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    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.


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    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Fluffy 31st December 2016, 6:21 pm

    Job Link: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t3364-find-those-puppies
    206 Of 1225 words

    She was slowly getting more experience with jobs, the progression of her skill going quicker than she expected. When she first stepped into the guild and saw how hard some of the mages worked? Lolita though she would have to struggle aimlessly to reach any semblance of strength, but even if she could become a middle ranked mage, the child would be happy, she had no intentions of being the best she just wanted to be a celestial mage. Frost smiled slightly at the thought that she could eventually reach her dream without really putting herself in danger. Apparently? There were all kinds of mages, and they did not all have to be the one's who fought fearsome monsters, it was good because Circe was the only one of the trio who appreciated fighting, both Aries and Loli herself, well they did not like battling and harming other's.

    "Circe, I might need you today, you could spot the puppies from the air once we go get the details." right now she was standing against the guild wall, waiting for her nine year old mission partner. Considering how close they were in age, only four years apart? Lolita was hopping she could keep getting along with Shiza.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★
    Shizuka Hebi
    Shizuka Hebi

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 168.75

    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Shizuka Hebi 31st December 2016, 6:41 pm

    "Heeeeey Lolita!" a familiar voice called to her as Shizuka, the nine year old girl she met before came walking up with herpink jacket over her bluish teal dress and legings, her beret was on her head as she adjusted the backpack on her back as she came to a stop near the wizard. Shizuka made friends with Lolita back at the christmas party and this owuld be their first job together too, it was fun cause they were both close in age, so they could get a long easily with one another, and Shizuka was more then happy to make a new friend.

    "Soooo we gotta find the puppies right, i dont remember but where did it say the job would be at?"year old asked the celestial wizard, truth be told she had mainly only seen Hargeon, Rose Garden and well now the place were Golden Phoenix was from too, she was a former slave after all and still new places always made her excited for adventure. Also what better way then to hae an adventure then with a friend, she smiled at Lolita and then said [color=#6633ff]"Either way it will be fun to do a job with you Lolita" she couldnt help but smile and giggle a bit getting gitty at the anticipation.

    (Word Count: 219)

    Posts : 604
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    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Fluffy 31st December 2016, 6:54 pm

    533 of 1225 words

    It was very easy to recognize the voice of her guild mate, the tone of it ringing in her ears as she instinctively tugged her own sleeves to calm her nerves. To be honest, the reason she wore her school uniform and the sweater? Was because it made her newer life as a mage much easier, helped her to feel safer in a world she barely understood. While Fiore was filled with magic, Lolita's home town had not exactly been the most filled place, in fact she was the only one of her friend group in school to pursue this goal, all the rest went to a higher education. Of course magic could be an education too, especially when you contracted the star's like she did, so the teenager did not feel like she was missing anything whatsoever. Plus the one answer she was searching for in the world, only magic could give that to her.

    "Hey Shiza." her voice was even and calm, it was not icy persay but it was also not anything of a warm tone. "Our job is in Mangolia, we have to take the train to get there so we should get moving." she was surprised the adults had agreed to let them go just the two of them, but she guessed that they did not figure two children could in trouble on a train or in a quaint town. Hopefully they were right! "Indeed." she agreed about the part of the job being fun, and walked towards the train station, holding out a ticket she'd already paid for to Shiza.

    "So I don't startle you upon arrival, I'm a celestial mage and I'll be using one of my spirits to help us find the puppies, well attempt to, since Circe can fly." She could only hope the bird of prey would not think the lost scraps of fur were food. Of course? She had more faith in her friend than that.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★
    Shizuka Hebi
    Shizuka Hebi

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 168.75

    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Shizuka Hebi 31st December 2016, 7:13 pm

    Shizuka nodded and walked with the Celestial mage to the train station, she held tightly in her hand a train ticket to Magnolia, Magnolia actually sounded very pretty, she blinked when Lolita said that she was a celestial mage, and that someone name Circe would help "Sooo this Circe is a spirit that you...use in magic or control?" she asked not really knowing Celesial Magic, she herself hadnt figured out her magic mostly but she had an idea after an experience she had.

    Looking at Lolita she gasped then said "Oh Wow! i love your school uniform! Its so cute!" she actually really liked how it looked but in a a way her ADHD kicked in as she caught herself and then cleared her throat "Sorry i know that was random" she chuckled nervously before they stopped and was in the train depot now, all they had to do was give a ticket and get to Magnolia to help those puppies

    (word count: 162)

    Posts : 604
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    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Fluffy 1st January 2017, 8:06 am

    971 words of 1225.

    The female had learned about the different types of mages in school, well not from teachers but from smuggled in books and such that kids were afraid their parents would find if they kept them at home. Lolita had been lucky that when her parents found out about her interest in magic and desire to become a celestial mage, they had accepted it fairly quickly and helped her start on that journey. However the fourteen year old's face fell when she realized once more that going home as a mage would get her parents and herself in trouble, maybe even killed. It was kind of sad to realize what she had given up in her haste to pursue magic after her first round of schooling was done, but she couldn't undo her choices and honestly she would never desire to. It was just? Sometimes she wished that she had thought it out better and done something that enabled communication with home without her birth country finding out what she was doing.

    Shiza's words drew her out of her own head and Frost was grateful for that, because she had been thinking depressing and useless things, so in a way the younger girl had saved her. "Oh please don't call it using or controlling, it's neither, they don't have to do what I ask them to, we just have a contract that ensures mutual respect and commitment so they do what I ask most of the time. I'll show you the next time I get a key." like how she promised Aries the ram would never have to fight expect in dire circumstances, because even though her zodiac key was her strongest, Loli respected the fact her friend did not like hurting other's.

    "I didn't have reason for any other clothing before I became a mage and I haven't done enough jobs for a wardrobe update yet. Thanks though, it's the first time I've heard someone call it cute." mostly because when you went to school everyone was wearing the same uniform, so you had no one with a different perspective to call it adorable. Clearly the key holder enjoyed her friends words, because neko ears popped up from her head as she blushed and turned it slightly, seconds later a slender cat tail joined the ears poking out from her skirt. "So let's get on now." she had handed the tickets to the conductor, averting her gaze as he stared at her new odd appendages. Hopefully? They would be seated somewhere isolated now that the ears and tail had appeared, she had no idea when they would vanish.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★
    Shizuka Hebi
    Shizuka Hebi

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 168.75

    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Shizuka Hebi 1st January 2017, 3:22 pm

    What happened next was in Shizukas eyes absolutely adorable and positively awesome! She saw the ears and tails of a kitty cat as she gave her ticket to the train stationer too as she and Lolita walked together to the train and boarded it. Shizuka could tell that Lolita was blushing cause of her Ears and Tail coming out in public, so the 9 year old took it upon herself and then grabbed her hand and walked with her to the back of the train, luckily her hunch was right and it was completely empty for them to actually just relax and not deal with crowds.

    When they were in the car Shizuka looked around and then smiled "ok we're clear you can be alright with your ears and tail out now, its cute on ya Lolita" Shizuka smiled as she was in a way happy that Lolita showed her ears and tail, it was almost like a sign of trust between the two, since Shizuka could see that well Lolita was embarrassed by them, but Shizuka thought it was cool "You know your ears and tail is like my daddy's companion Bastet, she has black and white ears and a black tail and they're very pretty, expecially yours" she smiled at her and then found a seat in the middle of the car and waved for her friend to come over to sit with her so they could talk the while they awaited to get to Magnolia to find these puppies that were missing from tehir owner.

    (word count: 260)

    Posts : 604
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    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Fluffy 2nd January 2017, 6:19 pm

    1401 words of 1225.
    I took the small liberty of a small timeskip, since we're reaching near the wc required for the job.

    Luckily shortly after they had boarded the train and escaped everyone, and Shiza didn't say anything that make her feel embarrassed? The ears and tail vanished swiftly, leaving no sign of their existence to be traced, almost as if they had never been there. Would Shiza expect her to explain it sometime later? Lolita prayed not, because even the fourteen year old herself had no idea why it happened, since it was related to magic she had never been able to go into a doctor for it. Going to get medical help for magical thing's in the place she was born? That was suicide, if the doctor told anyone in power, you'd likely get your head taken off. It was good Shiza found them cute, but their appearance and constant popping out was part of the reason she had decided to leave home and become a mage.

    "“I Call Upon Thee In The World Of The Celestial Spirits. I Beckon You To My Side At Once, Pass Through The Gate. Open Gate Of Aquila The Eagle, Circe." She had not explained much about her magic once they were on the train, but the little girl did not know to explain her own magic. While she had done some research? Honestly she was a little understudied, improvising most of the stuff she did due to how hard magical items had been to come by in her home town. "What do you need child, and why in the world have those draft guild-mates of yours left you with another child, were's that bimbo Summer? At least she was an adult." the harpy was clearly the unpleasant sort, her sharp golden eyes focused on the two children as she huffed out, a chirp escaping her as she looked angrily at Lolita. "Shut it Circe, we need help finding some puppies, circle in the sky if you find one." the eagle seemed to think of objecting and scolding Frost once more, but instead she took to the sky in a massive rush of wind generated by the flapping of her wings.

    "I'm sorry about her. Anyway's were do you want to start looking? I'm telepathically connected to my spirit's so I don't need to see in order to know when she finds one." it was mighty useful for missions like this, gave them an extra set of eyes that they did not need to keep their eyes. Sadly however, she was not strong enough to have Aries and Circe out at the same time, they could have had three directions covered if she could.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★
    Shizuka Hebi
    Shizuka Hebi

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 168.75

    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Shizuka Hebi 2nd January 2017, 7:11 pm

    Watching this display happen made Shizuka smile, she was amazed by what the celestial mage could do, truth be told she was really impressed. They were still on the train as Circe was already flying above Magnolia to look for the puppies to tell Lolita where they were, which was a perfect time to talk to her new friend. "So your magic is cool! I havent gotten mine unlocked yet, so you are lucky" she was walking through the town with her friend keeping an eye out for the puppies even looking around in allies as she then said "Hey Lolita....those ears and tail of yours....why dont you keep them out all the time? I think they look so cute on you" she giggled blushing a bit, she didnt see anything wrong with them or anything, infact it made her stand out and made her so adorable with them on, luckily talking with Lolita could help pass the time while Circe found the puppies for them as he flew in the air which was a great vantage point to see them in, ""But i mean if you dont wanna keep them out thats fine too, you look pretty still without them" this made Shizuka pause as she then blsuhed bright red "W-Wait Wait i-i didnt mean it like that Lolita i was just c-complementing ya"

    Word count: 226)

    (its fine i just didnt know where we were at first so i put us in magnolia already XD)

    Posts : 604
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    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Fluffy 3rd January 2017, 5:28 pm

    Lolita WC Half Has Been Achieved.

    And the fourteen year old girls face feel sharply the very second her ears were brought into the situation, the second their conversation switched gears to involve her sharply feline tail. Why did people have to ask about thing's that had made finishing school so difficult! Heck if she didn't have her friends constantly throwing jacket's over her, or shoving their hats on her head and shoving her tail down her skirt? She might have been killed far before her fourteenth birthday, due to the magical nature of her aliment. Of course she didn't know something she thought of as an 'illness' was actually the only reason she was alive today, and the only thing keeping her alive. That's for another time though, right now she just looked away sullenly. "Where I came from they were a death sentence if someone saw them and told on me and I wasn't born with them so I have no idea how to control them, both just started appearing one day." it was the truth as far as the little girl knew, there was no reason behind her mysterious blue ears and tail, it was the one question she wanted to answer as a mage, why they existed.

    "Do you want to go sight seeing or something while we wait for Circe to find them?" she wanted something to take the conversation off her strange trait. At least? Until she could find a doctor who had the knowledge to tell her why they appeared and disappeared at random. At the moment however she just had to work her way up as a mage until she met someone who could explain to her what was going on. The train had stopped so they had time now, hopefully.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★
    Shizuka Hebi
    Shizuka Hebi

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 168.75

    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Shizuka Hebi 3rd January 2017, 8:22 pm

    Shizuka blinked she probably hit a nerve on accident, she didnt mean to though she actually liked the ears and tail on Lolita, but she nodded and then said "Sure id love to go sight seeing with ya and sorry if i talked to much about the ears and tail i wasn't meaning anything bad by it" she felt the train stop as she then got up and walked off the train with her friend, looking around she was actually amazed by the sights and colors that Magnolia had to offer for the young mages, she could smell food that was really mouth watering, even the flower shop had the most beautiful flowers she saw "Hey lets go and see the town" she laughed and grabbed Lolita's hand and started running with her, wanted to have fun while Circe looked for the puppies, in her mind Shizuka hoped the puppies were actually all together that way when Circe did find them they could easily get them all together and get them back to the owner "Well Were to first Lolita" she asked as she kept running with her through the street of Magnolia and past the people and the vendor stalls and shops along the streets as well.

    (word count: 209)

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    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Fluffy 5th January 2017, 8:52 am

    Lolita was fully aware that her friend was not trying to hit a sensitive place, entirely not trying to upset her or make things awkward. Honestly? Frost wanted to like her own odd trait, but where she came from it just was not natural, and no matter how warm they felt she could not forget that they should not be there. She heard her friend apologize but all she could do was nod as she numbly followed her off the train, remembering how lucky she had been to have good friends back home. The first time her ears appeared? She had been in school and one of her friend's had thrown their jacket over her head to prevent anyone from seeing them. "I don't have lots of money but I guess we could have lunch." it made the most sense, didn't it? However she didn't exactly know any of the stores, so it would be a bit hard to find a place to eat- Loli there's a cafe that looks good about seven blocks ahead of you. "There's a cafe not to far ahead of us." it was good to be telepathically linked with her summons, it made her look more capable than she was.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★
    Shizuka Hebi
    Shizuka Hebi

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 168.75

    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Shizuka Hebi 10th January 2017, 5:33 pm

    Shizuka nodded and then said "ok then lets go to the cafe" Shizuka smiled and walked with her friend down to the cafe area, she had no clue what a cafe was but she suspected it to be like a lunch place, she blinked and opened the door and slowly enetered looking around, it was actually very nice and very lovely looking on the inside, she smied as she looked and found an empty table for two "We can sit there Loli, c'mon" she looked back to Lolita and pointed to the empty table as the young mage came went over and scooted out her chair and sat in it, it was a bit different thought, the chairs were wooden and of course the cushion was comfy but she still couldnt put her foot on it....then it hit her, yeah she was still a little short since her feet just gingerly swayed not scuffing the floor from where she sat making her blush embarrassed a bit as she then looked down and looked at the menu and her mouth started watering as it had pictures of food and what was all in the meal, oh my word, she was loving this little cafe!

    (word count: 204... BTW! im so sorry i was stuck in snow for 4 days it sucked!)

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    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Fluffy 18th January 2017, 4:07 pm

    That's fine, you've reached your half of the wc so if you want I can tie this up with a single post and turn it in. Than if you want to go on another job with me let me know so one of us can pick one? <3


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★
    Shizuka Hebi
    Shizuka Hebi

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 168.75

    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Shizuka Hebi 20th January 2017, 7:09 pm

    ok then you can, actually i would love to do another job with Lolita and Shizuka, or maybe a social so they can get to know each other better ^^

    Posts : 604
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    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Empty Re: Loli And Hebi Find Puppies.

    Post by Fluffy 23rd January 2017, 4:28 pm

    Than go pick a job and pm it to me, pick a  D and C rank, cause I might be ranking up soon <3

    Also want to form a team real quick so we get more exp for our jobs together?

            The near teenager looked at her partner as the girl had her mouth watering over the menu. Loli? Was much more composed about the whole thing, but that was partly because she had circe in her head right now. Of course Frost had her spirits in her head most of the time, it was nothing unusual at this point since celestial wizards all shared telepathic links with their spirits. "Circe just told me she found them, so we should eat quickly and go fetch them, she can puppy sit for a bit." the dainty looking girl sped up the rate she ate her cake at, and looked at Hebi when she was done, hopping the other girl was done as well. Once both children were done eating? Lolita lead the way to where her harpy star soul had found the puppies. "Thanks Circe you can go back we have them now." the puppies were a bit of a task to carry for two young girls, but they managed enough to get them back to their owner and receive payment so they could head home for the day.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Loli And Hebi Find Puppies. Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 7:09 pm