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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    First Skill: Celestial Angel
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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Azurius Tade 20th March 2016, 9:04 pm


    Lineage: Azurius Gains +1x Strong Weapon/Armour/Magic Item

    zurius had left Destiny in his room since she had decided to sleep in today. The past few days for her had been extremely hectic. Five days ago, her village was attacked, her mother was raped, she was assaulted, and she also died. Then she was given a second life, and had to cope with also having a new father whom she knew nothing about. Then there was the three day carriage ride to Hargeon, and currently trying to get used to all the new faces in Lamia Scale and Hargeon. He was in the main hall, looking over a job request for something going down in Crocus, this land's capital city. "I don't need no cash... ain't gotta return to heaven either. I can stop here. I can live with Destiny as a human..." he said trying to convince himself to screw his mission.  

    It was hard for Azurius, leaving Destiny in the care of the guild. He cared about her, and he knew she would need him to be there. The life of a wizard was always going to be hard, never knowing if you truly would die, and for Azurius, while killing him was hard... it was very possible. "Do you like doing it?" Destiny asked from behind him, her long, blonde hair slightly unkempt due to having just woken up. Azurius felt his heart melting from the sight of her in her pink pajamas, the sleeves hung past her hands since the hand me down was a bit bigger than her. She walked over, the legs of the pants dragging on the ground. Azurius picked her up and sat her on his lap, his expression was sullen and caught between two worlds. No... two was neglecting the third, fourth, and fifth. He was a wizard long before anything else, traveling, fighting, and protecting others. He then became an angel, bound to serve for protecting balance. He was a general, the head of five or six entire battalions. Now, he was a father, with a daughter to think of constantly. Additionally, he was Elaine's partner, oath bound to never leave her side. "You needa protect miss Elaine." Destiny said. Azurius had long since made a note of human offspring intelligence... or at least, Destiny's intelligence. She was quick to pick up on things, understanding, loving, accepting, and willing to move on. She showed so many adult qualities, more adult than even Azurius at times. Azurius looked at the job again, turning back to Destiny as she leaned into him. "I'm okay to spend a few days alone, the library has a lot of books to read so I'll be busy
     normally." she said, beginning to fall back asleep. Azurius let out a sigh, had he known she was still tired he would have sent her back to bed. He got up and walked her up the steps to their room, carrying the job notice with him. Sitting at the edge of the bed, Destiny under the sheets sound asleep again, Azurius stopped one of the maids and asked to to take the job notice to Elaine and let her know to meet him at the doors to the hall.

    WC: 533
    Out of 1,850

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


    Last edited by Azurius Tade on 21st March 2016, 7:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Elaine West
    Elaine West

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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Elaine West 21st March 2016, 5:13 am

    Elaine awoke to a loud tap at her door. She got up and opened and recognized the maid that stood in front of her as one of Azurius', "Oh, good morning? Azurius has sent you already Hm? It's getting earlier and earlier each day I swear." Elaine mock complained, raising her arms a over her head; stretching everything out.

    "Yes ma'am. He sent me with a message for you to meet him in front of the Guild in 10 minutes,"The maid recited. Elaine only sighed, another mission. She knew it, it had only been five days since the last one and her body was still covered a few bruises. She hadn't mentioned it to him but she had been waking up in the middle of the night; all she could see was him dying over and over again and no matter how many times she told herself that he could never die so easily. Yet her mind was never at rest and as a result the sleepless nights piled up on her. "Right, well tell him I'll be there soon then." She smiled as the maid made her exit. She was quick to transform into her casual battle armour, maybe a bit of makeup under the eyes to hide the dark circles. She sighed, gripping the sink in her bathroom. "I can do this. Wake up Elaine. He's counting on you for this." She told her reflection, but even it wasn't convinced.

    Her back began to burn, she knew this burn. It was the burn of the mark on the back of her body, she was to tired to use her magic to cover up the massive black tree like mark that spiralled down her back and down her legs. She couldn't keep it up, so she just let it show, she was sure her partner would ask questions, she'd just give him the short version. She released the sink and walked downstairs, out the front door and towards the guild, the mark on her back spreading like wildfire along her body.

    She reached the guild and waited outside for her partner, finally the burning stopped and the whole mark was visible, from her shoulder blades all the way down the back of her legs. She waited for him to arrive.


    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
    Third Skill:

    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Azurius Tade 21st March 2016, 1:04 pm

    zurius had sensed a disturbance in Elaine's magical presence... it wasn't entirely different, but it wasn't quite normal either. upon her seeing her approaching he immediately straightened up from his upright stance against the wall. He approached, watching the mark on her leg, the back of it that is, his eyes narrowed in on it. "That's a new one. I won't force you to tell me what's up with it, nor explain why it is I haven't seen it before... but I will mention I'd like to know." he said in a concerned tone. Azurius stepped close, kneeling down and touching the mark, feeling a distinct magical energy even before his fingers would hit it. 'I'd like to point out she's got slightly reduced brain wave patters, I suggest staying close by if you want her to live.' Sybil's called in Azurius's mind. Azurius, regardless of if Elaine explained it or not, would simply nod and make his way outside, beckoning her to follow. "Eeeeeyyy mon! Eh know meh done see ye too far too often, en yah tellin' meh ye no toogeddah mon das dah bull sheet." the islander called from his carriage. "I see you got rid of the bike." Azurius said, ignoring his comment about the nature of him and Elaine's relationship. "Yeh mon, me buy it wheat da moneh you gimme last time. Dam horse eats like a pig, but my god does it get customa's!" the man replied, his accent thick as ever. "We're off to the flier port." Azurius informed him. "Goin' far yeh? Geddin, dis one eez free o' charge," he said with a jolly tone. Azuius didn't turn him down, and as last time, he extended his hand to help Elaine get on.

    The ride would be short, no more than twenty minutes or so to get to the airship site where a vessel was waiting. This one was belonging to someone that owed the guild a favor since the guild saved him from turning into bear food loooooooooooog ago. The airship was decently sized, not gargantuan, but it wasn't a bird cage either. It was large enough to house lavish amenities while still being able to move at a good speed. Here, Azurius would explain to Elaine that the task at hand was to either capture or kill someone who's been blowing random, innocent people up with very little motive, or at least not a damn good enough one.

    WC: 410

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Elaine West
    Elaine West

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 195
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 487.5

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    First Skill: Re-Equip magic
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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Elaine West 21st March 2016, 2:00 pm

    Twenty minutes, that's how long he said it would take to get from here to the airship. That was enough time for a quick nap. Even though she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep she yawned and rested her head on her partner. "I know you saw it. The mark." she murmured sleepily. When sleep didn't come to her she opened her eyes and turned her back to him, moving her hair out of the way, leaving him to see the full mark. It was black and tree like, swirling with agitation, just itching to move over the rest of her body. "It was a gift. Well, she called it a gift, I call it a burden. It grows whenever I become agitated or angry. I have to keep my emotions in check or else it will one day consume my whole body; and I will no longer be myself." She sighed and shook her head, facing towards him again. "But used correctly, it gives me great power and allows me to summon my greatest weapon." She explained as the two reached the airship. They both boarded and she sat down across from him.

    "So, what about this new mission?" She asked, leaning back on the comfy chair.


    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Azurius Tade 21st March 2016, 2:39 pm

    zurius had noticed she was tired and upon arriving on the airship, he pulled out a silver key with an opened eye on it. "Sybil, I want you to examine Elaine's health." he said firmly, postponing his explanation. A woman stepped out of a magic circle and approached Elaine, resting a hand on Elaine's temple and the other on her shoulders. Sybil closed her eyes and began sensing the world through Elaine's mind, reading her body, and sifting through several miscellaneous thoughts while searching for the root cause. "I see a lot of caring for you Azure." she said softly, keeping her eyes closed. Sybil gently removed her hands from Elaine, turning to Azurius. "This human is plagued by nightmares, almost all of which are of you dying. It looks like she's developed rather strong feelings for you, but they're muddled in confusion as she considers you a friend, but feels at ease when you hold her."

    Azurius thanked Sybil, she bowed to him and asked if he needed anything else. "No, but if you'd like to linger around there's no shortage on room. The cafeteria's got a chocolate fountain and a mess of fruit and sweets to dip in it." he replied. Sybil began walking in the direction, her love of chocolate calling her to the glory hole. Azurius turned to Elaine and sat next to her, turning to look into her eyes as his golden hues shimmered warmly. A hand was placed on the side of her cheek, the other arm wrapped around her back. He pulled her in, pressing her ear against his chest, cushioned by the layers of clothing he wore, but none served to muffle the sound below. "I can explain the job later, for now, try and rest. So long as you hear my heart you should know I'm very much alive... and I swear to you I won't let go until we touch down, or you stop me." he said softly, a type of warmth to his voice mixed with sincerity. His hands shifted, the one on her cheek moving back to cradle her head, the one wrapped around her simply tightened slightly. While Azurius was massive compared to humans, standing at six foot nine inches, while he was a battle hardened weapons of mass destruction... he was also a very caring man, and no one could argue that much.

    WC: 398

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

    Lineage : None
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    Experience : 487.5

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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Elaine West 21st March 2016, 3:14 pm

    She felt herself being pulled in to him. She didn't argue though, she curled up on to him, he pushed her closer to him so she could hear the steady beating of his heart. She gripped his shirt and began to sob. He wasn't dead, and she could finally sleep knowing that the sound of his still beating heart was planted firmly in her mind. The mark on her back that had crept down last her shoulders began to recede back down to shoulder length. Her pulled herself closer to him as much as possible, letting her subconscious know that he wasn't leaving her any time soon.

    Finally her heart slowed down from the rapid pace it had been beating all week; she took a long deep breath. Her first time sleeping in days. And the first time she did, it was dreamless, no nightmare nor any good dreams either. Just darkness and the sound of a steady thumping that filled her head.

    When she awoke she was still in the same spot, still curled up, head limp against something soft and warm. A steady arm curled around her back; keeping her warm and protected. She yawned and stretched her arms far above her head, her legs way out over the couch, throwing her head with a small smile. She looked up and realized that she was still on her partner's lap, turning red she sat up and loosened the vice grip she had on his shirt. "I-I'm sorry....I didn't mean to fall asleep on you for the whole ride there...." She moved herself off of him, her body somewhat sore from sleeping strange. She then looked at her arms, over her shoulder, back of her legs. The mark hadn't grown; pushing out a sigh of relief she smiled.

    "Thank you, I know you didn't have to do that, you didn't have to have me sit there all trip long, that must have been uncomfortable....." She managed.


    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Experience : 2175

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    First Skill: Celestial Angel
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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Azurius Tade 21st March 2016, 3:47 pm

    zurius found it strange... this one human had any feelings at all for him, yet she didn't know him. He pondered how strong her emotions were, he knew so little of humans that strong feelings could easily mean she felt nothing at all. He let out a sigh while keeping his hands planted, holding Elaine against him. The position was highly uncomfortable, him having nothing at all to prop his back against due to the angle she was at. Since she was completely limp he also had to support her weight, which wasn't much to him but was still something he wasn't used to. Several hours later, he felt Elaine stretching, her arms serving to remove his own as they extended high in the air. She returned to leaning on his torso again, and immediately realized what she was doing as she made haste in removing herself from him. "Perhaps a bit uncomfortable, but I can't say I didn't like it." he said with a smile and friendly tone. Azurius scooted closer along the seat to Elaine and pulled out the job notice. "Anyways, we're going to this old mine shaft in Crocus. According to this letter, there's someone in there who's gone postal and is killing everyone who isn't loyal to him with explosives..." Azurius said as he placed an arm around Elaine's back, pulling them closer together so he could have the page easier to see. "... They don't have any record of his face, which sounds like horrible management to me, and they can't get any of the local guard far before being blown to bits. Some of them got some distance though, those who survived are the ones who made this partial map here." he said, referring to the map that showed the beginning of the mine but not much more that was inked in on the page. He removed his arm from behind Elaine and began making his way to leave the ship, Sybil's key had ceased glowing which let him know she returned to her proper world.

    WC: 344

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

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    Experience : 487.5

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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Elaine West 21st March 2016, 4:10 pm

    Elaine felt bad, forcing him to sit like that for so long, she felt more of a burden then anything; she sighed and shook the though from her mind. He didn't think of her like that, she was sure of it. The job was demolition, get the man who'd been hiding out in a cave and blew up anyone who got near them. This was going to be tricky, she knew Azure could take whatever the guy threw out him, but herself she wasn't too sure. If she opted for Flame Empress Armor, she could be resistant to the attacks, if she went for her Sea Empress then she'd be able to douse the flames all together. Sea Empress it was then. She was quick to change into her armor in a flash of light, a long javelin of blue and silver at her side.

    She finally for the first time this week felt well rested, she felt like she was ready and when she was she went to join Azurius at the front.

    (Sea Empress Amor) http://maxwindy.deviantart.com/art/Cyber-Armor-Golden-Dragon-255283468

    "We'll be landing soon? Won't we?"


    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Azurius Tade 21st March 2016, 5:38 pm

    zurius nodded as she asked about their landing. He looked to his side where Elaine was, she was wearing a beautiful set of armour that would easily pass for a dress for a formal setting. He didn't say anything about it though, he was still contemplating some stuff himself. He constantly told her that she was his friend, they were friends... but he didn't feel the same around her as he did his summons. Azurius shook his head rapidly, then held his head as the ship finished its landing. "Focus..." he said in a hushed tone, mostly speaking to himself. He stepped off the ship and over to a magic power guided car that would take him and Elaine to the mines. Naturally, he held the door open for Elaine and went in after she did.

    At the minds, Azurius spent no time to look about at all the destroyed stuff strewn about. He looked to Elaine to make sure she was ready before proceeding. Upon opening the door to the mine shaft, a rather large spider charged up to him and began glowing. Azurius put his hand out instinctively, then when the explosion went off it hit a magical barrier he created, causing the blast to be reflected entirely. "Something tells me they don't want us here..." Azurius joked.

    WC: 1,906
    Out of 1,850

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Last edited by Azurius Tade on 21st March 2016, 5:47 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by NPC 21st March 2016, 5:38 pm

    The member 'Azurius Tade' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! NormalMonster Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Boss Wanted! Demolitions Expert! NormalMonster Wanted! Demolitions Expert! WeakMonster Wanted! Demolitions Expert! NormalMonster
    Elaine West
    Elaine West

    Lineage : None
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    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 487.5

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    First Skill: Re-Equip magic
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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Elaine West 21st March 2016, 5:56 pm

    She gripped Azurius' shirt as a spider appeared, eyes wide, she stepped back slightly; spiders. It had to be spiders.... She groaned internally. Her dislike of the creepy crawly creatures made this job just that much more difficult. For the moment she changed up her javelin for two revolvers. Amid she was going to fight these things she was going to fight them at a distance. Not daring to get near the next one crawling towards them; she shot it and it exploded in front of them, Elaine shielding her eyes from the blast. She wanted to just get right back on the ship if spiders had anything to do with this mission, but she stayed, firmly planted next to Azurius. These people needed her, she was scared, it was true, the mark on her back swirled and twisted in reaction to her emotions.

    "I hate spiders." She mumbled, releasing his shirt from her grasp and pocketing the two guns. she moved uncomfortably to the shift and burn of her mark; each day it was getting more and more restless. "Shall we keep moving?"


    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
    Third Skill:

    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Azurius Tade 21st March 2016, 6:11 pm

    zurius sensed it, the return of that magical presence emitted by that strange mark. At last, Elaine said she hated spiders and it made sense why she was holding his shirt. Elaine put her guns away for now. Azurius began turning to look Elaine in the eyes while saying "If you're afraid, I'm fine to go in alone so you can wait here." The words were considerate to her fear, but he knew that she wouldn't let him do it. For him, her staying might have actually been a better option since it meant she was well out of harm's way...

    If Elaine stayed with him, Azurius would pull out one of his shotguns and not argue any further. If Elaine would leave him, the angel would simply press on without any worries for her safety. Regardless, he moved through the tunnels only pausing for a moment when a stick of dynamite flew out of nowhere. He quickly worked the lever on his shotgun and fired a slug at it, sending the explosion back to its sender in several pieces that exploded all after the piece with the fuse still attached went off.

    Elaine WC: 1,286/1,850
    WC: 2,099

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 195
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 487.5

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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Elaine West 21st March 2016, 6:27 pm

    "Like a few mechanical bugs will keep me away from a good fight." She grinned, throwing on her best smirk, even though the mark kept creeping down her arms. Stop it. I have no time for this foolishness. She warned herself, the mark stopped moving. Good. It listens,now if it could just a stay like that. She sighed and switched out again for her javelin, it enabled her to do some pretty basic water magic, but if needed she'd switch to something stronger.

    When they entered the tunnel, Azurius set off servral rounds, setting off many trick explosions, Elaine damped the fires with a quick water spell, careful not to let it spread throughout the tunnel and trap them inside. It was way to hot in the tunnel; it was also small and crowded. No doubt the perfect hiding place for a villain. She sighed and pushed some of her damp hair out of the way. "I hope this guy isn't to far into these tunnels, they're extremely hot and by the looks of it; maybe a tad unstable. They don't give off a very reassuring feeling."


    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
    Third Skill:

    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Azurius Tade 21st March 2016, 6:50 pm

    zurius watched as Elaine put out the flames that resulted from him stopping the bomb, giving a nod of gratitude and waiting for her to finish. He would walk beside her, going quite a distance into the hot, dry tunnel before hearing a click from under their feet. Suddenly, a small hand was felt on Azurius's shoulder just before a massive explosion was set off. Him and Elaine would appear where they were just standing, surrounded by more fire, but they themselves not hurt. "Good work Sybil" he said out loud, happy that he made friends with a spirit of her caliber. While Sybil wasn't the most powerful spirit, no... she was probably the squishiest of the lot... she was adept at getting Azurius and company out of sticky situations.

    "You okay Elaine?"
    he asked with concern in his voice, not knowing how fast she was removed from the plane. He could still sense that magic aura from the mark, and was wondering if she was alright with it being there. He wondered if it hurt to have on her, or if there was no pain associated with it at all...

    Elaine WC: 1,475
    WC: 2,291

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 195
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 487.5

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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Elaine West 21st March 2016, 7:02 pm

    She coughed as she put out the flames, "I'm fine, just a tad stunned is all. Let's keep moving forward and get this finished as quickly as possible." She told him and started to walk forward just a bit more, though she could feel Azurius' eyes on her back. She spun around, "Listen, yes it's a nuisance and yes it won't ever go away. It's like holding a gun that could kill anything but you have to save the last bullet for yourself or else it won't work." she sighed. It was a real burden and it would probably end up swallowing her anyway, but she still had a good two decades worth of fighting before she let it take over her body. "But I'm fine Az, really. It's just like having any big power." She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and a small smile. She knew he would still worry about her, but there wasn't anything he could do about it, and he was going to have to except it. "Now let's go find this guy and get you home. I'm sure Destiny's eagerly waiting your return." She said, releasing her grip on his hand and continuing to trek forward, the further they went into the tunnel the more powerful the magic around them became, only making her more on edge and itching for her weapon.


    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Azurius Tade 21st March 2016, 7:39 pm

    zurius received not so comforting words of comfort from Elaine regarding her marking. It unsettled him more than it was supposed to, but he knew that he wasn't able to say anything... he had no right. He walked behind her slowly, his heart felt heavy and his hope... his inner light was beginning to dim. He questioned what would happen when it grew so large that it covered her entirely... would she remain the same? Would she die? Soon, his train of though was interrupted by the presence of a new enemy. This one had magic power beyond the ones they'd encountered before and began laughing. "Welcome to your graves you stupid little shits!" he exclaimed, laughing maniacally afterwards. Azurius didn't give the standard snarky reply... his head simply hung as a trail of water flowed down one side. He'd made one good friend, one very special one... and he thought he would lose her... after she promised not to die on him. "Uh... y-you know... this is normally where you run... or... atleast get ready to fight..." the man said, confused at his actions. "Uh... yo chick, that dude normally so depressing?" he asked. Azurius's gun fell from his hand, tapping the floor and erupting into a series of light particles. He had no desire to fight, the thought of losing Elaine after he'd just gotten her as a friend had taken all his spirit from him. His golden eyes began to lose their glow, slowly dimming to a dark yellow and nothing more. "This... this actually... makes me not wanna kill you... I just can't..." the enemy said. "Look man, I'll go to jail with ya just stop fucking looking like that!" he said while walking forwards with his hands up.

    OOC: Rolling dice. If it's an "Attack" then the ceiling collapses and the boss gets crushed by the debris. if it's a "Miss" then the boss is successfully captured.

    Elaine WC: 1,703
    WC: 281

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by NPC 21st March 2016, 7:39 pm

    The member 'Azurius Tade' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Miss
    Elaine West
    Elaine West

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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Elaine West 22nd March 2016, 3:57 am

    She turned back around, looking at Azurius and sighed, "I think that's my fault. I told him some rather harsh news...." She walke over to him, putting one hand on the side of his face and tilting his head slightly upwards so his eyes met her's. "Listen to me. Before, I thought this was my fate, I was just going to except it and move on. But now I have something with fighting for again. Now I have a reason to keep going on, to keep fighting." She shook her head and laughed, "Azurius, I have you. And I know what I said wasn't something you wanted to hear, but I thought, because of everything that's happened as of late, that you should've known. But I never would of told you if I knew this was the outcome.

    She took one of his hands in hers, interlocking their fingers, "I'm going to keep fighting. I won't ever stop. I promise."


    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Azurius Tade 22nd March 2016, 8:53 am

    zurius's mind was taken off the reality by something touching his hand. Something touched his face and angled it towards Elaine's eyes. They were beautiful, a flawless shade of brown that felt warm and inviting to the angle. She said things that made him turn a slight shade of red, as she had done so many times beforehand already. Azurius felt her fingers interlocking in his hand, and he decided to give into it and let his own fingers complete the action by locking with hers. "Riiiight... I'll just escort myself to the guard house, you guys kinda killed my buzz." the dangerous man said before leaving the room. Azurius, holding Elaine's hand the entire trip, walked behind the man to ensure he got there. Afterwards, once the two were done with it all and standing back on the airship to head to Hargeon, Azurius finally spoke. "E- Elaine..." it came out hesitantly as he would give a small tug on her hand. He would then reach to hold her other hand, his eyes would resume their glowing. "You promised me you wouldn't die, but that mark makes me feel otherwise. It rejects my influence, so I'm unable to remove it... but I swear to you I'll find a way to nullify it, or make it something with no negatives at all." he said confidently. "Just so you know... there is no object in existence I would trade for you... even all the gold that I can craft would hardly be enough to sum up a millionth of a single percent, of a percent of what you're worth to me." he said, his hands tightening slightly with hers. The statement wasn't without weight... Azurius could craft a near infinite amount of gold, quite literally, he could craft all the gold in the universe which would be enough to make several planets entirely of the metal. To say that Elaine was worth more than that, that all that gold wasn't even worth a percent of her value, was to say she had infinite value to him. Azurius leaned over, bringing his face close to hers. While he wanted to risk being the second person to kiss her, he was still unsure of his own feelings and was sure that Elaine was unsure of her own. He moved his lips around to her cheek, pressing them to it for a brief moment and producing a smacking sound as he pulled away, whispering to her "Seraphim custodiat corda vestra, et corpus" before letting go of her hands and walking off to go sit on the main deck. ((Translation: A Seraph guards your heart and body)

    WC: 443

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Elaine West
    Elaine West

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    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! Empty Re: Wanted! Demolitions Expert!

    Post by Elaine West 22nd March 2016, 9:38 am

    When he pressed a kiss against her cheek she burned red. She was sad when he let go of her hand but she knew that he kept his own promise in her heart and she had to believe that he would find a way to take off the mark; a way to free her from what awaited her in the future. She watched him walk away toward the airship, she gripped her left arm tightly, "Thank you, for everything." She whispered, watching him go. She was amazed that he of all people had decided to carry this burden with her. She had never had someone to this for her, no one who had put her self worth above her own.

    she mounted stairs to the ship and sat down on the large chair and pushing out a loud sigh, before flopping down sideways. They didn't do anything and the guy had turned himself in, that was less suspenseful then she had imagined. She groaned and put a pillow over her face, she had been nervous for nothing. She couldn't get the words of his promise out of her mind or the way his eyes shone when he spoke to her, she smiled underneath the fabric. Her transformation wore off as she was changed in a pair of cream ripped shorts and deep green crop top. Her hair falling loose off the couch and her feet dangled off one side.

    "We're good. We're safe." She side, pulling the pillow off her face, leaving one arm limp to the ground she shut her eyes. "I can sleep....." She murmured sleepily, shutting her eyes.


    Wanted! Demolitions Expert! 137588058467

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:43 pm