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    Where the heck am I?! (open)

    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
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    Posts : 129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Experience : 150

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    Public Where the heck am I?! (open)

    Post by Faith Caliburn 6th November 2015, 5:26 pm

    Shinra walked through the bustling streets of Magnolia. He had nothing on him except the clothes on his back and a tiny rucksack filled another change of clothes. Shinra had no cash, no money, he had no idea where he was. He spent most of his childhood in a hidden village in the country of Midi. Though the country he came from where masters of the way of the sword, Shinra came from a clan who specialized in exorcism.

    Shinra let out a sigh recalling that he had left the village at the age of 13 and has been wandering about for about seven years now. After speaking a few passerby's he learned that he was in a town called Magnolia. Shinra noted that he had little to no magic power yet....After all his journey had left him in a weakened state. Despite this Shinra did not mind at all, for some odd reason he found it incredibly exciting from starting from the bottom...this only meant that new adventures awaited him.....this only meant a new source of power waited in store....

    After wandering about the town for a few minutes, he realized that he needed to find a place to stay the night. Sadly he didn't have a single cent to his name, so Shinra decided to go set up camp near a fountain.

    "Seem's like I'll be sleepin in the streets again......I could really go for a cup of tea now...." Shira sat down at the fountains edge and placed his rucksack on the ground next to his foot. He adjusted his glasses and stared up to the sky wondering what was waiting in store for him in this town....


    Where the heck am I?! (open) 1195bly

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
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    Public Re: Where the heck am I?! (open)

    Post by Calico 6th November 2015, 6:13 pm

    Calico felt he had a debt to pay to his guild and it came naturally that he should seek out some gifts to give them. He owed it, after all, since they had taken him and put up with his antics. Magnolia Town was a hub of shops thankfully, a place where he could visit all kinds of trinket stores. Although he didn't know any of his guild mates well enough to know what kind of gift would be best, he had done some digging around and asked a few people about the tastes of Fairy Tail's members. In the end, he decided to get Heero a gentleman's magazine, Gamon a special cream to hide scars, and for Julius... Julius was a hard one to find a gift for. His last choice of store at the end of the day ended up being a nick-knack store with Midi specialties.

    The store had a variety of banners and balloons and creepy dolls all decorated in strange symbols. Calico tried a maneuver through the store but found himself distracted by every little thing from a frozen octopus to a self-switching-off box. A man, the store owner, eventually noticed the helpless Calico and sneaked up on him to offer his assistance. "Can I help you?"

    Calico turned to face a very old man with a very long beard and a very creepy eye (the other eye was dead shut). "Uh, yes... I'm looking for a gift to give to a friend."

    "Oh, yes, yes! I know perfect gift for friend." After that strangely worded sentence, the man dug his hand into a shelf and pulled out a doll with a little kimono dress.

    "I'm not sure a doll is a good gift for a man."

    "Ho ho! This is no ordinary doll! It comes from the homeland, Midi. It is said to have belonged to a princess from long ago and the princess, she died at young age, yes? This doll, it was buried with her."

    "If the doll was burred with her, how did you get it?"

    "That doesn't matter. You want it, yes?"

    "Yeah, I guess Julius might like it."

    "Perfect, perfect! Just don't look it in the eye... it does not like that."

    Later that day, on his way back home, Calico passed through one of the more busy districts that was beginning to wind down. As he was passing by, he noticed a man sitting at a fountain next to a rucksack. He looked a little weary but not enough that Calico could say he was a traveler with just observation.Besides that rucksack, nothing really stood out to Calico about the man. If he wasn't the only one sitting at the fountain, he might not have even noticed the man.

    Calico could never resist giving a lone stranger some good conversation. He walked up to the man (his new doll in one hand and a bag of gifts in the other) and hovered over him to block his view of the sky.

    "You know, the guards might think you're trying to fish for Jewels if you sit too close to the fountain," he laughed lightly and followed up with, "But really, you look a little... lost."


    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Public Re: Where the heck am I?! (open)

    Post by Faith Caliburn 6th November 2015, 7:21 pm

    Shinra turned his attention to the young man who spoke. He turned to see the jewels in the fountain...So...Jewels is the currency in this country.... Shinra thought to himself. He got up and stretched. "I'm afraid I don't have the gear for fishing....hahaha I'm merely jesting with you sir." Shinra smiled and gave a respectful bow. He suddenly tensed up a bit when he caught sight of the doll the man was holding.....It looked vaguely familiar to a cursed doll he had read about while he was a child during his at Midi....

    "Ya know...that doll looks oddly familiar...you collect dolls or something?"inquired Shinra, he wasn't the type of person to judge another persons hobbies. Yet he found something unsettling about the doll that the young man held. For a brief moment Shinra was silent until he snapped back to reality and gave himself a face palm.

    "Goodness gracious....where are my manners.....my name is Akihito Shinra.....You can just call me Shinra.....I'm a traveling monk that specializes in exorcism...... I came from a very far country... might I ask.....This country is Fiore, right? I've lost track of the places I've been due to the many miles I have traveled..." explained Shinra as he formal introduced himself to the new acquaintance.  

    Last edited by Gemini on 7th November 2015, 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Where the heck am I?! (open) 1195bly

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 125

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    First Skill: Requip: The Bomber
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Public Re: Where the heck am I?! (open)

    Post by Calico 7th November 2015, 9:10 am

    Calico swelled up with pride when he got a bow from the man who would identify himself as Shinra. The pride, however, quickly devolved into a strong cringe when the man inquired if he collected dolls. The persona of a grown man who collected dolls wasn't something Calico would even want to masquerade as. "N-no, this doll is for a friend of mine, you see." The doll's creepy face subtly turned into a smile.

    Shinra was apparently a man of manners and spirituality, a monk and an exorcist. The latter threw Calico for a loop as he did not believe in ghosts. He always presumed the boos and bumps of "haunted" places to be nothing more than the imagination of cowards afraid to wander through dark and scary places. Calico didn't think Shinra was a charlatan in that regard but probably just as over imaginative as the next guy. The doubt in his eyes were as real as the moving eyes on the doll.

    The "monk" part was also... out there. Calico's idea of a monk was the cliche image of a balding man in robes who meditated in a temple, not a young man with a red coat and sleek glasses. Maybe he's a friar...

    "Yup, Fiore. Magnolia Town to be specific... You can call me Calico by the way." Calico looked around with a hint of confusion in his face. "If you're a traveler, where are you headed anyway? I can't imagine you're making too much progress if you don't even know what country you're in." He tried a friendly laugh, but it was difficult to be so cheery with a lost vagabond who was apparently so far away from home.


    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    First Skill: Grand Arcanum
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    Public Re: Where the heck am I?! (open)

    Post by Faith Caliburn 8th November 2015, 12:04 pm

    "I see...well I have no particular destination...you can say I'm just a simple man looking for a place to call home....hahaha I know what your thinking I don't look much like a monk...hahahaha I'm that traditional.....you can say I'm more of a nomad...an open minded monk, so to speak...taditional or not, it makes no difference when communing with the spirits...." Shinra gave a small smile. He noticed the other presents the man was carrying. He let out a small chuckle.

    "I assume those other items are for your friends also......the spirit's take kindly to a good soul as yourself, surely you'll amass a fair amount of good karma.....good fortune should be waiting qt your doorsteps........hmmm yes...Indeed....it is rare to find good friends among the living nowadays...." Shira spoke in a mystic like manner, his words came out as if aged and weathered through the years, for a brief moment he gave a sage like vibe but quickly reverted to his normal self. Shinra's stomach growled faintly, he let out a sigh and ran his finger through his messy black hair as if pondering for a brief moment.  

    "Calico-dono, may I ask where I can find quick employment so that I can make a few jewels so I may be able to stay at an inn and quite possibly purchase a warm meal?" Shinra needed to figure out how to scrape a couple bucks fast. Eating nothing but vegetation in the forests and drinking out of river beds was fine and all but it had been awhile since Shinra enjoyed a warm meal and slept in a bed under a roof.


    Where the heck am I?! (open) 1195bly

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 81
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 125

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    First Skill: Requip: The Bomber
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Public Re: Where the heck am I?! (open)

    Post by Calico 8th November 2015, 3:15 pm

    Shinra gave Calico the impression that he was wiser than his age would hint. It sounded almost as if Calico were not only listening to a young man, but the lessons of a hundred teachers passed down from one generation to the next. It was enough to clear any doubts in Calico's mind about Shinra's status as a monk. Although, he did retain doubts about his good fortune. While he considered himself a good person in some respects, Calico felt destruction always followed him around. Good karma was certainly a rarity for him (he thought so anyway).

    "I sure do. Come on." Calico gestured Shinra to follow him on his walk through the town. "There's a big building near the center of town, the home of Magnolia's wizard guild Fairy Tail." The doll is Calico's hand began turning it's head from left to right. At that moment, Calico stepped on a nail on the cobblestone path, but his metal boots managed to ignore it. "They'll give you a free warm meal if you ask. It's practically one of the only reason that place gets visitors." The doll's awkward smile turned into a frown and, coincidentally, a runaway horse carriage drove past the two and nearly nicked them. Calico seemed completely oblivious to it. "They also have a job board there in case you want to earn some money. The job board is meant for Fairy Tail members only, but I doubt anyone will care if you take one of the cheaper jobs." The doll's head turned 180 degrees and, just as Calico stopped walking, a door from the shop they walked by open and just barely missed.

    "As for a place to stay..." Calico held the doll with his elbow to reach into his jacket's pocket and pull out a few coins to hand over to Shinra. "This should be enough to get you a room for a night or two at an inn just down the block from the guild hall." The walk continued.



    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Public Re: Where the heck am I?! (open)

    Post by Haru-senpai 9th November 2015, 1:01 pm

    As the two walked through the streets of Magnolia; they would eventually pass a shop, and out of this particular shop came an orange cat, the Exceed Garfield. He was the Exceed of Fairy Tail's Guildmaster.

    This cat, carried---a HUGE bag of delectable foods. There literally was a bag of chips, and cupcakes coming out of the top of the grocery bag.

    "Hehehehehe...mine, all mine!!!" Garfield said as he swished his tail; not even visible from the front due to the size of the bag of goods. As he would call his wings, glitter would cause them to pop out from the cat as he took off forward without looking.

    'BOINK!' as Garfield flew straight into Calico's back, chips and junkfood would fly into the air in slow-mo. With an outstretched hand, Garfield would sparkle and pray for a miracle as his food tumbled through the air about to hit the ground and be ruined.

    'Tsst! Tsst! Tsst!' as the air would vibrate with wind and motion briefly; the food itself would disappear from the air; as Heero would land holding an armfull of junkfood. He would land on one foot and then place another on the ground in front of Calico and Shinra.

    "Yo there." Heero would look to his Exceed and furrow a brow; because the cat obviously wasn't going to share any of this junkfood.

    "What! Where did you come from! Calico would've caught it! He's at least ten times more badass than you!" Garfield pointed at Heero, as the blue haired legend would get a pissed off mark above his head. Turning to the new guy, he raised an eyebrow and smiled; getting an idea before he looked back to Garfield once mischeviously.

    "Hey there, overheard you saying you needed a place to say and some food....well consider your refrigerator stocked!" Heero said, hanging the guy the full grocery bag as Garfield's jaw hit the floor comically.

    "But I just bought that!"
    "With the Guilds money!"

    The two continued to bicker for awhile, until finally Garfield hopped on his shoulder when the arguement stopped. Heero would join the walk, showing Shinra around town but letting Calico take the lead for the most part. Wearing his usual open shirt, abs exposed, black pants and boots, with his right arm bandaged except for his fingers; Heero would put his hands behind his head and walk calmly alongside them.

    If they would turn around and notice, there was a group of 20 something year old girls following them.

    "Those guys are Fairy Tail wizards....oh my god, I wonder what being with one is like...do they use Magic in the bedroom?" the girls would oogle, Calico, Shinra, and Heero. Heero himself would sweatdrop and blush, but continue walking rather than turn around. Although comically, Garfield would stand on his head and sparkle and wave at the group of girls following them through town.


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    Where the heck am I?! (open) Rose

    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    Public Re: Where the heck am I?! (open)

    Post by Faith Caliburn 10th November 2015, 3:15 pm

    Shinra listened carefully to what Calico had to say. Shinra kept mentally taking notes, making sure to pay attention to how one can acquire currency. For a brief moment Shinra was lost deep in his thoughts as he began quickly stringing a quick plan to solve his monetary conundrum. So...I should make my way to this job board.....acquire a job....complete it and hopefully get some cash.....this guild establishment sounds quite beneficial......however I don't want to be tied in to their expectations and other commitments...then again....it's best if I start building some connections now....I'm sure that'll be quite beneficial to me in the long run.... Shira's thoughts where cut short when Calico handed him some coins. Shinra was about to decline politely but was quickly cut off by a glittery man.

    Shinra listened to the playful banter between the winged cat and the new stranger, and for some odd reason ended up with a large bag of food. Shira didn't even get a chance to decline due to the crowd of women that followed the strange. Shinra internally sighed to himself and quickly put the coins in his pocket and nodded his head to the kind stranger.
    "Uhm....I thank you for your kindness...I'll be sure to repay you kind gentleman as soon as I can..... also if it's not much of a problem...do you mind telling more of these so called guilds?Oh wait before that!....Pardon my rudeness but may I ask what is your name, you.....uh sir glittery and Mr. Flying Cat?"
    Shinra spoke in his natural graceful manner, he was itching to ask questions about these guilds, but he kept his mouth shut in order to stop the mass of questions so that his new found acquaintances can have the time to reply to his previous statements and questions. Shinra suddenly recalled the doll....Shinra's silence grew even more still as he began racking through the archives of his brain...something unsettling can be felt about the doll...and Shinra did not like it one bit.....


    Where the heck am I?! (open) 1195bly

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Public Re: Where the heck am I?! (open)

    Post by Haru-senpai 10th November 2015, 6:06 pm

    As the trio walked through town; Heero could've sworn that he saw the doll in Calico's arms swivel around and look at something. Leaning back for a moment as he walked as if to say 'what the?' without saying it; Heero figured it was just his imagination. Garfield would swish his tail a few times, and look from Heero to the doll; not noticing anything as a "?" popped up over his head.

    As he heard the voice of the young man; he would look to him and be somewhat impressed with his manners. Although he seemed very laid back on top of his etiquette.

    "The Guilds huh?" Heero looked up ahead of them, as Fairy Tail came into view up ahead. He would smile to himself as he walked; hands in his pockets. "....The first King of Fiore, once ruled a land overflowing with natural riches, lakes, and valleys. However, this land was known to produce some of, if not the most powerful wizards in the entire world. As the regular humans outnumbered the humans; so did the wizards outperform the regular humans in feats that could only be described as impossible. Summoning fire from the air, calling beings in from other dimensions..."

    Heero thought back to the times before the Magic Council briefly; and wondered how it must've been to exist as a wizard in those times with only the King to answer too.

    "With too many magical incidents happening around his nation; although the King and the normal humans outnumbered the wizards by the thousands. It was too much to bare....and thus, the Magic Council was created." he would continue as the group just so happened to walk by two Rune Knights. "A second throne in Fiore. One which all magical happenings...anything bad that happened concerning Magic...it would fall to the Magic Council; and the King would no longer shoulder any blame for the supernatural events that took place in his home nation, you could say that he passed the buck."

    Garfield giggled a bit at this part of the story. As they reached Fairy Tail; a couple of sexy Fairy Tail girls walked past them and waved at Calico briefly.

    "The Magic Council is the ultimate authority on all magical happenings in the nation of Fiore; and they answer only to the King of Fiore....they determine what is, and what isn't a Guild. A Guild being a place of study, family, fun, peace, and employment for wizards. Keeping them off the streets and focused on using their Gift of Magic for good. As without any outside influences...power has a way of corrupting. Although, some wizards use Magic in ways that---well, let's just say they call themselves a Guild just for the sake of doing it."

    The three would lean on the gates of Fairy Tail most likely; the gigantic castle looming behind them with the Grand Fairy Bell crowning it; sunlight flecking off of it's brass sheen. Although it was enchanted with the ancient Fairy magick, Fairy Sphere. One wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at it. Smiling to himself at all of the stories and adventures the Guild itself held; he would finally turn back to the young man.

    "Ah, it's Heero. Heero Reyold. Ex-Wizard Saint, the Gold Salamander, 5th Guildmaster of Fairy Tail." he would nod to the guy, without even so much as blinking as he introduced himself. "If you're wondering about the "Ex" part...well, let's just say I used to but heads with the Council a ton."

    He would like to tell the young man, that there was a Library inside of Fairy Tail containing perhaps every single type of Magic known to man; that over the years had grown into a legendary wellspring of knowledge. But he would let him figure that out for himself.

    "The Guild is open to the Public, for the kids and families to use our Swimming Pool....which is the size of two football fields, and also for them to submit their Job Requests in person should they want to; instead of sending them in....also, everyone comes for the beer....and pretty girls." Heero sweatdropped as he stated the last two bits.

    "But you're so dumb!!! Why is your memory so good?!??!" Garfield quipped as Heero and him bickered as usual for a bit afterward. "Say, Shinra right?! Where are you from? Fiore? Heero and me are from Akane Beach!" Heero looked up at the cat for a split moment, knowing that he was from Edolas actually; and that Heero had found his orange and white egg on the beach as a child. But to Garfield, when he did hatch, he was already in Earthland. Smiling to himself at the thought of all their adventures together; he couldn't help but to love his cat sometimes.


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    Where the heck am I?! (open) Rose

    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    First Skill: Grand Arcanum
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    Public Re: Where the heck am I?! (open)

    Post by Faith Caliburn 11th November 2015, 10:25 am

    Shinra paid very close attention to what Heero had to say. He noted important factors and probable benefits one would be able to reap by joining one. Shinra adjusted his glasses causing the sun to quickly reflected on his lenses to create a quick white glare or light. He noted the pride in Heero's voice, judging from his voice he had every right to carry himself in such a manner. Shinra was well aware of the difference between over estimating ones ability and knowing ones true strength. The thought of Guilds made him quite queasy, commitment...... something Shinra abhorred. Being tied down to a place and a group of people would often mean shouldering the burdens of their expectations.....Shinra knew to himself that his kindness was merely an act and the was a great difference between well mannered and benevolent. Shinra wasn't the type of person to jump on this whole family wagon...after all family was nothing but an ugly word that scarred the depths of Shirna's mind and heart.....Despite this Shinra was well aware of his position, he knew very well how foolish it would be to wander about in a foreign country without any source of income or support. After weighing the benefits and the costs he probably have to pay for joining a guild, Shinra decided in joining one.....

    "I thank you for your generosity Heero-dono.... If I may ask....Is it possible for a vagabond such as I to join your guild?........But before you answer that...In thanks to your kindness I will inform you of what kind of person I exactly am...... Long story short....I hate things like these so called guilds....... almost as much as I hate the concept of family"  Shinra cringed after uttering the word "family"

    "...... I may seem polite but I am well aware that you know being polite doesn't guarantee a person on being "good"...... I am a cowardly, greedy man who will easily change his appearance and personality.... I'm an incredibly good liar.....I have a bad habit of using people and toying with their emotions...... I prefer to work alone, due to the fact I usually don't get along with others very well....... the only reason why I wish to join your guild is to gain more knowledge of how things run here, chances are I'll quit as soon as I get what I need....perhaps learn more of the different types of magic in this country, also I'd like to get stronger and regain my old powers back.....Now, I know you will reap little to no benefits of adding a shady person such as I into your ranks....However I do have a proposal.... If you do do allow me to join your guild....I will do my best to follow through with your Guilds policies...... I will do my best to comply with any orders given to me..... If or when I do quit the guild.... I permit you to wipe away all my memories of the guild, so that I will not sell any secrets of the guild that I may obtain during my stay, to anyone....also I ask of you...if for some reason I leave the guild and dare to bring harm to the guild...I ask of you to do everything in your power to destroy me.....With that being said I hope you do take my offer....... we'll have Calico-dono here be the witness to the contract if you do choose to let me in...." Shinras words came clear and sharp like a knife. His aloof nature was devoured by sheer determination and seriousness, it was as if someone else was standing in front of Calico and Heero. The way he spoke was quite similiar to how a demon would beckon a poor soul into a cursed contract..... However as soon as Shinra spoke finished his proposal of the contract he  reverted back to his soft, aloof, and docile demeanor.  

    "Heero-dono....Calico-dono.....as I've said before.....I am liar....but there are a few things I don't lie about, but as a last attempt to relive any doubts.......I NEVER lie about a contract.....you see.... I'm a man of my word when it comes to contracts....so what do you say? will you let me join the guild and take the contract?" Shinra held out his hand for a handshake as sign to seal the contract. His smile was almost so warm and kind it would nearly erase any evidence of the dark side that he had just shown the two wizards.

    If these men cannot accept another man that is afflicted with many sins....then this guild is not for me..... Shinra thought to himself as he pushed his glasses up with his free hand,


    Where the heck am I?! (open) 1195bly

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Public Re: Where the heck am I?! (open)

    Post by Haru-senpai 11th November 2015, 10:59 am

    Heero would have his arms crossed and eyes closed as he listened to Shinra. He honestly was amazed by this young man's manners. But, no sooner did he impress Heero did he catch him off guard. By asking to Join Fairy Tail. Blinking in surprise, and a bit of happiness. Heero would open his mouth to talk---as some of the greatest wizards of all time, including Legendary Fairy Tail wizards often had joined with spontaneous decisions just like this.

    He was cut off however; as Shinra wanted to---explain himself.

    Heero's expression grew grim. As Garfield's ears went down and back on his head in a bit of a sad manner as Shinra went into detail. Heero would close his eyes eventually once more, listening only to his words and blocking out his expression.

    "Aye....." Garfield would say sadly from Heero's shoulder, ears still bent downward in grief, as if he felt Shinra's own self loathing.

    "Hm. With pleasure." Heero said as a bandaged hand was shown clasping Shinra's tightly with a smack! as they shook hands. Heero however would pull him into a dap as they raised their handshake; a shot of them shown from the side. As Heero looked right into his soul with his sky blue eyes. Giving him a smile only a big brother or best friend would muster. "But you're right about one thing....you're a great liar." as Heero held the handshake with him, he'd close his eyes again.

    "Most of that Magic is chronicled and stored here...in Fairy Tail's Grand Library." he revealed one of the Guilds secrets to him. "Wizards from around the world leave their lifes work here from time to time...there is more than one world ending tome of apocalypse downstairs---you might not be able to live long enough to learn all the Magic contained behind you through those very doors..." the sun would shine off of Fairy Tail briefly at the same moment as it hit Shinra's glasses. Heero for a moment thought about their vast library and how you needed a 50ft ladder to even reach the highest books within the halls. Not to mention the giant swirling green portal to Tenroujima Island that was impossible to miss downstairs in the Library.

    "And Family? Your pain tells me that it's something that you once held dear." Heero opened his eyes again with a fierce look towards Shinra. "Don't ever tell me that it means nothing to you ever again. Either that or stop acting so salty about it, you can't say something means nothing to you while wearing such a sour look...it's easy to see through." Heero would drop his hand and smile at him briefly, slipping one hand into his pocket as his scarf would blow in the breeze along with Shinra, Calico, and his own hair for just a few moments. "There was you before---and now there is Shinra the Fairy Tail wizard. The former can't even hold a candle to the latter. Just wearing our symbol means you represent all things magical and unknown about the world..."

    "Heero......" Garfield looked down at his Slayer, and was literally amazed sometimes at how much faith and goodwill he had in Shinra, to be able to change for the better.

    After awhile, Heero would pull out a box of Magical Ink from his pocket, twirling it like a jewelry box he would hold it out and put it in Calico's hand. Letting it go when he held his hand out. "Jack, here........your first Guild Tattoo...." as Calico opened the box, he would see a stamp, sitting in white ink. "This ink, it's filled with magic. It will become the color you wish, upon being tattooed."

    As he would watch Calico deliver the stamp, and the color whirl into one reflecting Shinra's soul he would watch the guild insignia sparkle and then settle perfectly onto Shinra. Leaving out the bit about the ink only accepting those who deep down, were wizards of Fairy Tail and had a love for both the mystic, the spiritual, and the unknown that few could understand or match. He was glad to see Shinra held these traits.

    "Aye!" the cat would swish it's tail and raise a paw excitedly.

    "Well.......a lot of our Jobs will take you out of the country, to meet Races, beings, and people you've never even dreamed of....although you seem well traveled, I can't wait to see you in action as a Wizard of Fairy Tail." he wondered if Shinra knew what was in store for him beyond the Guilds doors.

    As they did enter, a sprawl of beautiful women, a bustling bar and cafe style house; and a stage was shown in front of him with banners hanging from the wall. Regular humans mixed in with wizards, trying to get their jobs fulfilled or their requests accepted by one. Regular humans who had traveled from all over Earthland, even from other nations.

    "You'll be traveling a lot...although you're free to just camp out here if you want HA!" Heero would yell back at Shinra amongst the bustle of the crowd as he, Calico, and Shinra moved through it, following Garfield's orange tail sitting on Heero's shoulder. "Your own income is up to you! But I'll make sure you travel around with thousands my man!" Heero would sparkle and give Shinra a thumbs up, basically telling him that all those fancy 5 star hotels he was forced to sleep outside of; would now be his penthouses when out of town for Fairy Tail.

    "There are some really....really hot, I mean, fine young women here at our establishment." Heero corrected himself mid sentence holding up a finger with a sweatdrop as Garfield smacked his own forehead.

    Walking by a Job Request Board the size of an 18 Wheeler Truck, they would continue to the plush lounge area on the 2nd Floor overlooking the bustling 1st Floor. Flopping down in one of the red velvet chairs at a red table, Heero would get comfortable and lean back.


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    Where the heck am I?! (open) Rose

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