    A Long Day(Job) Empty Re: A Long Day(Job)

    Post by Perry Bardell 5th July 2019, 2:10 pm

    Perry Bardell

    Post WC: 969 words
    Total WC: 2123 / 1500 words
    Job Info: Summer Event
    Tagged: @Haraka Omaras
    Notes: Anything I could need this for

    The other Company employee exchanged pleasantries with Perry, while adding a bunch of other things, like how his magic worked and whatnot. It felt like a bit of an information dump that Perry had never asked for, but he reckoned that he knew a bit more about the guy without pressing him further. The young man took a mental note of what Haraka shared for future purposes. After Perry said that he wasn't a fan of the games, Haraka suggested some different ones, but that wasn't Perry's issue with them. It was mostly about the simple fact that he could just snatch one of the prizes, instead of trying to win a most definitely rigged game. That was if there was no lady to impress present, of course.

    After Perry asked whether Haraka had a similar feeling to his, the answer was surprisingly positive. Though kind of weird. Perry didn't even want to know what the other man meant by 'his baby William'. The thief wanted to reply to the man's question, but that was abruptly cut short, as a fireball made a swift appearance, damaging the goods that Haraka had with him. Things went blurry after that.

    Somebody was going to yell something about summer, but the crowd had quickly fallen into panic. The sudden shift of the atmosphere took Perry by surprise, but that lasted for only a few moments before he composed himself. Haraka had sprouted wings and a tail and started to essentially go ham at the attackers. Perry couldn't even get a proper look, before Haraka and the attackers disappeared from his line of sight. "Damn." He muttered under his breath. As if it wasn't enough, Nova was still nowhere to be seen.

    The mage saw some commotion up ahead, mixed with ice that probably belonged to Haraka. At least Perry now knew that there was something lurking around. But those that were locked in combat with his fellow employee were not the only ones that were present. The thief's sight was momentarily impaired by a sudden flash of light, as two womanly figures appeared. Perry took a few steps back, bumping into somebody and briefly lost his balance, though he managed to stay on his feet. After his sight cleared up, Perry noticed that the source of the blinding flash were indeed womanly figures, but they appeared to be made of pure light. And they seemed to have it out for him.

    A ball of light was sent his way by one of them and the thief's reflexes kicked in, getting him out of harm's way. Though he was sure that the execution would've been better had he not been feeling tired. Before the elementals could strike again, the mage would close the gap and kick one of them with void imbued leg, while quickly following up the attack by setting off a void explosion in front of him. That set off even more panic, making Perry roll his eyes. He was hoping that nobody would get into his way. Unintentional casualties would be quite unfortunate, that was for sure. Thankfully, the elemental that was on the receiving end of both the blast and kick disappeared into sparkles, but the other one was still alive.

    The elemental saw the opening and decided to capitalise on it, by punching Perry with its light-infused fist. The mage got staggered a bit, as the light seared him a little bit and he took a step back. He had an affinity for shadows and darkness, after all, so the light was his natural weakness. Perry grit his teeth as his leg lunged out again, taking out the second elemental. As the specks of light dissipated, the thief sighed a sigh of relief. He got rid of the two elementals that had it out for him, all while there was a panicked crowd around him.

    But the relief didn't last long. As if on cue, a shimmering yellow portal ripped open in the sky and a creature dropped out of it. A combination of a man and beast landed heavily onto the pavement. "Summer will be eternal!" He would yell out as people ran out of his way. Summer being eternal was among the last of things that Perry would ever wish for. It felt like the man-beast could read his thoughts, as Perry was pretty sure that his gaze stopped on him. Or maybe he just looked like natural mischief that could disrupt his plans. Though that was going to be excatly what he was going to do.

    Perry, however, was taken by immense surprise, as the creature that had fallen out of the portal just sprinted ahead, aiming straight at him. His feet scrambled to finally move, but he was more so prepared for a very painful impact. However, somebody else saved his hide. The hairy man-beast was stopped dead in its tracks. Long black hands were holding onto it, keeping it in place. Perry's gaze immediately moved to the side and saw his companion, Nova. "You look like you could use some help!" A shout rang in Perry's head and he smirked in return. "Yeah, you got me there." The thief would laugh, as he heard his name being called. Haraka was probably looking for him. "Right over here! We got a bit of a situation on our hands!" The mage would yell, hoping that his fellow employee would follow the source of the voice. "Let go of me!" The portal beast would growl as he struggled to get free from Nova's tight grasp. To add fire to an already growing flame, Perry would conjure a ball of flaming void, that he then threw at the being, letting void burn slowly damage the creature. That only got more growling and more struggling as a response.
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    A Long Day(Job) PkW4jOz

    Useful links:

    Character: Perry Bardell ⭐ Primary Magic: Black Cat of the Night ⭐ Perry's Inventory & Info: The Black Cat's Threads and Possessions ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Golden Lacrima active until 10/10/2020 - purchased here

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    A Long Day(Job) Empty Re: A Long Day(Job)

    Post by NPC 5th July 2019, 2:10 pm

    The member 'Perry Bardell' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    A Long Day(Job) OdAaNwh
    Haraka Omaras
    Haraka Omaras

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    A Long Day(Job) Empty Re: A Long Day(Job)

    Post by Haraka Omaras 9th July 2019, 1:54 am


    Haraka Omaras

    It seemed there was more trouble, along with panicking people. He heard Perry, but two bright women of light along with four fire sprites seemed to be in the way. The doctor was getting tired of running after enemies, adding panicked people just made him decide to add a little ice. "I hope you're fine with the cold!" Omaras called out before unleashing a wave of cold from his body. The ground was coated in a thin layer of ice before following it up with a thick layer of snow. All the normal panicked people fell asleep, along with the majority of enemies that were left. Solstice slumber was a very useful non attack spell, the non lethal nature of it meant it could be used on a lot of people when they needed to calm down. But it also wouldn't last forever, which was why the mixed blood started walking over towards the main battle, quickly using his Eku on the fire creatures and light ones along the way. But now Haraka was over where Perry was and the core of the mess. One creature was holding another. Was it a friend? Likely, otherwise they wouldn't be helping, more than likely one of Perrys. It was too bad the two didn't get much talking done before the chaos started. The one enemy looked different from the others and was the only one that hadn't passed out from the snowfall.

    "Solstice Slumber slows or puts people to sleep." Just so the fellow guild member knew that the mixed blood did not harm any innocents. They would likely wake up not far from now, but they were definitely not hurt. He wasn't sure how the beast was still standing, outside that it was a tough boss. The half dragon positioned himself before moving the eku. Careful not to hit the ally, the magical weapon seemed to not to do as much damage as he expected. The doctor started to feel a bit confused, pausing to give it a confused expression. At least the pause was brief before the pale ice blue skinned person started moving his weapon again. Why did it feel like each strike didn't do as much as it should have?! "Are both of you alright? You did pretty amazingly while surrounded by chaos." Crowds definitely complicate things, there was no way to understate this fact. At least things had calmed down. If the boss is taken down before everyone wakes up then maybe everyone will just think they had a strange dream. He could only hope, it would be better than more panic. The best thing to do was to continue on the strongest enemy. He could check himself and the others after there weren't anymore people after their throats. This was more than enough summer for one day. The taste of winter from solstice slumber was soothing for the ice dragon at least, so he didn't feel quite as fed up with the situation as before. This made it easier to think with a clear and rational mind, his finest trait in battle. It wasn't the best mind out there, but this was still came in handy far better than brute force.

    The Blood of death kept me breathing. From that fluid birthed a new rhythm.

    Words: 535
    Total: 3,188


    [Harakas Bank] [Profile] [Ulhar Relgim] [Ice Dragon Slayer(2nd Gen)] [Second Heart] [Death Fae Doctor] [Characters Theme Song]
    A Long Day(Job) SnakeWeaver
    Perry Bardell
    Perry Bardell

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    A Long Day(Job) Empty Re: A Long Day(Job)

    Post by Perry Bardell 9th July 2019, 10:40 am

    Perry Bardell

    Post WC: 771 words
    Total WC: 2893 / 1500 words
    Job Info: Summer Event
    Tagged: @Haraka Omaras
    Notes: Anything I could need this for

    While the beast didn't seem to be too fazed about the shadowfire ball that Perry had hurled at him, the burning was slowly taking its toll. But thankfully, not only Nova had showed up, but Haraka made an appearance aswell. There was hope of them taking down the beast, after all. It had already been damaged by the thief and the otherworldly creature, but Perry reckoned that it would still take some effort to bring the herald of summer down. The other mage froze the ground around him that apparently made most of the surrounding people fall asleep, according to his own words. About which Perry couldn't wrap his head around in the heat of the moment, so he just left it that. The man went on to strike the portal man-beast with his eku, but again, it strangely didn't seem to be too fazed by it. Oh dear.

    Haraka asked about Perry and Nova's well being. It was a nice gesture, but not necessary. The attention was kind of nice, though. "Yeah yeah, we're fine. We just need to get rid of this hairy overgrown goat, before eternal summer becomes a thing." Perry would reply to his fellow employee's concerns, throwing a few insults alongside it, as he adjusted his monocle. The remark that the thief said made the man-beast visibly furious, as he struggled even more to get out of Nova's grasp. Nova hissed, as his little hands were yanked and he let go under the pressure. The beast was free, but the struggle made him take a bit more damage from Nova. But the point was that he was no longer held in place.

    Nova let out a shrill, as he unleashed countless beams of chaotic energy through the spots on his skin. The beams burned the man-beast, making him take more damage. However, when the beams shot through Perry and Haraka, they would feel some of their lighter wounds mending. "Now that's a useful trick!" The thief would approve of his companion's move. "Yeah, I'm pretty cool, if I do say so myself." A cocky answer would ring in Perry's head. The mage would smirk. It was time for him to finish this. They were wailing on the creature for a while already and Perry was starting to become impatient.

    Much to the thief's surprise, the beast very quickly closed the distance between them. Perry let out a high-pitched yelp, as he tried to jump away, but to no avail. The beast swung with its fist and hit the mage, sending him backwards. His body suddenly felt incredibly wobbly, just like his self-esteem. His view shook from side the side and removed the sensation by shaking his head a little, trying to correct his senses. The portal man-beast was preparing to charge into Perry again, but thankfully, his reflexes came through, at least this once. A veil of shadows appeared around his right arm and he decidedly pointed his index finger at the creature. As if the shadow was alive, it slithered along the ground, towards the creature. As soon as it was within striking distance, Perry motioned with his hand a closed fist, which the shadow mimicked. A shadowy hand took hold of the man-beast. He loudly roared, clearly displeased that he got bound once more.

    The mage would sigh a little, as he ran his hand along the side of his body, making sure he still looked presentable. "Alright pal, you're really going down." He would say as he winked at his otherworldly companion. Nova knew what to do and dashed over to him, readying himself for an another attack. Perry would take a few steps towards the struggling man-beast. The mage would then summon a volatile ball of void in front of him that steadily grew larger. "Say bye to your everlasting summer!" He would wave as he overloaded the void ball, making it explode in a radius in front of him. At the same time, Nova unleashed the chaotic beams again. Shortly after the dust settled after the joint attack, the creature slowly fell onto the ground. Perry had to side step the body, due to its size, so that he wouldn't get crushed. That certainly wasn't an end that he anticipated for himself.

    The mage would let out a sigh of relief as his body felt incredibly heavy, adrenaline slowly fading. The corpse that was then lying on the ground started to faintly glow, as it turned into colourful petals that got scattered through the breeze. Even though the man-beast himself was not a looker, at least his death was rather pretty.
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


    A Long Day(Job) PkW4jOz

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    Character: Perry Bardell ⭐ Primary Magic: Black Cat of the Night ⭐ Perry's Inventory & Info: The Black Cat's Threads and Possessions ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

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