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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Godlike Frederik 3rd January 2016, 7:16 am

    Job Title: The Hunter

    Rank: B

    Player Requirements: B-Ranked Wizard(s) or two C-Ranked Wizards.

    Job Requirements: Thread must be 40 posts long. 300 words per post. Must locate the Lost Saint's Treasure Vault buried beneath the Ancient Ruins after defeating the Gemstone Hunter or Harper Goldenshine. This Job May Only Be Completed Once by any Character

    Job Location: Ancient Ruins

    Job Description: Legend tells that somewhere within the Ancient Ruins; the original Ten Wizard Saints of old, one millenia ago; the ten of them gathered, and collectively hid away their most valuable artifacts and treasures.

    For awhile; no one knew how to navigate the old ancient city and labyrinths; but one bold Wizard, Harper Goldenshine, reknowned across Fiore for his treasure hunting skills; claims to know a way to find the treasure. Rumour has it that he and his band of Treasure Hunters; 'The Gem Brothers'; have been searching the Ancient Ruins for days now, and are somewhere within.

    Harper is known for misusing artifacts he finds, he could find something truly powerful in the trove of the original ten Wizard Saints; and this is something that the Magic Council is not willing to risk. The Council has sent out requests to the Guilds, both Legal and Dark; with a challenge for the wizards to find the treasure before the Gem Brothers do. The Council has promised too keep the treasure safe on display in Era's Mueseum for future generations to behold; but also has promised to make the Wizard's who might be successful in this endeavor handomsely paid with coin from the Old Saint's Trove itself after it's found.

    Count Sparrow himself has also promised that each Wizard who helps recover this piece of Wizarding World history; will get to keep one item from the Old Wizard Saint's trove for their own personal use.

    It is a mountain of golden, gilded treasures that stretches the size of fifteen buses. Deep, deep, within the Ancient Ruins. It glistens.


    Weak: Rookie Treasure Hunter x3 (C-Ranked, Non Wizard; they carry an array of different style swords with them. They're not very fast; but very sturdy young lads. Their slashes can deal C-Ranked damage in chain slashes. They take 2 hits of B-Ranked damage to down each.)

    Normal: Professional Treasure Hunter x5 (B-Ranked, Non Wizard; they carry an array of different styles of guns and cannon weapons on them. Very, very fast, running and shooting is their specialty; along with explosions; a nod to their careers as treasure hunters and master excavation artists. They can deal rapid fire B-Ranked damage to targets, and A-Ranked damage if they use cannons or explosives. Takes 4 hits of B-Ranked damage to take each one of these experienced treasure hunters out. )

    Strong: Gemstone Hunter (B-Ranked, Wizard. Uses Crystal-Make Magic. Can instantly deflect or trap any Light or Water spell of up to B-Ranked with a successful block. Can be used to slam, push and trap, or construct weapons out of. This wizard is incredible with all different types of weapons through his 'Make', from Giant Waraxes, to Crystal Bows, too Crystal Swords of different shape and size. Will attempt to trap opponents in crystal prisons and then continue for chain attacks as well. If you fail more than 5 blocks against him over the course of the fight; he will trap you in a Crystal-Make prison and shatter it with an attack for A-Ranked damage. Takes 3 hits of A-Ranked or 6 hits of B-Ranked damage to take this bad, bad hunter down.)

    Boss: Harper Goldenshine (A-Ranked, Wizard. Uses Crystal-Make Magic. One of the most famous wizards in Fiore; Harper's 'make' is so fast that it seems to appear instantly from nowhere. He can do anything one can imagine with Crystal-Make; anything from creating a house, too a lion, too a gigantic crystal serpent. He can whirl out crystal blades that can block any spell B-Ranked and below and also use crystal walls that prevent him from taking any damage whatsoever. He also is a fan of creating giant weapons out of thin-air that slam down and shatter on his opponents for A-Ranked damage. Light and Water are useless against him as he will instantly crystalize them as the spells are being weaved. Takes 6 hits of A-Ranked damage or 12 hits of B-Ranked damage to take down The Hunter himself.)

    Reward: 10,000 Jewels, One Legendary Item Each and an extra B rank's of Exp (added after bonus calculation)


    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Godlike Frederik 3rd January 2016, 7:39 am

    Out of all the combination in the guild known as Sabertooth, nothing was as odd as the one that currently was out on a job. One was a black hooded fiend of a man, who was generally known to have some serious anger issues. And the other one was a younger stunning woman. Who also appeared to have the very character traits that could trigger that said anger issues of her current partner.

    Naturally these two characters would never ever, pick each other themselves. In fact they never even had any interaction with each other before the job. However, sometimes fate intervened and pushed two people together, and with fate I mean the guild master who thought it was a fun idea, to have some job festival pairing.

    Now off course one would think, why didn't these two just picked someone else. Well thats because of their very personalities. One did only grunt ay everyone that even tried to approach him, and the other was to lazy to even bother moving her ass from the bar stool.

    And so it came to be that after everyone had chosen a partner, these two were automatically yet reluctantly paired together. And with some pressure from their guild master, actually were forced to go on an actual job for once.


    While standing on the top of a hill, Frederick would gaze upon the valley that stretched out beneath him. Partially it was forested like a green colored see, with only here and there the withered stone buildings that were the ruins. Sticking out from between the trees, like solid rocky islands.

    Just the sight of it made Frederick sigh, as he at least couldn't clearly pinpoint where they the presumable entrance of the ruins could be. Nor did he saw any direct sign of any campsite, not even the lingering trail of a campfire. Which probably meant that their opponents were already inside.

    'Any idea where to head next?' he inquired at the redhead






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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Fair 3rd January 2016, 8:19 am

    Early morning job calls will be the death of Lynn. She didn't even know Hika was a morning person in the first place to wake up so early and assign jobs. Not only that, but Lynn was supposed to do it with one of the guild members, an older male she had never met before, not even by accident. Jerking her head to the left, then the right, Lynn descended down the stairs that spiraled from her chamber to the bar, tying her hair up into a ponytail with her fringe falling just above her emerald eyes and having a quick drink before finding and meeting the partner Hika put her with. She did the introductions and everything before they left the guild, heading straight for the ruins. As usual, she commanded Zlatan to travel ahead of them and report the situation at their destined location back to her.

    On reaching the Ancient Ruins, Lynn looked around, already seeing the winged lion circling the place.

    "Any idea where to head next?" asked Frederick. Lynn didn't respond for a while as she was receiving information from her companion.

    "Follow me," she told him, cocking her head towards a group of trees that they would have to pass through to get to where Zlatan was directing her. "My friend found something," she added, just to let him know that he wasn't following a blind lead. Lynn began walking, a bit faster than usual as she did not want to waste more time than necessary. Guessing that Frederik had followed her, she would continue to speak. "Do you mind if I call you Fred? It's easier and shorter and I prefer it that way." Skipping over a few giant tree roots that sat in her way, she pulled her jacket down and went back to walking.



    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Godlike Frederik 4th January 2016, 5:45 am

    Friend? Frederick hadn't seen anything of the sorts before. Which caused him to doubt his partner for a moment, if it wasn't for the fact she was so certain. Maybe it was a pet of some sorts, something similar to a hawk maybe? But when Frederick quickly scanned the sky in front of him, he saw no sign of any bird giving away a location. So it had to be something else, either way it didn't matter. He just had to trust the fact that Lynn what she was doing.

    She used a fastened pace when going down the hill, and kept that pace when she entered the woodlands. A place where most people would've at least stopped in their tracks for a minute, only so that they could gaze upon to large and ancient trees that would tower above them. Somehow the forest felt like the perfect fit for the location of some old and abandoned ruin. They were probably just as ancient, if not maybe even older.

    The forest that to much would have been an hindrance, with his low hanging branches, and giant roots sticking out of the ground, seemed to be a walk in the part for the fiery redhead. Who easily evaded every branch and just as easily hopped over every root. While Frederick who followed her, just walked around it. Or if the root was high enough, just underneath it.

    At this point she asked him a question, inquiring him if she was allowed to call him by a much shorter name. Which in all fairness, wasn't something he was fond of. No Frederick preferred to be called by his full name. And not some run of the mill short name, as if he came from some underprivileged household. However in the end, Frederick was fairly sure she would address him as Fred either way.

    'I doubt you wouldn't if I said no... so go ahead.' he replied, but also immediately continued with another question. 'Who.. or what is this so called friend of yours? Did you brought some pestering pet with you or something?






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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Fair 4th January 2016, 12:48 pm

    Lynn grinned when he said that she could shorten his name and address him that way. "Great!" she said. "You can't shorten my name so it's just Lynn," laughed the suddenly bubbly redhead, attempting to shorten her name in her mind and finding her results funny.

    Zlatan continued to send her directions, telling her where to go and warning her of obstacles ahead. He was becoming more like her personal navigator rather than her battle companion, having to give her directions to job locations more than engaging in battle with her enemies, together with her of course. Lynn suddenly thought she should get back to training the lion. He was fighting less these days, meaning his capacity could have decreased. The summoner's head was filled with these thoughts for the following minute as she continued walking through the forest. According to Zlatan's direction, she would come to the end of the forest layer, and reach the 'Ancient City'.

    Fred then asked her who her friend was, making Lynn chuckle a bit before answering him. "My friend is my pet, my guardian, Leon Zlatan. He's a winged lion, flying at a great altitude and directing me towards our destination. You'll find out what he looks like once he lands," she smiled. She already knew Frederick wasn't the type to get scared or anything like that. She herself had questions for the man.

    "So, you seem to be an old member of the guild. I've never seen you around before, but I know someone mentioned your name once in a discussion about experienced members in Sabertooth," she said, removing a banana leaf that hung low enough to touch her face. "I'm actually still new to some things since I came from a different realm. But I recently joined your race, so I'm fully human now, by the way," she informed him, so that he didn't see her as some sort of alien, or something.



    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Godlike Frederik 5th January 2016, 12:38 pm

    A winged lion huh? Now that wasn't something you saw everyday, in fact Frederick actually doubted the existence of such a creature for a minute. But then again, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing he had seen around, hell if there were small talking cats walking on two legs and also had wings. Then why would't there be a full blown lion.

    'Can be, I'm out most of the time.. in fact the only time I really am at the guild is when I pick up another job.'

    He continued to follow Lynn deeper into the forest, trailing in her exact footsteps to make sure he followed the exact path. Evading most of the flora, except the ones that really managed to hung right in his way. Like the occasional liane.

    'Joined my race?' repeated Frederick in a tone that it sounded more as an actual question 'then what were you before? Or better yet were did you come from then?'

    Could she be trusted, because what she just said clearly stated that originally she wasn't human. That she was something else entirely.
    Sure Frederick had met his fair share of off worlders, the occasional demon, or entity like Raven. Even beings who just had an ethereal form and wrapped themselves with the nearest element. Like his old master the Lichborne.

    Frederick doubted Lynn was anything like the Lich, or an actual demon that was evil to its core. As right now he didn't sense any form of malice in her. But you never knew right, what she was, or who she was back then before she was fully human. Maybe she had an entire different personality, one that desired harm above being benevolent.





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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Fair 6th January 2016, 10:06 am

    "Yes, joined your race, like became human," Lynn replied, stopping in her tracks. She turned to face the man and answer his questions. "Good question," she said, referring to the one about her origin and what she was before she became human. Honestly she wanted to avoid answering this question, but if she didn't Frederick might start being paranoid and not follow her lead anymore. Maybe even stop finishing this request altogether. She didn't know what he might do, but she didn't want to risk it.

    Tucking a lock of stray crimson hair behind her ear, she began, "I came from a land called Fismuth, known to humans as 'heaven'. The winged beings they know as 'angels' are our workers. I was above them, a Prestigious - holding an honorable status." Her sentences weren't smooth. It was as though she was asked to recite an article she had only read a few times and was having to patch it up. "I cut all connections with Fismuth, and the rest of the Prestigious...everyone, to be among the humans, specifically the ones in the Sabertooth guild. I gave up my role to protect Sabertooth," she went on, now turning back to lead the way once again, hoping that was enough explanation.

    They had now passed through the forest unharmed. Lynn couldn't see it yet, but Zlatan told her that they would have to keep going, climbing down a ditch and walk a few more miles before reaching the Ancient City. "We're almost there, by the way, Fred. Zlatan found us the shortcut. If we had chosen the other path that most people used, it would have taken forever!" she told Fred, hoping he wasn't too pissed about too much walking. But it wasn't like there was a shorter route, or a way to make it less tiring, not that Lynn could think of right now because she chose healthier options and didn't make time to think of such things.



    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Godlike Frederik 7th January 2016, 4:57 am

    Fismuth? In all his years of traveling and delving into the ancient knowledge of the world, he had never heard of such a name for the iconic realm known as heaven. Sure there was a large variety of other descriptions and words for such a place, especially in ancient lore there were a numerous of references to heaven. But if Lynn told the truth, even if it was hard to grasp, then it wasn't so strange a name like that has never popped up before. As it was given by the angels themselves.

    Once out of the dense forest, Frederick still failed to see any structures that could remotely hint that there were any ruins. Yet his partner Lynn, seemed very certain that it wasn't that far anymore, in fact she even stated that they were about to take a shortcut. Even though Frederick didn't saw anything on the horizon.

    She hadn't given Frederick any reason to doubt, and even went as far to give him enough backstory to ponder on. So he just followed her lead, assuming she knew best in this situation.

    'So you are... no were an angel you say?' Inquired Frederick further 'Some might revere you as something divine' With some Frederick was thinking of a specific someone, a young girl who always walked around in a nun outfit. Who to him, was mostly a nuisance. 'I do have one more question, you said you have left Fishmuth to be with the mages of Sabertooth? It makes me wonder, why them. Why not any other guild, or a simple village?'

    The question wasn't only for her, it was Frederick as well. As he himself was still walking around the guild, wondering why it was he remained at Sabertooth. So he hoped that the answer Lynn would provide, would give him some more insight as well. Enough so, that he finally may find an answer himself.





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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Fair 7th January 2016, 10:14 am

    Lynn frowned. Frederick didn't seem to understand what she had just told him. "No, you're wrong. I'm not an 'angel'. 'Angels' are our workers. I'm a more divine being compared to them. I'm a Prestigious. I mean...I was," she explained, eyes cast down, stopping for just a moment before continuing, sliding down the ditch and waiting under for Frederick. Once he was down, she would answer the second question he asked.

    "Why Sabertooth, you ask. When I descended from Fismuth to finish the mission I was sent for, I landed in front of the guildhall, it wasn't a huge bustling town like this back then. Raven found me, gave me a home to live and people to call family. I am forever grateful, because even though I was called to Fismuth from the same realm, and I was a Prestigious there, nowhere I've been felt like a place I could call 'home', other than Sabertooth."

    From what she just told him, Frederick would be able to put the pieces together and understand that Lynn was a human baby, called to Fismuth and made a Prestigious, then asked to go to Earth and complete a mission, before settling down in Sabertooth and cutting all connections with Fismuth to be among the Sabers.

    Turning around to face the damaged buildings of the Ancient City, she grinned. "Look, we're close! I almost forgot what we were supposed to do with this request." Lynn took the lead once again, not letting Fred even take one step ahead of her, not that she meant it to look like. She was't trying to be bossy, she was the boss. It wasn't her fault she was born that way. "Are you tired, by the way?" she asked Fred, not looking back to face him, however. "Cause if you are, we could take a rest."



    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Godlike Frederik 8th January 2016, 7:05 am

    Call it his nature, or just a personal flaw of being overly suspicious. But somehow Frederick doubted descending upon earth because of Sabertooth alone was all of it. Humans were flawed, extremely so, like himself. What he has done in the past, or better yet who he is now is flawed all over. And so are most of the people in the guild, some lacked power. Others were hotheads.
    She also had mentioned she was a being higher up the chain in Fismuth, a Prestigious or something. Which would mean she supposed to have some sort of responsibilities right? One that you maybe can't just abandon like that.

    Either way, his thoughts on the that very matter, were best saved for a later date. As inquiring any further might only endanger the very mission they were on, it would rise suspicion and doubt in each other. For him he would probably only get more questions, and she in turn would start to think Frederick didn't trusted her enough. That he might not even have her back when in trouble.

    Eventually the remains of what was the ancient city appeared in front of him. However the word remains didn't honor it at all. Sure age had withered some of the buildings, and nature has run it's course and even conquered it's land back. The buildings still had a sense of majestic hanging over them, they still stood tall even when ages had passed.

    'I'm good' replied Frederick. Even though he had to admit to himself he wasn't really used to the continues fast paced walking through a rough environment. 'I'd rather continue and finish this job as fast as possible'

    Which might become a bit of a problem, as both of them still didn't know where the enemy was. These so called hunters that scavenged through the ruins in search of long lost artifacts and treasure. And by the looks of it, these ruins were as vast as they were old. And they weren't even inside yet, which Frederick knew could be even more complex.






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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Fair 11th January 2016, 2:38 am

    "Ah, okay, that's good to know," Lynn said, in response to Fred saying that he was not tired and that he wanted to finish the job as soon as possible. With a grin, she marched onwards, stopping right before entering the ancient city because she knew very well that they could get lost in it.

    "You know how this ancient city is like...huge, right? I think we need to stick together, otherwise we're going to lose each other. We don't know what surprises we're going to encounter, too," she told Fred. It was probably known information to him, but sharing what she had in her head didn't hurt.

    Do not worry, mistress. I will be watching over you.

    "You better be," Lynn told the lion up above telepathically. She would listen to what Fred had to say in reply once they were inside, so she kept walking, entering the city through a damaged gate that looked like it had been made by a professional architect, seeing the parts that still remained in good condition.

    "These are masterpieces," the summoner commented, looking up at the beautifully constructed structures. It was true that the work of ancient architects were much better than the current ones. People these days seemed to prefer simpler styles, or to say it more frankly, easier styles to work with, compared to older days, Maybe they had a handful of work to do and didn't have time to invest in making complicated artwork on buildings. That was probably why. People these days never seemed to have time, not even have breakfast. Lynn didn't know what else to say, so she kept her mouth shut as she stared at the buildings in awe, looking from one to another and also keeping an eye on her partner so that she didn't lose him on their way.



    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Godlike Frederik 11th January 2016, 3:56 am

    As they passed through the gate, Frederick witnessed the fine craftsmanship that was known to man hundreds of years ago. On each side of the gate was a carefully carved head, of what to Frederick appeared to be some unknown beast. It looked partially like a bull though. Either way, the detail on it was so fine, that it almost felt it was looking at you from whatever direction you were standing. Maybe these heads were a deity to the people now long gone, or maybe they were supposed the gate guardians.

    But it weren't only those two heads that rendered Frederick speechless for a moment, every corner, every edge was carefully crafted with decorations or symbols, to which Frederick could only guess its real meaning. There was one certainty though, it seems that all did manage to survive the test of time, sure some places where withered. And some places were reclaimed my mother nature itself. But most of it managed to live through the ages.

    'That would be best' Responded Frederick to Lynn 'Seeing as vast this city is'

    He followed her all the way through the gate, and eventually ended up what seems to be the main street of the city. Which turned out to be an even more of an hassle to walk on, then the rough terrain of they'd just ventured through. Most of it was replaced by grass or small plants, even the occasional tropical bush. And the roots of nearby trees that had grown underneath the streets, had shifted the remaining stones out of places. Creating various cracks in the once perfect laid path.

    The buildings around them were indeed master pieces, but it weren't those buildings with residential purposes that caught his eye. No he had his sight pinpointed on something far more meaning full, there in the far distance. Still small and only the tip, was the silhouette of a far greater building. Partially still hidden because of the buildings in front of them. But that it was to be seen from afar like this, probably suggested it was some sort of central building. A castle perhaps? Maybe a temple, either way it might be a good place to start their search.

    'Lynn, over there' he said while pointing out the vague top of the distant building 'You think you can ask your partner to check that out?'






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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Fair 11th January 2016, 8:26 am

    Just as she opened her mouth to suggest something, Frederick pointed somewhere, telling her to ask Zlatan to check that place out. Lynn smiled, "Sure, Fred." Then, she looked up, getting the flying lion's attention and ordering him to check it out with his sensory abilities. While she did that, Lynn also looked carefully at the structure, trying to figure out what it was. The way the corners of the roofs were pointed made it seem like a temple. Maybe it was.

    There's someone there.

    The sudden announcement made her skin tingle with excitement. They have already found someone! She could tell Zlatan had landed somewhere because without being in contact with the Earth's surface, he couldn't sense vibrations and tell what was where.

    "Zlatan found someone in the structure. Let's go," Lynn told her partner, hurrying towards the structure. She didn't want the person get away, whoever it was. It could be the wizard they were supposed to find in the ancient city, or it could be one of the Gem Brothers that Harper - the wizard - brought.

    "Stay down, we might need your assistance," Lynn told her battle companion, unaware of Frederick's magical abilities. She didn't want to assume things, so she was prepared for the worst. Taking a quick glance at Fred (if he followed, of course), Lynn would continue to run towards the temple-like building, entering if Frederick did, too. Zlatan was close to them, she could sense, not because of magical properties or things like that, but because of their connection, their bond.

    The temple was pretty much destroyed, but Lynn paid little attention to the damages, or the fact that it could literally collapse onto them even by a small touch. She told Zlatan to stay still because he was quite close to the building and if he moved a little bit more than usual, the place might crumble.



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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Godlike Frederik 11th January 2016, 11:17 am

    Not even second guessing this so called Zlatan, the flying lion who he still haven't met, Frederick followed her. Running with a fastened pace right behind her, wondering as well. What the flying beast could have found inside the ruins of the building afar.

    Once reaching it, Frederick would stop for a moment and gaze at into the dark entrance that would lead the both of them into unknown territory. Yet unfazed by that, Frederick would still follow his partner as she stepped foot inside the temple.

    It's endless halls felt even more frail as it already looked on the outside, which was even more emphasized on, as small tiles would fall off from the walls so every now and then. Was it them? Were they the cause? Frederick doubted that, even though their presence was strong, there was no possible way that just by walking it force the walls to crumble down. No there was something else going on, maybe fighting? The Gem Brothers delving for treasure maybe? Either way, it puts pressure on the already withered building. Pressure it definitely couldn't handle for a long time.

    At some point after venturing into the temple, they would reach a crossing, leaving them with three choices. Going left, right, or go straight ahead. Each of those choices felt more unappealing then the others, as all three did;t had the slightest indication of where they were heading. They left the two mages with nothing but darkness to peer into.

    'Tch, this is inconvenient..' said Frederick a bit annoyed 'Any idea which path we should take here?'






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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Fair 28th March 2016, 4:57 am

    As they reached the crossing, Lynn immediately called Zlatan mentally for help. He was the most reliable source right now and the summoner was quite please to see her partner trusted her and Zlatan. The beast took a moment to listen to the Earth before letting Lynn know that the path that led straight ahead was the best choice. "Straight ahead," the sorceress told Fred, taking the lead. Who were they about to discover if they continued down the path? The Gemstone hunters or Harper Goldshine himself? Thrilled to find out, Lynn fastened her pace. "I hope this place doesn't collapse. I don't want to die like this," she mumbled, mostly to herself but loud enough for Fred to hear.

    The path was unexpectedly quite lengthy, stretching down all the way to the heart of the temple, she guessed. If it wasn't for Zlatan being standby and directing them to the right place, Lynn would probably be lost, having no clue how to navigate this labyrinth of a temple. They passed several openings to various routes along the way. Naturally, Lynn would stop to ask Zlatan if they should continue the path or enter the openings. According to the winged lion's senses, they were to continue the path until they reached a large opening, larger than the ones they had found along the way.

    "Are we almost there, though?" Lynn wanted to know, stopping temporarily as if to make sure her message reached Zlatan. I can feel that you are quite close to them, although now that there are too many vibrations in a small space, I can't differentiate which is whose...other than yours. Lynn immediately turned to face Fred, giving him a look that he should be able to comprehend, before sprinting along the path they had taken, soon reaching the opening in which she jumped in without a second thought. She didn't want to be found before she found them.



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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Godlike Frederik 1st April 2016, 12:58 am

    Well that was one thought Frederick could agree on, the very idea of the ceiling collapsing on top of them was the least of favorable outcomes. The debris crushing them, and if that did't kill them there was the off chance to be trapped down here forever. In a tiny space, with a dwindling amount of oxygen to survive on.

    Frederick followed Lynn further into the ruins, walking down yet another corridor until they reached a different kind of opening. One that was larger, and even more decorated then the ones they had seen before. Suggesting that what ever was at the other side of the black pitched entrance was an area of some importance.

    His partner stopped in her tracks and once again addressed the creature that had been tracking them. The one that was acting as a guide to navigate through the dark maze of tunnels and corridors. Whatever it gave as an answer though, Frederick didn't know, but judging by the look Lynn gave them hinted that there was trouble ahead. Crypt Dwellers perhaps? Creatures that had found their home here. Or maybe finally the Gemstone Hunters, whose activities had to be stopped.

    Frederick nodded back, ready to jump in and strike at the first target he saw. And while Lynn dashed forwards into the opening, Frederick followed as well. Only probably a bit more gun blazing then his partner.

    The moment Frederick passed through the entrance he could lay eyes on the actual targets they were searching for. Roughly shaped man, geared up with all kinds of excavation equipment. Obviously here to plunder the secrets and riches of the ancient tomb.

    If the enemy hadn't noticed their sudden appearance they surely would now. As said before Frederick went in guns blazing, as he entered and saw the gang of treasure hunters, he immediately opened an attack salvo at one of the biggest clusters of people.
    He stopped immediately in his tracks and threw his arm forwards, while he shouted out the incantation that would instigate his most used yet ever so powerful attack.

    'Dark Void' he bellowed, and as he did several black pentacles appeared above a group of about six treasure hunters. From which concentrated beams of magic were shot out. The group who was entirely taken by surprise were decimated. They had no means to defend against it, and even if they did, the beams would surely penetrate through their meager shields, as the Dark Void was equal to Fredericks own strength.

    'Lynn, let's thin out the herd first!'


    MP: 100%

    Spells Active(d):
    Dark Void - instant (Signature)

    Dark Void - 3 posts

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    Harper Goldenshine
    (A-Ranked, Wizard. Uses Crystal-Make Magic. One of the most famous wizards in Fiore; Harper's 'make' is so fast that it seems to appear instantly from nowhere. He can do anything one can imagine with Crystal-Make; anything from creating a house, too a lion, too a gigantic crystal serpent. He can whirl out crystal blades that can block any spell B-Ranked and below and also use crystal walls that prevent him from taking any damage whatsoever. He also is a fan of creating giant weapons out of thin-air that slam down and shatter on his opponents for A-Ranked damage. Light and Water are useless against him as he will instantly crystalize them as the spells are being weaved. Takes 6 hits of A-Ranked damage or 12 hits of B-Ranked damage to take down The Hunter himself.)

    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 1st April 2016, 1:12 am; edited 1 time in total



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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by NPC 1st April 2016, 12:58 am

    The member 'Lord Frederik' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Fair 1st June 2016, 11:17 am

    Perfect. They ran straight into the group of treasure hunters. As soon as Lynn caught sight of them, she ordered Zlatan to descend mentally, which he did pretty quickly. "Looks like we came the right direction," she muttered, more to herself. As she was about to say something to her enemies, Fred had already initiated an attack by activating a spell that did much more damage than she expected, which shut her up and brought a smile to her lips. The summoner then climbed onto the winged lion's back, taking a look at Fred. "Weaken them, Zlatan," she whispered into the lions ears, which prompted him to let out an unbearable roar. A roar that would indeed weaken their enemies...and apparently knock out one of them holding a small crossbow. He had fainted because of the roar, how interesting.

    Lynn wasn't a big fan of showing off her magic, so she didn't. She would rather use her fists than waste her mana for the weaklings who stand before them. Zlatan turned on their protection bubble which would shield Fred if he stayed in a 3 meter radius of the lion. It was funny because usually she would give the enemy time to speak and sometimes even have a conversation with them but this time, they didn't even exchange greetings. "I see you don't like to talk, so let's let our fists do the talking," Lynn said, almost sticking her tongue out at Fred. Zlatan shot into the air, then came down like falling star at a pretty fast speed and seeing how their enemies were weaker and slower than they would have been, they would be easier to aim.

    The lion plummeted straight towards one of the crystal make mages, who created a crystal shield that obviously shattered under Zlatan's weight and the shards flew towards the other treasure hunters, sharp crystals digging into their bodies, the larger ones killing some of them. Lynn scrunched up her face at the sight of blood and turned to the mage who looked at his friends with horror. "It's all ogre now," she said before jumping off the back of Zlatan and in front of the mage, taking hold of his head and twisting it so hard that the action broke its neck. He was probably too shocked to react or anything. Of course the shards didn't harm Lynn or Zlatan as they were made of crystals that didn't have enough strength to break through their bubble. Plus Lynn was obviously trained much longer and harder to fight than the mage, or any of the men with shards in their skin now.


    Weak (0/3)
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    Zlatan's Abilities:


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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Godlike Frederik 7th June 2016, 6:23 am

    While being protected from standing inside the barrier, that was erected all around him by Zlatan. Frederick could watch as a hail of crystalized shards collided against the protective sphere. But without out doing any direct damage. No instead they shards just blasted against it and shattered into a million pieces, suggesting that the barrier itself was at least as strong a stone wall.

    Immediately after that attack, Frederick sprung forwards. Through and away from the bubble, but heading towards their assailant. Which was a roughly build mage, enough so to even make Frederick look kind of puny. In fact it was save to say that this man, could beat Frederick if it came down to physical strength alone. And if Frederick's own strength wasn't enhanced tenfold by his own magical power.

    The man seemed capable enough to anticipate Fredericks move, as he immediately threw a new attack at the Sabertooth. By punching his fist into the ground in front of him, the enemy mage send forth a multitude of crystalized and emerald formed spikes from the ground. Rising up everywhere Frederick was moving towards, forcing him to dash aside if he didn't want to be impaled by them.

    The moment Frederick had jumped away, he immediately sensed another presence behind. Another crystal-make mage had made it's appearance and had taken the opportunity created by his friend to try and attack Frederick from behind. 'Damn it!'

    Cursing out loud Frederick just barely escaped a large war hammer coming down on him. Naturally made out of the same materials he had seen up to now, giving it a rather fragile appearance. But not less effective, no in fact it probably was far stronger then a normal steel formed hammer. As the ground he used to stand just a second ago, was easily pulverized.


    MP: 130%

    Spells Active(d):

    Dark Void - 2 posts

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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Fair 7th June 2016, 6:52 am

    Lynn looked around her and noticed that the others left were aggressively snarling at her now that they probably knew they couldn't do shit to her as long as she was in the bubble. And getting in the bubble to harm her wasn't going to work either because as long as she was within the bubble, there was no harming her. As of now there were five men with guns and cannons pointed at her, they weren't moving. Lynn had an idea but she wasn't sure how she was going to implement it with Fred running right in and almost getting smashed under a crystal hammer. A perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised at what her guildmate was doing. What was he doing exactly? Maybe he wasn't that good at fighting, he must have been trained poorly.

    Giving Zlatan a telepathic command, she began to employ her strategy. Apparently the group of treasure hunters were huddled together around Lynn. Why? Because they were stupid. And in a split second a sequence of actions took place. First of all, Zlatan would spread his wings out in a sharp movement and rotate 360 degrees so his feathers would fuck with their faces. Then he would lurch sideways so that Lynn could snatch one of the bigger cannons. Once she had acquired the cannon Zlatan would dash towards Fred as far as his tail could reach and grabbed the man to hurl him on his back so he was situated behind Lynn. Like a meteor in reverse, the winged lion would shoot up into the sky while Lynn steadied herself on his back and aimed at the group of bewildered targets. "Bye bye fuckers," she would mutter as she took two of her best aimed shots. The non-wizard fools would watch in awe as if they were in a magic show while the crystal mages would defend themselves with crystal shields that shattered at the impact of the cannons, but didn't kill them.


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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Godlike Frederik 7th June 2016, 7:16 am

    'Bye bye indeed' commented Frederick on the spectacle that unfolded beneath him. While holding onto the lion, and partially Lyhnn. And as the smoke cleared Frederick witnessed the devastation that had taken out a large group of their enemies. Leaving nothing but the two crystal make wizards, and their big boss standing. Who until now still hadn't moved an inch.

    As Zlatan, the winged beast came around again. Frederick readied himself to drop himself once again into the fray of battle. Especially since the smoke was still clearing up, and the remaining mages were still recovering from the sheer impact of the attack. Sure temporarily their shields had protected them from any direct damage. But withstanding an impact like that still took some serious willpower.

    As Frederick dropped down, a true superhero landing ensued. Right in between the two crystal make mages, Frederick appeared. Creating a small dust cloud and a crater with spreading cracks around it on the impact. Who for a second tried to grasp the situation. A second they had to pay dearly. As Frederick took the opportunity that very second provided him with.
    With a singular move Frederick created a black mass, that swirled around him once before making a downwards movement towards the smallest of the enemy mages. Only to immediately raise up like a pillar and trow the man high up into the sky.

    'Lynn! Heads up!'

    With a strong and powerful swoosh sound, the man was send up tumbling into the sky. Ripe for the picking so to speak, if Lynn was to act and take this chance. Frederick on the other hand had now a single mage to deal with, as he was fairly certain that he could leave that one to his partner. And if not her, the winged lion named Zlatan.


    MP: 120%

    Spells Active(d):
    Dark Affinity - 14 posts

    Dark Void - 1 posts

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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Fair 7th June 2016, 9:25 am

    Frederik dropped down from Zlatan's back and decided to handle one of the mages while the other just stood there watching in a dome of crystal that was probably supposed to protect himself from them. "Psh." Lynn frowned at the lack of cooperation. Surely they could do better than that? The other mage was literally watching the other being tormented by Fred's dark magic. The winged lion remained airborne as Lynn watched how Fred's magic swallowed the crystal mage and spat him skywards towards Lynn, who still had the cannon in her hand. The cannon was of no use to her right now and so by instincts, Zlatan leaped forward in the sky in the direction that the mage was being thrown and caught him in his mouth. Naturally the captive was screaming and flailing his arms within Zlatan's mouth and trying to make crystal shards to hurt Zlatan. The fierce lion growled and tossed him up higher into the air before catching him back in his mouth, this time biting into his skin so there was blood oozing out from where his teeth dug into skin.

    "Get it out Zlatan, it's going to dirty you," Lynn said, making a disgusted face at the half-dead man that fell out of her friend's mouth. It was gory as shit, the entire scene, but she couldn't avoid it. How could she avoid bloodbath in a battle like that? The man wasn't completely dead so Zlatan plummeted to the ground and picked him up once more, chewing him carefully with his strong teeth before spitting out broken body parts covered in blood. It was surely dead now. And now it was time to take down the scaredy cat behind a crystal defense. Lynn dropped down and began firing at the little crystal dome that surrounded the mage. "You are one little coward," she said as she got closer. She kept firing though until the defense broke apart.


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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Godlike Frederik 7th June 2016, 10:02 am

    While Zlatan, Lynn's epic partner and winged monstrosity took care of the enemy mage. Who thanks to Frederick was shot up into the air to meet his very demise. Lynn herself had come down to join the fray once more. Armed with the very cannon she snatched earlier from the already deceased enemies, which she so easily aimed at the mage who had once again formed a defensive shield out of crystals and other expensive minerals. Naturally she didn't waste a single second to fire, and immediately started chipping away whatever protection the enemy might had.

    In the meantime Frederick started to amass some of his power, channeling it into his right hand. While keeping it aimed crystal made shield. Waiting for the moment it was weak enough for him to penetrate it in one shot. And hopefully take care of the enemy hiding behind his crystal made wall.

    The moment Lynn managed to land a good shot, strong enough for the shield to start showing cracks and even a shard or two dropping on the ground. Frederick struck, his right arm stretched towards their opponent. With his hand open. From which a dark purple colored beam shot, straight through the already brittle shield. The force of the impact, along with another shot from the cannon Lynn was carrying, shattered whatever protection the shield might have provided.

    However what was supposed to be behind it, seemed to be long gone. Leaving Fredericks attack to strike only the wall behind the destroyed shield. In its place was a large hole, big enough for the giant of a man to fit through. 'What the Hell?!'
    The moment Frederick uttered those words a shadow appeared behind the two mages. It seemed that their target had used his magic to form some sort of drill that could easily spin and cut through the stone pavement of these ruins.


    MP: 120%

    Spells Active(d):
    Dark Affinity - 13 posts


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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Fair 7th June 2016, 10:52 am

    It seemed Frederik had some tricks to break defenses and it was working because once the cannons and his dark whatever that was putting pressure on the protection came together, the crystal was crushed, but what they discovered next shocked Lynn. There was a hole in the ground like something had drilled into the earth or something and a moment later the crystal mage came up behind him with a crystal drill sort of thing near another hole in the ground. The ass had drilled his way out and was on the run now. On the other hand, the last remaining enemy other than the escaping crystal mage was attempting to run as well. It was time for them to pick now since they had run off in different directions. Lynn grunted in frustration. "Fred I'm sure you can catch up to that silly nutcase. I'll make sure that one doesn't get away," she said, cocking her head in the direction of the unharmed man. He must have been the boss of them all, but with Zlatan, he had nowhere to run or hide as long as he was touching the ground. Not to mention Lynn's dragon slayer ability to sniff him out. It was clever of the mage to create a distraction for his boss to run, but too bad it won't work because his master won't be able to run too far. Lynn was either going to break his legs first or let him give her a challenge. Either way he was going to die and he was going to die like a courageless fool.

    "You are one pathetic pussy," she laughed loudly as she mounted the winged beast once again and dashed after who seemed to be known as 'Harper Goldshine'. She never took time to find out who exactly was Harper Goldshine out of the group. She found it time consuming and unnecessary to find out the name of someone who was going to die soon anyway. Zlatan was dashing at full speed now after Harper who had drilled into the ground as well. He was actually going further than Harper would reach so that they could catch. Reaching about two meters ahead of where he could sense Harper's vibrations, the lion halted and enveloped himself in his own wings, then used himself as a drill into the ground that shook as he did so. The treasure hunter was now blocked by Zlatan and his mistress, hopping out of the ground to the surface and standing face to face with Zlatan. He had an unattractive scowl on his face. He was scared, that bit was clear and he obviously wanted this to end as much as Lynn or Fred did. "Where are you going?" Lynn said, a sinister smile surfacing on her face. A hint of the side she had tried very hard to hide. It came out once in a while like now. The treasure hunter shook with fear as he created layers and layers of crystal over himself. "Go on. Drill through the ground," she said. Zlatan shook off earth from his pure white wings. The treasure hunter was thoroughly frightened because he even shook his head when Lynn told him to drill through the ground. She laughed. What a pathetic moron. "I don't understand why the Earth should burden itself by bearing cowards like you," she continued. The ice dragon slayer decided to waste less time. "And now you're going to die!" she announced in an excited, high-pitched voice before Zlatan roared in his face, causing a crack on the great crystal defense he put up.

    (600+ words)

    Weak (0/3)
    Normal (0/10)
    Strong (1/2)
    Boss (1/1)


    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
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    The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn Empty Re: The Hunter - Frederick & Lynn

    Post by Godlike Frederik 7th June 2016, 11:37 am

    A small anime styled sweat drop appeared on the back of Frederick's head, as he stared at Lynn giving chase while putting up some verbal abuse in the meantime. Not only would that poor man get his ass kicked, he would scolded while doing so. Even Frederick in all his cruelty and cold demeanor was that evil.

    While Lynn went after one of them, which might be the boss. Frederick decided to give chase as well. Trying to track the one that managed to eluded the two of them earlier. While Harper, the boss, was drilling away. Trying to get as far away from Lynn as possible, Frederick ran after the other one. That had appeared behind him and immediately stormed off into the nearest hallway. Leaving only a vague silhouette before fading into the darkness.

    The enemy mage didn't seemed to be entirely stupid or incapable. After all he was smart enough to run away when being cornered by two mages, who clearly outmatched him. So either running away and hoping not the get caught was the best option, or if that wasn't going to be the case. The enemy probably figured that splitting the two Sabertooth mages would increase his odds of winning.
    Unfortunately he was greatly mistaken, in both of his ideas. As Frederick was surely the catch up with the man, and he certainly wouldn't win a fight against the black mage of the Sabers.

    The halls seemed endless, and even Frederick in all his might, couldn't look through this kind of darkness. So he ran, following the repeating echoes of his enemies feet running over the cold pavement of the ancient ruins. Until the sounds of the man's steps become louder and louder, and eventually the silhouette of the man that managed to outsmart him appeared in front of him.

    'Got you!' he shouted, before coming a to a temporary stand still. While immediately shouting an incantation of a spell. 'Black Barrage!'

    While throwing his arm towards his opponent, five separate bolts of black magic formed around him and immediately shot towards his opponent. Homing in on the man, and eventually slamming into the ground between his feet. Which made several bricks and debris fly around, and forcing the crystal make mage to lose his footing and come down with a smack.

    Or so Frederick thought, the moment the body dropped down it shattered into a million crystalized pieces. Noticing this, Frederick immediately knew he was in trouble. And turned around while shouting out. 'Ultimate Defense!'
    Instantly a dark purple barrier created in front of Frederick, and just in time. As the moment he called fort the barrier a hailing rain of spear formed crystal rained upon him. With as last a spear so large that it had the size of a small car.

    As Frederick looked past the barrier he saw the real crystal mage, with in front of him a giant ballista made out of the same magic. With the mage, grinning, gloatingly smiling at Frederick with a conceited smile. Which if you knew Frederick a little bit, was enough to tilt his demeanor from a normal person, to an infuriated man with a wrath that was considered unrivaled.

    'Ooh.. I am going to enjoy beating you into a pulp!' Cracking his knuckles an evilish grin appeared on Frederick, As slowly his own dark aura started to take vividly shape. Almost covering him in darkness entirely. With only two white bulbs glowing where his eyes were supposed to be. And the enemy mage, the fool who thought it was a good idea to try and outsmart Frederick, gulped. Knowing, no feeling the suddenly increase of Fredericks magical presence.


    Wordcount: 619

    MP: 110%

    Spells Active(d):
    Dark Affinity - 12 posts
    Black Barrage - instant (Signature)
    Ultimate Defense - instant

    Black Barrage - 3 posts
    Ultimate Defense - 10 posts

    Weak (0/3)
    Normal (0/10)

    Strong (1/2)
    Boss (1/1)


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:57 pm