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    Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne]


    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
    Position : Warlord of Devastation
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,745,750

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    Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne] Empty Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne]

    Post by Jester 24th February 2019, 9:34 am

    Job Details:

    To any and all available mages,
    We, Sisters at the Holy Trinity of Talonia, have a request.
    See, one of our dear orphans has decided to, unfortunately, leave us.
    They fled last night and are on the run.
    We believe they are trying to blend into society and start a new life.
    Normally this wouldn't bother us. However, this girl has left with some rather compromising information about our organisation.
    The girl is a sinner and must be brought to heel.
    Either return her to us or ensure she never speaks our truth.
    We shall need proof that the job is done.
    You shall be greatly rewarded.
    Many thanks,
    Sister Margaret of the Holy Trinity of Talonia.

    Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne] G7VfRyw


    Things had been quite eventful; lately, Jester had found himself a fun new player. The White Queen; the magnificent woman with the ability to turn any moment into an eruption of chaos and bloodshed. She had been delightful to work with, or rather to play with. With every move she made, he could see it, the endless possibilities that lay ahead of him. The fun they were going to happen, he just needed to set up the next game. He had ideas, possibilities. His White Queen's malevolence only seemed to grow with her ego, the more she became entitled to, the less she tolerated. He needed to raise her up, he had an idea, but it would take funds. Funds and other players. They didn't need to be extraordinary, just willing. Perhaps it would work, if not he would just need to explore other routes. But if he could lead her down this path, well, the future of Earthland would change drastically. He would get to witness as his queen flooded the people with fear, fear of her name, fear he would contribute to.

    And so, he had taken a job without her. To broaden his horizons a little, to give him time to think. When he was with her, he became so fixated on her malice and bloodshed. He couldn't calculate quite as easily. Also, he wanted to see, if he could achieve the same thrill without her presence. It was an intriguing concept, to see if she really was the peak of his entertainment at this moment in time. He had played such games before, games that came to conclusions that had left him riveted with satisfaction for months on end. But still, once you played such a game, playing it over and over again grew tiresome. He needed something new, and his queen was the ideal creator for such fun. He just needed to make the right moves.

    He had plucked the job from the halls of another guild; he wasn't even a member there, he had just walked in and taken it before walking out. No one had even noticed. They were so weak and pitiful for a 'Dark' guild as they were so aligned. He would never consider joining them; even Nightmare hadn't been entertaining enough for the clown. At least, not with their new rules. Limited the victims he could target. What did he care if someone was a mage or not? They all bled the same.

    He had gone to the Holy Trinity of the Talonia and looked up the girl in question. He had also managed to learn just what it was the girl was running from. These sisters were cruel, heartless and greedy; Jester was only so happy to return her to them. Because you didn't just run away from such cages, at least not in Jester's eyes. If this girl wanted to be free, she had to destroy the cage entirely and everyone in it. She didn't deserve to be free. Not yet at least.

    It didn't take Jester long to find her.

    The girl knew of the nun's connections, their position in society. The girl was creeping through the shadows, staying out of the public eye, slowly trying to accumulate the funds so she could leave Talonia. It was just so... obvious.

    His golden eyes peered down at the alleyway; he was crouched on the roof of a building. Wearing his 'Ringmaster' suit; which included his red cloak, black top hat and white mask wearing a broad smile. Intensely looking down on the girl in the alleyway, her hair a mess and her clothes smothered in dirt. She was counting the change she had managed to pickpocket in the rush of the morning market. He would watch silently, remaining completely still as he prepared to capture his prey.

    WC: 757 / 3500


    Leanne Lyle
    Leanne Lyle

    Lineage : Keeper of War
    Position : None
    Posts : 32
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

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    First Skill: Black Cloud
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    Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne] Empty Re: Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne]

    Post by Leanne Lyle 25th February 2019, 4:47 pm

    The darkness would do the scared little mouse no good, Leanne mused internally with a delighted smile. After all, darkness was one of her best friend. She couldn't handle light well, nor did she care to try. A nighttime rendezvous with an unaware runaway sounded like a great chance to play cat and mouse.

    It was after sneaking around job boards and the dark lacrima net that the evil twin learned of a little girl wanted returned or destroyed, whichever worked better for the mages that took it on. It surprised her to some extent who the contract was being given by, but she honestly didn't care who her clients were as long as she could have some fun leading a person to madness with mayhem.

    She took a deep breath as she followed the girl in question, wondering just where she thought the darkness would take her. A game of tag was no fun if the prey had no chances to escape and surprise the future captor, now was it? Humming lightly against a gentle breeze, Leanne couldn't help but feel thankful she was so dark in color at the most obvious signs of a person. Black was her favorite color, even if it meant wearing it all the time made her look like a grieving widow on a regular basis.

    For a change of pace, Leanne was not wearing her sunglasses to see safely- instead, she had her eyes open wide and without a filter, trotting the same path her prey was taking before her. Though trotting with a skip in her step, she was still fairly quiet, as if she'd ordered the air under her feet to keep her hidden- which she wished she could, as she thought about it.

    As she followed and watched the child in question, Leanne began to recognize a familiar sensation. Someone was watching the child besides her. A swift turn of her head in the direction of a stranger was all she needed to give a haughty glare. She wasn't going to let another mage catch this girl before she did. There was no way she'd miss out on the fun.

    However, Leanne knew she didn't have time to waste protecting the child from a similar stalker. Turning back to the direction the girl had been wandering, the dark haired woman dressed in gothic lolita attire began trotting after her. However, she seemed to continue sensing that person, causing her to stop for intermittent glares as she waited for the child to corner herself.

    Still, something in her gut told her that she wouldn't be getting all the fun herself tonight. She wasn't happy about that, but would play along with fake obedience if it meant she got a turn to torture the cute little mouse herself.

    466/3500 words



    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
    Position : Warlord of Devastation
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,745,750

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    Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne] Empty Re: Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne]

    Post by Jester 1st March 2019, 11:55 am

    Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne] G7VfRyw

    Well, well, well, what did we have here...

    As Jester watched the girl, he sensed the presence of another approaching her. A magical aura creeping along, stealthily stalking the girl. It seemed someone was after his prey as well. Jester quickly surmised that it was another mage that had taken the job at hand. He doubted it was just some generic attacker, after all who would girl after such a measly target. She may have been weak, but she didn't exactly have much to offer. At least not as far as Jester could see, she was just a weak human with nothing particularly interesting about her nature. Not yet at least, but sometimes humans were mouldable playthings. Maybe he could make something...interesting happen.

    But first, he needed to take into account this new variable, the other hunter. How to deal with that? Should he make a move on her first, eliminate her in case of interference? It wasn't as though the job really mattered that much, he could always grab another. But he didn't want any outside influences affecting the girl before he could see if he could influence her himself. He wanted his own fun before bringing her back to the nuns, he wanted to plant a seed and see if it grew.  This approaching mage could ruin that possibility entirely. But then again, they may also prove useful or perhaps even fun, they may even prove to water his seedling, contributing to the chaos he hoped to create.

    The clown stood up, stretching his arms for a moment. He stepped off of the building suddenly dropping down into the alleyway. He fell quickly, his body doing a three-hundred degree turn in the air, he swiftly landed on a dumpster lid, using it to propel him off before landing in front of the girl. She jumped up with a shriek, pulling out a switchblade and pointing it at him. She was quick, but Jester was quicker, his cane smacking her hard with a hard 'thwack' knocking the knife to the ground. She went to pick it up but Jester swept it away with his cane out of her reach. She looked up at him fearfully, quickly trying to back away from him. "Hello little mousey..." He said, his voice silky and soft; sounding no louder than a whisper. "Are you going to let the kitty cat catch you mousey?" He purred leaning forward slightly. She turned on her heel running back towards the entrance of the alleyway. Jester smirked, at this rate she would run right into the other mage. "Runaway mousey, runaway, straight into the jaws of that little kitty cat." His words were louder this time, loud enough so that the other mage would hear him.

    WC: 460
    Jester's WC: 1217 / 3500
    Overall WC: 1683 / 7000


    Leanne Lyle
    Leanne Lyle

    Lineage : Keeper of War
    Position : None
    Posts : 32
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Black Cloud
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    Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne] Empty Re: Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne]

    Post by Leanne Lyle 6th March 2019, 4:16 pm

    Leanne's cheeks puffed slightly when she heard someone refer to her as a cat to her prey. She was far more brilliant, more lovely and more capable than a simple cat. However, there was a mix of emotions as to the general goal she could recognize from the stranger's words. He was giving her bounty a warning- and it was hard to decide if she liked that or not.

    "Come now, little mouse," The raven haired young woman spouted. She walked towards the alley's entrance, leaning on one wall and hunching over just enough to use her parasol to block the path. "There must be something more entertaining than just catching you on a silver platter. I'm not one who likes boring things... I need you to entertain me longer, or taking this job will have been pointless."

    The air around Leanne screamed 'princess complex'. If she just had one of the masochists that tried to follow her around right now, she'd very much appear to be royalty, even more than she already did with her fanciful dark dress and lacy parasol. Her dim eyes turned to stare towards the peculiar figure that had called her out. "I take it you took the same job, hm? We shouldn't just hand her over so simply though. Let's try to make this more interesting for both of us. Unless, that is, you don't feel as bored with this outcome as I do. But if that's the case, I worry for your mental health."

    A light fit of giggles escaped with her next exhale, her free hand covering her belly as she hunched over a bit more to double up. She wasn't sure why, but it felt like the idea anyone could find this simple method entertaining was impossible. She surely hoped it was, at any rate."

    The runaway shuddered as she listened to the fit of laughter on one end and saw the visage of the spooky clown of sorts on the other end. There was virtually no escape unless she could get past the parasol. With little choice, she opted to go for it, running as fast as she could with her fatigued body and jumping over the parasol. Well, almost. Her foot got caught on the long handle at the last second, causing her to topple over face first into the concrete. Leanne burst into laughter a bit louder, retracting the now pointless parasol to simply carry it over her shoulders instead of against a brick wall.

    "You seem tired. I was sure running was something people did to wake up, not fall asleep." She turned towards the one that had called her out in the first place. "You over there, the one that called me out while I was trying to have fun watching her paranoia. What do you think? Should we help wake her up some more?"

    WC: 479 words
    Leanne WC: 945/3500
    Overall WC: 2162/7000



    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Devotee of Darkness- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : The Malevolent Magician
    Position : Warlord of Devastation
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,745,750

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    Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne] Empty Re: Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne]

    Post by Jester 9th March 2019, 2:09 pm

    Two Hunters, One Prey. [Leanne] G7VfRyw

    The clown tilted his head, watching the spectacle as the girl fled, from his clutches. It was clear; she would run to the exit of the alleyway. Hope to flee into the crowd, thinking he would dare snatch her out in the open. Maybe she could scream for help, call him a predator and draw the attention of a passing Rune Knight. It was such a shame for her that this would not be this case, not a shame for Jester though, Jester was delighted as his fellow hunter stepped out in front of the entrance of the alleyway. A young female, with black hair and reddish eyes. Reddish eyes... like his queen. She wore an extravagant dark dress and used her matching parasol to block the girl's exit.

    The female spoke, teasing the now terrified girl about her being too easy to catch. She then talked to Jester, confirming his theory about them taking the same job from the nuns. Her words caused Jester to smirked behind his mask, that was an interesting remark. So the girl wasn't doing it for payment a lot, did she perhaps carry a sadistic nature? Was she a potential gamemaster like his Queen and the Music Man? Jester's curiosity was picked. He would most certainly play this out a little longer. "Oh yes, we must prepare the mousey before she gets eaten." He replied eagerly. It was amusing that she would refer to Jester's mental health, often he had heard comments about his sanity, or rather his lack of it. It was silly. He was fine; it was the rest of the world that wasn't thinking correctly. It was his job to educate him, to true sanity.

    Jester began to stride forward, closing the distance between him and the girl. Between his approach and the young girl's laughter, she freaked. Deciding to take her chances with the girl, she attempted to jump over her parasol and escape into the streets. However it seemed this was doomed from the start, her leg got trapped, causing her to fall flat on her face. Jester did not cease his approach; he had anticipated that the kitty cat would not let her go so easily. She laughed loudly at the girl's troubles, before talking about how tired she was. She referred to Jester once more, asking his opinion on the matter. The clown stopped in front of the fallen girl, reaching down. He grabbed her by one of her ankles, gripping it tightly, he lifted her off the ground. Straightening up, he dangled her there upside down; she looked severely disorientated from the fall. He glanced at the girl in the dark dress once more, "She is a very sleepy mousey after all, no good, no good at all. Let us play with the mousey. Maybe she'll wake up!" He said with a high-pitched snicker. The girl who was started to regain a sense of what was happening began to struggle frantically. Shrieking in fear about what was about to happen to her, even with the nonsense the clown was speaking. She knew this two weren't here to help; their sadistic tendencies were clear to the girl. She was desperate to get away, but Jester had no intention of letting her flee. Not when things were just started to look a little fun.

    WC: 557
    Jester's WC: 1774 / 3500
    Overall WC: 2719 / 7000


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