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    Shadow in the Lake

    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
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    Posts : 202
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

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    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
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    Shadow in the Lake Empty Shadow in the Lake

    Post by Chili Thompson 17th August 2017, 9:44 am

    Chili sighed as he finally made it to the small town of Shirotsume. He was here for two reasons, one was the library to look and see what cult books while he was here to check out reason two. Which was a rumor that a fisher man had started spreading around. One day while he was out on the lake that was near the outskirts on the other side of the town that Chili was on, it was surrounded by a few mountains. Giving you a beautiful view of shimmering water and green rolling hills. Back on track though the fisher man said that he had seen a giant slithering shadow pass beneath his small row boat, it seemed to scare away all the fish, and that made the fisher man twice as quick to get out of the water.
    "Great. Not even near the ocean and there's a serpent like water creature in the lake......that's another thing why the hell is it got to be a snake monster? Although it could all be hocus pocus like that other lake monster. What was the name of that other monster, Messie? No ahh how am I drawing a blank right now.........ah whatever it'll come to me later, for now, I just hope everything goes as easy as a piece of cake....or should I say a piece of lake? That was bad......though this is a conversation I am having with myself in my own head so the only one who could think it was bad is me so I say it was good."

    Grumbling a little as he came out of his thoughts Chili watched as two kids ran by him, heading up the hill along the stone path that was divided by the flower and grass beds sitting in the middle of it making the walk actually really relaxing for anyone. Though Chili wasn't anyone and even though he saw the beauty in this small town, he still had unofficial work to do and no relaxation for the wicked so no relaxation for him. A thought stirred with that though.
    "When was the last time I actually just remained still and enjoyed something, I mean I stop to eat and such but I haven't really ever taken the time to really just be at peace for a bit, it's always investigation this, a job that and monster fights. Not that any of those are not fun, the beauty of this place just got me thinking. Well, once I finish here maybe I could kill a few hours. Though that would give the cult a few hours of me not closing in on them so I'll  have to mull over it for a bit."
    Shrugging to himself Chili did his best to follow the path as it went up hill a part of it branching off to go right, luckily enough this path led to the library and then to the outskirts of town where the lake should be.

    Taking this rightward path, Chili was now just walking even with the hill for a few minutes before arriving in front of the library. He opened the door and entered. It was a small place with only about fifteen book shelves that were about a foot or two taller than Chili somewhere in the center of the room while the rest leaned against walls. To his right, this time was a small counter to check books in and out. Behind it was an elderly looking gentleman who appeared to be wearing a black golf cap, checkered shirt, and regular jeans. Chili approached him and felt as the elder's eyes scanned him up and down. Yeah, he was in a black vest and red collared shirt instead of his white one paired with his dust covered blue jeans and shoes. Though he understood why the man was scanning him when the geezer spoke up.
    "You are the boy who pinned all that stuff to the wall at the Rose Garden's library are you not?"
    Chili's mouth opened and closed for a second as a thought went through his head.
    "How the hell did he know that?"
    Just nodding his head yes, Chili was soon being scooted out of the library by said, old man, as he said. "Well, my friend there gave me a heads up on what you wear and how you look just in case you came here to cause me trouble like you did him. I won't be wasting an hour or two cleaning up your mess. No, I won't."
    As Chili was pushed through the door he tried to hurriedly explain to the old man. "All I did was use his wall to pin a bunch of stuff up! I didn't really do much else."
    Not even getting a response as the door was slammed in his face followed by the sound of locks clicking into place.

    A little stunned by what just happened Chili shook his head, and turned to walk down the steps of the library. Not having much else to do he turned left and began to walk towards the outskirts of town.
    "Hopefully I have more luck with the giant lake serpent than the library owners I seem to piss off and who now are all keeping tabs on me. I only have a slither of hope at that though." Chili thought as this was now the second library he had been tossed out of due to the Rose Garden incident. If had known that one wall fiasco would get him banned from other libraries as well he would have just stolen the books he had needed and been on his way. Though stealing wasn't something he approved of but if things kept going like this he was gonna need to steal some books just to get the information he needed. though that didn't matter now he was on his way to investigate the lake which was still about a ten-minute walk away so for that time Chili put his hands behind his head and looked up at the clouds. It really was a pretty day out with the sunlight nice and warm but the moister in the air from the lake keeping it cool at the same time without making it humid. Today was hopefully gonna be a good day for him.

    Post Word Count: 1056


    Chili Thompson
    Primary Magic
    Chilling Under the Stars Theme

    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
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    Posts : 1345
    Guild : Sabertooth 《Guildmaster》
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 60,342

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
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    Shadow in the Lake Empty Re: Shadow in the Lake

    Post by Aura 3rd January 2018, 2:02 pm

    ”Shirotsume; still the same quaint town as ever.” Kenna ushered as she stared down at the village from atop the cliff. It had been several months since she last came here, to give a certain his last honors in combat. The reason she was here now however was the exact same reason said man had died in the end, in a way all but according to her plans. However she’d learnt from the short encounter, and gained a certain disregard towards that which she came to eradicate; imuugi’s. The imuugi was a giant snake-like beast, it’s facial scales contorted to become small horns, its color similar to the muddy underground visible through the clear parts in the shallow water beneath her. This lake had held one imuugi once, yet it seemed an entire nest had settled for Lake Shirotsume to become its new safe haven after it had disappeared, at the cost of the nearby inhabitants, who found themselves in peril as soon as they got within the snakes’ newfound territory. It had been for those incidents that a notice had been sent into the world, hoping some brave mages or warriors would take up the task and come to their rescue. Kenna, having read the description and immediately aware of what she was up against, had spared no time nor effort and set out right away.  

    She’d arrived earlier this morning, and had taken her fine time tracking down their trails in the vicinity of the town instead of near the lake, hoping to pinpoint their lair to be away from the arena bordering the water’s edge. The Etherborn however found herself disappointed insaid thoughts, as the tracks lead towards the lake, and ultimately disappeared at the lake’s shores. Kenna’s growled and climbed her way up the single cliff that rose high above the northern side of the large watersource, knowing her view would be better from that point. Steel Wolf gently hung around her right arm, the mighty sword turned into it’s gauntlet shape so she could hold it better. There’d been no signs of any suspicious activity near the lakefront, so the Sabertooth mage had deemed, and had thus made her way down the cliff swiftly, to land within the open area underneath the cliffs, where Ior Valiir had been laid to rest by her, near the remains of an old make-shift arena he’d called his home decades ago. Kenna stared upon the heap of stones, now overgrown with wild grass and small white flowers, said to grow upon the graves of true heroes. Wind softly blew through her raven-colored hair, making it curve upon its gentle flow as her golden gaze seemed pinned unto something distant, although it was merely Ior’s grave she looked upon. ”You know, Ior…” The female started, hesitating slightly, ”I’d wish you could’ve stayed here for a bit longer. I could’ve surely used your guidance… Lots of things have happened you see. Too many things…” Kenna halted once again, clenched her armored hand, Steel Wolf tightly around her bare skin. She inhaled deeply before continuing to speak further. ”Funerals, I decided, are not for the dead. They’re for the living. And however much I hate having to attend them, they’re something we need in order to drive ourselves towards a goal. Hence why I’m here again, to make sure those dmaned imuugi don’t desecrate your final resting place again, my friend.” She smiled softly at the grave, and remained in silence there, near the lakefront, in a slightly open area easily visible for anyone appearing from the other side of the clearing.


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    Shadow in the Lake GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6

    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
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    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Shadow in the Lake Empty Re: Shadow in the Lake

    Post by Chili Thompson 4th January 2018, 10:22 am

    Chili arrived at the lake within a few minutes after his library exit. The lake was clear blue and you could see straight down to the bottom almost. Chili scratched the back of his head with his left hand as he stood on the shore of the body of water and scanned the entire place and the opposite shores. "If something or somethings are living in this lake what could they be and how many if more than one?" Chili started pondering combing over his knowledge of water and serpent creatures...Large ones. Stopping his scanning of the area Chili turned to start walking to another area around the lake, he was still thinking about what type of serpent it was. Though his mind also worked over what he'd do if he happens to come across tracks or drag marks indicating something had left the lake. He was only about three-eighths away around the edge when he entered the tree line that surrounded one side of the lake. Chili continued for about seven minutes after entering the tree line when he came across a path made by a very large and heavy creature with no legs. Stopping Chili took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Ok, think you know it's a snake-like creature, but you don't know what it is exactly...think it lives in water, serpent...no leviathan types usually are ocean dwellers so its gotta be a dragon serpent then. That leaves a Water Horse, a Naga, a Neak, or an Imugi. Water Horses usually stay in the water and don't come to shore a whole lot, so that leaves the other three ...Great! Now that I've narrowed down what I'm looking at here, the real question is how many are there, I've only found one trail so far... Should I keep looking for other signs that there is more than one or I could just go for a swim and see what tries to eat me." Chili seriously contemplated that second idea for a few moments before he shook his head, "Nah, rather not use myself as bait for a den of giant snakes."

    "If I'm not gonna go for a dip, I guess I should look for any other tracks see the comings and goings of whatever is here and set a trap I guess. Maybe I can use a corpse of one to lure out the rest." Chili commented aloud to himself as he continued from where he had been stationary thinking to himself. He was maybe halfway around the lake with a large cliff close to him that could overlook the entire lake area.  He contemplated climbing it to get a better view to see if anything stuck out, but he decided to stay on the ground, whether he found more tracks or not he planned on investigating the lake either by boat or in person. Deciding to keep walking Chili soon hit a clearing and froze. Across on the other side stood a beautifully alluring woman. She looked to be speaking to a grave that sat in front of her, white flowers growing from it and the wind blew slightly making her air flow like a gentle ocean wave. The trees swayed along as well making adding to the scene. Chili's mind pictured a mural at that moment, where he had seen it before he was unsure however the saddening yet tranquil vibe of the atmosphere was like that of some tragic hero's tale. Blinking away the memory, Chili did a double take when he felt the magic pressure emitting from her. Her frame was slender and curvaceous though her posture showed strength and confidence. For such a petite looking woman she held great power. It was a good combination beautiful yet deadly and if she had the personality to back it up, you'd never see the death blow till you hit the ground cold. Her light skin made her raven hair pop out all the more and it framed her face lovely. Chili paused when he caught her eyes, they seemed to burn like a golden sun with a goal.   
    "Dude I'm not sure about you but I think you should go introduce yourself and find out what her mind's like. Though remember looks can literally kill in Fiore so don't be an idiot." His conscious spoke up in his head wait since when did he have an inner voice? Shaking his head Chili frowned as he logically went over everything with the voice as he scanned the woman for any sign of weapons or something that stood out. "She is speaking to someone's grave like she knew them, it wouldn't be polite to just barge in though just standing here is not a good option either. She has magic and it's strong. She appears to be wearing a dark red oriented shoulderless v-neck mini dress that shows off her amble curves just enough to get the imagination going so that could be a ploy to get people to drop there guard... she is wearing black shorts under her dress and there didn't appear to be any weapons on her. What's with that shackle and those glass heels? Hmm, that sounds familiar though... *Sighs* Well the only option is to just say hi, there's no way she hasn't noticed me the entire time I've been standing her conversing with myself."

    His eyes didn't linger on her body longer than they needed to for a scan of her appearance. Snapping his eyes back to her face, Chili let out a calming breath. He couldn't figure out why he was anxious, he'd spoken to a lot of beautiful women over his course of adventuring none made him get lost in their eyes like the woman in front of him did. Shaking his head again before walking a little bit more forward to about halfway into the clearing, Chili shifted from one foot to the next as he put a small grin on his face. Speaking in a friendly tone of voice as he raised his right hand to give a wave.
    "Uh sorry to interrupt what appears to be a private thing, I just happen to stumble upon you while tracking whatever lives in the lake. I'm Chili. If you want me to leave you to your friend I can go, however, I thought I might ask if you are hunting what is here?"


    Chili Thompson
    Primary Magic
    Chilling Under the Stars Theme

    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
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    Posts : 1345
    Guild : Sabertooth 《Guildmaster》
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 60,342

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
    Third Skill:

    Shadow in the Lake Empty Re: Shadow in the Lake

    Post by Aura 25th February 2018, 8:56 am

    The sword had moved in a mere fraction of a second; from its gauntleted form it had shifted swiftly, almost effortlessly from around its bearer’s fist and manifested its long blunt edge even before it had laid eyes upon its target. As soon as the tension within her fingertips had betrayed sudden surprise, Kenna’s instincts had taken over and lashed out at the voice that had startled her. Steel Wolf now hung motionless underneath the young man’s chin, its spiked edge only millimeters away from the soft flesh that adorned his throat. The mage’s eyes for a short moment showed a glint of a deeply-hidden killer instinct, cold and fierce, only to soften once she realised what she was doing. The eyes that stared back into hers looked startled and didn’t show any ill intent, which allowed her to lower her guard a bit. Her arm however remained stretched, and Steel Wolf still menacingly kept the young man from getting any closer to its wielder. ”Ah- sorry, I didn’t mean to lash out so suddenly.” She exclaimed, only to realise how much her actions contradicted her sincere words. ”L-let me just put this… just stay still for a second.” Kenna ushered, retracting her arm and with it moving the spiked blade away from his throat. However much the sword was lowered it still remained by her side, her grip still holding on tightly to the sword’s hilt. This young man… how had she not noticed him getting so close to her vicinity? Was he that good or had she just been that distracted? Maybe both.

    She carefully listened to the young man’s explanation; he introduced himself as Chili, and had stumbled upon her as he was tracking something living in this lake and whether she too was hunting it. Though when he mentioned to leave her and her friend be, she shook her head. ”My friend would have little say in it if I were to leave his grave, so worry not about it. I’ve… had my moment of silence for him. There’s no need to remain any longer, as long as I rid the lake of its inhabitants.” She turned around properly to face the youth, who was well over several inches taller than her. His brown hair adorned by a… a flame? Suppressing the urge to run her hand through his hair to see how the hell it was burning there, Kenna sighed and peeked over her shoulder towards the lake, that now reflected the sunlight upon it. ”So yes, I’m here to hunt for those beasts within the lake. Imuugi are dastardly vicious as of late, so perhaps it might be better to team up, if they’re your target as well.” The ravenhaired maiden stated rather bluntly as she scanned him from head to toe. ”The name’s Kenna by the way. Kenna Terrynhain of Sabertooth. Though don’t mind me saying this Chili, but perhaps you’d do well to not sneak up on people like that in the future… had this been someone less keen on being pried on you might’ve already met your end, or at the very least find yourself in a very bad predicament.” She gave him a smile, hoping it would tell him she meant well rather than to break him down.

    A glistering upon the lake’s surface made Kenna turn midway her smile, which immediately shifted into a gasp and contorted her face into a mixture of both anger and surprise. Her leg rose quickly and shot forward, roughly bashing into Chili’s chest with enough power to kick the youth back at least several meters, and at the same time used his body to propel her away from him. As soon as they parted and the distance grew, the source of glistering water crashed past between them, on the exact same spot they’d stood not even a second ago. Kenna hissed a series of curses underneath her breath and readied Steel Wolf before her. ”Chili! On your guard, these bastards are far faster than you’d think.”


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    Shadow in the Lake GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6

    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Shadow in the Lake Empty Re: Shadow in the Lake

    Post by Chili Thompson 13th March 2018, 3:13 am

    When the gauntlet transformed into a sword and came to his throat Chili suppressed his urge to go on the offensive, but the sword was not aimed to hit him just keep him at bay. He startled her and the look in her eyes told him that if this turned into a bout it would be trying. Upon listening to his minor hello, she introduced her self as a member of Sabertooth which hearing made him relax a bit since she confirmed that she was apart of the guild that he had recently join.... "That's a condescendence as all get out am I right? Though she just nearly headless horseman your ass." The voice spoke up in Chili's mind. Choosing to ignore it and continue to listen to Kenna instead as she went on to also confirm that the creatures that were here are Imugi that she was hunting as well. That made him feel better, Imugi were easier to handle than a few other of the snake types he had been speculating. When she went to point out that in the future that he may not want to surprise people in the future and get into a predicament. Chili hadn't been trying to sneak but he knew that's how his intro had come out. Before he could explain that he had not intended to sneak, something caught her attention. He followed her gaze and just had enough time to get a glimpse of what it was before Kenna sent a kick to him causing him to half slide and half stumble off balance backward a few meters. With a shouted warning about the speed of their prey, the warrior was on her guard and ready to fight.
    Chili, on the other hand, had a lame expression on his face as he listened to the voice snicker at him as a single Imugi came bursting forth from the lake. Taking up the space that was between the two mages. From its appearance it was a younger one, it's murky grey scales had a sheen of water on them as it took aim for Chili.

    "Oh and we got incoming! You may wanna duck man."
    The voice drawled half amused as Chili barely was able to keep his eye on the Imugi's scaly tail as it hastily flicked it sideways like a whip, aiming for him. He didn't chance to jump it, he didn't have the time and he had no room to duck so he threw his arms up in a defensive pose meant to cover his vital spot while still taking the force of the attack. The tail hit on its mark and Chili blocked what he could but was still sent flying back away toward the tree line behind him. His feet had skidded on the ground for about a meter before they left it and he was then flying toward a tree. When he impacted with it the air was knocked out of him, as he felt the tree's trunk splinter at the force of the hit and topple over with Chili imprinted into it. The tree fell to the ground but not before knocking over a few others with it. Getting up off the now broken tree trunk his back had been smashed into, Chili held a growling groan in as he stood up fully a few pieces of wood falling off him as he did. His arms ached and his back was radiating with a dull throb. Seeing that the snake had started advancing quickly after hitting him and was now only a few meters away from being within striking distances. Chili only had a few seconds and he used them to do the hands signs that allowed him to enter Void mode. Chili's flame had just finished changing to black and white as the snake went in to take a snap at him. He managed to be fast enough this time to spring himself up into the air about four meters in time to avoid the snake's maw. Now above the creature, Chili went on the offensive. Channeling his shadow force, Chili thrust his palm face down aimed at the upper half of the snake's body. The wave of power that left it reached the snake in couple seconds, slamming it into the ground and causing a small crater to form around the upper half.

    With the creature stunned for a few seconds and gravity now taking hold of him, Chili focused on charging some energy into his open left palm and quickly formed it into a stable sphere. Recovered the Imugi twisted itself around so it was facing upwards before coiling up. As Chili got within hitting distance of its head it sprang at him, flipping himself to the left and using the momentum to dodge in mid-air. Timing it just right he slammed the ball down as the snake's head passed right to his right. As it collided with the creature's head the ball gave off a small explosion and sent the snake back into the ground again like a broken lever where it went still. Chili used the blast recoil to tumble to the side after his attack and rolled away up into a combat position. He was ready to throw another offensive counter at the Imugi when he noticed that it was stationary. He kept his guard up until the body spasmed out and twitched a little before going still again. Dropping his arms to his sides, Chili took a few steps back and took a deep breath. His nerves were acting up, he really hated snakes.
    "Hey if you are so terrified of snakes-" The voice started up but was cut off as Chili mentally spoke up. "I'm not terrified I just don't like them and want to kill them on sight."
    "You just described fear in a form. Now back to what I was saying. Let's chum the water with its body and see what type of reaction we get from the others in the nest."
    Chili paused as his face became a contemplative stare while he turned toward the lake.
    "So you're saying we should kick the hornet's nest in a sense." Chili said this thought aloud to himself more than anything. The voice said one last thing before going quiet, "Hey, it's just an idea but you should take it up with the woman who nearly cut your head off. Anyway, I'm gonna go hang out in a corner of your brain till you do something, try not to get us killed. Oh, and if I was you, I'd keep the fact that you have a voice in your head quiet."
    Chili shrugged as he turned to walk back to where he last saw Kenna giving one the last response to the voice in a slightly accusing tone, "You are the one who said I should say hi. I would have just walked away, but I just had to listen to you. I question my sanity sometimes because of you. Like now for example"

    It didn't take him long to find her, she was still in the clearing. Chili reckoned that she figured he could handle a single small fry snake beast. Kenna would not be wrong, he could handle most giant monsters with his magic but he usually had to dance around them for a bit if they were powerful ones. Shaking off that thought, he made sure to be in her line of sight this time as he approached. Now only a few meters away from her with the dead snake behind him, Chili kept one eye on the water as he spoke up in a half faked spirited attitude with a small grin on his face. "I have a crazy idea. Let's chum the water with the body of the one I just killed and see how the nest reacts."


    Chili Thompson
    Primary Magic
    Chilling Under the Stars Theme

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 7:00 pm