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    Heavenly Palm

    Shen Hakuhei
    Shen Hakuhei

    VIP- Demon Slayer- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Theory
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Palm
    Second Skill: Gale Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Heavenly Palm  Empty Heavenly Palm

    Post by Shen Hakuhei 8th February 2016, 5:24 pm

    Heavenly Palm  Ynyang_by_gramcrackers-d9r1e5q

    Primary Magic: Heavenly Palm
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Heavenly Palm is a magic infused martial arts, that allows the Martial Artist to guide the forces around him, to achieve harmony with the environment.  It is an open handed style that is primarily defensive in that it allows the user to redirect incoming attacks around him and serves as a means of turning your opponents power against him, with little to no exertion of force.  However, when force and magic is applied to the Martial Artist's techniques, they become deadly maneuvers that are capable of generating strong currents around the users body that can be used for offensive purposes.  A simple palm strike, can generate a strong gale force wind that can throw back several opponents at once.

    The manipulation of air is primary to this magic.  However, the movements used to perform the spells can be applied to all of the Martial Artist's surroundings.  Water, fire, sand, smoke, and anything that can move like air or liquid can be applied to the Heavenly Palm's techniques, so long as they are readily available.  The user is incapable of producing elements on his own, and instead achieves harmony with the environment around him, gathering and concentrating all of the surrounding forces.  With the application of magic, the Martial Artist is able to bend anything that is also created by magic or manipulated by it.  This art extends to all forms of magic, which allows the user of this Martial Art to combat all forms of magic.  

    A Master of the Heavenly Palm is also a master of one's own body.  Having mastered the flow of magic within the Martial Artist's body, the user's physicality and mental state are propelled beyond that of a normal human being, and with further concentration and performance of the proper stances, even greater heights can be achieved, propelling the individual to near god-like ability.  Self healing is also within the Martial Artist's ability.  Mastery of the body, right down to the skin and blood allows the Martial Artist to seal wounds, and cure any sickness by performing the proper movements to alter the flow of magic within him and achieve harmony.

    • Heavenly Palm is a versatile magic, that excels at personal protection and surviveability.
    • It provides an excellent means of countering most magics, as it is capable of make use of nearly anything the opponent has to provide the Martial Artist.  
    • Most techniques can be used both defensively and offensively, and with multiple variations depending on the situation in which they are used.


    • As versatile as it may be, this magic has difficulty defending against spells or beings that are simply enormous.  While most Heavenly Palm spells focus on pushing something out of the way, sometimes things just get too big and it becomes necessary for the Martial Artist to just get out of the way.  
    • Most, if not all techniques are very specific body movements.  If Shen is restrained, or can't move one of his limbs, the effectiveness of this magic is drastically reduced.  
    • Heavenly Palm is primarily a defensive magic and relies heavily on using his opponents attacks against them, leaving Shen on the defensive for the majority of a fight.
    • As this is a Martial Art, it is primarily a physical form of fighting and suffers greatly at long ranges.  

    Light of Luna:
    Unique Abilities:

    • Greater Physical Stats:  Heavenly Palm, like any martial art requires its practitioner to maintain a certain level of fitness and requires strenuous physical training for the Martial Artist to maintain his prowess in combat.  Thus all physical stats are raised by 20% of the Martial Artist's base stats, including strength, speed, dexterity and endurance.
    • Balance: With a clear mind, Shen can achieve Balance. This allows Shen to walk or run on virtually any surface including water, vertical walls, ceilings, thin branches, the head of a pin and if he can reach high enough, clouds.  Balance is a Harmonious technique that alters the martial artist's physical state in the universe so that he becomes virtually weightless, but retains his physical mass.  This technique can also be used to glide through the air like a pseudo flight ability.  
    • Meditation:  With concentration, Shen is capable of regenerating 5% MP, and 5% HP per post.  Shen is incapable of performing any spells or movements during meditation, which means that for regeneration to function properly, Shen is not allowed to do anything for the counter/attack phase of his post, however he is capable of defending himself while in a meditative state.
    • One with the Universe:  Passively, Shen's spacial awareness has reached its peek potential.  He can feel the fluctuation of the air, from the beats of a butterfly's wings several meters away.  Meditation further enhances his spacial awareness, to the point where he can sense and locate specific presences from up to a mile away, provided he is not disturbed.  
    • Combat Instinct:  Shen's Martial prowess allows him to react faster in combat situations, relying more on instinct than thought.  His reaction speed is instantaneous and  Combined with his incredible spacial awareness, it becomes practically impossible to surprise him.
    • The Heavenly Palm:  The entire surface of the Martial Artist's palms, are nearly indestructible.  The focus of magic through the body, generates a surface over the palm that allows the practitioner to touch all forms of magic without sustaining damage to the palms, which allows Shen to touch spells that would otherwise need to be avoided, without an alternate means of blocking the spells.

    Lineage Spell:

    Signature Spells:






    Last edited by Shen Hakuhei on 16th February 2016, 5:33 am; edited 14 times in total
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Character Sheet
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    Heavenly Palm  Empty Re: Heavenly Palm

    Post by Godlike Frederik 10th February 2016, 6:46 am

    Shen wrote:
    Heavenly Palm  Ynyang_by_gramcrackers-d9r1e5q

    Primary Magic: Heavenly Palm
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Heavenly Palm is a magic infused martial arts, that allows the Martial Artist to guide the forces around him, to achieve harmony with the environment.  It is an open handed style that is primarily defensive in that it allows the user to redirect incoming attacks around him and serves as a means of turning your opponents power against him, with little to no exertion of force.  However, when force and magic is applied to the Martial Artist's techniques, they become deadly maneuvers that are capable of generating strong currents around the users body that can be used for offensive purposes.  A simple palm strike, can generate a strong gale force wind that can throw back several opponents at once.

    The manipulation of air is primary to this magic.  However, the movements used to perform the spells can be applied to all of the Martial Artist's surroundings.  Water, fire, sand, smoke, and anything that can move like air or liquid can be applied to the Heavenly Palm's techniques, so long as they are readily available.  The user is incapable of producing elements on his own, and instead achieves harmony with the environment around him, gathering and concentrating all of the surrounding forces.  With the application of magic, the Martial Artist is able to bend anything that is also created by magic or manipulated by it.  This art extends to all forms of magic, which allows the user of this Martial Art to combat all forms of magic.  

    A Master of the Heavenly Palm is also a master of one's own body.  Having mastered the flow of magic within the Martial Artist's body, the user's physicality and mental state are propelled beyond that of a normal human being, and with further concentration and performance of the proper stances, even greater heights can be achieved, propelling the individual to near god-like ability.  Self healing is also within the Martial Artist's ability.  Mastery of the body, right down to the skin and blood allows the Martial Artist to seal wounds, and cure any sickness by performing the proper movements to alter the flow of magic within him and achieve harmony.

    • Heavenly Palm is a versatile magic, that excels at personal protection and surviveability.
    • It provides an excellent means of countering most magics, as it is capable of make use of nearly anything the opponent has to provide the Martial Artist.  
    • Most techniques can be used both defensively and offensively, and with multiple variations depending on the situation in which they are used.


    • As versatile as it may be, this magic has difficulty defending against spells or beings that are simply enormous.  While most Heavenly Palm spells focus on pushing something out of the way, sometimes things just get too big and it becomes necessary for the Martial Artist to just get out of the way.  
    • Most, if not all techniques are very specific body movements.  If Shen is restrained, or can't move one of his limbs, the effectiveness of this magic is drastically reduced.  
    • Heavenly Palm is primarily a defensive magic and relies heavily on using his opponents attacks against them, leaving Shen on the defensive for the majority of a fight.
    • As this is a Martial Art, it is primarily a physical form of fighting and suffers greatly at long ranges.  

    Light of Luna:
    Unique Abilities:

    • Greater Physical Stats:  Heavenly Palm, like any martial art requires its practitioner to maintain a certain level of fitness and requires strenuous physical training for the Martial Artist to maintain his prowess in combat.  Thus all physical stats are raised by 20% of the Martial Artist's base stats, including strength, speed, dexterity and endurance.
    • Balance: With a clear mind, Shen can achieve Balance. This allows Shen to walk or run on virtually any surface including water, vertical walls, ceilings, thin branches, the head of a pin and if he can reach high enough, clouds.  Balance is a Harmonious technique that alters the martial artist's physical state in the universe so that he becomes virtually weightless, but retains his physical mass.  This technique can also be used to glide through the air like a pseudo flight ability.  
    • Meditation:  With concentration, Shen is capable of regenerating 5% MP, and 5% HP per post.  Shen is incapable of performing any spells or movements during meditation, which means that for regeneration to function properly, Shen is not allowed to do anything for the counter/attack phase of his post, however he is capable of defending himself while in a meditative state. (had this reduced from 10% to 5% so that it would work within the rules)
    • One with the Universe:  Passively, Shen's spacial awareness has reached its peek potential.  He can feel the fluctuation of the air, from the beats of a butterfly's wings several meters away.  Meditation further enhances his spacial awareness, to the point where he can sense and locate specific presences from up to a mile away, provided he is not disturbed.  
    • Combat Instinct:  Shen's Martial prowess allows him to react faster in combat situations, relying more on instinct than thought.  His reaction speed is instantaneous and  Combined with his incredible spacial awareness, it becomes practically impossible to surprise him.
    • The Heavenly Palm:  The entire surface of the Martial Artist's palms, are nearly indestructible.  The focus of magic through the body, generates a surface over the palm that allows the practitioner to touch all forms of magic without sustaining damage to the palms, which allows Shen to touch spells that would otherwise need to be avoided, without an alternate means of blocking the spells.

    Lineage Spell:

    Signature Spells:

    Approved. After discussing most of it in the chatbox, and some alterations.

    I leave it in W.I.P so that you can add spells when you are up for it. For now you can rp.


    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
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    Heavenly Palm  Empty Re: Heavenly Palm

    Post by Godlike Frederik 17th February 2016, 12:31 pm

    Descriptive, well within the rules. Damage output isn't to high, and it's quite in balance with the weakness. Even the ones using elements. Honestly I don't have much to say, nor do I see anything that is to much.

    So approved.


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