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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 13th September 2016, 9:16 pm

    Monster Roll
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 13th September 2016, 9:17 pm

    Monster Roll

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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by NPC 13th September 2016, 9:17 pm

    The member 'Roy the Chanter' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) NormalMonster


    #2 'Monster Dice' :
    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) NormalMonster


    #3 'Monster Dice' :
    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) WeakMonster
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 18th September 2016, 10:56 pm

    Roy crept up on the village and kept himself hidden with his haze spell and his naturally ability to move silently. As he inspected the village he noticed that it was completely empty, except the presence of many of the undead. A literal ghost town. Roy resisted the urge to jump out in to the open and slay all of these unholy monsters, for now. He wanted to inspect his surroundings a little bit before doing so.

    Every so often shadows flickered in and out of his vision, but he imagined that there creatures were just as unlikely to see him, as he was to see them so he paid them no mind. However as he continued to make his way closer to the cemetery he began to notice more and more of these shadows, eventually he even began to see ghouls walking openly, searching out for more prey.

    Perhaps the graveyard was their place of gathering, as such they didn't feel the need to sneak around in it. If this was their home here that would mean that whoever was causing this was probably at the center of this place. Or at least somewhere near there. If not there then where else could it be honestly?

    WC: 207


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    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 18th September 2016, 11:27 pm

    Roy tried to creep unseen into the cemetery, but as with all great adventures his attempt to avoid confrontation failed. Quite dramatically actually. As he took a step into the cemetery he made what one would call a rookie mistake, and snapped a twig, alerting one of the nearby ghouls to his presence. He cursed inwardly, he normally didn't fail like that but this time it appeared he did. He figured there would be no easy way out of this so he decided to go all out. He removed his haze spell's illusion and let himself be seen by all, attracting the attention of all the ghouls in the area. The first one he put down with a quick flaming fist.


    Then he summoned his spectral hands and set them about to tear another two ghouls apart, four hands to each, and the other two targeted the head of a third ghoul to make up for their lack of numbers. Luckily this worked out really well, and dropped the ghoul just as easily as the other hands.

    Roy smiled as he discovered this little trick, that would make this much easier. He set the hands to go to work on their own, each hand pairing up with another allowing him to take down five ghouls at a time. Their moans and hollering only drowned out by the sound of flesh and bones being torn and shredded by his spectral hands.

    Roy had very little time to enjoy this however as he was faced with another much more fearsome attacker. A ghost like creature, perhaps another innocent soul lost to this horrible curse, forced to wander an unending existence between the land of the living, and the land of the dead. Roy's anger would have flared had it not been for the ghosts fearful presence. Even a man as dedicated to eradicating the forces of evil as himself suddenly felt the cold grip of fear grab his stomach. A bead of sweat ran down his face and his muscles suddenly felt stiff and heavy. What was happening here Roy wondered...He gave his best attempt to overcome this fear with a mighty roar and sprint towards the unholy spirit that was slowly making it's way towards him.


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    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 18th September 2016, 11:28 pm

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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by NPC 18th September 2016, 11:28 pm

    The member 'Roy the Chanter' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Block
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 128
    Guild : Sabertooth
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    Experience : 1,050

    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 18th September 2016, 11:45 pm

    Roy's fury overcame the fear and be bounded towards his opponent summoning his chain and lashing out with it, it struck the creature for in the head as Roy was beginning to figure out that was the best way to deal with these monsters. But the spirit was undeterred and merely wailed all the louder as it came at Roy. Roy summoned his smoke ring attack however as he struck the spectral fiend and allowed it to begin crushing the unholy monster. Roy figured that this at least would stop the beast but it still clung to whatever little unlife it had left, and struck Roy in the shoulder. He screamed in pain as his eyes widened, he was becoming all to accustomed to this kind of life stealing pain. It didn't help that this spirit's resilience had caught him off guard.

    Roy hopped back and away from that numbing pain, damnit that never got any easier to deal with. He kept hoping backwards and away from the spirit knowing that his spell would take continue to deal damage to it, and he hoped that it would destroy it. He wouldn't rely on that however and struck the sad creature with his chain once more as the ring continued to constrict it and damage it. Finally with one more ghastly moan the being faded once more into the air collapsing on the ground in it's last moments of wretched existence in this world. Roy's smoke ring spell faded, but as he turned around hardly more than a few feet in front of him was another unholy spirit, come to try its own luck against Roy. He felt the icy hand of fear grasp his spirit again and he wasn't sure that he had enough time to overcome before this creature reached him. But barring his fangs and growling harshly at the beast he tried to muster what strength he could. His teeth clenched, his eyes widened, and his veins popped. The arm that controlled his chain shook under the effort he put in to moving it. This was a make or break moment for him.



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    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 18th September 2016, 11:46 pm

    Dice Roll


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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by NPC 18th September 2016, 11:46 pm

    The member 'Roy the Chanter' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) FailedBlock
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 19th September 2016, 12:20 am

    Roy's muscles wouldn't move, they were to heavy, and the fear gripped his heart, he began to panic, and sweat poured down his forehead uncontrollably. "Damn it!" Roy shouted in fury as his body refused to obey his comands, the spirit reached him without a problem and Roy's failing reflexes didn't save him from a barrage of blows that it launched at him, one after another. The first to strike him hit him in the face cutting off his shout midway, the air was caught in his throat, and burned as it caught in his lungs, unnaturally being forced to stay in, his eyes, his cheeks, the skin and bone on every part of his head exploded with needle-like pain, slowly dulling into a horrible numbness that left him feeling hollow. He couldn't blink, scream, or breathe. It was frightening.

    The next hand launched itself into Roy's already wounded arm, the explosion of pain was less than the one in his head, but the numbness was so much worse, luckily it wasn't his right arm, but that did nothing to console him in this moment. He wasn't even sure if he could move that arm for this fight. It felt more like a dull piece of ice attached to his body than a functioning appendage.

    The next blow to hit him was in the stomach, his core muscles began to fail almost immediately as the icy sensation pierced them, and even reached his spine, sending a horrible wave of sharp pain throughout his whole body, if Roy could scream right now he was sure that his scream would have torn the skin of his throat and blood would have launched out of his mouth. But he couldn't scream, so he sat there and endured that in silent unbearable agony. Every nerve in his body was in agony and the major muscles of his body were filled with a cold stabbing pain slowly being replaced with a terrible numbness that left him feeling like his body wasn't even his own anymore.

    In fact that feeling of not being himself began to grow, and for some reason he ghost began to appear a little less there...Roy's eyes widened as the spirit slowly tried to take over his body. He could hardly move after the ghosts unceasing barrage of attacks, he could hardly think anymore, as he started forgetting what thoughts where even his own. His legs finally gave way under the weight of hi failing body and fell to the ground in his back, the ghost coming with him and taking even more control of his control away. The terrible feeling of numbness in his wounded arm gre4w so extreme that for a moment he felt like he had lost it, but then in the corner of his eye he saw that it was moving. It was moving and he was not the one moving it!

    Roy's adrenaline began to kick in, and his fury came back with a vengeance. This was his body! And he would never let it come under the control of this unholy curse! He would die before that happened! A cream finally erupted from his throat, long and loud resounding through the whole cemetery. The last of his fighting spirit which he could already feel slipping away he directed in to one spell, one last spell to save his very being.

    His smoke trap spell formed around the two struggling beings, and enclosed itself around the spirit trapping it in a smoke coffin and ripping it away from Roy. Finally he could breathe! He could move! The fiery angry in his heart did much to alleviate the effects of the ghosts attacks, at least for the moment. He rolled out from under the ghost and leaped to his feet, still unable to get up fully he balanced himself with one of his hands in a crouched position and took advantage of the time that this ghost would be prone from his spell to fill up the area with methane gas. He summoned his hands back to him as well despite the fact that they were the only ones holding the ghouls at bay, and as the ghost regained its own ability to move Roy merely stood there waiting.

    Once the thing eeked its way closer to Roy, and reached out a hand to touch him, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, and the cold unlife of the creature brushing his cheek he released his fire spell. Slamming his fist in to the ghosts face, dealing massive damage with that alone, and coupling it with the explosion all around him, that was plenty to destroy the creature. But Roy wouldn't be satisfied with that, he sent his own host of spectral hands to tear the creature apart in the midst of this attack, and by the time the smoke cleared there was no sign that there had ever been an attacker here. There hadn't even been enough time for the thing to give out one last moan of desperation like all the others had.

    Roy collapsed on the ground exhausted and nursing his wounded arm. He couldn't move it and that worried him. But he supposed it was a far site better than seeing it move without his permission. There was a pile of burnt ghouls around him now, his hands once they stopped holding the ghouls at bay had let them creep in very close to where he was. He didn't see anymore ghouls in the area, but he set his hands to watch for more of them, and destroy them if any came. He needed a few minutes to regulate his breathing and let some feeling return to his muscles. But when it did he was up on his feet and shambling with hands in tow closer to the center of the graveyard.



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    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 20th September 2016, 9:16 pm

    Monster Roll

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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by NPC 20th September 2016, 9:16 pm

    The member 'Roy the Chanter' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) NormalMonster
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 20th September 2016, 9:18 pm

    Block Dice


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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by NPC 20th September 2016, 9:18 pm

    The member 'Roy the Chanter' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Block
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 128
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 20th September 2016, 9:42 pm

    Roy felt the same fear he had only just gotten over try to grip him again, but by this point he was becoming accustomed to the feeling, and it didn't take very much to get over it. He sent his smoke hands out towards the creature and let them pummel it, like always the beast seemed pretty much undisturbed by the damage it was taking and continued coming after him. Roy struck out with has chain as well and as it hit the beast he released his fire spell into it, and was surprised to see that the monster wasn't downed yet. He didn't let himself get worked up this time and as the beast approached him he merely hopped towards the left and let his chain and hands strike out again, finally subduing the creature and with it's signature moan, he watched it fade away into the air.

    There couldn't be too many more of these things out there, Roy imagined, certainly all the ghouls had been destroyed by this point. But the fact that he hadn't seen the ring leader yet, or any more powerful undead disturbed him. Surely if there were this many of these creatures out here, there must be more powerful one's lurking out there too.

    As he continued to wander around Roy cast his gaze about the place, he was almost at the center now. If there was anything out there then surely this would be the place that it would reside in. Finally, a lumbering undead brute appeared, and Roy smiled. This, was perhaps the one he had been looking for. If not, then it was certainly going to be the ring leader's guard. Which indeed meant that he was getting closer. Soon enough he would end this curse, and remove this evil from the land.



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    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 20th September 2016, 11:09 pm

    Roy consumed a few health and magic lacrima when he spotted the beast, making sure that he would fight this thing fresh. Or at least as fresh as possible, given what he had just been through some of his spells still needed a little more time before he could cast them again. But ah well, little else could be done here. It's not like running away was an option. Not while these unholy fiends still roamed the lands.

    Roy's chained lashed out again and struck the huge brute before him from behind, he was done hiding from these creatures, he was done running. The brute charged him now, he was faster than Roy thought he would be but he managed to get in another strike before the beast reached him, Roy rolled to the side in order to avoid it's charge and struck the beast again. His chain disappeared however finally his spells duration ending. So Roy decided that he would have to take this combat to a more personal level, and pulling out his blade he launched himself at his opponent and slashed him in the stomach.

    The brute hardly seemed to notice this however and struck downward at him with both of his fists, if it weren't for his enhanced reflexes he would surely have taken both of those blows, as it was he stepped backwards and managed to avoid the attack. However unexpectedly the beast managed to throw a kick at Roy, and struck him soundly in the stomach, sending tremors throughout his body and throwing him backwards at least 15 ft. Roy landed on his back, but slapped his hands on the ground to absorb the shock. and rolled backwards so that he would be facing the beast in a crouched position.

    WC: 293
    TWC: 2836


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    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 21st September 2016, 10:35 pm

    Roy smiled as the beast approached him, and prepared himself for the next onslaught of this beasts attack. The beast came at him and threw punch after punch, Roy dodged left and right, narrowly avoiding his attacks, but some of them came so close that Roy even felt the wind of it's blows brush across his face. Seeing that it was getting no where with it's punches it launched another kick at Roy, but this time Roy expected this, and hopped onto his leg, he laughed a little as he used this creatures leg to catapult his own foot squarely into the monster's own head.

    He back flipped away from the creature as it reeled back, but it was made of sterner stuff than Roy thought, and it came at Roy before he could even do anything to dodge it. He raised his arm to block a direct haymaker to his skull, and absorbed some of the damage, but not all. The same tremors from before ran through his body, only this time much worse. The vibrations screwed up his muscle movements for a moment and he almost fell over. But he recovered from this soon enough to roll out of the way of another destructive blow.

    He readied himself for another onslaught and this time he brought out a second knife and every time the beast launched a blow at him he blocked it with the blades of his knife, taking off a little skin each time. The beast got frustrated and launched a powerful blow, Roy evaded this easily and pierced the thing with both of his blades, maneuvering under it's its arm and striking it in the knee cap with a powerful kick. He heard a satisfying crack and hopped back to see how well his kick had done.

    WC: 301
    TWC: 3137


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    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

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    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 22nd September 2016, 10:41 pm

    Roy noticed that his blades were caught in the monster as he backed away from it. He didn't carry any more blades with him, at least not tonight. He supposed he would simply have to take this battle into purely hand to hand combat. Unless of course he could outwit the thing. Which as Roy looked at the beast, didn't seem very hard. He smiled gruesomely as he raised his hands and taunted the beast.  "Come get me you dumb brute I'm right here!" Roy shouted, perhaps that wasn't the most clever of lines but it would do the trick.

    The monster charged at him again. This time Roy waited for it, waited so long in fact that the beast reached him without a single problem. Tearing through him with it's mighty hands and ripping him to shreds, or at least ripping his illusion to shreds. For a moment it stood there unaware of what was happening, and then Roy launched a devastating blow to the creatures skull with a jumping front kick from behind. The creature turned around swinging it's massive hand at Roy only to find an illusion once more, Roy took that opportunity to tear his blades out from it's arms, and dove away from another one of it's attacks. He was finally starting to get a hang for this things rhythm, and dodging it's attacks was becoming a bit easier. As was finding when to attack the thing. He stood still with blades in hand waiting for it's next attack.

    WC: 255
    TWC: 3382


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    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

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    Experience : 1,050

    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 22nd September 2016, 11:27 pm

    It went like that for a while, Roy would use his haze spell to distract the beast, disappear for a moment, only to strike from behind. He tried to aim for the things head, as that seemed to be it's weakest point. But he would settle for almost anything at this point, another kick another punch he bobbed and weaved through them slicing left and right doing a little damage here and there. He finally backed away from the creature which at this point was shambling bleeding mess panting heavily. It had strips of flesh lying all over the ground from where Roy had taken chunks out of it but the damned thing kept coming at him. This thing was truly a monster, and Roy was lucky that nothing else was here to challenge, otherwise he doubted that he would be able to keep up with it.

    Truth be told at this point he was just waiting for his spells to recharge, he had used so many of them in so little time that he was starting to run out of options, and he was sure that his toughest challenge was still before him. He would probably need every last drop of his magical power to handle it, and after this fight he wouldn't hesitate to use a few more magic restoring lacrima.

    The beast gave one last grand effort to destroy him, and launched itself forward swinging wildly and kicking out at Roy every opportunity it had. Roy stabbed at it's appendages as it struck at him, finally disabling one of it's legs for good, and then working on it's arms. As they began to slow down Roy seized his opportunity and plunged both of his blades into the creature, one from the front, and then launching himself upwards he stabbed the top of it's skull on the way down, diving backwards once more to avoid it's falling body. He smiled as he took a knee and dropped his blades. He had finally brought this monster down, it would have been easier with magic. But by now his spells had fully recharged, and he was more than ready to take on this curses ring leader.

    WC: 366
    TWC: 3748


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    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

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    Experience : 1,050

    City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy) Empty Re: City of the undead (Solo Job for Roy)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 23rd September 2016, 1:31 am

    Roy used enough healing and magic lacrima to restore him to his full potential before he continued, he also decided to light his pipe and take a few puffs from that. If that was just a creation of this curse, then he wasn't sure he could take down the curses creator. Even with all of his magic and health restored, at least not by himself. Then again Roy specialized in this sort of task, and as long as he was the one who got the drop on this ring leader than he was sure he could devise a trap to put him down for good. But how to find him without drawing him out, and laying low at the same time. Roy continued to puff his pipe as he thought about this problem, or perhaps those things were simply not an option at this time. He wasn't sure but he refused to get frustrated, he needed to be calm in order to solve this problem. If he got frustrated like he was inclined to do against these unholy adversaries he might not be able to destroy them. Much as he hated them he was willing to put aside that raging emotions, if there was a more efficient was of eradicating these being from the world.

    He thought about it again for a few moments, and decided that the best thing he could do in this situation was the right thing, the next best thing that he could do was the wrong thing, and the worst thing that he could was nothing at all. Roy smiled and took another long drag from his pipe, he folded his arms and leaned against one of the blackened rotting trees, deciding that perhaps he could lure the creature here, and still get the drop on him. It might not be the best plan, but to be honest if he gave him too much to prepare he might outwit even himself. Perhaps if he couldn't come up with a great plan himself, then the best thing he could do was even the playing field. Roy figured that by the time the leader of this curse actually showed up his spell should recharge anyways. It would also give him plenty of time to lay his spells down. If this thing truly wanted to kill him then it would be forced to go through his traps. Of course the trick was pissing it off enough to make him reckless enough to kill him no matter the cost.

    He raised his hand in the air, and prepared his haze spell as well. Then when his spell finally took the form that he would need he blasted off a burst of brilliant flames in the air, illuminating the night's sky and showing off a very illustrious depiction of many fallen undead, scattered into piles of broken bodies, and shattered bones, as well as humiliating depictions of their cowardice, all whilst being stomped on by a single man bearing the symbol of the church. He laughed loudly while this went on just in case the thing was nearby and it could hear him. He figured that it would help to antagonize him a little bit more. As it turned out the dreaded ring leader wasn't so close, otherwise Roy was sure that something would have been done to him already, or at least, something would have happened in general. Roy paced himself for a few moments, just smoking his pipe. If he laid his traps to quickly then they would expire, or at least take up to much magical energy before the fight even started. Neither of these outcomes was acceptable. However if he waited to long he wouldn't have time to lay down as many spells as he wanted, and even just one or so could probably be the difference between life and death. Soon enough, he began to lay down his spells.

    the bacor finally appeared, and spoke to Roy. As it spoke Roy thought to himself that perhaps, he had overestimated his opponents potential intelligence. It's words were grotesque, and rudimentary at best. "you, the man, of the church. You die now. " Roy smiled and merely puffed smoke from his pipe again, standing up straight and motioning with his hand for the beast to come closer. It grimaced at him and gave out a mighty roar, at first Roy thought that this was merely for show, and then he saw that it had actually managed to summon a swarm of the same ghoulish creatures from before. He decided to ignore them for now, which seemed to anger the leader of these zombies, and luckily for Roy he decided to charge forward with the herd of his zombie followers, perhaps he wanted them to absorb some of the damage that Roy intended to dish out before charging in himself.

    Well, none of that would be a problem for Roy. He waited, waited again until they got really close. But as he had hoped for they all set foot within his trap around the same time. His smoke coffin caught them all at the same time focusing on the leader most of all however, dealing the most damage to it, and stunning it for a few moments as well. The rest of these ghouls didn't seem all that capable of continuing the fight but just in case Roy had something in store for them, that would also hit their leader. In fact it would hit him hardest of all. Luckily their had been enough time passed since the last time he used this spell. Roy extended his hand, and laucnhed a missile of flame at the corpse leader. This struck him a decent blow but it also ingited the methane gas that had seeped in to the area, causing an even more devestating explosion. This certainly decimated all of the ghouls in the area, and did quite a number on the beast that was leading this whole undead operation. But this creature seemed to be extraordinarily tough, and this attack seemed only to have phased him. He wouldn't be surprised if four more of those attacks wouldn't even put him down. Roy summoned his chain and launched the creature 20 meters to the left, where his next trap lay in waiting. As the thing landed an explosion of 20 ghostly fists suddenly popped up from all around it, as well as a smoke clone that Roy had summoned to bolster his numbers. Indeed he doubted that he could do this alone, but in all honesty with that spell he never really fought alone. Each of those hands struck downward on the brute, pummeling him with all of their might. This massive onslaught of attacks seemed to have actually put a dent into this creatures defense.

    Roy's smokey chain held the creature in place for another round of attacks, and for a moment it almost seemed as if Roy would achieve vocitory right there. After all even if the beast couldn't be held any longer, certainly it would die before it could find a way out of that horrible mine field of unending damage brought about by Roy's spectral hands. As Roy's hands continued to pummel it he cast his smoke ring spell through his smoke chain, as it began to constrict the unholy brute  doing even more damage to it.  Despite the beasts severe wounmdnds however it was able to bring itself up, and leap right over the field of hands and almost directly next to Roy. Roy was a little shocked by this in the beginning but he soon got over that, and decided that if he continued to do nothing at all, he was going to die very very soon, and quite painfully. So he lept out of the way of it's barrage of attacks and bites all of which seemed as if they could deliver some massive damage on their own. He feared to think what could happen to a man should he take the full force of this things attack with no sufficient defense to defend himself from this maddned monsters rage.

    Roy would have to use his fog spell, in order to buy some time to come up with another strategy, at this point it was actually not an option to engage in hand to hand with this monster. He imagined that even if he could compete with it on an equal level, it was just so much more resistant to pain, and so much stronger that it would deal out more damage in one second than Roy thought he could deal out in ten. As such Roy cast this fog spell, and hide in it, using his haze spell as well to make the ordeal of finding him even harder. He wasn't sure if he had enough time to bring his hands back here in order to help him out at this point, he was worried that the mosnter wouuld get him first,but for the moment he could always attack with his chain from all directions to confuse it , this should at least soften him up a bit. Just then Roy knew what he needed to do, as this monster struggled voraciously against his chain. He cleared his fog spell, and had his clone wait, unshielded by haze for the monster. The beast saw this clopne and dove for it, tearing it to shreds quite easily with his blows. Pain explodded in Roy as it usually did when his clone was destroyed, the life energy that he put in to it being lost to him. He didn't actually suffer any damage but the price of creating that magical construct, and then loosing it was great indeed. So much so that abusing thjhat spell could easily kill him.

    However as the beast ddestroyed that Clone of Roy he found that he had let his guard down in it's rage. Allowing Roy the time he needed to get in position to lay down another trap for the beast. He removed his own haze and roared out at the monsterss waiting for it to come to him again, by this point it had suffered so much loss and pain at Roys hands that it was driven in to a friendzy, and charged at him blindly. Royhad positioned his hands in between him and the monster, and hid them with his haze spell, and when the beast came forward at him he unleashed these hands from the ground and sent them to massacre the rotting foe before him. Strong as he was this unholy beast had simply suffered to much damage, and could not longer coniue to fight. Roy had done it, he had slain the beast, and he had removed this curse.

    The sun semed to shine a little righter as the beast fell, the clouds slowly lifted, and welcomed a new dawn. The night was fading and as this creature died it seemed that the daylight drifted over the town, purifiyng the darkness in it and setting it alight with a bright red tinge of brilliant light.

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      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:41 pm