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    Killing the Undead (solo, Private)


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    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

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    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Killing the Undead (solo, Private) Empty Killing the Undead (solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 26th June 2016, 11:32 am

    Feitan sighed as he shook his head slowly making his way towards the silent cemetery. He knew this location all too well, it was somewhere he had tracked his fallen friend to, and he thought he would never see it again. Truth be told if he never saw it again it would be far too soon, but there was nothing for it right now being that he was already here and everything. So instead he walked through the cemetery shaking his head in annoyance. He didn’t want this to go on, but he was here to get some money and work out a bit, and neither of these were a problem for him, and were more than enough of a reason for him to be here.

    He yawned as he walked through the cemetery shaking his head in annoyance as he slowly sat himself back down on one of the Tombstones that were erected over someone’s grave. So here he was sitting there and frowning deeply to himself. There was something that he didn’t like about this kind of store, but he would indeed stay here and get his job done. What he didn’t know however was what he would do next, but there was not something that he could really think about at the moment. Really it was the end of his bothersome annoyance, but there was nothing more to be done about it so that meant he had to wait. Yet from the sounds of the grounds around him then he really wouldn’t have to wait around all that much longer.

    WC: 263/2,500

    Last edited by FeitanKazeshini on 27th June 2016, 11:38 am; edited 1 time in total


    Killing the Undead (solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Killing the Undead (solo, Private) Empty Re: Killing the Undead (solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 26th June 2016, 11:34 am

    Monster Dice Rolls appear in this post

    Feitan watched with a pretty disinterested gaze at the ground that was starting to move around him. They were starting to move up, and he could see several of the skeleton hands piercing from the ground and gripping the air. There were fifteen for this first bout, and he only shrugged his shoulders lightly in dismissal as he summoned up his umbrella slowly opening it above his head and then standing on the tombstone that he figured that he would be happy to stand on. Now he stood there and watched as all of these skeletons finally managed to start pulling themselves out of the earth, but there was much more movement than just these fifteen skeletons. They didn’t seem all that impressive, but he wasn’t going to underestimate them, for the simple fact that they outnumbered him and that was very dangerous.

    The first of the skeletons was wielding a bow with some strange arrows, and he didn’t want this thing to hit him. Instead he put his hands on his hips and spoke “Time to go Western.” He said and with the sound of a gunshot, and the rattle of a rattlesnake tail he was covered to look like an old west gunslinger. He spun the dials on the holsters he wore before he stuffed his hands into them with a smirk. Now with them powered up by elemental magic he pulled them out once more and held his right hand like a gun before he rapidly fanned his thumb as if it was a trigger and this shot out six bullet like shots of magic that looked like shafts of light. These hit the skeleton archer, and a few others who had finally gotten to their feet. 

    The shots were strong enough to shatter the skeletons being that they weren’t all that powerful to begin with. His shots were stronger than the magic that held the beings together shattering them completely. He saw that there was magic trying to pull them together, but he had done enough damage to these creatures in order to keep that magic from actually working. He still had at least ten enemies to deal with, and that would be somewhat inconvenient, but he simply rolled his eyes as he saw a bunch of skeletons move towards him as a group, they were holding swords, and two of them seemed to be readying some kind of spell to throw at him for some purpose. He wouldn’t allow this however as he pulled up his right hand opening it curling his fingers into an arch facing the group and focused magic into it.

    The blast that flew from his hand however was not an ordinary one, and one of the skeleton magi was struck full force. The moment the bullet hit the skeleton however it exploded and collided into all of the other ones that were around it. This was not going to put an end to the damnedable things, or at least that was the thought, but he was careful to not think that. It didn’t take all that long until the skeletons began to reform and stand up ready to fight. It didn’t take him long however to shoot them down with his right hand, and he repeated the typical five shots that he got a second time this time aiming at the one skeleton left standing and the other archers that he found, which were only a couple. Now only three of the skeleton magi were left.

    He moved his left hand out of his holster and fired two big blasts sinking one into each of the remaining skeleton magi breaking them utterly with blasts made of fire. They burned away slowly. For the last remaining one he decided he would handle with something a bit cleaner than blasts, and so he quickly snatched up his umbrella running with it and dodging to avoid spells that were being thrown at him with such skill that the skeleton mage was unable to hit anything. When he was finally as close as he wanted to be he discarded the actual umbrella portion of his weapon drawing out the hidden blade it held. With this in hand he slashed through the skeleton magi's arm severing it entirely before he cut the damned thing's head off. This was not the end of it though as Feitan began to stomp and pound on the bones smashing them into the dirt below his feet. Only when he was sure that it would not get back up did he stop and listen to the ground moving and rumbling even more a short distance away from his current location.  Then he turned his attention to the next wave of skeletons rising these however were wearing gauntlets clearly suits of armor. 


    Last edited by FeitanKazeshini on 30th June 2016, 2:17 am; edited 2 times in total


    Killing the Undead (solo, Private) TwlZpF6
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    Killing the Undead (solo, Private) Empty Re: Killing the Undead (solo, Private)

    Post by NPC 26th June 2016, 11:34 am

    The member 'FeitanKazeshini' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Killing the Undead (solo, Private) StrongMonster Killing the Undead (solo, Private) StrongMonster Killing the Undead (solo, Private) WeakMonster Killing the Undead (solo, Private) StrongMonster Killing the Undead (solo, Private) WeakMonster Killing the Undead (solo, Private) StrongMonster Killing the Undead (solo, Private) NormalMonster Killing the Undead (solo, Private) WeakMonster Killing the Undead (solo, Private) NormalMonster Killing the Undead (solo, Private) NormalMonster

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Killing the Undead (solo, Private) Empty Re: Killing the Undead (solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 30th June 2016, 2:47 am

    With a rather annoyed look on his face Feitan shook himself off and soon the guise he was wearing faded away just at that same moment when all of the skeleton knights emerged from the ground their armor looking rusted in some places, but for some reason the weapons they were holding seemed to be freshly forged almost as if they had never been touched by time’s march, and that was fairly impossible, but interesting to see nonetheless. At present Feitan sighed as he moved back to the top of his umbrella sheathing his blade inside of the umbrella. He wouldn’t use this for the skeletons that were here, as there was really no need for him to waste it on breaking these pathetic creatures in his own mind. So instead he simply stood there and watched the scene that was unfolding before him licking his lips slowly as he clearly enjoyed this little battle that was about to happen.
    At present he said nothing, and made no real effort to move all that much. He waited until all of the skeleton knights were on their feet and there was over a baker’s dozen of these foul creatures and he would make sure to enjoy this fight to the fullest. He popped his neck as he brought his hands up to hold in front of him pressing his wrists together. This was all he needed to do in order to activate one of his most preferred spells and soon enough he was wearing shackles with only his pants remaining intact. He wasn’t done here however as he brought his fists up to his mouth and ripped into his own flesh with sharp teeth clearly being used to doing this sort of thing by now. The blood began to flow from his hands and while it wasn’t a pretty sight to behold soon enough both his hands became covered in spheres of his own blood, and grew spikes.
    These were the Porcupine Gauntlets of the Sinner, and he was ready to fight now. He licked his lips charging the first of the knights who had managed to start a lot closer than his brothers. In his undead hands was held a spear it looked like the shaft might be slightly eaten away by insects but the blade did not appear to be rusty in the least. The skeleton figure made a stab at him, but Feitan simply moved his head out of the way letting the blade crash against his gauntlet and snap making the spear into a simple quarterstaff. With the weapon Taken Care of Feitan slammed his free fist into the chest of the skeleton denting and piercing the armor shattering some of the bones, and just for good measure as he didn’t trust the blow that he hand dealt to the creature he slammed his other fist into the skeleton’s head turning it into a fine powder due to the force of the impact.
    He didn’t have time to rest on this easy win however as soon enough more skeleton knights drew in on him with the intent to kill. He really couldn’t blame them at all however, as it would be exactly what he would do if he was in the situation that they were in. So instead he simply licked his lips and parried the blow from a sword with one gauntlet while avoiding the swing of an axe on the opposite side by stepping into the one who was wielding the sword and slapping his gauntlet covered fists against that armor. He saw that the armor responded as if it was trying to take away his magic, or rather protect the wearer from the magic in question, but that was just useless and Feitan only scoffed in his annoyance as he saw that this was the case. He wouldn’t bother with worrying about it making sure to sink much, much harder blows into the foes that he would have to fight.
    The Axe wielder was close on his heels however and rushed at him swinging the axe in a horizontal slash this time, and Feitan dropped to the ground sweeping his legs out to knock the skeleton to the ground the shock caused it to let go of the axe and it went spinning through the air colliding into another of the skeletons who was starting to get too close. It was an easy victory and Feitan rolled crashing his firsts into the fallen skeleton one after the other rolling back up onto his feet just in time to be swung at by a mace. The skeleton was rotting and it was too hard to move the weapon he could see, but that wasn’t going to bother him he brought his hands up and while the blow was lessened he had been thrown back into a skeleton knight knocking it over.

    He hissed in pain as he shook his head in irritation snarling and hopping back towards the tombstone that he had been using when he had first entered the graveyard. He had, had enough of this farce and he stood there waiting for the skeletons to get closer to him. Being that they were stupid and worthless as a whole he licked his lips and waited there a moment. The beings grouped up just like he was hoping making their way towards him in a solid formation and he laughed without mercy as he dismissed his gauntlets holding up his left hand. There he focused his magic as best he could and then he shot out the great blast of holy demon slaying energy. It ripped through the dozen skeletons as if they were paper and lit up the silent Cemetary casing light on the black hands that were starting to reach up out of the ground as well, and he panted from being so forcefully flung out of his demonic skin standing albeit shakenly on that tombstone where he stood. He had more to fight and this would only get harder, and he would have to use more powerful forms and spells, but he would do just that.



    Killing the Undead (solo, Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


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    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Killing the Undead (solo, Private) Empty Re: Killing the Undead (solo, Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 30th June 2016, 3:11 am

    Feitan reached into his pocket and pulled out a jar of Sardines. The jar was broken, but that wasn’t a concern. He quickly slurped down five of the horrible tasting fish and watched as the black skeletons arose with such quickness he could hardly believe it. He had to act fast otherwise he would not be able to fight for long. There were fourty of these damnedable things and he inhaled as he put his hands together as if praying and spoke softly “I am a servant of the Netherworld.” With that he was wrapped up and became the spitting image of a Demon Monk. He looked to the skeletons assembled and shook his head in sorrow “Poor souls. I shall free you from this.” With that he dragged his index finger on his chest and was soon covered in dark evil light appearing to be a monster. He focused his power into his right hand and shot it forward slamming this sphere of power into the center of a group of the skeletons. Only about nine of them, but it exploded and smashed into them all breaking them to pieces. He didn’t stop here however and he quickly pointed to a giant tombstone and flicked his wrist in the direction of more of the skeletons it shot out of the ground tumbling and ripping through their ranks with ease until it finally stopped crushing one of them completely.

    He didn’t have time to rest on his laurels he knew full well that this would not be the end of this battle and so he dismissed the form he was in panting softly to himself. It was tiring to shift so rapidly through his forms, but he didn’t have a choice. So he clapped his hands together and the sound of a bell was heard. He was soon covered in a cloud of darkness and he emerged as the son of an overlord Mao. He leapt down from his platform and rushed forward his shadow coming to life and striking down the skeletons that were only just starting to get put back together. It was enough to keep them down for a moment and then Feitan stopped letting his shadow return to him and suddenly 15 snakes made of shadow shot out from behind him striking as many targets as they could thankfully that was 8 different targets multiple times and it brought them crumbling to the ground in front of him. With this done he leapt backwards smirking and licking his lips as he slowly took his glasses off.

    Now he was able to be patient until he felt agony ripping through him and saw that one of the skeletons was a mage and had hit him with some dark spell. It wasn’t terrible, but it was painful. He screamed out in defiance as he crushed the glasses in hand and his clothes ripped before he was once more in a true demon guise. He inhaled and let his wings fan out holding his hands out. From the wings and his hands came four spheres of black and white magic swirling around each other and with one motion they turned into great beams in a line the only safe spot was right in front of Feitan and there were very few skeletons in that small sliver. The rest were ripped through by this dark/light magic shattering them and bringing them to their knees or in some cases returning them to death.

    The blast didn’t last very long and Feitan soon was left back in his typical form, but he didn’t stop there. The few surviving skeletons were moving towards him and those that had been hit were already pulling themselves back together. He brought his hand up sinking his teeth into it in a different location and he was bathed in blood and bats. Emerging as the vampire demon Valvatorez he reached into his pocket pulling out a special can of sardines. He ripped it open and inhaled the fish the last of the black skeletons now fully repaired and moving towards him. With this done he began to scream as his body was ripped apart and shot up to form into the mighty Tyrant.

    He towered over everything his tail smashing through headstones, graves, and the stone features of the cemetary. He didn’t have time to worry about this, as he inhaled as deeply as he could before exhaling and shooting out a cone of black flames. These flames sought out the skeletons before him and burned the bones to ashes now consuming them entirely and he panted before he witnessed his destruction. He saw a few of them trying to reshape, but with a snap of his tail he smashed these pieces breaking them utterly. 

    There he stood admist the chaos he had wrought and panting heavily from the pain he was going through, and the madness that was now eating away at him with ease. A voice snapped him back to reality “Oh my. You did very well, very well indeed.” He handed Feitan a sack of jewels that was so tiny compared to the Tyrant, but he caught it and with a great beat of his wings he lifted to the air heading back home before he passed out.



    Killing the Undead (solo, Private) TwlZpF6
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