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    Rear Window {Private, Lester}

    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

    Posts : 571
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    First Skill: Fallen God Slayer 2nd Gen
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    Rear Window {Private, Lester} Empty Rear Window {Private, Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 7th July 2018, 1:27 am

    The Talonia Murders

    The night was young when Sharp first graced the town of Talonia with her menacing gaze. She was performing her work this day and much of the town had to pay. The targets were all manner of individuals from the big to a small and the large or tall. She wouldn't stop, she wouldn't quit, not until every individual citizen in the city knew her name, or at least knew the price for double-crossing what she represented. Deep down Sharp disliked killing in this way, it ate away at her, she knew it was wrong her own inner voice said so, she could feel their fear, sorrow, and pain with every life she took but there was another softer voice as well, telling her she should enjoy it, they were suffering anyway. She knew the voice, it wasn't her own but the tone started to sound like her's, cold and lifeless filled with a void of consciousness that told her this was all she was good at and ever will be good at, she couldn't escape it. First under the control of Chaoris, and now under the control of yet another god of murder, she would never be free, and never be rid of the voice that was blending into her own. Perhaps if she had just died instead of being born Sharp would know peace, but alas even in death did she still serve someone so probably she would never have known it, in this life or the next. Staring at the broken key in her hands Sharp looked down from one of the rooftops to the city beneath her, this was going to be a busy few weeks.

    Vanishing into the shadows Sharp would stalk her prey, a man in his early thirties who seemed to be at a high in life, drowning in women and booze. His fortunes had all turned around one day, suddenly, and then he was at the top of the world... but he didn't pay for his fortunes, instead, he wanted to not keep his end of the bargain, the souls that were promised weren't given. Sharp had to correct that mistake. Alone in his apartment, the man slept quietly in bed after a night on the town and his little ladies had left. Slipping through the corners of his room Sharp dripped down onto the bed from the ceiling on top of the sleeping man. Before he could fully awaken the sleep from his eyes still clouding his vision he felt the piercing cuts of blades upon his cheek. As he went to scream he found that opening his mouth was the most painful thing he had yet to experience...

    Keyword, yet.

    His voice couldn't leave him as his voice shuttered as his lung were pushed in by Sharp's knee.

    "You didn't pay up."

    Frightful noises came from what little sound he could make as sharp slowly pressed a blade towards his heart, the fast beating muscle bleeding every so slightly as the ethereal blade make a tiny incision.

    "Did you know? it's not good to make a deal with the devil and not pay up your end. The souls you promised him, you didn't gift them. Your family still lived when you decided in your heart of hearts to take back such an offer. They have joined the void today, and will you."

    Eyes black as the void and hollow as the emptiness in her soul, Sharp stared into his eyes and sucked the very life from them. Hollowed out and burned into oblivion his eyes were nothing but the blackest midnight in color, with nothing but smoldering holes left in their wake, a bleeding heart in his chest and small slices and cuts left over. His parents met a similar fate that night, along with his sibling. The killings all bearing the same style, though the locations were far apart. If one were to track such a gruesome event perhaps they would find themselves in a very dangerous situation with otherworldly consequences.

    Post WC: 672
    Total WC: 672/5000


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

    Posts : 1584
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    Rear Window {Private, Lester} Empty Re: Rear Window {Private, Lester}

    Post by Lester Drynedi 9th July 2018, 12:44 am

    He had the intent to go back to the ship in a few days, or rather the ship was coming here. Had he been here a week? Perhaps it was more like eight or nine days but he and planned for twelve days in the city. With a thankfully intact pot plant sitting on the desk of the room he had rented Lester settled into a plush chair. Having eaten earlier and the room being spectacularly clean he found himself lacking anything to do, belongings left in his more permanent residence of room two Lester was left with a plant, basic furniture of an inn and a plant was all that kept him company. With a stretch he stood up, with the curtains not yet closed the moon hung nicely over the rooftop silhouettes. Perhaps there was nothing else to do but sleep until the new day? With most places closed, and those that were open well, he wasn't interested in buildings with that many beds. Vendors would be around early in the morning though, it was likely that he could find some sort of entertainment in the town. Would it not just be best to go to bed early, then one could be up in the dawn most hours with the sun still casting its red rays across the sky, the best food would be feasted upon at dawn when it was fresh.  Yes it would be best to sleep, with his cloak on a hook, shoes next to a small rucksack, and a bed mounded with blankets.

    Most mornings were greeted by a bird at the window or a rooster down the street, early morning magazine sellers selling their wares and the scuff of neighbours boots. Not a harsh rap at the door and a rude awakening, With bleary eyes and hair like a blizzard he opened the door, a rune knight, with their flowing garb and rather ugly pants stood impatiently at the door. With their had off the Rune knight appeared to not be alone, a small cluster of them stood at the door, eyebrows rose with his current attire of choice, a onesie for sleeping in, soft green colours and a little hood shaped like a frog. The hesitation in their voices betrayed them, "Sir, Lester Drynedi?" His hand raised in a wave, "Yea, yea Thats me, what can I do?" He sounded tired, looked tired too. Whilst used to early mornings this was something more similar to a late night. With how tired he was. "Whats the time?" His iLac still on the desk t would be easier to ask then to get it. One of the ones at the back gave him the time and explained the situation briefly. A couple of hours past midnight, and a murder on their hands.

    He approached the scene, a bedroom murder, apartment, late twenties ear;y thirties, bottles littering the floor and no photos of a marriage or girlfriend. No family. A blade through the cheek, oh that looked nasty. Not the intent to kill. He wasn't exactly a fan of torture. None knew his tendencies- well he had told none of his tendencies. Even then he still preferred the bodies to be unaffected by exterior components, otherwise data gets scrambles.
    "So um, knife to the cheek, knife to the heart, bleeding at that, a bleeding heart, and burnt eye sockets. Lots of tiny little cuts oh well isn't this lovely do you really need me I'm just a Rising Star not some detective." He phrased it as a question, yet the Rune knight just chuckled and beckoned him.

    Honestly this apartment could have done with redecorating, their curtains did not match the carpet or wallpaper, and then there was the choice of furniture, some of it was sleek and black, then there was ornate woods, and brightly coloured and patterned things. Had they just grabbed whatever was cheapest without thought of what it looked like? Honestly and there was a florists around the corner that they could go to. "So um, run me down things I guess." He grabbed the notepad which was offered by the detective and stood out the way. Everyone looked so busy yet they knew what they were doing. "Thirty One year old male, no family living here, no wife or children. Reasonably wealthy, no known gang or group affiliations, minimal record of offences. Died from a magic induced would to the heart with what looked like a blade, small knife or fine sword. Multiple lacerations across the skin, both eyes are well, they're toast."  lesters eyes dragged away from the body, they wanted him to help solve this? He could stay in Talonia a little longer, the experience would be helpful, good chance to make connections and these sort of murders, it was a waste of a body. With a hand running through his hair Lester nodded, "Okay, well you guys do your fancy detective stuff, I'll go home, get some sleep and come in in the morning. Four five hours. You guys should have some more information by then and I'll come in take a look and we can sort this out. Have coffee there."

    866 | 5000


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

    Posts : 571
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fallen God Slayer 2nd Gen
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    Rear Window {Private, Lester} Empty Re: Rear Window {Private, Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 10th July 2018, 3:53 am

    Daybreak and Sharp sat alone in an apartment filled with nothing but space. In the corner, she found what little refuge she could against herself and what she had done. Always she was the one to kill and she was the one to do on the orders of others. She could easily blame them but she could always try and resist, try to make the right choice and just end her life, but her life was never her own to end. To wish for such death was foolish and inviting misery, but she already courted the daring emotion with every person who fell. Her body was her prison and her epitaph would be her silence.

    "Killing shouldn't carry regret only joy, for it brings more power."

    "But if I kill, then it eats at me over and again I hear the screams."

    "Screams are nothing but the sound of silence approaching, the end nearing, relax young one let me take control."

    "I die a little on the inside, and all I can do is watch my slow fall."

    "Only a fall to embrace a calling, sleep and I'll take care of the rest."

    Sharp's face twisted as struggled appeared in her expression, only to fall quiet as her gaze glazed over and the eyes were filled with a void. Peering out the window into the daylight Sharp saw nothing but the entire city before her, and she knew that in just a few hours yet another soul would fall by the wayside, the opportunity was here, and the marks of their deaths would be how people both knew her name, and could learn of a deeper terror lurking in the void beyond. Stalking her prey would be easy, killing them easier, but now the eyes of the world would start to watch as the people fell one by one. Sharp wasn't one for egotistical killing, but if the act made a few people fear her then, perhaps it was fine to enjoy herself for a little while, take them for a joy ride just like her own body.

    Post WC: 348
    Total WC: 1020/5000


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

    Posts : 1584
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    Age : 22

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    Rear Window {Private, Lester} Empty Re: Rear Window {Private, Lester}

    Post by Lester Drynedi 12th July 2018, 1:39 am

    He had made it back to his current residence, with just enough energy to take off a few layers before cocooning himself amongst the blankets. Sleep overtook him, a tsunami of warmth and deep slumber, whilst not completely restful it was the best he could do. The hours past, hand on the clock making six and a half rounds before he roused himself, the sunlight barging its way past the curtains. Right, murder of some guy and the Rune Knights wanted his help. Whilst being well known was good it surely had its drawbacks. For every line that got cut, or door that opened there was another shut in his face, a face plastered across magazine pages. Why couldn't he be some unknown farmer again, toiling his fields whilst everyone else went out and burnt eye sockets out.

    Yet it would be hardly right to abandon the uniformed mages to deal with this dramatic murder when he still had time in the city. Hair still wet from a recent shower the door locked smoothly behind him, any leftovers at the Rune Knights base would probably be less than satisfactory. Yet the streets were bustling, he had coin to spare and there hadn't been any set meet time. With his hands swiftly braiding his hair the youthful male rescued an apple turnover from a bakers cart, making sure it was right at home in his stomach before proceeding towards his destination.

    The detective in charge greeted him at the door, "Today's a very special day." A thick file was handed to him, brows creased as he questioned the statement and started to flick through the file whilst they waled into what appeared to be a rather busy workhouse. "Its just another run of the mill Wednesday? There are plenty of them on the calendar. Granted a murder is important but from the sounds of it you guys get enough of them." Second victim? The file answered it, yet it was the rune knight next to him which confirmed it. "You see today there is a serial killer, you get to name it, hunt it, jail it." Second victim, there was another tab, third, fourth. Four bodies in one night with enough evidence to tie them all together.

    The table long and rectangular had been piled with notes, images, reports. Highlighted facts tying them all together littered the mess, upon first sight it was overwhelming. "Can you, walk me through everything?"  He had looked a little confused, yet thankfully one of them started to speak, pointing out various notes and images. The first victim had been found, the male. A brother and two parents, a map marked with locations detailed the three drastically different locations. The link between them all not only being family ties but the similarities of death and mutilation of bodies. Roasted eyes, tenderised heart and then turned into sashimi. Oh was he getting hungry again?

    Yet the day seemed to pass slowly, just revising evidence, sending messengers away only for them to return empty handed. The only clues before them leading them around in a circle. Murder, murder of three who had done little to nothing wrong. Yet the only thing sorted and tidied up was the bin after it had gotten full of coffee packets and apple turnover bags. His head started to burn almost, the time not only leading to him memorising most of what sat before him, the same statements getting stuck on loop in his mind. Yet the thought of himself, it was a moment of reflection indeed, he hadn't the stomach of aimless murder, it wasn't even a clean shot or simple murder. Slow, painful and undignified it was simple obtuse. He ended lives, yet at least he used them, they weren't aimless, every one had purpose and direction. Unless this wasn't any different? Why would one go to the effort of hunting down an entire family, putting so much effort into their slaughter if it were just for pleasure or entertainment.

    1536 | 5000


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

    Posts : 571
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    First Skill: Fallen God Slayer 2nd Gen
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    Rear Window {Private, Lester} Empty Re: Rear Window {Private, Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 23rd August 2018, 5:31 pm

    The sunlight fell on the town once more as the crimson haired lass skulked about the shadows, clinging to the approaching darkness as the golden glow faded into the abyss. Sharp knew the attitude of this town, the true reason people lived from day to day, the darkness in all of them, she could feel it pulse as the world was charged with misdirection. Turbulent times brewed and the debts racked up by mortals would be claimed. Tonight, those who attempted to rule the shadows would be bitten by them. The underbelly of the city rumbled with life as Sharp approached one of the more active nighttime districts, the architecture stays the same, yet feeling different. She could sense it, the greed, the corruption, the darkness, and the souls those who owed her lord payment. Last night those viewed as innocent fell, tonight those the world deemed guilty would fall, the price of failing to live up to a bargain, it didn't matter your alignment, the reaper came.

    Slowly Sharp approached a nightclub, she scoffed a bit, of course, it was a nightclub. Pulling the VIP pass from those who were labeled innocent by those in this city, Sharp presented it and was allowed in with no issue, her tailored sequin dress shimmering in the pale nightlight of the entrance. The club much to her enjoyment wasn't loud, instead, it was humble and grand, not for those who were poor or for those who were necessarily young, it was for those with privilege. Daddy's money went a long way here, and it was evident that those who held such fortune didn't know the value of it, instead, their investments were in liquid and flesh.

    Grasped from behind by a hand she didn't recognize Sharp gently turned to look towards the tall well-cut man.

    "Hello there, I haven't seen you here before."

    "My friends lent me their pass, I was very interested in seeing who ran such a grand place."

    "All we need is each other, the boss isn't that important to you."

    "Oh I insist, it's business, what we do later can be the pleasure though."

    Her words were coated in a sick honey as if Sharp wasn't the one speaking them. Every syllable was spoken with poison dripping from it, a sickly venom that now coursed through the man's veins.

    "Well, I suppose he wouldn't mind being disturbed for a bit if it meant all of us would benefit."

    "Such a smart man."

    Smiling devilishly towards the man as he led her towards a secluded room off to the side. Guarded by two bouncers Sharp was effortlessly led in as she saw her prey sitting behind a desk, a lovely little girl on his arm, no doubt due to his new wealth and power. Puffing a bit of smoke the man looked frustrated towards his associate and Sharp.

    "What is the meaning for this disturbance?"

    "She said she has unfinished business with you, just thought you would want to know."

    "Unfinished, I don't have any..."

    But that's he felt it, behind her eyes, the gaze of a hateful deity, a power which sent an absolute terror into him.

    "You fool, someone kill this woman!"

    "I suspect that's a no on your payment then..."

    In a flash the lights were destroyed, the beacons of light in the room dimmed as shadows slashed them to ribbons. The sound of screaming muffled by the piano in the outside establishment and the durable door. Slashed and pierced the guards lay dead, as the man felt his female prize ripped from his arms, scream, and then silence. Attempting to run he stumbled over his own coffee table and flipped onto his back, crawling up to a wall. The only light that faded into view was Sharp's own crimson eyes as they illuminated the atmosphere. The dripping of blood and the panic in his breathe the only thing he could hear as the eyes wandered ever closer to him, the footsteps of the heels on the hardwood adding to the echo, till Sharp's eyes were all he could feel in his entire being.

    "You should have repaid your debts, how foolish to think you could fool a god... now join me in the assistance of my resurrection foolish little man."

    The pull of the light was great as his body felt drained and his own eye sockets sizzled and faded away. his lifeless body was cut as to drain all remaining life from it, and his soul, along with those in the room, collected by Sharp for her insidious master. As she left the room she smiled faintly towards the guards outside of the room, their throats feeling the gentle touch of her shadow and their own lifeblood falling to the ground. Impulse took her over as the nightclub fell silent in the coming minutes, the screams of many falling on deaf ears, the only thing left behind was a parade of corpses, each bearing the mark of the other recent killings. This city was ripe with those who had wished for more and never repaid, Sharp's harvest would be bountiful.

    Post WC: 856
    Total WC: 1876/5000


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

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    Rear Window {Private, Lester} Empty Re: Rear Window {Private, Lester}

    Post by Lester Drynedi 26th August 2018, 3:46 pm

    They were on the next scene, a nightclub yet not one of those teenage places that everyone was happily dancing around at. This place was clean of sweat and much, there was no scent of oiled hair or makeup hurriedly applied. Fake class was here, money spent in excess where it needn't have been wasted, simply lavish items brought for the sole reason of displaying their excess wealth. No one dared to oppose establishments such as this, after all the powers were always ones with connections. No counsellor would vote to close this place down if they were given a VIP pass and a large discount, why would you close down your favourite place of entertainment?

    They had gotten there a little late, those specialising in the detective work were already crawling across the area, checking every inch of the building with their lacrima fuelled technology, it was a scene he hadn't seen before. With the prior murders it was still reasonably small, yet now this attacker had struck at something the upper class citizens adored, deep pockets got more staff on the situation. There were now eyes watching this case- watching him. It came in the hands of a younger rune knight, two of them with their steaming and warmth the caffeinated drinks gratefully accepted by himself and the Detective at his side, both of the men holding wishes of the entire thing ending soon. Yet neither of them spoke for a good few minutes, simply wandering through the club assessing others as they worked, getting a feel for the place in hopes that one of them would understand motive, catch a glimpse of how it was all tied together.

    Lights smashed, there would have been no light for the event unless it was produced by the attackers magic, yet no scorch marks or residue of water. Not ice water or fire of some kind, it was odd, the room was clear of singes, not a lick of flame had swept across the area and left a trail of cinders, yet the reoccurring eyes, burned away. It was only one of the however, one man with eyes burned out of their sockets and the rest had been killed in more mundane ways, the flesh just parted with strong slashes or skewered. Who would come into a room of guards without fear, slaughter one of the scantily clad females which were commonplace in an establishment such as this. Brows creased as a hand went to softly cover his mouth, disgust at the act, whilst there might be whispers of it being a vigilante act- taking out a horrid house and all this was such a waste, the guards and the woman were unnecessary to whoever did this, and all those in the building tonight would be touched by the event for years to come. Little empathy was held for those around them, no regard for the consequences it would have on others their goal, a mission was above all else.  

    The detective had been speaking to others, taking notes and gathering everything which they had learned, yet he simply followed behind, listening in with his head slightly off center there were thoughts on his mind. The empty coffee cup was left with a junior as they spoke to each specialist, everyone who looked at the 'centerpiece' was just as confused as they were, why the eyes? To some it meant a connection to another world, the ability to see. Knowledge, an eye of all seeing, the power to understand all, was there a mage of power from another culture here? If so there was little which linked those slaughtered. The first was a middle aged male, without wife or children he lived alone. Not in the inner circles like this club was, the killers markings were the same. Wealth perhaps? Last time the detective had noted down 'reasonably wealthy'  which would correspond with the clubs high status, they made plenty of coin. That childrens story, robin hood, perhaps the killer was a fan.

    "Drynedi, artists in the foyer and waiting area with the few witnesses who may have seen something. Go and see if they're done will you"
    Something to take his mind off the current train of thought and get some fresh air, at least it had seemed like a good chance when wandering out there. Until the artist handed him a few papers, faces lightly sketched with notes of where they were seen and what they were doing. A guard leaving, earlier deliveries in the day. The protector, metaphors owner. Bottom lip dragged into his mouth as the man bit it in worry. The face here was shown to be emotionless, not calm or relaxed nor worried, just another face in the crowd. It was nothing compared to how he had seen her before, worried and flustered at the icecream parlor, he had shown up suddenly in a whirlwind of plants and words surprising her out of the blue so suddenly. The 'job' to squish plushies, the happy face lighting up as if she had just received a ring pop when squishing the handmade animal toys. She couldn't be the murderer, but why had she been seen leaving a club. She was the suspect who had left the building closest to the estimated time of deaths, no one else had left the club, all were just left to bleed. A calm face set across, the mask holding a soft smile as he thanked the artist and the witnesses, an old woman who had been shopping and come to the Rune knights when they'd asked for witnesses, a cabbage seller at the tail end of his prime and a Father- the priest kind although he wasn't well versed in religion to recognise the symbol he clutched. The detective met up with him, sad eyes and a shake of the head indicating his despair at the lack of evidence, their only thought for now was those who were wealthy, "With the wealth, perhaps we look a little closer at that back at the office? Maybe they all gambled at the same place or something." the idea was good, yet his heart wasn't in it.

    Nobody noticed the rising star wander close to a pot plant on his way out the door, a sheet of paper returning back to its plant form, a mulch ready to feed life.

    2604 | 5000


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

    Posts : 571
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    Rear Window {Private, Lester} Empty Re: Rear Window {Private, Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 29th August 2018, 12:14 am

    Sharp's methods were being noticed, in a strange way it sent prideful glee into Sharp's mind, but she no longer knew if these thoughts were her's or another's. Sharp felt a mixture of confusion and sorrow, and the only comfort she had came in the form of sweet venomous words being poured into her head, telling her to keep going. Sharp wanted freedom, but she knew she couldn't find it, not now at least, instead her legs kept walking towards her destination whether she wanted them to or not, and her heart didn't beat at all, only a few times had she ever felt it beat, but neither of those people were present, and one of them would probably hate her for an eternity. Such musings were painful, it reminded her that she couldn't do anything in her current situation, and instead, she would listen to the viper's voice in her mind that told her nothing but sweet lies and to sleep.

    The evening came fast upon Sharp, and she didn't recognize where she was till she saw it below her. A corpse was once again at her feet, the blood soaking into the carpet and her once bare legs covered in blood. His head in her hands, Sharp looked down to see the last expression he held, one of terror. She liked to kill them quietly, she didn't like to make it messy beyond just a few slashes, that was her way, but this time she wasn't in as much control and it was ended faster, bloodier, gruesome. Sharp felt sorrow even if joy was being forced upon her. The voice telling her how to kill, but in reality Sharp didn't want to kill that way, if she had to she would kill them easier, make the cuts less brutal and deep, she didn't want to be reminded of what she had to do before, what she had done before, how many were brutally cut down and reduced to nothing. Outside Sharp could hear footsteps approaching, her lord had allowed others to find her. She couldn't do anything, the room was covered in blood, she was covered in blood, she held the man's head in her arms, the only thing Sharp could be grateful for anymore was that at least one person she held with value hadn't seen her. She knew what would have to be done, she'd have to kill them, slaughter them all and move on to her next target. The hour was approaching that Sharp could no longer feel the suns warmth, only despair.

    Post WC: 428
    Total WC: 2,304


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

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    Rear Window {Private, Lester} Empty Re: Rear Window {Private, Lester}

    Post by Lester Drynedi 1st September 2018, 5:25 pm

    It hurt him inside a little, the possibility still remained after all and that was something which haunted him. Yet it was more likely that she had just been coming out from delivering some mail or something, right, I mean after all. Sharp wouldn't act like that, right.

    Yet that slight pain only blossomed further, evolving into something which would have tore a scream out of his mouth had the man not been in shock. They knew the next murders were likely to be around this place, linking together those who had come into great wealth it was almost like the murderer was going down a list in order of oldest to newest, the next on the list was either where he was- or where the lead investigator was. Stark white against the shadowed darkness he drew his hood, hesitating slightly before his footsteps softly sounded through the area. It was something he hadn't seen before, something which utterly disgusted him to the root of his soul. It plastered the walls, the harsh color of cranberry which only looked blacker in the shadowed corners. At first his gaze was drawn to the ball which she held, the head which gently sat in the hands arms which had once embraced the softest of plushies. He spoke no words, listening to the slight shudders of his breathing and the repetitive dripping. It was sharp, yet the expressions on her face were twisted, contorted into unfamiliar shapes that impeded into the woman that he knew. "Sharp       so you're here, with a head in your arms, and you have some blood on your face, did you know? Maybe just wipe it off." Really now lester this wasn't happening, thoughts swirled as he stuttered out the brief sentence. Had he gotten into the drugs again? This wasn't sharp, she should just clean up and go home. "That head isn't a plushie you know, maybe just put it down. I have a handkerchief you can use it to wipe some of the blood off, there is a bath at the place Im staying and we can get your clothes cleaned. You shouldn't be here there's someone dangerous." Surely it wasn't her, there was no drawing of her from a witness and there wasn't any reason she would have done this, just coincidence. I mean, she had come in and rolled around, maybe slipped over and gotten covered in blood then picked up the head in shock. There were guards coming soon, this was something he couldn't just talk their way out of

    3031 | 5000


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

    Posts : 571
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    First Skill: Fallen God Slayer 2nd Gen
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    Rear Window {Private, Lester} Empty Re: Rear Window {Private, Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 1st September 2018, 6:06 pm

    The fell footsteps rang from the hallway as the white wearing man appeared, his expression says it all. Catching Sharp red-handed his voice was shaken and his words were polluted by fear and delusions. In a way, Sharp took all his negative emotions and fears in and enjoyed the little feast of emotions, her mind and body was becoming adapted to such feelings around and began to relish in them. Thankfully just a tiny part of her still felt torn, was it really her mind believing this or was it simply the god ruling over her? She couldn't tell anymore, both mentally and physically, the one dead in her hand was killed by the god but with her body, or was it by her with the god's body? She wished to be free and just speak kindly, take him up on his horrible offer that would never work and to try and run... but she couldn't. She was a prison in her own skin, she had no voice but she had to scream.

    "Lester, stop it."

    Her voice wasn't bouncy, it was flat, darker, misplaced. The man's head fell to the ground as Sharp moved softly towards Lester, placing her bloody hands on his face. Giving him a slight kiss on his forehead Sharp would look directly into his eyes, her own appearing muddled by what was inside Sharp, and her previously seen innocence.

    "I killed him, I killed the ones at the club, I killed the family, and I'll keep killing. The body count won't go down, there's nothing left that can wash away my sin."

    Suddenly the sound of footsteps in the hallway grew loud as a couple rune knights rushed up along with a detective to meet up with the rising star. Screaming at him to get away from her and how they would prepare to make the arrest Sharp simply smiled towards him, one which was coated in the venom of the god of death controlling Sharp's soul, and filled with a plea for him to run.

    "Naughty, leading those who wish to stop my little fun time right to me, I guess it doesn't matter though, just means more will join the howls of the dead tonight."

    making sure to keep her hands on his face so he couldn't turn his head, Sharp controlled their shadows so that the cuts would be painful, and their screams loud. The pleas for help as the flesh was cut and seared from them, all the while Sharp simply looked into his eyes and grinned.

    "Pay attention to me, don't listen to them, they are simply weak, just like the man who snuck in to steal plushies, I killed him and hid him under them, or in the ice cream shop where I told you not to have the strawberry, I hide a man I cut up in there or another job you weren't on, a mansion which held a murder game, except I made it real. I find it cute you fell in love with something so innocent, now go ahead, cry about how I'm not this monster."






    The sound of screaming fell mute and with a thud, their bodies fell to the ground and Sharp's eyes grew dark and dim, the deed was done and now Lester had nowhere to run from the truth.

    Post WC: 562
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    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

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    Rear Window {Private, Lester} Empty Re: Rear Window {Private, Lester}

    Post by Lester Drynedi 9th September 2018, 2:48 pm

    Her voice distant, something he couldn't quite reach it was obscure and unfamiliar, this was no crooning just a cold slate, stop it. There was no doubt that it was her, the expressions and the way she held herself was different yet it was her. She cradled a head in her arms, yet it should have been a plushie. In his mind she still held the soft plush of metaphor, the same hands which scooped him ice cream or helped him serve customers now were slick with blood.  

    She even admitted it, she knew, she admitted it, confessed to slaughtering them all and planning to kill more. Sin, she worried about sin. Gods walked amongst them and she was worried about nothing washing away her sin that was fine. He didn't care about the sins he just wanted her, the Sharp that he knew. Yet any words he meant to say were stuck in his throat, the messages only conveyed through the pleading look of his eyes. He was riddled with distress, stripped down to nothing more than a distraught child out of his depth and unsure of how to handle the typhoon of emotions within. She was only slightly taller, yet as the blood was smeared across his face and she held his face softly Lester choked back a brief exclamation "Sharp- no, this isn't" This wasn't Sharp, this couldn't be sharp. She was so different from the sweet serving girl he had first met.

    A flurry of footsteps growing closer as rune knights turned the corner, their yells  telling him to get back behind them, that they could restrain the fugitive. Yet he wouldn't move, his mind too busy trying to process the unexpectedness of the situation.

    She held her eyes to his, head locked into place the leer of a smile growing onyl stronger across his face as dread was etched into his own. He couldn't see it, yet the shrieks which punctured the atmosphere only guilt, wailing for a faster death to release them from the extended pain. This wasn't right, he was just high again surely. Someone who looked like sharp or, a twin, a curse there had to be an explanation for this.

    Pay attention to a psychopathic killer who was slowly slaughtering a pack of rune knights. Ignore the weak, strawberry ice cream, a man in it? The plushie mountain was just hiding a body, slowly growing cold as death took over. She had been so sweet there though, just normal. Like every other person just casual, happy, creating a murder game was not normal. The entire situation wasn't normal he had to just, get out, forget everything, free himself from her grasp and run until the rains of the ends of the earth cleansed his memory.

    In love, he hadn't fell in love with her, not this her, they were different. He just, no, this wasn't right in the slightest.

    The silence had spread across, broken only by her tauntings and the words spoken urging him to cry, insulting him a slight feeling grew. The miserable despair growing, "Sharp no really, there must be something wrong with you. Are you sick?I can find heal you, sharp we can" Voice trailed off as the beads of salt- tears made their way down.

    What had his life come to

    What had she come to? Slaughtering and murdering in such a horrific way this wasn't the woman that he knew

    "Who are you?"
    The words were spoken with distrust, not hatred just a wavering flood of worry and conflict

    3626 | 5000


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    Rear Window {Private, Lester} Empty Re: Rear Window {Private, Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 17th September 2018, 3:40 am

    A slight chuckle escaped Sharp's lips as she reeled back from the slight embrace with Lester, the figures of the rune knights dead in front of her, though inevitably more would arrive, especially when those two didn't report in. He wished to heal her, to make her feel better as if any sort of remedy could recover her twisted heart at this point, Sharp wasn't sure where the ones who controlled her ended and where she began. The darkness in her heart was too strong, though it was only by her fighting that the god didn't just kill him in this instant, wipe the boy out from the world and absorb his essence. Hopefully, he was strong enough to fight her off, he should be his power level was higher than her... but the god made things even... Sharp didn't want to find out how that hypothetical fight would go.

    "There's no cure for who someone is you, silly little boy. This is me, not a fake or an imitation. In my heart I've found room to enjoy the screaming of victims, their death kneels as their bodies fall limply to the floor, the absolute crushing oppression of my power. None of them were innocent anyway, everyone is guilty, you, I, newborns we are all guilty in some sense, so why cry over their passing?"

    Sharp's eyes were focused on Lester's, a glint of darkness in them, a shade of corruption clouding the normally pure iris of the young girl. Her words were spoken in her voice, but they weren't completely said with Sharp's conviction, she was forced to mutter most of the words, she was forced to believe the meaning behind them. In a short fit, Sharp gripped her stomach and staggered back kneeling on the floor as she gazed upwards towards Lester. It wasn't dramatic but Sharp's eyes probably looked wider and kinder, if not still twisted.

    "Lester, forget about me, forget you ever saw any of this and just run, you can't me no one can save me bar... maybe one but I betrayed him long ago, and I'll come to him as an enemy, not a friend. Run Lester, don't look back."

    Suddenly, Sharp stood at full height and smiled, but that same look as before was back the sickened gaze.

    "Lest I be unable to hold back against you, and you to will meet a grisly fate. So go on, run away, find the lord of nightmares and attempt to save me, it won't matter, nothing will, like all others you shall fail, I can't be defeated at this point, not him not the dragon of reality shall stop me."

    Post WC: 445
    Total WC: 3311/5000


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