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    Bully buster


    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 101
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : no one
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vedant wind
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    Bully buster Empty Bully buster

    Post by Duckley 2nd June 2016, 1:13 am

    ''A bully huh..''He said while looking down at his client with a bit of playfull mockery. The two kids nodded at him nervously ''D-d-do you take it??'' one of the glass wearing kids said nervoulsy, almost as if He was going to get punched or something. Maybe being a smug grinning asshat wasn't the best attitude to helping a couple of bullied kids.

    He looked down at them slowly while grinning, The kids flinched as he started nodding, this bully sure had put a number on them. Oh well, he was going down either way ''Sure i'll scare him for ya'' He said as he accepted yet another career killing job.

    THe kids started jumping in joy as they heard this, Man this bully sure must be an asshole for them to get that happy, he thought as he floated away from the notice board. Oh well, that jut meant it would be all the more fun to scare his ass when he did.

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 101
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : no one
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vedant wind
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    Bully buster Empty Re: Bully buster

    Post by Duckley 2nd June 2016, 1:18 am

    He didn't know what caused it but yet again, he'd been pulled into doing another child related job, at least saving someone from a bully was a little more heroic than changing their diapers or teaching them to swim. HE thought that he'd made it up in his mind that he had to stop taking these stupid kid jobs to save both his career and his dignity. But something felt really personal about this job, The subject of bullying was one close to ganches heart. Not because he'd been bullied in school, no he was almost the opposite of that back then.

    Nah he was talking about the fact that he was getting his ass torn apart every single day, people pointing and laughing as the Spiked fluttering dorkfly walked down the street, it was pretty fucking insufferable, usualy he wasn't the type to fall for insults and if this was just some fad, he would probably just've played along and laughed together with the others, but this wasn't just some people making fun of him, this was ALL the people making fun of him, It had come to the point were he was no longer a man, no.. Aviantus Ganch, had officialy been turned into a meme.

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 101
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : no one
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vedant wind
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    Bully buster Empty Re: Bully buster

    Post by Duckley 2nd June 2016, 1:24 am

    But he didn't let the memeification get him down, no it was the other way around, Every time someone took a picture of him floating down the street his will to become a kick ass mage doubled. He didn't want to sit at home and wait for the craze to be over, no. He wanted to do his shit, burst out at the top, and stay at the top, to prove these fucks wrong. But that had to wait, he had a bully to deal with.

    He'd been given the kids adress and he'd considered floating in trough his window pretending to be a ghost or something, but if people didn't see him as a pedo now, they would most defenitely after he'd broken into the house of a ten yearold. But maybe he wanted people to think that he was a pedo. Maybe then they would stop bombarding him with all of these child related quests.

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 101
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : no one
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vedant wind
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    Bully buster Empty Re: Bully buster

    Post by Duckley 2nd June 2016, 1:34 am

    So there he stood, outside the house of a complete stranger. All he knew about this stranger was that he was really young, and that he was a complete dickhole.  He seriously pondered breaking in, for a little while but came to the conclusion that being known as some sorta pedo mage was way worse than having to deal with people giving you their kids. Heck sometimes Ganch kinda wished that he was a pedo mage, in that case he would at least be able to enjoy the shitty babysitting jobs.

    Then what the hell would he do??? It was a saturday and he didn't want to wait this job out until school started and he didn't want to seem like a pedo, it looked like he was out of options.

    Then suddenly he saw a seagull, landing on one of the windowboards and he urked. It was probably going to shit everywhere like the disgusting creature it was. But then suddenly it started pecking on the window. And his head exploded with ideas.  Maybe he didn't have to go inside after all...

    Finally after all this time. He had a plan

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 101
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : no one
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vedant wind
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    Bully buster Empty Re: Bully buster

    Post by Duckley 2nd June 2016, 1:56 am

    And what a plan it was simple, effective and riskless, The only downside was that he would have to wait until late at night to do it, But waiting around for a couple of hours was well worth saving his reputation, And thus the waiting commenced. well not as much waiting as it was going around town doing other shit while he waited for night time to come around. And it did. After a few rounds around the town and multiple stops at the resturant he could finally hear the clocks ringing.

    He bursted out of the bar in a hurry as he floated down the street as fast as he could. What he was about to do was pretty cruel but, he couldn't say that he wasn't looking forwards to it. When he arrived at the dark, completely unlit two floor house. He took his goggles on, and made sure that his cape covered all of his head. He could not be recognized at any cost. And after a while of dilligent tying he finally had it, A goggled turban head. Now it wasn't exactly a fashion marvel but it got the job done, no one would know who he was, unless they were familiar with the rest of his body, wich sadly no one was.

    He started floating up towards the window on the second floor, he'd been told that's where the kid lived, and he belived it, kids had a thing for living on the second floor. He kept the flight as careful as possible so he wouldn't accidentaly pass a window with someone inside. When he was done sneaking he flew up to the bully's widnow and tapped on it a couple of times. Before quickly flying down bellow the window. hiding from whoever came out.

    Now it took a little while, but then he heard that the window creaked open, and out came, the bully. At least he thought it was the bully, now he got why the kids hadn't stood up to him, That kid was freaking huge for his age, it looked like he'd been raised on growth hormones or something.But still it wasn't enough to discourage him. And just as the bully reached back to go back inside and close the window, Ganch grabbed him by the shirt from under the window, and forcefully pulled the kid outside. Kid kid started screaming but before anyone had the time to wake up he held his, still bandaged arm around the bullies mouth.

    ''Hello there robert''he said in the deepest voice he could muster and the kid who was already freaking out, started freaking out even more, how could this flying weirdo know his name?? in reality it was as simple as, his clients had told him ''I've been watching you for quite some time, and you my friend have not been acting well at all.'' He said in the same wannabee spooky voice. That is when the kid started fighting back, but instead of keeping the kid still, he just let go, causing that comet of a child to plummet towards the ground. But he was quick to scoop the kid up again, when he was sufficiently scared. ''Better yourself robert. Or i'll come back'' He whispered to the kid before flying the crying, borderline traumatised kid back into his window and dropping him on the floor.

    And as soon as he left the room he could hear the kid screaming his lungs out for his parents to come. And ganch had a hard time fighting back the laughter. Maybe he'd gone a taaad bit overkill.

    He would probably have to come back someday and say that he wasn't watching anymore or something like that, you know. to prevent ptsd and all that good stuff.

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 5:11 pm