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    Edward Von Aurence

    Edward Von Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 341
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: TakeOver: Angel Soul
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Edward Von Aurence  Empty Edward Von Aurence

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 25th December 2016, 9:54 pm

    Edward Von Aurence



    November 7th


    Special Characteristics:

    General Personality:
    Born within the nation-kingdom of Fiore, Edward Von Aurence was raised alone by his mother in Lavanitir Port City until he was five years old. At the age of five, he lost his mother to an incurable illness and was forced to live on the streets of Lavanitir Port City for half a year. While the amount of time he spent living on the streets within the city was not long, Edward Von Aurence was shown parts of society that would follow him for many years to come. He watched people with an excess amount of wealth, food, and power only care for themselves. He watched people who barely had anything attempt to help others. It was at that time, Edward decided if he could ever help other people he would. It was later on that Edward was found by a member of the Church of Lorelei and brought to a small abbey where he learned about the teachings of Lorelei and the goals of the Church. They resonated within him and crafted him into the young man Edward is today.

    Devoted To Teachings Of Lorelei And Loyal To The Church
    Edward Von Aurence is a devoted follower of the teachings of Lorelei and a dedicated member of the Church of Lorelei. This devotion is linked to the fact Edward felt the teachings of Lorelei resonate within himself along with the goals of the Church. It is also linked to the fact that the Church of Lorelei took him in when he had lost his mother and there was no one else in the world that cared about him. His devotion and loyalty to both the God, Lorelei, and the Church of Loyalty are without equal and he will follow their orders without fail and without question.

    Moral and Truthful
    Edward Von Aurence possesses a very strong moral compass differentiating between right and wrong. Good and evil. Light and dark. It is because of his strong moral compass, Edward tends to think things through before he acts on them making sure they don't go against his own values along with the values taught to him by the Church of Lorelei. This trait also causes him to stay on the light side of the spectrum such as taking responsibility for an error and not trying to cover it up or returning something that another person has lost.

    Independent And Skillful
    Despite the fact Edward Von Aurence is a member and a priest of the Church of Lorelei, he has developed an independent and somewhat assertive attitude regarding his work and his own life. He depends on the teachings of Lorelei for spiritual and moral support, but he works to change the world for the better through his own effort and ability. Edward has taught himself a number of skills such as cooking, cleaning, first-aid, herbology, gardening, hunting, and etc.

    Respect And Value For Life
    Edward Von Aurence places a great deal of value and respect toward his own life and the lives of others. This value in life was taught to him by the teachings of Lorelei. However, it also stems from his work with the Church of Lorelei where Edward has seen numerous of villages ransacked and destroyed by humans with evil in their hearts, smooth-talking demons, malevolent spirits, and mindless hordes of the undead. This value of life leads Edward to attempt every method to resort issues peacefully and try not to end a life, but he also values his own life and if it is endangered then he has no problem ending another's life. His value of life also extends to the food that he eats which leads him to always give thanks for the fauna's and flora's sacrifice to become his dinner.

    Combat Personality:
    As an individual, Edward Von Aurence dislikes violence and fighting, however, he does understand that it is necessary when protecting oneself or protecting others from harm. When it comes to engaging in combat, Edward generally attempts to remove his enemies' desire to fight through pain which causes him to use lethal or excessive force for the most part. However, he can be completely brutal when it comes to individuals that he knows there is no reasoning with or who have committed crimes that cannot be forgiven by any means. Edward's fighting style mixes a range of close combat, mid-range combat, and long-range combat influences meaning, for the most part, he is capable of fighting in any situation without too much of a problem. He remains composed and merciful if a person hasn't committed any true taboos in his eyes for the most part but since he uses the magic of angels his own personality can become cold, cruel, and heartless.

    As A Follower And A Leader
    When working underneath an another individual, Edward Von Aurence is, for the most part, the ideal follower since he understands that a leader has a lot to deal with in regards to assuring the safety of the group. But if something goes against his own morals or the teachings of Lorelei, he will openly object and refuse to take part in the action and attempt to stop it. While working as the leader of a group, Edward Von Aurence attempts to lead the group to the best of the ability and ensure that no one is left behind. However, his morals and the teachings of Lorelei can lead him to take unnecessary risks such as saving the life of an injured person.

    Food: Ever since Edward Von Aurence was a young child growing up in an abbey, which belonged to the Church of Lorelei, he has always possessed an odd love for tasting different kinds of culinary dishes along with a huge appetite. His appetite is so enormous that it has earned him the nickname 'The Glutton of Lorelei' among his fellow members of the church. Despite his enormous appetite, Edward seems to never truly gain weight no matter how much he eats. Some members of the church link this large appetite to the unique magic he uses and Edward's unknown bloodline. While he does enjoy tasting different types of food, he always makes sure to give his thanks to the animals and plants used to make his meal along with a prayer to Lorelei.

    Helping Others: While assisting the less fortunate is a fundamental teaching of the Church of Lorelei, Edward Von Aurence has developed his own fondness for the act. Edward has never been able to truly explain why he enjoys helping the less fortunate besides the fact that it makes him feel warm inside and seeing the smiles on another person's face fills him with joy. He also uses the fact assisting those less fortunate is part of the teachings of Lorelei. Because of this inability to explain his own actions completely, some people say that it is only egotism that drives him to help or because of his church's teachings. However, Edward doesn't allow those words to bother him or stop him from helping others.

    Nature: Edward Von Aurence spent his childhood and teenage years at a small abbey, which belonged to the Church of Lorelei. The abbey was situated in the center of a lush forest far away from the strife and bloodshed of the outside world. When he was not in the middle of teachings from the Abbot of the Abbey or his Archangel mentor, Edward Von Aurence would spend time out in the beautiful forest enjoying the scenery and the sound of nature. This love of nature and its beauty has extended to his late teenage years. Even now, Edward will attempt to find an isolated area free from the strife of the world and partake in nature's beauty.

    Pointless Bloodshed: Steeming from Edward Von Aurence's devotion to the teachings of Lorelei as well as his personal experience as a priest of The Chruch of Lorelei, Edward has developed a deep-seated disdain toward pointless bloodshed and brutality. During his work for the church, he has come across numerous villages which had been burnt to the ground and villagers on the brink of death because of bandits who simply desired to spill the blood of innocent people. It is because of this that this particular dislike extends to people who have no moral compass or regard for the precious life bestowed to the individuals of Earthland by Lorelei.

    Selfishness: Having lost his own mother at the age of five, Edward Von Aurence has dealt with living at the bottom of society without anyone to take care of him or even assist him. During this time, he has seen people who had plenty and didn't wish to share even a little bit with someone who was suffering. He also saw people who barely had anything and give what the little they had to help others. It is because of this and teaching of the Church of Lorelei that Edward dislikes people who are selfish and refuse to help others when they are able to assist them.

    Enemies Of The Church And Lorelei: As a priest of the Church of Lorelei and a devout follower of Lorelei, Edward Von Aurence possesses a disdain for the enemies of the Church. His particular dislike is not only founded on the Church's beliefs but his own experience in dealing with these enemies which consist of humans with evil in their hearts, smooth-talking demons, malevolent spirits, and mindless hordes of the undead.  There are other enemies branded by the Church such as heretics who have abused the Church's position for personal profit or used it to commit horrible acts. These individuals have earned Edward's personal disdain and hatred for the horrible atrocious he has witnessed and the suffering they have forced on the innocent citizens of Earthland.

    To Become A Priest Worthy Of Lorelei: Steeming from his devotion to the teachings of Lorelei, Edward Von Aurence wishes to become a full-fledged priest worthy of Lorelei and her infinite blessing. Currently, he wishes to become an archbishop within the Church of Lorelei in hopes that will prove his devotion to his benevolent God.

    To Travel And See The World: While Edward Von Aurence puts his devotion and duty to the Church of Lorelei and God Lorelei first and foremost in his daily life. Edward does possess his own desire to travel and explore the world created by Lorelei with his own eyes and bear witness to its own beauty and ugliness. He hopes while performing his duty that he is able to see more of the world with his own eyes. He also wishes to taste the amazing food unique to each country and engage in the culture of each country.

    To Serve The Will Of Lorelei: Edward Von Aurence ended up losing his parental mother to an incurable illness at the young age of five. It was after losing his mother and living on the streets for six months that he was found by a member of the Church of Lorelei who took him to the Abbey where he spent the next twelve years of his life. Edward believes he owes his current life to the church and the God, Lorelei.  A life in which he is able to live without scurrying in the streets and having to resort to crime to survive. It is in order to repay the debt he owes to Lorelei and the church along with their teaching that he wishes to serve the will of Lorelei. It is to this end that he trains under his mentor, an archangel, to carry out his God's will rather it is conveying messages of Lorelei's love to uninformed masses, helping the less fortunate, or ridding the world of evil humans, demons, spirits, and the undead.

    Becoming Aligned With Chaos: Through his work for the Church of Lorelei, Edward Von Aurence has witnessed a number of people die from small conflicts and wars started from various things such as individuals breaking peace treaties, promises being broken, and overall selfishness and greed. Edward fears to lose his way and becoming an individual who assists in these horrible acts of brutality and cruelty. Edwards fears becoming the reason why people lose their lives in a pointless manner.

    Failing His Duty: Edward Von Aurence was taken in by the Church of Lorelei when he was a child and after his mother had died from an incurable illness. The Church of Lorelei clothed him, feed him, and educated him about the world around him. Lorelei gave his heart hope when he had lost it all and gave him meaning. The Church showed him that there were people who cared about others and wished to save him. Edward fears that failing his duty as a priest will not only displease the Church and Lorelei, but it will also mean that failed those who needed his assistance.

    Losing His Faith In The Church And Lorelei: Edward Von Aurence has encountered a number of individuals throughout his work for the Church of Lorelei. With these encounters, Edward has ended meeting people with beliefs completely different from his own including individuals who believe there is no God or who believe God has completely abandoned them. Meeting these individuals has made Edward possess a fear of losing his faith in Lorelei, something that he has an immense amount of pride in, and becoming like them.

    General Appearance

    5 feet and 11 inches | 180.4 centimeters

    140 pounds | 63.5 kilograms

    Golden Blonde

    Pale Gold

    Skin Tone:

    A teenager of average height with a lean muscular build, Edward Von Aurence can generally be seen wearing his priest outfit which consists of a black dress shirt, black dress pants, and golden stole with two crosses which worn around his neck. He also wears a golden necklace that has a small cross at the bottom of it.


    Fairy Tail

    Located on Edward’s back, the guild mark of the guild rests in-between his shoulder blades. Due to the location of the guild mark, it is hidden from view unless Edward removes whatever garments that are covering his torso or back.

    Tattoo Coloration:
    Yellow Gold


    Edward Von Aurence
    The Angelic Priest Of Lorelei
    Muse: 10/10
    Tagged: @None
    Word Count: 0000

    Last edited by Lionel on 28th May 2017, 4:51 pm; edited 30 times in total

    Edward Von Aurence  Empty Re: Edward Von Aurence

    Post by Guest 30th December 2016, 5:25 am

    Edward Von Aurence  VkztGmZ

    Edward Von Aurence  Empty Re: Edward Von Aurence

    Post by Guest 18th January 2017, 7:03 pm

    Unlocked upon users request :)

    Lionel wrote:

    I am a thief so I steal things.
    General Profile Information

    Name: Lionel Sabre
    Aliases: Cheshire; The Unchosen One; Thirteen the Bandit
    Sex: Male
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Birthday: September 22
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Special Characteristics:

    Personality: As an individual whose particular line of work revolves around the theft or plundering of valuable items both physically and conceptually, Lionel possesses an extraordinary amount of pride regarding this profession and has little fear of boasting who he is or what he does to those around him. This extreme amount of pride in regards to stealing has to lead him to develop a few odd habits. The main one is that refers to a lot of things that he does as stealing. Such as telling a fib or a lie, he refers to it as stealing the truth. Afterward, he usually boasts about what a great thief is and what he stole. It because of this odd pride combined with a more playful attitude that he is usually thought of as an idiot. Or he is thought to possess a very little amount of danger to those around him. In combination with his occupation, the immense pride he has for his occupation,  and the unique brand of magic, he has become a bit of a kleptomaniac. At times, he ends up stealing random objects without ever meaning to. Sometimes, he will steal a spoon from a restaurant, a towel from a hotel, or even the leftovers claimed by another person in the fridge. But he takes pride in his kleptomania since he believes it shows that he is a great thief who is always on the job. Lionel also possesses a keen eye due to his work as a thief which leads him to eye treasure and other things of such value with great happiness.

    Despite this odd affection which Lionel possesses toward stealing, the immense amount of pride he has toward his profession, and the preconceived notion individuals have about him due to his playful persona, Lionel possesses a keen eye for observation. It is a trait that is comparable to a cat waiting and watching for the slightest opening to obtain a something that they have desired for a long period of time. This also leads him to be a bit mischievous or a bit impish. However, even he is showcasing this trait, his playfulness is still general shown at the forefront. This generally showcases that he isn’t taking a situation seriously or that he is just in to have a bit fun.

    Lionel can also be described as a bit of manipulative mean-spirit when the need arises for such underhanded tactics. If it is to obtain something he truly desires, he will use every single trick in the book to obtain it. When it comes to fulfilling his own goals, there is nothing too underhanded or off-limits for him. This ruthlessness comes from the incident he was exposed to. This part of personality is generally more exposed when he is in cat form compared to his human form, however. He can also be quite haughty when this part of his personality shows up, but bits of his playful personality still is on display.

    When comes to dealing with combat situations or battles, Lionel is the type that uses all that has at his disposal to win, no matter how underhanded or dirty for the most part. The reason for this exception is due to Lionel’s focus on the end result of everything how it will pan out to the future and affect his goals. His general fighting style, however, uses a showcase of speed to overwhelm his opponent mixing in various fighting styles and techniques that he has stolen through his time as a thief. This to a degree makes him an exceptional fighter.

    Comparable to a feline when acting underneath a leader, Lionel acts more in accordance to his own wishes and goals which leads him to pay very little mind to orders of his superiors. His defiance can be dealt with a tiny bit though if his wishes are in aligned with those who he is working for or if the promise of jewels, money, or precious metals are part of the deal. If those conditions are met, then he is the most obedient and loyal solider there is. But if there is no money involved then it all depends on his mood on how well he will follow orders on that particular day. As a leader, Lionel will lead the group to the best of his abilities attempting to ensure their survival to the highest degree as long as the job maintains his interest.


    • Dairy: Cold, creamy, flavorsome, and a bit thick are a few of the words Lionel would choose to describe one of his favorite beverages in the world, milk. However, Lionel’s love for milk extends to the various forms it can take such as cheese and yogurt. He is particularly fond of any dishes that uses dairy products as its main focus as well such as mac and cheese.
    • Jewels: Dazzling, glimmering and radiating with unmatched brilliance, Lionel views gemstones of all varieties as precious treasures and has a deep fondness. This fondness extends to the point where he is captivated by the sight of them and can even lose focus of certain things to admire them. This fondness is mainly due to his occupation as a thief and the value that is associated with them. Lionel possesses a certain amount of partiality toward precious metals as well.
    • Meat: Meat of all varieties is among the favorite culinary items which Lionel loves to consume on a daily basis. This primarily due to the myriad of flavors that cannot be depicted by ordinary words which meat possesses along with the unique texture each piece of soft flesh possesses. Just the sight and scent of seared meat is enough to get his mouth salivating.
    • Money: As a child, Lionel was exposed to how powerful one could become if they accumulated enough monetary wealth. One could buy anything their heart desired ranging from basic items to fulfill their needs to people to even countries. It is because of witnessing the power of money that he grew to love it to the point that it hoards it and steals it from others. It is rumored that he has a room dedicated to counting the various types of money he has stolen through the years.


    • Pirates: Keel-hauling swashbucklers also known as pirates are a lot that Lionel possesses a certain amount of disdain towards. However, it is not for the reasons why most of the society dislikes them, but the fact they pillage and loot the same treasures Lionel is out to steal. He views them as rivals more than anything. This competitive attitude extends to fellow thieves and treasure hunters as well.
    • Rune Knights: The submissive and dutiful dogs of the magic council are individuals that Lionel possesses a deep-seeded hatred toward. While part of this linked to his own profession as a thief, he has issues with them due to his history with a Rune Knight that was supposed to keep the peace in the town where he was born.
    • Vegetables: Perhaps it shouldn’t be unexpected due to Lionel’s immense love of meat, however, he has a deep dislike toward consuming leafy green vegetables. He simply sees vegetables as fodder for rabbits. He can eat them as long as they are accompanied with a big helping of meat, like on a hamburger.
    • Water: Perhaps due to his ability to transform between a human and feline, Lionel shares a bit of their dislike of being submerged in water especially in his feline form. He generally avoids all types of water sports such as swimming.


    • To Obtain The Greatest Positions of Power In Fiore: Lionel possesses an immense desire to increase his own power and to defeat various individuals in Fiore to prove his worth. It is to this end that he wishes to defeat individuals who hold the positions of Coming Storm, Rising Star, Sinner, and Wizard Saint. However, he doesn't truly care about if he is labeled on either side of the line.
    • To Obtain The Greatest Treasures In The World: Glimmering gold and silver, precious gemstones of all varieties, along with power-giving money,  Lionel desires to possess all of the amazing treasures that the world has to offer for himself. However, his idea of treasure does not only extend to tangible things, but intangible things as well such as the affection of people, the positions of kings and heroes, and many other things.
    • To Obtain The Things That Were Stolen From Him: Lionel possesses an immense desire to obtain a number of things that were stolen from him a few years back, which includes his mother, his sister, and the position he held in their hearts. There are other things that he wishes to obtain but these are among the first in his mind.
    • To Obtain The Various Powers of Birthrights: In order to obtain the greatest treasures in the world, Lionel has committed himself to find those of heroic lineage and rob them of their divine rights and fates. Shields, staffs, and swords of legend are items that he wishes to wield for himself.


    • Death: Lionel has slight anxiety toward having his life stolen from his body otherwise known as death which is a fear that a number of people existing throughout the world seem to possess. This fear stems from the fact that he has many desires he wishes to accomplishes and that death will prevent him completing them. The most important one being reunited with his mother and sister.
    • Failure: Possessing a fear of having success stolen from him otherwise known as failing, Lionel suffers from a hidden anxiety of failing to find his mother and sister and reclaim his position in their hearts.
    • His Mentor: Lionel has a unique relationship with his mentor where he respects the immense skill she possesses in regards to her craft. It is his mentor’s deviousness and desire to be entertained that terrifies him the most, but her nature isn’t too unexpected from a demon whose ability is exactly like his own.
    • His Mother And Sister: Lionel adores his mother and sister with all of his heart and soul, but he also possesses a fear of them as well. This fear is linked to the betrayal that he suffered at their hands as a child, due to his father’s bad habits.

    General Appearance Information

    Height: 6’6”
    Weight: 176lbs.
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Gold
    Skin Tone: Fair
    Appearance: Being an individual with the ability to transform or shape-shift into a feline, Lionel possesses short black fur which matches the coloration of his hair in his human form. His ears are somewhat small and slightly rounded at the tips, set a bit apart. His eyes are large, round, and wide-opened. They also possess a gold coloration. His nose is short and a bit slender. His body in this form is a bit bigger than a female cat of similar species, due to the fact that he is male. He has a slender yet muscular build with slender legs. His paws are round and strong, but black at the bottom. His tail is long as well. While in this form, he is capable of human speech still but is capable of talking with animals too.

    Lionel is an individual of significant stature, having a figure which belongs to the stereotypical male Adonis which are shown on the front page of magazines dealing with male swimsuits. He is naturally lean but has a slightly muscular build to the point where he has defined abs. His hair black and a bit curly due to the fact that he usually has a hood on and suffers from what be declared as hat hair. His skin tone is fair. His eyes were originally green but due the various influences of his magic, they have become golden in hue and are a bit cat-like.

    In spite of the occupation, Lionel holds as an individual whose line of work revolves around the theft or plundering of valuable items, the apparel that garments himself in are a bit unusual which makes him a hard person to forget. He wears a midnight black hoodie whose hood goes down over his face covering much of it leaving only his mouth visible to the eye. It is because of this that a majority of people have no idea what he looks. The hood part acts as a mask for the most part since there are eye holes. The eye holes covered in a gold lens which looks like cat eyes. The top of the hoodie has two cat ears. The hoodie itself is a bit baggy on his body. The sleeves are a bit long and have a few gold trims around the hands that look like the paws of a cat. They are long enough to cover his hands most of the time. His pants are midnight black as well. He wears a part of boots which have a few gold trims which match the those of his sleeves. They also look like paws too. The outfit has self-summoning abilities which mean if he changes from his cat form it will be there so he won’t be completely nude.

    General Guild Information

    Guild: Savage Skull
    Tattoo: Located on his right bicep, colored in a metallic gold hue.
    Rank: D
    000 WORDS FOR TAGGED ― notes go in here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nec nunc sit amet ante lobortis viverra. Sed pellentesque, nisi ac volutpat bibendum, diam ante bibendum odio, eu aliquam metus felis a arcu. Nulla facilisi. Nunc tempor neque nec tristique dapibus.
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Edward Von Aurence  Empty Re: Edward Von Aurence

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 28th May 2017, 5:45 pm

    Edward Von Aurence  Akitteh



    Edward Von Aurence  Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Edward Von Aurence  H6NcPbM Edward Von Aurence  H6NcPbM Edward Von Aurence  H6NcPbM Edward Von Aurence  H6NcPbM

      Current date/time is 16th January 2025, 1:20 am