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    A meal fit for two.. Hundred


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Empty A meal fit for two.. Hundred

    Post by Stacesune 4th July 2016, 12:50 pm

    Several hours of waiting in line, he deserved something for his long day of work. Well, less work, more laziness... Annoyance? There was a word for it somewhere. The pirate had already napped for awhile, and now it was time for part B of his daily routine, eat as much as he could afford. Finding his way into the Restaurant with a loud, "Hoy hoy!" That aimed to break the already loud talking of the many patrons. Hunting down a seat as he waited happily for someone to come serve him. The poor waitress that approached his table had no idea what she was going to be in for...

    She smiled and asked his order, and the list seemed to keep going. Two plates of pancakes, four steaks, a bowl of chicken tenders, four sandwiches, and a barrel of orange juice. Some people stared at him like he was joking, but the man seemed very serious about this. So serious that he even asked for them to just leave the syrup at his table, as he didn't want them to keep making repeat trips. The maid seemed a bit panicked, laughing akwardly. "Expecting guests, sir?" "Hmmm? Not at all. All of this is for me alone, flower."

    His smile didn't stop others from looking at him like he was incredibly insane, but he was easy to shrug it off, and whistle softly. While he couldn't sing, he always enjoyed to whistle one of the sea shanties his father sung to him as a child before he ate, filling the area around his table with a soft melody. Most listening might just hear a whistled song, others who have hit the sea may be reminded of the tune. For Sune, it was just what he felt he had to do before every meal~


    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Gangrel
    Braz WolfmunThe Blood Hound
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    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Empty Re: A meal fit for two.. Hundred

    Post by Guest 4th July 2016, 1:46 pm

    Holy fire burns again
    the magic circle is all around it, burning like the innocence of love

    After the subsequent darkening of Fairy Tail, Kanix had to keep herself on the down low, so as not to be spotted by the Magic Council members or their henchmen, the Rune Knights. What she was doing in Hargeon Town was of unknown matters to those who had been walking the streets and whispering to each other about her. News had quickly spread of the passing of Fairy Tail's fifth master, Heero Reyold, and how Kanix had forcibly assumed the mastery. They muttered obscene words toward her and murmured information into their friends' ears of how she had her guild poison the waters of Magnolia. Word spread fast, it appeared, as the poisoning of Magnolia's waters had only just happened recently and now Hargeon citizens learned of it. It likely wouldn't be long before the poisoned waters flowed down into Hargeon from Magnolia though, killing off the people here as well. Ignoring their words, the pregnant shamaness would turned toward a restaurant and step through the entrance.

    People happened to be staring at a single man at one of the tables, who happened to be ordering quite the large order for himself, alone. She paid no mind to this, though if she had eyes to see, perhaps the young guild master would be staring as well. Her fingers trailed along the sides of booths and tables, leading her in the direction, where Hayai Sune was sitting. Eventually, the short and stout woman would stop at his table and stand there briefly in the silence that was yet to come. "Do you mind if I sit here?" she inquired, "I would find another seat, but carrying a bun in the oven is a bit of a toll." The war-painted tribeswoman would smile kindly at the man, despite just days ago claiming to have done something vile in Magnolia. Without an answer, the guild master of Fairy Tail would slide into the seat across from the mage, settling down comfortably.

    "I hear you ordered for quite the feast. Didn't think a man could eat that much," the one-eyed female smirked in amusement. Before long, the woman would find herself sitting in silence and thinking, only to come into realization that she was being off putting and rude. "I apologize, I've forgotten to introduce myself. I'm Kanix Laspor, word may have gotten out now that I'm the new master of Fairy Tail. It's a pleasure to meet you sir, and what might your name happen to me, oh gentleman with the large appetite." The smirk never left the blind woman's lips, and the only thing that may have deterred the other mage was her empty right eye socket. She had a fake eye to go there, but she hardly ever used it, as she was not accustom to its feel and it was strange to see out of it.

    @Stacesune , 929 words , NOTES
    credit to nat of adoxography.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Empty Re: A meal fit for two.. Hundred

    Post by Stacesune 4th July 2016, 2:26 pm

    The woman joining him had no effect on his hunger, or his smile. Upclose it was easier to tell he reeked of the sea, and his body seemed to jingle a bit more than most humans. There was a lot of hidden jewelry upon his being. AS she introduced himself he didn't seem phased at all, actually, instead offering out his hand as he spoke rather joyfully. "Hayaii Sune, flower. Formerly of the Seawolves, but I doubt that name graces your ears or memories~" His accent was mixed, usually the sign of someone who travels quite a bit. The Seawolves of course being a name long forgotten in history, after accepting a S-tier mission and never coming back.

    "And to let you gather from the questions. I require a lot more food than most, and I don't mind at all if'n you take a seat, flower. Help yourself to whatever you can manage to steal from my plate, the meals come in loads I'm told!" The boastful and merry laugh signature to his guild, so full of joy and excitement. "Fairy Tail, hmmm? I think I've met a member or two of yours back a few. Fairly interesting bunch, you all."


    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Gangrel
    Braz WolfmunThe Blood Hound
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    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Empty Re: A meal fit for two.. Hundred

    Post by Guest 5th July 2016, 4:00 pm

    Holy fire burns again
    the magic circle is all around it, burning like the innocence of love

    The guild he mentioned definitely did not ring a bell to the young maiden's mind, but that could have been for various reasons. One single reason could have been the sole factor that for fourteen years of her life, she was left to rot in a room with many other young girls. Another reason may have simply been that with so many more famous guilds known in Fiore, it was simply overshadowed. Either way, the woman would still happily greet the mage, nodding her head in acknowledgement to his introduction. "Unfortunately, you're correct; I've never heard of the Seawolves before, but there are many factors behind why," she answered him. Of course, she would not elaborate on those answers, unless he asked, himself, leaving it open for him to think on his own. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Hayaii Sune; are you enjoying your time here in Hargeon Town? I hear it has the best seafood."

    "A hardy appetite, I see. . . that reminds me of my guild-mates back in Fairy Tail; they always seemed to have bottomless pits. Thank you for the offer, by the way, it's been a long while since I've last eaten a meal in peace without people throwing things at me," she stated in a much quieter voice. "Ever since the darkening of Fairy Tail, I find it hard even walking the streets of towns that are well connected to the Magic Council. I either have things thrown at me or vulgar words spoken in my direction because of the ruse that another dark guild bestowed upon us. Hopefully, you've had a better time here in Hargeon Town than I have; I probably won't stick around long either." She shrugged her shoulders and leaned back a little, resting a hand on her stomach and giving out a gentle sigh. "What brought you into this town anyway if I may ask? Don't bother answering if it happens to be something personal."

    @Stacesune , 328 words , NOTES
    credit to nat of adoxography.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Victor's Descent
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    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Empty Re: A meal fit for two.. Hundred

    Post by Stacesune 5th July 2016, 4:15 pm

    "Ah! I was actually here to get my passport. Still waiting to hear back on it, but I figured I'd take in the ocean air and grab me some old fashioned food I'm used to, no?" Laughing a bit, but using the time to think about what was said, before nodding. Grinning fully as he replied, "So who cares if you went dark? you don't seem like bad people. Sure, Hera is a bit of a thief... But I mean, Every Fairy I've met to date has been keen and I don't mind your company one bit. I envy you all actually, I haven't called a place home in around Ten years. I'm a wandering mage, as of late."

    With a forceful shove he moved one of the bottles he had not opened her way, allowing her to have a drink if she so chose though probably not something fairly light for most people's tastes when they didn't have the intent of getting hammered. The jingle of his jewelry would easilly tell he was leaning forward, obviously more into talking to her than fearing or damning her.


    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Gangrel
    Braz WolfmunThe Blood Hound
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    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Empty Re: A meal fit for two.. Hundred

    Post by Guest 5th July 2016, 4:48 pm

    Holy fire burns again
    the magic circle is all around it, burning like the innocence of love

    "I remember back when I got my passport; I was a dark mage then and had to lie about what guild I was in. Signed myself off as a Fairy Tail member, who knew months later that I would end up going that guild," Kanix half laughed as she spoke. "I bet it was a pain in the ass trying to get that passport though, wasn't it? I hear it's always busy down there trying to get one. What with the recent opening of borders, it's a huge craze to make sure that everyone has their passport ready for traveling." She shrugged then, figuring that it wasn't that big of a deal, as she didn't travel out of the country often anyway. "I mean, I don't travel out of the country often, maybe once or twice, and one time was to a completely different planet. That's a story for another time though, but I can digress, coming to get your most favorite food isn't harmful at all."

    Hearing him push the bottle toward her, she simply set it aside, as with a child on the way, she wasn't much into alcohol right now. "You're right, I really shouldn't care what people think, but with Fairy Tail having been one of the more famous legal guilds, it's a bit hard. You're looked down upon in a way, like the people had expected better of you, expected you to kick out that member who caused too much collateral damage. Fairy Tail's a guild that sticks with one and each other though, so kicking someone out is a lot more difficult than one thinks." Her eye darted back to Sune, her lip twitching a little as she heard him talk of haven't having a place to call home. "Tell you what; if you tell me a bit about yourself, nothing personal if you don't want, I'll think on letting you join Fairy Tail. That's only if you're interested in settling down somewhere, and don't think it'll be a life of pure laziness either."

    @Stacesune , 340 words , NOTES
    credit to nat of adoxography.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Victor's Descent
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    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Empty Re: A meal fit for two.. Hundred

    Post by Stacesune 5th July 2016, 5:00 pm

    He hesitated for a long moment, then chuckles a hair. Tapping his chin a bit. "Pure laziness? Reading my mind? Hmm.. I was born and raised in the Seawolves before they left, I learned my magic by the same creature that ended them. I'm a Storm and Transformation mage. I live on the sea as a part-time job when not on registered missions. I eat a lot, I'm very strong, and I love the water. I've been a lone pirate for many years now, because of reasons I'll go more into when you feel like its necessary. I'm an asshole, a jokester, and I love to travel."

    He said all that, before picking up his bottle, and chugging it. He couldn't tell her about his powers being ulta destructive and from a dragon, let alone tell her he's caused more property damage and had to pay for repairs than he has actually taken home in profit... Or that he worked as an escort but what mage didn't take that job once in their life!?


    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Gangrel
    Braz WolfmunThe Blood Hound
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    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Empty Re: A meal fit for two.. Hundred

    Post by Guest 5th July 2016, 5:25 pm

    Holy fire burns again
    the magic circle is all around it, burning like the innocence of love

    His past wasn't what had captured the blind mage's attention, it was his magic that made her wanted to know more. He had told her that he learned of his magic from the same creature that had annihilated the guild he was from. That, in turn, sounded like a very dark reason as to why he had learned his magic from the beast that ruined it all for him. Had he been in cahoots with the monster all of this time, the reason behind why the creature had attacked the guild? Without wanting to simply assuming things, Kanix would draw in her attention more, and when finished, inquire about it. "I'm curious about your magic; you say you learned it from the creature that ended your guild, but why?" she asked him. "I don't have anything against you for choosing to do such a thing, more so, I'm curious as to what had caused it."

    She would laugh then, believing that he would likely afraid to tell her because of how much damage or insanity it would cause. "If you think collateral damage is going to deter me from letting you in, then you don't understand a damn thing about Fairy Tail. We've caused more damage to towns than you will ever think of, but the damage is always paid for and fixed by us. So, there's no reason to fret over thinking that your magic would be too powerful or cause too much of an issue in Fairy Tail. Besides, we have some really strong-ass motherfuckers in there, and let me tell you, some of them were trained by dragons, themselves. Hell, our fifth master, before he passed away, he was trained by a dragon in order to become the lightning dragon slayer. So, what's there to fear about your magic? And if it gets too out of hand, pssht, don't worry the hell about it."

    @Stacesune , 317 words , NOTES
    credit to nat of adoxography.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Victor's Descent
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    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Empty Re: A meal fit for two.. Hundred

    Post by Stacesune 5th July 2016, 6:13 pm

    Her response was so... Calm. It was... Warming. He stared at her for a long while in silence. Was this seriously someone who had seen and cared little of the sort of thing he offered? He stared at her for much longer than expected, unsure what he could say at this point before he sat his bottle down.

    "...The Seawolves went on an S-class mission to kill a Sea Serpent. It was actually a Dragon, Livyatan. He had tossed his wings aside or some crap and named himself Leviathan. Wiped out everyone but me. Shared his story with me, then gave me his powers. Kinda... Don't really know how to control them. I mean... I only use one or two, the rest always hurt people I don't mean to... So yeah... I have the powers of a Storm Dragon... But no real training."

    Tapping his bottle idly as he stared down now, unsure really how he felt sharing that with someone for the first time since it had happened. He had no real idea how she would react, speaking up again however. "Part of the reason I've avoided guilds, or long lasting teams... I don't want to hurt innocent people."


    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Gangrel
    Braz WolfmunThe Blood Hound
    Character Application
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    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Empty Re: A meal fit for two.. Hundred

    Post by Guest 10th July 2016, 8:28 pm

    Holy fire burns again
    the magic circle is all around it, burning like the innocence of love

    "You look at me as if I am too calm for the devastation that your magic is capable of bringing," the woman stated in a strange tone. "What you are not aware of is that I already know what your magic is capable of; I know everything about everyone." A sly grin spread across her lips, her unseeing eye staring at the mage as if she was capable of seeing him. "I have seen and been through far worse than what your magic can do. If something fazes me, then that means it is beyond the worst. Trust me when I say this: you do not need to fear what your magic is able to bring, but you must learn to harness it." The smile faded from her lips and her back straightened, so that she looked to be in a more proper seated position. There were far more dangerous magics in the world than what Sune was fearful of showing to the young guild master.

    "Why fear your power when you can learn to control it?" Kanix inquired, now confused at Sune's choice with his magic. "One would assume that if they were bestowed with a strong mythical beast's power that one would train it." She fell silent as she thought over his words, but she didn't hold him on giving an answer, like she had promised earlier. "Sometimes, you can't help, but to hurt people, it comes with the balance of the world; it's not something that's technically avoidable. Sure, you can try to avoid hurting them, but with a magic like that, you're eventually going to have to learn how to control it. Without control can come major devastation, so I suggest that you start to train it and learn to hone its nature." A small shrug of her shoulders would follow after her advice, as she would not force him into doing something he didn't want to do.

    Kanix took in a deep breath and released it in a rush of air through her nose, leaning forward to place her hand on her face. "Where Fairy Tail resides, you do not have to fear injuring the innocent," she spoke in a solemn, formal tone. "My children are capable of holding their own, so they would know how to handle a magic much like yours. Not to mention, there is a dragon slayer in our midst, expect her to know how to handle a magic related to dragons. Fear not yourself or what is around you, for there are those who will be there to help you get through the fear." A brief smile came across her lips again and she would lean back for a second time, crossing her arms under her large bust. "So, if you're still interested in joining, Hayaii Sune, I would be more than happy to welcome you into our ranks."

    @Stacesune , 479 words , NOTES
    credit to nat of adoxography.

    Last edited by Kanix Laspor on 20th July 2016, 3:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Empty Re: A meal fit for two.. Hundred

    Post by Stacesune 17th July 2016, 4:36 pm

    He sat there for a long time, staring at her in shock and awe. The words hit him hard, as they were... Senseful. Honest. They were the first real words that weren't relative to him being a freak or a monster. That weren't related to him fearing his powers or making him out to be incapable of anything close to loyalty or friendship. With her words inspiring him, he slammed his fist on the spot that, time from now, would bear the mark of the guild he was about to pledge himself to.

    "Hayaii Sune, King of the Pirates, and Eater of Storms, at your service, Guildmistress! Grinning fully, his eyes full of fire... Well, wind and water, cause Leviathan.. But still, he was full of energy and excitement. He had a home now, or atleast he hoped he did.


    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Gangrel
    Braz WolfmunThe Blood Hound
    Character Application
    Blood Augmentation
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    A meal fit for two.. Hundred Empty Re: A meal fit for two.. Hundred

    Post by Guest 20th July 2016, 3:31 pm

    Holy fire burns again
    the magic circle is all around it, burning like the innocence of love

    Kanix mildly fidgeted when Hayaii Sune slammed his fist onto the table that they were sitting at, partially expecting it. Her blind eye was staring down at her hands that were now clasped in front of her, listening to the sped up breathing of her the other mage. A small smile traced along her lips and she gave a nod in his general direction, as if she was approving of his attitude. "That is the kind of attitude that I look for in my children; I expect nothing more than greatness from you, Hayaii Sune," the woman stated. With their little talk, the food and drinks had long been forgotten about, consumed by the thought of guilds and magic. Extending a hand forward, the woman would aim to place it upon the closed fist of the man, fingers wrapped around it. From there, a soft glow would emit beneath her hand and on the back of his, where the mark of Fairy Tail would appear the moment she pulled away.

    "You are a Faery now, that is all you will ever be; do not think of yourself as a monster and you will find your place in the world," she began again. "In Fairy Tail, I am known as the Mother of Faeries, I ask nothing more than for you to address me as Mother." The smile never left her lips, but her eye never met his when the mage settled back down, looking at her scarred face. "While I am the guild master of Fairy Tail, each title comes with a different name; for instance, our Aces are Ministers of Seasons. There's the Minister of Fall, the Minister of Spring, the Minister of Summer, and soon to be, a Minister of Winter. However, there is one thing that you must understand about your guild: we may be dark, but we are far from killers. I do not want to learn of you slaughtering innocent people, and I want reports if you find any of your guild-mates doing it."

    @Stacesune , 339 words , NOTES
    credit to nat of adoxography.

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:47 pm