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    waving through a window ╳ private


    Imagination Sovereign

    Imagination Sovereign

    Posts : 113
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    First Skill: ╳ Imaginary Element ╳
    Second Skill: ╳ Mystic Eyes ╳
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    waving through a window ╳ private Empty waving through a window ╳ private

    Post by Evan Fri 24 Aug - 22:51

    waving through a window ╳ private F0m29sd
    waving through a window ╳ private 7vKA7Ys

    Evan stepped out of a hidden building within the Capital Crocus. The entrance was rather discreet being at the side of an abandoned alley. He really had nothing to fear when he stepped out of the building. Turning to face the door, Evan would look as the door melted into the air before completely camouflaging against the wall. They were really secretive about what they were doing, but it made sense as to why. If people figured out what the Magic Council was hiding, a lot of the Council would probably be thrown into prison. Sighing, Evan would walk out of the alley, placing a hood of his head in order to avoid the gaze of the general public.

    Summoning a blue screen that he could type on, Evan would search his tasks for the upcoming day and sigh as most of it was simply freelance work. They were just dumping all the extra jobs onto him. He really didn't want to do this free labour. The imagination mage would look at the tasks lined up for him when a notification popped up. Turns out there was a threat within the area. Could be linked to the criminal that was being tracked at this moment in time. Summoning a rainbow tether, the young mage would propel himself into the sky before materializing a screen and surveying the area.

    Hovering in place, Evan would sit on the screen as it moved over to a rooftop. Tapping the air would cause another screen to materialize as the imagination mage was unconsciously typing away, a mission report before he engaged the target. "I really should just head over there and deal with this on the spot, but I'd rather let someone else." Hearing an explosion on the distance would cause the young man to hop onto the edge of the building. Staying up here would basically guarantee that no one bugged him since now people would be running away from the explosion, meaning he could safely observe from his vantage point and get clues in order to capture to enemy.

    Tags: @That Adopted Kid
    Template by Desirée Blooms.


    waving through a window ╳ private T0bRXJv
    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

    Posts : 571
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    waving through a window ╳ private Empty Re: waving through a window ╳ private

    Post by That Adopted Kid Sat 25 Aug - 1:51

    Purple hair shimmered in the sunlight as a tall girl wandered through the streets of the bustling capital. She was here for a reason, though she wished she could have been here just to have fun working at a cafe again. To goof around and have a silly time again, she'd cherish that in her never beating heart forever, but now she could only focus on the darkness that was inherent in her heart, she had to answer it's call. Though the sky was bright she could feel the shadows all around her, she had to kill someone, someone who owed her master once again. it was tiring being the collector, and the currency being souls, they always screamed inside of her, and she could feel their pain. it broke her inside, but she had no choice... or did she? Perhaps as time went on she began to view the screams as a melody of sorrow rather than of despicable desperation. Perhaps she was growing used to love the sound of their torment, she was probably being corrupt from it.

    It didn't matter now, even if she could hear the song deep down she had to press forward, ironically the target this time was a banker who had desired revenge against another, but didn't offer up a soul in exchange for the power to have him vanish, another courtesy of Sharp. As she approached the location where her master willed her, she looked up at the grand bank and figured it wouldn't be easy to get away. She could slink into the shadows, but she was starting to become known, even with a new appearance, her method was the catch, it would certainly attract more unwanted attention, but she had to do this. Preparing to dart into an alleyway behind the bank, Sharp suddenly heard the explosion of the establishment as people were thrown to the side and criminals attempted to escaping using various magics and magical tools.

    Sharp wouldn't have cared, but there was one problem, she could feel it, the one she came to kill was dead, gone in the explosion that rocked the wood and marble establishment... they had taken what was her's, and now they would have to pay for it. As the criminals, a group of four wearing odd masks, ran down the street Sharp manifested from one of the overhangs and dropped in front of them, prepared to make them pay her, her due.

    "Hello there, I think you owe me something."



    Imagination Sovereign

    Imagination Sovereign

    Posts : 113
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ╳ Imaginary Element ╳
    Second Skill: ╳ Mystic Eyes ╳
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    waving through a window ╳ private Empty Re: waving through a window ╳ private

    Post by Evan Sat 1 Sep - 11:10

    waving through a window ╳ private F0m29sd
    waving through a window ╳ private 7vKA7Ys

    The young man propelled himself towards the site of the crime, as evidenced by the smoke that was beginning to rise in the air, the people who were actively running away from the site, with the final clue being Rune Knights that were stationed heading in that direction. Tapping his chest, Evan would begin cloaking his presence, shimmering briefly with the color of a rainbow before reflecting the light away from him, making him invisible to the naked eye.

    Since he was now invisible, he could now easily take care of the situation without people having the knowledge or the thoughts that he was playing a vigilante because that could bring about more problems than necessary. Landing on the building a couple away from the site away from the explosion, Evan would observe the surroundings and make out the criminals who were now actually all wearing masks.

    Gazing at them, Evan would summon a screen that only could be seen by him as he looked at them. Trying to scan them while they were running combined with the fact that their faces were obscured made this rather difficult. Summoning a pistol with a burst of rainbow light, Evan would take aim at the masks in order to shoot them off, however, something else caught their attention.

    To be completely honest, the young man was surprised by the appearance of the tall girl as much as the criminals. However, she seemingly appeared out of nowhere so the men were taken off guard. This was a good chance actually. Shooting four quick shots, Evan would successfully knock off the criminal's masks, revealing their faces. The blue in Evan's eyes would become viewable first as his body was leaving its invisible state. Analyzing as much as he could while they were panicked, Evan would access the Magic Council's archives and be able to easily identify the four criminals.

    They were clearly distraught with their identities being revealed but Evan didn't want to take to anger the purple haired woman, as she already seemed somewhat annoyed to begin with. Skating down the building, leaving trails of blue magic, appearing as static, Evan would summon a tether and circle around the group of criminals, effectively binding them while they waited for the red head to go about her business. Snapping his fingers, Evan would teleport back to the spot on the building and sit on the edge while looking to the girl then back to the criminals.

    Technically, he should probably capture them alive, but the Magic Council was going to kill them anyways. He was somewhat interested on seeing what the girl would do. He never actually found any information about her in the Magic Council's archives so it could be fun to see what she was capable of. Evan wouldn't say a word as he looked at her but he presented the bound up criminals to her with a nonchalant wave of the hand, basically saying, Do as you wish. I won't say anything.

    Tags: @That Adopted Kid
    Template by Desirée Blooms.


    waving through a window ╳ private T0bRXJv

      Current date/time is Sat 27 Jul - 0:57