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    What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]


    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
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    Posts : 1345
    Guild : Sabertooth 《Guildmaster》
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 60,342

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
    Third Skill:

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Aura 10th February 2016, 11:15 am

    .: Rose Garden :.
      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  RTibW5M
    Rose Garden Theme:

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  TzMg8dP

    Rose Garden was simply amazing. Eye-opening. Spectacular. And still, Ageha had done nothing more then stare as she proceeded through the streets, occasionally bumping into people who were as much in awe as she was at that moment. At one point, where she nearly waltzed over a young couple and made a run for it, she decided it'd be better to take herself somewhere less crowded... which didn't really prove to be such a simple task to begin with. The silver-haired steel mage had dressed herself with a black hooded cloak after someone had tried to approach her and she, in a sudden reflex, had punched the guy a black eye and ran off somewhere safe. Well, defining 'safe' as a rooftop from which she could stare down on the colourful streets below. Thus there she sat, arms clasped around her knees and watching how one by one all the lacrima lights slowly lit up, whilst the sun on her turn descended to make way for the calming darkness the night would bring. Several stars already dotted the orangy sky, although still to early to fully see their shining grace, they still glowed with all their might, showing her a spectacle only visible from upon these rooftops.

    For all she cared, she could sit and watch here all night. She felt somewhat reluctant to return to the streets, even though the  many lacrima lanterns made them look so appealing from up here. As she peered over the edge of the rooftop she wondered whether the people down-below could see her as well, and if they'd enjoy the silence as well, were they put here in her stead. A soft breeze tickled her forehead and made her take down her hood, shaking her head to free her hair from the cloak. She sighed and leant back, redirecting her gaze yet again to the sky above her. Today she needn't worry about anything, since the Rune Knights had yet to call her to the HQ to officially affiliate her with their ranks, she was free to do as she pleased.

    Maybe a drink along the way...? Perhaps. But whatever the stars had in store for her, she got the feeling she'd enjoy it in the end.


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6

    Edward Von Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 341
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: TakeOver: Angel Soul
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty Re: What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 10th February 2016, 10:32 pm

    What did the stars have in store for the dark mage who had aligned himself with the guild known as Basilisk Fang and the future rising star of the Rune Knights? Whatever they were  planning and had in store for the duo from two different worlds,  from two different realms of existence, it would be interesting to the say least. But first the two would have to meet. Would they meet in a bar? No, their meeting was be in streets of Rose Garden. But this meeting was not simple as just bumping into each out of the blue and starting a conversation.

    The innate beauty of this city of magic was lost upon the dark mage known as Tenchi Mibu for he was here simply to obtain a bit of information from an accomplice which had been a source of his information for a number of years since he took the occupation of becoming an information broker for dark guild under the alias of Kuro Yami. The information which he sought was about a certain guild, a legal guild, which was infamous for their antics. This guild had peeked  his curiosity and for that reason alone, he had made his way to Rose Garden. But along the way of meeting his source of information,  he got side-tracked by his own desire to cause a bit of chaos and to enjoy himself a little bit at local bar in Rose Garden. This was a bit earlier before he had found himself reaping the consequences of his actions.

    “You insolent piece of crap! Do you think you being freaking cute pulling that kind of crap, here?!”

    A gruff voice of an adult male echoed through the area.It was clear from the tone of voice and the manner in which this male was speaking that he was upset by something or rather he was furious. The man , in question, stood at a impressive six feet and seven inches, but that wasn’t the only thing about him that was eye-catching. His physique could be compared to that of a burly mountain man for he was a massive bulk of muscle and over-flowing with testosterone. His face had a dark beard and his hair matched the hue of his beard. His clothing was rather common in a place like this. It was this large burly man that Tenchi had found himself angering greatly from his normal antics of messing with people and enjoying a bit of their suffering. Of course with this place, he couldn’t just kill the man in the bar without having to deal with the annoyance of those goody-goodies known as the Rune Knights. He had kept off their radar for this long and he was going to continue to do so.  The duo of the consisting one of the one being chased and the one doing the chasing finally had made it their way to the roof-top of this particular building where Ageha had escaped to avoid the general populace for a moment, where she had escaped to obtain a moment of peace. It seemed the poor girl wouldn’t get the respite she desire for now at least since trouble had found its way to her.

    “Cute? You think I am being cute, desu~? I am quite flattered that you think I am worthy of that kind of praise, desu~” These words escaped the lips of the adult wizard as he stood looking at his opponent with a mischievous grin plastered across his nineteen year old visage. He wouldn’t say it aloud to anyone nearby, but his smile spoke volumes of his own enjoyment at his particular situation. Of course, he didn’t enjoy fighting. It was more of the thrill of seeing the world around him constantly moving and bearing to witness to expression of someone angry or upset with him cause of his own antics. Tenchi’s hand slipped into his own right-hand pocket . From what was pulled out could simply be depicted as a pocket-knife and he held it out at his new found possession.  No, this man wasn’t worthy of that term. This man who stood before him was simply nothing more than a toy from him to break and enjoy a brief moment of amusement.

    “You are quite the annoying bastard with your constant running, but finally I have cornered you.  Don’t worry, little boy. I am not going to kill. Just beat you within an inch of your life. Then you will think again before pulling a stunt like that again!” The man spoke once more as he watched Tenchi fiddle with the knife in his hand before charging forward. In his mind, the knife that Tenchi wielded was little more than a toy for a child. His fist came straight at the dark wizard’s face. With a bit of agility and speed, Tenchi avoided it with ease and then it happened. Across the length of the man’s arm was a cute which made him wince back in pain for a second but he didn’t scream.

    “See isn’t this quite fun? Now show me more of your anger and hatred toward me and hit me with your best shot. If you still think I am being just cute. Besides, I am freaking adorable and fluffy. So make sure you describe me as such in the future.” A delighted smile was now plastered onto the young adult’s face as he watched his opponent’s reaction to him before chuckling a bit. His own sadistic nature was peeping out a bit for he was taking a bit of enjoyment in causing this man a bit of damage, but it wasn’t close enough to make him happy.

    The fight then continued for a brief moment on the roof-top before the man fell the ground. He wasn’t dead. He was just covered in cuts which were inflicted by the dark wizard. Tenchi then started to jump up and down on the man’s chest laughing a bit. “Aww... You are done? Come on. We can have a bit more fun, right? Right? Hey, can you hear me? Well... you are the one who wanted to fight so badly. But I am bored now.” He sighed as he stepped off the man. “You won’t die from those injuries. They are way too light. I guess you are just exhausted. Hm... what to do now?” If Ageha hadn’t interfered in the fight, Tenchi would finally notice her. She had sat back and watched the fight without a word. Something like that was unusual in his eyes, an a bit of curiosity gleamed in his eyes rather it sparkled.

    “Hey, you been up here for a while, right?” After saying this, Tenchi would walk over to her before he  realized that he saw her in streets earlier. Of course, he didn’t see her face. He just saw her in black hood and that she had gave a guy quite the shiner. Rather it was on purpose or just an reflex. He had found it quite amusing. His eyes then began to examine rather quickly noting her color and her facial expression as to get a read on her. “So you were the one I saw punch that guy earlier.” He grinned brightly. “You got quite a bit of physical strength.” He would comment after that before he just stood a bit away from her.  He enjoyed causing  individuals a bit of pain but he didn’t enjoy being on the receiving end of that at all.


    : Magic : Vault :Plot And History [In Progress]

    Jobs: D : 6 | C : 0 | B : 0 | A : 0 | S : 0 | SS : 0 | 10y : 0 | 100y : 0

    Current EXP Total: 150
    Total EXP Needed To Rank Up: 1200

    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
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    Posts : 1345
    Guild : Sabertooth 《Guildmaster》
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 60,342

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
    Third Skill:

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty Re: What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Aura 11th February 2016, 4:21 pm

    Had it been fate that denied her a night of tranquillity, or was it just he own bad luck that'd disrupted this moment of inner peace? Nonetheless, she didn't care for interfering at the moment, but couldn't keep her curiosity at bay and once again peered down the rooftop to the streets down below, only to view something she'd thought to be an unnecessary fight. They were too rowdy to her liking, especially the biggest of the two, who seemed to be eager on handing the second one's ass. She knew not the reason; what she did know however was the fact that she was supposed to interfere in the fight, as a soon-to-be Rune Knight. And maybe she would've, if it weren't for the awful amount of people jamming around the twosome, just to have a glance on what was happening within the circle that'd formed around the brawlers. Ageha was about to resume what she was doing just moments ago when the big guy, whom she'd dubbed Wilson, lunged out at the smaller one's face and swung in thin air. He'd dodged it as if it were nothing and kept on circling the man, suddenly taking out a piece of metal. She couldn't really discern what exactly he was holding, leave alone where he'd gotten it from, but seeing as it reflected the streetlights she could guess it to be a knife. So, now Shortie was wielding a knife, and by the way his movements swayed he seemed ready to return the favour of the previous few lunges. This could turn out bad... really bad. She inched closer to the edge of the rooftop to get a better view of the situation, and lowered her head almost instinctively once the amount of viewers hit home. A shiver ran down her spine at the very thought of all those gazes being pinned upon her as she'd come crashing down to stop the twosome from any further or possible bloodshed, thus resorted to staying incognito atop her roof. If things were to get out of hand, there'd surely be someone else to stop the fight, right? Right.

    While she was lost in thoughts, she was alarmed by the sudden movements in the corner of her eye and snapped back into reality, showing how the fight below her resumed. Ageha saw how Wilson's fist went out straight for Shortie's face, but Shortie on his turn evaded yet again, side-stepping and sliding past the man's arm. When both came to a standstill, she noticed how a long red line appeared upon Wilson's arm, rapidly growing. "So he was cut after all... that was... admirable." She muttered to herself, slightly in awe for his stealthy ways. It made her gaze even more pinned upon the fight, and saw how it continued in similar matter, with Wilson punching in thin air and Shortie adding another cut to the dummy Wilson posed to be for him. This time however they didn't stay within the circle and started moving up and down the street until they disappeared within one of the many alleys. Feeling somehow saddened by the fact they'd gone out of her view, Ageha moved away from the edge and settled herself again a little higher up the roof, this time taking in the rest of the rooftops. As expected, they were empty... or so she thought. From her left ruckus arose, soon after followed by footsteps making their way towards her, along with the almost rhythmical sound of metal cutting through the winds. A swift zinging sound that echoed shortly before fading in the silence. Ageha slowly turned towards the direction the noises were coming from and found herself astonished as the two brawlers from before rattled past her. She remained silent and followed their every move with keen eyes, but did nothing. This wasn't her fight, and 9 out of 10 she'd just end up hurting both of them for no valid reason. Her strength would've easily solved the issue where they on the ground floor, but here upon these roofs a simple punch or kick she couldn't control would most likely sent someone crashing down, so it was better not to do anything at all. Even when Wilson noticed her sitting there and tried to call out for her with a single gaze, she didn't falter. Even when in doing so he missed a vital part of his rhythmic fighting and lost his balance she did not budge. Ageha motionlessly watched as the man disappeared into the deep and crashed into a roof somewhat lower than the current one, Shortie tailing him down without a second thought. There she sat again, all on her own with new things to think of. First; Shortie apparently wasn't as short as she'd thought he was, in contrast to Wilson he still was, but the young man was a lot taller than the perspective had made it look like. She roughly estimated him to be about 8 inches taller than her. Wilson on the other hand really towered above both of them. He too had looked a lot more frightening now she'd seen him up close; those muscles truly were quite something, but she doubted he could even get close to her current level of physique. She snorted at the thought and smiled softly, until a voice startled her.

    “Hey, you been up here for a while, right?” The young man from before said as he drew closer. Ageha followed his moves closely, somewhat wary now he'd reappeared here so suddenly. A look of recognition seemed to pass his face, after which he too started examining her. It both pleased and disheartened her. “So you were the one I saw punch that guy earlier.” He continued whilst his face cracked into a grin. “You got quite a bit of physical strength.” A small blush appeared on Ageha's cheeks upon hearing his praise, getting shy about this stranger's interest in her and didn't reply as he stopped. The man left a considerable distance between them, as if afraid she'd lunge out at him as well. Not that she had a reason to do so, so there wasn't really a need for him to do so, but it was more comforting than him suddenly breaching her comfort zone.

    "Oh... so you noticed that..." Ageha uttered softly, feeling her cheeks heating up even more. Why was she reacting like that? He had noticed about her unusual strength and not thought of it being a lucky strike like some others, so what? It couldn't be that she was reacting like this because someone noticed, right? No. Stop thinking like that. This guy's just a stranger, nothing more. It's normal to give people a compliment once in a while, even people you don't know, so no big deal. Keep your calm Ageha, no biggie. Ageha unconsciously lectured herself, forcing herself to look at the young man in front of her. Black hair, a pale yet refined face and dark clothing. In the end, a not too bad-looking individual; on the contrary, his sober attire benefited his sharp facial features even more. She shook her head when her thoughts drifted off again and called herself to focuse on the matter at hand rather than the guy's fine looks. Finally opening her mouth again in an attempt to break the awkward silence, Ageha spoke in a somewhat shy voice. "T-those were some quite cool moves back there...."


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6

    Edward Von Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 341
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: TakeOver: Angel Soul
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty Re: What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 12th February 2016, 11:29 am

    A brief moment of silence between the two individuals formed as the dark wizard known by the name Tenchi Mibu stood in a short distance away from the young female stranger which he had just met on this roof-top. This moment was needed by the young adult male as he contemplated his future actions. No, he wasn’t just thinking about his future actions in regards to their conversation. He was attempting to read her facial expressions in an attempt to understand what was going through her mind at the moment as well. Tenchi noticed a light pink blush spread across her face and that her body seemed to be fidgeting a bit as well. Was she embarrassed? Was she anxious?  Of course, he wasn’t able to feel such emotions for the most part but he could feign or put on a mask with the best actors. He would dawn this mask to satisfy his own curiosity about the female who was near him on this roof-top.

    “Nervous? Do not worry; I honestly am not a big fan fighting in the slightest despite what took place a little while ago. I accidently bumped into his girlfriend and well things went downhill from there and such.” Tenchi’s right hand which possessed the same pale complexion as his hand ran through his midnight black hair for a moment as he reflected back on what took place moments ago between him and the man on the roof-top. The dark wizard’s gaze shifted to the grown before smiled. The man whose body was covered in cut marks from the pocket-knife which Tenchi kept on his person at all times.

    Of course, he wasn’t completely lying to the female stranger in front of him. However, he wasn’t being completely truthful in the matter either. The real truth was that he got quite bored and wanted to see what kind of trouble he could make within this town so he decided to bump into the lady friend of the self-proclaimed head honchos of Rose Garden. This bump consisted of his hands bumping into her lady bits, the two round twins which were located on chest. After bumping into this female, Tenchi thought he would be a good samaritan make sure she wasn’t injured by the accidental bump. His hands squeezed to make sure she was okay. A simple bump had led to the situation in which he was being chased by that particular burly man across Rose Garden.

    A low laugh followed those words as he straightens his posture up a bit before looking into Ageha’s direction once more. His body began to shift along with his midnight black hair as he took step after step to get closer toward her but he still kept his own distance. Not out of any fear for own safety anymore, but to simply keep things from getting to awkward. “Sorry about being rude, Miss, and not introducing myself sooner. My name is Tenchi Mibu, a traveling wizard, and I came to meet with an old friend tonight. But it seems they are going to be bit late from the looks of things.” He laughed once more before rubbing the midnight black locks of hair which adorned his head. It was at this closer range that he was able to get a better look rather he was able to analyze her facial features and even her physical structure much better.

    Her short stature was the first thing that stood out to him for this young woman was four inches shorter than himself but that was pretty average for most adult women in his own personal opinion. Her fair and pale complexion which reminded a bit of his own was the second thing but perhaps the most alluring and attention-grabbing to him were her crimson eyes. Her eyes were like rubies. Her long flowing silvery white hair was lovely. Her sharp facial features were the icing on the cake. Even Tenchi had to admit that this young woman was quite beautiful. But her beauty wasn’t what piqued his interested for he sensed something about her. Something that would make her interesting to watch for in the future and to that goal he would try to learn quite a bit about her tonight. Besides, he didn’t have much to do tonight and there was a lot of time before he was to meet his accomplice.

    “Since, I have so much free time. Would you like to go and get a drink with me and talk? I am in the need of some good company and I hate to drink by myself.” Tenchi would remark after he finished telling her about why he was here at the moment. He would sway his arms at his shoulder for a bit to keep himself occupied as he waited to listen to her reply and what she intended to do in regards to his invitation to go to a bar and get a drink on this particular night.


    : Magic : Vault :Plot And History [In Progress]

    Jobs: D : 6 | C : 0 | B : 0 | A : 0 | S : 0 | SS : 0 | 10y : 0 | 100y : 0

    Current EXP Total: 150
    Total EXP Needed To Rank Up: 1200

    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 1345
    Guild : Sabertooth 《Guildmaster》
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 60,342

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
    Third Skill:

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty Re: What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Aura 13th February 2016, 8:06 pm

    “Nervous? Do not worry; I honestly am not a big fan fighting in the slightest despite what took place a little while ago. I accidently bumped into his girlfriend and well things went downhill from there and such.”

    "Oh... yes, of course... Sounds logical, I guess." Sounds more like a bonafide lie, you mean. Ageha would've maybe believed him, weren't it for said explanation being the most common thing for guys to say against any female stranger, just so the other guy would look like the evil one. Good thing she read books, otherwise she could've never handled this situation the way she had now. Most-likely she would've handled it much worse. Waaay worse. Anyway. The current situation at hand, with the young man laughing in low voice while she said that only made it more awkward for her, since social conversations with new people really weren't her cup of tea. She thought about chuckling along with him but decided not to, as it might've made her look more like a lunatic than a socially feeble person. Lucky for her however, this slight moment of doubt gave her enough respite, as soon again the young man started to talk.

    “Sorry about being rude, Miss, and not introducing myself sooner. My name is Tenchi Mibu, a traveling wizard, and I came to meet with an old friend tonight. But it seems they are going to be bit late from the looks of things.” He laughed once more as he ran his hand through his hair, the youth's eyes analysing every hook and cranny of her being. Those eyes pinned upon her made her uneasy, and she fidgeted as he took her appearance in, feeling the blush creeping back unto her face as his eyes made their way to her face and casually stared into hers. At this point she felt like she could die from embarrassment, though still managed to find her tongue again and replied, once again, quite late to his introduction. "I'm--- Ageha... Ageha Mohra..." she replied softly, shifting her weight a bit and gazed up at the man that called himself Tenchi Mibu.

    “Since, I have so much free time. Would you like to go and get a drink with me and talk? I am in the need of some good company and I hate to drink by myself.” Tenchi asked, casually swaying his arm as he awaited her reply. A drink. Of all things to get her across that border of self-pity and fear of social occasions, asking her to go and get a drink would've been the best option by far. Almost instantly her focus returned, the shyness completely vanished. She leant back for a minute, then swayed her legs back and used the momentum to jump back on her feet, now standing before Tenchi with sparkling eyes. "You got me at 'drink'." She said, a grin suddenly plastered upon her face. Nevermind the talking, if it was a drink she'd get anything would do. Ageha recalled, somewhere deep down her memories, how her father had said it to have been miraculous; how just mentioning liquor in the most passive of ways could make her attitude towards someone make such a turnabout.

    Ageha honestly didn't mind. She'd been looking forward to getting a drink, but didn't want to stand out to much as the only person sitting at a bar by her lonesome self. Maybe with Tenchi she wouldn't stand out so much, they'd just look like regular couple-- A couple. She just barely knew the guy, that shouldn't be something she should be doing, going out with a guy she just met. It mattered not, as long as she kept the goal in mind, enduring it wouldn't be so hard. Just keep up a pokerface as you walk down those streets, nobody will notice something as long as I act casual... right? Not even once during the entire inner conflict did the thought to Ageha occur that they might've just look like a couple of friends going out to grab some drinks. So there she stood, having been more confident than ever mere seconds ago, whilst now having a mental break-down of how people would interpret her. This would prove to be a very long night.


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6

    Edward Von Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 341
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: TakeOver: Angel Soul
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty Re: What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 16th February 2016, 4:26 pm

    "I'm--- Ageha... Ageha Mohra..." 

     “Ageha Morha.  Ageha Morha. Ageha Morha.”  Over and over in his mind, the dark wizard repeated her name to make sure it stuck with him so he wouldn’t run into his bad habit of accidentally referring or using names outside of the given name of a particular individual before he gave her an approving smile.  The cool night wind brushed against his face as he swayed his arms back in forth for a moment. This smile marked that he had her identity now committed to his memory and would do a bit of research on her later on to see if his interest in her was correct. “Ageha Mohra, I suppose now we are finally properly acquainted with each other.”  He finished as he then waited for her answer to his suggestion of going out about the town and hitting a couple of bars. He had found liquor was a quick way to catch a glimpse of a person’s true nature or even catch a peek of something fun. This element of fun was watching the intoxicated individual make a complete fool of himself or herself.
    "You got me at 'drink'." 

    His sharp gaze caught the emergence of a delighted grin which became plastered across the beautiful visage of Ageha and he couldn’t help but let a small chuckle escape. It reminded him of a young child who saw a toy which obtained his or her interest and even a bit of himself when he saw an interesting person.  The swaying motion of his arms now ceased before he spoke up once again to his new found acquaintance. [/color]“It seems like you are an individual who enjoys their liquor. Good. Good. I know of a few good places but where I want to head out to is a bit more on the… less than savory side. The drinks are amazing though so there is no need to worry about that just few people can get bit antsy when they are drunk.” A mischievous grin found itself plastered across his face now as he honestly enjoyed the erratic bar which he was going to take her to and hopefully sate his own curiosity regarding her.  What he exactly sensed or rather what drew him to her at the moment was something that he couldn’t completely describe, but he was going to figure out what it was before tonight was over.

    “Shall we depart from this roof-top, Aegha? Oh and don’t worry about him over there, the wounds aren’t fatal so he will be okay. Probably… Most likely… Eh it is like fifty percent chance give or take. Either way!” He laughed it off before looking toward the door in which he came up here through before heading toward it. “It is time to have some liquor. Oh it is a bit crowded down there too so it might be best for you stick a bit close to me so we don’t get separated in the crowd. You have no problems with that right?” Habit After those words, Tenchi would take the lead and begin to head toward the door with a grin plastered to his face still. The man on the floor meant quite little to him at this point since the further entertainment which he could provide was quite little now. There was some fun things he could to him still but take a bit of time and he couldn’t do that with a witness here anyway. Of course, he could always use them both to satisfy his sadistic needs, but he wasn’t here to cause too much trouble tonight.


    : Magic : Vault :Plot And History [In Progress]

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      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty Re: What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Aura 25th February 2016, 2:25 am

    "Well, I-uhm... Lead the way, I guess?" Ageha stuttered as she obediently followed Tenchi towards the doorway he'd gotten on the roof with. To be honest, she hadn't even noticed there had been a door; and it dawned to her that thinking that the manly twosome had climbed their way up here was quite stupid too. The rooftops towered at least 15 meters above the streets down below, making it hard to believe that they'd actually clambered the entire way during a chase. It also made the soon-to-be Rune Knight recruit wonder as to why she had actually done that instead of taking the stairs. Sense of adventure? Or had she truly been that desperate when trying to escape the ruckus and bustle of Rose Garden's nightlife? What she did know however was that she was returning to the very thing she'd been trying to escape. Stopping in her tracks as Tenchi went down the stairs she turned and stared at the silhouette of Wilson's body. It was true that the guy was quite beat up, but the fact she saw his chest moving rythmically did console her into the fact that the man would survive... Ageha knew somewhere deep down that she couldn't leave the man to his fate however, yet staying here would most likely put her into Tenchi's shoes as the culprit, since the only witness was out cold and she'd have no valid reason to state as to why she was on that roof. So leave the unconscious man be and give someone a heads up once they got down-- might at least give him a bigger chance in surviving the wounds he'd suffered.

    As she turned again Ageha noticed Tenchi'd gone down a few flights of stairs already and quickly started her descend as well, catching up to him by taking three steps at a time. The silence somehow bothered her, which was odd, seeing that she was the one to appreciate silence above all. She sighed under hear breath and tugged Tenchi's sleeve to get his attention. "You... Know your way around here, do you, right...?" Ageha asked silently, obviously uncomfortable now the noises of the bustling streets started to reach her. "Because... To be honest, I'm not really keen on overcrowded areas... They... scare me. " The last words being spoken by the silver-haired woman were but mere whispers compared to the rest of her sentence, feeling embarrased by having to admit that little unknown fact to a total stranger. As for her, not taking the sense of familiarity in his way of acting into account, Tenchi was still a stranger. One she had to trust if she were to get through this night alive.


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

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    Edward Von Aurence

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      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty Re: What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 8th March 2016, 2:07 pm

    The short locks of midnight black hair which adorned the top of his head like a crown slowly  shifted and moved as Tenchi turned his head in response to the words which had escaped the lips of the woman whom he was becoming acquainted with, the woman whom he had asked to accompany him to the a pub within this city  of magic known as Rose Garden. It was not only the words which had escaped her lips which begged for his attention as he felt the black sleeve of his jacket which was lined with light gray fur being pulled by  the various digits of her hand.  He noted her worry in her voice and debated the course of action which he could take at this moment.  He could lose her in the  crowd and watch a fearful expression become plastered across her beautiful face, but that would kill the chances of him having any true entertainment for the remainder of the night until his accomplice arrived at the scene. So he would take the option and act the part of a gentleman for the moment. The extremities of his right hand reached for her hand and removed her grip from his jacket before he took her hand into his. “I understand, Ageha, if you are not a huge fan of crowded places and to answer your question I have been around here a number of times. Just make sure you don’t let go of my hand and I will make sure you get through this,  alright? But please be gentle with how hard you grab, by the way, my body isn’t that strong.” He laughed at that last bit.

    With right appendage intertwined with hers, Tenchi proceeded to lead her through the streets of this particular town and through the crowds of individuals who had flocked to this town upon this wonderful night.  However the sight of crowds and crowds of people within this city wasn’t an unusual sight for this town was famous for a being a wonderland of magic, fun, shopping, and exotic things that would surely put a smile on a person’s face.  Everything from the food and drinks here involved magic. The drinks which were served at the establishment that Tenchi was leading Ageha to the other side of town where a tavern stood. This part of Rose Garden had less traffic than other parts and even gave a hint of danger due to the individuals which were situated here didn’t give off the same fun-loving vibe the other people in town gave. The tavern that stood before them had a rustic feel and looked to be older than other parts of the town. Tenchi released her hand before he pointed to the establishment. “This is one of the best places to get a drink  in town, Ageha,” He told her with a mischievous grin plastered onto his visage which possessed a light hue. His eyes looked at the silver-haired female before he  decided to lead her inside of the establishment.

    Upon entry into this establishment,  the scene inside was a much more clear indicator of this type of establishment for there was a commotion starting for a moment as a fight between two people inside had broken out for a moment. Tenchi just smiled and lead her to a lone table which was at the side of the pub and was actually quite orderly despite the rowdiness which was exhibited in the other corners of the room. “Well just pick your poison, Ageha, it is a rough crowd but you learn to enjoy it after a bit.”


    : Magic : Vault :Plot And History [In Progress]

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      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty Re: What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Aura 9th March 2016, 1:26 pm

    Ageha silently listened as Tenchi spoke his comforting words, somewhat relieving her of the heavy feeling within her chest. His little joke regarding her inhuman strength got her to chuckle, not even wondering about how he found out about it. In the end it seemed like Tenchi was a nice guy after all, as he gently took a hold of her hand and lead the way. The young woman's only concern was the size of Tenchi's hands, who made hers look like those of a child. Fascinated by her chaperone's palms, the Rune Knight had all but given her environment a moment of her time, hence allowing her to stay in a sane state of mind. After a while Tenchi slowed down and came to a halt, unbeknownst to the female dangling at the other side of his hand, who bumped into his back head-first. Ageha shook her head and looked up, seeing the tall building rise in front of them. It was apparent that the crowds rather not ventured here; most of the masses had been reduced to smaller groups of rather uncanny individuals, some as old as the tavern-like establishment Tenchi'd brought her to.

    The dark-haired young man grinned as he stated this was the pace to be if one liked a good drink. The building; old, slightly run down yet in a still decent condition, gave off a rustic feeling to it. The wooden beams that made up the doorway had withstood both the weather and the ages, and proudly held the battered door, who on his turn had withstood even more customers. His hand let go of hers, and with it the warmth his palms had harboured. Ageha clasped her other hand around the hand Tenchi'd held, unconsciously holding it close to her chest as she followed the slender male into the pub.

    The scene that unfolded before them once they entered was what Ageha'd expected to find. A fair amount of ruckus rose from many a table, whilst a lone twosome enjoyed an exchange of fists. Tenchi, being the gentleman he hadn't been during his previous fight, only smiled and lead her towards a lone table. The Rune Knight-to-be stopped, and instead of taking a seat merely stared at the brawl, whilst the breaking of glass resonated in the back of her mind. She smiled, shoved the chair back with her foot and sat down, her mind wandering off. This place brought back memories of her last visit to a shady bar; the best drinks were served in the shadiest of places, and the people tending to the bartender's wages in the end were far nicer than their appearance would suggest. She and Mashyuu had had an awkward conversation back then... the rest was a dark mass of misery, from which she remembered nearly naught. Hopefully that wouldn't reoccur today.

    Tenchi told her she'd come to like the rowdiness of this place if she gave it some time, to which she shook her head and flashed a smile. "It's odd... but somehow I feel more at ease with this crowd than with the people outside!" Her fingertips started tapping a catchy tune as she thought of the kind of drink she wanted, and settled with one of her all-time favorites in the end. "I'll take some whiskey then... What about you, Tenchi? Since we're here, we might as well get to know each other a little better, no?" Ageha had surprised herself with the sudden openness, as she'd normally only pose these type of questions when she at the very least had a sip of her alcoholic beverage. Nevertheless, the fact she was finally getting better at socializing with other people was certainly positive.


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

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    Edward Von Aurence

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      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty Re: What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 11th March 2016, 12:56 am

    The auricles located on both the left and right side of Tenchi’s cranium, his ears, picked up on the various reverberations being emitted by the abundant of disorderly and unsavory individuals who frequented this particular rustic and almost ramshackle tavern before he took notice of the somewhat fascinating  phrase of words Ageha had selected to depict the surge of swelling emotions within her  which  were linked to her arrival at this particular tavern and being surrounded by the disorderly clientele that frequented the establishment. In reaction to her words, a spark of curiosity and intrigue ignited within him as he began to converse with the silver-haired and physically well-endowed female that sat across from him at this moment in time. “I can see why would feel a bit more at ease with the rowdy crowd of individuals here, Ageha. They are a fun bunch to be around aren’t they? Perhaps it is the fact they are honest about their intentions which make them entertaining. Or maybe it is because once you understand what people really want, you can’t hate them anymore. Because you can always find the same desires within yourself. Sometimes, you just want to let loose and destroy everything in your path or maybe not care about consequences anymore. But I am supposed to picking my poison now correct, Ageha.” A low and somewhat amused chuckle escaped his lips before the gaze of his hazel brown eyes shifted back to Ageha.

    Tenchi’s right index finger light tapped against his head for a moment as if he was thinking about something. His index finger suddenly stopped before he rose his hand into the air and pressed the thumb and middle finger of his right hand together and then a loud snapped echoed throughout the establishment. A few of the patrons looked toward the collective direction of both Ageha and Tenchi with a few confused glares, but the rest of them continued talking and conversing among themselves as nothing had happened. It response to the snap of his fingers, one of the three individuals who was standing behind the wooden bar counter had made their way over to them.  A woman who appeared to be in her mid-twenties approached the duo. Her hair was white but had pink frosted tips. Her attire consisted of what looked like a traditional bartender uniform for a higher establishment which was quite hypocritical to this particular tavern. Her eyes were a bright red which could be compared to rubies. In her mouth was a lollipop which stuck out a bit showing that it was a red one, cherry flavor. She wasn’t particular voluptuous for her body and her build was simply slender. “You know you could walk up to the bar counter and get your damn drink like any other person, Tenchi.” This particular woman stated before she looked in Ageha’s direction. “Hey, you look like a nice girl so let me give you a bit of advice on the house. It would better if you l-“ The flow of her words were interrupted by a smile from Tenchi before shook his head. “Now. Now. Natasha, you aren’t trying to ruin my night of fun? Oh yes, this is Natasha, Ageha. You really don’t need to remember her name however since she is just an NPC in our story.” He chuckled a bit. “Who the hell are you calling an NPC?!” The bartender slammed her hands onto the desk causing it to shake a bit. “My, you shouldn’t get so angry, Natasha. You will frown lines and wrinkles, but hey if you wouldn’t mind bringing us a drink. I would really appreciate it.” Tenchi responded not losing his cool. “You are the most annoying type of person to deal with… but fine it is my job so what will be your damn drinks?!” She cursed him underneath her breath a bit more.

    “For starters, I would like for you bring me two Zombie Cocktails on the rocks for both me and my friend here along with a bottle whiskey and a bit of ice. We haven’t gone to what will be for the meal so you just bring the drinks.” He told her with a haughty tone which was met with a glare from the bartender who left without another word. “I meant to ask Ageha, have you ever had a Zombie Cocktail? They are one of the signature drinks at this tavern.” If Ageha responded with a no then Tenchi would explain to her what exactly the drink was made of. “Aptly named, the Zombie cocktail is designed to put you in a half comatose Zombie-like state in a matter of minutes, as you get through your glass. Yes, it contains a lot of non-alcoholic essentials, namely lime, orange and pineapple juices. But these are more than made up with all the different rum  the drink requires. Let’s just run through them, shall we. Well, there’s the universally revered Bacardi 151 Rum with dark, gold and white rums. There’s also some apple brandy for variety.” He would finish. If she knew what it was then Tenchi would have skipped the explanation. “But you are correct. Let’s start with a rather simple topic then, Ageha. What do you do for a living at the moment?”


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      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty Re: What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Aura 14th March 2016, 6:13 am

    What the obsidian-haired male said did make sense. Perhaps that was indeed the reason that she was so at ease amongst these rugged, tough-looking individuals. Her heart ached at the words of destruction without consequences, both in pain and in an odd feeling she could not quite put her finger on. As if it were something essential she felt was missing within her, something she lacked but knew consciously belonged to her... the desire for destruction. She desired little; riches could not tempt her, as much as fame could not tilt the balance in its favor either. Her love for alcoholic liquid wasn't seen as a desire; it was merely a need of the body, rather than the mind. She had no true goals she followed with blazing passion, and she never felt the desire to pledge herself to someone either.

    Meanwhile Tenchi had done his share of choosing and snapped his fingers, echoing loudly throughout the tavern. Many annoyed glares found their way to the culprit, who only smiled as one of the bartenders moved between the tables and made her way to the twosome. Apparently Tenchi'd been a regular here, as the woman switched a look of annoyance as well before casually addressing her, until she noticed Ageha. The white hair and ruby-red eyes were all too familiar, and the future Rune Knight recruit could've sworn she was gazing upon her reflection in the mirror, were it not for the pink-frosted tips and the lack of volume in the chest area compared to herself. She stared into the woman's eyes for a moment, half-consciously listening to what should've been a warning about hanging out with Tenchi. The bartender was cut short halfway her sentence and, to Ageha's amusement, started an all-out offensive of words against him. Using her palm to support her chin, Ageha smiled softly and merely watched. This woman may look like her, but they weren't anything alike. Those red eyes lacked something. Something she could spot right away, as there was but one person who'd once reflected the true intention of Ageha's crimson eyes; her mother's. That was one of the only things she remembered about the one who bore her, whom she'd shared her looks with, and a certain tension she could not place...

    Ageha snapped back out of her thoughts when Tenchi addressed her again, explaining the details of something called a Zombie Cocktails. She only nodded off-mindedly, wondering why she'd been having these odd feelings stacking up at this very moment. When asked what she was doing for a living, she absent-mindedly replied. "As for now, nothing really. But I've been accepted to join among the Rune Knight's ranks, so I guess you could say I'm a law-enforcer now... Well, maybe next week. How about you?" Tenchi nodded, slightly taken aback by the new information her received, yet skillfully hid that behind one of his masterpiece mask. A Rune Knight and a member of Basilisk Fang... light and dark sitting at a table sharing words and booze without knowing of each other's true identity. It intrigued him. Yes, this would prove to be an interesting night. As the young man was about to reply, the female bartender returned with their drinks, and whilst Ageha immediately filled her glass to the brim with her favorite substance, Tenchi told her about this insignificant guild he belonged to. Insignificant he might've said, but there was no way he'd truly say he was a member of one of the most notorious dark guilds located in Fiore. Although the expression that would creep upon her face when telling her would be worth spilling the beans, he'd still wanted to have some fun with her first. After all, the night was still young and his possibilities endless.

    Several hours went by, the twosome taking in more liquid than they normally should whilst talking about casualties and whatnot. While Ageha grew more interesting to the dark-haired youth with every detail she told, so did Ageha's defences fall as the alcohol kicked in. In the end, she'd decided Tenchi to be given an OK, clearing him from the stranger status. The twosome had left the tavern soon after, Ageha fairly drunk off the bat, whilst Tenchi on his turn seemed out of it as well, but hid it better. The lights of the streets returned, lacrimas of various colors brimming with equal energy as those who walked the streets below them. The silver-haired youth, now released of all her social weaknesses and fears, pulled her dark-haired comrade along through alleys and streets she'd never even once passed, and ended up getting lost in the progress. Uncaring however, she quickly picked up the 'I'll go where the wind blows'-attitude and stampeded onward, until they finally reached a place far more vivid than expected. Before them rose the vicinities of a huge fair, complete with ferris wheel, a circus and lacrima lights brilliant enough to be mistaken for an abundant sea of colorful lighting. The nearby High Striker caught her attention, and without giving her companion the time to object, dragged him over to the stall.

    The man in charge of the High Striker smiled diligently as the young woman stated she wanted to give it a try, and warned her that the hammer might be too heavy for a frail lady such as herself. Ageha snorted and closed her hands around the hammer's grip. "Don't underestimate me, old man! You'd be surprised as to what I can do!" And as to match her words with deeds, the young woman effortlessly rose the hammer above her head, gaining many's unwavering attention. A self-satisfied smirk crossed her lips, and she waited several moments to add extra pressure to the rising tension, then motioned forward, letting the hammer soar down towards the target.

    But the bell never rang. Ageha missed by a mere inch, as she lost her balance for a split second, smashing the hammer into the ground beside the target. Those who'd stopped to watch fell into a collective fit of laughter, while the silver-haired mage flushed red almost instantly and pushed the hammer back into the stall keeper's hands. She crossed her arms and retreated to Tenchi's side, with the expression of a sulking child plastered unto her embarrassed face.


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

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    Edward Von Aurence

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      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty Re: What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 16th March 2016, 3:55 pm

    The effects of the various alcoholic beverages which the duo had consumed at the tavern had even started to effect Tenchi a bit at this point in time despite his usual high resistance to becoming intoxicated. Maybe it was the combination of the liquor hitting his brain and his own mischevious curiosity which kept him hanging around the woman known as Ageha who had revealed herself to be part of those annoying bastards who said they were on the side of justice. Besides it was absurd to separate people into groups as such as good and evil since it was all based on perspective anyway. But in time, their locale had changed from the rustic tavern to the one of the places of  in which a number of people went for enjoyment, the fair. He had been dragged here by his silver-haired female acquaintance who had lost all of her earlier social fears and anxieties. But he was a bit intoxicated at the moment so he didn’t fight this change.
    Tenchi then found himself in front of an odd attraction which had obtained Ageha’s attention and chuckled a bit as he noticed what this game involved testing an individual's strength. He chuckled a bit as he wanted to witness how strong she truly was. He watched both of them argue for a bit until Ageha finally got her chance at it. He had expected the sound of the bell ringing to soon follow but there was nothing. He smiled a bit as he saw that she had failed at her goal to ring the bell before she ran to his side to avoid the laughing of everyone. He turned and patted her head for a  second. “It is okay, Ageha. Don’t let it bother you. Maybe I should give it a try myself.”

    Tenchi walked forward and then got the same reaction that she had received from the stall owner due to his build. It didn’t appear that he was very strong in the slightest. His hand went around the hammer and he struggled a bit to lift it up. “Wow this is really… heavy.” After a few moments or working it. He finally lifted it up into the air before stumbling back a bit barely keeping his balance. He walked with it for a second stood in front of it before he smirked a bit and it seemed like he was able to hold it a bit better. He was much stronger than his build let on mainly due to the blood of his ancestors which flowed through his veins. He slammed it down onto the target and the bell slowly went up but barely missed hitting the bell. “Oh…” He stated a bit disappointed. “Well… you really wanted that prize right, Ageha?” He asked her. 


    : Magic : Vault :Plot And History [In Progress]

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      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty Re: What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Aura 16th March 2016, 5:08 pm

    Tenchi's stumbling display with the hammer at first notice made her feel a bit better about her current failure, but as soon as he hit the target she saw the wooden pin measuring the strength of the hit rise in one go, nearly grazing the bell before returning to its starting point. Ageha's eyes squinted into a glare as Tenchi returned, apologizing for his inability to win the prize he thought she desired. She shook her head and stared at the thing, infuriated by the approving nods the bystanders gave Tenchi, while some others still snickered as they recalled her previous actions. The silver-haired female mumbled something inaudible before looking back at Tenchi, then once again at the High Striker and the stallkeeper before walking up to him again, arm extended and motioning to give the hammer to here once more. The man frowned at her coquette display, told her she wouldn't win EVEN if she hit the target, and gestured her to move along. The young woman however did not take this as lightly as any other would've, as in the springtime of her drunken state her rivalry was, ironically, unrivalled. Seizing hold of the hammer, the stallkeeper protested valiantly. If he had known Ageha's true self had surfaced, and if he had known that side existed, he'd never objected. Sadly enough for him, that was not the case, and the altered Ageha was keen on getting what she wanted; the win.

    "What do you mean I can't try again? I can whenever I want as long as I pay for it, right!" Ageha replied, waving the giant hammer about as if it was a mere stick. The stallkeeper-sama replied that she could get hurt, and that her earlier display of lifting the hammer was but cheer luck. To which the now pissed off Steel mage gladly denied. "I bet if it was him," The hammer was casually pointed at Tenchi, and hovered three inches in front of his face as she addressed the stallkeeper further."You would've let him have another try, huh? But fine. Good. WHATEVER! You want you're stupid hammer back?" Ageha exclaimed, now wagging the hammer with merely one hand, making it look like she was waving a little flag instead of a 6 feet hammer. "You can stick it where the sun doesn't shine for all I care!" And with that, the overly ticked-off mage slammed the hammer down besides her, in the same gesture a displeased would throw away his toy, towards the oh-so conveniently placed target. The hammer hit its goal with magnifying force, the established wooden finery collapsing under the pressure put into the swing, whilst the indicator rose at blinding speed. The wood chipped apart as the hammer dug deeper into the wooden frame, splintering all underneath its blunt surface and being utterly broken to pieces in a mere gesture. At the same time the indicator hit the bell, the sound echoing loudly as it was catapulted far into the obsidian night sky, the bell still resonating as it disappeared further and further away from them.

    Altered Ageha, otherwise all-knowing and uncaring, now felt her face crack into an ear-to-ear grin as the shiny silver bell disappeared from view. Now THIS was what she'd been longing for. Utterly crushing the opponents by doing the same with the tool they used to measure their strength, all with a simple twist of the wrist. She eyed the stallkeeper and flung him the hammer, followed by an uncalled for "In your face, you shitty NPC!". Her head turned to face Tenchi as in the distance ruckus arose, quickly followed by the sound of screams and people trying to escape from something that descended upon them, after which the sound of a metallic object crashing into a wooden frame echoed their way. "Whaddaya think? Great kick-off for tonight, if I may say so myself!"
    She grinned, her crimson eyes shining with a sparkly amused gaze.


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

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    Edward Von Aurence

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      What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]  Empty Re: What The Stars Have In Store For Us... [Event || Aura ~ Tenchi Mibu]

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 18th March 2016, 2:41 pm

    Of course, Tenchi had failed in his earlier attempt and was a bit upset by that failure due to his own immense amount of pride, but now he was feeling a bit more elated by the conversation being held between the two. An entertained expression had found itself plastered across the pale-complexioned visage of Tenchi as he listened to the brief conversation being held between the woman whom he had just met on this night and the male individual who maintained and ran this particular stall at the fair. However, this expression which found itself plastered across his face was not only due to the conversation, but it was also due to the fact he was finally bearing witness to the kindred spirit which he felt during their initial encounter on the roof-top. He couldn’t help but a let out a burst of laughter at the scene. “Now that wasn’t half-bad, Ageha. I didn’t know you had it in you.” He replied as he began to truly enjoy himself on this particular night. “What else shall we do?”


    : Magic : Vault :Plot And History [In Progress]

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      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:14 pm