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    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine)

    Charlotte Alderidge
    Charlotte Alderidge

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) Empty The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine)

    Post by Charlotte Alderidge 12th June 2019, 1:40 pm

    Charlotte had grown awfully tired of doing things herself lately. So tired that she hired the maid again! The maid which she forgot the name of. No matter how hard Charlotte tried to remember it she just couldn't seem to wrap her head around it. The help had never been a big concern fo hers, maybe she should name her? Perhaps if she gave her the name she might remember it! "Well I think I've decided to give you a new name." Charlotte said, not really caring about what her response might be. She took a finger to her lip and thought for just a few seconds before pointing her finger at the maid and declaring her new name. "I think I'll call you... useless. It's perfect, it really speaks numbers about your capabilities." Charlotte said with a giggle. Now that was a name she would not forget. It was just too fitting.  This time Charlotte had hired her yet again to come along on a job and this one was considerably more dangerous.

    She really hoped that 'useless' was prepared to do all the work. Maybe then she could earn a different name, or maybe some respect in Charlotte's eyes. Last time she wasn't that impressed. She couldn't even carry her all the way!? What good is a maid if they don't do your bidding! Or if they are some crazy acid skin weirdo. Yuck. Who on earth would dedicate themselves to that magic? Acid? Blood? It seemed to Charlotte like she was just the opposite of a maid but nonetheless she got the job done. "This time you aren't using acid and you are going to carry me. Do you understand that?" Charlotte's tone was very condescending, she treated the maid as if she was a child. It was made very clear she was talking down to her. After all, what is Charlotte if not superior?

    Aside from that, Charlotte needed to get down to business. She couldn't afford to play around and this delightful conversation had already wasted a lot of their time. Even though that was partially her fault, she wouldn't take the blame. "Less talking, more working. You know what you need to do! The spirit cages." Charlotte didn't truly understand all that the job entailed, she just accepted it because of the reward. After all, that was the most important part! Especially if she wasn't the one really doing it though she would reap the benefits from it! That was always how it worked with Charlotte. She only really did things when it benefited her and even then she'd have someone else do it for her. Being rich and privileged taught her that there is always someone desperate enough to do anything for you, so long as you have the money to force their hand.

    WC: 479/3500

    Last edited by Charlotte Alderidge on 13th June 2019, 12:35 pm; edited 2 times in total


    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) REf1pk6

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) Empty Re: The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine)

    Post by Sanguine 12th June 2019, 4:13 pm

    Erring Rising {} A-rank

    Word Count: 700/3500
    Tagged: @“Charlotte Alderidge”
    Muse: sleepy
    Music: song name by composer

    This notes section will scroll if needed!
    ”And yet! Despite what you told me about this little bratty son of a bitch, you STILL agreed to it?” The nagging voice of the Succubus had been ranting ever since the maid left to head off to meet her client. Last time she met Charlotte, this young brat had treated her like dirt. As much as she had disliked the way she was talked to, Sanguine looked forward to doing this. She wasn’t opposed to the idea of going on a mission considering the idea of what they had to do. Despite her murderous personality and lust for blood and bloodshed, she was very much so wanting to do some good. Someone using the dead to power a city was deplorable, no matter the type of spirit it involved. Who her client was mattered little considering the work was what it was. Not to mention, this time she brought an extra present with her for the job, aside from the nagging voice and the ability of hair control.

    Wrapped in a black silk cloth and strapped to her back laid a pink sword to which she hadn’t used at all recently, but she was willing to bring it along. As unhappy as Charlotte was with her abilities last time, this time she wouldn’t need to rely on it as much. ”That’s ok Rose, just keep quiet now as you get insulted and spoken to like shit. Like really, who the fuck does that?” An audible sigh left, between the way Charlotte had spoken to her now and the voice of the Succubus just kept her from keeping herself to just dealing and pushing it away. ”You know, you can just call me Rose, if you prefer. I would at least appreciate the little bit of courtesy considering you’re the one in need of my help.” She wasn’t above talking back, or even to put her hands on this girl, but she was trying to keep her cool just until she was fine. ”Just speaking logically, you hire me for help, which only means to me you can’t do it alone. Should I... I don’t know, leave you alone in this building to be attacked, maybe even killed? Now, I wouldn’t feel any bit of shame or remorse for your death. So, if we just came to that bit of an agreement, I don’t care if you continue your childish manner of treatment.” Her voice never raised, never faulted from sounding as calm and even eerily happy as it was, which only left the Succubus silent from the surprise of hearing the words leave this maids mouth. ”I’m a big girl, Delilah. I don’t need you to fight my battles, so just play along for a little while~”

    Letting the girl lament in her magic for a moment, if she even considered caring about doing so, Sanguine just obeyed the idea of keeping quiet, picking the girl up just like she had before for a moment, then setting her down. ”No no.. this won’t do. I actually have something you may find more.. comfortable.” She a small smirk, the maid would suddenly have Charlotte scooped up from behind, nestled in a large amount of hair before it seemed to form itself into seat, allowing Charlotte to sit up with her back resting and arm rests even! ”I picked up a little something since our last meeting. I always make a habit to look my best aside from my uniform, so my hair is as soft as can be! I hope it’ll be comfortable for you~” For whatever reason, Sanguine felt determined to keep trying to get on this girls good side. Every cruel person had to have one at some point, even her.

    Feeling a little restricted to being unable to use her acid magic was a little irksome, but she shrugged and just put a pin in that order. Sure, she’d love to use the acid from her magic to melt things like the cages or some of the more complex things, but surely blowing them up would do just as lovely in her mind. ”As you wish, Mistress Charlotte. Is there anything else I can do for you?”


    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Charlotte Alderidge
    Charlotte Alderidge

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) Empty Re: The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine)

    Post by Charlotte Alderidge 13th June 2019, 12:32 pm

    "The help doesn't get common courtesy, I'm not sure if you're aware but the contract clearly states so and you better abide. It's binding, you know?" Charlotte scoffed. The nerve of this maid. Always trying to talk back and defend herself, who did she think she was? Well, Charlotte could tell her exactly who she was. No one. Her importance on this earth was nothing and she needed a lesson in appreciating what you're given! But that would have to come later. She couldn't afford to be sidetracked when she needed the money from this job. "No, you can't leave. Stupid maid. Respect is earned unless you are in my shoes, then it is just given." It was true, a lot of people only tolerated Charlotte because of her name. The Aldridge family had great influence and power in Fiore, so much so that a lot of people knew who Charlotte was even when she didn't know them. They had to give her respect in fear of facing her families wraith. While they weren't powerful with magic by any means, they had connections and so much jewel that it could make even the richest nations look poor.

    "I think we could make a deal. I'll call you rose instead of useless if you can actually do this job. Correctly." Charlotte was lying. She would always call her useless, but she was a talented liar! An actress at heart skilled with manipulation. Not that it was really needed. She didn't care what this maid believed, as long as she got the job done in the end. "Why couldn't you have done this last time?" Charlotte said as she made herself comfortable in the maid's hair. Even though it wasn't a conventional seat, Charlotte sat with elegance. Like any lady should. Her arms neatly folded into her lap and her legs crossed.

    "You can finish this job. Actually, work. I'm sick of talking and honestly, you're a bore. Those spirit cages aren't going to destroy themselves." The haughty heiress said with a sigh. She was afraid this would never get done if the maid kept this up! Maybe she should have gotten a newer model, this one must be a defect. Always complaining and never doing. Who would be willing to deal with this? Not Charlotte. She was just about ready to scream. In her manor, the help never talked back, maybe she was not from here? Charlotte almost gasped trying to think of the girl's history. Was she.... working with a... FOREIGNER!??!!? No. She couldn't think of it. The very thought was disgusting... poor people, third world countries, her greatest fears coming to light.

    WC: 914 / 3500

    Last edited by Charlotte Alderidge on 13th June 2019, 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) REf1pk6

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) Empty Re: The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine)

    Post by Sanguine 13th June 2019, 3:21 pm

    Errings Rising {} A-rank

    Word Count: 1412/3500
    Tagged: @Charlotte Alderidge
    Muse: Peppy
    Music: song name by composer

    This notes section will scroll if needed!
    A heavy sigh left the maid's mouth as she listened to the way that Charlotte carried on. She wasn't wrong in what she said in terms of her contract, but she was being a little overbearing with the way that she chose to go on about it. "I- ...I understand, Mistress Charlotte." Her eyes glared to the smaller woman, knowing it wouldn't take much to kill her, but how would it look if she went off the reservation and killed a client whom treated her a certain way? Taking that in mind was one of the harshest things she mentally did to herself. Still the maid simply just nodded her head to let it pass, knowing that the more she dealt with this, the happier she would be when she returned to her own masters castle where she would be welcome with much more than just open arms. "I believe saving your hide last time would have been enough at the very least for a name. If you'd reached out to get me for another job, it must also speak to your liking of me in some way, shape or form." She was determined to push this girl a little at a time. She could cast off her bitchy attitude, all she wanted was just to be called something that wasn't degrading. That was all.

    "Just lemme kill her... Come on, Rose."
    "No, you aren't going to."
    "Come on! Lemme snap her damn neck and we can do this job, then keep ALL the money! She's loaded from what it sounds, why not extort it from her?"
    "That's all the more reason to keep her alive. Get on her good side and have her give it to us. If you wanted to take it further, you gain trust, gain access, then drain and vanish."
    "...Nah, long game is too much. But good to know we can make an contortionist out of you yet."
    "Delilah... that... That's not... oh lord."

    Lightly shaking her head, disgusted by the imagery in her head as well as the Succubus herself in the moment, she snapped her head over to the client of hers whom was seated rather mannerly in her seat made of Sanguine's hair. "I didn't have this magic ability the last time we met, as I mentioned before. But I'm open to suggestions in accordance to our contract if you had anything. As a maid, I aim to please, so please do mention anything if you can think of anything between now and then. Hair preferences, clothing choices. Whatever you can think of." The rest of the walk there, aside from any suggestions... or rather demands from which Sanguine would have no choice but to comply. But more importantly had been what she would end up wanting from her. Honestly, she didn't think of it before, and it frightened her to find out what would come from her mouth next.

    For the next part however, Charlotte may not end up having to like what she was going to have happen. And yet, the maid smirked knowing she would be hearing her childish whines, but at least she didn't have to walk this time and had a comfortable seat as well. "So, in order to do this... you're going to have to be put down." Gently, she lowered the throne like chair down so Charlotte could be standing rather than just simply dropping her like she initially wanted to. Next, she would take the sword on her back off, allowing her hair to return to its normal length and wrapping itself into a tight braid. Removing the cloth, Charlotte could now see this new weapon revealed, only to watch as she drug the blade across her left palm. Black blood would ooze out, taking its own shape into 3 throwing knives.

    Standing before the cages, she would throw each knife in between the cages in precise places. "And.. boom~" And like that, the knives would explode, shattering the sides of the cages, letting the souls trapped escape into the air. If Charlotte was degrading her aim.. she'd surely learn how wrong she was. "Now, where is our next step, Mistress Charlotte?"


    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Charlotte Alderidge
    Charlotte Alderidge

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) Empty Re: The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine)

    Post by Charlotte Alderidge 13th June 2019, 7:54 pm

    Charlotte Alderidge
    Listening to the maid ramble on and on about her life made Charlotte sad. Anyone who lives pointless and meaningless lives made her sad. No one deserved to live in such a black and white world and she pitied the maid. Learning hair magic out of all the others? If that wasn't a cry for help then what was? Clearly, she was in some sort of midlife crisis. She was obviously older, how old Charlotte couldn't tell but being only fifteen herself she assumed the worst. The fact that this maids only purpose in life was to please anyone she worked for disturbed Charlotte. Surely she must have some importance aside from helping others? It wasn't so much that the girl was a maid or that as far as Charlotte could see, the world would keep spinning without her, it was the fact that she actually helped others. That was the nail on the coffin. The thing Charlotte refused to believe. She tried not to think about it that much, the helping part. It made her sick to her stomach. It was unbearable, really.

    Charlotte was lowered down like she always was. She didn't enjoy doing things herself, walking or standing included but she knew the seriousness of the situation at hand and it appeared her maid was incapable of functioning without her barking orders. That was why the name useless was fitting! "You idiot, LOOK!" From the broken cages a river of spirits flooded out, some friendly and others not so much. The vicious creatures circled the duo, wanting to strike. "Look at what you did! How do you expect to get out of this one? USELESS." Berenice snapped. She didn't feel like being haunted for the rest of her life and she especially didn't want to deal with these. There was no way she was helping. This maid should have read the job herself! It warned them of this, and she should have been better prepared!

    The sound of the spirits wailing rang through her ears like a siren. It sounded like they were crying, or saying something, but they were closing in and fast. Charlotte put her hands to her ears in hopes of deafening the sound but all attempts proved to be futile. "HANDLE IT." She screamed. The ghosts continued to circle them like a twister and she was afraid that this could possibly be the end, something told her that she might want to help but another part of her told her to let that maid handle it and so she did.
    HP --> 500 || MP--> 500
    Currently Fighting: 2x weak, 1x strong

    Active Buffs & Debuffs:
    Active Spells:
    Damage Dealt and Taken:
    "Spirits are my toys. If I break them then that's my problem."

    Muse: barely breathing
    Music: put sum dank shit here
    Character Thoughts: Holy shit why is my player so dumb like legit I wanna strangle them half the time wtf.
    1341 / 3500 words || @tagged


    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) REf1pk6

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) Empty Re: The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine)

    Post by Sanguine 13th June 2019, 9:13 pm

    Errings Rising {} A-rank

    Word Count: 2190/3500
    Tagged: @Charlotte Alderidge
    Muse: angered
    Music: song name by composer

    This notes section will scroll if needed!
    Everything seemed to be going fine until the moment she shattered the cages. The spirits she let out were beginning to panic and circling the pair, which only caused internal giggling from the Succubus inside of the maid. Surely the way she had reacted was priceless, but the spirits were the true treasure in this situation. Charlotte was beginning to get very very useless herself, constantly ordering Sanguine to do every little thing. Sure, the contract was that she was to aide in the mission, but doing ALL the work was not in it at all. And her memory was perfect in terms of reading or basically observing any little thing with her eyes. Sighing lightly in a manner to which the woman couldn't hear her do so at all, Sanguine was very much so losing her patience, but nowhere near as fast as Delilah had.

    "Set her straight."
    "No. Not until this is over."
    "I told you to set her straight, damn it!"
    "Time and place Delilah, now stop it."

    Scoffing at the maids refusal, it took all but a moment for her to utter the name useless one last time before the last straw was drawn for the original hair mage. "Alright, I've had enough..." Her eyes began to glow a little green, altered from her normal blue. The succubus embodied the maids for a moment as they'd discovered they could do at any time. "Will all of you.. SHUT UP!" She screamed. The spirits.. listened it seemed. They all paused, the more frightened ones fleeing upon the loud screaming shout. "I've sat back well more than I ever would have before listening to you, you mouthy little brat." Her glare down to the girl was beaming, intimidating her in every way possible before she laid her hands on the girl lifting her up off of her feet. "I thought Rose was being a rather fair person with you. Just a fucking name, but you can't pull your head out of your own ASS to see! I may not like this maid all too much, but frankly I'd take her any and every day over some pretentious, cocky, spoiled, little bitch like you!" Fed up and disgusted, the succubus in control threw Charlotte back, letting her fall onto her back if anything before she shifted herself back, the glowing eyes returning to normal.

    At first, the normal body language and stance of the maid returned before she showed signs of her being rather concerned. But that quickly faded and her own sigh left her lips now. She walked forward and grabbed gently onto her arms before pulling her up. She spoke not one word until she had assessed her dress and brushed any and all dirt from her. Once she stood up onto her feet, she simply walked in front of Charlotte and gave a curtsy. "I won't apologize for what was said, Mistress Charlotte. I will for my incompetence of allowing myself to not stay in my full control... but I hadn't just picked up the hair magic on my time between our missions together. I'll be happy to explain later, but know I will do anything to make up for her being physically violent towards you." She was extremely calm, more so than before the whole outburst happened.

    A strange noise caught the maids attention, quickly having her hold up a finger to hope Charlotte would quiet down. "Someone's coming, shh." She began to move herself closer to a nearby hallway exit where the sound could be heard from, thankfully her slayer senses were better than she thought they would have been. "Sector C, all secure. Moving on to the cages." The footsteps grew louder until she caught sight of the stranger. A gasp left as he caught sight on Charlotte for a moment... then nothing. Sanguine had wrapped hair around his entire head, silencing him from speaking. SNAP! His movements would go limp and she would pull him down to arms reach, grabbing the body while her hair retracted back once again into its single braid. Biting into his neck, she would begin to drink every drop of blood from him before letting his corpse drop to the ground. A small streak left from her lip to her chin and a satisfied sigh of a fresh meal got her own blood pumping. "Yumm!~ Warm blood is always so much tastier to me~" She giggled, acting slightly on the childish side while she approached Charlotte once more, giving one more curtsy toward Charlotte. "Please lead the way, Mistress Charlotte."


    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Charlotte Alderidge
    Charlotte Alderidge

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) Empty Re: The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine)

    Post by Charlotte Alderidge 15th June 2019, 12:43 pm

    Charlotte was not the type to be offended by other peoples opinion of her. She knew very well what most people thought with just a glance in her direction, that she was a spoiled brat incapable of doing things herself and they were absolutely right. Why would she do something when someone else could do it for her? That's the very reason she took up celestial spirit summoning in the first place. These people were jealous and she figured she had set something off in the maid. Her temper, her words, everything just seemed very different. It was almost as if she was another person entirely! Charlotte didn't want to look into this too much and simply took it as her doing what she does best. Bringing out the worst in people.

    As the maid went on her angry ran Charlotte stuck out her tongue, shook her head, and used her hand to gesture talking much like a puppet. Honestly, she had heard it all before from well, anyone she has ever crossed paths with. Nobody liked her but they were forced to deal with her nonetheless. That was what Charlotte liked. Her attitude was horrid but her money and influence gave her an unimaginable advantage against people like... well this maid. But this thought process quickly shifted as she was thrown back. "You dumb bitch!" Charlotte shrieked. She was not happy at this moment. The dress she was wearing was worth more than some peoples homes and it... it got dirt on it!? How could she? This was supposed to be a maid, they did not make messes they cleaned them up.

    Luckily Charlotte was helped up moments later. "I don't expect you to apologize. I expect you to pay. Your master will be hearing about this and you will be punished. I'll make sure of it." Charlotte said with a huff. She was clearly aggravated by the maid's sudden outburst. Charlotte was going on and on about what could be done to teach her a lesson until a finger was put to her lips and she was shushed. Charlotte thought about biting her finger right off but she soon saw why it was of great importance to remain silent. But Charlotte was too slow! They saw her, she and the man locked eyes only for a moment before BAM! His neck was snapped by long locks of silvery white hair. "At least you can do one thing right." One hand was now on her hip, her leg extended. She was looking forward to just getting this over with. "Well, you took out what appears to have been the only operator working today. I believe all you have left is the boss." Charlotte had no real idea where this man or woman was located but that was when she heard it. A loud sound that resembled a generator. The 'boss' wasn't a person! It was a machine!

    Charlotte wasn't usually one to lead the charge and this was no exception. "Did you hear that? I think it came from that direction." She said, pointing towards the area where she heard the noise. It was not like the rest of the building, it was dark with faint sounds of wailing. Obviously lost spirits who weren't killed by the maid. The ones who weren't good nor evil. They wouldn't post a threat of course but they were still creepy. "I think that machine is the boss and we need to destroy it. But first, we need to find it..." Charlotte thought of how that could be done, wondering around in the dark seemed hopeless and this bloodthirsty bitch on her side was out of control. For a second she thought about doing it herself and then laughed out loud. Never.

    Though not doing it herself did not mean she couldn't boss the others around. Truth be told she had learned nothing from the maids fit of rage. She was used to that reaction and knew that she would be punished for attacking someone of a higher class. Trash always forgets its place from time to time. She couldn't blame them for that. Their pathetic attempts to rise through the social hierarchy and come for her? They'd never get her crown. It seemed that this maid had aimed for it but instead got an apron. "Do you have a plan or are you going to keep that little pet name I gave you. Useless." Charlotte was more than a young girl on a mean streak. She was always trying to dig into someone's skin. Getting people mad excited her. Controlling their emotions like that. It meant she won. This maid had fallen for the oldest trick in the book which boosted Charlotte's superiority complex by tenfold. "Well, whatever the plan is, you better make it snappy. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I DON'T have all day. Especially not with you..." Charlotte hadn't grown particularly fond of the maid as of late. Previously a part of her thought that she could at least tolerate her but that idea was coming to an end. She had proved herself to be many things. Useful wasn't one of them.

    WC: 2208


    The Ghost In The Hunt (Charlotte + Sanguine) REf1pk6

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:42 pm