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    Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 17th April 2018, 1:15 am

    The cosplay Cafe

    The redhead had a light step as she skipped towards the small establishment. She didn't get much enjoyment out of her own "life", not since the various incidents of the past, but today she got to finally have some fun. After returning from... a visit to another local Sharp was approached by an older man who ran a cafe. Sharp knew of these places, but what she didn't expect was him asking her to work him for a day. She found it strange at first that he wanted her to work at his place without knowing anything about her. He seemed oddly excited when he looked at her breezy skirt, but when Sharp said yes just to be polite the man grew very happy and that in turn made Sharp happy. She allowed someone else to smile and to her, that was good enough! So today she was prepared to make good with her promise and help the poor man out of his predicament of not having enough employees at his place.

    Arriving at the cafe Sharp saw it was a place of glorious repute and in need of a fresh paint job. Sharp really should have just walked away from it, but she was too kind to just judge it harshly by the paint job, clearly, the inside was what was beautiful just like with people! With a little jingle, the door opened and she saw that the place looked better than she initially feared, it certainly was clean, but something seemed off. It was very... cleverly laid out. She couldn't quite describe it but the atmosphere was more based around discretion than openness, and as one who experienced her fair share in the dark, the light was refreshing but this place lacked it in ample quality. Still, she made a promise and she would complete that promise, she pinky swore to herself that she would.

    Coming to greet her the manager was very warm and happy so it reassured Sharp she was doing the right thing. He told her that he had an outfit in the back planned for her, so Sharp simply smiled and told him she would be happy to wear it. As she entered the changing room Sharp felt the residue of shame upon the walls, and it caused her to shiver slightly, this place had a dark past filled with many regrets of women who ventured into this line of work, but Sharp didn't get why it was just clothing. The outfit he had picked out had a little sticky note on it saying "I hope you love it", well Sharp sure did like how cute it was. Pink with frills puffed shoulders, yes it was a great little dress, it even had little roses sewn into it, so adorable! Changing her casual outfit for the cute little ensemble, Sharp picked up the tacky pink wand with a gold star on the top and smiled as she looked in the mirror.

    "In the name of justice I punish you!"

    She said as she laughed to herself. She had seen this on the picture box before, a girl would stop someone with magical powers and save the day! Thankfully as she said this no one was around... right?

    WC: 543/1125


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by Lester Drynedi 17th April 2018, 1:52 am

    For a few days prior the life of the capital had entertained him, performances and shows displaying cultures rarely seen by him the youth had felt the vibrancy of Crocus blooming across the night skies as street lights stayed active after dark. One could not just relax their entire life however, he had to get a little coin in some way, whilst there was no reason to participate in any large jobs the trio had departed their own ways that morning, having each found a small yet amusing job to make memories with. Half eaten the croissants warmth soon fled it, the soggy breakfast left sitting in his hand it hardly appeared to be appetizing. After considering placing it in the nearby bin slight memories of his mothers penetrating screech grew in his mind, ivy like it took over, creeping into every nook and cranny her piercing voice telling him not to waste food. Well honestly mother if he threw it away it would just get turned into compost for plants, not much of a waste was it.

    Yet parents and upbringing was something one could hardly escape bare for extreme circumstances, so it was that as his sandals pressed against the ground softly that the last of the overrated snail-lovers breakfast bread was shoved down his throat. This appeared to be the place, it was sweet, he liked it. A meadow in which he was familiar with this little cafe was one that the male felt a strong connection to, if he had to quit being a mage and couldn't open a floristry it wouldn't be so bad to serve customers sweets and cakes. For sure he would energize it a little, more plants and flowers, a cleaner exterior with perhaps more cute looking furniture but everything could be improved right!

    Soft spoke someone came to greet him, the manager apparently, and from the glace over his skin suit apparently Lester had failed to wear the proper attire. Yet he mentioned that it was no worry, as this was a cosplay cafe he had more than enough spare outfits in the back room in case someone was as unprepared as him. Yet it wasn't that much of a cosplay, apparently he had such fine features that any clothing too detailed would 'take away from the alluring gaze' that he had. As he slid into it everything seemed rather normal, yet perfect, tailored to fit exactly him it fit so snugly, accentuating every curvature and bulge. Was this how it felt to be a female? Everything being squished up and presented for show.

    From the looks of it there remained a waistcoat, jacket and neckstrangling tie to wear. Yet fingers still fumbling with buttons on his shirt let him with the idea that perhaps it would be best to remove the black gloves instead of failing to button a shirt like some senile fool. There was no way that he had wilted so much that he couldn't button a shirt.

    Justice, wait what, "Punishment?! What have I done to deserve puni-" Gloved hands left their half finished job to cover his mouth, oh had he really just said that. Pushing back his partition watermelon eyes peeked around the corner, through a small gap in the door to take hold of something rather, well, adorable. Slight blossoming hues fell across his face as Lester took a moment to fully understand the magical creature which happily chuckled at her own comments. Wait, he was peeking at a girl getting changed. Shock grew thorn like shivers up is spine as gloved hands raised to cover his eye sand blush. It was only polite to not look, not that he minded the sight. "Excuse me miss, are you okay in there?" It was normal to say something like that, right?


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 17th April 2018, 2:39 am

    She looked just like one of those girls on the shows, it was simply wonderful... and then she heard a voice call out to her asking if she needed help. She felt embarrassment in the area and she too grew a blush on her face and turned towards the source of the voice.

    "No, no I'm fine, how about you, are you okay? Ha ha."

    Secretly she hoped that her words would spark the other to stop being so embarrassed so she too could stop these feelings inside of herself. So Sharp had two options right now, she could just stand there and wait for a response, or she could be proactive and go to the source of the voice and get the conversation started. While normally a calm calculating individual the emotions around her were slightly clouding the young girl's judgment so she ended up moving towards the door where Lester was at a fast pace. The click-clack of her magical shoes smacked against the floor as she grabbed the handle and opened the door towards her side and looked at him. He was wearing a very handsome looking suit, but for one who looked so young to have white hair, was he feeling okay? Was he born with that color or did it develop over time from stress? Was he sick? Sharp hoped he wasn't sick that wasn't any fun and she didn't want him to be sad and sickly, she knew someone who had been sickly and it was painful to watch as she struggled to perform normal tasks.

    "You look fine! I mean you look good in that outfit, and not sick, or hurting or..."

    Sharp sighed.

    "Uh, my names Sharp, what's yours?"

    Totally wasn't awkward at all.

    Post WC: 293
    Total WC: 835/1125


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by Lester Drynedi 17th April 2018, 7:00 am

    He had only seen the back of it, when the appearance of all the extras couldn't be fully appreciated, yet she moved to face him as if a rouge spring wind had pushed her round and he caught a glimpse of the outfit. Honestly if he had seen it in the streets it would have been considered outlandish, it fit in here tho, a field of poppies all as mad as the other. how was he? "Oh, Oh I'm fine, sorry about that" Gods lester he had to get a hold of himself, people getting changed was a perfectly human thing to do. The step sounds should have acted as a warning to the incoming opening of the door. Eyes blinked slightly as he peered, brows drawn together as if some odd weed takeover, the entire cafe situation wasn't sitting well with him anymore.

    It was no time to be backing out, he simply had to grasp it by the roots and yank it out. A compliment, it was nice. Softly the smile graced his lips, yet failed to reach his eyes as the sentence continued. She had sighed, perhaps was that in annoyance or disappointment at herself? The magic girl had queried after his health. Did he look sick perhaps or something? From what he could feel and had seen in the mirror just prior there was no chance of him having any serious physical damage to his body, surely he would have felt it as well. oh Sharp! A name to put to a cupcake.

    "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Sharp! I'm Lester Drynedi, sorry, I just. I was getting changed next door and wanted to check that everything was okay." Whilst his words were spun the youths fingers intertwined the shirt, carefully buttoning up to the collar before sliding the tie in from where it had sat tucked into his belt loop. "But, you look good as well, it suits you." the return compliment could have continued if not for the manager appearing, extending his arm the man passed along lesters jacket and waistcoat which he still lacked. Before turning back to the two temporary employees. "You two can take what jobs you wish, everything needs to be done however I recommend waiter and waitress." Glancing at sharp for a moment his brows raised in a slight question before turning back to their employee, "I'll be a waiter for now, is there anything else we need to know?"



    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

    Posts : 571
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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 17th April 2018, 1:29 pm

    Oh no she made it more awkward, she totally screwed up. Well, not completely as the atmosphere was a little less awkward since he was introducing himself. Maybe she didn't mess this up and instead they could have a pleasant conversation about the job they were going to perform if he was working here today, well unless he wasn't working here today and if he wasn't working here today then why was he in the changing room? Maybe he just wanted to see Sharp's outfit. She didn't know how to feel about that, on one hand, if he was happy by seeing if she'd be happy but also he could get in trouble for being back here and she didn't like it when others got in trouble. Oh wait he said he was changing so he must be working here as well, oh that's good he wouldn't get in trouble for being back here then, what a relief.

    Suddenly as he was giving her a compliment on her outfit the manager entered and told them they could get to work. Was sharp to be a waitress? That was a job she'd never considered before but serving people meals to make them happy sounded fun, unless they didn't like the meals but if they didn't like it why would they order the food in the first place unless they didn't understand what they were ordering and... you know what it's not important. What is important is that Sharp try her best with her partner in job Lester.

    "I'll be a waitress."

    "Good, and no there's nothing more just some of the customers can get frisky, and you never know how they will react to seeing youths. Anyway, good luck out there."

    "Frisky, but I don't have anything valuable to me, why would they pickpocket?"

    The manager stared blankly at her before laughing and walking out to get ready for his own shift. Sharp stared blankly and was confused as to why he laughed, but she probably shouldn't worry about it.

    "Oh uh... in any case I guess we should get out there, customers might be coming if the place is open right now."

    Sharp stated as tried to pass off her previously stupid comments with a smile towards Lester.

    Post WC: 378
    Total WC: 1213/1125


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by Lester Drynedi 17th April 2018, 5:25 pm

    A waitress as well, it worked well, that way they could stumble together and hopefully remain on their feet. Except it was a slight worry to him, the comments on customers getting frisky and their age hinted at something else but he decided to just let the smile sit across his face. There was no need to react or anything, it was such a simple job after all. The thought pushed down as his hands smoothed out his waistcoat half an ear kept tabs on the conversation. This girl from what he could tell seemed a little too sweet, the world she grew up in must have been plastered in thick layers of sugar. Had she not noticed how casual the hands of customers had been in the front room.

    He didn't say something, perhaps it would be best to let her learn on her own? After all who wanted sex education by a stranger. A chuckle escaped him at the thought, a soft blush growing across his cheeks soon afterwards as he realized he had laughed, it would be a good name for a program though. Sex Ed with a stranger. "Right yes let's go"

    The door pushed open into the bustling cafe as someone placed a notepad and pen into his hand then danced away, whilst he had known they were short on staff surely they wouldn't neglect to train him in any way.
    "Sharp, do you have any idea of how to be a waiter?"



    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 17th April 2018, 7:08 pm

    Good, movement, finally. Sharp could now breathe easily as she could avoid being so foolish, curse the embarrassment around her, turning her brain to mush, but at least it had abaited as of this moment, now she could focus. A simple expression was on her face as she prepared to get to work in this fine establishment. Surprise hit her in a wave as she saw just how busy they already were, just how popular was this place anyway? Were they this super popular because of how good their food is, or was it for a different reason? As a few eyes gazed at Sharp she realized it must be because the outfits were so cute, yep that was it.

    As a pen and paper were handed to her Sharp flicked the penaround in her hand a's she got ready to start, but then Lester asked her a question. How to be a waiter, that's simple just take orders?

    "Oh that's simple, you just take people's orders and deliver it to the back. I haven't done this before but I've seen it on the picture box. Here watch me!"

    With excitement sharp approached a table with three teenage boys sitting at it.

    "what can I get for you gentlemen?"

    "A good piece of ass" one of the boys said with a fire in his eyes, but Sharp was only confused.

    "I believe this place doesn't serve donkey, so I'm sorry you'll have to pick another meal."

    They laughed another bit but then realized sharp was serious and then in an embarrassed tone the boys placed their real orders and sharp wrote them down. Returning to Lester Sharp would smile sweetly in his direction.

    "See its very simple! Hope that helped you!"


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by Lester Drynedi 17th April 2018, 10:59 pm

    Indeed it sounded simplistic, taking an order on the sheet of paper then delivering it to the back where they would prepare and create a divine dish to serve up. yet this sort of thing was in a picture book? for sure as a child he hadn't read a lot, but there had always been stories with family. Perhaps there was just a lack of feminine children books though. A moment's thought about it caused embarrassment to heat up his back, if he had thought a little more before speaking then he would have realized that all he had to do what was waiters did when he was a customer. It appeared to be a good way to break any lasting ice between the two though. Notebook clutched in one hand he watched her approach the table which held a trio appearing rather surprising, not that they were stealing ,he just disliked the vibe that they gave off.

    So they were those types, he had a vague inkling, or well, he had more than that, but of course people who came here often wished for an eyeful. Sharp, an odd individual, coincidence entirely that they had both been here to fulfill a job yet surely no one could be that oblivious to the world around them. Lester's mind juggled with her being so ignorant to the more innate desires, he had quite literally grown up on a farm, and still he understood more than her.

    "Yea, it helped, thanks sharp!" Voice light as he thanked her with a wave of his hand Lester's brain was still weighing up the choices between educating her on human nature or learning a little more first.

    the decision carried his feet forward to the first table, jacket sitting over his shoulders fluttered softly, a gaggle of girls looking up from where they had been examining a rather suggestive magazine a slight sigh was held back as he smiled softly, head tilted as he presented his notebook and pen at the ready. "Excuse me M'Ladies is there anything which seduces you from the menu?" from what he had heard other waiters doing this was the norm, a cosplay cafe indeed.

    Blossoming across there cheeks soft cherry blossom blushes indicated that he had done well, a couple of the more shy ones whispered their orders to friends which held more confidence to pass along to Lester who neatly wrote them down. Was that all, did he just give the list to the kitchen staff? would he have to bring all the order back when it was done. A little fried at the tops his mind had wilted for a few moments until a soft hand rested on the front of his waistcoat.

    "I will be back with your order when it is ready, please call if there is anything you need." He stepped away, allowing the females hand which had been slyly tracing his muscles fall away. Eye winked as he turned away, hair fluttering with his quick pace back to where the orders were collated. handing it in with a glance over to sharp he indicated his positive thoughts with a nod. "I think that went well?'


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 26th April 2018, 1:52 am

    "Yes that was very well done, I think they like you!"

    Sharp said with an upbeat flutter in her voice. He had been so charming to them that the girls must have liked it, she could feel them having happy emotions as he left to fill in their order... and a few other emotions she didn't get. Still, they were happy, so that's just wonderful for them! Lester was so good at making others happy, Sharp could learn a thing or two from him since she struggled to make others happy despite keeping an upbeat attitude. To watch him gracefully enchant those girls was a sight to behold.

    Sharp had to concentrate though, she had her own tables to look after, ones which demanded the utmost satisfaction in the name of justice. It was only when she saw one man who looked like he hadn't taken a shower in months, and was wearing some weird headband and had a katana on his back. Why did he have a bladed weapon with him, was he a mercenary or something? Sharp didn't like to judge people but he was very heavy and probably not a warrior, but she could be wrong, such size could prove an advantage, heavens knows her own height helped in various situations, but she didn't have such girth so she didn't know if the weight helped. Walking over she kept a smile on her face the entire time.

    "Hello, what can I get you?"

    "Yeah I'll have the sundae, hold the banana though I'm not a fan of them."

    Dutifully jotting down the notes Sharp kept up her happy demeanor as she made sure to listen diligently to the man's words, though he wasn't speaking loudly Sharp was even keen to listen.

    "Is there anything else I can get you?"

    Suddenly as she finished saying her words Sharp felt one of his cold hands caress her leg. Without thinking Sharp reacted. Grasping the man's shoulders Sharp used him as a board to toss herself over the man and with a mighty thrust downward with her hands which still held onto the man's shoulders, she flung him across the establishment with great vigor and the many patrons watched as his large frame crashed upon the wall at the entrance. Snapping back to reality Sharp saw what she had done in self-defense and had a bit of a panic. Rushing up to the man with all speed she frantically spoke towards him.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to throw you I just reacted! Are you okay!?"

    "That was just... awesome."


    "Will you be my girlfriend?"

    "Uh, I don't understand but I'll make sure that your meal will be free!"

    Sharp didn't offer to help him up by judging by his panting she didn't want to help him up right now. He seemed excited and Sharp didn't know why, plus she didn't want him grabbing as her again and then she'd probably react in a defensive manner, and his body while buffered wasn't able to withstand most of her real self-defense. Running up to the counter the manager looked angrily towards Sharp and she started to pout a bit, which caused him to sigh and walk back to his office. As she scrambled to the put the order in Sharp felt down about herself, she was so bad at making others happy, though little did she know so far all of the customers were happy... just not in the way she wanted.


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by Lester Drynedi 28th April 2018, 4:43 am

    A short glance over into the kitchen area confirmed the thoughts regarding time in his head, it would still be a short while util his tables orders were ready. The red head, sharp, she thought that the table had liked his method of serving. Perhaps would it be best to experiment a little? No one would condom him for messing around a little at a cosplay cafe of all places. A slight stretch of his back and the youth flashed a small smile towards his fellow cosplayer before she meandered towards the next waiting table. There were a few that appeared to be waiting, one was two woman who appeared to be deep in conversation, expressions so plainly displaying their thoughts of anger towards each other, perhaps it would be better for the duo to order some emotional restraint, except that wasn't on the menu sadly. He elected to take on a lone wolf, surely the single male who caught his eye and showed signs of being ready to order would pose no problem. Leather shoes polished to a shine brought him over to the table as he presented his notebook and pen with a swift flourish, "Hi there!~ I'm Lester your server for today what can I get you?" The cute little boy had just flickered his eyelashes and started to speak when the duo was disrupted, gazes which were interlocked broke away, swiveling with his body to face the disruption in the room with a curios gaze.

    It had been quite the sight indeed, to see a flabby slab of meat- a patron, be flung across the room and collide with a rather solid wall. What exactly had just happened? It came as a surprise for sure, he hadn't seen the events leading up to it how the customer had been flung across the room. Many of the other customers had also halted their conversations, he watched as someones slice of pancake slipped off their fork and splattered onto the floor below, finally the two woman from earlier had stopped their heated argument in return for simply staring at the young woman dressed as a magical girl. In a swift motion he placed the pen and notebook down before covering his mouth with one hand, this was indeed a change of tone. Yet she still apologized with that sweet voice, just apologizing for transporting the male with great force. Her tone hinting that she was flustered, unsure at the rather odd reply and reactions of the overweight human missile. His request of their relationship growing closer and intimate caused a slight bead of worry to form in his stomach.

    A free meal was offered, which was probably one of the reasons Mr. Manager send a rather livid glare towards her later on. With a glance towards the young man which he had been serving Lester pushed a smile of his own across his face, "Apologies but if that is all , I'm just going to go, and um~ yea!" Energy seeped into his voice. Snatching up the notebook Lester pranced across the room to place his order before following where Sharp was putting in her own order.

    "Hey, sharp. What happened with all that?" The curiosity burst into his voice, as he finished placing his own order in, turning to face her, "Its just odd seeing little miss magical girl standing there when a whale had been thrown across the room?" A chuckle bubbled up, hiding his deep interest in her choice of actions.


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 11th May 2018, 2:31 am

    A Lester approached her, he mentioned something about a whale, which confused Sharp she'd had seen any whales around here.

    "Lester are your eyes okay? I threw a man, not a whale, whales live in the ocean. What happened was the man touched me and I just reacted, so I threw him. I feel really bad about it he looked like he was... well he looked like he should have been in pain but he seemed excited by it. I don't get it he likes pain? That's such a strange idea."

    Sharp had to ponder that for a moment, why would any creature enjoy pain, the pain wasn't for enjoyment but he did, surely this was new data that would prove itself valuable to her quest to discover what emotions truly meant. While Sharp understood them perfectly and could relate it was her own feelings that muddled her, and how she could experience such feelings as well. Perhaps one of these days she too would know what it felt like to be happy from pain, but for now she had to deliver orders. Smiling towards Lester she gathered up the plates and went to give the customers their food, and would continue to do so diligently all day, or at least trying too, there were a couple of times she made a mistake with the order and the manager got mad at her for doing so, but it's fine not like he'd ever show up in her plot again, what was he some kind of mafia overboss who was working out of a cafe to disguise himself.


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by Lester Drynedi 28th May 2018, 4:56 pm

    He had awaited her answer, yet honestly what did the male expect from Sharp. A slight smile lowered his eyelids, the awkward feeling so familiar around sharp crept into his mind yet it was best to push back the thoughts. Was he okay? Well he was okay in the sense she was referring to, honestly what sort of person would take his previous statement so seriously? “Oh yea, Sorry sharp I know whales live in the ocean.” His hand waved slightly, as if the movement would help to banish any worried the odd female had. Would it be worth trying to explain to her how he had used a metaphor to compare the oversized slab of meat with a beautiful blue animal of the ocean. He had not realized it until now but Lester himself had just insulted all whales. Perhaps it would be good to remember to stay clear of those species just in case they knew.

    The manager got a little snappy with Sharp, Lester himself managed to carry on with his orders smoothly after the incident, even if it did linger in his mind at every moment. After a small spillage towards the end of their shift one of the other workers gave him directions to a cupboard of towels. Coming out of the closet he realized that for some reason there was a small gym area in the back of the cafe, perhaps it was to encourage employees to work out at the cafe during breaks. Offering the towels to another employee who appeared to have the situation under control his gaze was dragged back to the whale throwing Olympian. Honestly did that woman have spartan descent or something? “Say Sharp, with the whale thing earlier I was using a metaphor. Comparing the man to a whale. Sorry if it went over your head.” He was slightly curious as to what her reaction would be, watermelon hues locked in on her as he cleaned a tabletop. The cafe was emptying a little so they had time for conversation, the red headed woman had a rather odd thought pattern which he would be more than interested in dissecting further.


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 30th May 2018, 11:44 pm

    The rest of the day went by without too much incident for Sharp, aside from people looking at her bum and Sharp being oblivious to everything. This is important because it seemed the only reason the manager was putting up with her was due to his enjoyment of the view, and if Sharp had any clue what was going on well... the entire place might not be a cafe anymore but a mortuary. To be fair Sharp would have a lot of "customers" right off the bat. She didn't know what was going on however what she did know was that her shift was almost up and she could then go home to her... cold... dark... little hole in the middle of nowhere and stand to look at the wall till she was called to go and handle another "job". Well at least she would have some jewels, she could use that to buy clothes that she didn't understand how to coordinate or she could try some of that foodstuff to fill the empty void that was within her soul, not that Sharp realized any of this mind you. As Lester spoke towards Sharp as they began to clean up the area she started to feel foolish as Lester said what the whale really was. It was a metaphor! Sharp had never heard of a metaphor whale before, there was so much for her to learn about. Perhaps this metaphor whale was like a big blue whale! Maybe Sharp would go off and find this metaphor whale and swim with it one day!

    "Don't worry Lester, nothing you said went over my head, my reflexes are very quick so I caught everything you said! See my name is Sharp because I'm very quick to picking stuff up, it's a gift! Now then, don't you worry about it, one day I too shall see this metaphor whale in person!"

    Sharp gave the most innocent smile known to man towards Lester. She was so damn sincere that it was probably painful to view just how ignorant she was on all of these subjects, not that Sharp cared, she had a metaphor whale to hunt later!


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by Lester Drynedi 1st June 2018, 1:55 pm

    She was utterly baffling, honestly how such a creature had formed all knowledge of how someone could be so utterly stupid was denied of him. The way that she simply failed to grasp at basic concepts and the more than obvious lack of literate knowledge led him to believe that Sharp had never completed any sort of formal education. It took a few moments for him to process it as the male stared at her in partial wonder, her reflexes were very quick and she would catch it. Oh the irony in that statement almost made him double over with a chuckle. Her name was Sharp because she was good at picking stuff up, everything she said was just so terrible his mind failed to comprehend her thought patterns. After all no normal person would manage to take a conversation from her throwing a man across to room to a new species of whale She wanted to see the metaphor whale, well obviously to see something there would have to be something there to see and metaphors weren't physical objects.

    Exasperation sighed through his body as Lesters brows drew together. So she was truly an idiot, this was no act nor game. "Yes Sharp! One day we can go and find a metaphor whale." That smile, the oblivious expression that she showed, he could almost imagine her going into a noodle bar and asking if they knew where a metaphor whale was. With the last of his cleanup done Lester straightened a few of the cups on the shelf, someone had placed cleans ones back with the handle slightly out of line, which looked so much better when every cup was at the exact same angle.

    Apron hanging on the hook neatly Lester slowed for a moment to send a slight wave and smile towards the redhead. "Im going to get changed back into my clothing, then I'm leaving. It was nice working with you Sharp!" Still reeling from the lack of basic knowledge from the woman Lester's exit into the changing rooms was both rushed and forced. He would have to think about it a little more later, perhaps there was a need to spend more time around the mentally incapable.


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    Idiocy is served  {Private Lester} Empty Re: Idiocy is served {Private Lester}

    Post by That Adopted Kid 13th June 2018, 1:18 am

    "Oh, it was nice working with you Lester!"

    Sharp said sincerely towards Lester, as she had meant every word. it was super fun to come down here and work even if some people liked to touch her in places that were supposedly naughty to most. She was ready to head back to her tiny home and prepare for the next day ahead of her, which she was sure would be long and troublesome, but for today she got to enjoy a little cafe adventure and have fun with a new person, and to her that was precious, and something she would never forget.


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:19 pm