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    From the reaches above, to the depths below.


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by Wolfe 4th June 2016, 6:04 pm

    Job Info:

    Wolfe was back in Magnolia, and it was his first time since he had returned, but then again he had only been back for a short time. He had spent most of it back at the guild hall getting back into the grove of things. However, the truth of it was that it was a lot harder then one might think. It is something else to get used to new clothing, or a new place, or anything like that, but this was different. How does one get used to a new body, and even then the new feeling that come with it? Hell, even his spirit and energy felt different now. Since the merging of his essence with the elemental that had been in his body it all felt different. Before he could feel the difference and that made it easy to identify himself from the elemental, and even though he knew that one day something like the merging that happened would have to go down. It didn't make it any easier to adjust to it all the same.

    Wolfe came back to his senses as he stood at one of the many street corners. He hadn't been out of it long, but either way he knew he should try get moving.  Wolfe crossed the street and continued down the along the road. As he waled he took in the sites, and some of the new stuff that had been repaired, or changed since the event with the witch that had attacked the city and almost destroyed it. It was about his time that he came across a place he recognized and new it well. He couldn't help  but smirk as he walked in and took a sat at the bar and picked up a menu and started looking it over. Much to his approval, it seemed the menu hadn't changed one bit, and he knew  that meant he had some good food to look forward to. After a few minutes one of the waitresses behind the bar came over to him and asked for his order. For a second Wolfe was about to get offended that she didn't say hi, or recognize him, then it hit him, he had just been pondering about this very same thing at that street corner. He didn't loo he same, not even a tiny bit. Wolfe shook it off and gave the woman a welcoming smile and placed an order and thanked her as he placed the menu down and tried not to let the ordeal both him.


    Word Count: 425
    Post Count: 1

    Wave: 0/6


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. QO55HpX

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty Re: From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by Guest 9th June 2016, 11:51 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Why was she in Magnolia again? Well, simply put, there was nothing better to do. She would avoid Rose Garden, as her presence could likely piss off authorities, like last time with her little 'harmless' prank. The merchants would be quick to remember her, and likely would be happy to get a few authorities on her tail. That was the last thing she needed- she did nothing wrong in the sense of breaking the law. Still, she had been labeled a troublemaker, and was not on most people's whitelist. Not that she minded the reputation. She would grace them with her presence at another time, just for the sake of seeing some good reactions, and then poof away at the last minute.

    But right now, Magnolia was what mattered. Almost. She had gotten into an argument earlier with her little hybrid itachi-bakeneko yokai pet, and currently, the shiny mew-like levitating creature was out for her blood, most likely. Thus, Izayuki had decided to engage in a game of tag of sorts with her 'companion'. She was attempted to avoid the other yokai, who had senses almost as keen as her own. Being stronger, Izayuki managed to keep ahead, leaping from roof to roof on agile feet. "Found you, little shit!" Seika's tsun voice rang out as she fired a number of fireballs towards the Bakedanuki in human's disguise. Lashing a long, fluffy, silver-furred tanuki tail in surprise, Izayuki quickly attempted to dodge the fireballs. Seika's ability was mimicry, and she could continue to use someone else's element for up to a short time, even if they were out of range. Had she been using light magic or something to hide?

    Giving a sigh, Izayuki took a flying leap towards the roof of the next building. It was a cafe of sorts, but upon feeling her feet hit the top, she realized too late how insecure the structure was. With a loud yelp, the pink-haired girl with tanuki features felt herself suddenly ungracefully falling, and before she knew it, she had landed in an amazing mess of dishes that had just been delivered on a table. Really, what kind of monster family had this many people that needed food? Groaning because of her fall and because of the food she was suddenly covered in, Izayuki blinked to see just one person sitting at the booth. White hair, muscular build- she did not recognize him at all. However, surely he had not planned on eating all these dishes? There was only one person she knew who had such a ravenous appetite, and that was Wolfe... and he was gone.

    Floating down using her basic ability to fly to maneuver, Seika attempted to land on the unknown man's head as she glared daggers at Izayuki. "Now look at what you've done," she growled, flicking her abnormally long tail disapprovingly.

    Location;; Magnolia
    Muse;; 9/10
    Word Count;; 477

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty Re: From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by Wolfe 9th June 2016, 9:21 pm

    Wolfe waited for a few minutes before the young waitress brought out a few of the dishes, Wolfe didn't skip a beat as he thanked her and dug right in. He was done with his second plate in what only seamed like seconds. By this time the waitress was back with about four more plates. Wolfe once again gave her a nod of thanks and continued eating. However, it was about this time that he heard noise from above him and before he could really think to look up there was a loud thud  and a blur came to as stop as it landed right in the middle of the table. It was met the sound of dishes falling this way and that and food flying through the air. It took a second before things settled down long enough for anyone to really see what happened. Wolfe looked up for a second then back down at the body that had landed on his table, and as she moved he got a good look at her finally and had to hold back a smile. Fate was a funny thing, and it really liked those interesting chance encounters.

    Sitting before him was none other then his old guild mate Izayuki.

    Wolfe instantly went back to some of his memories of her when he was in Black Rose. It seemed like so long ago now that it never crossed his mind, but this was a nice reminder. It then hit him that he might recognize her, but she would never recognize him with his new body. It was as this moment he head a voice from above him and then a small light body come to rest on his head. He had to assume the creature on his head with with Izayuki by what it said, and most likely her pet, and from he could tell it seemed they had a relationship not that different then himself and Loki. Wolfe spoke to the young woman as she sat on table in front of him "Well hello lass. It seems you are having a few issues there. So, here." Wolfe offered her a hand and helped her off the table.

    Wolfe then reached in his pocket and pulled out some jewels and placed them in her hand "Now, go across the street and get yourself some new clean clothes and come back and see me when your done, and no, i won't take no for an answer. so go." Wolfe gave a kind grin and a nod.

    After she was off getting her new clothes, Wolfe reached p and lightly picked up and lifted the small animal from on top his head and brought his hand down and placed it on the table in front of him. He looked it over for a second "Well hello little one You want the scrapes? cause i don't want them to go to waste, otherwise i will have to feed them to my pet, and he is just a little bastard to deal with." Wolfe waited to hear the answer of his new little friend.


    Post Word Count: 519
    Total Word Count: 1421
    Post Count: 3/40
    Wave Count: 0/6


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. QO55HpX

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty Re: From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by Guest 10th June 2016, 5:18 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Izayuki was about to protest when she heard Seika's taunting voice and noticed him sitting on the stranger's head. This was not completely her fault! It was the small, white yokai who had been chasing her! What was their argument about, anyway? She had a feeling that it was something along the lines of being incompetent with guild ace paperwork, or some other duties, but she failed to really pay much attention to whatever the reason or topic was. The man suddenly gave her his hand and helped her out of the mess she had caused by falling on the table.

    The last thing the Bakedanuki expected, however, was for the white-haired man to put some jewels in her hand and offer to let her use his money to buy clean clothes. Yes, she was a wreck right now, but frankly, she did not mind being dirty, even though she preferred clean. The genuine gesture was almost weird, being so rare. "Er, uhm, okay..." she murmured, not quite sure what else to say. This completely caught her off guard, and anyone knew that when Izayuki was not on her guard, she was quite different from her usual self. "Thanks~" she continued, leaving the cafe with an awkward smile.

    Seika, on the other hand, squirmed as she was moved to the table and sat upright, so she could use her forelegs and paws almost as arms. Crossing them, the tiny, alabaster-furred yokai scoffed at his words and at the food. "Hell no. What do I look like to you, an average animal?" she asked in an insulted tone, lashing her tail in frustration. "Don't treat a Youkai like any normal creature, human," Seika continued with disdain, moving to the edge of the table and turning her back on the man, still quite cross. She would move to her human form, but why waste the energy to show him just what she could do after how she had been treated, both by her 'companion' earlier and now this man? Who did he think he was? Jeez.

    Outside the cafe, Izayuki made her way to the store across the street, and though heads were turning and expressions were appalled at the mess she was wearing, she barely took any notice. Using the jewels given to her, the Black Rose mage purchased a black shirt with loose, long sleeves, similar to her sullied one, and some loose khaki capri pants. It was a very casual style, but Izayuki preferred comfortable clothes over ones that simply looked stylish or fancy. Using her claws to clean out and groom her hair, and a bit of fresh-generated snow to wash out some of the food, she made her way back to the cafe. "I'm back~!" she announced in her familiar, chipper manner. "Thanks for your help. I'm Izayuki Hyoujin, an Ace of Black Rose. I promise I'll pay you back! What's your name~?" she went on, introducing herself, taking pride in the seemingly overrated rank she had randomly been given within her guild, and then moving on to inquire as to who the man was. She did not have her jewels with her, or at least not many, seeing as she used 'other' tactics to get what she wanted, that most people typically frowned upon. Nevertheless, she could simply swipe some jewels from Elyx to pay the man back with, or borrow some from the guild, which was wealthy enough.

    Muse;; 9/10
    Word Count;; 574

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty Re: From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by Wolfe 14th June 2016, 4:31 am

    Wolfe couldn't help but laugh a little at the little creature. It was very sassy, and it reminded him a lot of Loki. Wolfe smiled as he spoke out to the little creature in a very cheerful voice "Well Youkai, i am sorry if i offended you. I meant nothing by it. As a matter of fact you remind me a lot of my little friend, Loki. He is a lightning elemental. However, trust me, i would never do anything to insult Izayuki or anybody she is friends with. I respect her more then that." Wolfe gave a light chuckle as he leaned back and called over the waitress. He pulled a few extra jewels and placed them in her hands and apologized for the mess. He then said not to worry about the rest of the food, and he would just take one more drink while he waited for his mess making friend to return.

    Wolfe didn't have to wait too long before Izayuki returned back to the scene of her crime and just as he remembered her being chirpy and upbeat she introduced herself. He had to take a moment as he was taken back. In his time away it seemed she had been a very busy girl and made a name for herself in Black Rose. He was very happy to hear this. Even if the guild had not worked out for him, he was glad she had made a home there and gotten somewhere with it.

    After she was done introducing herself he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear as he spoke "I Know who you are Izayuki, and i am very very happy to see you are doing well. I might also add very proud of you, you have come a hell of a long way since your first exam. I remember when Elyx gave it to you, and watching you run around town like a chicken with your head cut off looking for letters. Now i can feel your power, and you are comparable to me in power, and i have to assume rank if your now an Ace. which means congratulations are in order. I am sorry i missed when it happened. But, if it's all the same, name your meal, drink and or place, and it's on me. Think of it as a belated gift." Wolfe was beside himself as he looked her over. She really had come a long way. On that note he really hadn't done much in his time away. However, that couldn't be helped with his little ordeal.

    Wolfe stood up and smiled as he looked Izayuki up and down once. "And don't worry about paying back those jewels for the clothes. think of that a part of the gift." He couldn't believe how much had changed in his time away, and yet at the same time, how little had changed all the same.


    Post Word Count: 488
    Total Word Count: 2483
    Post Count: 5/40
    Wave Count: 0/6


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. QO55HpX

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty Re: From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by Guest 20th June 2016, 4:56 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Seika sniffed again with disdain. Now he was comparing her to a lightning elemental? This guy failed to stop the train of insults. He suddenly mentioned he was a friend of Izayuki... well, that explained everything. Whoever saw that Bakedanuki as a friend had to have a few issues in the head, surely. The small yokai honestly failed to understand. Crossing her tiny, alabaster-furred forelegs as if they were arms and lashing her tail, Seika replied with contempt. "So you're friends with that bitc-?"
    The small yokai had been cut off as Izayuki walked back into the cafe, approaching the tall man, thanking him, introducing herself, and saying she would pay him back. Seika looked over her shoulder to glare at the Bakedanuki with harsh, cyan eyes.

    Izayuki took no notice of her Youkai companion's acerbity. The pink-haired girl could not have prepared for what his reply was... he knew her? From where, and how? His explanation made it obvious. Elyx's old teammate, her old guildmate and friend... well, the answer was obvious. Who else could eat like a monster? The amount of dishes had made her think of only one person, and now the man before her had pretty much confirmed his identity. Overcome by her surprise and happiness in recognizing her old friend again, who had mysteriously vanished one day, the pink-haired yokai quickly reverted to her silver-furred tanuki form while aiming to leap at him. The idea was originally for a hug, in her semi-human form. But no, emotions had a funny way of effecting her, to the point where maintaining a solid shapeshifted form was impossible. So there she was, a small, fluffy, canine attempting to leap at the towering man. Hopefully, he would have the sense to catch her. "Wolfe~!"

    It then dawned on the yokai that he had never known she was a tanuki. Back then, she had kept her real identity hidden from her guildmates. Only her little sister, Azalea, knew, and Elyx had discovered it on accident. It had been dramatically revealed, however, when she had tried to attack a new guildmate when mistaking her for that evil goddess who had trained her to use her slayer magic: Yukionna. Suzuran had been affiliated with the glacial goddess, but during that time of panic, fear, and anger, Izayuki had lost her human form. Later on, a number of people helped her get over her insecurity of being a yokai among humans, namely Daemon, Kakuma, and even Seika. "I've missed you so much," she murmured in her chipper manner, only beginning to realize that she had transformed to her true form.

    Seika facepalmed with a paw as she watched Izayuki's sudden reaction, which would have certain people in the cafe watching in utter confusion. A girl who could turn into a tanuki... always something one could see everyday, right? The idea of a free meal sounded good to Izayuki, and she was not one to deny such a gift with modesty. "Could we get red velvet cake?" she asked, pink eyes lighting up. In the past, Jin had introduced her to the amazing baked good with white chocolate icing, only days after she had joined the guild. Since then, it had become her favorite food, right there alongside frozen toaster waffles. Mmm.

    Location;; Magnolia
    Muse;; 8/10
    Word Count;; 550

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty Re: From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by Wolfe 23rd June 2016, 2:13 am

    Wolfe watched as he could see the gears in Izayuki's head start to turn and then like a light being turned on in a room the switch was flipped and it hit her. Her eyes grew and in a moment she was consumed by emotion and went to jump at him to give him a hug, but what he caught in his arms was another thing in and of it self. What started out as a human was now a small, fluffy canine in his arms. Wolfe held the small ball of fluff in his arms as he gave light chuckle and smiled down at her. She resembled a mix between a raccoon and a dog. Wolfe had seen something like that before when he was traveling, but didn't get close enough to really look at it. Either way, it suited Izayuki to him. Even though she was roughly his age, her size and natural form led him to think of her as a little, and cute. So to Wolfe this small cute little fluff form just seemed right. He meant no disrespect by it, he knew if she was now an ace, that she was no push over. He had once been considered to be an ace for his old guild, but he never aw eye to eye with his old guild leader, and even though he wanted to he never felt like he fit in, and that was no way to live A guild should feel like a family, and even though it hurt to leave behind Elyx and Izayuki, he knew he needed to. However, time made sure to bring all good things back and here he was hold Izayuki in his arms and really looking forward to catching up with her.

    Wolfe lifted her up and placed her so she was almost completely on his right shoulder as he he walked out of the front door of the restaurant "I missed you too, and as for red velvet cake, that sounds like great, i think i know a place down the street. We can get you some cake and catch up on whats been going on. and before you ask, yes this new body thing is a long story, so you can have as much cake as you like." Wolfe gave a laugh as he stopped for a second and turned to Izayuki's little friend and made a nod for it to follow them "I am not sure if your into anything like that, but if so, how about a treat for you as well? to show no hard feelings?" Wolfe gave the Youkai a little smile as he turned his head back forward and started down the street hoping the Youkai would follow as well.

    As they made their way up the street Wolfe spoke "But, yeah, i am really glad to hear you made Ace and are doing well. I can only assume Elyx is doing well.i hate to say it, but much like yourself, i haven't talked to him in a while. I still consider him a fiend and brother. It's just been hectic lately, and i just got back into Fiore about 2-3 days ago. was gone for a long time, during which time the long story i mentioned happened, so i will explain later. As for you, it seems you have a little explaining to do yourself. I didn't know you had another form. I mean don't misunderstand, it suites you well, but still a bit of a shock none the less." Wolfe was obviously interested in not only how she was doing, but also this new installment, but Wolfe wouldn't press her. If she wanted to tell him the details she would. Wolfe knew better then most what it was like to live with another form, or side hidden away from the world.

    As they walked along Wolfe was making good time towards their destination. A tasty little cake and pastry shop around the corner and down the street. It would take them long to get there, but it was more then enough time to give Izayuki a chance to start at least talking about their time apart and give him a small idea of what she had been up to recently.


    Post Word Count: 712
    Total Word Count: 3745
    Post Count: 7/40
    Wave Count: 0/6


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. QO55HpX

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty Re: From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by Guest 26th June 2016, 12:36 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Only then was Izayuki beginning to realize that Wolfe had been around before anyone in Black Rose had known that she was a tanuki, and a yokai at that. She was happy to be held by him in his massive arms, and later placed atop his right shoulder to ride. Ah yes, she did not always have to waste energy to walk or fly in this form, huzzah!

    He then turned to Seika, who was still sitting atop a table with her tiny forearms crossed and long tail flicking back and forth, and offered for her to come along and get a treat. The offer did indeed seem appealing to the small yokai, but she would never dare to admit such a thing in words or expression. Thus, the alabaster-furred creature gave a short “hmpf”, and levitated over to the tall man, but not before swatting Izayuki’s silver-furred head lightly with her long, thin tail. Seika then attempted to land on the man’s head, almost as if she was proving a point, and to remain on higher ground than the idiot tanuki on his shoulder, directly below her.

    The silver tanuki only gave a small sniff as she was swatted over the head, and began to ignore Seika from there. She could get her revenge later, provided the other yokai was still angry. Her companion’s moods were quite unpredictable and random, but she at least rarely stayed too angry for long. Indeed, what had she done to piss her off so? In all honesty, she failed to remember.
    ”Elyx has been doing well,” Izayuki began in a chipper manner, happy to talk about the mage she loved so dearly. "He is already stronger than anyone in the guild, and is a Wizard Saint! You should drop by to talk to him again. He'd love that~"

    She could go on all day about Elyx. Despite seeming so proud and arrogant around him, and competitive, at that, the bigger part of her was indeed very proud of him for his accomplishments and effort. Unfortunately, she was almost similar to Seika, in the regards that she would likely not say it out loud anytime soon… maybe.
    ”Ah, yeah… this form...” she began, flicking her fluffy tail back and forth, eager to continue. ”Believe it or not, this is my true form. I’ve always been a Bakedanuki, or Tanuki Yokai,” Izayuki explained with a grin, before flattening her ears by pulling them back before continuing. She did have a bit of insecurity left about her real identity, and though her words failed to lie, her appearance did. ”I didn’t tell anyone at first. I was worried about…. Well, everything.”

    It was not easy for a non-human in human society. There was so much discrimination, untrust, hate, and rejection. And above all, that was what the young yokai actually feared- rejection. Why was she being this open with Wolfe? Well, it was simple. Her instincts told her she could trust him, and instinct ruled in the end for a nonhuman like her. ”The circumstances of me showing my true form to the guild were not the best. But at least things are alright now, and I can be myself,” she went on, attempting to keep things in a positive light. If there was anything Izayuki was good at, it was hiding her insecurity by building a wall of optimism. And in most cases, it seemed to work. As for her coming out to her guild as a tanuki- it had been when she attacked Suzuran, a new guildmate, seeing the girl as being Yukionna instead of just a casual joiner. At least her instincts had not been wrong- Suzuran had been a clone of the evil ice goddess, and out for Izayuki at that. The results of finding that out had not been pretty, and the entire mess had ended in her killing and eating the ice elemental, getting their guildmaster involved, getting kidnapped by Yukionna herself, and later only getting out by rather harsh means. For her, that was being tricked into exchanging her soul to a Daemon for power, and unwanted power at that. Life certainly could suck at times, for sure. At the very least, she was managing to cope… kind of… maybe… or, so she hoped.

    Location;; Magnolia
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 735

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty Re: From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by Wolfe 29th June 2016, 5:16 pm

    The trip didn't take too long for Wolfe as he walked along with the two little balls of fluff with him. He was in no hurry though as he was having a ball catching up with Izayuki, about all the big and tiny things she was willing to tell him. It was great to hear that both she and Elyx were doing so well. Leaving had been hard and he had hoped for the best for his friends so he was glad to hear that she had good things to tell him. he expected some bad had happened as well, but she would tell him when she was ready.

    It didn't take long before they were standing in front of the cake shop. It was a fairly small shop, but regardless it had the very best desserts he had ever tasted, and that was saying a lot since he really did make his way all over Fiore. Wolfe stopped as he figured Izayuki would want to take human form again before entering. Wolfe watched as she jumped off his shoulder and landed on the ground and then shifted back to her normal form she used most of the time, which was human but she maintained her ears and tail. Wolfe was glad for this, as it meant she was at least in some fashion proud of her true form and was not hiding all of it. Wolfe then reached out and opened the door and held it open for Izayuki to enter first. Wolfe followed in behind her, the small yokai still sitting on his head, as they then made their way up to the counter and told her and her little friend to point at anything they wanted. After the two of them had their pick of anything they wanted Wolfe just picked a piece of cheese filled crumb cake and ordered them all drinks and then told them to take any seat they wanted. He stayed behind to pay and then joined them at the table they picked out and sat down.

    After he did he asked Izayuki to continue explaining what was going on with everything, and anything, and herself. Wolfe preferred to keep the topic off himself. Even though he had just recently also obtained the title of Ace, and was about a stone's throw away from becoming rank A, he was avoiding having to talk about his time away. He figured she would eventually attempt to drag it out of him, but in the meantime he wanted to hear about her. Wolfe did input in the middle of her talking "I really am glad to have caught up with you, its nice to see a face that brings up nice memories. Wolfe smiled as he said this and about this time the waitress came with all of their orders and drinks and placed them on the table in front of them. After she was done and walked away, Wolfe waited for Izayuki to continue.


    Post Word Count: 500
    Total Word Count: 4980
    Post Count: 9/40
    Wave Count: 0/6


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. QO55HpX

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty Re: From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by Guest 4th July 2016, 11:22 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    The special cafe came into view as Wolfe strode closer. The trio went through the doors, and Izayuki hopped off of his shoulder and shapeshifted back into a human form, yet decided to keep her tail and ears. It was more comfortable to do so, and kept her senses and strength heightened. Seika levitated off of the man’s head and floated near Izayuki, but dared not land on her or touch her, still quite cross from their previous argument. Wolfe held open the door for Izayuki, and she eagerly made her way in, relishing the feel of the sudden gust of air conditioning from the interior, a stark contrast to the summer heat outside in the blazing sun.

    Entering in behind Izayuki, Seika instantly shapeshifted into her own human form- cyan hair, cyan eyes, and the body of an older teenager, slightly younger than the Bakedanuki. She refused to have her ears or tail currently, and wanted to appear normal, and separate from the pink-haired yokai. She wore basic skinny jeans, tucked into fashionable boots, and a stylish green cargo jacket and light pink shirt. Putting her hands in the pockets of her pants, Seika followed behind Izayuki, but not too close. If anything, she tried to distance herself from Iza and Wolfe, and avoid appearing as if she were in their party, while at the same time not being too far away to not get the treat she was entitled to, as the man had promised.

    Izayuki eagerly pointed to the biggest piece of red velvet cake she could see, and was quite specific with the person behind the counter on what she wanted. The treat was perfect, nice and cold, and coated in white chocolate icing, just like she was used to. It was what Jin had first offered her upon joining Black Rose and their old team, Kvasir, after all. The only thing that the yokai loved as much as red velvet cake was waffles, and frozen ones, at that. They were not necessarily sweet, but the texture and the cold and ice made it perfect for the Glacier God Slayer. Seika simply ordered a slice of chocolate cake, not having many specific favorites of anything just yet. Nevertheless, dessert was enjoyable, so she was not about to miss out. Besides, both of the people with her owed her for the trouble, right?

    Sitting down and digging into her cake, Izayuki spoke in between bites, a wild smile on her face. “I can say the same about you, but now it’s your turn to tell me what’s gone on. So c’mon, spill~” she said happily, with a bit of her familiar sass in her tone. Her silver-furred tail was flicking to and fro happily as she enjoyed both her treat and the company of her friend.

    Location;; Cafe
    Muse;; 6/10
    Word Count;; 469 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
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    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty Re: From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by Wolfe 9th July 2016, 10:16 pm

    Wolfe eat his food slowly, which was a change for him, as he talked a little about this and that with Izayuki. However, as much as he was hoping it wouldn't the topic eventually turned over as Izayuki told him to spill his side of their time apart.

    Wolfe wasn't sure were to start, so he decided the beginning was a good place "Well, i guess let start with after i left Black Rose... i wandered around a little and eventually had a chance encounter with Ardere, the Guild Master of Infinity Hydra, and at the end of the night i knew i found a place near him. It seems he is like me, an elemental. That bond gave me reason to want to follow and i did, so i joined Infinity Hydra. This is about the time where we address the elephant in the room... I left for about 8 months on a trip to find my father and end the suffering i was going through, since i was almost dead, i felt the time was right... Well as you can see things didn't go as i planned. He actually tricked me and locked me in a room where he used a combination of science and magic to destroy my old body and finally merge my soul with the spark that was in my body turning me into a true elemental... then in an act to redeem himself, he used a spell to destroy himself and use the his magic, and mine to create a new body... so i guess he found a way to fix me dying and is now forever a part of me.... bastard.." as he said the last word his eyes shifted away from the conversation to the side and into the distance before returned back to Izayuki as he continued "So that is why i look different now... and there is no going back... I recently returned back to Fiore and back into action a did a few jobs and was recently made the Ace of Destruction for Infinity Hydra... that is about everything new with me." Wolfe took another bite of his desert as he waited for the obviously whiplash of said information.

    He knew it was a lot to take in, and process. Even for him it almost sounded like a bad story out of a book. However, he knew she would not ostracize him for it.


    Post Word Count: 406
    Total Word Count: 4,620
    Post Count: 9/40
    Wave Count: 0/6


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. QO55HpX

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty Re: From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by Guest 20th July 2016, 11:25 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Izayuki listened in quietly to Wolfe’s story, quite intrigued by what he had to say. She slowly ate her red velvet cake, instead of wolfing it down as she typically did. Seika herself barely took interest in the story at first, focusing herself on finessing her tableware usage. After all, most yokai were not accustomed to using silverware. Back then, she rarely had reason to use it, but that recently changed. Izayuki, on the other hand, had been forced to learn proper table manners back in her village, with Yukionna, and even more so with Felicia and Azalea. Quickly, however, Wolfe's tail became increasingly more interesting. So he had gone off to join Infinity Hydra? The name definitely rang a bell, as it was one of the newer legal guilds, up until Black Rose switched their alignment to affiliate with the Magic Council in one of their official leagues. She had to admit, however, that she had yet to meet one of the unique dark-mage-hunting guilds' members.

    If she thought she had been the only one to go through a hell of an ordeal, she was quite wrong. And now, Wolfe was forced to have a trace of someone he disliked remain within him. Well, at least she had a fair idea of how such a thing felt. She was forced to live with at least seven or eight irritating and unwelcome souls inside of her mind, some of who she had yet to meet. Still, was one not overkill enough? She would withhold those details from most people, but at least thought about it. Hopefully, however, Wolfe's father was the quiet sort who had no consciousness left. Izayuki was about to respond, when Seika interrupted her thoughts and interjected with her own unrefined and bold comment. "That's rough, buddy," she crudely stated, taking her last bite of chocolate cake as she stared at the tall man, almost expressionless. Instantly, she felt a heavy blow to the back of her head as she realized Izayuki had thwacked her. The Bakedanuki said nothing, but held the other yokai in a solemn pink glare before she turned her attention to Wolfe, expression softening. "Sorry about that," she said with a sigh, amazed to find herself apologizing for Seika. Was this how Elyx felt whenever he wound up apologzing for her? Sheesh. She at least had some food for thought to save for later.

    "And I'm sorry to hear about your unfortunate events," Izayuki said sympathetically, finishing her cake and placing her elbows on the table, folding her hands, and bringing her face to gently rest atop her fingers. "At the very least, I guess I can congratulate you for becoming an Ace of your guild. Infinity Hydra sounds like a lovely place~"

    Muse;; 6/10
    Word Count;; 460

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty Re: From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by Wolfe 21st July 2016, 10:02 am

    Wolfe took a few more bites os his food as he they processed what he said. He gave a slight laugh at the comment of Seika's about it being rough. Rough was what Wolfe did, and he did it well by now, but he gave her a nod of thanks all the same . As he figures Izayuki understood his plight and offered him an apology, which of course he waved off "Don't be, you did nothing, and its in the past now, nothing can be done about it." Wolfe then took the last few bites of his delicious food as she congratulated him on his Ace spot and spoke kindly of his new guild "Why thank you. It is a nice place actually. I have fit in well there and i have no complaints on that end." Wolfe sat back in his chair as he smiled. He knew that there was no reason to focus on all of that now, the world was open now and he could do anything he wanted, so no use focusing on the stuff he couldn't do anything about.

    Wolfe took a looked around for a second before he suggested "Lets get out of here, its still a nice day and we can walk and talk. Lets make a day of this. It has been to long and i would like to spend some more time with a friend. Since i have been back, i haven't seen a lot of the old people i used to know, so it is kind of nice." After a few more words the group got up and left the shop and started down the road.

    It wasn't long before something strange began to happen. Everything was fine then all the sudden the air around them started to get cold then hot and the area around them started to distort and only seconds later they were no longer walking down the streets of Magnolia. Wolfe stopped as he looked around and notices the sky was suddenly much more bright and the buildings were now a bright white color. Wolfe turned to look behind him and the town of Magnolia was now gone, just more of the same white buildings, and bright sky for miles. Wolfe turned to Izayuki who obviously was noticing the same details "umm... i don't think we are in Magonlia anymore.... what the hell?" Wolfe looked around again for a few seconds confused.

    Then he saw them...

    As his eyes adjusted to the brightness in the sky he started to make out figures, and then they became more clear and he was now even more at a loss of words. They were people with large white wings flying around in the sky. He noticed a few more way down the street now as well. This was strange, and he wasn't quite sure what to make of any of this yet.


    Post Word Count: 484
    Total Word Count: 5,564
    Post Count: 11/40
    Wave Count: 1/6


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    From the reaches above, to the depths below. QO55HpX

    Posts : 23962
    Mentor : Admin

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    From the reaches above, to the depths below. Empty Re: From the reaches above, to the depths below.

    Post by NPC 21st July 2016, 10:02 am

    The member 'Wolfe' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    From the reaches above, to the depths below. NormalMonster

      Current date/time is 25th October 2024, 10:54 pm