Fairy Tail RP

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    The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann]


    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Progeny of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Primordial Chaos Slayer
    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann] Empty The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 27th November 2018, 9:35 am


    Standing on a small hill, just as the sun would rise was a man. Dressed in a torn cloak, face wrapped in a black scarf, one would think he was a vagabond. If, it wasn’t for the pristine clothes and boots under his outerwear, and the look in his eyes. A piercing look of steel, and calculated risks. One which flicked with magic, and mystery. On his shoulder sat a Raven, and at his side a Wolf, both as dark as the man’s attire.

    Markus squinted his eyes and the morning shafts of iridescent lights cascaded over the distance horizon. Casting deep shadows, and strange shifting lights over the landscape in front of him. Once, the chaos mage would have avoided the sight, avoided the lights, and the morning sun, favoring the darkness, the night. However, things have changed for the mage. Three years in…

    The black clad mage shook his head, sending his long crimson hair flipping from side to side. He no longer wished to think of that place, of those years. Looking around, Markus realized he had arrived. The landscape was forine to him, though he knew it as Fat Monsterland, a strange place full of rotund, and rather dangerous monsters, those of whom most wizards only saw in their deepest dreams, and worst nightmares. The area was deep within the Cursed Lands, and the job was dangerous, to say the least.

    Markus glanced at the Raven on his shoulder. Arinia sure had a sense of humor picking this one when scouting the Guild Hall. Not yet ready to return home, Markus had asked Arinia to find him a job. Something to preoccupy his mind and prepare him for the questions he was sure the others would have.

    Rereading the job Markus was sure if would fit his requirements and keep him too busy to think on the past. Signing, Markus continued forward. From what Arinia had said, he would be meeting with another mage not too far from his location. Something the black clad man was behest to do. He had come to… appreciate, his solitude, and even fear it. Perhaps that was why Arinia was certain to make sure his first job back in Earthland would not be solo.

    ‘Always plotting’, Markus thought to himself. Arinia was a strange Fairy, with the ability to shift her form into that of a raven or cat(maybe others, but Markus was unsure), and she seemed to have a knack for knowing just how Markus was feeling. A power the mage had come to loath… and appreciate, though he would never tell her that.

    “It should be just up ahead,” The fairy spoke up, a strange feminine voice coming from the beak of a raven. “You are supposed to meet on the main road before entering Fat Monsterland.” The Raven cocked its head, “Fat Monsterland, a strange name for a place don’t you think? Might as well call it Rotund Land of Creatures, or Bulging Creatureplains,or…”

    Markus started to drone out the Fairy as he crests over the hill. When she got on her tangents, nothing would stop her.

    Markus was curious if he would be alone and must wait. Or, if the other mage would be here, waiting on him. To the chaos mage, neither option really mattered. He was in no hurry, and generally enjoyed taking his time. However, more than anything Markus was hesitant to work with another wizard. The time he had been alone had changed him, previously company mattered little to the mage, and he had lost more than one partner to carelessness on his part, and lack of attention on theirs.

    Finally, as he neared the crest of the hill, and watched the road in front of him as the path into Fat Monsterland cleared.

    <~~~~~"Only with Darkness can there be Light"~~~~~>

    Current WC : 633 || Total : 633 || Target : 4,667

    Last edited by MarkusEldridge on 28th November 2018, 2:57 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : God's Beloved Daughter
    Position : None
    Posts : 458
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Johann Von Daddy
    Experience : 2,849

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    The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann] Empty Re: The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann]

    Post by Amalie 28th November 2018, 2:49 pm

    The Articulation Mage was somewhat of a strange mood, as she strode along the Cursed Lands to her destination. She was trying to push all thoughts of what happened earlier out of her mind. When she had been getting ready earlier that morning, she had looked in the mirror following her shower and seen something... odd. As she was brushing her teeth, she leaned down to rinse, and when she looked up instead of seeing her own face, there had been someone else. The face of a man, with smooth pale skin and red eyes, hair the colour of cherry blossoms and delicate features. Instinctively, she had yelled out in surprise and punched the mirror — the force of his fist causing the glass to shatter into several pieces, falling over herself and the floor. When she looked up into the remaining shards what remained was her reflection, the man no longer in sight. It took her a while to compose herself; she had experienced bizarre things from time to time, but never had she ever hallucinated like that. She had even checked her apartment to see if someone was hiding, trying to sense if there was any variation in magical signatures in the apartment. Yet there was nothing, she couldn't detect anything, there was no trace of anyone else having been in there with her. She lived alone and never had houseguests, her guildmates didn't even know where she lived. She kept her personal life private, and it was simpler that way. She speculated that the face could have only been a product of her either being too tired or a trick of the light. She sincerely hoped she wasn't started to lose her mind. Whatever it was, she had been profoundly unsettled by it.

    Her right hand now covered in bandages, a result of being severed by all the broken glass. She made her way to the meeting point that had been agreed upon for her latest job, not sure who it was she was to be doing this job with. Which was a little frustrating because so far job partners had been pretty hit or miss. On the one hand, she had done a job with a guy named Caimelier, who had been fine to work with. A little cranky but got on with the situation, not much else she could ask for.

    On the other hand, there had been that moron from Fairy Tail, arriving in an over the top fashion. He hadn't even done his job of being a potential scapegoat for her, and she had gone on to face the undead all by herself although that was preferable to being accompanied by someone who may have just gotten in her way. She could only fathom what kind of job partners she would be arriving today; hopefully they weren't completely incompetent.

    She strode over the hills through a territory rather tastily known as Fat Monsterland. She didn't know why on earthland someone would choose such a crass title for a place. However, she could at least assume she would be facing something big and nasty today. Hopefully full of strong beasts for her to try out some new magic on. Maybe she could find herself an actual challenge for an opponent, that would be a nice way to take her mind of the bizarre events of this morning. She noticed a figure in the distance, a red-headed man in his later twenties, curiously accompanied by a raven. Amalie eyed them for a moment, before continuing her way over to him. She eyed his guild mark sceptically, another Fairy Tail mage. Just fucking fantastic. She hoped this guy wasn't going to be as useless as the last one. He didn't seem as flashy as him, but only time would tell.

    "Is it just us?" She asked, not bothering with a formal greeting yet. She wasn't sure how many people this job required. She wanted to hurry up and get into it, the sooner she got to cut something the better.

    Wc: 675 / 4667


    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann] Empty Re: The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann]

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 29th November 2018, 2:15 pm

    It had been a long day, or, well, night rather. Multiple nights and days, actually. Johann had started to lose track. Ever since the events that had occured a couple of weeks ago, with Mars let loose and Berith and his perversion of a guild destroyed, the change to his body that had happened right after and everything that had followed the days had started to blur into each other, the extreme lack of sleep only serving as a contributing factor to this situation. He wasn't sure if that was Mars' doing, he had slept regularly before, but these days he went with a few days or even a week at the time without it, not tiring, feeling no exhaustion, no pain. Whatever this was, he speculated it was indeed what Mars called a "new and optimized" body, it, admittedly, proved strange and distressing, not only in that aspect. Half of his skin remained covered in enigmatic, black runes, the alteration to it apparently permanent, reminding the Vice President of the West Fiore Trading Company and Keeper of Onyx Moon that he was trapped in someone else's body, leaving him wondering ... was he even still himself ? He had taken note of the subtle, yet gradual changes in behaviour as well. These days, he was much more stoic, colder, but still compelled by the same motives. At least his personality seemed more or less intact, leaving only one thing to truly dwell on, to try and figure out: Mars.

    The being was self-proclaimed demon and angel simultaneously, but so far had insisted on remaining vague and enigmatic, still, the rune mage felt that there was more to it. For the time being, though, he would accept what had happened, accept his fate and this new body of his, what other choice would he have ? Maybe in due time ... a subtle, yet forceful knock ripped the silver haired male from his thoughts, looking up from the sheet of paper he had been scribbling his signature on to the door of his office, the firm "Come in" once more breaking the silence, the door quickly swinging open as a tall man with dark hair stepped into the room, dressed in the white uniform of the West Fiore Trading Company, a sword in the style of Midi dangling back and forth on the side of his hip. "Ah, Artorias. Good morning", Johann immediately straightened his back, greeting his advisor with a friendly voice "Good morning, my lord", the knight closed the door behind himself, stepping closer to the desk as he went on "Have you went to bed yet, my lord ?", Johann shaking his head in response. It's almost as if the magical beast in human form had taken this as a sign of trauma, sighing deeply. "You'll need sleep eventually", "Eventually -", the VP responded immediately "but not now", his comment followed by a worried, yet understanding look from his advisor.

    Still, Artorias wouldn't have been Artorias if he hadn't given this situation thought, quickly reaching into his pocket and pulling out a piece of paper. He knew that it wouldn't make things better if his lord, Johann still trying to get him to drop that expression to no avail, would spend his day locked away in his dark office, working his way through the stacks of the Company's paperwork to take his mind of recent events. No. He had to do something. "I have a favor to ask of you", Johann eyeing the piece of paper briefly when the knight stretched out his hand, holding the written side towards his master "I'd like you to join me on this mission, my lord", Johann's eyes going back to Artorias' face, a questioning and perhaps even confused look on his face. Artorias never asked him for anything, really, he seemed happy serving the last remaining member of the von Weiss family. It wasn't hard to figure out the knight's motivation though, Johann giving it a quick thought. The man had a point. He sighed. "Fine then. Let's get an early breakfast and head out".

    Just a short while later, Johann, alongside Artorias, was walking down the main road through a place gracefully dubbed "Fat Monsterland", the two making their way to the meeting spot described on the flyer. Dressed in their white uniforms, the two would probably be visible from a mile away, and considering the fact that Johann, who had already been known for his gluttonous tendencies with his guildmates before, had gotten breakfast before he had teleported himself and the falcon named Artorias here, the two would now almost certainly be late. The VP hoped he wouldn't let potential job partners waiting too long, making his way over a hill to find himself surprised by a familiar face getting closer with each step, the two making their way to the other two that had already arrived. "Good morning, Miss West. A pleasant surprise to see you here, for the same job I take it ? I hope you've settled well, the West Fiore Trading Company doesn't exactly suit everyone, after all ...", giving the woman a friendly smile before turning to the stranger with the same expression "And good morning to you as well, traveller. I don't believe we have met yet ...", Jo's rather sensitive sense of smell not recognizing the figure as a familiar one, "... so allow me to introduce myself. Johann von Weiss, Vice President of the West Fiore Trading Company. This is Artorias von Weiss, my advisor", the knight promptly giving the two a deep bow. "And you are ?"

    Word Count: 934
    Word Count Total: 934 / 4.667



    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Progeny of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Primordial Chaos Slayer
    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann] Empty Re: The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 29th November 2018, 11:31 pm


    Markus was wasting time, glancing down upon his unkempt boots, or watching his companion as she flew thinking to the last few years of his life. The chaos mage wondered, if he knew what would happen... Would he have made the same decisions? The place he had found himself had been a nightmare, one that had become his reality, his every waking moment. There had been nothing he could do to escape such a thing. Nothing he could do to end his torment, nothing but fight, survive, escape… or die.

    Taking a deep breath Markus focused his mind, closing his inner thoughts, locking out his unseen demons. He knew his answer. Yes. Despite all the pain, there had been many good moments, many nights he cherished. After a few seconds, the chaos mage realized someone was heading his way, coming down the road was a female, he could see what looked like blue hair.

    Chastising himself Markus prepared for their meeting, knowing that if the person had meant him harm, he would have been in real trouble. As usual he started sensing for magic, and as such discovered immediately that the woman headed his direction was a mage, one of similar power to his own. Not one to hide or back down Markus made no attempts to hide himself as he gave her a once over, studying his possible ally or opponent. His first question was if her hair was died, his second was if she was an ally, and his final was that of who she was.

    The first words from her lips, not wasting any time, answered at least one of his questions. Markus knew immediately that he liked her style, she was strait to the point and not like many of the mages he had worked with in the past. It was refreshing that the first job he had since getting back was with someone he could stand.

    “I guess we will find out.” Markus replied, seeing no reason to name himself to someone who did not offer him the same curtesy. Markus then nodded to the other man he saw heading their way.

    The other man was… certainly a sight to behold. Dressed quite as opposite of Markus as possible two men came down the road in white uniforms. Waiting until they were close, Markus kept silent, as usual waiting for someone else to begin the pragmatic situation that was small talk. He could feel power radiating from the men, one Markus was certain was far stronger than himself.

    Schooling his expression into a sly grin Markus listened to the man address the female who had arrived before him. ‘Miss West’, he named her, at least Markus now knew a last name, not that it would be much help. He knew it really did not matter, but the chaos mage hated unanswered questions. However, the man still helped answer his earlier a few of those, as well as a few Markus would have had about him. Learning that they were both from the West Fiore Trading company was interesting, Markus seemed to remember a job with one of their members, back before the chaos mage had even joined Fairy Tail, long ago. He hadn’t met any members sense, and she was… pragmatic to say the least. At least doing that mission had lead to meeting Aven, joining Fairy Tail, and meeting… Markus schooled the unwanted thought from his mind. He would return soon enough, they did not need to know he was back yet.

    The man then turned to Markus, giving him a friendly smile as he spoke. Johann, and Artorias, now knowing two more names. Nodding to the second man’s bow, Markus gave a small smile. Unfortunately smiles were not one of his strong suits, and it never did quite reach his eyes. The mage then spoke up, his voice as usual held no true emotion, and was calm, collected, and calculated.  

    “Good Morning Johan… Artorias…” Markus looked towards the female, an eyebrow raised slightly, “ ‘Miss’ West?” He asked the words with a slight up twist, hoping to ask for more without really needing to talk more then necessary. Whether or not she would give his name, Markus would continue after an appropriate amount of time.

    “Markus Eldridge, of… Fairy Tail. It is a pleasure.” Markus had paused unintentionally at his guild, he knew he was still a member, or at least that his guild mark had not been removed, but it had been so long, even he couldn’t help but question.

    “West Fiore Trading Company? I do not believe I have much experience with members of your guild.” Markus said. “I guess it will be a good learning experience.” The black mage finished before turning away.

    Now that pleasantries were over, Markus looked at the group around him. He was pleasantly surprised the meeting passed without any flamboyant introductions, or over the top exclamations. Unless asked or confronted Markus wasted no more time, and with the group heading to their job site. Looking at the raven on his shoulder Markus spoke again.

    “Scout ahead, but stay far enough back to stay safe Arinia.” Following his direction the raven took off, circling high above. Markus wasted no more time, and spent the rest of their walk planning, or thinking.

    From what Markus knew of the job they had to deal with monsters acting much more organized, cooperating in a way that had never been seen before, and if they was not enough it seemed that the dead only served to make the monsters stronger. As the group walked, the chaos mage could feel a shift in the energies around them. Quite unexpectedly, a fog seemed to have formed, obscuring anything too far from visual range.

    Without pausing, the chaos mage would continue forward, preferring not to lead, but instead fall somewhere in the middle of the group, a place where his powers shined. As they walked, Markus’ ability to see through all but powerful magical darkness allowed him to notice shapes within the shifting fog. Moving slowly he could make out humanoid forms, though they were currently too far to count how many.  

    “Seems we are not alone.” The chaos mage said simply, not knowing whether the others had seen or not. Suddenly, his eyes started to glow with a chaotic energy as magic flooded his system. The chaos mage held up his right hand, placing two fingers forward as the rest curled into his palm. A bead of black energy formed, an orb no larger than a pea shining with an ethereal and unholy light.

    As he waited, the magic still crackling at his fingertips. From what he could tell three, maybe four undead.. soldiers? Entered visual range. Each of them were dressed in half-plate armor, and theirs eyes glow of a maleficent red energy. Just before the chaos mage released the dark energy he watched as another creature, this one dressed in full armor and moving with purpose, stepped into his enhanced visual range.

    Markus made a split decision, he knew both mages with him were of notable skill. As such, he decided the easiest option would be to deal with the grunts, then move on to the rest, besides there were no telling what else was waiting behind the fog. Releasing the magic Markus shot six ‘Chaos Bullets’ three flashing forth at two separate creatures. Unsure how strong each of these creatures were, it turns out the shots magnified by his chaotic burst were strong enough to take out each of them in two shots.

    Without waiting another second Markus sent a mental command to his companion. Suddenly his shadow started to shift, move, change, grow. Inch by inch his shadow changed from a semitransparent mass to a fully defined wolf, larger than the mage himself. With a snarl Hela announced herself to the world and launched at a third undead soldier.

    <~~~~~"Only with Darkness can there be Light"~~~~~>
    Current WC : 1,323 || Total : 1,956 || Target : 4,667

    <~~~~~"Only with Darkness can there be Light"~~~~~>
    <[====================] 600/600 HP>   |   <MP 450/500 [===================_]>
    Power of Chaos - 45 Mana
    Chaotic Shot - 30 Mana

    Mana Regen + 25 Mana

    Hela : Active
    <[========================================] 400/400 HP>



    Alt Account- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Legal Eagle- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : God's Beloved Daughter
    Position : None
    Posts : 458
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Johann Von Daddy
    Experience : 2,849

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann] Empty Re: The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann]

    Post by Amalie 30th November 2018, 7:25 am

    The Fairy Tail mages response was enough to assure Amalie of one thing, he was significantly less annoying than his guildmate, at least to start. But she couldn't make a full assessment yet; she needed to witness more of his personality and general behaviour to grasp that. There was also a case of his magic; his signature was intriguing. He wasn't by any means weak, that much she could sense. She was trying to get a feel for what kind of magic he may use, but she couldn't quite pick it out. Perhaps his magic was too mixed to get a real sense of it. She glanced around; she didn't intend to wait much longer, if no one joined them they would simply have to miss out. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait long and considering who it was that arrived; she was pleased to have waited.

    When Amalie spotted him approaching from a distance, her right eyebrow rose, and her lips curled into a satisfied smirk. Finally, something good was happening today. It seemed that not only would she get to have a little fun trying out some new magic on monsters, but she would be doing alongside one of the Vice Presidents of her guild. She had met Johann a while ago when she had been initiated into the West Fiore Trading Company, and even then she had got such a delicious sense of power just in passing. So tempting, that she had nearly challenged him then and there just to see what he could dish out, but her primary goal had been to join the guild at the time, so she had thought better of it. It seemed she wouldn't have to wait much longer to see what he was capable of.

    As he arrived, she glanced at the man behind him, not recognising him but assuming he was a part of her guild. There was still a great number of guildmates she had yet to meet. She hadn't enough met her guildmasters yet; she had been so busy taking advantage of job opportunities, the chance had yet to arise. Perhaps she should spend more time at the guild, but that was a thought for another day. Amalie listened as Johann greeted her, nodding in response before offering him a playful smile, "Good to see you too Johann. " She began, "Oh yes, I've settled in very well." She said, thinking of her progression so far. Joining the guild had done its job exactly, opening her up to work opportunities and allowing her to progress in power. The leaps she had made already in such a short space of time was a reflection of that. Even her financial situation had made a vast improvement. Her goals albeit were still significantly far away, but at the very least inching just that little bit closer. Johann introduced himself and his companion Artorias, Amalie offered in a nod in greeting.

    She glanced over at the red-head, who had commented her name in a questioning tone. "Amalie will do," She responded, Miss West was rather formal for her. He introduced himself as Markus before making an offhanded remark about not knowing much about their guild. Once they had finished explaining pleasantries, it seemed they were finally able to move on with the mission. It was about time too, Amalie had been growing a touch impatient. Amalie walked along beside them, interlocking her fingers she turned her palms outwards and stretched her arms. A casual act, but a means of preparing for what was to come. As they moved further into the hills of 'Fat Monsterland', the sky above them grew darker, and a mist surrounded the space around them. Markus commented on them not being alone, "Ooo, how ominous." She said in a teasing tone, eager to see what they would be facing.

    She watched as figures came into view, coming to a stop, she waiting casually until she got a better sight of what was making its way towards them. As she recognised the monsters, she sighed in disappointment, Zombies, really? She had faced plenty of those already when she had dealt with Tracey Delarin. She had been hoping for something a little juicier to fight, especially from a place titled 'Fat Monsterland'. She pouted, placing her hands on her hips, watching as Markus began his attack. Not really feeling a sense of urgency, she allowed herself a moment as she watched the Fairy Tail's mages little performance. Taking out the weaker undead zombies, with shots of dark energy. His work was efficient, and he didn't mess around. Perhaps Fairy Tail mages weren't so bad.

    Amalie noticed another figure, unlike the others. A knight was staring at them with blue eyes; this one looked a little tougher. Amalie immediately gaged a different atmosphere coming from this target, living her heel she began her approach, her stride filled with a sudden determination. She stalked across the soil towards it; her magic began to swell inside her chest. Moving up through her throat, "Empowerment." The spell rippled through the air loudly, causing her body pulsed with magic energy as she felt her mana expanding and growing more menacing. She stopped a few metres in front of the knight, tilting her head as she took it in, "Shards" She called, appearing from nowhere, the air around her filled with shards of broken glass — hundreds of pieces materializing all around her, floating eerily in the air, waiting for her command. Raising her right hand, she flicked her fingers towards the creature. The shards shot forward, like a swarm they smashed into the knight. The force of the spell knocking him back a step, Amalie could feel the glass hitting the metal of his armour. Bouncing off and striking again, then repeating the attack continuously. She couldn't feel any clean cuts. She glanced around, looking for one of the weaker zombies. She made another wave of her hand, sending a portion of shards towards a member of the undead. The shards struck it hard, slicing into its heads and throat, before burrowing their way inside the creature. She paused to think; there was a clear difference in strength here. She had to play a little better if she was going to achieve the result she wanted.

    The blue-haired girl glanced back at the knight who was pushing against the attacking glass and making its way towards her. Preparing to swing its sword. She raised her palm; perhaps it was time for a new spell. "Punishment"  Dark magic flew from her fingers, making its way towards the knight. It filled the air around it, circling the creature until it's entire body was wrapped inside a cocoon of dark magic. Amalie clenched her fist, and the magic began to squeeze inwards. Crushing the creature slowly She felt it struggling inside the cocoon; trying to break out. Amalie allowed shards to slip inside the black cocoon, continuing to attempt to carve into the creature while it was trapped inside. She sensed a crack in the knight's armour, and her glass worked it's way inside. She felt it connect with flesh, and bit her lip, that was more like it.

    Amalie noticed more knights making an appearance in the area; she hadn't quite finished with the first one. But it wouldn't be wise to allow any to get too close to her while she was finishing up. Her magic surged up through her once more, "Firestorm." As she called out the spells, the skies began to shift. Giant balls of fire began to rain down, targetting any unattended enemies. One even smashed into the knight trapped in the cocoon, lighting it up in a blazing fire. She could feel the knight crumpling inside of it, the armour splitting even more and more glass making it' s way inside. It would be dead in a matter of minutes. Amalie made her way over to the next knight, more shards appearing around her and she prepared for another attack.

    Wc: 1340
    Total: 2015 / 4667

    Magic Stats:


    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann] Empty Re: The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann]

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 30th November 2018, 10:20 pm

    "Markus Eldritch of Fairy Tail, huh ? I see ...", the Vice President smiled, giving the other a symbolic, short bow and a nod. The name was unfamiliar to him. He had been on missions with members of Fairy Tail before, of course, there had been Nessa, Aven, Althea, Arcadia and the people he had met at the meeting of the three guilds that formed the Alliance of Independent Guilds. He was acquainted with them, at least. "It's quite alright, Markus. I'm sure you will find more about us soon enough now that our guilds find themselves in a mutual pact of assistance. In that spirit, to smooth cooperation", the smile of his rescinding into a pleased smirk. The man seemed alright enough, enigmatic maybe, for the time being, but who wouldn't be ? He thought that while shifting his attention to his guildmate, giving her a nod as well. "Glad to hear. You'll have to forgive me, Mi- ... Amalie, old habits do, indeed, die hard", Jo giving her the same bow, "Naturally, a similar hope I extend to you". Satisfied with the brief, yet adequate introduction, it seemed that the time for pleasantries and talk had been expended, Jo pulled out of his pockets a pair of white, runed gloves, quickly placing one on each hand as he turned on the spot, his focus this time shifting to the magical beast in human form, Artorias, the storm mage. The two had been together every day for the past year, and the familiar and the Vice President understood each other without words, both men giving each other a nod before they, too, started walking.

    The place already was somewhat of an oddity. "Fat Monsterland", as they called it, Johann been here once before, a long time ago, before all of this mess had happened, before the Second Seal, before Berith, when he was just Johann, just another member of an upcoming trading guild. How far he had come. People had come and gone, and yet, here he was, still standing, stronger than ever before. Swimming in somewhat sentimental nostalgia, it did leave the man with the argent hair wondering though ... were the changes implemented by Mars really that bad ? Sure, he had lost access to his original magic, but what he was wielding now was stronger, faster, more efficient ...had he just lost himself in a desire to return to the old days ? Or was this another thought that came with the physical change he had undergone ? Who was he to tell. The journey so far had been rather silent, and the man had, admittedly, not paid much mind to their surroundings as he had lost himself in his thoughts, only noticing the layer of fog when he looked up, alarmed by first Markus and them Amalie speaking up.

    As soon as the words had reached his ears, a ringing, deep, almost distorted laughter echoed through the rune mage's mind, bellowing out from the depths of subconsciousness that the other being inside the man was usually confined to. "Tsssehehe ... About time you get out of that damn office and let me play. Took you longer than expected". It was to be expected. Where there was a battle to fight, Mars, the self-proclaimed "Second Seal", "Lord of War" or whatever he came up with, wouldn't be far. "Will you let me take this one ? Old legs need a little stretching if you know ...", Johann couldn't help but sigh subtly. No matter what the guy called himself ... he would just never shut up, especially if confronted with a "no". Were all ancient beings so obsessed with idle chatter ? He couldn't really compare Mars to anything ... and still, he had the feeling that being locked inside a cage for, what, millenia possibly wouldn't exactly make you shun a conversation. Was it really the best choice to let Mars take charge in front of these two, though ? Not like he had too much of a choice. He would end up taking half of the body anyway. "Fine. But try not to make a drama out of it ... you know what I'm talking about.", the Lord of War cackling in response. "We'll see what happens".

    Looking back over his shoulder, Johann gave Artorias a quick nod, "Artorias, you are free to engage as you see fit. You know what to do about him", Artorias answering simply with "Yes, my lord" before the VP shifted in place to face the enemies ahead. "Then it's time to get started, Mars ... tssehehehe", the eerie, dark voice now echoing from Jo's mouth as the white in his eyes was burned away by a deep, endless black, the only colour within given by the pupils shining in a bright, scarlet red, a wide, excited grin spreading across his face. Immediately, the magical pressure around him caused the air to shimmer and flicker, a wave of energy emitting from his form as Mars, now in control of the VP's body, reached out with his right hand, materializing within it a large, pitch black scythe, twirling the weapon between his fingers before gently bringing the blade to a halt. "Time to have some fun".

    Mars lost no time. After speaking these words, without delay, his form exploded into a stream of dust and wind as he launched himself forward at incredible velocity, his glowing eyes set on one of the knights in full plate armor that started emerging from the ominous fog, the scythe slicing through both the armor and the knights rotting flesh like a hot knife through butter, its lower and upper body separated by but one, quick swing before the Lord of War came to a halt behind the monster. The defeated creature turned into dust and scattered in the breeze before it even had the chance to collapse. Stretching a bit, Mars stood up from the stance he had taken, playfully balancing the weapon of charcoal colour in his hands as he looked around. His vision piercing the fog easily, he was rather disappointed to find out that in their immediate area all enemies present seemed ... weak. Easy prey for a superior predator, playthings at best.

    Well, be that as it may, the being didn't get too many chances to walk freely, especially under circumstances like these, and so tilted his head, the grin on his lips spreading wider as his eyes fell on a group of 3 knights, these ones in lighter armor. He lost no time, bursting into a full sprint, his free hand lighting up with deeply black flame before digging into one of the monsters' skull, the impact of the blow knocking the undead into the ground with an eruption of dust and dirt thrown up in the process. This one had forfeit its undead life ... it would never get up again. Satisfied and with sadistic smile, Mars moved on, the scythe digging through the chest of the second knight with immeasurable precision and speed, a deep, pulsing gash forming on its torso before it, too, disintegrated into nothing but dust. "Third time's a charm, tssehehe", the seal happily cackled to himself as he threw himself at the last remaining one of the group, easily outmaneuvering the shuffling undead before extending his open palm towards the enemy, the grin spreading still as he swung it to the ground forcefully. Without delay the undead was knocked over, the gravity around it beginning to intensify, the sound of breaking bones and bending metal forming the final symphony to its undead existence when, with a loud snap, its body crumbled into a mass of unrecognizably mutilated flesh. Too easy. Way too easy.

    Word Count: 1.291
    Word Count Total: 2.225 / 4.667



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    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann] Empty Re: The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 2nd December 2018, 9:06 pm


    Markus had cocked an eyebrow while looking at the man known as Johann. Fairy Tail had formed a pack? That was certainly news to the chaotic mage. Thinking back towards the… interesting meeting with Basilisk Fang he guessed he was not surprised. After all guilds had to work together sometimes, and he supposed it made sense for independent guilds to stick together. Besides, having a partnership with ‘The postal service on steroids’, would certainly be a good match.

    “Ah, you will have to forgive me. I have been… Away. I was not familiar with our guilds mutual alliance.” Markus said his voice impassive, as Markus attempted not to let too much be known about his. Plight.  He looked towards the raven now flying in the air, wondering if the creature just did not know, or had kept the information from him.

    Clearing his mind, the chaos mage returned to the battle at hand. He knew he would have to ask the two mages to keep his… return, a secret. He did not yet feel comfortable returning to Fairy Tail, and he had yet to decide how to explain his absence.  Three years of lost time was hard to account for.

    Markus could see the fog shifting around him, the terrain warped and skewed by the lack of vision. Glancing to both sides he watched at the efficiency at which the other mages dealt with the attacking threat. As always the chaos mage split his time between dealing with his assailants, and observing his allies. He had always believe knowledge was power, and the more he knew about how others used magic the better he could react should they one day become enemies. Alliances were fickle after all.

    Glancing back towards the battle Markus took a breath and closed his eyes, reveling in his magic, reviling in his power. He could feel Chaos coursing through his veins, and the Void bolstering his body.

    With a grin, Markus took a step forward reaching into himself, into his body, into his soul. He could feel it the corrupted lacrima, once belonging to a Fallen God, deep within his body. Taking another step, Markus unleashed the seals holding back the Gods true power. A third step, the air around Markus would grow colder, his eyes remained closed… After his final step the air around him was devoid of light before suddenly flashing with dark energy. The Fallen God Slayer opened his eyes, fully immersed in the lacrimas.

    Markus had changed, not just with power but physically as he embodied the characteristics of a god. His body was fuller, broader, and he stood just a little taller. His face was no longer as gaunt, and his hair seemed richer in color. His eyes pierced through the fog, calculating, apathetic, flickered with magic. Now sprouting from his back were two luscious black raven wings, larger in length than his body they flexed slightly.

    As he looked into the fog, glancing back and forth Markus sought out his next quarry. He could feel Hela nearby battling one of the solders, and watched as she ended the undead with a final wrench of hear jaws, pulling the creatures head from its body. She continued forward ignoring the mage watching her. Turning towards the remaining horde Markus found a group of three more undead, two soldiers flanking towards either side of an undead knight.

    From this distance Markus could make out their armor, rusted and warn, and their weapons, chipped with age. None of which worried him. The slayer smiled to himself and took a large breath before holding up his hand, palm facing inwards towards himself. Each finger started to ‘glow’ with dark energy before the shadows coalesced and became denser, darker, suddenly disappearing entirely into the void becoming five points of nothingness, five voids absent of creation, or space. Holes in reality.

    Markus willed the five points to shift, change, warp, becoming talons of dark magic, before turning his attention to the oncoming assailants. Suddenly Markus realized he was in his head for too long, the three creatures were upon him. He watched without interest as the undead knight raised his two handed sword high over his head, intending to strike down the chaos mage with a powerful vertical stroke. Markus looked into the creatures eyes, all he saw was the pure red glow of necromancy, nothing but hatred, and destruction. The mage almost felt sorry for the creatures tortured existence.

    Taking a step back, his reflexes heightened by the lacrima he dodge the blow, suddenly a meter away. His face held no emotion as his hand curled into itself, becoming a dark talon of destruction. Swiping forward through the air, his hand waved horizontally, parallel to the ground Markus released the void scythes.

    Five scythes of energy sparked into existence and surged forward parallel to one another, widening as they traveled.  However, with the distance the creatures had no hope to escape, all five blades swiped forward in a wide ark, striking each of the undead soldiers. The destruction was instant and merciless, where the scythes hit no trace remained of the creatures, the damaged torsos were sucked into the void Markus controlled. There was no gore no blood, yet pieces still fell to the ground.

    Markus continued forward without care. Sending a mental command to his wolf companion the chaos mage watched as Hela returned to his shadow, vanishing from sight as she shifted into the darkness.

    Suddenly Markus' wings thrust through the air, a surge of strength taking him high above the fog. He could see that their enemies were waning, only a few more groups of the soldiers remained. The group of mages were making short work of the remaining grunts. However, from this vantage point he could make out other creatures standing over the fog. Large humanoids which seemed to be made entirely of stone.

    Markus tried to take in as much as possible before returning to the battle. That was when he saw it, the lair they had been looking for. In the distance Markus could see a castle, large and forbearing. He could feel power, dark and demonic, emitting from its depths. He assumed whatever controlled the creatures was inside.

    Holding out his hand, Markus called towards Arinia, and with a flash of darkness the raven came towards him, landing upon his outstretched arm. “Find the one called Amalie, inform her of the castle, and the giants. I will find Johann and his retainer.” Markus said, before him and his raven separated.

    It did not take Markus long to find the carnage caused by the vice president, really what took him time was getting close enough to relay what he had found. With as little words as possible Markus pointed out the direction of the castle then set off, waving his hand and causing a wave of darkness to surge forth taking out three more of the weaker soldiers.

    <~~~~~"Only with Darkness can there be Light"~~~~~>
    Current WC : 1,162 || Total : 3,118 || Target : 4,667

    <~~~~~"Only with Darkness can there be Light"~~~~~>
    <[====================] 600/600 HP>   |   <MP 417/500 [=================___]>

    • Fallen Gods True Strength - 33 Mana, Advanced Buff
    • Fallen Gods Grace - 0 Mana, Signature
    • Fallen Gods Talons - 15 Mana, Damage (45 + 30) * 3.5 = 262 per scythe
    • Darkness Wave - 10 Mana, Damage (30 + 30) * 3.5 = 210 per enemy

    Mana Regen + 25 Mana

    Hela : Active
    <[========================================] 400/400 HP>



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    The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann] Empty Re: The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann]

    Post by Amalie 4th December 2018, 9:39 am

    Amalie knew she had to be a little more cautious with her magic usage, only a few minutes in and she had already used up at least a fourth of her mana store. As much as she wanted to have fun and let loose a little, using up all her magic and burning out on the job was not a suitable result. Especially not in front of her guild's higher-ups, in a sense she genuinely wasn't bothered about whether Johann was impressed or not. But at the very least she didn't want him to consider her unworthy of maintaining guild membership status. After all the guild was a key feature in her rise to success. Being thrown out for incompetence would be a massive failure on her part.

    As she approached the next blue-eyed knight, currently in engulfed flames due to her little firestorm spell, she raised her palm and released another burst of dark magic from her hand. It curled through the air and wrapped around the knight that had been thrashing around in flames. She didn't want to snuff out the fire with her spell, so she manipulated it to concentrate its damage of specific areas of the knight's body, areas where the armour have had gaps in, such as the neck, elbows, knees, etc. The dark magic would squeeze these selected areas so tightly that the magic would incapacitate the creature. Amalie sighed, this little strategy of picking off the monsters one by one was efficient enough but wasn't all that thrilling anymore. There wasn't much of a fight yet or a real sense of danger. At this point, it just felt like work. Then again her magic always did seem to keep her at a distance, it was a shame not to have any close combat magic to work with. Perhaps when she got back to the guild, it would be prudent to set a little time studying magical techniques. It had been a while since she had cracked open a book, not that she minded a little research here and there.

    Amalie turned to see how the Fairy Tail mage was getting on, intrigued to see what other forms of magic he could produce. She was mildly surprised to see that his physical stature had changed now, making him look a little more imposing. He also could be seen to manipulating dark energy with his hands, using them to attacks knights with skill and efficiency. It seemed he was doing well enough. Curiosity sated, she then turned to look for her guildmate, excited to see how he was dealing with the matter. Hopefully, she would finally get to see what his magic was made of. After glancing around for a moment, she spotted him fighting in the distance.

    As her icy-blue eyes looked on him, Amalie's body released a pulse of magical energy. Her chest tightened painfully, and she suddenly fell to one knee, gasping for breath. Her breathing became erratic, and her body began to tremble, What is this? She thought in bewilderment. Something inside her was... responding to him. It felt as though her magic was writhing around inside her, like a pile of snakes, coiling around inside her chest, and tightening painfully around her heart. She felt an incredible sense of nausea, and for a moment, she even thought she was going to pass out. One of her hands fell against the ground, the other hand clenching the fabric over her heart. She wheezed, desperately trying to breathe, and her body pulsated with magic once more.

    Brother... I've finally found you...

    Amalie's eyes widened in shock, and her body trembled, confused by what she had just heard. She glanced around, the voice had been soft and silky, and sounded like it was coming from right next to her. But as she glanced around, she couldn't see anything. What the fuck is happening to me? For the first time in a long time, Amalie felt unsure of herself. Since becoming free of Wyatt she had always been able to control the factors around her. Using her mind to calculate the best options to take, and predict what the outcome would be based on the elements involved. But this was not something she could predict, this she had no control over. Had she been hit with some form attack when she wasn't paying attention? Why could see hear a voice inside her head? And did this have something to do with the face she saw in the mirror?

    One thing was certain; she needed to compose herself. With enemies all around and closing in fast, if she didn't pull herself together, she was going to die, or worse be saved. That was something she could not allow. Gritting her teeth, Amalie pushed off against the ground. Throwing her head back, she took a breath, before lifting her knee and slowly bringing herself up to a standing position. Her body shuddered. Calm down... She told herself, and slowly, as though whatever it was that was reacting inside her was listening. The feeling of overwhelming intensity subsided, and the tightness in her chest eased off. Finally, she could breathe with ease once more. She stood for a moment, composing herself, she shook her head before refocusing on the goings-on around her. Her shards quickly shot outwards, impaling any of the monsters that were making their way towards her.

    It was at that point the raven that had accompanied Markus came to inform her about the castle that he had located. Amalie nodded at the creature, "Flight," After casting the spell, Amalie's body lifted off the ground, hovering there for a moment. "Lead the way," She instructed the bird, before following after it. Soaring after it with an increased speed thanks to the magic of the spell cast. She arrived there moments later, her gaze falling on the giant beasts of stone. "Frost." She called out, the air around her grew cold, forming a blizzard around her. As the cold would hit the stone giants, they would become slowed somewhat. Giving her some time before the others arrived. "Torpedo" She called once more, missiles of light appeared around her, floating in the air. She called upon the shards and had them intertwine with the missiles before she directed them to target a stone giant each. Hitting them with what she could, and trying hard not to think about what had happened to her only moments ago.

    Although there was a worrying thought, was it the simple act of witnessing Johann's magic that had done this to her? And if so, why? What is just an effect of his magic? But if so why had it only happened to her and not Markus? She considered the possibility that there might be a factor in his magic that she was especially weak to. But somehow this didn't seem like a logical explanation for such a response. This needed some serious thought and perhaps a conversation with the Vice President later. She wanted an answer to this so that she could manage the situation in the future. So that she could control it and prevent it from happening ever again.

    Wc: 1199
    Total: 3214 / 4667

    Magic Stats:


    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann] Empty Re: The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann]

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 5th December 2018, 7:45 pm

    Mars gladly indulged in massacre, the black blade of pure antimatter destroying knight after knight whenever he swung it, wearing the ever present grin on his face as he did. Still, this was not as much fun as the lord of war would have anticipated, every opponent he had faced so far defeated in but a single strike. Thus, starved of a challenge with his current opponents, centered his attention on observing what the VP's allies would and could do. The redheaded mage seemed to possess some powerful abilities on his own, his presence swelling when in a sudden burst of magical energy wings sprouted from his back and talons from his fingers. The reflexes and skill the mage employed were certainly impressive, no doubt, dealing with the creatures he faced swiftly and efficiently. The same was the case for the blue haired woman. Her use of magic was certainly very peculiar, distinct and, in a sense, almost familiar, certainly a very raw and powerful variant of magic, skillfully executed. But, of course, there was also one more, Mars' eyes scanning for Johann's familiar, Artorias, who had disappeared into the fog as soon as the fight had started and he had been given his command.

    Within the ominous fog, Artorias found himself facing off against 3 blue eyed knights in full plate armor, one to the front and one on each side, the armored enemies quickly closing in to encircle the magical beast in human form who had drawn his blade, the amber eyes darting back and forth in their sockets, scanning for every little movement of the undead opponents. One of the knights, the one on his right side, took a moment where the man dressed in the white uniform of the West Fiore Trading Company glanced in the opposing direction as a window, leaping forward as he swung a heavy, double sided axe for the falcon's head. Artorias' heightened senses, of course, were aware of the attack, the falcon knight quickly dropping to the ground, slamming his free hand into it, an explosion of surging electricity bursting from the point of impact, quickly drawn to the knights clad in all metal and shocking them, each of them frozen in place as streaks of lightning lingered on their form, making them unable to do as much as move a single one of their undead muscles.

    Artorias immediately followed up by making his move, charging at one of the paralyzed undeads as he rammed his katana into the exposed neck, twisting the blade in place before pulling it back and swinging it forward anew, this time separating the head clean from the shoulders, the monstrosity immediately collapsing to its knees, falling forward, unmoving. "2 more to go", he raised his blade anew, turning around to see the knights already beginning to regain control over their movements, making their way towards him with slow and heavy steps, but steps nonetheless. Gritting his teeth, he quickly dashed forward, the knight that was first in line raising an enormous zweihander over his head before swinging it down at the quickly approaching falcon. Artorias quickly pressed the hilt of his own blade, a golden rune flaring up on it. Artorias, in an instant, vanished, instantly teleporting behind the knight that had swung the weapon just a second earlier. Spinning his blade around in one quick motion he rammed it through an exposed spot on the knight's back and into its skull, the monster dropping down. "One more", Artorias took a deep breath, raising the blade to his head as he pointed it forward. The knight had been pretty much restored to its original motoric functions and now quickly moved in for the kill, dashing at him with the spear and shield he carried. Getting through the armor would be difficult, he would have to outmaneuver this one as well, but ... that wouldn't be necessary. Crackling with sparking electricity, he swung the blade, a strong bolt of lightning slamming into the knights form. Its entire body surged with crackling thunder, the smell of smoldering flesh filling the air before finally, the last of the knights fell.

    Mars simply stood and watched, the flash and crack of thunder occasionally lighting up the foggy atmosphere around, paying little mind to the approaching construct of pure stone that easily towered over him, groaning deeply. Mars sighed. He guessed he had to throw himself back into the frey, turning on the spot to face the stone giant. The monster instantly unleashed a piercing roar, drawing back its oversized stone fist before swinging it down at the VP. The Lord of War currently in control of the body couldn't help but grin once again, deflecting the blow to the side, a dark, deeply black aura flaring up around his body before swinging the scythe, separating the arm from the rest of the body, the heavy piece of stone slamming into the ground with a loud crash. The beast seemed startled for a second, having a hard time acknowledging the fact that it had been overpowered so easily, Mars playfully faking a yawn as he went for the final strike on the beast, intending to take it apart with another swift swing of the scythe, though ... he stopped, shocked, the scythe held in place mid swing, his eyes trembling for just a second. For just a moment he could have sworn that he had felt a familiar sensation, the aura of a very familiar being, something he would consider ... close, the world turning white before his eyes as he was suddenly thrown back thousands upon thousands of years in history. He couldn't tell what it was, he didn't know what caused this, but he was distracted for just long enough for the stone monster to recover from the damage it had suffered, swinging the other remaining arm at him, the monstrous stone fist hitting him right in the face, picking him up and launching him back with intense force, the Lord of War's broke body skidding back a few meters before  coming to a stop.

    "... eeeergh", he groaned, now face first in the dirt, just laying there for a second before setting himself up, the broken bones snapping back into place, the bruises healing in an instant, jumping back onto his feet. That wasn't exactly the most pleasant thing, but ... that was not the main priority for him, the echo of that sensation still present, confusing him, though his mind returning to clarity. With a hasty step he jumped out of the way of another swing, slicing the scythe through the beasts chest with a lazy swing, the stone giant disintegrating just a moment after, just in time for the redhead to make his way over and inform him about a castle up ahead. He acknowledged the brief piece of info, remaining in place as he sighed and took a deep breath. "Artorias ! We'll follow the others ahead. Looks like there's more to this than just these undeads", Artorias quickly making his way back to his master before both changed the focus of their attention to their intended target.

    Word Count: 1.194
    Word Count Total: 3.419 / 4.667



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    The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann] Empty Re: The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 5th December 2018, 11:46 pm


    Message delivered the chaos mage surged forward and back into the shifting fog. As he traveled Markus knew he passed trees, and borrows, graves and shrubs. Without care he rushed forward, knowing his quarry lay deeper in the shifting mist. Markus supplemented by the corrupted lacrima used his enhanced speed and perception to examine what he approached long before they knew the slayer was coming. Though he realized each creature he passed was far too small to be his quarry.

    He had grown exceedingly tired of dealing with the grueling process of killing grunts, even the knights were of no concern to the mage. As such he surged forward, knowing he would find something worth his time, or he would reach the castle.

    Suddenly he came to a stop. Finally he had found his something interesting, towering well over the mage, easily over ten feet tall, Markus found himself looking at three forms. The creatures were made entirely of stone, and carried no weapons. They continued on their slow but steady march, heading towards the mage prepared to strike him down with overpowering strength.  

    Stopping just shy of the giants the chaos mages held a sly grin across his face. He was unsure why he was so ready for a fight, usually he avoided such conflict. However, it was almost as if on a whim he had decided to test his abilities. Almost as if seeing the efficiently and joy the vice president had shown when fighting was infectious and had reached into a part of Markus he did not even know. It was as if something inside his head was laughing, preparing to be released.

    Taking a step forward he placed his hand out in front of him, arm fully extended. All fingers but his pointer and middle where clenched into a fist, while the two remaining were pointing at the center stone giant, directly at his chest. Markus knew, if it were anything but a construct, the creatures might have at least paused in its step. As they were however, their strides did not falter, and the mages smile did not change.

    A small pinpoint of dark energy formed at the tips of his fingers. Shifting and pulsing the energy glowed slightly, an ominous black light. As the creature took another step forward Markus decided to augment his magic once more. He could feel it as a persisting scar reopened, his magic taking its price upon his body. Markus knew after this he would have to re-wrap his left arm.

    Now towering over the mage the creatures started their attack, the center one pulled back its arm, slowly as if charging. However, it was too slow as Markus released his own magic. In rapid succession Markus sent four shots of chaotic magic strait into the chest of the center giant. Then took a step to his left, and sent three more into the right. Turning, Markus realized he had been too preoccupied as the third and final giant was almost upon him. In rapid succession Markus released the final three shots going wide on the last one as a large fist smashed into his side sending the chaos Mage reeling.

    After a moment of haze the mage found himself five meters from where we was, laying sideways upon the ground. For a split second, Markus heard a laugh, and actual laugh within his head. The chaos mages eyes opened wide as realized, he knew the creature which was laughing, and last time she gave such a cackle, it had been during their fight.

    “You are useless, I think it is time for you to sleep.” The voice was feminine, and oddly soothing despite the malice and venom dripping from the words. Markus could feel as a strange, and foreign mind enter his own, as if a conciseness that has lived multiple lifetimes, and countless millennia was consuming his own.

    Then, the world exploded. With a sudden flash of total darkness Markus was engulfed as his entire being was subject to a power unlike any he remembered feeling. Suddenly shadows and darkness exploded around the chaos mage, and coelessed into a spinning vortex of power.

    Laughter rang forth, and Markus found himself drifting off to sleep as Aporia took control of his body.

    “Now, let’s deal with you.”, the voice that spoke was no longer solely Markus’ and would ring as if echoing from an unknown void as if overlayed by another presence. The chaos mage had changed once more, suddenly ‘his’ hair once a solid red was now streaked with white, and ‘his’ eyes had gone pure black. ‘He’ was smiling, as ‘his’ head cocked to the side giving a curious glance to the stone giant once more headed in ‘his’ direction.

    Aporia watched as the giant came forward, she closed ‘his’ eyes. The seal was not used to being within this realm, and was enjoying her freedom. With a sly grin, one which was mimicked by the body she shared, the area around the chaos mage would grow cold, as a thin aura seemed to spread from Markus’ body. Once the giant entered within range Aporia watched with little care as its movements got sluggish as if moving through water.

    She forced ’his’ body to take but a single step to the side as the arm came crashing down next to her far slower than it had once been. The seal could only shake ‘his’ head and wonder in amazement on how he had survived this long. She knew, he was skilled, and quite a bit stronger that most progenitors she had met. Yet still, he did not use Chaos’ gifts to their fullest. Aporia decided that her first assessment of the mage was correct. He was weak, and fearful.

    She did not even blink, as ‘his’ foot came crashing down, despite the damage the spell did to his body. A sudden burst of pure chaos centered around the mage shot forth with enough force to crack and destroy the giant. Aporia continued walking without question, looking for the reason she had taken over. After all, it had been so long since she last sensed her brothers presence, and longer still since she had seen him, in any of his incarnations.  

    Knowing that sooner or later they would be reunited the seal of chaos walked forward without care. Should any of the ‘knights’ get to close she would release another pulse of chaos. After all, the attack was nothing more than the personification of chaotic power, and this body controlled enough to do such an attack without even thinking. Signing she once more shook ‘his’ head, if only he was willing to use this much of his power.

    Now at the foothold to the castle did she stop long enough to look for the other mages. If needed she would wait for them to show, but upon seeing the smartly dressed man in white Aporia would smile. She knew her presence would be felt, the very nature of her takeover caused the air itself to be flooded with her chaos.

    Once more her voice rang out in its strange way, “Johann right?... I believe You have a very… Special... friend. Don’t you?” Looking strait at the man Aporias head cocked to the side. "It is good to ‘see’ you again. You seem to be doing well for yourself.” There would be no question to who she was talking to. Aporia decided then that she would speak to her brother at length once all this was done. Assuming of course that Markus even remembered her taking over this time, or she could finagle her way out once more. 

    Realizing that Markus' body was bleeding, and close to passing out. Aporia would press ‘his’ hand against his own neck and feel a sudden drop in temperature as the strange energies in their magic revived part of her damaged tissue. Sighing in relief she would glance about and smile, once more forcing the action upon the body she shared. The seal of chaos wished the man would smile more, he would probably have gotten a better suitor than the strange starlight woman he had become fond of. After all, poor soul did not even get lucky and that night was such a bore.

    “Well, lets finish this.”

    Aporia cared little for the fighting as they made their way through the castle, and for the most part spent the time in contemplation. It had been far too long since she had been upon this world. Chaos chose progenies a little to seldom for her liking, but alas it was not for the seal to decide. She would enjoy her freedom while she could.

    She looked upon the doors with apathy, the mages had made it to the final room and from her position she could feel the demonic presence within. She smiled again at her brother, knowing he would enjoy this. The demon, whatever it was, was powerful enough to bring out an undead army, and conjure stone giants. Maybe, just maybe her brother would get a chance to play.

    The creature inside truly fit the description of ‘fat monsterland’. She knew the demon was known as a Vanguard, a nasty and ugly beast of a creature with a wicked axe. Aporia for the most part could not bring herself to care anymore about the fighting, and only once when she got the chance did she on a whim raise her hand and send 4 spinning orbs of chaotic energy barreling towards the creature. The orbs, bolstered as much as they were by her chaotic power did wonders to cause damage, but by no means would take the fun of the fight from either of the other mages.

    <~~~~~"Only with Darkness can there be Light"~~~~~>
    Current WC : 1,628 || Total : 4,743 || Target : 4,667



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    The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann] Empty Re: The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann]

    Post by Amalie 7th December 2018, 2:37 pm


    One Torpedo struck.


    Then another two. Amalie watched the attacks unfold, her face expressionless, as one by one her spells struck the monsters around her. The shards of glass were scratching away at the stone, like relentless insects trying to dig their way inside of it. But it was pointless, glass against stone was not an ideal combination, it would be better to spare her resources for the fleshier creatures. No, in this circumstance, the best way to use her magic was to continue hitting them with endless rounds until they crumbled. She raised her palm, releasing another burst of dark magic. It soured into the air, like a black mist, it spun around the closest stone giant before hardening. Squeezing inward and slowly attempting to crush its target. This still would not be enough, after all, these monsters bodies were much more studier than the creatures she had faced so far. She needed more ... power.

    More Torpedo's appeared around her, like beacons of light they hovered ready for her command. As she glanced towards each stone giant, one would shoot off in its direction. It wasn't hard to land a hit on these beings, her torpedo's moved much faster than they did, plus her frost spell was significantly slowing them down. She was starting to feel calm once again, the incident moments ago lingering in her mind but no longer having the effect on her rationale. She just needed to work it out in a reasonable manner; she had a good head on her shoulders, surely it couldn't be too difficult to decipher the cause of the momentary loss of control? Once she observed the situation entirely, listed the probable causes and effects she would undoubtedly find her answer. She glanced around, Johann hadn't gotten there yet, so it wasn't like she could check out that theory just now. She would have to be patient. It was also possible it had nothing to do with him, maybe it was linked to the blue-eyed knights that Amalie had been dealing with, perhaps they had some type of mind-control or paralysis magic they had attempted to use on her in order to bring her down. Fortunately, the activation of her magic was based on the spell she cast out loud, to cease magic would require her order or her death. Neither of which had occurred, meaning she was able to recover without being attacked by the monsters around her.

    Amalie glanced over at the stone giants that were still focused on the torpedos she had sent to attack them. They couldn't even bring their attention to her because whenever they tried to would throw another weapon of light at them. However, this fight was becoming a little bit on the boring side. She could see the castle in the distance and noticed that Markus had arrived, she looked mildly surprised that she hadn't noticed him earlier. Perhaps she had been too lost in her own train of thought. Either way, it was time to make a move."Shadowrun." The magic flowed out passed her lips, spreading over her body. She felt her molecular structure transform. Her true body began to disappear in a shadow-mist — a dark shadow in the place in which she had been standing. She turned to the first stone giant, working out a path in her mind. She took a step back, bending her knee slightly. This spell was the only one that actually required a little physical exertion on her part. With her back foot, she kicked off the ground and began to sprint. Heading directly towards the stone giant, it raised its powerful arms into an attempt to bring them crashing down on her, but her body passed through his fists and pushed straight on through him. As she ran through the stone monstrosity, some of her shadow magic was released inside the beast, attacking it from the inside. She didn't stop, she continued to run, curling around to the left where the next giant stood. The result was similar; the beast attempted to run at her, only for her to pass straight through it. Dealing damage to the beast that it could not prevent. Finally, she turned to the last giant, still wrapped in the cocoon of dark magic. Bringing her head down, she rushed forward into it, the wall of magic parting to let her pass through before closing back up behind her.

    She passed through the other side, turning around to face the beast. She could see the cracks in the stonework, being hit with endless missiles of light, frost magic from all angles and shadow magic from the inside was bound to do a fair deal of damage. She just needed something to finish these things off, "Firestorm." She called once again from her shadowy form. Once again the skies shifted, and balls of fire began to run down from the skies. Like meteors, they would smash into the stone giants. It was then that Amalie fired off another round of missiles before turning away from the stone giants. They were as good a done with anyway. She ran towards the castle, catching up to where Markus was. He was handling himself fine it seemed, she went to say something. After all, she was not recognisable in this form. It was then she noticed a change in him, his hair began to change colour, forming streaks of white and as he spoke a different voice emanated from his, the voice of a woman.

    She felt it again, not as strong this time, but a sense of overwhelming nausea. She brought her hands to her head as she felt like her mind was splitting in agony. This wasn't as overpowering as the last time, but it was much more painful. She trembled again, the wisps of dark shadows that made her body vibrating back and forth. Shaking so violently, she could barely make out what was in front of her. She needed to get a grip on this; she had thought it had passed, but it seemed her assumption had been wrong. Also this time Markus had been the trigger. Amalie cast away the shadow magic; her body began to reappear in its normal form. Beads of sweat dripping down from her forehead as she tried to fight whatever it was that was making her feel this way. Her skin was burning hot; she wanted to claw it off, to end the feeling. But that wasn't what she needed, what she needed right now, was a wake-up call. She held out her bandaged palm, and in it appeared a single shard of glass. Long and jagged, she wrapped her fingers around it, and raised the glass for a moment, before driving it down hard into her right thigh. Amalie threw her head back, fighting the urge to scream as the glass tore through several inches of muscle. She held it there for a moment, before yanking it out. Shutting her eyes as it's was pulled out of her flesh, gasping as it left her. She stood panting for a moment, the shock of the pain had been enough to bring her mind away from the sensations that had been occurring inside of her. Finally, she whispered to herself. "Now that's enough..." She didn't know why she felt the need to say it, but whatever it was that had been taking over her was fading again. The burning sensation was gone, the pain in her head fading. "Heal." She called, her body pulsated with magic once more. The wound in her thigh that had been causing blood to stream down her leg stopped bleeding. The wound sealed itself, and the only sign of her having been injured that remained was the blood.

    She steeled herself once more, glancing ahead at Markus, she began to head in his direction. As she arrived, she heard the voice coming from Markus addressing Johann, talking about his 'friend'. Amalie said nothing, only listened, paying close attention to the details of the conversation for analysing. Was this relevant to what kept happening to her? The voice coming from Markus was definitely female, and she didn't exactly peg Markus for the type to put on an accent. From Amalie's knowledge about magic, sometimes individuals would share their bodies with creatures for power. Was this the case for Markus? If so, what was the nature of the 'female' voice emanating from him, and who had it addressed, Johann, or someone else? It was all very suspicious in nature, and Amalie had a series of follow up questions. But as Markus or 'whoever' it was had said, it was time to finish this.

    Amalie said nothing, following behind them as they went into the castle. Her wary eyes were watching the back of Markus's head as they walked, it just didn't make sense to her. Why did this complete stranger have an effect on her, a similar effect to the one Johann had. Was it just because they were in this place known as 'Fat Monsterland'? That was the only common denominator. From what she had observed Johann and Markus hadn't met before, yet she distinctly had these 'moments' when looking upon them using their magic. Although, it had only occurred in Markus when he had begun to talk with the woman's voice, before that she had been able to observe his magic without issue. Yet she hadn't even been able to glance at Johann for a second before she had lost composure.

    The entered a room with a mysterious energy, Amalie pulled her eyes away from the red-head to glanced around the area surrounding them. Her eyes narrowed slightly, the pressure of dark magic was strong. As her icy-blue irises fell on the vanguard, she wrinkled her nose at the smell of it. It was an unpleasant looking creature, with a nasty stench, it's size was the only impressive features, in Amalie's mind it looked rather clumsy. Amalie swept her arm out in front of her, realising over a hundred shards of glass towards the beast. They whirled through the air before embedding themselves in any soft areas of flesh that was exposed. She held out her hands, her palm facing towards the beast. "Burn." Fire erupting from her hands, before propelling a large orb of fight directly towards the beast. Kill the beast first, the deal with the other stuff later, that in Amalie's mind, was the most logical course of action.

    Wc: 1758
    Total: 4972 / 4667

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    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

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    The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann] Empty Re: The World of Demons [Job; Amalie, Johann]

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 9th December 2018, 11:45 am

    Hurrying through the fog with hasted steps Johann knew his goal, the castle that the enigmatic mage from Fairy Tail had mentioned in passing before he had hurried off to that location himself, Johann taking a moment, stopping, Artorias doing the same, staring at the back of his master's head with questioning eyes. "My Lord ?", the falcon knight inquired briefly, Johann throwing a look over his shoulder towards his advisor before turning, his somewhat serious gaze expressing a certain earnestness. "Artorias, do me a favour ... I need your help. Could you return back into the amulet ? I ... he has a bad feeling about all of this. I cannot rid myself of the feeling of impending danger", the uneasiness in his voice apparent. Artorias, who had his place of rest inside the necklace around Johann's chest, a silver pendant on an argent chain with an amber stone in its middle, nodded his head. It was the same old drill. Johann and Artorias had come up with that system in case something would happen to Jo so Artorias could report back to the Company in case of unforeseen circumstances, death and other events with catastrophic consequences as soon as possible. He gave his master a short bow, closing his eyes before turning into a flash of lightning, his form vanishing into the amulet, Johann now remaining alone, deep within the ominous fog that surrounded the castle. He sighed, lifting his eyes to the towers reaching up into the sky. He couldn't quite tell what the feeling was that had not just come over Mars, but also him before, the strange sensation gone before he could even think about what it was.

    Pushing that thought aside he walked forward, deeper into the mist and towards the ancient fortification that now apparently served as a hub for all kinds of evil. There would be more than enough time to think about this after the task at hand, which required a certain degree of urgency, had been dealt with. With the silver haired Vice President's form vanishing on the spot he disappeared, reappearing closer to the ancient citadel, hurrying the rest of the way over, already seeing the Fairy Tail mage, Markus, in the distance along with Amalie. So they had both safely found their way here after they had been separated in the thick mist and during the fighting. At least they weren't being counterproductive, Johann starting to feel a little embarassed with the fact that he would be the one to arrive last, having had a short conversation with Artorias before he had followed the redhead's instruction. Though ... there was something else. His pace got slower as he approached, the same feeling from before setting back in. He thought he had pushed this off for later ? Why was it back so suddenly. That was when he noticed the change the mage from Fairy Tail had gone through. His hair, in places, was now white where it had previously had been aflame with colour, his eyes ... his eyes reminded him a lot of ...,"Impossible", he muttered to himself, his pace quickening once again before finally coming to a stop, still a good few meters away from the others, disregarding to pay attention to the other mage from the West Fiore Trading Company who was partially stained with blood. Johann's eyes were fixed on Markus.

    That was when the man opened his mouth, a female voice overlaying with the words he was speaking. He knew this sensation. He knew what it was, he had been through the same, the very same process. The eyes. The voice. The change. Markus, the mage from Fairy Tail, was a ve-, Johann couldn't even finish the thought as the grasp on his conscioussness was violently ripped from him in an instant, everything around him turning black as he was thrown into the depths of his own mind, Mars completely taking over and pushing himself forward as the dominant personality controlling the vessel. Both of the Vice President's eyes, in an instant, turned completely black, the white that was fading from it replaced by what appeared like the colour of pure ink, two pupils luminescent with cardinal hues encircled by a pure onyx intensity, deeply crimson, bloodshot veins becoming visible in and around the oculi of the vessel possessed by the Lord of War who stared at the other in utter disbelief. The chances, the sheer odds of simply running into another one of the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse out here, at random, were so slim that Mars did not, could not beleive what he was seeing, what he was feeling. The voice echoing from the Chaos Mage's mouth threw the Horseman of War back in time thousands upon thousands of years, millenia passing by in a second when the sounds found his vessel's ears. He shook his head.

    "Aporia", it was not a question, and the Lord of War did not expect an answer, a simple observation of the only plausible explanation for both the man's voice and appearance. The Fifth Seal, Chaos, was right before him. Naturally, their paths were intertwined, part of an interwoven web of fate spun by their creator, but that Mars would find one of his siblings today, right now, even the Seal would never have anticipated, a grin spreading across Mars' face. He was trembling with excitement at the prospect of a reunion with the only other beings that were worthy of being called family. "Same goes for you, sister", he gave back, eyeing the body she was currently sealed within curiously and in detail. "You have found yourself a rather befitting vessel, I see, but you two still haven't broken the cage, have you ? It matters not", Mars smirked playfully, his voice softer than usual, the distorted sounds that echoed from Johann's mouth as he spoke almost friendly, "I am certain he will unlock his potential in due time". With that and the other Seal's acknowledgement, the conversation seemed over, Mars fully unaware of the possible presence of yet another member of his family, ascribing the presence he had felt earlier to Aporia and Aporia only.

    Following his sister into the ruin nonchalantly for the task the mages had actually come for. For Mars, fulfilling his vessel's contract was a comparatively small courtesy for him. Besides, he was overcome with motivation and urge, newfound and previously unknown joy overcoming him. He simply pursued the other presence, the feeling of belonging, paying little mind to the demon that towered in front of them when they stepped into this last chamber. His attention, though, started shifting fully when both Aporia and the other mage girl, Mars did not remember her name, had started sending attacks at the unsightly monstrosity, a demon out of everything that they could've encountered, Mars hated them with a passion, that seemed to make an unconsciouss effort of robbing the Lord of War of his excitement. It was little more than an annoying distraction. "Your inane insolence irritates me, creature of the dark. I command you, be gone", flicking his fingers with a spirited clicking sound. In a flash of bright light, the demon's form was ripped apart by the antimatter that had formed inside its body, torn into a thousand pieces as the room was filled with an inferno of extreme proportions, walls crumbling from the impact of the shockwave, stone crashing down and the earth quaking with the sheer might of the force that had been unleashed by this single spell. Now, with that minor inconvenience out of the way, they would have time for more ... important things in the future.

    Word Count: 1.283
    Word Count Total: 4.693 / 4.667


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:12 pm