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    Rai's Time to Shine! Bomb Threat in Magnolia

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Rai's Time to Shine! Bomb Threat in Magnolia Empty Rai's Time to Shine! Bomb Threat in Magnolia

    Post by Rai Sormr 19th April 2017, 8:28 pm

    Rai Sormr • Black Rose • C Rank

    Rai and Dante were hanging out in the restaurant area of the guild having their breakfast. However, this was far from a peaceful morning. Yep, you guessed it. They were at it again. Dante wanted to go off and do his own job for once instead of, quote unquote, watch out for Rai. Rai didn't want him to go off by himself for the fear that Dante could destroy a whole city if someone so much as looks at him the wrong way. "I don't give a damn what some snot nosed spiky haired punk says, I'll do what I want!" Dante yelled. "And I said absolutely not! I'm not leaving you unsupervised so you can most likely get drunk and destroy half a city!" Rai yells back. "Please, I'm a professional! I can stay out of trouble for one job if I wanted too." says the badger. "A professional reckless dumbass..." Rai retorts. "WHAT WAS THAT!? You wanna take this outside!?" Dante offers. Rai sat and looked at Dante for a moment then said "You know what? Yes, lets. It's been a while since you and I fought."

    They left the jewels for their meal on the table and started to walk towards the door. One there way past the receptionist desk, there stood a strange guy wearing what looked like robes that guys at the magic council building wore. "Excuse me? You know where I can find Yazuki of the Thunder Legion?" the man said with a bit of urgency in his voice. "He's away at the moment, I'm in charge till he returns. What can I do you for?" Rai answered while Dante muttered under his breath. "Kiss ass..." Rai kicked Dante out of the room and outside for the smart mouth accusation.

    "We need someone to assist a situation in Magnolia. A group of bandits calling themselves the Gunpowder Gang have taken over the Hospital and are demanding 20 million jewels or they're going to blow up the Hospital." He explained. Rai had one hell of a look of shock on his face. Missions like these Yazuki would choose to do himself, but he's not here this time. It was up to Rai to handle this situation. "Alright, I'll handle this situation myself. I'll be there in less than two hours. Tell them to stall as long as they can till I get there." Rai answered and ran out the door. Dante quickly followed behind having overheard the conversation from outside the door. He ran alongside Rai and said "Alright, first we help out Magnolia, then I kick your ass  when we get back."

    Rai hopped on the first train to Magnolia with Dante and was there in no time flat. When they arrived, the Rune Knights had the place surrounded and were in the middle of trying to negotiate with the terrorist. "I'm Rai Sormr Captian of the Thunder Legion's second division and second in command under Yazuki Yoshino. What's the situation?" Rai stated to the head Rune Knight.  "It's not good; they have all the entrances and exits covered, so there's no sneaking in. They claim to have a bomb hidden in the building somewhere big enough to take out everything within a quarter mile of the Hospital." He started to explain. "Have you all cleared out the area of civilians?" Rai asked. "Yes, we are working on a plan to enter the building but are having issues. Most if not all of them are gun mages making it hard to get close."

    This was indeed a pickle. If it were Yazuki, he would just jump onto the roof in a flash and storm the place. Rai hasn't quite gotten that skill mastered as of yet. A frontal assault on the hospital would lead to the enemy shooting us down before we even get to the door. It wasn't that Rai was scared of being shot at, he could handle that situation just fine, it was the fact they would see them coming and could start using hostages against them. We show signs of attacking head on they will start killing hostages, so they needed to find a way inside without them seeing somehow. "Alright Mr. Proffessional, how would you handle this situation?" Rai asked Dante. "I'd charge straight in of course. These guys got nothing on me." Dante answered. "And that's why I can't leave you alone."

    Location;;Rose Garden to Magnolia
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 734



    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed By the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 604
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Anime Magic
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    Rai's Time to Shine! Bomb Threat in Magnolia Empty Re: Rai's Time to Shine! Bomb Threat in Magnolia

    Post by Strawberry 23rd April 2017, 10:04 am

    How else would the person... or rather thing... stepping through Magnolia spend his day? Every mission was similar, there was some massive threat and then he'd come to stop it. This felt so... Normal. Well, it wasn't exactly like he preferred it or not it was just something he realized. The missions he'd went on were all relating to stopping some bad guy in some way. However, none were like this. All of the villains he'd stopped before just came with the job, this job was a direct terrorist counteraction. He had no other goal in mind with this job, all the others he did. So the machine stepped through Magnolia town, until it came to the Hospital. Well, he was actually about 1 or 2 blocks away from the Hospital, not really wanting to get close and personal with this. So, he began to analyze the possible ways the terrorists could have a plan to escape. Considering they wouldn't explode the building with themselves in it, there must be a sort of external transportation... Perhaps an airlift or a helecopter... but that'd leave them prone to being taken down with anti-air. Then, SEN thought about the possibility of a tunnel - one that was highly possible. There were no vehicles or anything else to get away with, and there were no Rune Knights underground, as they've been more focused on the act of terrorism in the first place. So, the robot went back about a mile from the hospital, finding that the most efficient place to have a tunnel at, considering that was the radius of the bomb. Lucky for him, there was a pothole which led to the tunnel in question. Thankfully he didn't need to go circling the entire hospital looking for the source of a tunnel, instead just finding it right off the bat.

    Now finding himself in the tunnel, SEN the machine walked straight, finding no opposition. This was easy but... too easy. It wasn't like the terrorists were stupid, were they? Wouldn't they try to have their only source of escape guarded? Well, as of right now the robot was finding nothing to prove otherwise, and as such just continued walking forward, scanning left and right to make sure that there were no traps or anything of the sort to attempt to catch him, or rather anyone, off guard. Being a bit paranoid was in his programming, considering he was a protector of sorts. The robot, after a bit, finally reached the bottom of the hospital. The way he knew this was that there was a GAPING HOLE in the ceiling of the tunnel, which had a ladder propped underneath it. SEN was about to go up the ladder, until he heard footsteps, to which he quickly turned and readied his guard, but didn't say a word to not run the risk of being caught.


    Rai's Time to Shine! Bomb Threat in Magnolia NaomiSig
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Rai's Time to Shine! Bomb Threat in Magnolia Empty Re: Rai's Time to Shine! Bomb Threat in Magnolia

    Post by Rai Sormr 23rd April 2017, 1:24 pm

    Rai Sormr • Black Rose • C Rank

    "Whats wrong with just charging in? Even you are guilty of doing that!" Dante argued. "Cause in this case. We have hostages inside. It's a hospital. You honestly believe they took the place over and just let all the patients and staff go?"  Rai explained leaving Dante utterly speechless. "Shut it..." Dante said. It was truly a tricky situation, but Rai believed he had an idea. "Excuse me, can I borrow your lacrimaspeaker?" He said to the negotiator.  "Attention Gunpowder Gang! My name is Rai Sormr; I am the son of the head Rune Knight out here! We are willing to make a trade for more time! I am going to walk up to the front door and in exchange, you have to give us an extra hour or so! Do we have a deal?" He bluffed. If he can convince them that Rai was the Rune Knights son, then they would have a key hostage and might leave the others along and give Rai time to free them and discover where the bomb is. However, a plan like this would only be bought by some really stupid idiots. Even Rai knew this was a complete long shot. "Yo, Rai. What are you doing? They aren't going to fall for that bs ploy." Dante objected.

    I guess you could say Rai is trying to test the water so to speak, see how smart these guys really were. If they disagree, then they have some level of common sense. If they agree, then they are stupid as hell and just basically gave Rai the right to walk straight in the front door. They were quiet for some time now which meant they were probably considering the deal. Maybe this plan was more ingenious than he thought. The more he thought about it, the more he believed he could pull this off. After all, how many people would think a 17-year-old would be a threat even if they possessed magic. Finally, they respond "Alright its a deal! Start walking forward and keep your hands in the air where we can see them. No funny business or die!"

    Even Rai couldn't believe it actually worked. He handed the Rune Knight back his lacrimaspeaker and told Dante while he was giving him his one and only weapon "Don't come in till you start hearing lots of commotion." Dante just gave him the thumbs up and watched Rai make his way towards the building. Like they said, Rai had his hands up in the air and walked slowly not to cause any suspicion. Once inside they threw him against the wall and started searching him for anything like a wire or weapons. This was to be expected. They didn't want to be double-crossed after all. However, they took away his headphones just in case they happened to be a two-way radio. "Hey come on, at least let me have my tunes?" Rai objected. Of course, they didn't listen and started pushing him down the hallway probably towards the rest of the hostages.

    Now that Rai was inside, he could use his Static Field ability to its fullest. With this ability, he could see everything in the build clearly, or so he thought. It seems a lot of the rooms here were blocked by his vision. It was as if there was some kind of anti-magic field around them. They must have done that to try and keep sensory type wizards from pinpointing the bomb. Come to think of it; Rai was unable to see into the building at all until he walked in which meant they had a second anti-magic field. One on the outside covering the building, and several on the inside blocking many different rooms. Ok, they were a bit more clever than Rai first thought, but then why would they fall for this simple trick?

    Finally, they reached a door leading downstairs into the basement. Why the basement? Once they were downstairs, Rai saw a big hole in the ground. "I'm guessing that's where you guys came in from?" Rai said pointing out the obvious. "Pipe down runt! Now get in the back room." One of them demanded. There was a door on the far side of the room, and Rai was forced to open and enter it. It was an empty storage room, but Rai noticed it had a magic field around the room cause he couldn't see out of it once he entered. It was a special room to trap wizards! They knew from the getgo! Rai quickly turned but it was too late, they already closed the door and locked it on him. He tried to kick down the door, but he just couldn't summon any magic to help aid his attempts and soon realized he was trapped. "Crap... Should have seen this coming..."

    Location;; Magnolia Hospital
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 805 (2020 total)


      Current date/time is 25th October 2024, 10:54 pm