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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 24th October 2015, 9:13 pm

    Job Description:


    For the first time in weeks Mashyuu was glad to have his mother's old brown jacket over his green tee shirt. The air had been chilly and he and Rocky were waiting outside a once great city for a few hours, waiting for Laughing Coffin's guild Rep. The city behind Mashyuu and Rocky was massive, large stone towers seemed to touch the sky and an iron barred fence seemed to protect it from the world at large. However when Mashyuu looked through the gates he couldn't see anyone. But after visiting Beanstalk Village, Jacob the farmer said that Sarah had come to this village before Mashyuu got the letter from the man in black.

    "I don't know boy, something seems off about this place. I haven't seen the sun since we hit that forest a ways back and now it looks like neither the sun nor the moon are going to be up tonight. Keep an eye peeled for me. And if you see someone let me know." Mashyuu placed his back to the old dirt path that he had traveled down to get to the village and started looking for a sign of life or at least something that stated the name of the town he had come to.

    Blue eyes swept the area, some buildings looked like they hadn't seen use in years, others seemed to be well upkept even though there wasn't a soul on the streets. Mashyuu gave a frustrated grunt from his throat and kicked his brown boots against the iron fence in anger. He would have started to climb the fence but he heard Rocky start to bark in a warning tone. Mashyuu turned and took a readied stance while glancing down the road for whatever Rocky had sensed.

    WC 310

    Last edited by batman4560 on 25th October 2015, 5:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by Mark Baxter 25th October 2015, 8:02 am


    Brennan walked down the deserted path, Laughing Coffin had received a job request, and he had been sent, as the job fit him very well, strength-wise. With, Brennan carried A.I.R.C. and his two Ancient Blades, the latter of which were bouncing against his hips in their sheathes. Soon, Brennan spotted an individual with seemingly perfect hair, which, frankly, made Brennan jealous, as his hair was always a disheveled blue mess, no matter what he tried to do about it. Brennan also spotted an earth dog golem thing near the individual, and it started barking incessantly at Brennan and A.I.R.C.. A.I.R.C., being as curious as it was, hopped off of Brennan's shoulder and waddled up to the earth dog, poking it with stubby pink hands."Pretty!" A.I.R.C. chirped happily. Brennan sighed at the robot's lack of common sense and approached the humanoid individual. As he got closer, Brennan's golden eye shimmered, announcing that this man was an Earth Manipulation mage.

    Once Brennan got within earshot of the man, he started to talk, "Oi! I'm from Laughing Coffin, am I to assume you're the one who hired me?" He noticed that the man was wearing a beaten old brown jacket over his green shirt, it wasn't very fitting, it didn't go well with his outfit, so Brennan assumed that it was of some sentimental value to the man. Brennan could tell that the man was struggling with the fence, so, with a flick of his fingers, the earth beneath the iron fence started to tremble, and the entire structure collapsed to the ground.

    Last edited by Skyllon on 26th October 2015, 4:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! 1zya1cx



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 25th October 2015, 6:18 pm

    The pitter patter of footsteps grabbed Mashyuu's attention and caused him to twist to look at the strange robot prodding at Rocky. Mashyuu considered casting a spell at the creature when a voice called out to him before the ground shook and the iron fence behind him sank into the ground. "Earth Wizard?..." Mashyuu muttered under his breath in a bit of confusion. As far as he knew, Mashyuu was the only Earth Wizard around. It only took a moment for him to realize that the man down the road was calling out to Mashyuu.

    "Rocky, stay here." He ordered the animal like Golem, then walked up to the mage ahead of him. Mashyuu swiftly extended his hand to meet the other mans. "Hi, I'm the guy that put job request out. I'm Mashyuu, new Sabertooth Wizard. Nice to meet you..." He waited for a moment then continued. "Anyway, I requested the help because I have been trying to track down my friends killer and the trail led me to this town... I thought I could use the help, last time the mage I was with was more of a buff caster. Thanks for coming." Mashyuu motioned for the other Wizard to follow into the city.

    "I got here about an hour ago. I thought this town was supposed to have people in it but the town looks empty... Aside from the fact that if you listen carefully, there is some sort of wailing in the distance." Mashyuu pointed into the town. He hadn't mentioned that he was impressed with the other Earth Wizard's magic power. Instead he stepped into the town, a strange darkness seemed to linger over the town, it's stone building gave of a feeling of lifelessness. Rocky approached Mashyuu's side and whimpered sadly. "I have no idea where to even start...."

    WC: 310
    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

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    First Skill: Cephalon Impulse
    Second Skill: ---
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by Mark Baxter 26th October 2015, 5:11 pm


    Brennan simply nodded at Mashyuu's statements and took the man's hand, shaking it firmly, but not with too much strength. Brennan didn't know why, but as soon as he stepped over the fallen fencing, he felt... stronger than he had before, like something that was strengthening his magic. He furrowed his brow, and looked around at the town, which was, as Mashyuu had previously stated, completely devoid of any human life. He frowned, and A.I.R.C. hobbled up to him, and started to chirp, "This place is super duper empty! It chirped, it's mood still incredibly upbeat." Brennan nodded, "It's very empty indeed. Very empty..." His voice seemed to trail off into the distance, as if he was wondering what was going on.

    He walked into a deserted market, forgetting Mashyuu for a brief second, suddenly remembering the mage who was accompanying him. "It's Mashyuu, right?" He yelled, "Come over here!" He didn't even wait for Mashyuu before trailing even deeper into the market, looking for any clues. The market was, strangely, fully stocked, even though there was no one there to tend for it. Brennan grabbed a candy bar and peeled it open, biting into the nougat-y chocolate. He tossed one back at Mashyuu, even though he didn't actually know if the man was there. Suddenly, he heard a deep groaning sound coming from a door, which he opened, while leaning on his sapphire studded cane. His greeting wasn't particularly nice, in fact, it was horrible. He was greeted with enemies, all of which he would have to take down, with or without Mashyuu's help.


    HP: 100/100
    MP: 100/100
    Magic regen: 4 posts
    Spell Cool down: N/A


    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! 1zya1cx



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 26th October 2015, 9:43 pm

    Rolling for monster)

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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by NPC 26th October 2015, 9:43 pm

    The member 'batman4560' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! NormalMonster



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 26th October 2015, 11:04 pm

    Mashyuu started looking out for any signs of life as Brennan moved past him almost absently. Brown brows furrowed with frustration while Mashyuu took a step forward but the voice of Brennan took his attention. The young Wizard turned and followed the man with a walking stick and swords. "Yeah, I'm on the way." He responded and snapped softly, calling Rocky to his side.

    It didn't take long for Mashyuu to step into the shop that was strangely still fully stocked. "...It's like everyone just vanished..." Mashyuu stated while he caught the candy bar and placed it back on a shelf. "Rocky, up." He ordered the elemental as the moaning came from the back of the shop. Mashyuu crept up over towards Brennan as the man opened the door.

    Five ghostly figures sprang from a closet, shooting out towards the four heroes and Mashyuu took a half step back to try and brace himself. "Ah crap!" Mashyuu shouted and raised his hand to block a sudden strike. One went to attack Brennan and Mashyuu snapped at Rocky.

    Rocky growled and stood on it's legs, taking a deep breath it fired a line of stones at the first Spirit to spring from the closet. Mashyuu wasn't sure how his new partners magic worked but he knew that stones or dirt had to be somewhere if Mashyuu wanted to cast any sort of spell on the spirits.

    "Ughh I should have stayed outside." Mashyuu muttered under his breath while he tried to put some distance between him and the five spirits. They howled and wailed about, swarming and flying through the air taking passes at the four and trying to cause the group to fall into some sort of fear effect on them. The one that Rocky had hit soared for Mashyuu, it's strange hands swiped at the Wizard. He ducked but could feel it's presence come down on him.

    WC: 288

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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by NPC 26th October 2015, 11:04 pm

    The member 'batman4560' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Block
    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Experience : 9,213.19

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cephalon Impulse
    Second Skill: ---
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by Mark Baxter 28th October 2015, 7:36 pm


    Brennan reacted as quickly as possible, and dashed in front of Mashyuu just as the Spirit was about to strike him. Realizing that this was a ghost and that most of his magic would have no effect, Brennan created a brown magic circle in front of himself, exhaling into it. His Earth God's Bellow rammed into the ectoplasmic ghost, and sent it flying towards a wall. Normally, an attack like that wouldn't have been able to kill the spirit, but the effects of Brennan's magic were doubled by the Dark Forces of the village, so the ghost disintegrated upon impact. Considering that his partner would be unable to use his magic here, Brennan cracked open the ground of the store, revealing the earth and stones beneath the building. Brennan grimaced and considered something. He smiled to himself and leaned his sapphire encrusted cane against his shoulder. From the top of his cane blossomed the top of an umbrella, made out of blue energy. Over Brennan's head appeared a small, dim, gray cloud. At the moment, the cloud was doing nothing, but Brennan gestured it over to one of the Spirits, and it expanded, the about a meter in diameter. A thunderbolt shot down from the cloud, and struck one of the Spirits, not killing it, but incapacitating it. As the spirit was on the ground, Brennan shocked it again, leaving the spirit totally helpless on the floor. He stepped behind Mashyuu, "Your go, Earth Mage." He smiled and winked, leaning against a shelf.


    HP: 100/100
    MP: 100/100
    Magic regen: 3 posts
    Spell Cool down: N/A


    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! 1zya1cx



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 28th October 2015, 8:25 pm

    Mashyuu was already annoyed with the fact that his magic might be useless and that he would have to run from the stupid specters again but his new ally, Brennan had jumped in front of him and took out not one but two of the ghosts. Only three remained and the slightly more powerful Wizard had expected Mashyuu to preform.

    Something about watching the other Wizard inspired Mashyuu to new heights. He felt stronger, more healthy and a surge of energy rush through him for the first time since he started practicing Magic. Mashyuu stood his ground and summoned up magical power through his body.

    It seemed like Mashyuu could feel more earth than ever around him, from the rocks and splintered stone that Brennan had made to the soil of a near by potted plant. Mashyuu's forearms glowed with a magical power before the lose stones rumbled and flew at the Wizard. Each rock formed around his arms and fit snugly. "Rock Gauntlets!" He called out.

    Carefully Mashyuu took a stance ready to strike and as a Ghost started to fly at him, Mashyuu lashed out with a straight left strike, hitting the Ghost before it had a chance to strike him. The Ghost wasn't ready for the magical effects of Mashyuu's strike and while the young earth Wizard knew that his attack would have done more against a solid object, it had harmed the ghost anyway.

    A wide smile spread over Mashyuu's face and he looked back at Brennan with a smirk. "Not bad for the first casting of my spell." He joked while Rocky ran up behind Mashyuu and started to growl. The three ghosts started to swarm upon the four fighters and Mashyuu dropped low to a fighting stance.

    WC: 288
    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

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    First Skill: Cephalon Impulse
    Second Skill: ---
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by Mark Baxter 29th October 2015, 9:59 am


    Brennan was impressed, the earth mage had developed a technique that allowed him to harm phantasmal beings with earth. As the three ghosts started to swarm the mages, the cloud hanging above Brennan's head expanded, until it had a radius of ten meters. "Brace yourself." Brennan said to Mashyuu as lightning started dropping from the cloud. One of the ghosts was hit twice and collapsed onto the ground, it's phantasmal body twitching rapidly. The other two ghosts were hit once each, flinching, but not collapsing to the ground. A magic circle appeared in front of Brennan's face once again, and he exhaled into it, a black aura erupting from the magic circle, with black chunks of earth in it. It struck one of the ghosts head on, sending it flying towards the wall, where the ghost crumpled and dissipated. There was only one ghost left to take down, but Brennan didn't have the skill set to take it down. The cloud looming over his head then shrunk until it was nonexistent, and the umbrella, made of blue energy, dissipated, leaving him with nothing but his cane, which Brennan leaned against. Brennan panted, "I am missing the skill set to battle goddamn ghosts." He grimaced, and kicked a shelf, frowning disappointed.

    "You think you can use those gauntlets of yours to get rid of that last spirit?" He asked, still panting from the effort it had taken to get rid of the four ghosts. A.I.R.C., who had been doing nothing this whole time, chirped out of the blue.

    HP: 100/100
    MP: 100/100
    Magic regen: 2 posts
    Spell Cool down: N/A


    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! 1zya1cx



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 29th October 2015, 3:43 pm

    batman4560 wrote:

    A massive series of electrical bolts struck from a large cloud, hitting the ghosts and causing two of them to evaporate before they even had the chance to strike at the pair of Wizards. Showing no fear of the attack Mashyuu stood proudly and in awe at the items that the other Wizard carried. Mashyuu glanced over his shoulder and saw that the ground behind him was transforming. He took a step forward and watched as a rocky pillar erupted from the ground and crushed another ghost.

    One remained and it was already injured. Brennan asked if Mashyuu could take care of the last ghost and Mashyuu nodded up and down while shrugging. "Yeah, maybe... If I can get up there." The man was still riding high on his current boost in power and examined the wall that was now standing between Mashyuu and Brennan. He placed his palm to the wall. The stone erupted around Mashyuu and sucked him in. As he traveled, a small rivet of where he was moved along the wall before it shot him out at the top towards the Ghost.

    The Ghost tried to move back but it was too late. Mashyuu slammed both his gauntlet covered fists into the ghost, causing it to shatter in ectoplasmic energy before it vanished. Mashyuu fell to the floor and landed with a soft thud on both feet. "That wasn't so bad..." He said while running the back of his arm over his head to wipe away some sweat. He turned to look at Brennan and pointed at the strange umbrella cane. "What is that?" He asked and picked up a small first aid kit and tossed it to Brennan then Mashyuu picked up a kit for himself. "If you get bit you might need that." He suggested and headed out of the shop to travel deeper into town.

    The groans and moans continued on as Mashyuu and Rocky slipped over to a tall bell tower. It hung by a single rope some hundred feet above the Wizard. Below the tower was a gate and tombstones could be spied behind the iron bars. "Brennan, Something tells me that the guy who has been making these ghosts and ghouls is robbing graves..."

    Nearly half the graves had been dug up and small piles of dirt were spread over the graveyard...

    WC: 389
    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

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    Experience : 9,213.19

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    First Skill: Cephalon Impulse
    Second Skill: ---
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by Mark Baxter 30th October 2015, 6:52 pm


    Mashyuu pointed to Brennan's cape, and asked what it was. Brennan leaned against it as he said "This is Sapphire Storm, my trusty cane umbrella doohickey thing. To be honest, I'm not even exactly sure what this is..." He chuckled, leaning against Sapphire Storm. Brennan caught the first aid kit that Mashyuu tossed to him, and clipped it to his belt, following Mashyuu as he walked out of the store and trailed deeper into town. Mashyuu then stated that he thought that whoever was doing this was robbing graves, but Brennan severely doubted that that was the case. There was a slim chance that someone was robbing graves, but Brennan found it much more likely that the zombies and ghouls were doing this on their own. Brennan slipped the cane in a loop in his belt and drew his Ancient Blade of Light and Ancient Blade of Darkness. He slowly approached the graves with his blades, and the iron bars that protected the cemetery fell to the ground. Brennan slowly paced into the cemetery, and looked around. Suddenly, he heard a horrible moaning sound, and gulped, this could not be good. "Uh, Mashyuu," He said hesitantly, "I think there's some more ghosts and ghouls over here." Brennan frowned, and turned around, clutching his Ancient Blades. He was not greeted with a pretty sight, whatever enemies were there suddenly lunged at Brennan mercilessly. Brennan gulped audibly and held up his blades, hoping that whatever enemies he was faced with were actually solid.


    HP: 100/100
    MP: 100/100
    Magic regen: 1 posts
    Spell Cool down: N/A


    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! 1zya1cx

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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by NPC 30th October 2015, 6:52 pm

    The member 'Skyllon' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! NormalMonster Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! StrongMonster



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 30th October 2015, 11:07 pm

    Mashyuu watched Brennan draw a pair of strange swords and melt away the iron bars. "What are you?" Mashyuu asked while the other Wizard paced over to the graves to peer in. While Brennan did that, Mashyuu turned to look around at the other buildings and make sure that they weren't being followed.

    Before Mashyuu knew it, Rocky was leaping off of his masters shoulder and barking loudly. Mashyuu glanced down and looked for what the Golem was barking at but he couldn't see anything in the distance. Then it happened, a creature started to moan and Mashyuu closed his eyes and groaned on the inside.

    Spinning on his heel to see what Brennan was talking about was likely the worst thing he could have done, but he did it anyway. The ground dug out from under him and the ground rumbled hard before the pair of Wizards. Ghosts flew from some of the graves, five to be exact. "I have learned to really hate ghosts... I mean really.. WHAT IS THAT!" Mashyuu asked while pointing at something that literally jumped from a massive grave.

    A large nearly ten foot tall greyish creature lumbered over everything near by, it's mouth dripped with flesh and blood as it dropped a freshly dead zombie. Mashyuu wasn't afraid of much but something about the creature struck fear into his soul. He shook his head from side to side and drew a deep breath. He slipped his left leg back and braced firmly. He muttered something and watched the Ghosts fly high into the sky, likely making a joint attack.

    Mashyuu pointed at a small stone next to him and it floated up to Mashyuu's finger. He aimed the rock like he was holding a gun and took a deep breath while holding his aim at the creatures head. "Rock Bullet." He said to himself and fired the stone straight and true into the monsters face. It dropped the body and grabbed it's head then snarled and looked at Mashyuu with a flare of anger.

    WC: 338
    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

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    Second Skill: ---
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by Mark Baxter 31st October 2015, 12:15 pm


    Mashyuu had asked Brennan what he was, but the blue haired mage didn't even bother answering, as his next spell would answer the question for Mashyuu. "God Slayer's Secret Art." He said, his voice echoing through the cemetery, "Blooming Sand Lotus." With those words, a pillar of black sand rose from the ground, taking Brennan with it. It soon stopped, and four petals bloomed from the top of the pillar, closing around Brennan. The zombie brute attempted to punch the Lotus, but it remained completely unscathed. Soon after this, the black sand lotus exploded, the four petals flying towards the zombie brute, each and every one of them hitting it head on. "I'm not done yet!" Brennan yelled, leaping from the pillar. He held up his Ancient Blade of Darkness and screamed, "Darkness Boom!" The gems in the blade glowed, and a pitch black aura surrounded Brennan and the brute, just barely missing Mashyuu and Rocky. The Zombie Brute grunted, and the black aura lifted, leaving behind a black fog that would obstruct the vision of the Zombie Brute and slowly but surely harm it. However, Brennan didn't wait for the fog to 'kill' the Zombie Brute, and instead sliced into it, one, two, three times. The Brute groaned and crumbled to the ground, no longer attacking Brennan. Brennan sheathed his swords and walked out of the fog, cracking his knuckles and yawning, that had been too easy, it was rather boring. Brennan noticed Mashyuu was fighting five Spirits, and ran to help the Earth Mage.



    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! 1zya1cx



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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 2nd November 2015, 9:17 am

    Mashyuu was amazed that someone like Brennan was willing to simply rush a creature like that. Granted Mashyuu was willing to as well so long as he knew that his attacks could actually harm a creature like the giant creature. What he wasn't willing to do was fight something that he couldn't harm as it was. Instead Mashyuu decided to buy himself some time by creating a thick fog of dust and pelting stone.

    Blue pants slipped as Mashyuu braced himself for the spells he was casting in a flurry. His hands came up and with it, loose dirt and stones. The fog raised some seven feet in the air in a ten foot wide circle before it started to whip around at high speeds. Anyone looking in or out wouldn't be able to see what they were looking at through the smoke.

    Sadly Mashyuu wasn't used to casting spells that were so powerful yet and he hadn't learned to managed his magical energies yet. Mashyuu was already starting to get drained and fast. He muttered something under his breath as the ghosts started to swarm around the Wizard, wailing groaning in annoyance as the flew through the fog but were slightly hindered and couldn't actually find the Wizard.

    Mashyuu started to duck and try and dodge each and every attempt the ghosts made to get through the fog. At his side, Rocky yelped and growled. If it had hair that could stand up Mashyuu was sure it would. Instead Rocky started to try and track the ghosts movements and inhaled, preparing to strike.

    WC: 263
    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by Mark Baxter 3rd November 2015, 9:17 pm


    Brennan could tell Mashyuu was getting worn out, so he ran in to help, the top of his cane blossoming into an umbrella. A magical cloud had also appeared above Brennan, which he expanded and moved over to the fog of earth. "Watch out, Mashyuu!" He yelled as a flurry of lightning bolts flew into the fog, each each of the ghosts at least once. As soon as the flurry of lightning bolts ceased, the cloud turned blue, and flaoted towards Brennan. Brennan hopped onto the cloud and yawned, "Well, Mashyuu, I think I'll be leaving the rest to you!" He curled up on the blue cloud and yawned, staring at the whirling earthen fog. Brennan was getting even tired, even though he had expended almost none of his mana whatsoever. Brennan decided he would help out a little bit more. He stood up and a light brown magic circle appeared in front of him, which he blew into leisurely. A black aura with black earth exploded out of it, and flew into the fog. Brennan wasn't exactly sure what it hit, but he knew that it would hit a ghost at least. Hopefully, it wouldn't hit Mashyuu.

    Brennan shrugged to himself leisurely, and curled up on his cloud, yawning and closing his eyes. He didn't fall asleep, he could hear the surroundings, but he sort of zoned out, not paying attention to very much at all. He hoped that Mashyuu would get rid of the ghosts, because he really didn't feel like doing anything else.

    HP: 200/200
    MP: 90/100
    Magic regen: 1 post

    Spell Cool down



    Hp: 300

    Normal foe Defeated- 1 group/Strong foe defeated- 1 group
    Normal foe-
    HP: 50/100 X 5


    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! 1zya1cx



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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 4th November 2015, 8:34 pm

    Brennan's voice rang out around Mashyuu and Rocky and the pair ducked down low to the ground. Just moments later intense bolts of lightning struck out from the fog, something similar to a unison raid that both confused the ghosts and struck them all, driving the five that soared towards Mashyuu back. The phantom's wailed and started to float back while they pointed into the fog when a large object started soaring at Mashyuu. What the hell is with this guy? He's not human. Mashyuu thought to himself just before the Rock Golem at Mashyuu's side started to yelp. Mashyuu dropped down to the ground and a large black pillar of stone soared over his head and slammed into a ghost hard. The Creature flew high into the air to recoil from the attack and as it came down Mashyuu winced and considered his options carefully.

    He could have ran, straight into the fog to see if the single injured spirit would give chase. He could have stayed, tried to fight the creature but without his rock gauntlets he couldn't have effected the monsters near him. As it was, Mashyuu was more than willing to take hits so that Brennan would be able to possibly aid. Even if he didn't, the Wizard could hold out against a simple ghost. "I'm a little spent at the moment. I only have the one spell that hurts these things. At least that's what I think. But sit tight and I'll eventually take care of em. Don't worry about be. See if you can find where these things are coming from!" He shouted out to Brennan.

    WC: 270
    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by Mark Baxter 7th November 2015, 12:51 pm


    Brennan smiled to himself as Mashyuu said he could handle this. His cloud shrank down to about a meter, and lowered to the ground. Brennan floated about a foot above the ground, and searched around the graveyard for any anomalies. Soon, he found his anomaly, a thin white figure with hair of the same color. As Brennan approached it, it moaned, "Kill. All. Human." It groaned once again, and Brennan raised his eyebrows standing up on his cloud, clutching his umbrella. "Peculiar..." He muttered to himself, staring at the thin white figure. "Who are you?" He asked, floating towards it. "Me... Bacor." It said with a growl, dashing towards Brennan at ridiculous speeds for something that frail. Brennan raised his cloud up in the air, but Bacor slashed towards the boy, who parried it with a sabre made of black sand that had suddenly appeared in his hand. "Damn..." He muttered, "You are fast..." He jumped of of his cloud, and slipped his cane into a loop in his belt with his free hand. He then proceeded to clutch his sabre with both hands, whereupon it extended, becoming three meters long. He ran towards Bacor, slashing his sabre while still at a safe distance. It caught Bacor in the chest, but the white zombie barely even flinched, dashing towards Brennan once again. Brennan grimaced, barely dodging Bacor's attack. The sabre shrank down to about a foot, and Brennan held it close to his body, trying to make up for his decreased defense.

    HP: 200/200
    MP: 85/100
    Magic regen: 5 posts

    Spell Cool down



    Hp: 300

    Normal foe-
    HP: 50/100 X 4
    10/100 X 1

    Boss- 360/400


    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! 1zya1cx



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 9th November 2015, 10:51 pm

    Mashyuu had his hands full with the ghosts as they swarmed around him and he tried hard to get away from them but in the fog he just couldn't escape. On the same token, the Ghosts couldn't really see Mashyuu and Rocky either. "Stay down Rocky!" He called out while he took aim at the ghosts. He needed to lose them without the spirits noticing him.

    The young mage considered his options and decided on casting a spell that could effect the monsters. One flew down at Mashyuu and he kicked up a staff made of hard rock and stone. "Stone Staff!" He called out while the staff flew into his hands. Alone the staff could do nothing but Mashyuu had a plan. One spirit flew at Mashyuu, almost getting within range to lash at him. But using a bit more of his magical energy, the Brown Haired Wizard let his energy flow through him and in extension his staff. It lit up and slammed hard into the spirit, causing it to recoil and fly away.

    Mashyuu glared at the monster who had started to fly away and the young Wizard wasn't about to let it get away. Rocky, still at Mashyuu's side started to bark and jump around the man. Under Mashyuu's feet the ground started to rumble and the Wizard cried out. [color:654b=#[color=#ff0000]"Rock Wall!" The ground under Mashyuu shot up and flung Mashyuu high into the air as he and Rocky skirted past the Ghost that had tried to get away. He lanced his staff, still wrapped in extra magical energy straight into the phantom monster, causing it to vanish in a puff of blueish smoke.
    Using the momentum of his launch into the air Mashyuu threw his staff threw the other spirits as they flew at him. Each spirit suffered from a sudden and unexpected pain and for their troubles the first was met with a sudden strike from Rocky as it sprouted spiked stones on its body and smashed into the first spirit.

    Not wanting to waist any time against the monsters as Mashyuu fell and landed on the stone wall he had created he slammed his fists into the stone wall and pulled up two gauntlets of stone again. The effect drained him and it was starting to show on his body. Sweat started to slip down his bronzed skin as Ghosts floated down at him. Mashyuu flipped off the wall and swung a fist up, smashing into a Ghost before he brought his other hand down and caused the ghost to vanish in blue smoke. He spun around with a back fist and caught another ghost, smacking it in the head then drove a straight fist into it. Making it erupt in smoke.

    Before he knew it Mashyuu and ghosts were all fighting in a heap while Rocky barked loudly. By the time the battle was over, Mashyuu was standing tall with rocks falling from his arms but the ghosts were all gone. He looked around as blood ran down his face and saw Brennan fighting the strange creature. "Aw hell...."

    WC: 516
    Mark Baxter
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by Mark Baxter 13th November 2015, 9:59 pm


    "Titanium Slash..." Brennan muttered to himself quietly, and the black three meter long blade shifted into titanium. Brennan dashed towards Bacor, and slashed into the chest of the white zombie. It moaned quietly, and dashed towards Brennan once again. Brennan just barely sidestepped, and span around, shoving his blade straight into Bacor's back. Before Brennan could retrieve his sword, the zombie dashed away, taking it with him. It was rather annoying that Bacor had taken his sabre, but he would have to make do. A black gun appeared in Brennan's hand, and he aimed roughly at Bacor, who was dashing around erratically, and pulled the trigger. Bang. He missed. Brennan cursed rather ludly and fired again, another miss. Another shot, another miss. Brennan had never been very good at aiming... He sighed to himself, this was going to be a rather long fight, since he didn't have his sabre. He then realized that he had his ancient blades with him, and put his gun away, drawing the two swords. He dashed towards Bacor, slashing at the zombie, but narrowly missing. He cursed once again, this time even louder. This zombie was much too fast, it was extremely annoying. He re-positioned himself, and struck once again, once again missing, this was going to be a long battle... Brennan just kept striking and missing over and over again, he hoped Mashyuu would intervene soon, or this would be going on for quite a long while, much longer than Brennan would like, he wanted to go home.


    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! 1zya1cx



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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 22nd November 2015, 10:36 pm

    Never before had Mashyuu been so drained of his magical powers. Even though he was feeling good about taking down a group of ghosts nearly single handedly, he just couldn't seem to get into the flow of the battle. Rocky yelped while running around Mashyuu's legs, happy that his charge had survived the encounter with the beasts. Off in the distance it looked like Brennan was having a terrible time with a giant of a zombie. Mashyuu's blue eyes narrowed in rage and anger as his body tensed up.

    Filled with fury Mashyuu charged forward with all the strength in his body. "Rocky, charge!" He ordered and the rock elemental charged along side the Wizard. The team raced across the graveyard while leaping over empty graves and tombstones that jutted from the earth, all the while drawing closer to the massive zombie. "Rocky, flank!" he ordered and let Rocky move around swiftly to circle the brute that had been managing to avoid Brennan's attacks.

    Mashyuu dropped to a knee behind a tombstone and hit it hard. A small piece of the stone fell to the floor before floating up to Mashyuu's finger tip as he aimed the hand like a gun. His eyes focused hard just as Rocky spun around and fired a spew of stones at the monster. The brute avoided the stream of stones with ease but fell straight into a blast that was sent at the massive Zombie thanks to Mashyuu and his "Stone Bullet!" signature spell.

    The full effect of the stone bullet dug into the zombie and caused the massive hulk to fall back a pace when the spell hit the monsters head. Anger surged through the monster and it reached back hard and fast. Faster than Rocky could have expected and a fist came down towards the Earth Elemental. However there was enough space between the swinging fist and the stone dog for the animal to grow spikes from it's back and puncture the zombie in the fist.
    Both the Zombie and Rocky wailed in pain before the Zombie swung it's injured fist so hard that Rocky went soaring through the air, into a tombstone and out the other side before it slid to a rest.

    WC: 322
    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by Mark Baxter 29th November 2015, 12:17 pm


    Brennan ran towards Bacor once again, however, this time his intent wasn't to kill Bacor. He feinted, half-hearted thrusting his sword at Bacor while sheathing the Ancient Blade of Light before leaping behind the zombie and grabbing his Sand Sabre with ease. The black blade shimmered as Brennan extended the blade to its full length of three meters once again. This longsword would make attacking Bacor a million times easier. All this had happened while Mashyuu had been performing his barrage of attacks, which left Bacor in a daze, however slight. Seizing the opportunity, Brennan shoved his blade in Bacor's chest before ripping it out and shoving the blade into a moaning Bacor's chest. Brennan twisted the blade and ripped it out, before slicing Bacor's arm clean off. He twirled the sword around, and sliced off Bacor's other arm. With one last slice, Brennan cut off both of the zombie's legs, and it hissed, before disintegrating into nothingness. Brennan sighed and jammed his Sand Sabre into the ground, "Looks like we're done here!" He said happily, and suddenly people started popping up, seemingly from nowhere. "It seems as though we've broken the curse..." Brennan said happily, and looked at Mashyuu. "I suppose I will see you later?" He said with a warm smile, before a column of earth erupted from the ground, and sent Brennan high up into the air. Another column then appeared a meter in front of him, and he hopped onto it, this was sort of like Brennan's manner of flying.


    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! 1zya1cx



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Sky: City of the Undead!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 29th November 2015, 4:32 pm

    With blinding speed and teamwork, the trio of Mashyuu, Rocky and Brennan drove the hulking brute into a corner so to speak before Brennan dismembered the monster and leveled the creature in what was truly an amazing flourish of attacks. The beast fell dead before vanishing in a puff of both smoke and a sand like substance. Swiftly Mashyuu dropped to his knees and scooped up what remained of the creature and placed it in a small sack that he held on his back. Mashyuu brushed his hands together until the man across from him spoke.

    Men and women started popping up from the graves with a look of confusion on their faces. "Yeah, were done here. I'll wrap things up and make sure the money gets to you. Thanks for the help Brennan." Mashyuu added last minute and smiled at the man as he effectively flew away.

    The young man stood up and patted Rocky on the head, the two of them helping the men and women in graves to get up out of the graves then went with them to the town center. Once there Mashyuu explained why he had come to the village and what he and Brennan had encountered. The Village Elder explained that a man in black robes and a hood came to the town and put a terrible curse on the village before vanishing. Days later the men and women were compelled to jump into graves and wait while they slowly changed to zombies and ghosts.

    Angered by the fact Mashyuu hadn't found the man he left the village and returned to Sabertooth to try and find the man and avenge his friends death...

    WC: 277 (Job End)

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