Fairy Tail RP

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    The First One


    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    The First One Empty The First One

    Post by Kyran 29th May 2018, 7:29 pm

    Kyran leapt down from the building using Ahriman's form and the shift back to absorb the damage as much as he could. It wasn't like he'd really feel it anyway. He'd heard Gaia shouting and now through the falling petals, he could see her vulnerability. The petals were vanishing as a result of the defeat of the earth mage or whatever she had been. He pushed Malinda away when she tried to slither up. Instead he approached Gaia cautiously. "Did you mean what you said?" He asked, his voice nar a whisper. Kyran could barely believe it. Someone wanted to date him. Maybe she was just jerking him around. He decided it didn't matter if she meant it or not. He had something he wanted to do just for her saying it.

    Gaia was pulled into his arms and spun around. Kyran starting laughing merrily as they spun until he remembered Noya. "Ah! Noya! I'm sorry girl!" He set Gaia on the ground. Without thinking about it, Kyran framed her face in his hands and leaned down. If she allowed it, Kyran pressed a gentle if not a little awkward kiss against her lips. If she didn't allow it, Kyran rubbed his nose on hers. He searched her eyes when he pulled back. "I... want to give this a shot if you do." Kyran appeared a little vulnerable at that point. He hadn't ever really asked anyone out. Claudia had asked him. And after that horrific experiment, he'd never really had another girlfriend. He'd never wanted one. Not until Gaia. "I'm going to be bad at this, Gaia. I can't promise a perfect boyfriend or even a decent one. I have too many issues in my past to promise that. If you can deal with that, I want to be yours. For however long you'll have me." Kyran was soft spoken with his words. Behind him, sakura flowers continued to fall. Those on the ground were rapidly disappearing, leaving only a few behind. It had a rather romantic feel to it, at least in some eyes.



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    The First One Empty Re: The First One

    Post by Gaia 29th May 2018, 7:51 pm

    As Gaia hears Kyran jumping down from the building, she hesitantly looks over to him. She was nibbling on her bottom lip again as he questioned her, making her nod a little bit. The tarot reader had a knot in her throat as she was still a bit scared of what he'd say to her. She was betting the rest of her makeup was a bit ruined then, so she felt a little unsure of her appearance to him. She still had tears starting to blur her vision, but she slowly looks up to Kyran just before he grabbed her and spun her. Noya had buried herself in Gaia's collar to keep herself from flying out, and made a panicked noise at him a bit.

    As she was set down, Gaia was a little dizzy, and felt his hands on her face before he planted a soft kiss on her lips. She froze, and looked up at him as he pulled away. Her eyes were filled with awe as she felt her face warm up. "Y-you kissed me...?" She breathed as a crooked smile started to form on her face. She then started to giggle nervously before she reached up and threw her arms around him. Tears had started to fall down from her eyes as they finally spilled over and she felt overjoyed from his words. "I do! I do wanna give it a shot! I'm probably going to be pretty terrible at being a girlfriend too. My experience is less than satisfactory... I... I can be patient as well though... you're not alone in having issues in the past..." She gripped him a bit while sniffling. Noya had moved herself from Gaia's shoulders, to on top of Kyran's head, and her master didn't stop her from doing so.

    Without letting go of Kyran, Gaia leans back a little to look at his face. "Um... I... don't know how obvious I was being... but I kinda did... invite you here to go on a sorta... date..." Her face was red as she reaches a hand back to wipe a tear away, and slightly a snot as well from her crying. She looks up to him as she bit her bottom lip, raising an eyebrow slightly to him. "Would you... want to try to continue it with me? We'll be here a while till the blossoms go away... There were quite a lot blocking the exits..." She had noticed them disappearing, even if they were disappearing rather fast, she was sure it'd be a while for the exits to be fully cleared for them.



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    The First One Empty Re: The First One

    Post by Kyran 30th May 2018, 3:50 pm

    A horrified expression crossed Kyran's face when Gaia question his kiss. Had he done the wrong thing? Was he not supposed to do that? Claudia had kinda conditioned Kyran to expect kisses for certain actions. He tried to pull his thoughts away from that line of thinking. His confusion grew as Gaia hugged him tightly and cried. He was about to ask what was wrong when Noya sat on his head. The ferret wouldn't have left Gaia if her master wasn't alright. Kyran wrapped his arms around Gaia. Just to try it out, he placed a hand on Gaia's butt possessively. "Is that alright?" Kyran whispered nervously. He involuntarily gave her butt a squeeze.

    It was a little surprising to find he liked looking down into Gaia's face. It was a simple thing that shouldn't have given him any reaction whatsoever. "I don't know how to do a date anymore than hanging out but yes I would love that" Kyran admitted. He looked away sheepishly, his earlier problem returning with a vengeance. "W-would you mind...n-not biting your lip? It's t-too...too sexy." Kyran managed to say, a blush spreading across his cheeks. What was he supposed to do now? Ask questions? Yeah that seemed like a good idea. There was an important one to ask.

    "Do you expect to get sex out of this, Gaia?" Kyran asked softly. He dreaded the answer. If she did expect it, he was already gonna let her down. If she didn't, he wasn't sure if he would like that or be disappointed. What the hell? This little mage had caused a stirring in his chest that was as confusing as it was exhilarating. What was he supposed to do with this feeling?



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    The First One Empty Re: The First One

    Post by Gaia 30th May 2018, 7:25 pm

    As Gaia saw Kyrans expression to her being surprised by the kiss, she shook her head. "I-it's okay! I... I wasn't expecting the kiss." She blushes to him. "It was sweet..." She had whispered before she cried to him about wanting to date him and whatnot. She let up a light squeak when Kyran grabbed her butt, and she hid her face a little in his shoulder. This felt new to her, but exciting at the same time. She slowly nods just as she squeezed her butt, in which she let up another squeak and reached a hand back to grab his on her butt. Her cheeks were a bright red as she looked to him, honestly not knowing what to do or say about her squeaking.

    When he agreed to continuing the date, Gaia seemed to lite up a bit more and smiles brightly to him. Till he asked her to stop bitting her lip. She opens her mouth to respond, she couldn't think of how to respond, and her face went a deep shade of red. "I... It's a habit..." She says as she ducks her head. When he questioned what she expected out of the relationship, she seriously looked up at him and shook her head. "To be honest? Not unless you wish to. It's not a priority in a relationship to me. Loving the one you're with and being there for one another is what I would cherish a bit more than sex." She tells him honestly. That was the truth for her. Without removing herself from him, Gaia takes a deep breath to look down at his chest. "Honestly... I'm aware my past plays a factor in me and dating as well... Which is why I'm willing to wait... but I wouldn't want... erk... sex so soon on our first date..." She blushes deeply as she grips his shirt a bit. "Y-you're not expecting to get sex out of this either... right Kyran?" She murmurs as she pouts to him. She honestly hoped he wasn't like her, but she couldn't be sure.

    She slowly broke from his grasp, and glances down to his hand before she looked around the area. People were starting to walk around the streets once more, despite seeming like they were all scared of what had just happened. She then gingerly goes to grab his hand, looking up to Kyran curious. "Is it okay for me to hold your hand? I don't want to feel like I'm blocking the path of others..." She starts to nibble her lip again, before she quickly covers her mouth to stop herself from nibbling on it. If Kyran didn't want to hold her hand so soon, she let go and motioned to where they could go and walk around a bit. If he didn't mind, she gingerly tugged him along with her. "Earlier... when I fell back on you..." She blushed rather deeply, trying to not giggle a bit at recalling that so soon. "You were serious about liking me quite a lot... right?" She felt she knew the answer since she had felt it earlier, but she wanted to settle her nerves about it.

    Noya had moved herself from Kyran's head, to be on his shoulders since Gaia had pulled herself from him. She seemed to purr a bit as she settled in on him happily. As long as Gaia was happy and safe, Noya was tolerable most times, but her being perched on him like so gave her easy ability to bite him if he were to start something she didn't want.

    As they walked a little, Gaia noticed some street performers with a dancer who was just a tad clunky dancing in her opinion. She frowns a bit as she seemed to look on with a bit of longing for a moment. She then turns to Kyran with a smile. "You have any hobbies you like to do besides occasionally reading and writing?" She couldn't help but ask. She was up on her tiptoes a bit. "I like to dance sometimes, as long as I like the song. It's one of the few things I'm glad my parents put me through when I was younger." She tells him as she took a couple steps back, letting go of his hand if she was holding it.

    She slowly begins to step in tune with the music till she got the rhythm down and was able to step perfectly, even incorporating her arms and the rest of her body for a more fluent dance. Despite being in her boots, she had a grace about her as she danced on the edge of the crowd. She wasn't intending to show them her dancing, but a few people noticed her and were paying attention to her over the original dancer instead. As the music sped up, Gaia seemed to be able to flow with it easily. As soon as the song ended, she ended on a light step, with her head slightly down, eyes closed, and a soft smile on her face. She slowly looked up to Kyran, and gave him a sweet smile before she was startled by the onlookers clapping for her dancing prowess. She lightly blushed in embarrassment and scratched the back of her head as she looked over to Kyran again to see what he'd say about her dancing, if he'd say anything at all.



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    The First One Empty Re: The First One

    Post by Kyran 1st June 2018, 5:09 pm

    Kyran found he quite enjoyed the small squeak Gaia had made. However, he decided it was wise not to mention that or make her do it again. At least not at the moment. Kyran was finding that teasing Gaia was fun. Lots of fun. He hoped he would get to do it often in the future. It would give him something to look forward to. As she answered his question and buried her face in his chest, Kyran took a deep breath. This was a good feeling. He couldn't let the past or his misgivings about the current topic to mess that feeling up. "I will never want sex from you." He said honestly and to the point. That was the best way to deal with this. She couldn't go waiting for sex to happen when it never would. He didn't want her to get frustrated with the lack of such an activity. A violent shudder ran through his body as Kyran attempted to repress his memories of sex. "I never ever want to have sex with you. All I want is what you said: Love and being there for one another." His voice dropped to a whisper. "That's all I've ever wanted." In a move that surprised him, Kyran brushed his lips against Gaia's forehead. That wasn't something he thought he was instinctively capable of. Kyran's surprise was plain on his face.

    The feeling of a hand in his, not from necessity but from desire, was strange. He tightened his grip on her hand before smiling at her. "I would love it if you held my hand" Kyran admitted, groaning a little when he noticed she was nibbling her lip. He followed gladly. Kyran was starting to see the appeal in a female's backside as he admired Gaia's. Perhaps it was the excitement of finally being able to date or the memory of it pressed against him. Either way, Kyran was having issues again. He kept having to stop to adjust himself as they walked. When Gaia asked about earlier, Kyran's blush matched her own. "I'm not sure why I would say that unless I was serious, Gaia." He said in confusion. "Or are you asking in the hopes that we might repeat that mishap?" Kyran couldn't understand where Gaia's head was at. Why ask him if he'd been serious? Was it something to do with her past?

    Noya's contentment with staying on him, pleased Kyran to no end. He'd never really had a pet and he didn't get along with animals too well. He was scratching Noya's chin when Gaia asked about his hobbies. "I like fighting too and discovering new things. I'm not really sure if those count as hobbies though" his eyes dipped downward in shame. Was fighting and writing really all he could do? As such, he missed Gaia stepping back to begin dancing. He watched her warily. Why was she dancing here? Kyran's only experiences with dancing hadn't been pleasant. Claudia had danced in the streets. For a long time, Kyran had thought it had been for his benefit. In reality, Claudia danced to attract attention to herself. Attention of everyone rather than a single person who wanted desperately to love her. His mother had taken him dancing too. He had watched the couples spin across the floor gracefully, had felt excitement to do the same. Yet his mother had pushed him to the floor. She had danced upon his back, proclaiming to the whole room that 'she would rather dance on this dirty bastard then the floor of this house'. The final experience Kyran had had was when Gruen had brought him to a brothel. That dancing hadn't been elegant or gentle but sensual. It was yet again a selfish dance. Gruen had brought him there to teach him a lesson. When he had tried to pay the girls for a night in his bed, they had coldly turned him down. Only to accept what Gruen was offering which was nearly ten times less than Kyran. Gruen had made him watch the girls pleasure him. The words his brother spoke were engraved in his memory: 'No girl will ever dance for you. You're only a dirty bastard. For a woman to dance for you...' Gruen had sneered, 'Well, a woman won't ever dance for you.'

    Kyran couldn't bear to watch Gaia dance anymore. Before she finished, Kyran walked out of the crowd. He sat on a bench and buried his face in his hands. What was he doing? Why did he think that he could make this relationship work? He didn't know how the world worked or how to be a proper boyfriend. Gaia would eventually turn on him, just as Claudia had. Though with Gaia, Kyran could see a much gentler let down happening. 'I'm sorry but this just isn't working out for me.' If Gaia ever approached, Kyran looked up with red eyes. He didn't ever realize he had tear streaks down his face or that he'd been crying. "Please...please don't ever dance in front of me again." He asked softly, torment threaded through his hoarse voice. Kyran knew she loved to dance. She had said so. It hurt to much to watch however. To watch and know she would never dance for him like that. So he asked for something that might break this relationship before it ever began.



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    The First One Empty Re: The First One

    Post by Gaia 1st June 2018, 7:03 pm

    As Kyran declared he would never want sex from her, Gaia was completely taken aback. The clearly wasn't something she expected. Slowly, she nods to him. His shutter made her smile knowingly to him, especially at his words. "That's fine, I won't push for it... I'm not one for liking sex too much, or often, anyways. So I can be fine with just loving you!" She admits with a beaming smile. As he kissed her forehead, Gaia's cheeks burned as she could feel her smile. She had put a hand to her forehead, and giggled quietly to him. As he accepted holding her hand, Gaia's smile seemed to just get brighter. When he responded to her question about earlier, with another question in return, she quickly shook her head. "N-no! I-I wasn't meaning that! I... I mean, yeah, I could be a klutz, but I won't repeat that on purpose. I... I...I..." She takes a deep breath, and calms herself down as she knew she was starting to get into a slight panic. "Once upon a time, someone joked to me about it on a dare." She murmurs as she looks away from him.

    Noya seemed to enjoy the pets she was getting from Kyran while she chilled on him. "I would call those hobbies, you like to do them for fun!" Gaia had chuckled before she had started to dance. When she finished dancing, she thought she lost Kyran in the crowd of people since she was so low, but she managed to catch a glimpse of his head through the crowd, and started to panic a little. He was leaving her? Was he toying with her emotions and ditching her? Was he trying to steal Noya from her?! Her panicking had nearly gotten her to charge after him to make sure he wasn't getting away with her precious ferret.

    She noticed Kyran sitting down, and slowly walks up to him. "Hey..." Her voice was soft and gentle as she noticed how he looked up to her. When he asked her to not dance in front of him, she seemed to freeze in her getting down to sit on her legs in front of him. Her eyes had gotten wide at that request. No one ever asked her to not dance for them... She was normally asked to dance for them, in ways she didn't find appealing. She quickly blinks to make herself come back down to earth, and rests gingerly on her knees in front of him while she goes to grab his hands gingerly if he allowed it. "Something from your past... right?" She smiles sadly. Slowly, she starts to nod though. "I'll... I can't promise to not dance... But I'll try to not dance in front of you again... I just thought you'd like to see my favorite kind of dance..." She gripped his hands a bit as she closed her eyes for a moment.

    Noya had used the bridge Gaia created with their arms, to go back to her master and comfort her. If Kyran didn't want Gaia holding his hand, the ferret raced down to his knee and jumped to her masters shoulders instead. "Don't walk off on me like that again though... Please? I got scared and was thinking something else, much worse, was happening..." She looks up to him with a small pout, looking like she was fighting her tears by blinking them back. She couldn't let her tears fall in front of him, but a couple tear drops were slipping anyways. She gingerly let her fingers slip out of his hand if he had let her grab his, and let them rest in her lap as she looks down to her legs.

    She was still blinking back her tears from being asked to not dance, and her own thoughts of what was happening, and taking deep breaths to keep herself calm. She was hesitantly starting to get up, after she felt she was calm enough, and gingerly pushed her hair behind her ear. "I'm... A little hungry..." She announces in a soft voice. Part of it was caught in her throat. She was also trying to change the subject before she had a breakdown. Was this date still good? She didn't want it to end on a bad note because of their pasts, and she did say she wanted to try, despite their pasts. They were speed bumps, but she felt she'd kick her own ass if she passed this up. She wanted to still give it a go. She looks around, but doesn't see anyplace too appetizing right this moment. She spies a café, and motions over to it. "Why don't we go there? I like going to café's they're calming and usually have little people in there, except in the morning. I go in the afternoons to play with my tarot usually." She shrugs her shoulders as she takes a deep breath. She couldn't understand why someone asking her to not dance for once, actually made her feel depressed.



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
    Position : None
    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    The First One Empty Re: The First One

    Post by Kyran 3rd June 2018, 7:15 pm

    Kyran wasn't sure what to make of her ramblings. He felt it wise to keep his mouth shut. The feeling increased as Medea flexed her claws and Malinda slithered up from the depths of his mind. Each took a separate interest in the conversation at hand. Malinda was irritated that Kyran refused to take Gaia to bed. She thought the girl was ready and kept prodding at her host to take that untouched flesh. Not that the snake could be sure of that statement. Medea took interest in the dare aspect of the conversation. Was it a new kind of challenge? She raked her claws across his mind trying to get him to ask more. Instead, Kyran focused on how beautiful Gaia was with the petals falling all about her. His intense stare might have been a bit unnerving but he hoped she wouldn't mind it too much.

    An awful feeling welled up inside Kyran when he noticed her reaction to his request. He felt even worse when she got down in front of him, sullying her knees. Erebos smacked the back of his mind, hard. Kyran's head snapped forward from the force of the psychic blow. The demon berated him in a language Kyran couldn't understand. All the while blood trickled out of his nose. Kyran kept himself from saying anything or wiping his nose until Gaia was finished. He didn't want to interrupt. When she went to drop her hands, Kyran gripped them tightly to keep them in his. He slid down onto his knees with her, very slowly, carefully gathering her in his arms. His nose was forgotten for the moment and he almost buried his face in the space where shoulder and neck met. Kyran only stopped when he realized his nose was still bleeding. A rag was pulled from his bag to take care of it as he spoke.

    "I'm sorry, Gaia. My past is filled with....horror, tragedy. I don't want you to stop doing what you love, not if you want to share it with me. No one has ever...wanted to share something with me. Just please understand if I don't like it." Kyran cupped her cheek wishing he was different. Less of a monster, less of a piece of trash. He wanted so much to be worthy of this woman in front of him. Ironic really, not knowing her past. She could be some kind of psycho. Yet Kyran couldn't help the mysterious feeling swimming about his chest. It had hurt to see her pain. Something foreign to him on all levels. He stowed the bloody rag away again. "What did you think was happening when you didn't see me? I wouldn't have left... I'm not... I don't..." Kyran struggled to find the right words as his past clamored in his head. Was he really not the kind of guy to simply leave? Kyran sighed and rested his forehead against Gaia's if she let him. "Please don't uh lower yourself for me either. Being on your knees like that... it was a sign of servitude or slavery where I was from. If the master stood, you stood lower than him or her. If they sat, you knelt. If they knelt, you prostrated. When a master laid down was the only time I..." He coughed to cover his slip. "...was the only time a servant or slave was not required to be lower. You are much more worthy than I, Gaia." Kyran put a finger under her chin and tried to lift it. If she allowed it, Kyran did his best to kiss her gently, lovingly. Or as lovingly as he could imagine. The kiss was probably more than awkward for her and a blush of embarrassment spread across his cheeks.

    Kyran stood with Gaia. He saw the little place she pointed out and tried not to let old fears sneak up on him. This was all for the date. This wouldn't be anything like the outing with Yona. Nothing would stir the demons up so badly again. "Is that what you want, Gaia? I do not know how dates are supposed to go. I'm sure this one is so terrible you'd like to stop it before it gets any worse." Kyran scratched the back of his neck. Reaching into his bag, he pulled out the second book of the trilogy. "I would like to go on another date with you, Gaia. As friends, if you don't think we will work. I'm only giving you the first two books of the next trilogy so you'll have to come to me for the third." Kyran couldn't keep the mischievous grin that crossed his face. This ploy meant she had to see him again even if she didn't want a second date. "Of course, you could always by a secondhand copy from a used bookstore but I think you appreciate the quality. Otherwise, I'll look forward to seeing you again, Gaia." It was best to cut this date off now before anything else happened. That way he needn't worry about Gaia leaving him already thus proving his older brother right. That was his hope anyways. Kyran clung desperately to that hope as he waited for Gaia to respond.



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
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    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    The First One Empty Re: The First One

    Post by Gaia 3rd June 2018, 8:24 pm

    Gaia was a little confused at Kyran as he jerked his head forward. She didn't understand what was going on. She even almost went to go and wipe the blood from his nose. She wasn't expecting Kyran to grip her hands in his, and blinks up to him confused, especially when he got on the ground with her and hugged her to him. She moved her arms enough to gingerly wrap her arms around him and hold him to her. She leans back just a little to let him wipe his nose as he pulled out the rag. As he spoke to her, she nods to him softly. "I don't plan to stop dancing because you asked me to... just around you if it makes you uncomfortable... People usually ask me to dance more for them... as in 'private' dances..." She had made a face at that, making it clear she disliked being asked to give 'private' dances to others. "And, I'll try to understand why you don't like whatever it is that you don't like... but only if you tell me a little bit of why..." She tells him honestly while he cupped her cheeks.

    When he questioned her thoughts on her not seeing him, she let her eyes go down to her knees as she hung her head to him. "What I said earlier about someone joking about liking me on a dare... they took me on a 'date' and just ditched me while holding my purse and my favorite jacket while in the middle of a crowd. And when I saw him again, he mocked me for it. I shouldn't of thought you'd do anything to Noya, since she could hold her own... but I was thinking you were trying to steal her for whatever reasoning... I'm sorry..." Her voice was quiet. The same of her thinking those thoughts clearly laying over the words. She lifted her head up just enough to have him put his forehead to hers, in which she was confused a bit. She listened to him speak and moved to put her hand on his cheek before he tilted her head up and kissed her on the lips again. She closed her eyes as her cheeks got warm. How many kisses did he give her already?! Three? She didn't know if she could handle this much longer before her face stayed permanently red just from kisses.

    The tarot reader was still feeling a bit glum from his request, and was trying her hardest to hide it. As he questioned what she wanted and states that he didn't know how dates went, she huffed a bit. "This is actually the best date I've ever been on." She glares up at him. "My worst date was me having a drink poured on me by my 'date' because he was an ass and it was part of the dare. And then my whole school getting a picture of the incident afterwards. I told you earlier that a date is similar to hanging out, just a bit differently." She pouts.

    When he brought out the other book, she gasped. Two books already today?! She grabs it as he hands it to her, but she doesn't open it as he speaks to her. His words got her puffing up her cheeks and putting her hands on her hips, one in a fist, and the other holding the book. "Excuse me?! 'If I don't think we will work'?! Are you trying to ditch me already? Do I really seem like the kind of girl who would give up the moment things seem hard?! I've been trying to unlock my magic again for the past few... weeks or months! I've yet to give up! Don't you dare try saying something like that to me again! I find you to be a great guy! And not because you give me books either! You make me feel..." She stops her ranting, when she realized her voice had rose, in which she quickly composes herself again and speaks in her normal voice.

    People were watching them because of her starting to make a scene. While her cheeks were red, she looks right at Kyran, dead in the eyes. "You make me feel happy just standing next to me. I feel a literal pull to you when I see you. You know those cheesy things people say when they meet someone they really like? That kind of pull. I feel calm around you. Normally I'm panicking just saying 'hi' to someone. Not with you around." She removes her hands off of her hips, holding the book to her chest as she reaches for his hand, still not looking away from his face. "I already promised you I would give it a try. We barely made it through one date. You're really wanting me to not get to know the guy I've kinda liked since I've met him? Please... When I do readings about you, my cards tell me we'd be good, but we have to try. Pull through the hardships. Something I've seen some relationships go through and come out stronger. Are you willing to try hard with me? Get though things together? I don't want to regret us not being together because of not trying hard enough." She sighs before she quickly stuffs the book in her bag with the other one, planning to see if there was another author's note in it again before she cupped Kyran's cheeks with her hands and pulls him down to let her kiss him. She had told him she was inexperienced with relationships as well, so she bet her own kissing was pretty terrible, but then again, she didn't find his kissing to be bad.

    All the while that Gaia was talking to Kyran, Noya had stayed around Gaia's neck, and watched the two. She didn't move from her perch, sensing a bit of anger from Gaia as her voice had been loud, but knew it would pass easily enough. Gaia didn't hold grudges long. The white ferret lays her head on Gaia's shoulder, letting her eyes dart between the two quickly, as if this were a show to her.



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    The First One Empty Re: The First One

    Post by Kyran 6th June 2018, 3:53 pm

    Kyran tilted his head when Gaia talked about 'private' dances. He didn't understand the phrase. Or maybe he was simply glad that she wasn't going to give up dancing because of a selfish request. Still his curiosity was peeked about these 'private' dances. Time would be spent finding out what they were at a later point. Asking now was only going to invite trouble. "Give me some time, Gaia. Talking about my past is...difficult. I will explain so long as you remind me but I cannot at this point and time." Kyran hoped that would be enough for the other mage. He didn't want her to think there wasn't a good reason for the request. Besides... he might be able to tolerate it if they weren't in public. Thinking back over his memories, Kyran had realized that every single memory had been in public. Having Gaia dance for him and him alone might bring him to see the joy that Gaia found in such an action.

    The chuckle that escaped Kyran's lips when Gaia explained her freaking out horrified Kyran. It made it sound as if he was laughing at her pain. "I'm not laughing at your worst date or the pain you must have felt." He said quickly. His eyes turned up toward Noya and a spark of amusement lit within them again. "I found it amusing that you thought someone could manage to steal Noya. She's feisty and does what she wants. I'm sure if she had thought my intentions were untoward, she would have bitten me before running away." He smiled at the ferret and reached over to scratch her chin. Kyran found he wanted an animal companion like Noya. He wasn't sure how he would manage it but he wanted that one loyal friend through anything.

    Quivering probably wasn't very attractive. Yet it was all Kyran could do as Gaia yelled at him. He barely managed to keep himself upright. Everyone yelled at him. He knew Gaia wasn't truly angry with him. He knew she wasn't like the other people in his life. Yet he couldn't stop from lowering himself til he was below her. Gaia looking into his eyes helped Kyran stand straight again. He wasn't a slave, he wasn't a servant. He was this woman's--this delightfully fierce woman's--boyfriend. That distracted him from what Gaia was saying, nearly in its entirety. All he really understood was she didn't give up and they had to try to make this work. Her tone was pleasant once she stopped yelling. Kyran found himself getting lost in her eyes.

    Gaia's kiss surprised Kyran. It also awakened a hunger in him. A hunger for Gaia and Gaia alone. Kyran pulled Gaia into his body while they kissed. He did his best not to become aggressive, to take instead of give. It only partially worked. His teeth nibbled on Gaia's lip for a short moment. When they came up for air, Kyran gazed down at Gaia. Something new and terrifying had awoken within him. He opened his mouth to say something when a magic note flew into his hand. Kyran sighed. Tucking Gaia into his side, he opened the note to quickly read. "As much as I wanted to salvage this date, duty is calling me. I'll make it up to you on our next date cause I'm not ready to give up either." Kyran leaned down to give her a brief powerful kiss. That was how it was done in his books. Character had to leave their significant other, they gave them a powerful kiss. Kyran found he quite liked the tradition. As he walked toward the train, Kyran found himself looking constantly over his shoulder at the little bookworm mage. His little bookworm mage. He hoped everything would work out between them.



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    The First One Empty Re: The First One

    Post by Gaia 8th June 2018, 10:22 am

    Gaia nods to Kyran saying that he'd tell her at a later date about his past. She could respect that. In all honesty, she thought she may be the same with some of the things from her own past. When Kyran chuckled at her reasoning for freaking out, she pouts to him. Then he explained his reasoning. She let out a half hearted chuckle at that herself. She did find it to be pretty stupid that she thought that. Of course Noya would have bitten him, and then he wouldn't of been able to get far if he had been. Noya seemed to purr a little as Kyran scratched her chin, enjoying the attention again.

    When she had been been yelling at him, Gaia noticed how Kyran seemed to shake, as well as start to get lower than her. His explanation about her kneeling from earlier kind of clicked. But she wasn't going to say anything right now. That had also helped her to calm herself down a bunch. When she kissed him, she half expected him to kiss her back, but was pleased as he had even pulled her to him. When he bit at her lips, she begun to blush deeply. She kept on blushing when they broke the kiss, a little out of breath as it had been taken away. She put her head to his chest when he was going to speak, but pouts as the note interrupted him. Him holding her to him, made her grin a little as it felt good to be held by Kyran. When he tells her that he has to go, she pouts a little, till he kissed her. She couldn't be pouting as she was trying hard to not smile and blush from his kiss. "Okay..." She mumbles a little upset that he had to go so soon. "Our next date must be longer." She tells him with a sharp nod. She watches Kyran as he goes to the train, leaning on her new staff as she did so. She laughs a little at him looking over his shoulder to her. With a giggle, she simply shakes her head and motions for him to get on the train. She now couldn't wait till she saw him again.


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