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    Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 17th January 2016, 2:47 pm

    Job Request:  Here

    The SS Myrmidon floated above the city of Toylaten as a rope ladder was thrown down.  Anastasia climbed down the ladder and stopped at the last rung to look out towards the town.  The fact that this town had mages dispatched here only to never return unnerved Anastasia a bit, causing butterflies to fly through her stomach.  Something made Anastasia extremely uneasy about this job; the sense of danger or the exhilaration of something life threatening.  Normally, Ana would be paralyzed in terror but due to her new abilities to defend herself and Nao with an offensive presence, she feels a bit more confident in her ability to remain alive.

    A step down from the ladder grounded her only to move out of the way for Nao to be able to make land fall.  From the airship, Sasha jumped down with a large weapon strapped to his back.  The large orange tiger-dog creature cleared it's throat.  

    ~No Donkey on this job?~
    "No, not this time around, Sasha.  She belongs to a guild, remember?  We can't exactly rely on her whenever we need someone to bash things in," Anastasia quickly replied to the animal.  She took a step forward into Toylaten and thought of the town's name for a moment and placed the palm of her hand over her face.  "Who named this town?  Sounds stupid," she mentioned to Sasha.  The name of the town sounded like toilet, which doesn't help, at all, feeling like she will meet the same fate that the other mages have faced -- being flushed and disposed of.  

    As she scanned through the town, she noticed a pair of shadows streak across the city streets.  The two objects didn't appear to be massive.  The pair of shadows then came into view for a moment and stood there, staring at Anastasia.  With every blink, the pair of dark figures appeared to come closer and closer.  While it was stationary, each blink brought the pair closer until they came clearly into view.  

    The figures came into view, appearing like a male and female standing next to each other, holding each other's hands.  They stood at about 4 feet (1.219 m) tall, having similar features as one another other than the hair.  They appeared to look exactly the same in all ways from the way they are dressed to their designs.

    Anastasia recoiled a bit, trying to stop herself from blinking.  Her eyes grew dry, but she knew that every time she blinked, they'd approach quicker.  "Nao, hurry up.  Something creepy is happening down here!"  

    WC: 427
    Posts:  1/25  


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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Nao 17th January 2016, 3:15 pm

    Being on George a lot had made Nao forget there was a ground from time to time. In fact, he spend so much time living on the airship that he was beginning to think about making George his permanent home. He didn’t think Ana would appreciate him commandeering a space in the transport vessel as a bedroom to stay in. He wouldn’t bring it up with her right now, because he noticed that she seemed a little uneasy as they descended from the ship.

    Nao was on top of Charlie, as he flew him down to the ground. Having a pet griffon was really useful for times like you know… being on a ship five hundred feet above the ground. Being able to steadily go to other places easily made it a little bit easier compared to Ana’s way of getting down with her dog… thing.

    Nao jumped off Charlie, and watched him transform into his child form. The griffon would keep a low profile as they continue to walk through this really strange town that had an affinity to making pets.

    Nao would keep following Ana and her pet, activating his eyes to make sure he kept an eye on the details, and remember them… just in case they needed to return here. But it seemed that it wouldn’t matter too much, as the figures came into view pretty quickly. They seemed to hold hands like a couple, as they started to walk at Ana as if they were from some kind of horror movie like… the Shinning…? No, Shinning didn’t sound right.

    ”Step back, Ana! Don’t let them get close to you!”
    Nao would fire a beam of energy at the two figures, but it seemed to have not been phased by the attack what so ever. ”Hey… What are these things? They didn’t seem to get hurt by my attack!”

    WC: 313
    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%
    Status: Spooped.


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 17th January 2016, 4:24 pm

    At Nao's command, she took a step back.  She would consider Charlie absolutely adorable if she wasn't absolutely frightened by the visage of the pair that quickly approached them.  It wasn't as if the creatures were walking towards her; no -- the creatures seemed to teleport in a terrifying manner every time she blinked.  Blinking in and out of existence in the matter of moments.  Goosebumps collected upon her skin as she noticed the things just staring at her.  Her eyes grew dry, forcing her to blink only to see them appear even closer into view.

    However, after she blinked, a ray of heat came from Nao's eyes towards the duo, bouncing off of them.  Laughter, creepy laughter, emanated from the duo as their mouths shook up and down like puppets.  Their laughter resonated through Anastasia's ears, feeling intense pain run through her body.  This caused pain to streak through Sasha as well before the colors appeared.  An amalgamation of colors and light appeared in her field of view, turning to look towards Nao and his adorable baby gryphon for a moment before doubling over in pain.  After all of the colors, everything went to black.  

    Anastasia woke up moments later to find herself in a dark room.  Everything seemed massive from the chairs to the desks, to even the large bed that her and Sasha were on.  The creature accompanying her finally woke up, having a very strange appearance.  The two of them looked at each other and shouted in fear at what they saw.  After noticing Sasha's appearance changing, she looked at her own hand to see a noticeable difference.  Her fingers, wrists, and elbows looked like joints off of a puppet.  Ana placed both of her hands upon her rear and felt that it was more solid than usual.  She then placed her hands upon her chest, groping herself, to feel that her bust was completely solid.  "What the hell happened!?" she asked before looking towards Sasha.  

    ~Something doesn't seem right, Anastasia.  I don't think we are made of flesh any more.~  
    Anastasia put her hands back upon her rear again and shouted.  "God damnit!!  My best assets!" she shouted out-loud, curling her lip.  "So this is why the other mages never returned!  We need to fix this as soon as possible.  Seriously!" she shouted and stamped her foot down upon the bed.  She only stood at a foot tall, looking around for Nao and Charlie.  She put both of her hands together and shouted.  "Nao!  Little gryphon!!"  she shouted out, letting her voice carry through the massive room.  

    WC:  433
    Posts:  3/25  

    Last edited by Anastasia Isayev on 17th January 2016, 4:25 pm; edited 1 time in total


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by NPC 17th January 2016, 4:24 pm

    The member 'Anastasia Isayev' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] WeakMonster Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] NormalMonster Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] WeakMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Nao 17th January 2016, 5:12 pm

    Although Ana would notice them blink around every time she blinked, Nao was able to track them a little bit. They were… phasing in and out? Or were they shifting forms? Either way it seemed like this wasn’t going to go well. If they were the perpetrators that were causing all the disappearances in the region, then it meant that they were probably going to be disappearing as well. All he could feel was the dread rising from inside him as they approached them, while he tried to continue firing his magic at them to try and slow them down. But it was no use… They started to cast whatever magic they used.

    Nao could hear their laughter ringing through his ears, as he felt himself start to lose his sight. A great fear grew over him, as he tried to scream out… but couldn’t. The fear of losing his sight was soon replaced with him losing all focus, and blacking out from what was happening.

    Slowly opening his eyes, Nao would begin to look around, and see that everything was much bigger than he thought it was. In fact… everything was actually really big. What was going on?


    Nao would look around, before looking down, and seeing that he had become… plush? He was a plush toy now?! What the hell was going on around here?! And not only that… but Charlie was also a plush toy of some sort. How can a griffn fly if it was all toy? This was just a disaster.

    First he would try and see if he could use his eye magic. Upon activating it, he realised that yes he could actually use it, and he could see Ana in the distance trying to call to him. It looked like she had also become a toy as well, so luckily it wasn’t just him. All he would need to do now is meet up with her, and figure out how to get out of this mess.

    But as soon as he started to move over, he was met by a couple of toy wolves, and a toy pirate. They were all able to move, and all very aggressive. It looked like Nao, and Charlie would have to help him fight too.

    Using a blast of the eye beam, and the combination of Charlie’s vorpal rend would remove one of the wolves. Nao would grin a plush grin, and follow up that with a couple more eye beams to remove the other wolf. The pirate would strike at Nao, grazing him as he couldn’t quite get out of the way with his new found form.

    he murmured, as he heard another toy start to arrive on the scene.

    Post: 4/25
    HP: 80%
    Status: Turned into a toy! D: Stuffing is dripping out very slowly from a cut.


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 19th January 2016, 3:03 pm

    Looking on from the bed, Anastasia noticed a group of other... things approach Nao.  "Oh crap!" she said before rigidly moving her arms around.  This was a toy's version of flailing around.  Of course she turned into a plastic action figure while Nao and his gryphon turned into something more pliable.  Well, at least she would be more durable? But then again, a hard enough impact would cause her arms and legs to fall off; even worse, her head!  Looking around for a moment, she turned and looked to Sasha.

    "Take some heat off of Nao for a moment, while I change," she ordered.  The creature attempted to nod, but due to being plastic, it's entire body bobbed up and down.  Sasha attempted to jump down from the bed only to fall and tumble.  It seemed to be stuck on it's side after rolling a couple of times.  With a few rocks, it found it's way back to it's feet and ran towards Nao, trying to get the toy's attention but to no avail.  This caused Anastasia to curl her lips a bit before a while light surrounded her.  While she transformed, since she didn't have a normal body, the clothing completely disappeared leaving her temporarily naked, looking like a disrobed Barbie© doll.  Shrieking out, she attempted to cover herself, but due to how rigid her arms were, it was to no avail.

    The armor eventually appeared on her body, appearing to be that of a ninja.  All sounds around her were nullified and a sword appeared in her hand.  She flew down towards the last pirate and with a slash, completely missed.  Her arms were extremely rigid even in her armor.  Realizing the attack pattern she had to adopt due to her current form, she adapted and struck out at the pirate toy, instantly cutting the plastic toy in twain.    After slicing the toy in twain, she turned towards Nao for a moment and attempted to nod, which turned into more of a bow.  This rigidity is going to be a hindrance.  

    WC:  343
    Posts:  5/25  

    HP:  100%
    MP:  90%
    Status:  Rigid

    Spells Used:
    Silence Armor  (1/3 Duration)
    Sword of Typhon  (1/3 Duration)


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 19th January 2016, 3:04 pm

    Rolling 3 more Monster Die


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by NPC 19th January 2016, 3:04 pm

    The member 'Anastasia Isayev' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] NormalMonster Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] StrongMonster Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] WeakMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Nao 19th January 2016, 3:34 pm

    It seemed that Nao and Charlie weren’t the only ones trying to get used to their new forms, as Ana had turned into a form akin to a Barbie doll. He didn’t even know what the hell Sasha had become, but it looked like he was incapable of being any used (as usual). But for some reason the wolves, and pirates seemed to look as if they had come out of a production line. Were these part of the toys that the town was making? And the creepy twins were controlling them to their own bidding? This was getting become a little creepy, but he began to understand the situation.

    As he stepped back from the last attack by the pirate, he noticed Ana would arrive soon with a slash of her new found sword. He watched the pirate become nothing more than a bunch of plastic bit and pieces that would require some reassembling. If anything, it was good that Ana could still use her requip magic, albeit it seemed be made of plastic and cloth just like they were, and it wasn’t going to get any easier.

    Nao would nod back, sort of scrunching up a little as his fabric chin got pushed in as it tried pushing into his chest. This was a really weird situation, but it didn’t stop them from encountering five more enemies. With three more pirates, and two more wolves, Nao had to think quickly before they began their attack.

    ”Ana we’re going to need to find cover. If they brought in reinforcements right now then who knows if there are going to be anymore. We need to find some kind of way to maybe trap them into a thin area so we don’t have to face them in huge groups. That way we can thin their numbers slowly!”
    They didn’t have much time to act, but they had to act now!

    WC:319 words
    Post: 6/25
    HP: 80%
    Status: Toy tactics, not toying around.


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
    Third Skill:

    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 19th January 2016, 4:51 pm

    A new horde has appeared, causing Anastasia to fly in and strike at some of the wolves.  With a few quick slashes from her sword, one of the wolves fell to pieces.  A quick slash from one of the wolves scraped her armor causing her to dash backwards.  One of the pirates shot her with their revolver right in the midsection of her armor, causing her armor to explode.  Crap!   It was then that she could finally hear Nao's recommendation to find cover.  She nodded her head a bit and started to make her way back towards him.  She heard a couple gun-shots, turning around to deflect one of the bullets with her sword, destroying the blade in the process.

    The second shot hit her in the hip, causing a hole to appear.  Blood doesn't drain out of her body due to being a toy and it didn't interrupt her ability to move.  "Sasha!  Get it ready!" she stated before finding her way back towards Nao, finding an extremely convenient 'toy fort' on the floor.  Sasha appeared in front of Anastasia and bent down to allow Anastasia to grab it easily only to fall over to his side.  Grumbling, Anastasia pressed the buttons to activate the weapon.  Due to it being made out of plastic, the slides and buttons didn't really have much effect.  Anastsia hefted the normally heavy weapon in her hands and ran up the fort, finding a spot on the ramparts.  She stands rigidly and starts to charge her laser from the weapon.  

    "Nao, protect me!" she shouted.  She watched Sasha quickly struggle up to his feet and run away as she faced the barrel of the canon towards the large group of enemy toys.  One blast from this weapon ought to do the job.  She was chargin' her lazor!

    WC:  303
    Posts:  7/25  

    HP:  85%
    MP:  90%
    Status:  Rigid
    Equipped:  Bass Canon (Charging 1/3 Posts)

    Spells Used:


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Nao 20th January 2016, 8:50 am

    Nao watched Ana start to move towards him quickly, though her armour and weapon seemed to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Though it seemed the novice mage wasn’t the only one who got hurt, as she in turn got shot in the hip. It didn’t really seem to do much, being that she was made of plastic, and luckily she didn’t seem to be bleeding (though it did cause Nao to freak out a little inside due to how weird this was).

    They would retreat to a fort, as he would follow behind her, making sure than the foes wouldn’t gain too much on them. Being a slightly larger plush toy made him a bigger target than the little plastic figure that was his teammate. But it would mean that he would be the one they would probably go after first.

    That was, until Ana asked him to protect her as she was charging her weapon up, and needed protection. It seemed like Sasha wasn’t really that much use, being a mount rather than a combat creature. Nao and Charlie were the perfect team for this kind of situation. So all he could was just help out as much as he could now.

    ”Right! You just keep charging up your weapon, and I’ll be here to clear up, and weaken them enough for you to get rid of them all!”
    Nao would turn to his plush griffin, and nod.

    ”Lets go, Charlie!” he called, as the pet tried to nod, but struggled to move his head from the position it was fixed in. Then they would hop forward, like a child was playing with them, and proceed to attack.

    A combo of the heat beam, and Charlie’s rend attack would remove the other wolf from the playing field. Now it would just be up to them to get rid of the pirates that were slowly making their way downtown. Hopefully they weren’t home bound…

    Post: 8/25
    HP: 80%
    Status: Evening up the playing field.


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
    Position : None
    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
    Third Skill:

    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 20th January 2016, 4:18 pm

    The already loud humming spooled into a high pitched squeal, sounding like a jet engine spooling up from idle to flight idle.  The frequency went higher and higher, shortening the space for each repetition of the sound wave.  Anastasia flipped through more switches, though, she didn't realize that they did almost nothing while her weapon was considered a plastic toy.  If push came to shove, she may have to use this as a bludgeoning weapon.  Bright lights flashed brilliantly from the toy canon, attracting a lot of attention.  She continued to correct her aim towards the horde of toys heading her way.

    Anastasia looked around for a moment while she had the high ground.  She looked around for something that could potentially help their cause.  Then her imagination kicked in.  She noticed the large bed behind them and imagined it as a mountain with the blanket being the snow.  If she could knock that down, she could essentially protect the trio from these toys.  However, she also runs the risk of smothering herself, Nao, and the two pets in the heavy blanket.  An avalanche of cloth doesn't sound like a fantastic way to die at all.  If anything, a normal avalanche seemed more appropriate as it wouldn't be something to mockingly put on their grave stones.

    Here Lies Anastasia Isayev
    Died to Being Crushed by Blanket
    R.I.P in Peace

    A couple shots were made in her direction.  A few of the bullets were stopped by the ramparts, having taken proper cover upon the walls of the fort.  Sometimes, she regretted getting rid of song magic as she could easily just get rid of these people because, well, it's a bit harder to avoid sound.  Another bullet came her way and knicked her on the shoulder, causing her to take a step back a bit.  "Oh, you'll pay for that you bastards!  Give me a bit of time!  I'll get you good!" she shouted as she got back up and re-mounted the weapon.  Thankfully, she was a toy and pain wasn't much of a thing.

    WC:  344
    Posts:  9/25  

    HP:  70%
    MP:  90%
    Status:  Rigid
    Equipped:  Bass Canon (Charging 2/3 Posts)

    Spells Used:


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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Nao 21st January 2016, 8:42 am

    As Ana was imagining what it would be like to be crushed by the duvet of a bed in the near distance, and honestly it would be quite the comforting death. But Nao on the other hand was trying his best to dodge some of the attacks that were coming his way. Had he thought about the way his plush toy legs were moving, he’d actually be freaked out the idea that a toy could move. Five nights at Freddy’s move out the way, because ten minutes as a teddy was a lot scarier!

    Nao would keep moving, as he watched pirates suddenly turn their attention on his pet griffin, and begin firing on him. Charlie would feel his plush wings tear slightly as he was hit. He would writhe in the pain he would have felt if he actually had nerves. This didn’t stop Nao would getting really angry, as his eyes began to switch from the vibrant sea of colours, to a variety of reds and oranges.

    ”How DARE you attack him, you arseholes!” he would call out, as he use his heat vision on the pirates to bring their attention on him. However he noticed that the pirates would start to slowly melt on the parts that were focused with heat. That was it!

    He began cooking up the plastic limbs and melting them into the floor. Why hadn’t he considered that before hand?! At least Nao knew how they could effectively deal with plastic toys, and that was through how you would deal with any kind of plastic toy.

    As the pirates would squirm a little, before beginning to fire from a distance, Nao would call over to Ana.

    ”They’re sitting ducks! This is your chance before they formulate a plan.” He would begin to run over to Charlie to check on his wings.

    ”You’ll be fine… we’ll find some stitching for it!, I promise”

    Post: 10/25
    HP: 70% (Stuffing is bleeding out)
    Status: Heating things up.


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 22nd January 2016, 1:20 pm

    Nao's gryphon got struck with a bullet from the pirates, causing it's wing to tear a bit.  The canon was nearly completed with charging before Anastasia made final and fine sighting on the enemies below.  The turbine spun until a light appeared on the scope, saying it's complete.  She could fire when ready.  It was at this time that Nao had melted the pirates onto the floor.  Using this chance, Anastasia fired her bass canon!  A loud noise blasted from the weapon as a powerful beam came from the barrel of the weapon, slamming and demolishing most of everything it touched.  She dragged the blast, moving the large beam as if it was a blade across all of the action figures.  

    This caused the action figures below to violently shake, dismembering the pirates and the remains of the wolves into mere dust.  The carpet below them appeared to turn to dust following the trail that the weapon's blast took.  After the blast finished, the barrel of the canon began to smoke.  Lowering the weapon, she called out to Sasha.  "Sasha!" she shouted to the creature.

    ~I'm on it!~ shouted the creature before it wiggled back up the fort, moving as if a child has it's hand upon it, waddling from side-to-side and upwards up the fort.  With Sasha on the encampment, Anastasia turned to notice one of the pirates still clinging on to life.  A white glow came over Anastasia's body, turning her body into what appeared to be a ninja.  Another glow appeared in her hands as a sword made it's way onto Anastasia's right hand.

    There was silence...

    Not a single sound was made as Ana looked around.  Her flexibility was increased as action figures like this ninja was able to manipulate it's joints better.  Nodding her head, she climbed upon the wall and jumped down with her blade held high.  With a swift swing, she brought her sword down, taking the plastic head off of the final pirate action figure.

    Once the dust settled, she turned to look up towards Sasha to see that the bass canon was mounted upon his back.  It needed time to recharge before the main canon could be used again.  While she could still use it for normal blasts, she had other weapons she could draw from until then.  Laughter could be heard by Sasha, Nao, and Charlie.  Due to Anastasia's armor, she couldn't hear it.  However, without needing to hear it, Anastasia saw the two puppets from earlier appearing in front of all of them.  

    WC:  425
    Posts:  11/25  

    HP:  70%
    MP:  90% - 5% - 5% = 80%
    Status:  Rigid
    - Silence Armor [1/3]
    - Sword of Typhon [1/3]

    Spells Used:
    - Silence Armor
    - Sword of Typhon


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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Nao 22nd January 2016, 4:35 pm

    Nao’s attacks would luckily slow the priates down to a stop, as Ana would then be able to fire her weapon without them dodging. Only Now would Nao tend to Charlies wounds, using a bit of his stuffing as a binding agent to keep the wing attached to his body. This would be more important than the dumb pirates, who were trying to pull themselves off of the ground. But the concern that what happens to them stays like that really scared Nao. He didn’t know what he would do with a one winged griffin, and Charlie certainly wouldn’t find a mate that way.

    Nao didn’t even see Ana fire the bass cannon, only hearing the loud sonic boom like sound as it carved the pirates into their plastic components, and then into dust. With them no longer moving (besides one that Ana would then move in with her sword and cut it into pieces), Nao would take a look around to see what was left. There wasn’t really much of anything left besides just a bunch of pieces, and debris from the fighting. Wherever they were now… they just needed to find a way to get out of here.

    It seemed that the laughing returned, as the two puppets would return. They were still the same size as last, which would tower over the toy soldiers who would have to prepare to fight, It looked like it was the beginning of the real fight. Nao would have to think about what he was going to do. Then he had an idea.

    ”Oh yeah! I forgot I could do this!” Nao would say as he would use Spell Copy to copy Ana’s Chaser Armour, taking the form of an armoured up plush toy. ”I thought I’d need some extra protection for a little while.” Nao would begin to run in and use his heat vision on the puppets. As they would try and use their toy guns to shoot him, he would activate the Flash Step ability to move out of the way. Charlie would use this time to vorpal rend, and slash at the wooden puppets. Looked like it was going to take a long time to get rid of these things.

    Post: 12/25
    HP: 70% (Bleeding has stopped)
    Status: Power ranger action figure!


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 25th January 2016, 4:07 pm

    It was strange being on this side of someone using her armor.  This stunned her for a moment before realizing that the 2 puppet twins were 4 feet (1.219m) tall!  Taking a step back, Anastasia watched for a moment as Nao took the lead, blasting these dolls with his eye beams.  This caused for some more heavy weaponry.  Letting go of the Sword of Typhon, she summoned a white ball of light around her right hand, bringing forth the Arm Cannon.  With this, she aimed at the two dolls and fired away at them, shooting a couple pellets at them, seeing her attacks actually land home; without being deflected by plot armor.

    "We wanna pla~~~~~y," shouted the puppets in their eerie voices; speaking in unison.  The puppets walked up to the two, splitting away from one another with the male puppet attempting to stomp on Anastasia.  With a swift movement, Anastasia moved out of the way and took a shot at the back of the male puppet's knee, forcing it down upon one of it's feet.  Taking this advantage, Anastasia ran up the male puppet and bludgeoned it a couple of times on the back of the head with the hand cannon.  The puppet began to move and Anastasia grabbed it by it's hair before pressing the barrel of the cannon against the puppet's head.

    A loud whining sound could be heard coming from the arm cannon as it was obvious that it was gathering energy.  She had a lot of weapons that did this.  Anastasia couldn't hear any of this, considering the armor she was wearing nullified all noise that tried to get in and any noise she made was nullified from getting out.  While grabbing the puppet's hair, she pulled on it and stomped on the back of it's head while keeping an arm directly aimed at the puppet's head.  She hoped this puppet had no idea where she was so she could effectively continue charging her laser.

    The puppet looked around for a moment, swiping it's hand towards it's back to see if Ana was there, but thankfully wasn't flexible enough to reach back there.  For now, she was safe.  For now.

    WC:  365
    Posts:  13/25  

    HP:  70%
    MP:  80% - 15% = 65%
    Status:  Re-enacting Shadows of the Collosus
    - Silence Armor [2/3]
    - Sword of Typhon [1/4]

    Spells Used:
    - Arm Cannon

    Spells on Cool-Down:
    - Sword of Typhon [1/4]


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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Nao 25th January 2016, 4:40 pm

    Nao would smile inside the suit of armour that he was encased in. It was interesting being inside a piece of armour that Ana had made herself. It was kind of like sharing a hoodie, or where some girls steal their partner’s clothes to wear. Only this was completely plutonic, and there was no chemical connection between Nao and Ana. Something about her just wasn’t his type he guessed… oh well.

    The puppets would keep trying to attack them, their large forms making their movements just as slow, if not slower than their toy forms. They would be able to move and dodge from their swings and grabs, and this was especially easy due to being able to use the flash step with Ana’s armour. The shockwaves of the swords and bullets hitting the floor was enough to make him jump around a little bit. So maybe he should have taken Ana’s idea, and jumped onto of one of the giant’s backs to get away from their attacks.

    Nao would watch her climb up, and start attacking them from up close, which he decided that the best bet now would be to distract the puppets while Ana took her chance to shoot her cannon.

    ”Hey! Come on then stop trying to hit me, and hit me!” Nao would call out, as he would keep using this flash move to keep dodging their stomps and attacks, as he would keep firing beams into the air. Charlie on the other hand would get up on the other puppet, similar to where Ana was, and begin to claw as the back of the puppet.

    ”Come on! You can keep trying!” He would say, before dashing out of the sword slashes that would come down onto him. This was some of the most fun he had had in quite some time. Maybe he should copy more of Ana’s abilities some time.

    Post: 13/25
    HP: 70%
    Status: Toying around


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 26th January 2016, 3:45 pm

    Anastasia's weapon finished charging and she let the ball of energy loose at point blank, shattering the back of the large puppet's head.  However, it still moved around.  Losing most of her hand-hold, she fell back towards the ground, only to catch herself as she ignited the engines within her armor, allowing her to have a soft landing.  As soon as she landed, however, a large hand swiped at her, causing her silence armor to shatter and flinging her to the side of the bed.  

    The armor vanished for a moment only for another ball of light to appear around her.  This armor seemed more heavily fortified and much more pink.  Anastasia shrugged off the pain of flung into the wall.  Groaning, she took a step forward and shot a few more shots at the large puppet, destroying it's left leg.  As the creature fell, it swiped at her once more.  Vanishing for a moment, she appeared directly in front of the fallen puppet's face and unloaded a massive volley into the puppet's face, causing it to fall backward.  The puppet fell onto it's back and broke into several pieces.

    One down, one more to go.  Certainly after they destroyed the female twin, they would be free to go right?  Anastasia turned and looked towards Nao for a moment.  "Just one more to go, Nao!" she shouted out before flying around the large puppet like a flee, pelting it with shots of pure energy.   Anastasia slowly came down to the ground and made her way beside Nao, who was in the much larger armor.  "Your gryphon is giving it it's all, huh?" she asked before re-aiming the weapon towards the large puppet while Charlie was keeping it busy.  This gave her enough time to catch a quick breather.  Her breathing became audible; being heavy from the excess of movement she had to do.  "Keep close to me for now.  I have a barrier with this armor."  With that said, she started to unload another volley towards the large puppet.

    WC:  339
    Posts:  14/25  

    HP:  70% - 10% = 60%
    MP:  65% - 5% = 60%
    - Shield Maiden Armor [1/3]
    - Arm Cannon [2/4]

    Spells Used:
    - Shield Maiden Armor

    Spells on Cool-Down:
    - Sword of Typhon [2/4]
    - Silence Armor [1/4]


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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Nao 27th January 2016, 7:16 pm

    Nao was amazed that Ana’s charged attack caused so much damage to the wooden puppet. The massive blow dealt to the puppet was a clear sign that even though they were tiny, it didn’t meant that they were any weaker than their normal forms. If this were all it took to take them out, then it wouldn’t be long until they were able to take out the male form. Though Charlie’s attacks were not as strong as the doll before him. Though Nao’s plush form did start to feel a little more natural, moving was still the weirdest thing to do. Even with this really cool piece of armour where he was moving about with quick speed, the thought of moving as just a bunch of stuffing, padding and a plush coating over the top kind of creeped him out just a little bit. This was NOT how he imagined all the toy movies would have turned out to be, as they were more like the Chuckie doll than a bunch of toys from Toy Story.

    Nao would keep dodging and moving about, moving out of the way of the male puppets attacks, while simultaneously using his heat beam to cause more damage to the puppet’s structure. Though it seemed like it would take a bit more time until the figure was defeated. They definietely had not done as much damage to him, and he seemed to be a little more enraged.

    ”That’s enough Charlie! Return to me!” Nao called, as the pet griffin flew back to him, and they both hid behind Ana’s barrier. ”Guess we have to just keep slowing this weird thing down until we can just headshot it again huh?” The Ocular Mage would keep studying up his opponent, trying to find a weakness, but it just seemed to be that it was hollow and that a good hit to the creatures body would go straight through.

    ”We need to hit it with a large attack, or focus on one area until it gets weak enough for it to fall.”

    Post: 15/25
    HP: 70%
    Status: No more toying around :c
    Copied Chaser Armour: 3/4 posts
    Charlie HP: 60%


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Experience : 321116

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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 29th January 2016, 1:57 pm

    Anastasia began to breathe heavily, getting a bit worn down from this battle.  The sound of her huffing and puffing was plainly audible to Nao and if she wasn't wearing her armor, the fatigue would be clearly seen upon her face.  Sweat was beginning to bother her vision underneath this hot suit of armor.  A concentrated assault was suggested by Nao as Anastasia raised her hand cannon up towards where Nao was attacking.  Another plan formulated in Anastasia's head.  

    She lowered her hand cannon and wrapped her arms around Nao, letting her armor take them to the bed, placing the 1 foot tall Nao upon the bed.  "Stay here.  We need to spread out if we want to attack this thing head-on.  I'll get on the thing's head and distract it long enough for you to land a critical hit," she said before flying off towards the doll.  It was her hope that Nao could open up a hole for a final blow on this thing.  As she flew towards the doll, it took a swipe at her, allowing her barrier to take the blow, shattering the barrier before her.  This gave her enough time to get to the back of the creatures's head and place her cannon to the back of it's head.  She let loose a few shots, causing the doll to recoil forward.  

    With her left hand, she pulled the doll's head around for Nao to see the hole in the back of the head that she created.  While inside the hole, she continued to fire away, blowing away chunks of the doll's scalp with every blow.  However, her weapon is beginning to lose strength.  Wrestling with the doll, she got it to back up, just inside of Nao's range.  With a shout, she turned her head and Flash Stepped away from back of the creature's head.  "Do it, now!" she shouted towards her partner.  A well placed shot from a heat-source ought to take out this puppet nightmare!

    WC:  332
    Posts:  16/25  

    HP:  60%
    MP:  60%
    - Shield Maiden Armor [1/3]
    - Arm Cannon [3/4]

    Spells Used:
    - Shield Maiden Armor

    Spells on Cool-Down:
    - Sword of Typhon [3/4]
    - Silence Armor [2/4]


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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Nao 29th January 2016, 4:26 pm

    Ana wasn’t the only one who was getting tired from all this fighting. Nao was starting to get exhausted from all the attacks they were making against these two giants. Though Nao was only about a foot tall in height, and considerably plusher, the fact that they were hitting these two more than they were hitting them was showing that they definitely had the advantage. But a couple of large hits, or if he was really thinking about it… Being ripped in half by these four-foot toy kids would be the end of either of them. This only meant they had to finish this as quickly as possible, or else it was just a matter of time until it was curtains for them.

    Nao felt Ana grab onto him, making him jump slightly in the shock of someone getting so close to him.  But he would just let it happen, and trust her to make sure they were going to a safe spot. It was apparently a bed, and probably the only time that Ana would ever take Nao to a bed… But it was safe for now.

    He would watch her fly about, and take a hit to her barrier spell, before she started to direct the final puppet to him. It was as if she had it on the reigns by being really annoying with her attacks. But it was working for sure, seeing as it was slowly heading into close proximity with his heat vision.

    As the puppet was losing its head (literally), Nao began to charge up his signature move a little bit. He would then activate it, firing a larger beam of heat at the puppet’s head. It would start cutting up the puppet in half, as he started to move down its body, and to the floor.

    The puppet would be left with a charred body on the floor, next to the broken sibling or lover or whatever the hell they were. All Nao knew was that it was over.

    The Ocular Mage would turn to Ana and show a felt toothy grin, and waited to change back to his normal form. But it didn’t happen at all, causing Nao’s eyes to widen, and look down at the puppets.

    Wait! It isn’t dead, Shia Surprise!

    The puppets began to vibrate, and form together, turning into this monstrous toy form, full of mismatched and botched colours. It was like a transformer, but not as cool or long lasting. This was definitely a terrible fate for them to have.

    ”Ana we need to hurry up and get out of the way of that sword. If it hits you it’s going to be bad. Luckily it seemed I can still use your dash mo-“ And pop went the armour, disappearing from the plush body…. Shit.

    Post: 17/25
    HP: 70%
    Status: If toys had pooping action, this is what Nao would have.
    Copied Chaser Armour: 4/4 posts- Gone!
    Charlie HP: 60%


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 30th January 2016, 3:46 pm

    The final puppet shook violently after Nao causing it to self destruct.  The pendants on each of the twins shook violently and floated up into the air before a strange robot began to combine into a monstrosity.  This caused Anastasia to step back for a moment; stuck in awe at the creation combining before her.  Once the creation had finished combining, Anastasia jumped up in joy and squealed.  "Did you see that, Nao!  That's so cool!" she said as she continued to squeal for joy!  The look of the pink ranger screaming for joy over something that would kill them.  Now she has an idea of what she wants to do for one of her future armors.

    She regained her composure once the giant sword appeared in the Gigantron's hand and Nao stated that they needed to avoid the sword.  "Oh, right!" she said as she looked upwards, noticing the massive robot before them.  The giant robot stood at 8 feet tall, breaking into the ceiling causing debris to fall to the floor below them.  With a few quick dodges, Anastasia looked back towards Nao.  "Hey!  We need to take down it's legs!" she shouted before flying around like a flea upon a dog.  She directed her hand cannon towards the left knee of the robot, sending a volley of blasts towards it's knee, seemingly doing almost no damage.  

    Having caught the attention of the creature, it raised it's blade up, destroying more of the ceiling above it only to bring it's weapon down, breaking through the ceiling and came crashing down upon the head of the bed, quickly cleaving the headboard of the bed.  Anastasia quickly boosted her way away from the blade.  While in mid-air, Anastasia's armor and weapon vanished.  "Oh crap!" she shouted as she began to fall straight down.  With a quick summoning of some new armor, she is decked out in Chaser Armor once again and two lights appear; one in each hand.  In her left hand, the Galactic Revolver appeared and in her right hand the Sword of Typhon.  With a few shots from the Galactic Revolver, directed back towards it's knee, she quickly rushed in and slashed at the monstrosity's knee with the sword of Typhon.  

    Using this opening, she opened up a portal allowing 2 normal sized Shisa to appear and start to attack the giant robot.  One of the Shisa bit into the robot's weapon arm while the other bit into the shin of the weakened leg.

    WC:  416
    Posts:  18/25  

    HP:  60%
    MP:  60% - 15% - 5% - 5% = 35% + 10% [Regen] = 45%
    - Chaser Armor [1/4]
    - Sword of Typhon [1/3]
    - Galactic Revolver [1/3]

    Spells Used:
    - Chaser Armor
    - Sword of Typhon
    - Galactic Revolver
    - Lineage Demons

    Spells on Cool-Down:
    - Silence Armor [3/4]
    - Arm Cannon [1/5]
    - Shield Maiden Armor [1/4]


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Nao 30th January 2016, 5:02 pm

    Commence Boss fight sequence:

    Nao would watch as Ana would squeal with joy over the fact that they were transforming into a robot, making him sigh in mental agony over her thinking more about how cool the eight foot monster was instead of thinking about how to avoid impending doom. This was probably the area that so many mages would have disappeared to, seeing as it seemed like they knew how to transform into this robot so easily. This was going to be a real problem…

    He and Ana would begin to dodge the debris that would fall from the ceiling, as the robot moved, and tried to use its sword against them. He would also watch her begin to start trying to go for its legs, much to no avail. He would have to spend this time scanning the robot to really work out its weaknesses.

    His eyes would start scanning up and down the creature, reading levels, working out how to really deal with it. Though she wanted to get rid of the legs, it seemed that it would have to be behind the kneecaps. Like most toys, this one had balls that would clip two parts together, and this toy was no different. Though it was armoured, some good hits in between the limbs would surely start to make parts begin to pop out of place.

    ”Hey! The weakness is behind the-“ And that’s when the sword would come down, just about missing Nao as it hit the board of the bed. He would just jump off the bed and get to the floor, before looking up at the monster.

    He would give it a horrific stare, slowing down the movements of the robot, and weakening the attacks for a little while.  He would then use his lineage ability, and turn Charlie into two of him. This was the first time using the spell on the creature, and both of them would look at each other in shock before realising the potential of two kids could do to a toy.

    ”Ana! The weakness is in between the limbs! It has ball joints to connect the limbs together! Damage the joints, and you damage the movement of the creature. But it looks like they’re behind it, so it’s going to be hard to get to them.”
    He would look at his pets, and nod as they began to run their separate ways from each other. Nao would use this to run forward towards the robot. They were going to have to confuse the monster, and run around to get hits here and there. If Nao was able to spend enough time on a limb, he would be able to eventually melt the plastic.

    Post: 19/25
    HP: 70%
    MP:85%+10+2=97%-15-15= 67%
    Status: Toymaker
    Copied Chaser Armour: Scan: 1/3 posts, Fear Induction: 1/2, Beast Clone: 1/4
    Charlie 1 HP: 60%
    Charlie 2 HP: 100%


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 30th January 2016, 5:40 pm

    Nao's scan came up with the fact that it's ball-joints are it's weak spot.  Good, as Anastasia thought.  Once the ball joints are gone, it's ability to attack will be reduced immensely.  However, her main concern right now is it's mobility.  If Ana could get this thing to stop moving, she will, at least, give her and Nao a safe-zone in which they could stand in without the monstrosity being able to get too close.  She whistled to get the Shisa's attention only to have them begin gnawing on the monster's right arm; the arm that held the weapon.  This caused the robot to quickly remove it's grip upon it's weapon and grab it with it's free hand, swinging the blade directly towards the Shisa.  With another whistle, one of the Shisa moved out of the way while one got completely demolished by the blade.  This caused Ana to suck in air through her teeth in annoyance.

    Looking up to see the Bass Canon laying on the ground, she ran over to it, placed her current weapons down and took aim.  Her Shisa was blocking the way for most of the shots until she got an opening.  The reticle quickly turned red only for her to pull the trigger, sending a ball of pure sound at the robot's joint, instantly shattering it's leg from the knee down.  Placing the weapon down, she whistled to Sasha to come pick it up.  As the toy-ified animal came to pick it up, it shook it's head, not having the mobility to do so.  Crap!  

    The robot fell upon it's face for a moment, leaving an opening for Ana to start attacking it's elbow joints.  With this, Anastasia picked up her other weapons and started to assault it's left elbow with a myriad of slashes and shots.  After the sixth shot, she grumbled and let the Galactic Revolver to simply go away, continuing her assault on the elbow before the robot started to pick itself up.  While it was doing this, it left it's sword on the ground.  

    Another bright light appeared, summoning "Kevin" to the field.  The droid spun around a little bit and then turned it's head skyward to see the large robot.  It jumped once and started letting out a string of high pitched beeps.  It was obvious that it was in panic.  Picking up Kevin, Anastasia carried the droid and shoved it into the hole in it's elbow.  

    "Now, Kevin!  Self Destruct!" she shouted only for the droid to whimper and explode, causing the robot's left elbow to explode.  This caused it to reel back once more, this time flat on it's back.  

    "We almost got this, Nao!"

    Posts:  20/25  

    HP:  60%
    MP:  45% - 15% = 30%
    - Chaser Armor [2/4]
    - Sword of Typhon [2/3]

    Spells Used:
    - "Kevin"

    Spells on Cool-Down:
    - Silence Armor [3/4]
    - Arm Cannon [1/5]
    - Shield Maiden Armor [1/4]
    - Galactic Revolver [1/4]


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    Toy Story 4:  The Breakening [B Rank Job] Empty Re: Toy Story 4: The Breakening [B Rank Job]

    Post by Nao 31st January 2016, 1:06 pm

    Ana’s demonic pets seemed to do very well to distract the robot for a little while, sacrificing their temporary lives to make sure that they were safe for just some time. This would allow Nao, and the two Charlie’s to get behind the creature for some time and start doing damage to the body of the monster they were facing. Of course the creature could do these huge sweeping moves that would look like they could do a lot of damage. But this wouldn’t matter when there were six different targets on the battlefield, and they were all moving in different directions.

    That was until some of the pets that Ana summoned were instantly destroyed by the attacks that the mega robot was making, causing Nao to seethe in mental anguish over something that could destroy a demon so very quickly. He would stumble in his movements as he was thinking over this, before waking up, and continuing to run behind the robot.

    Nao would start to heat up the joints that he could get a lock on, including the ones behind the kneecaps, and some around the joint between the thighs and torso. This would slow down the robot just a little bit, as Ana would begin destroying them with her cannon.

    After knocking it down constantly, and even placing a very depressed and upset robot that would cry when it was about to explode, it seemed that it wasn’t finished. Despite it dropping its massive sword on the floor, the robot didn’t need its arms… For it seemed to also manage to acquire lasers on its chest.

    ”Ana, get out of the-“ And that’s when the lasers shot through the Ocular Mage, causing them to go through his plush body, and out the other side. He would react as if he actually felt the pain, but the fact toys don’t have nerves he didn’t actually feel it.

    He would begin to fire back at the orbs, trying to melt them, as both Charlies would fly up toward the creature’s neck to start dismantling it from behind. With arms that didn’t fully function, it would take some time to get rid of two gryphons.

    ”We need to disarm those lasers, and quickly before they rip us to shreds!”
    Nao would call out, hoping that Ana would have just one more trick up her sleeve. Another hit from those lasers, and Nao probably wouldn’t have the strength to continue fighting against this robot.

    He would quickly activate his tracker, realising how to begin to dodge the attacks by watching the orbs charge up. If he could just get out of the way, while keeping his heat vision on the plastic orbs, it would probably cause a malfunction, and eventually make the robot explode.

    Post: 21/25
    HP: 20%
    Status: Smells like burning
    Copied Chaser Armour: Scan: 2/3 posts, Fear Induction: 2/2, Beast Clone: 2/4, Tracking Beacon: 1/3
    Charlie 1 HP: 60%
    Charlie 2 HP: 100%


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