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    I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester)

    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester) Empty I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester)

    Post by That Adopted Kid 14th June 2018, 1:05 am


    Talonia, the site where Sharp would have to conduct one of her greatest works, but for now she was starting small. The owner of the ice cream shop, Dairy King, had made a deal with the wrong god and now he had to pay the price, in blood. The kill was swift as the man was cut down mercilessly and bled dry. In his final moments, he saw what he had double-crossed, a grim-faced black skeleton towered over his limp corpse as his eyes faded shut. He had gambled with the devil and the devil won.

    Grasping the limp body Sharp's own body began to grow back again as she dragged the man over towards an industrial slicer and let the thing do its work. It was messy, but Sharp only needed to hide the obvious bits of the body right now. Stealing a uniform off the shelf Sharp returned to the slicer only to have to finish the job herself, by grinding him into little tiny bits. Unable to hide it back here, and having to clean up a whole lot of blood Sharp took the remains and decided to hide them in the best possible location, the strawberry ice cream. There were no other employees here as the place hadn't opened quite yet, so it was easy to stuff all the little chunks in there and mix them about to hide what it was, at least from a glance. Sadly the man who ran the place had opened the doors to the public just before his death, and now customers were starting to trickle in just after she had finished stuffing him away in the batch of ice cream.

    And Sharp was wearing a uniform... oh this wasn't good.

    Post WC: 291
    Total WC: 291/1250


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

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    I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester) Empty Re: I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester)

    Post by Lester Drynedi 14th June 2018, 3:51 am

    Although it was an area that he did not frequent often any more that was not to say that Lester had never visited, whilst first starting on his little adventure of course as every guildless mage had he too once wandered the streets of Talonia bathing in the fellow free souls. Not that he missed his life without a guildmark, for both paths provided their own benefits and drawbacks. He had come back for a couple of things, the blackmarket trade here although not exactly legal held quite a good stock of plant life. Whilst many recognised him from magazines and posters there was the odd trader who welcomed him with open arms, knowing just a little about his side projects and hobbies. White cloak left back at the inn where he had seemed suitable to stay the night Lesters arms felt a little odd, and strangely free in just a shirt, jersey and blazer, he looked like one of those hip teachers with the soft pink and brown color scheme especially with a potted plant cradled in his hands.

    He needed a break. The thought had been on his mind for a while as he meandered around, finally settling on a small ice cream parlour. The bell sounded softly against the door as he made his way in, yet a general greeting stuck in his mouth as a rather familiar mop of hair bounced around from behind the counter.

    "Sharp?!" Voice heavy with confusion he switched the potted plant to his other arm and stepped up to the counter. "You're working here, in a uniform. Do you work here? Why here, I mean it makes sense but I thought you were a travelling mage!" After all she was a guildless mage so of course she fit in, yet. Well it still came as a slight shock. All he had wanted was some ice cream.

    With a slight sigh he placed the potted plant on the counter whilst digging in his pockets for some change.
    "Also, what ice cream flavours do you recommend?"
    It had been a while since he had eaten an icecream, of course the servers tended to know what people preferred.

    Post WC: 365
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    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester) Empty Re: I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester)

    Post by That Adopted Kid 22nd June 2018, 3:00 pm

    Sharp's life was going great until of course the first customer for the store was Lester. Was he following her? Did he know what she planned to do in this city? Could he see why kids loved Cinnamon toast crunch? Sharp was concerned that Lester would find out about all the skeletons in the closet, or at least in the ice cream. For now Sharp just had to play along.

    "Oh, hello Lester, yes I am a wandering mage but I thought I could make a little bit extra here and there, just like I did at the cafe shop! Anyway, I recommend the str--- uh chocolate, and vanilla, the cookies, and cream are also pretty good. I mean it's ice cream right? Ice cream just tastes good haha."

    With an awkward laugh, Sharp attempted to divert the conversation, especially since there was now a man in the strawberry and she didn't want Lester eating a person unless he liked to eat people. Wait, what if Lester liked to eat people? Sharp had never tried person directly, naturally, some blood fell into her mouth on occasions but she had never eaten an entire person. She wondered if it would taste decent or if it was just sort of like that gross thing she heard about.

    "Say, Lester, what are you doing in town huh? I mean you asked me it's fair if I ask you right?"

    Post WC: 236
    Total WC: 527/1500


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

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    I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester) Empty Re: I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester)

    Post by Lester Drynedi 26th June 2018, 12:31 am

    Oh, well it made sense he guessed. As a member of a guild he had accommodation, food and the like, but a wandering mage needed funds to pay for everything. Chocolate and vanilla? Well she had started to say strawberry, or some other flavour that started with Str- but he doubted they had a Strudel flavour. Icecream just tasted good, well that was for sure. But didn't she have a favourite flavour? Everyone did, or at least they had a variety of 'favourites' which were categorised based on what mood they were in and what sort of day it was. But that was just human nature really.
    "Well then, hopefully you're getting paid properly for this! Could I have a small cone of vanilla please"
    She seemed a little off, almost unsure of something. Perhaps it was the shock of seeing him here of all places, yet that didn't stop her from questioning his presence in the area mostly populated by mages unaffiliated with a guild. A slight grin spread across his face as the youth brought the potted plant higher and presented it forward.

    "Well you see here, I brought a rather nice hybrid plant from someone and came to pick it up! But its a little warm and I'm feeling hungry enough. This place looked nice, so I decided to come in. Thats okay isn't it, I mean I can leave if you want but I wasn't here because of you. Not that its bad that you're here- Anyway, about that vanilla icecream?"

    He was rambling a little but that ddn;t matter, approaching the counter he placed the small potted plant down so she could have a closer inspection whilst he looked over the ice cream. "Oh that strawberry is looking really nice and vibrant as well!~" An expression of inquisitation passed across the youths face as he straightened himself, one flavour lester, one flavour, one girl. Don't cheat on the flavour.

    Post WC: 325
    Total WC: 690/1250


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

    Posts : 571
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    I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester) Empty Re: I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester)

    Post by That Adopted Kid 2nd July 2018, 3:20 am

    Oh no what would Sharp do now, Lester asked for ice cream and Sharp had no idea what she was doing when it came to serving ice cream. She could wing it but the last time she winged it someone was cut up and ground down and placed in strawberry icecream, so maybe she shouldn't try and wing it. Perhaps a different approach was in order here, one which had the strongest of subtly attached to it.

    "The strawberry is off limits, it's currently undergoing some personal testing by the manager... he's really getting into the role and has become a pretty chill dude. So uh I could get you the vanilla but I'm not sure how to really scoop ice cream, I just started working today."

    The first part is what Sharp believed Erika would say in this time of worry, so Sharp had clearly solved all problems in terms of him asking for more ice cream. Perfect now she just had to figure out how to scoop ice cream, so she would just have to find the ice cream scooper, somewhere. Picking up a spoon from off the back counter Sharp attempted to scoop the ice cream, but nothing happenened, the ice cream was to hard to penetrate in fact the spoon broke due it to being plastic. Never bothered Sharp picked up a cone and tried to jab it in only to smash it over the ice cream to no avail.

    Now Sharp was getting upset, the ice cream was proving difficult. Pickling up a fork she tried to stab it but the fork broke, then she tried to use a waffle cone but that broke, then a soda bottle, then a rubber ducky, then a blender, then an ice cream cake which was vanilla and she could have just given to Lester anyway but whatever. Tearing the site apart she tried everything, leaving the entire counter a mess until she realized one critical thing, one thing she had missed in her adventure... the clear plastic lid overy the ice cre container was down the entire time.

    Sharp felt an emotion she hadn't felt in a long time. Grabbing the vanilla container from the counter Sharp threw it across the store and out the window, shatter part of the glass, but thankfully missing Lester's plant. As she held an insane look in her eye Sharp''s normally goofy expression was replaced by a blank look with just a singular twitching right eye. Opening the chocolate container Sharp gave a smile.

    "Well, we suddenly ran out of vanilla, but we have chocolate? Yummy chocolate, it's great you should have some. "

    Sharp stated as she jabbed a fork into the ice cream with all her might, the anger in her barely contained as she swore an eternal hatred towards anything plastic.

    Post WC: 472
    Total WC: 999/1250


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

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    I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester) Empty Re: I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester)

    Post by Lester Drynedi 3rd July 2018, 1:40 pm

    The strawberry was off limits? Oh, well that was a little annoying, he had quite liked the look of the strawberry. With its silky folds of ice cream so bright and vibrant. ”Oh, okay then.” So it really was off limits, yet why did they just leave the entire bucket of ice cream there if it was off limits. A relaxed and casual manager, well judging on what had happened the past few times he had met Sharp whatever boss she had would need to be chill and patient. But she just started today, well even if she was still in training it wouldn’t be that hard to put ice cream in a cone, he wasn’t expecting it to look beautiful or anything. He took a step back from the counter, letting his eyes wander the room in curiosity, it wasn’t too busy, yet everyone appeared to be vaguely pleased with their various sundays and dairy treats.

    A slightly snapping sound met his ears, he looked over to see a black stick in her hand and what appeared to be the bowl of the spoon in the ice cream, rather stuck. She had tried to use a plastic spoon, one that people would use to eat takeaway soft serve ice cream. Yet she seemed to be unaffected by the sudden departure of a spoon friend. Normally they used metal scoops of some kind surely there was something behind the counter a little more suited to the procurement of ice cream than a plastic spoon. It was, interesting, if that was the right word. To watch as she attempted to do the same with a code, then a fork. Almost in a hurricane like fashions any object in the area was swept up and slung into the ice cream. Waffle cones and soda bottles wouldn’t work. The blender he would have expected to do more and why did they have a rubber duck behind there?! Wasn’t this an ice cream store.

    With a closer look he peered at the ice cream, or rather, the container it was in. A clear plastic film of sorts covered it, so they kept lids on the ice cream

    ”Sharp!” He watched in horror, an expression of dismay blossoming across his face as the ice cream cake was smashed into the tub of ice cream. That would have tasted wonderful, now it was destroyed. She was looking increasingly agitated, the entire container was suddenly flying through the air towards the window- then through it. As if it were some sort of ungraceful duck.

    She recovered, from what was a blind rage to offer him chocolate, saying that they ‘suddenly ran out of vanilla’ almost as if he had not seen a thing. ”Sharp- um, you see that jar there. It has metal spoons in, proper ice cream scoops. Now i know you said your manager was laid back but. Well I think you should ask for more training.”

    It was all getting rather complicated, she had just destroyed another fork as well.
    A slight smile presented itself as he ran a hand through his hair. ”If you want i can teach you, or I don’t even need ice cream really, I mean, if its trouble I can go.”
    He had liked seeing her yet, perhaps she was a little stressed from the new job.



    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester) Empty Re: I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester)

    Post by That Adopted Kid 6th July 2018, 12:50 am

    "I know what a spoon is Lester, I am well versed in the art of the ice cream scoop it was just that the vanilla was being difficult, it had a mind of its own just like how the strawberry has a mind of its own  due to the de---"

    Sharp Almost spilled the beans, but her mouth was forced shut by the one who truly controlled her body. In a moment of panic, Sharp tried to figure out a million different ways to get out of this situation and her brain was being overworked to the point of steam rising from her head. This was ironic as she didn't have a physical brain but the fumes still poured forth from the cranium as the poor little hampster was worked into overdrive. What could Sharp even do? She could attempt to throw the ice cream at Lester, distracting him and escaping, or she could pull the fire alarm and then run for it, or maybe just maybe she could be honest and herself.

    No that would just screw it up more.

    She had no hope, she would have to kill... his plant, it was the ONLY way or so Sharp thought. With the chorus of an angel and the grace of something graceful because I can't figure out anything sufficient to describe it, Metaphor the whale descended from the heavens with his mighty cry. Floating outside of the store within eyesight Sharp knew her savior had come.


    Sharp shouted as she bolted for the back room to run away, seeing one of the employees coming into the back entrance Sharp threw the apron at his face and dashed out the door pushing him to the side. Slipping away into what little shadows Sharp could feel she managed to escape just in time, with Lester none the wiser. Metaphor would soon leave back to the godly plane he came from, his coming saving Sharp from certain embarrassment.

    Post WC: 330
    Total WC: 1329/1250


    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

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    I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester) Empty Re: I screamed for ice cream (Private, Lester)

    Post by Lester Drynedi 6th July 2018, 6:32 pm

    Well of course she knew what a spoon was, that went without saying. Yet how was teh vanilla being difficult? The strawberry too. He watched carefully, eyes trying to figure out what had gone on in her mind, was it stress? She would only work if she needed money, perhaps there was a reason she needed money and was stressed she would lose the job? It made sense, yet why would she need money. Was her Grandmother dying of some rare illness which needed pure gold and rare materials to heal? Or perhaps she had brought too many plushies and fallen into debt, when it came to Sharp he had no clue.

    A sound penetrated through the store, some sort of mix, as if it were a deep sigh and a wolfs howl. Look, a whale? A whale! His hair flowed round in a snowy tornado as something wonderful descended from the heavens. Whilst everyone else in the store had rushed outside to see the right he only took a few steps closer, a whale. It seemed oddly familiar, in an annoying way.

    Yet when he turned around Sharp had left the store, he vaguely saw some legs on the floor moving as if they were trying to regain their balance from their place on the floor. A whale had come, and Sharp had gone. A saddened look crossed his face, perhaps the strawberry icecream was bad luck, he wasn't in the mood for chocolate and well the vanilla. Sliding over the counter he held an icecream scoop in one hand and a waffle cone in the other, mounding it high with caramel, then coffee and lastly a small scoop of hazelnut. Like many youths he had worked in an icecream parlour once, so dipping it in melted chocolate then a tub of nut chips was not unfamiliar.

    Plant pot in one hand and icecream in the other he departed the store, making his way around the crowd who was staring at the place where the whale had vanished from.



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