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    A Ritual to Enchant


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    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
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    A Ritual to Enchant Empty A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Elyon 22nd May 2019, 9:35 am

    [Job info can be found here: To Hunt a Vampire II]

    394/4500 WORDS
    I will be the one to break Bellum.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x
    After a display of skill and rather blinding magic, the two mages and a summon made their escape from the dusty house. While Zachary mounted his summon, V merely conjured a blade of ice, upon which he rode downwards and land safely on the ground. They had fulfilled the task and the young mage had the book in his possession. The duo left the vampire guard and an increasing number of spirits behind.  All they had to do was to get it back to the hunters and leave them to their own devices, learn how to deal with this newfound menace. Though that wasn't exactly going to happen.

    Instead, the two mages would encounter the leader of the hunters on the edge of the spooky forest. She wasn't alone. Accompanying her were four more hunters, all of whom were armed to the teeth like the leader was. One could tell that they must've been some of the best hunters she had. "We were feeling a bit restless, sending you out to investigate on your own." She would call out to the tattooed man as the two mages would approach the group. "Though you weren't alone in your endeavour, as I can see." The huntress would nod towards the Fairy Tail mage. The tattooed man was a bit surprised to see the huntress, but he could understand her reason behind being restless. "We met at the house you had described. It was quite a coincidental meeting." V would look off to the side at Zachary, with a little smirk on his face. "That's good. We can always use more help." She would grin for a moment, before getting serious.

    "Do you have the book?" She would ask with a stern face. The tattooed man would nod in response. "Of course. We wouldn't dare return without it." He would reply and motion with his left hand to Zachary. "Would you do the honors, Zachary?" The man would give the young mage a little bit of a verbal push. It would be rather splendid if they could finish the job right then and there, without needing to track the leader down again. V felt quite glad that the hunters made their way out there. The less pressure on his body the better. Though the line 'we can always use more help' had him worried for more work.
    @Zachary-Sirius || Slaying Monsters to protect


    A Ritual to Enchant 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Insight of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 430
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 667,254

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Arc of Cosmos
    Third Skill: Cosmic Dragon Slayer

    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 7th June 2019, 5:04 pm

    place save for mission

    Zachary huffed and puffed as he recovered from the fright of the vampire, mansion and the sudden drop he got from the window as they had launched into the air in their escape. Leo had done a wonderful job, the majestic white lion had repelled the vampire enough to allow them to escape. Zachary's theory was correct. Even if this vampire was immune to most forms of poison or methods normally used to kill it, sunlight still was a universal weakness. He was lucky to have such a powerful spirit, especially a Zodiac spirit, who had the power over sunlight.

    Once they were safely out of the mansion and no spirit or vampire was in pursuit, Leo took his quoue to shift. At first, Zachary thought Leo would go back to the Celestial World. Instead, he took on his humanoid-like familiar form. Much like Ruby, the tiny companion he had, Leo and all his spirits could exist as smaller or non combative forms to remain by their summoner's side via his residual magic power. For Leo, he took on a rather still intimidating form of a humanoid white lion in tribal gear and holding a pole-arm like weapon. No doubt that even V would be a bit in awe of the lion.

    Before long on the path back, they were greeted by the group of hunters. Zachary froze, realizing he was now caught. BUSTED! They would know he was a fledgling wizard, who took their request in addition to V, and under the guild's nose. Still, he tried to keep a positive and compitent air about him. Leo looked at him, confused about his hesitation.

    "Um.... Zachary Sirius, ma-am. Sorry for not coming to you first but I felt compelled to act and get a jump on the job. One of those vampires were looking for the book to so...." he paused and realized V beat him to the punch. Seems he backed up for him, and the woman was more accepting of him after that. He gave a generous bow to the client.

    V offered to let Zachary do the honors. With the book tight under his arm, he realized how tight he was holding on to it for dear life. Seeing the smile on the woman's face, he took a breath and kindly handed the book to her. "Yes. I'm glad we could get it back to you."

    "Thank you. This will be of great help to our next step. " she said and handed the book over to her associate. "With this, we can actually forge magic weapons capable of harming these creatures. I hope we can count on you for your aid in it."

    This puzzled Zachary a bit as he looked to V. "Um, what exactly do you want us to do? I am a Celestial Wizard, but we would need help if the spell requires anything specific." he stated.

    "Oh , no nothing like that. We will explain it in detail well before we start. But not here. We cannot risk your fanged friend catching on. Please come with us,"she said.

    The group of hunters began to make their way further to the depths of the forest-- leaving Zachary to glance at Leo and V. He hoped both was on board for helping them out.

    WC: 577



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    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
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    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Elyon 9th June 2019, 12:38 pm

    504 - 898/4500 WORDS
    I will be the one to break Bellum.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x
    Zachary's summon shifted forms before they came across the group of hunters. The young mage seemed hesitant at first, but eventually spoke up. Something about jumping into the job, but once V prompted him to pass on the book, he complied. Thankfully he was still holding onto it. The leader thanked him and passed the book to her companion, who opened it and started to skim through the texts it held inside.

    The leader said something about forging weapons and it was not surprising. It was all that they could rely on, after all. V noticed the look of confusion written on the Fairy Tail mage's face as he inquired further. It seemed that the hunters already had an idea as to what to do, much to V's surprise. Was the fetching of the book necessary if they already knew how to deal with them? The tattooed man was now the confused one, but was on board with the idea of lending his help for a bit longer.

    In any case, the hunter leader asked the mages to follow her and her group explicitly, leaving them little to no wiggle room for backing out, even if they wanted to. The group of hunters then ventured back into the depths of the forest, leaving the mages to follow them. The young mage glanced towards his summon and the tattooed man. "Very well. I wouldn't want to keep them waiting." V would say and follow the group of hunters. He was slightly worried that his body may fail him down the road if he strained himself for too long. Thus it was his secret hope that whatever they were about to dive into was quick and snappy.

    Ahead of him, he could see the hunter who was peering into the book they had obtained earlier. He was armed to the teeth, just like the rest of the group. As the man read, he would speak up. "So to sum things up. There's a bunch of things written that mean nothing to us." The leader waved her hand to signify that he should omit the useless drivel. The man would continue. "There is one entry on these specific vampires. The description and whatnot pretty much exactly match up with what we've been dealing with." That was when he really got the attention of others. "There seems to be a ritual of sorts that can enchant weapons to make them deal damage to those vampires. The ritual must be performed correctly, of course." He would lay out what was written within the book. V would hum to himself. He was starting to get an idea as to where this was going.

    "Good. The place that I was thinking of before should suffice for this task." The leader would say and push on forward. In the meantime, V was hoping that Zachary did not leave and was following the hunters like he was. It would be quite rude to leave them hanging, since they requested their help, after all.
    @Zachary-Sirius || Slaying Monsters to protect


    A Ritual to Enchant 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Insight of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 430
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 667,254

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Arc of Cosmos
    Third Skill: Cosmic Dragon Slayer

    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 16th June 2019, 6:10 pm

    Zachary was relieved that V was on board . Leo, now as his humanoid shape, had his arms folded and his polearm secured behind his back. "I suppose this should be okay. It be a mistake to let my guard down now, but be aware my power is not without limit. And I won't be able to do much as I am now." the lion said.

    Zachary smiled as they followed the leader of the band of hunters. "No worries, Leo. I'm sure we can handle it. Besides, V here is also a bad ass, aren't you? " he asked.

    They followed the hunters into a clearing in the woods. Despite the clearing, the sky was still dark and loomed with the grim aura of the haunted woods. Owls and crickets made their sounds as the band of hunters made a position in the center of the clearing, unraveling materials onto the ground with clatter of metals. There, he saw several swords, scythes, and other weapons of a gleaming silver that glistened with their reflections.

    "The ritual in question allows us to enchant these weapons to make them harm the vampire you encounter and others like him. The ritual will take roughly a half hour to complete," the leader explained to V and Zachary." We have all the supplies here and the ritual will be complete when the moon breaks through the clouds to enchant the weapons with its might. "

    "Moonlight? Is that really what will work on the silver? I mean... it kind of feels off that we are using something normally used on Werewolves to fight it?" Zachary asked.

    The leader sighed and rubbed her head. "Supposidly, there are similarities between this vampire and the werewolves you refer to. Either way, leave those details to us. What is important-- however, this ritual will no doubt draw a lot of unwanted attention. What I would have you all do is fight off any creatures that might be drawn in to the ritual. The magic alone may draw in those who would corrupt the rite."

    Zachary nodded and gave them a positive thumbs up. "Consider it done. Fighting monsters is one thing Fairy Tail Wizards are good at!" Zachary said, boasting his confidence to the task at hand.

    No doubt it might make V roll his eyes at his jubilance at the task at hand.

    WC: 417


    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
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    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Elyon 24th June 2019, 9:59 am

    444 - 1342/4500 WORDS
    I will be the one to break Bellum.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x
    The young mage and his summon exchanged a bit of banter, Zachary also throwing of a bit of it towards V, to which he only hummed in response. He didn't consider himself 'badass', as the boy put it. He was just subjected to rigorous training by a demon, that was all. The pain in his body was steadily building as the mages followed the band of hunters ever deeper into the woods. The leader then went on to explain the ritual again, as the group reached the spot that she mentioned before.

    When the group finally reached the spot that turned out to be a clearing of sorts, the hunters got to work. They unsheathed and unraveled various types of weaponry and loudly tossed them into a single pile in the middle of it all. The sharp sounds grated at V's greater hearing, but he just clenched his teeth through it. The leader then explained the ritual again, with some more informatioin sprinkled in. Zachary then questioned the method, but the leader was having none of it. Instead, she firmly asked them to protect the ritual grounds, to which the young mage oh so happily agreed. V couldn't say anything about Fairy Tail, so he reckoned that it must've been true. The tattooed man also did not feel like boasting about his own Guild allegiance, considering that the opinion of the surrounding parties of him would have possibly drastically changed.

    The man would nod in acknowledgement. "Nothing will come through." He would say and the leader took that as a sign to start the ritual. There was only so much time and so much work to do. The four remaining hunters took their spots around the ritual grounds, ready for anything. V would blindly choose one of the sides, that seemed most vulnerable, or rather most likely to be one of the active attacking fronts. His magical strength had enough time to recover after their last antics when they were searching for the mysterious tome, so throwing out spells would be easy for him.

    The leader of the hunters had the tome opened before her, as she stood in front of the pile of gathered weapons. After seemingly reading over the lines a few times, she started chanting them out loud. Within the first few words a large shimmering silver circle would form around the pile. The magic that started seeping out of it was bright and plentiful, in a sense. Barely a few moments passed, before V heard something rustling ahead of him, but also behind him. He hoped that whoever was over in that direction was prepared. "Brace yourselves. They're already here."
    @Zachary-Sirius || Slaying Monsters to protect


    A Ritual to Enchant 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

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    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by NPC 24th June 2019, 9:59 am

    The member 'V' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    A Ritual to Enchant NXDHjfc A Ritual to Enchant R2fEWNz A Ritual to Enchant R2fEWNz A Ritual to Enchant R2fEWNz A Ritual to Enchant OdAaNwh

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Insight of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 430
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 667,254

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Arc of Cosmos
    Third Skill: Cosmic Dragon Slayer

    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 28th June 2019, 8:19 pm

    It was then that the ritual began. The hunters in charge with the ritual had their backs to them, while the others kept guard along with V and Zachary. Leo, aka Ajani, stood nearby. Zachary glanced at the ritual and heard the soft murmur of chants going on. As they proceeded the sky slowly parted and moonlight began to flow down from the sky.

    "Huh... That's interesting," Zachary commented, curious to the ritual. "I wonder if this is similar to that Moon Drip ritual that was performed on Galuna Island, or so I heard anyway. "

    While V might not be open to respond to Zachary's innocent comments and questions, Leo was a bit more curt to the point. "It probably be wise to stay focus, Zachary. We have much work to do." he said.

    Zachary frowned and sighed. "Y-you're right. Sorry... Are you able to fight or do you still need some rest?" he asked.

    "To be truthful, I could rest a little bit longer in this form. While I can fight, it be better if I have some time to recover my magic power. " Leo said calmly, despite V's warning.

    From the forest, shadowy creatures began to appear. They really did look like shadows, of different animalistic shapes and sizes, along with others mixed in further back-- drawn in by the magic of the moonlight which called the others in.

    "No worries. YOu can rest a bit longer. I'll restore your power when you're ready," Zachary said and dug into his pocket for one of his keys. A smile was on his face as he pulled out one with the shape of a horse-head with wings in the back of it. " Now that we are outside, I can cut loose with one of my best spirits." The sheer pride and confidence Zachary said was almost illuminating in the bleak forest.

    He held the key up high and it gleamed in the moonlight. "OPEN-- Gate of the Winged Horse! PEGASUS!!" he cried and slashed the key through the air in front of him.

    A brilliant circle of light appeared around him and released the spirit with the sound of a bell. The sound of a loud neigh was heard and the flap of wings as a brilliant white steed appeared in the air above them. The gleam of blue sapphire flared from his wings, along with the horn on his head-- an alacorn, V might recognize.

    "Good evening, Zachary. Trouble this late. You're mother wouldn't approve of you being out in this neighborhood, the horse, Pegasus, said in a knowing tone, which made Zachary roll his eyes once more.

    "Pegasus... do you mind us talking about my family issues when we are not about to be attacked by creepy crawlies!" he argued.

    Well in the air, Pegasus turned to see the incoming mass of creatures. "Oh--well this job certainly beats me giving rids to children at birthdays or petting zoos. Let's ride!" he said with an almost happy tune as he ascended higher.

    It was then he released a flap of his wings-- and from them, a gale of shimmering wind blew forward. While the enemies now ran to charge in-- the wide-reaching wind blew and tossed many back. Pegasus had a variety of powers, including the power of wind magic as he flew. The wind whipped around them, as well as hindered their attack power.

    Holding Pegasus' key tight, Zachary watched confidently as Pegasus made the first move.

    WC: 625


    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 24,593

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    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Elyon 16th July 2019, 2:32 pm

    521 - 1863/4500 WORDS
    I will be the one to break Bellum.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x
    With his superior hearing, V not only heard the creatures drawn to the ritual site approaching, he also very much heard one of the plentiful exchanges between the Fairy Tail mage and his summon. If he had to be honest, V could go for some rest. His pained body was crying for him to just stop whatever he was doing and just sit down and recover. Alas, it was not meant to be.

    The denizens of the haunting place were after them and he promised lending a helping hand. From the darkness ahead of him, a number of shadowy figures appeared, charging ahead of what seemed to be a furry snake. A rather large furry snake and as funny as it seemed to the tattooed man, he very swiftly realised that the thing was coming for them and would most likely not go down without a proper fight. The man would sigh, just as his young companion apparently opened a yet another of his celestial summons, bathing the area in light.

    The tattooed man didn't bother looking back as to what he had summoned, though from the sounds that filled his ears he could discern that it most likely a pegasus. Exactly what the boy had exclaimed as he opened the celestial gate. The boy was reprimanded by his summon as the man slowly started to walk towards the group of enemies. It was time to prune the number of creatures of the cursed place.

    The shadowy beings had various shapes that even V couldn't exactly make out, even if there was some moonlight shining down. The mage gathered ice energy in his body and snapped his fingers. Four icicles appeared behind him, each of them briefly locking onto the nearest enemies and then launching themselves. The ice pierced straight through the shadows, obliterating them in the process. There still were some shadows left, but V's attention was more locked onto the greater enemy that had emerged. The creature suddenly halted and reared. V's demonic training kicked in and he instinctively dashed to the side, as a large glob of red liquid landed next to him.

    The mage briefly glanced at the spot the liquid made impact with the ground. It was singed and the liquid was still there, as if it was eating away at whatever it was covering. That sight alone made V glad that he managed to get out of the way of the attack, albeit at the cost of more pain. The serpent continued its slither forward, not caring that it missed. While its advance could not be entirely stopped, V could at least slow it down, along with its friends.

    V gathered more energy in his body and snapped his fingers. The energy then transformed into a veil of chilling mist that would slow down the enemies, while dimming their sense of sight, making it harder for them to aim their attacks. The mage was hoping to make the creatures miss a few times, if it was possible. There would be more creatures to fight, however. The ritual seemed to be nowhere close to be done.
    @Zachary-Sirius || Slaying Monsters to Protect


    A Ritual to Enchant 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Insight of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 430
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 667,254

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Arc of Cosmos
    Third Skill: Cosmic Dragon Slayer

    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 26th July 2019, 8:00 am

    "V-- Look out!" Zachary cried, concerned for his associate. However, it seemed V had more skill in this than he anticipated. He swiftly dodged, despite the show of fatigue the man had. He was wordless, but precise and regarded the enemies with cold swiftness. Even more accurate to that, he soon saw as V snapped his fingers and the air grew considerably chilly. A blizzard-- a gale of icy winds began to sweep across the battlefield that easily slowed down the enemies even more.

    Zachary still worried about V. He didn't seem like a front-line fighter, similar to Zachary. He always preferred to use range and support to his spirits. V be careful! With so many they will easily gang up on us!" Zachary warned.

    Meanwhile, Leo continued to recover as he knelt there behind Zachary, observing the enemies that crawled out of the dark. The shadowy monsters were indistinctive to one another, making it harder to tell what was more dangerous. The ones that stood out where the larger ones, seeming to be shaped like werewolves. The one V was fighting-- a vicious looking snake with tusks on it was the more troublesome but it seemed V had it covered to fight it. Unlike Zachary, Leo could tell V could handle himself despite his fatigue. There was more to that mage than Zachary was willing to consider and that made the lion worry if Zachary put too much trust in his 'new friend'. He was too trusting for his own good at times...

    The werewolf one-- the lycanthrope was advancing faster than the rest in place around V's and Pegasus' spells. Leo's eyes narrowed on it. "Zachary, use Sirius to combat the Lycanthrope." Leo suggested.

    Zachary turned to the lion, still sitting out. "You want me to summon HIM of all time? Knowing him, he probably would forget and try to hit on the team leader." Zachary commented.

    "Trust me. He will have a better advantage here than your other spirits." he insisted.

    Zachary took out the silver key, depicting a wolf on the top of it. "Alright, fine. If you insist," Zachary said and held out the key. "Open, Gate of Canis Major! SIRIUS!!"

    Another flash of light appeared as he slashed the key forward, followed by another wolfish howl into the night. Emerging from the light was a wolf-creature adorn in blue armor and standing on two haunches, much like a werewolf was. His appearance didn't look terrestrial as normal wolves, proving he wasn't just one but also a Celestial Spirit.

    "Hey, Zachary, buddy! How you doing? HOw's your mom?" he said with a wolfish grin, "She still single, cause you know I'd love to ask her---"

    "For the love of god, don't you DARE finish that sentence!!" Zachary fumed.

    Sirius the wolf was ... well, a wolf in every sense of the word. The guy was a fierce warrior, feral at times, and a perv as some would have described Taurus to be. It embarrassed Zachary to have someone this pervy as his partner, but he was a dependable spirit when push came to shove.

    "Geez, you ask one little question," the wolf grumbled, but soon his attention came to the advancing lycanthrope monster. "Oh, I see. Yeah, okay... sign, guess I won't be getting laid tonight."

    Before Zachary could shout at Sirius-- the wolf took off in a flash and charged right for the Lycanthrope. What he lacked for in personal skills, Sirius was a beast on the battlefield as with one swipe of his nature-infused claws, the lycanthrope was knocked back. Each swipe of Sirius' claws not only slashed into the lycanthropes he found, but also the surrounding monsters, the gale of leaves and earth causing them to be struck by the resulting magic... and some even shattered into puffs of dark smoke.

    Despite how he tore the monsters apart, Zachary still was there with a red sheen over his cheeks at how embarrassed he was to have such a pervy spirit.

    Meanwhile, Pegasus saw the gale of icy winds his companion ally had. Unaware he was an ice slayer, he still worked to try and help them. With a neigh, Pegasus flapped his wings and launched a volley of icicles-- crystalized in mid air from the horse's own magic. The icicles showered down upon the battlefield, instantly skewering the lesser creatures into dark dust as easily as Sirius had.

    WC: 737


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    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Elyon 4th September 2019, 3:20 pm

    562 - 2425/4500 WORDS
    I will be the one to break Bellum.
    HP: 000/000
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    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x
    It seemed that the boy from Fairy Tail was concerned about V. It was somewhat charming, but not necessary. Although his body would ache, his personal pain was something that V had to push away, in order to be victorious in the onslaught of monsters. A part of him wanted to reassure the young mage that he would be fine and to save his breath for fighting, but it seemed like a waste of energy. They were both plenty busy with repelling the attack, after all. On V's side there still were some shadowy figures, as well as the snake monster. Thankfully, their advance was slowed by the chilling mist he summoned earlier.

    The younger mage bickered with his summon for a little bit, before summoning yet an another being. The purifying circle was slowly turning into a menagerie circle, as the newest summon joined the fray with a howl. Though V had to admit that he found it strange that the boy owned a summon with such crude language. The snake monster slithered closer, as it spat an another load of red goop, that V dodged again, though this time it was a much closer call. The tattooed man reckoned that he most likely wouldn't have fast enough reflexes for an another attack like that. The ground was singed and bubbled under the acid. Soon after, a number of icicles flew through the air that were not of V's making. He was slightly surprised, but it quickly became clear by the sound of wings flapping as to who, or rather what, was the source.

    The supportive hail of icicles took care of the remaining shadowy creatures. The hunters who were stationed around the circle were very cautious, especially after the mist suddenly appeared and cut down on their vision. Their leader was still occupied by reading the passages from the recovered tome. One would've thought that an enchantment wouldn't be as long as a full fledged novel.

    The serpent was still very much a threat, however. With a snap of V's fingers, a hand of ice erupted from beneath the monster. It made an attempt to slither away from it, but its length proved to be a liability. The hand grasped the tail of the creature and held it in place. "Not so fast, my serpentine friend." V would said icily, as he snapped his fingers once more. A group of four icicles formed behind his head again, taking aim at the monster. Within a moment they launched themselves, impaling their target. As the monster writhed, however, one of the icicles missed its mark, making V frown.

    Such miss was unacceptable. The serpent was barely hanging on, skewered through by three of the icicles. The tattooed man gathered ice energy in the palm of his that wasn't holding onto his cane and conjured a ball of ice. He then promptly threw it at the monstrosity that was lying down and bleeding on the ground to put it out of its misery that was caused by his inaccuracy. It didn't seem that there was anything else to fight on his side, so the tattooed man took a swift glance backwards, to see how his Fairy Tail companion was faring. Though he was almost absolutely certain that what they had just experienced was merely a first wave of creatures drawn to the ritual.
    @Zachary-Sirius || Slaying Monsters to Protect


    A Ritual to Enchant 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

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    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 6th September 2019, 7:29 pm

    Leo kept his ground as he observed the fight. For the time being, Zachary and V were able to hold their own-- with the aid of Pegasus and Sirius in the fray. While the wolf slashed and dashed through the field, using his sharp claws and wind-fury strikes to tear the shadowy beasts apart, Pegasus used his aerial advantage to volley ice at the enemies. Even V was performing a decent offense as he easily smashed and skewered his own share of foes away with ice.

    The circle of magic behind them was starting to glow with more energy as the sky opened up-- revealing the moonlight. The ceremony was beginning to reach its Zenith. Zachary glanced behind him and sighed with relief, knowing this wouldn't be long. "Leo, you doing okay back there?" " Zachary asked, "At this rate, you won't get a shot yourself."

    Leo regarded his summoner's offer and just sat there for the time being. The lion's glance would go to V, the mysterious wizard of ice. Something about him was off and made him suspicious. While he could care less about the fight itself beyond his contractor's safety, he had this feeling this Ice Wizard Zachary was all too willing to be chummy with had some secrets that could be a risk to his friend.

    "It's okay Zachary. Not that I am lazy-- but i think you four have it covered beyond me at the moment. I'll be here just in case," the lion said as he kept an eye on the ceremony too.

    However, as they were about to take ease in the fact the lesser enemies were easily slain by their combine power... a large thump began to echo in the woods. Sirius looked up as he smelled something fowl-- and a shadow loomed overhead. The wolf gave a soft 'bark' and turned to find a large beast shadowing him, looking down at him with beedy eyes.

    "Oh... that's not good." the wolf said and jumped back just as the massive beast took another step.

    Zachary looked in fright as he saw the beast lumber closer towards the circle. It was as tall as the trees and even the other hunters were distracted by the looming behemoth now on their way towards it.

    WC: 381


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    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Elyon 22nd September 2019, 3:23 am

    580/3005 - 4500 WORDS
    I will be the one to break Bellum.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x
    Thankfully, the many summons of the Fairy Tail mage were strong enough that they took care of their own side without any extra help. Neither side required the help from the monster hunters for the time being, it seemed. Zachary teased his lion-esque summon as the sky opened up to reveal moonlight that shined down onto the ritual ground. Was the ritual proceeding that well? V couldn't really complain, if he had to be honest. His pained body could use some rest. Though it all fest just a little bit too easy. Surely there had to be a catch. And just as the tattooed man asked for it, it happened.

    V's sight caught a glimpse of something moving in the darkness of the forest, but he wasn't sure it was. The man couldn't tell what it truly was, but soon enough it revealed itself. A large beast, as tall as the trees that surrounded them made its way into the clearing, as the wolf summon dodged its steps. The hunters seemed to have also been taken by the rather extreme size of the beast. From behind the beast, a number of shadowy figures emerged. V couldn't tell the exact number, but if he had to guess, it was most likely an another wave of 10 of them.

    The tattooed man would sigh as he walked towards the large beast. He kicked his cane up to his hand, not using it for support for the time being. He would need all of the mobility he could muster if the being decided to swing its arms. "I will leave that side to you to keep an eye out for." V would wave his hand towards the hunters that were on his side, without bothering to look back. "Let us take care of this beast insistent on interrupting us." The mage would nod towards Zachary and his summons, as he snapped his fingers.

    Out of the ice energy gathered in his body, two icy copies of V emerged, on his left and right sides. The beast would take an another loud step, getting ever closer to them and the ritual that was being conducted. With an icy smirk written on his face, the man would pull out his book. It was a book that he held dearly to his heart, as it contained many collected poems, as well as those he wrote himself. He opened the book with his left hand and started to read out loud.

    "And death shall have no dominion.
    Dead man naked they shall be one,
    With the man in the wind and the west moon;
    When their bones are picked clean and the clean bones gone,
    They shall have stars at elbow and foot."

    V wished to read further, but the another step that the beast had taken was a more pressing matter. "Distract them." He would command his twin icy apparitions that then ran ahead to mess with the shadowy silhouettes a bit. With a swift motion the man would close the book as he conjured an extremely sharp piece of ice, letting it loose at the beast. The piece of ice cut into the beast's flesh and the roar it let out as a response was nigh deafening. The tattooed man would cover his ears, but to no avail. "Remind me to bring emergency earplugs with me the next time I find myself in this place." V would remark as he winced from the piercing sound.
    @Zachary-Sirius || Slaying Monsters to Protect


    A Ritual to Enchant 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

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    Third Skill: Cosmic Dragon Slayer

    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 29th September 2019, 8:00 pm

    The giant lumbering creature towered far higher than Zachary anticipated as he looked up. His limbs trembled a bit at the alarm of the size of the behemoth. This wasn't going to be easy, even with his spirits. As Pegasus flew overhead, he saw the power of the beast and his essence causing the lesser beasts to move out in the direction to try and get the hunters working on the ritual. With a mighty neigh, Pegasus beated his wings, applying wind pressure against their advance. Some of them burst to black dust-- but some endured and tried to push against the gale.

    Zachary gripped his keys. "Okay... this is bad. How are we..." Zachary stopped as he soon saw V enter the fray, calmly walking forward and twirling his cane. "V! What are you doing?! It's Dangerous!" Clearly the man wouldn't listen as he knew better than Zachary did, and used his powerful ice magic.

    While the clones did buy him needed time-- the ice spear was in fact a fine choice. However, it struck the Colossus to his chin-- but the ice spear shattered. It growled with pain butt its hide was thick and not likely to break so easily. It grew angry as it lumbered slowly and closely to the ice mage.

    All the while V began to read from the book.

    "Um-- Dude!" Sirius barked, finishing what enemies nearby he could. "Now is NOT the time for poetry!!"

    Zachary saw that more creatures emerged, but V couldn't take on the beast alone. Even though that Pegasus handled some, they couldn't hold out and the ritual wasn't done yet. Zachary looked at his key.. and realized an idea he could use, but wish he had more time. "Normally, I'd summon you Leo... but I need to do what I can on my own."

    Leo didn't answer, but in a sage-like manner, he nodded and looked to Zachary. Since Zachary obtained Leo, he had depended on Leo to be his go-to spirit in an emergency. But Leo would urge him also to be smart and use his other talents. Zachary knew for certain he couldn't depend on Leo alone. He was a Celestial Wizard, but that didn't define him to the keys he had-- but his skill over the spells to use them. It was with this, Zachary looked to Sirius.

    "Sirius!" Zachary called out, catching the armored were-wolf's attention. "We need to crank things up a notch. With your permission I want to use Stellar Evolution on you!"

    "WHAT?!" the wolf barked, his tail up in irritation. "We never tried that before. You want to use it now of all times, cause trust me if this makes me look worse I'd not like it. This mug has to be good for the ladies and--"

    "SIRIUS!!" Zachary shouted, the urgency of the monsters causing more trouble.

    The wolf growled. "Oh, I don't know... " he said.

    "QUICKLY please!" The head huntress shouted from within the magic circle. "If they surround us, we are done for!"

    The sound of the woman and the quick glance at her-- made the werewolf let out a bark of interest and his ears went up. "Okay, I'll do it! Anything for a damsel in distress! Don't worry, little Red! Big Bad Sirius is gonna huff and puff and blow them away! "

    "Oh brother..." Zachary sighed, embarrassed by the wolf's obsession to try and impress any woman he came across. With that, he raised the key of the wolf up high overhead as Sirius was before him. "O, Gate of the Wolf, I call upon you-- open your threshold once more! Fill this champion with your light, shine and transcend the spirit within!"

    With the incantation, a magic circle appeared below the werewolf and Zachary glowed with the magic of the Spirit's key. "Sirius-- STELLAR EVOLUTION!!" he cried and slashed the key once more before him.

    The wolf let out a mighty howl as the magic circle below him shined and eclipsed him in its glow, illuminating the battlefield. The blinding light radiated color and sparkes of different hues as if a nebula had erupted where he stood. As the light began to dim-- a silhouette appeared in a similar shape, but larger and refined. His 'armored' appearance was gone, and now in his place was a more terrestrial looking werewolf with blue and white fur, a hue that seemed to radiate moonlight. He had a more clearer face. His claws existed and he wored a single pair of violet pants, his tail out from a hole in the back. With a throw of his arms, he released another howl, a glowing aura around him-- akin to that of moonlight.

    A Ritual to Enchant KXP6f89
    (Stellar Evolution-- Declaration of Element for Zenith: Moonlight Howl.)

    The light faded, and a new, improved Sirius stood before them. A celestial wizard could only open a gate once to let a spirit pass, but what happened if the summoner opened the same gate twice? This was the result. Zachary poured his own magic into the gate of the Wolf which Sirius appeared through, and the natural magic that governed that gate granted him more power-- like releasing the floodgates of a dam. This was the result, transforming the summoned Celestial spiriti into a superior, stronger form.

    The radiance of the moonlight now drew the creature's attention towards him. The number of the smaller creatures threw their claws for him-- but soon hit something, a 'field' of the light that surrounded him-- like a barrier keeping them away.

    "Oooh, this is gonna be fun," the wolf sneered as he reared his claws back-- and with a single swipe, a barrage of 'light' flew out like shooting stars. The barrage was of a holy power-- demon slayer magic that was more critical against the shadowy creatures, including his lycan styled enemies. The magic empowered, protected and faster than before.

    The blasts of light pulverized the smaller ones around, clearing the field with ease and sparing the incoming assault on the hunters doing their ritual. All the while, as the full moon glowed-- so too did Sirius, now empowered by the moon itself.

    WC: 1031


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    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Elyon 22nd October 2019, 12:54 pm

    759 - 3764/4500 WORDS
    I will be the one to break Bellum.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x
    V's head was ringing from the terrible shriek the colossal creature let out. An unfortunate side effect of possessing superior senses. They could backfire at times. The Fairy Tail mage was rather shocked at the tatooed man's choice of previous actions, as well as growing ever so slightly stressed, which was not unusual, considering the circumstances. And yet, the ritual was not finished. It was so close to completion, they couldn't afford a single mistake, for all of the efforts of that night would have been for naught.

    The talkative wolf-like summon was rather baffled by V's actions aswell. The Pegasus was assisting V's icy clones, but the summon was doing actual damage to the figures that emerged along with the colossal being. The tattooed man would take a few steps back, as the young mage considered his summoning options. V himself had to rethink his approach. His tiny poetry recital did make him feel ever so slightly invigorated, but it was obvious that he had no time or space to stand back and let his powers buy him time while decimating his opposition.

    The wolf summon seemed to be uncooperative, until the leader of the hunters spoke up and he was down for whatever Zachary was suggesting. After a short incantation of sorts, the area was filled with dancing lights. The tattooed man's eyes were used to the dimness of the surrounding forest, so the sudden change in the light levels left him temporarily blinded. The hand without the glove instinctively shot up to cover his eyes, but the damage was already done. He winced, trying to get his eyes adjusted as fast as he could.

    The man dared to uncover and open his eyes after he could notice the light fading, plunging the area back into the darkness it was in before. Though not quite as dark as before, for the wolf summon Sirius was now empowered, by what seemed, moonlight, if the aura, the outer image and the attacks he sported. V rubbed his eyes, as the summon took care of a good chunk of the attackers on the front and cleaned up whatever was left behind them.

    The dark mage would turn around to see how the situation looked back there, as the ritual was incredible close to completion. The hunters he left to guard that part of the grounds seemed to have only light wounds, nothing that wouldn't heal with a bit of time. With the area being clear on that side, V would gather energy in his body, releasing it in a large wall of ice that he motioned into being with his hand, curving around the perimeter as long as he could. It wasn't the largest wall that would cover a large area, but at least one of their sides was covered. If any creature was to appear from their back, it would have to go through or around it. The hunters seemed glad for the layer of protection the ice provided them, turning their attention to the hulking beast.

    V would gather an another wave of energy, releasing it in a layer of ice that covered his body. It was better to be prepared than having cracked bones as a result of unnecessary cockiness. The mage would then gather a third wave of energy and snapping his fingers. A ring of demonic characters would appear below the beast and a spear of ice would shoot upwards shortly afterwards, piercing through its side. The creature let out a loud growl but did not stop. "It seems truly intent on stopping the ritual from being completed." The tattooed man would comment on its resilience. "We will have to try just a little bit harder, if we don't want it stomping just too close." He would state about the rather obvious situation the group of mages and monster hunters were in.

    If the beast was to be stopped, it had to be then, or all of their previous efforts would be in vain. The colossal being would rear its whole arm, ready to swing at the little pests that stood in its way. That was the precise opening. V would gather a fourth wave of energy, forming it into four icicles behind his head. They briefly took aim at the body of the beast and with a quick snap of his fingers, they flung themselves forward, lodging themselves in the beast's body. "Now or never." The mage would mutter, hoping that the newly transformed summon had the strength to back up its strong confidence.
    @Zachary-Sirius || Slaying Monsters to Protect


    A Ritual to Enchant 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

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    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 23rd January 2020, 1:43 pm

    "Consider it done!" Zachary called to V at his request. He turned to Sirius, with a confident smile. "Sirius! Let's do this in one blast!"

    The wolf had just torn up some of the smaller minions in his way, and now had a clear reach for the boss. The wolf growls, but a snicker hidden in the feral tone. "Whoooo!! " he howled with glee and jumped up high into the air.

    The Stellar Evolution of it all granted nott only powerful light-enhancement magic, but also seemed to grow stronger with the light of the full moon upon Sirius. The ritual also made him stronger now due to his new enhanced power. With the big monster now left and in his sight, Sirius inhaled deeply, a powerful light forming in his maw. "MOONLIGHT HOOOOOOWWWWLLL!!" he roared, and let out a mighty howl. A powerful beam of light came shooting out at the enemy, brilliant and strong that it could illuminate the surrounding forest.

    The creature let out a groan as the light struck-- and punched a clear hole in its chest. The howl was that critical against it, and using the ritual's magic-- it even enhanced Sirius' howl further. The howl was supercritical, and in effect, the monster breathed one last breath before it fell backwards with a loud thud on the ground. Slowly, its body began to vanish and disappear.

    By that moment, the ritual finished as a final pulse of moonlight. The woman who lead the hunters looked as she saw her collection of weapons fully enchanted, and now capable of doing what they intended to do.

    A sigh of relief came t o Zachary as Sirius landed on the ground, swift and courageous like some kind of super hero. If anything, perhaps V would be impressed by Zachary's ingenuity regarding his magic upon his summons.



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    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Elyon 8th February 2020, 9:30 am

    544 - 4308/3500 WORDS
    I will be the one to break Bellum.
    HP: 000/000
    MP: 000/000
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (duration), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Cooldown: Spell 1 (x/x posts), Spell 2 (x/x posts), Spell 3 (x/x posts)
    Passives/Buffs: Passive 1, Buff 1, Buff 2 (only for those that currently apply)
    Items Used: Item 1, Item 2
    Monsters Killed: x/x
    The Fairy Tail mage seemed very much confident in the abilities of his summon and gave Sirius full permission to let loose of his power. As the summon howled, the tattooed man glanced behind himself, to ensure that the hunters were alright and the leader safe. The sound of the howl made V wince a bit, his senses, especially his hearing, being already quite irritated. Perhaps he needed to train himself to be able to deal with loud casters and monsters. Shortly after that, the wolf summoned brilliant light as the man turned his head back around, assaulting his eyes with an another dose of temporary blindness, making V close his eyes in a feeble attempt to protect himself. It seemed that everyone and everything was intent on numbing his senses.

    The dark mage didn't see the extent of the damage the wolf summon had done, but as soon as V noticed the light fading once again and a sound of a loud thud filled the air, he deemed it safe enough to open his eyes and see for himself. Thankfully, the monster fell backwards, a possible danger that V had not thought about. If the monster was to fell forward, it would have most likely crushed the whole ritual site, possibly claiming some lives to go down with it. The man rubbed his eyes, to make them adjust to the light levels a bit quicker. It was then, that V had noticed the absence of chanting, as he observed the behemoth monster start to dissolve into the night.

    The tattooed man turned around to see the leader of the hunters inspecting the weapons, that should have been enchanted. He heard a sigh behind him, making V want to release a bit of the battle stress he had been holding, himself. "Is the enchantment satisfactory?" He would ask the leader. "I think so. The weapons have this subtle glow to them now." The woman replied and took a sword form the pile of weapons to hold it up and show the glow she had mentioned. It was truly subtle, even for V's eyesight. Granted, his eyesight was temporarily disrupted, due to the constant changes in the light levels. "What about your comrades?" The man wished to check up on the rest of the company they had. "Nothing a salve and good rest won't fix." One of the hunters replied, assuring the rest that their injuries were not serious. V was very much glad to hear that there was no unnecessary collateral damage in terms of lost lives. It gave him less to worry about in the future.

    With that, the ritual seemed to be complete and V finally let out a little sigh of his own. The adrenaline that kept him going was starting to fade, making his knees start to shake. "You guys need some rest yourselves. I'm glad we found some capable mages for this task." The leader smiled as he put down the sword she held and motioned for the other hunters to pack them up. "It was our pleasure." The man would reply and lightly bow. He would then turn to Zachary, as the sun's rays started to filter through tree branches. "I believe our job is done here, then."
    @Zachary-Sirius || Slaying Monsters to Protect


    A Ritual to Enchant 9AtWbCr

    Character: Elyon Lamalet ⭐ Primary Magic: Gunbreaker (Coming Soon) ⭐ Elyon's Inventory & Info: Closed for refurbishing ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

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    Second Skill: Arc of Cosmos
    Third Skill: Cosmic Dragon Slayer

    A Ritual to Enchant Empty Re: A Ritual to Enchant

    Post by Zachary-Sirius 8th February 2020, 8:38 pm

    Zachary sighed as the danger passed and the hunters had finished their ritual. With that ended, the monsters that were left faded back into the night and the radiant moonlight began to wane. With magic no longer required, Zachary allowed himself to relax and Pegasus up in the air faded back into the Celestial Spirit World. Leo watched with confidence and approval as he saw his master hold his own without his power. He would of helped if he had to, but he witnessed Zachary's own magic power with his own eyes. He felt confident he made the choice to allow his key to be owned by him.

    With a wipe of his brow, Zachary smiled as he looked over things. "So, what did you think? My Stellar Evolution spell is pretty impressive, huh?" Zachary asked to the hunters and V to know what he thought.

    Before he could do more, Sirius was gone and had sprinted over to the leader of the hunters. She looked shocked and offended as the empowered werewolf picked him up in his arms like some heroic figure. "So sweetheart? Wanna go find somewhere for a drink or where you can make me your pet?" he asked, trying to put on the lame charm.

    "Um-- I, what?!" she said, flustered and upset.

    A vein appeared on Zachary as his fist shook at the pervy werewolf. He was even WORSE now that he was evolved into another form. "Close, Gate of the Wolf!" Zachary said harshly with a slash of his key.

    Sirius felt his body begin to fade as he shot a look back at Zachary. "Aw, come on! I was just about to get lucky..." he whimpered as he vanished away back to the Celestial World too. Unfortunately, it caused him to drop the woman on the ground as he vanished.

    Zachary moved over to her and gave her a hand up. "I'm really sorry about him. My wolf spirit is a bit... difficult," he said bashfully, ashamed his spirit was so rough with her.


    WC: 342

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:11 pm