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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

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    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 3rd July 2015, 4:14 pm

    Fight you?
    No, I want to

    kill you

    Ardere shuffled around in his pack looking for his packed lunch. Come on, it's definitely in here. Shuffling deeper, making crinkling and crackling noises from all of his supplies, the mage's hand came out of a hole in the bottom. You're kidding me. Sighing slightly, he tossed the bag over his shoulder, over the sword on his back and made his way out from behind the rock he decided to take a break at. Strangely enough, he wasn't out this way on business of any kind. It was recommended to him by a higher ranking officer, that it would be a good trip for an aspiring Rune Knight to come to Crocus. It was the capital of Fiore after all, full of life and grandeur. Getting his head out of the clouds, he continued onto the path to Crocus for just a couple minutes before making his way to the top of a hill. As he reached the top of the hill, he could see the great city of Crocus. He would even see Domus Flau, the arena where the grand magic games were held. It was certainly a magnificent city to look at, not disappointing in the slightest. The fire mage would only be here for a few days, so he would need to live it up while he was in the city.

    Making his way onto the end of the path, he would enter the great city of Crocus. As he expected, it was full of people roaming about and buying or selling things. Era was probably the only other city in Fiore that compared to this one in terms of size and population, but there was a royal military rather than the Rune Knights. Being off duty, he wore his normal pants and green shirt, with his red sports jacket. His long red hair wavered slightly in the wind, making his face and neck tattoos more visible. Breathing in the fresh air, he nodded. This was definitely the kind of city he could be used to, and they probably had a hell of a library. He may be a member of the Combat Corps, but Ardere had come to realize he was a book worm through and through.

    On his way to the library, he would decide to stop at a small cafe, called the "Sunset Cafe". It was a quaint little place, with lots of decoration and style. Luckily at this time in the afternoon, he didn't have to wait in line. Sitting down to grab a cup of coffee, he exhaled deeply, relaxed. He would set his sword, which was wrapped up in cloth, to the side. It had been a long travel to get here, and sitting down for some coffee would be just what he needed right now.  As always, his day of relaxation was quickly ruined. A small group of men ran into the room with magic powered gun, aiming them at the cashier. Oh jeesh. Slowly unwrapping the sword, he kept his composure. Keeping the blade under the table, and being in a corner booth, helped him stay unnoticed. But perhaps he would not have to be the hero and beat the crap out of those guys, at least this this time.

    Tags:@Allison WC: 544



    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) FYZkfE1
    God Force:

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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Katarina 3rd July 2015, 5:00 pm

    Vendredi packed her things into her slim suitcase carefully.  After staying in Crocus for a week, Vendredi had come to the conclusion that although the capitol of Fiore was a beautiful and interesting place, it lacked any true excitement.  Despite her usual bookish and reserved attitude, the mage enjoyed fighting very much, even if she preferred peace when it was possible.  Crocus was supposed to be the headquarters of the Rune Knights, a faction that she had considered joining, but the girl had eventually decided against doing so.  After all, Vendredi may have been a law abiding citizen, but she lacked the true desire for justice that most law enforcement officers seemed to possess.  As she put the last article of clothing into her suitcase, neatly folded and freshly washed, Vendredi mused whether or not she would be coming back to the capitol any time soon.  Probably not, the girl decided.  And since that's the case, I suppose I should look around a little bit more before leaving.

    Once she finished gathering up all of her belongings and packing them into their respective locations, Vendredi slipped the key on top of the mantel, along with a note which explained that although she was leaving sooner than expected, the girl had no intention to ask for a refund on the month that she had rented the house for.  She was sure that the landlord or landlady would be able to find someone to occupy it during this time.  Hitching her purse higher up on her shoulder, Vendredi set off at a brisk pace, her low kitten heels clicking on the pavement.  The girl had dressed as inconspicuously as possible, since she didn't want to call any more attention than necessary to herself and the fact that she was younger than she looked at first glance.  Wearing a flashy orange and blue outfit instead of the modest black skirt and white blouse she currently had on would have caused more eyes than necessary to be on her.  And that was not Vendredi's style.

    The girl finally arrived at her destination-- a rather small, but very charming cafe, which she had heard about from the friend that recommended that Vendredi go to visit their country's capitol.  Apparently they served several different kinds of tea that the girl would enjoy very much, and she was looking forward to enjoying a cup.  Entering the cafe, Vendredi glanced around to note the number of people was relatively low, likely because of the time of day.  She herself hadn't been planning to leave Crocus at this time, but eventually had decided that it would be best if she wanted to be back in Magnolia by tomorrow morning, with enough time to go to work the next day without collapsing from sleep deprivation.

    The girl strode in confidently and ordered a cup of tea, one of the kinds that her friend had recommended.  Upon receiving her drink, Vendredi slipped into a booth near the counter, just in case she wanted to get up again and buy another of a different kind.  Gently sipping the tea, her eyes were about to close in relaxation before with a start, she realized that a man sitting in a corner booth was placing a sword, wrapped up, next to his side.  Vendredi had a tendency to notice every little action people around her did, and this one, although possibly uncomfortable, did not worry the girl.  She turned back to her thoughts until they were disrupted by the door's tinkling of bells again, and the dashing inside of a few mages who also seemed to be criminals, threatening the cafe's cashier with a gun.  Vendredi inaudibly sighed, and scooted out of her booth, getting up and walking over with a bit of a bored expression.

    "Why do you people do this?  You're disturbing a lovely afternoon," was all that she said, and was much annoyed when the person she was addressing refused to respond and instead cocked the gun at her, apparently hoping that she would back off.  The girl raised an eyebrow and then glanced around the cafe, completely unworried about the situation.  It seemed that the other patron, who had that wrapped sword, was also aware of the situation and had been prepared to take care of it.  Turning back to the interrupters of her cup of tea, her mood turned from annoyed to furious in a few seconds.  However, her facial expression didn't change in the slightest.  After watching people closely for years, of course Vendredi had learned how to control her own movements.  At least, everything besides her tear ducts, which constantly acted out on their own, much to her dismay.


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 3rd July 2015, 5:19 pm

    Fight you?
    No, I want to

    kill you

    Ardere stared down the men robbing the cafe, they seemed to be mentally tough, but he was vastly superior in physique. Being a mage, he was naturally stronger and faster than most people, but even so his slayer magic enhanced that. The end result was that the flame god slayer was physically superior to even mages of his own rank. His sword was completely unwrapped and still under the table, it seemed a woman had distracted one of the robbers. Her comment resonated with his own feelings about this situation, causing him to whisper under his breath. Tell me about it. He would continue to observe the men, one collecting the money while two would be keeping the room calm, and serving as lookouts. Directing his attention to the man who had the gun to the woman's head, he would wait until the other two were not focused anywhere near him, then leap out. At maximum speed, which would be too fast for the man to react, he smacked the side of his head with the side of his blade. The man would topple over onto one of the empty tables, unconscious.

    The other two men reacted immediately, the one still collecting money, and the other pointing his weapon at the mage. Just perfect. Sliding to the right, then to the left, bullets would fly past him, but due to his body being crouched they would hit the ground. As a Rune Knight he had to make sure none of the people in the cafe were harmed. They had been minding their own business, just like he had. Everyone came here to have a good time, and these men just walked in like they owned the place. Ardere smacked the gun out of his hand with his sword, then punched the man right through an empty table. Turning to the last man he pointed his sword at his throat before his gun could be drawn, then held out his left hand. In the fire mage's left hand, a ball of black flames would appear. The flames were more intense than normal flames, like they had some sort of strange destructive property to them. Any educated wizard would know these were god slayer flames, but all this man knew was he was being threatened.

    The man shivered where he stood, and dropped the bag of money before running of. Sadly he was on duty, so he couldn't arrest them technically, but there were royal guards outside and they were sure to capture him. Everyone, enjoy your coffee. He would begin re-wrapping his sword, before turning his attention to the woman who had the gun to her head. Sorry about that, you alright? She had acted calm in the face of death, so chances were she had combat experience or was a mage. It was a fair assumption. Regardless he was in need of some allies out here, in the big capital.

    Tags:@Allison WC: 494


    Weapon Used: Clarent


    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) FYZkfE1
    God Force:

    Legacy Form:


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 185
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Katarina 3rd July 2015, 6:05 pm

    Just as the man seemed to be getting ready to shoot her rather than formulate an intelligent or reasonable response, the young man in the corner booth shot over, his blade completely unwrapped. The man who was not really doing anything, and was simply glancing around the room, keeping a sort of watch, was suddenly out cold, and would surely receive a throbbing headache when he awoke, a result of the blow to the temple the red haired stranger had dealt. The man who had been trying to threaten Vendredi immediately switched targets from her to the stranger, who dodged the bullets with something like ease and then immediately attacked back, knocking the magical gun out of the criminal's hand and then squarely socking the man into a nearby booth, which thankfully did not contain any patrons. Vendredi winced a little bit at the sight though-- this man was obviously knocked out cold, as he had tipped the table over and would most likely have to pay for those damages later as well.

    Vendredi observed the fire haired stranger shove the point of his sword against the remaining robber's throat, directly afterwards producing a dark, corrupted flame that the girl could recognize as a branch of the type God Slaying magic. Her eyes narrowed slightly. Vendredi had assumed that this man was some kind of wandering mage, that or a legal guilded one, considering the fact that they were in the capitol of Fiore, which was also home to the Rune Knights and many law enforcement systems' headquarters. But perhaps, he was a dark wizard, for it seemed that more often or not, they were the ones using the unholy magic of God Slaying. Vendredi's expression did not change, but her attitude towards the stranger became more guarded than before. Who was he? The god slayer let the man go as he ran away, most likely fearing for his own life and forgetting about the money. That was a smart move, although there was no chance of him escaping, even though this stranger let him go-- after all, this was the capitol, and there was heavy security in the form of an abundance of guards and officers crowding every street.

    The boy said something to relax the patrons of the cafe, then turned to Vendredi, who gazed back, her expression neutral. Upon being asked if she was faring all right, the girl simply replied, "Well enough, considering I was just held at gunpoint. My life is intact and no one has been hurt, so everything is perfectly fine." She was curious about this young man-- who he was, why he was here-- and what kind of occupation he had. If her really was a dark mage, then that would just be too bad, for the girl honestly just wanted to have a nice cup of tea and wasn't feeling all that excited for a fight at the moment. Deciding to act as though the incident had never happened, Vendredi extended a hand. "The name is Sanne-Léa. Vendredi, Sanne-Léa." Her accent was obvious, and she made no attempt to conceal the fact that indeed, she was from a different part of the world and not originally from Fiore.


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 3rd July 2015, 6:26 pm

    Fight you?
    No, I want to

    kill you

    Ardere held the wrapped up sword behind his back, it was red, not like his hair but more of a crimson mixed with orange. It sort of stood out, even as far as swords went, so he kept it wrapped up. If any Rune Knight or Royal Guard were to stop him, they would find that he had a permit for that weapon, in the form of a tattoo. Rolling up his sleeves slightly, his Rune Knight tattoo on his forearm would be revealed, it was a blood red. The woman he was talking to was attractive, and seemed pretty laid back like he was. It wasn't very often in busy cities like this that he found someone to be calm with. My name is Ardere. He slid a pale finger through his red hair, and rubbed the back of his neck. As much as he enjoyed fighting, it was stressful when he was just trying to have a good time. Mind if I sit down? If she approved of his offer to sit with her, he would take a seat across from her, sliding his sword against the wall.

    As far as places went for meeting people, in the middle of a robbery was probably the biggest stretch thus far. The people at the bar had been anxious throughout the whole ordeal, as was expected, but they calmed down slowly. Incidents like that were probably common here in a big city, the more people the more chances there were for criminals to pop up. Luckily this city was heavily defended, and the Royal Police could take care of any threat that should arise. Ardere was just a low ranked Rune Knight, but he was making progress with the missions he had been on lately. He was above average strength for his level, and he had a decent mentality. As for now though, he was curious about this woman. She had an accent that was definitely not from Fiore, which made him feel good, because he was not from Fiore himself. He would then order another cup of coffee, since his never actually came due to the robbery that interrupted his relaxation time. He kept his cool throughout the escapade, luckily.

    Mind if I ask where you're from? You have an interesting accent. Being from Joya, he would normally have an accent, but throughout his travels around Ishval he had developed a more neutral accent. There was a slight hint of Joyan in his voice, and definitely in his skin tone, but only an extremely trained eye would know that. His flame tattoos and red hair made him stand out like a sore thumb, luckily he was in the Combat Corps where that didn't matter, he took out the enemy head on. Hopefully this woman did not mind conversing with a very different looking and acting man such as Ardere. He was supposed to go to the library, but he would not have an enjoyable vacation if he didn't meet anyone.

    Tags:@Allison WC: 504



    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) FYZkfE1
    God Force:

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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
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    Posts : 185
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Katarina 3rd July 2015, 9:34 pm

    The young man introduced himself as Ardere, and seemed to be maybe one or two years her senior. Although, they probably looked about the same age, considering Vendredi's height and clothing. The man ran a hand through his hair, reaching behind his neck. His posture seemed slightly sheepish, although the girl knew that this couldn't possibly be the case, for he hadn't done anything that could be considered a wrongdoing. Then again, she had entertained the possibility that he was a dark mage... if that were to be true, then there would be plenty that he could be found guilty of. Still assuming a neutral expression, Vendredi sat back down and sipped a little bit of tea from her cup. The drink was now cold, much to her displeasure, but thankfully it wasn't completely marring to the taste. Glancing up, the young woman realized that the stranger-- Ardere-- had asked if he could sit with her.

    Giving only the slightest pause, the raven haired mage simply nodded yes and gestured for him to take a seat, and he did so, slipping into the booth and sitting across from her. He slid is sword along the wall, leaving it to rest in a position where passerby or customers at other tables would not be able to see. Vendredi could understand this, to an extent-- after all, the weapon was striking, and could attract a lot of unwanted and unnecessary attention if left sitting out in broad daylight. The young woman briefly wondered why he had wanted to sit with her, but then dismissed the thought. Random strangers met all the time in coffeehouses and cafes, and it wasn't as though he could possibly do anything bad to her, with this many people around and in a city like Capitol Crocus.

    The man seemed to be studying her some what, but Vendredi didn't feel the least bit self conscious. Instead, she did the same in return, albeit in a bit more of a cursory fashion. Although Vendredi liked to know things about the people she was interacting with, the girl was patient and listened well, knowing in addition that asking questions often just caused people to hold their tongues. Ardere ordered a cup of coffee, and the young woman mused whether she should order another cup of tea. The chilled temperature of this one was a little bit off putting, to be frank. Vendredi continued to sip the contents of her cup, however, all the while observing Ardere in a bit of curious manner. He seemed to have a slightly foreign accent as well, and the underlying tone to his skin suggested that he was from Joya. Vendredi had traveled all around Earthland for a few years now, following the destruction of her nation and clan, before finally settling in Fiore.

    Ah, it seemed that Ardere had noticed her own accent, because he inquired about it politely. The girl had no qualms about giving out such information, since absolutely no one besides people from its three neighbouring countries, which were equally tiny in size, were aware of her home land's existence. "I'm from Ionia. And thank you very much, yours is quite charming as well," the young woman replied. Vendredi was mainly trained in scout and observation type information gathering, as well as interrogation. She might not have been able to pass as a spy or gather information through espionage and infiltration, but her keen eyes and sensitive ears were constantly collecting information on those surrounding her.

    "Yes, it's quite a lovely hint of an accent." Vendredi stated again, repeating herself. "You're from Joya, then?" She simply wanted to confirm what her senses had reported. Either way, a user of God Slaying magic, a foreigner from Joya, who had also been traveling around other parts, since he'd lost most of his accent... perhaps the capitol of Fiore wasn't so boring after all. Vendredi might stay for the rest of the month if she could keep encountering people like Ardere. She waited patiently for the man to reply. If he didn't want to elaborate, the young woman had no intention to press on and ask more questions. She some how could sense that if this young man didn't give out much information, it wouldn't be because he was simply shy.


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 3rd July 2015, 10:11 pm

    Fight you?
    No, I want to

    kill you

    Ardere smirked a bit, and nodded. So you noticed then? Yeah it kinda comes out in the "o" and "e" sounds occasionally, but it's almost gone away over the years. He was surprised she had picked up on that, it seemed that his assumptions about her were correct, she was a individual with some sort of training. The way she faced down that gun man, and the way she observed him made it obvious. He saw no guild tattoo, so it was likely she was a guildless mage. He could relate considering he had not been in the Rune Knights very long. The two were slightly similar people, from what he had gathered. He would lean forward on the table a bit, folding his arms. I left Joya when I was young, not necessarily by choice, but it is what it is. Fiore is a bit more diverse, fitting for my tastes. He had come to love Fiore for it's diversity, the people, the languages, etc. It was just a great place to live, and many of the people cared for each other. But like most countries, it had it's evils, which was his job to stop. As much as he tried to be a regular fighter and not a hero, the years had changed his instincts.

    Also, Ionia, not a place I have been. Must be interesting. He had never heard of such a place, so he assumed it was one of those small countries not many referred to. Ardere tapped his fingers on the table, tap, tap tap, then he asked another question. The mage was being very casual and relaxed, as he was good with most people. So what brought you to Fiore? You wouldn't happen to be a mage would you? It technically wasn't any of his business, but it was a very fair question to ask in this town. Not many people stare down the face of a gun without showing fear, it's generally a mage thing. He was very good at observing and reading people, but it seemed she had picked up this trait as well. Ardere took note that the streets were beginning to thin out a bit, as was the cafe crowd. Crocus was a busy city, but it was not Balsam, people had things to do other than roam the streets. So far his adventures in this city were going well. He had taken out some thugs and made a possible friends. It seemed like every journey started off with some form of crap, then gravitated towards being a bit better. He just hoped she didn't mind socializing with him, it's not like he had anyone else to talk to around here.  

    Tags:@Allison WC: 456



    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) FYZkfE1
    God Force:

    Legacy Form:


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 185
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Katarina 4th July 2015, 7:12 am

    Vendredi nodded thoughtfully as he confirmed the fact that yes, he did indeed have an accent. She considered whether or not to once again ask where he was from, but decided against it. And that was a good thing too, for then the young man told her that indeed, he was from Joya, and had left the country not by his own will. Vendredi knew the feeling, although she had no idea exactly what had forced Ardere to leave-- after all, she too had been forced to flee from her country after her clan and nearly the entire nation had been destroyed. The young woman nodded as he pointed out the good side to it, however. "Yes, you're right, Fiore is very diverse. It's very interesting to me, because it seems that everyone has a similar spirit, but yet still is completely different." Well, everyone besides the dark wizards, of course.

    Ardere said something to compliment her country, and also stated that he hadn't heard of it or been there before. Vendredi restrained herself from smiling sadly, for she had already known that. Ionia didn't exist any more after dark mages from Fiore had torn across the little nation and given the land away to the larger three nations surrounding Ionia-- the Dorians, Aeolians and Achaeans, who also happened to be their mortal enemies and were quite pleased with the result of their action of hiring foreign mages against their enemies. And then. Then, then then the young man asked why she was in Fiore or what her business was here, although he did put it in a more polite and conversational manner. Vendredi gave up on entertaining the thought that he was a dark mage-- no, rather, it seemed that he was some kind of law enforcement. That, or a legal guild hardcore dark mage hunter.

    This was only because he seemed to be so comfortable in dealing with fighting in places such as civilian towns or buildings. Ardere had taken care to make sure none of the observers ended up hurt-- Vendredi had noticed that. "Fiore was the best place for me to go when my country... was no longer inhabitable for people like me." That didn't really make sense, but it was probably the most understandable response for people that didn't know Ionia's exact situation. He would probably assume that her country as in a war and had lost, or that she was being persecuted in some way. But perhaps, being a mage, he would be able to discern exactly what had happened. Vendredi found that this was nearly impossible though, considering the fact that she doubted he had heard of it happening before.

    Ah, and directly after that about Fiore he had asked another question. Am I a mage? mused the young woman, speculatively. Well, I suppose the answer would be yes. Although, I am more of a... Vendredi decided to just explain it as best as she could. "I suppose you could say that yes, I am a mage. However, I'm not really the ordinary definition of a mage-- not that there really is one. You could think of me as more of a fighter, but considering that there are a few magical elements, it could make sense to call me a mage." Vendredi gazed evenly at Ardere once she finished speaking. The young man had said something next that she agreed with, but wanted to caution him about.

    "I believe that there is power in ordinary people." was all the woman sad. She then decided that it would probably be wise to ask a few questions of herself, since it seemed that Ardere wasn't planning to volunteer any information by himself. Normally, Vendredi would have been perfectly fine with that-- except, she wasn't eager to tell someone who could be hunting her one day, everything about her. She was planning to join a legal guild soon, but until then... a mage had to make money somehow, and request slips were usually assigned and approved by the guilds. "So, Ardere... I don't need to ask if you are a mage. And part of the Rune Knights, or a legal guild?" Vendredi really couldn't ask anything else without feeling uncomfortable. The woman liked to listen, but typically did not talk very much or initiate conversation.


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 4th July 2015, 10:59 am

    (OOC: Gonna be busy this weekend, so posts will come slow, sorry about that)

    Fight you?
    No, I want to

    kill you

    Ardere nodded, it seemed she didn't want to say too much about where she was from. Perhaps it was overrun or something of the sort, but it didn't matter, he was just curious after all. I'm sorry, my home wasn't in the best condition when I left myself. A memory occurred in the fire mage's head, flashes of his village burning to the ground, and him being stolen from his parents. It was all shady these days, but the clearest thing he remembered was that village. He tried to not be distant from the conversation for a moment, he had gotten used to the random flashbacks every now and then, so when they happened he generally appeared unaffected. Many years of channeling those memories into fire mage had made him a stable person, capable of his own decisions.

    She said she was a mage, but that she was a bit different. Perhaps it had to do with her country or just her style in general, but regardless he was intrigued. Taking a sip of his coffee, she posed her first real question. Smiling a bit and leaning back to put his elbows on the back of the booth, he would give her a simple and easy answer. Yeah, I'm a part of the Rune Knights. He turned over his forearm and pointed to the tattoo. Not all knights chose to get the tattoo, but he had made a commitment and he would stick with it. Haven't been in it long, but it seemed a logical choice for my talents. Finishing up his coffee, he would set it to the edge of the table for the waitress to refill.

    He slid his arms back onto the table, still keeping his relaxed and leisurely posture. I was thinking of going to the library, and I dont really have any friends out here. Mind joining me? It's probably more relaxing than a cafe that just got robbed. He had been a book worm for so long, but it had been a while since he had met someone intelligent enough. Ardere felt a bit forward, but she seemed kind enough to share some company with. He just hope that she had a slight interest in reading, or at least gaining knowledge. Libraries in towns like this tends to be massive, so talking usually wasn't a problem either. He imagined that day that he asked a girl out would probably be even more random and forward than this. Perhaps he should refine his skills with women before considering that, or perhaps just his social skills in general.

    Tags:@Allison WC: 450



    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) FYZkfE1
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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Katarina 4th July 2015, 11:49 am

    (( OOC: No worries at all, cx I'm going to be busy this weekend as well and so the same will be happening on this end >.< ))

    Ardere expressed his apologies for her nation, and Vendredi simply nodded in acknowledgement.  Apparently the young man's country had also been in less than a great state when he was forcibly removed.  Just then, it seemed that his eyes grew a little bit less focused, and there was a certain stillness to his posture that told the young woman that something was going on in his head that was distracting him from their current conversation.  Of course, the female didn't mind at all-- after going through any traumatic experience, or even just enduring any sorrowful event, could cause a person to remember it, even if not regularly.  Patiently, Vendredi waited for the man to successfully come back to the conversation, which he did within a short period of time.  

    Immediately after doing so, Ardere seemed to become amused at her inquiry as to what faction he had aligned himself with.  The young man leaned back and assumed a relaxed and also amused position, a slight smile lighting on his face.  And then, Vendredi received an affirmative response that the god slayer was in the Rune Knights, which didn't surprise her-- after all, she had suggested it in her question.  Vendredi leaned forward just a bit so that she could see what he was pointing to.  It seemed to be his guild-- or rather, faction-- mark, signifying that he was indeed a member of the Rune Knights.  The young woman didn't let it show that she had relaxed a little bit more, but had done so upon obtaining this confirmation.  After all, a dark mage could always pretend to be a part of the law enforcement, just to escape most people's notice.

    According to Ardere, he hadn't been a member for an extended period of time, but that wasn't a concern to Vendredi.  If anything, the young man would be even more devoted to his cause because there hadn't been an opportunity to lose the connection he had undoubtedly felt-- that reason for applying.  But something that Ardere had said intruigued the girl.  His talents?  Does he mean his magic, or rather, something else? she wondered thoughtfully.  Just then, Vendredi observed the fact that Ardere seemed to be finished with his coffee, and placed her own half-finished cup of tea on the edge of the table as well.  The young man then invited her to join him at the library, which strangely had been another of the places the female mage had been planning to visit before leaving Fiore's capitol.  After all, she was a great lover of reading, and couldn't really afford to buy the number of books that would satisfy her thirst for knowledge.

    Perhaps the man had been trying to simply be polite, but Vendredi felt that there probably was more than a grain of truth in his statement.  Being a new addition to the Rune Knights, he more than likely wouldn't have met very many other members of his faction-- and that would mean that there weren't any friends of his around from there.  And since his position of a new Rune Knight might express itself in a desire to be noticed by his superiors, Ardere might be working most of the time as well.  "I would be delighted to accompany you to the library," the young woman said, smiling at the other mage.  Perhaps some would have considered it a bit strange to go wandering around with someone you had just met-- but he was right in that there wasn't really any point in staying around here at the cafe.  

    Slipping out of the booth, Vendredi asked, "Do you happen to know where it is?  I do have a map of Crocus, but it's all packed up right now."  Reaching under the table to grab her suitcases and coat, the girl slipped the second of the two items on and then adjusted her hat.  Despite the fact that the weather was undoubtedly warm on this sunny afternoon, Vendredi's body seemed to be partial to becoming ill from cold in practically any temperature.  She actually had a medical condition, and had done some research-- unfortunately, the young woman had forgotten its name.  Not that it really mattered, anyways.  Glancing at Ardere, Vendredi waited patiently for a response.


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 5th July 2015, 8:37 pm

    (Sorry it took a bit to post, but so far I feel like our chars could be like BFF's lol)

    Fight you?
    No, I want to

    kill you

    Ardere would nod and stand up from the table, grabbing his sword before exiting out the cafe through the front entrance. He guided his new friend out of the cafe, and looked towards the left, which was where the library was located. Yeah, I asked directions earlier so we should be fine. Just follow my lead. The town was busy as always, but it was dying down slightly. The ruckus caused earlier probably prompted most of the citizens to go back to their jobs or stay at home where it was safe. The library should not be far from the cafe, the fire mage thought. This way. He continued down the side walk, making sure to not increase his pace too much. He wanted to stay at the same pace as Vendredi, as to not make her feel like he was rushing her.

    Making their way down the side walk, throughout the great city of Crocus, they would pass many interesting people and shops. This town was full of places to adventure, but he had mainly come to relax and check out this library. The weather was fair in the city as well, great for a summer's day. He had spent too many hours in the weather of Era, so it was nice to get out once in a while. Clutching his wrapped blade, they would arrive at the library. Ardere and Vendredi stood at the large double doors of the entrance. The library was multiple levels, and painted white with blue trims. Golden statues of lions guarded the front door, though they were just for decoration. Hmm, fancy. Ladies first? He would open the door for her, and hold his arm out as to motion for an entrance into the library. The fire mage tried to be a kind man, even as much of a loner as he often was.

    If she accepted his holding the door open for her, the two would enter the massive library, full of books about everything. The multiple levels were connected with large ladders, that were powered by lacrima and could raise or lower. There were lacrima vision stations, if needed. There were also lacrima versions of books, but he preferred the hard copies to read. I like to read, if you haven't guessed as much. Ardere absolutely loved to read, he had since he was a child. This fact usually caused most of his enemies to think he was a wimp, but this was not the case. So far he had grown to like his new friend, they seemed to have quite a bit in common for people who hadn't known each other very long.

    Tags:@Allison WC: 447



    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) FYZkfE1
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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Katarina 6th July 2015, 6:56 am

    (( OOC: It's perfectly fine, I just got back home today and I wasn't really posting yesterday so it worked out great. And yep, I'm convinced that in the very least they'll be great friends cx. ))

    Vendredi watched the other mage stand up and swiftly grab is weapon before heading towards the front exit and entrance. She followed easily, and noted when Ardere said to simply follow his lead, responding with a soft, "Alright," before doing so and walking carefully after him. It seemed that the red haired mage was purposefully walking at a bit slower than reasonable pace, just to make absolutely certain she would not fall behind. Although Vendredi appreciated the thought, she was just about to ask the young man to speed up when a lovely little shoppe, on the side of the road, caught her attention. It seemed to sell all variety of handbags and scarves, as well as knicknacks and petite trinkets. The young woman caught sight of a miniature horse, carved out of jade, and she immediately eyed it, trying to discern what the price tag tied around its foreleg dictated what it would cost.

    Alas, it seemed that they were moving along now, and Vendredi supposed that she really didn't mind. After all, no matter the price, it would have been much to high for her to afford. Continuing to follow Ardere, the young woman carried her suitcases with ease and the comfortableness of someone who did it often and for long distances. After travelling all of the way from Ionia to Fiore, she had passed through many countries on foot, and others by train or some other kind of transportation assistance mechanism. But either way, walking was required to the stations or between them. And so, Vendredi and Ardere continued on their way, going at a relatively slow pace, but also one that was most likely decent enough since there wasn't really any urgency associated with their destination.

    Speaking of which, they had arrived at the library. Vendredi smiled in gratitude to Ardere, who was holding the door for her like a gentleman. Internally laughing a little bit because no one seemed to have manners any more and she hadn't been treated like that in a while, the young woman said, "Alright then. Thank you," and then she carried her luggage inside, observing the place from within. She hadn't managed to get a good look at its size from the exterior, but one could still easily discern that this place was massive. It boasted multiple stories, all of them possessing bookshelf upon bookshelf and stack upon stack of books. There also seemed to be some sort of odd device, that people were using. It resembled a crystal seeing ball, and Vendredi curiously wondered what it was.

    She heard Ardere say that he enjoyed reading and then added on the comment at the end. Smiling, the young woman turned around and nodded to him. "Yes. And this place is amazing! I just have one question-- what are those things over there, and how do the ladders move up and down?" It seemed that connecting the different levels of the building were ladders, but they weren't on all of the levels as far as she could tell. There were a few of them side by side as well, which didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense. Perhaps it was something magical, but either way she was dying to hear an explaination. Walking not so far away that she would no longer be able to hear Ardere, Vendredi took a seat in front of one of the odd mechanisms, poking at it carefully to see if there would be a response.


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 6th July 2015, 12:20 pm

    Fight you?
    No, I want to

    kill you

    Letting his friend enter, Ardere would close the door as he admired the vastness that was the Crocus library. He slid his hands into his pockets, and looked around, observing the area more. Then Vendredi posed a question, probably due to the fact that she was not from here. They're sort of like ladders, but because they are powered by lacrima, they can sort of hover or rise. Kind of like an elevator. He laughed a little bit as she sat by one and poked it. Walking over to her, he opened the door to it and hopped in. Extending a hand, he offered her entrance to it. Come on then. If she accepted, he would look at the fairly simple controls. The lever allowed them to move up and down, as well as right or left. I suppose we should go to the top floor. Moving the lever up, they would begin to ascend slowly. Passing each level of books, they saw many categories on things from this country as well as others. There were librarians organizing books on some of the levels, and others had people who came to read or study. The lacrima lift did not move significantly fast, but enough to ascend at a decent rate. In a minute or two, they would reach the top level.

    The top level was primarily about magic, the types and their origins. It also had stories about the ancient magical weapons and items, which interested the fire mage. Allowing Vendredi to step off of the lift first, the two would now be on the top floor accessible, as some were only for royalty and the royal guard. The library was full of books as old as Fiore, and some even older than that. There were tables scattered through out, with lamps at each for reading. Where to first? He would allow her to pick first, seeing as she was his new friend and he invited her. Books were probably the only thing outside of combat that excited Ardere, though excitement was not something he would show easily. The only thing that would be obvious, was that he was an avid reader. This was one of his biggest hobbies after all, and certainly his longest running. They had several sections to choose from; Magic Types, Magic History, Magic Items, Magic Weapons, and Magic Legends. Which one was chosen did not matter to him, he just wanted to read and bond a bit with his new friend.

    Tags:@Allison WC: 420



    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) FYZkfE1
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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Katarina 6th July 2015, 12:54 pm

    Vendredi listened to Ardere explain what the ladders were.  Like elevators?  She was unsure of what those were either, but could understand what he was saying, in general.  They were machines that were powered by magic of a sort-- lacrima, he had called them.  Vendredi had heard people use that term when referring to weapons, armor, or other items that had been imbued with magic by implanting a certain substance.  It seemed that this substance, lacrima, could be used for other things as well, like to make every day tasks easier.  The moving ladders were an example of this.  Vendredi continued to watch everyone around her before realizing that Ardere was walking towards the ladders.  The young man then hopped onto the one she was sitting next to and extended a hand, which Vendredi accepted.  After she was safely on the lift type ladder, he seemed to scrutinize the controls for just a few seconds before moving something.  His arm was blocking the way, so the young woman wasn't able to catch a glimpse at exactly what Ardere was doing.

    As the ladder slowly lifted up, Vendredi resisted the urge to gape at each level that they passed by.  All number of people and books seemed to occupy every floor, and the entire sight was simply mesmerizing.  Vendredi wondered to herself how the books were organized, and decided that it wasn't completely unlikely that there was another sort of magical system to assist in finding the books.  That, or in the very least, the library would have an enormous catalog.  All of them did, and this one would definitely require one if there wasn't another lacrima powered method.  Vendredi continued to observe the people that they slowly moved away from-- some seemed to be deeply absorbed in their thoughts, pouring over manuscripts or texts of any kind, while others were strolling around.  Vendredi lifted up a hand and on a whim, she waved to one of the second kind, a young woman who seemed to also be a worker here.  The librarian waved back with a smile, and then they passed that level her, continuing on.

    The young woman decided that it was likely they were headed to the place where Ardere had originally been heading, since she hadn't yet specified what type of books she was interested in.  After they reached what seemed to be one of the highest floors, Vendredi stepped off of the lift and looked back towards Ardere, who had asked her to say where they would venture off to first.  After briefly glancing over the room, Vendredi walked over to a small sheet of paper hanging on a nearby wall, which said that this floor mainly contained information about magic in all sorts.  That seemed to be a very general topic-- probably, that was also the reason why this floor was enormous.  But the next thing on the list intrigued the girl much more, simply because it was more specifically related to her own magic, and also seemed to be potentially fun to read over...

    "I would love to look at the stories.  Magical weapons and items have been an interest of mine for quite some time, and I'd like to learn more about them.  And even if there's not a whole lot of information," this Vendredi doubted was true, but it was a good idea to say it nonetheless, "It simply seems to be quite interesting.  This entire floor intrigues me though, so I'd be happy to wander around anywhere while you go ahead and look at what you actually intended to come here for."  She had to remind herself to keep in mind that since this had been Ardere's main destination, there was most likely something that he wanted to investigate or learn more about.  And as a Rune Knight, he probably didn't have a lot of free time, especially to waste showing a stranger around a library.  Even if he didn't mind doing so, Vendredi had no wish to take up time when she was perfectly capable by herself.


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 6th July 2015, 1:24 pm

    Fight you?
    No, I want to

    kill you

    Ardere nodded. Magical legends seems to have the weapons and items from tales told long ago. Might as well check it out. He would lead her over to the section about the legends, which would include types of Lost Magics as well. The shelves were organized in alphabetical order, just like in most libraries. There were no people on the level they had arrived on, so if they wished to talk they would not disturb anyone. It seemed his luck was looking better today, at least for now. The two would casually stroll through the different sub sections of Legends, passing books about swords that saved entire countries, and beasts that destroyed cities with ease. These sorts of things had interested him for a long time, but to most it just seemed like fairy tales. He was in the mind set that fairy tales were the founding of this country, and made it so extravagant. Hmm. The fire mage was having fun, looking at a mass amount of books and shifting through him, so hopefully Vendredi was too.

    Ardere stopped at the section marked with the letter "S", meaning all of the books in that particular section started with the letter S. Letting his fingers tap each book on the way down the aisle, he would stop until he found a book about slayer magic. He quickly took the book off of the shelf, and tucked it under his arm. Anything in particular you wanted to look at? The items and weapons are over there. He motioned over to the other section, and would follow her if she decided to go. He knew that was her interest, and didn't want to take away from her time. As they walked he would flip through the book a bit, skimming it but still paying attention to her. He had picked that specific book because even though they had learned so much about slayers in the past hundred years, they still knew so little about some of the others. Dragon slayers seemed easy, but the other two were harder to peg down. Being a god slayer, it was his business after all. There were so many books on so many things, it was hard to make a decision. There's so many books. Did you like to read a lot back in your country? He was curious about the young woman, seeing as they had become quick friends, these questions were sort of ordinary.

    Tags:@Allisn WC: 414



    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) FYZkfE1
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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Katarina 6th July 2015, 5:15 pm

    Vendredi noticed that Ardere had agreed that it would be interesting to look at, but hadn't said anything about whether or not he was going to go look by himself.  Assuming that the young man had decided that he would show her around first, or while finding what he wanted, the guildless mage followed after him.  On the way to where she assumed the shelves containing the stories were, Vendredi glanced down all of the other aisles.  The young woman only did so for about a second at a time, but with her keen vision it was enough to discern the fact that they seemed to be alone on this floor.  Well, that was a plus-- there would be no other patrons to be bothered by the pair's moving around and noise.  Additionally, it meant that Vendredi and Ardere couldn't have a chance to be bothered by anyone else, although she supposed that the young man probably wouldn't mind, considering how friendly and generally laid-back he seemed to be.

    And then... then, they entered the section labelled, "Legends."  It was dwarfed by the gigantic, more diverse section on magic, but still, sitting in front of Vendredi's eyes was more books than she had ever seen so far in her lifetime.  The young woman took note of the fact that although the books were arranged alphabetically, as usual, they were organized by title, rather than the author's last name.  Vendredi decided that this was probably the most practical way to allow patrons to find things easily, since most of the legends were likely written or composed long ago, and the exact details such as the author would be unknown.  The shelves here were a little bit dusty, as though they hadn't been cleaned in a bit of time-- although the layer was thin, since even if not many people ventured into this section, it was the capitol's library, after all.

    Vendredi glanced over to see that Ardere seemed to be enjoying himself.  Perhaps he hadn't had a research topic or such in mind after all...?  Just then, Vendredi noticed her companion had paused briefly, and the young woman moved her body just a slight bit, so that she could see where he had stopped.  An S for what, I wonder? she mused, but just then Ardere slipped the book off of the shelf, quickly folding his arm over it before turning to her.  She had caught a glimpse of the word "Slayers" though, and could make an inference as to what that book was about.  Glancing back at Ardere, she listened to his question and then replied after only a moment, "There isn't really anything in particular I wanted to look at.  But thank you, I shall begin my search from over there."

    Vendredi walked over, deciding to leave Ardere for the moment.  After all, it seemed that the young man was planning to read more about the legends pertaining to his own magic, and that was something that Vendredi had no desire to interfere with.  Stepping over to a section detailing the adventures of the Valkyries, a group of female mages with the ability to fly, Vendredi paused for just a split second before taking a deep breath and selecting a book at random off of the shelf.  She steeled herself to look, and then glanced down at the cover with relief, noting the fact that this one was about an irregular Valkyrie, who chose to ride horses into battle rather than fly.  Vendredi smiled at the thought-- the Valkyrie was just like her, in a sense, and the young woman turned around carefully, aiming to walk back to one of the tables, so that she could read. Hearing Ardere ask her a question about her past, Vendredi's smile faded just a little bit, and she turned to look at him, saying, "Actually... we didn't read much at all. My clan... we were expected to just be fighters, with muscle for our brains. In fact-- !"

    But just then as she was about to continue explaining why they weren't allowed to read, her foot hit a dip in the carpet, and the young woman went tumbling towards the ground, exasperatedly thinking to herself exactly how embarrassing this was before realizing a horrifying thought-- her feet were both off of the ground.  Eyes widening and her composure failing, Vendredi panicked and automatically thrashed around in the air, managing some how to change the direction of her fall. Shaking her head and still blinking in general surprise, the woman delicately began the process of picking herself up, tears streaming from her eyes.  It seems that I still can't control my tear ducts, thought Vendredi apathetically as she dabbed at the inner corners of her eyes with a tissue snatched out of her pocket.  And besides that... why am I still afraid of the sky, and my feet leaving the ground?  Frowning, Vendredi assumed a more composed expression before glancing over to make sure that Ardere hadn't noticed.


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 6th July 2015, 5:48 pm

    Fight you?
    No, I want to

    kill you

    Ardere flipped through some of the pages of the book, letting Vendredi look at whatever she wanted to find out more about. Flipping through the pages he found pictures of some of the dragons that had taught humans how to use magic, it seemed there had been a war of sorts. The book was structured between the three slayers, the most information being about dragon slayers of course. God Slayers were the only one of the two slayers that didn't have to be taught by their respective race, some had in fact learned the magic from books. It made him wonder where the power for a god slayer of that kind would come from, seeing as it was a Lost Magic after all. Perhaps it was a fate thing, something that was predetermined. Maybe the energy to become a god slayer came from within, and only some could learn it. He had a corrupted flames inside of him for years, Hephaestus just opened what was inside of him and made it stronger. Very intriguing knowledge, he thought.

    Looking over to Vendredi, the fire mage saw her looking at books, so he went back to his. It seemed demon slayers were actually quite interesting, as they were not necessarily stronger than god slayers, but different. They were more pure, and this explained why they would eat such a corrupted element, as they could purify it. He lifted his head up to see his new friend on the ground, as if she had fallen over. Stupid, he thought of himself. He was so into his book that he had not noticed her fall over. Vendredi! He would run over to her, quite fast actually. Being that he was faster than the average mage, even of his rank, he made it there within a second. He would help her up, holding one of her hands and putting an arm around her shoulder to lift her up a bit. You alright? You should take better care of yourself Ms slippy. Patting her on the back, he was a bit teasing but he did care. Come sit down over here. Taking her over to the table and sitting her down, grabbing up her cook and handing it to her.

    Sitting down in front of her, he would also sit his book down. I read a lot as a child, though I had to sneak it, or else I would be beaten. As kind of a person and as much of a gentleman he tried to be, he still had a darkness in his eyes and a rustic demeanor at times. It was obvious he was a mix of the two, which was probably why he was better as a combative rune knight. He could be kind to the innocent, and harsh to the enemy. This trait made him a bit mysterious though, which he didn't necessarily like. The god, or godly being I should say, that gave me my powers didn't teach me as much about the origins of it as I would like. Kind of a cryptic bastard he was. Running his fingers across the cover of his book, he took his sword off of his back and leaned it against the table. Myself aside, what book do you have there?

    Tags:@AllisonWC: 553



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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Katarina 6th July 2015, 8:23 pm

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    Last edited by Sanne-Léa on 8th July 2015, 5:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 6th July 2015, 9:04 pm

    Fight you?
    No, I want to

    kill you

    Ardere caught the flash of the ring on her left hand, which he was surprised he didn't notice before. It looked similar to an engagement ring, but no man would allow his fiance to run off by herself in a grand city like this. He thought perhaps she got it from home, but either way it didn't matter, he wasn't one to get his daily excitement from chasing women around. As rough of a past he had, he was one of the few genuine men out there. He decided to shrug it off, and just sit there to listen to the explanation of her book. He preferred to read, but he had invited her to come here, so he would enjoy listening to her talk about it. It seemed the book had been about Valkyries, something he had heard of before. Being a man who read legends and tales from across the ages, his knowledge was vast. Nodding, he would be listening intently. The fire mage was not one to just float off somewhere mentally when a female was talking to him, it was rare that he had normal interactions with people being a Rune Knight and all, so he would pay attention.

    He widened his eyes a bit, not in surprise, but as a form of understanding. Oh, I see. Being afraid of the thing that made one's home what it was, had to be rough. It was ironic, because Ardere had embraced the flames that had destroyed his home. There were many paths one could take, and the two mages with similar backgrounds had met. The rune knight was a logical man, but he did believe in fate. Reaching over, he would put a hand on her shoulder as a friendly sign of comfort. It's alright. We don't have to keep talking about it. One of the librarians was reorganizing books in the section they were sitting in, he walked past the two mages and stared awkwardly for a moment before leaving. The librarian probably didn't want to get involved in the emotional moment they were having at the moment, and it was a smart choice to keep on walking.

    Looking around to see if anyone would notice, Ardere pulled out a thermos. The lid of the thermos was a cup, and he would set it down on the table. Pouring the liquid into the cup, it would now become noticeable that it was sake, an alcoholic drink. Hope you don't mind, we're probably not supposed to have drinks in here but I should live a little for once. Taking a sip of the sake, he sighed slightly. Would you like some? He was notoriously known for drinking sake, and it would be a rare sight for him to ever offer some to anyone. Most people don't know, but sake comes from Joya. My father used to drink it. Giving a slightly reassuring smile, he slid the thermos to the middle to offer it to her. This world really seems to be cold and dark. I never quite thought of myself as the hero type, considering criminals raised me. But I'll be stronger, and what happened to your country, as well as my home will never happen here. For the first time in a long time, the fire in his eyes that Hephaestus saw were back.

    Sorry to get all existential and emotional, but we're pretty much friends now so you'll get it. If you wanna leave, we could go walk around the town. Ardere was a complicated man, he was pretty laid back and relaxed, but he did have a fire in his heart, a confidence that was sometimes brought out. Perhaps it was this side of him that made him strong, and this young woman reminded him of that.

    Tags:@Allison WC: 640 Notes: Sorry I have to post when I see it xD



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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Katarina 7th July 2015, 12:24 pm

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    Last edited by Sanne-Léa on 8th July 2015, 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 7th July 2015, 12:48 pm

    Fight you?
    No, I want to

    kill you

    Ardere nodded, he was not one with many bonds left in the world. If anything, he was alone in this world. Ironically, he walked through the fire alone. This was not something that he really minded, he had kind of been a loner all of his life, but perhaps he was happy that he had someone to share his thoughts with. Vendredi was probably as complicated as the fire mage was, which was brought the two together. Taking another sip of his sake, he would finish it and put the lid back on before sliding it back into his side pack. He smiled a bit, at her remark about pleasantries. I agree, but I don't wish to wear you out. Their conversation had taken a deep turn this afternoon, and he was rather hoping he would not weird out his first friend in this town. It would be his luck that he would make the first woman he had a deep conversation with have sad memories, but she didn't seem to mind.

    The god slayer nodded, picking up his sword. I didn't really have anywhere in mind, we could just walk around for a bit. I find that I cant really stay sitting for long anymore. He would stand up and spin his sword before tossing it onto his back. Looking around, he spotted a lacrima lift nearby. Let's get going then. He would walk back over to the shelf to put their books back, running his fingers along the spine of each book he passed, as his exhaled deeply. Turning back to the lacrima lift, he would open it and step inside, extending a hand to Vendredi let her in. Just like they had entered, they would leave. The red haired man would take the lift downwards, at a slow pace just like before, and they would be back at the bottom of the library. Before they exited, he took a moment to take in the vastness and beauty of the library. After spending some time here and enjoying it, he decided he would visit sometime.

    The two mages would exit the vast library of Capital Crocus, and find themselves back on the streets in the late afternoon. It was not quite the evening yet, but the sun was not as bright as before. Guiding his new friend, he would begin to take a casual stroll down the side walk. He knew there was a park nearby, with plenty of walkways. First they would have to walk through some of the downtown area, in which they would see many shops and restaurants. In a couple of hours it would be dinner time, but he wasn't quite sure whether she would want to join him or not. Perhaps after they walked for a bit, he would call it a night. It was nice to talk to someone who understood, and he would still be in Crocus for a little while at the least. The calming breeze would flow past them, causing his hair to flicker a bit in the wind. I walked through most of Ishval. I was a 14 year old walking across the continent, and surprisingly enough I'm still alive. I've seen a lot of countries, and this one is my favorite. After walking for so long, I find it hard to live without it. It's just easier to clear my head I suppose. He had his left hand in his pocket, and his right hand to his side as he walked, talking to the young woman. Ardere would look up at the sky for a moment, then back down to the streets they roamed. How about you? What do you do for fun in this whimsical country?

    Tags:@Allison WC: 625



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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Katarina 7th July 2015, 8:23 pm

    at the end of the day,
    words mean nothing
    Vendredi was slightly happy that her words hadn't offended the young man, but at the same time she was slightly doubtful that he was telling the truth.  Nonetheless, based on how he had acted so far, Ardere's statement seemed to be genuine, and she doubted that there was really any reason to lie.  Except to no offend her, and since Vendredi had been the one sharing her opinion, that would have been kind of an odd reason.  Either way, then his next words came, and the young woman was slightly relieved that he hadn't been freaked out by her request.  After all, it could have come off as being creepy or too informal, since they had only met an hour or so ago.  Listening to Ardere's words, Vendredi simply nodded.  So, he didn't really have any specific location in mind, but that was fine.  The female mage was similar in the fact that she too preferred to be moving around or completely engaged in reading... well, that or possibly sleeping.  Drinking was also an option, but like she had said before, her actions tended to turn very silly and extremely unsightly while inebriated.

    Trying not to wince at the thought, Vendredi replied to his statements with a single word, which soon morphed into a sentence.
     "Same.  Well, I suppose it depends on the time of day... if I'm reading and it's late in the evening, I can stay still for long periods of time, especially sitting on my bed.  And that sounds nice, walking around... I really do need to see more of Crocus before leaving, I think."  Nodding to Ardere, Vendredi pushed her chair back and stood up, sweeping the ring off of the table again rather casually.  She was half hoping it would be lost for good, but of course to her inner relief, it didn't, and reappeared on her finger.  It wouldn't disappear until she requipped it away into a pocket dimension.  Following the fire haired mage towards one of the magical ladders, Vendredi accepted the hand that was offered and was pulled gently onto the lift.  This time, she was in a position to be able to see the controls, or at least in a place where with her vision she could view them.  After less than a few minutes, they were walking at a decent pace through the doors of one of Fiore's greatest libraries, comprised of books from all over the nation.

    Upon leaving the building, Vendredi immediately noticed the change in the sun's position versus before.  Internally, she was perplexed-- the young woman had been certain that they had taken less than an hour altogether in time, but it appeared that her good sense of time had been disrupted by... what?  Had she been so distracted, perhaps by enjoyment, that she had lost track of time?  It seemed unlikely, but nonetheless, it was the only possibility.  no allowing her slight distress to show through at all, Vendredi focused on all of the sights that they were passing along in their walk.  Beautiful views, such as pristine trees, rows of flowers lining the streets, and both tall and petite buildings, were all here in such an array of styles.  There were a few restaurants nearby, which Vendredi supposed could possibly be getting patrons for dinner by now.  It truly seemed to be getting a little bit late in the afternoon, leaking into the early evening, which although was disconcerting, didn't seem to bother the young woman as much as she had expected it would.

    Vendredi turned to look at Ardere as he began speaking again.  After the young man finished, the female realized that she could relate to that-- she too had walked, for the most part, through many countries in order to get to Fiore.  She hadn't had any knowledge of where she was headed, but simply traveled, with the hope that she would arrive in a safe place and meet people without corrupt intentions.  And it seemed that she had, which was a beautiful thought.  Smiling at Ardere, Vendredi ended up simply saying,
    "I can relate to that, going through a similar experience.  I believe that luck has played an irreplaceable role in the events of the past, but also how we respond to anything that happens.  Walking really is a calming experience, I suppose.  You're right, it is good for thinking."  Thinking about that for a little bit, Vendredi reacted a little bit late when he asked her another question.

    "Well... I just arrived in Fiore, actually.  I've mostly been travelling around, and my friend recommended that I visit the capitol, since I was considering joining the Rune Knights.  Turns out, I'm not really suited to that particular kind of profession, law enforcement, I mean.  And even if I was, it doesn't suit me."  The young woman felt that she could be more blunt in her approach towards things than she usually would take around people she didn't yet know well-- Ardere just had this feeling that she could trust him not to judge her quickly.  "Then, I was going to join a mages' guild and had decided on Fairy Tail when I ended up in Hargeon Town rather than Magnolia Town.  So, I suppose that I have been spending my time either lost or travelling around... but very happily, I'm glad to say.  And I suppose that's part of the point of it all-- that, combined with the goals I have."
    tagged: @Ardere notes: ---  words: 911
    made by ∆ ashycat of adoxography


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 7th July 2015, 10:16 pm

    Fight you?
    No, I want to

    kill you

    The Rune Knights aren't for everyone, even I found it a difficult decision to make. If you ever change your mind, you know who to ask for. I do appreciate the value of guilds though. Ardere laughed a bit at her comment. Sense of direction not your forte eh? I know the feeling, it's hard to get used to a new country. But this one is so simple, yet so complex at the same time. You'll get used to it eventually. After traveling across the world, he had begun more attuned to navigation and winging it when it came to directions. He could recall many times that he was lost without supplies, and had to fend for himself. Magic took care of most of the work, once he had learned it anyhow. Before he had learned magic, he had to fight on his own. Luckily after going through Hell with the gang that kidnapped him, he had been given a break for a while. I remember this one time I got stuck in Bosco, in the mountains. The monsters up there are fierce, luckily I had flames to keep me warm. But I got very turned around and ended up in Seven instead of Fiore. I ended up speaking the wrong language to the natives, and the village elder smacked me on the head with a stick. Good times. Rubbing his head, he remembered the pain of that old man's stupid stick.

    They were getting closer to the park, and even though the sun had died down a bit, it was still bright out. They hadn't spent much more than an hour together, but they had bonded quickly. Ardere had seen people date within twenty minutes, and end up in long lasting relationships, so certainly he had a good chance of a long lasting friendship with this girl. She was attractive, and mage, so perhaps she would be good company to have whenever he was traveling. There's a park over there, has quite a few walking paths. He would continue his pace, but a bit faster, with Vendredi. The two mages within a couple of minutes, would arrive at the park. They wouldn't experience much traffic, due to it not being dinner time yet. In a couple of hours the traffic would pick up with the after work and the dinner crowd. The park would also be free of most people, albeit a few children and their parents were in the playground at the center.

    Making his way onto the walking path, he would try to keep a pace with Vendredi expecting her to follow. There were a decent number of trees in the park, providing some shade. This town is so vast, I bet it would take a while to see all of it. I've been to many great cities across the continent, and this has to be at least in the top three. He tapped his chin and nodded a bit, that ranking was probably appropriate. Ardere's calm demeanor in the way he spoke showed sincerity, it was almost as if he was compulsively honest. He didn't really mind revealing any past experiences or current opinions, he was sort of the blunt type. The fire mage rarely trusted people, but from what he could tell Vendredi was trustworthy. Hopefully from the stories he had told her, she would sense that. He was good at reading people, but she was as calm as he was most of the time. At least it is nice out. You mentioned goals a second ago, mind sharing some, if it's not too personal? He did not mean to intrude, which was why he posed the question in a less intrusive manner, but he was curious. Gaining knowledge was his main goal after all, even if it was about his friends. This was probably the most he had talked to one person in a long time, which he would establish as a good thing to himself. Breaking out of his anti social shell was nice once in a while, but not too often.

    Tags:@Allison WC: 685 Notes: I love how obsessed you were with the positioning of the sun, I didn't even change it that much xD



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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Katarina 8th July 2015, 8:55 am

    at the end of the day,
    words mean nothing
    Vendredi smiled at Ardere and nodded in response.  Thankfully, once again the young man didn't seem to be bothered by her rejection of the prospect of joining the Rune Knights.  Instead, he seemed to understand that it, which made her feel a lot better about the decision.  Despite the fact that Vendredi hadn't had it weighing on her conscience or anything, she had originally set out to become a Rune Knight, and the young woman had been unsure of whether changing her goal might not be the best thing.  She truly was still debating whether to join a guild, since Fairy Tail had appealed to her very much... but being guildless had a certain kind of freedom.  Vendredi didn't mean this as the ability to do what she wanted, but rather, as a guildless mage she could affiliate herself with whatever cause or group she believed in, without facing judgement from others of her faction.  This was useful, because factions weren't always correct, and it was easier to do what she believed was right without aggravating anyone else.

    Ardere then laughed outright and made the comment about her awareness of direction, and Vendredi resisted a smile, as well as a wince.  This was true, and the young woman said,
    "Well, over all that time of travelling I took to simply walking in a random direction for most of it.  That entire experience, combined with an over-analysis of my surroundings, sort of has fogged up my sense of direction."  Perhaps that didn't make complete sense, but Vendredi was constantly checking her surroundings and often made too many connections between places, examining tiny differences like the amount of people and lighting.  This confused her mental picture to no end, much to Vendredi's dismay.  But she did suppose Ardere was right, and said, "I suppose so-- I have only been here for a few days, maybe several.  Not an more than a week."  In fact, her sense of time was completely confounded as well.

    Vendredi listened to Ardere talking about his own experience through the mountains of Bosco, and then while trying to travel to Fiore and instead ending up in the completely magical country of Seven.  She had probably passed through all of these places, but hadn't even known the name of Fiore until she asked someone else.  The young woman smiled when Ardere rubbed the back of his head, trying to resist a laugh even if she didn't need to.  Once again, Vendredi noticed that the light seemed to be dimming just a little bit, but this time felt no need to frown.  She had given up on estimating the time, and the view around them was too lovely to ignore.  The two mages seemed to be walking towards a certain goal, given that their direction had changed a few times but was directed in a specific direction.  Even if Ardere hadn't had a particular destination in mind while leaving the library, it seemed that the young man had come up with one, so Vendredi relaxed and simply continued to walk, listening to Ardere.  It seemed that they were headed to a park.  What was that?  A type of garden?  Ardere stated that it had walking paths, which made it sound something like a noble's sophisticated garden.

    Not bothering to hide her slight curiosity, Vendredi didn't ask about it.  If it was something that wasn't well known, he would have told her, and it was probably self-explanatory anyways.  The young woman noticed that the Rune Knight had quickened his pace just a little bit, and she wondered why, but dismissed it soon afterwards.  They had been moving at a much slower pace than usual to observe the scenery around them, but it seemed that this park was of more interest.  After a couple minute had passed, the two stepped into a wide, open area, with some sort of pile of contraptions, twisted together, resting in the center.  Wooden benches with backs were arranged randomly throughout the open space, and there were small paths winding throughout it.  Vendredi realized that it was most likely the same thing as a common area, except on grass, and then glanced around.  Ardere hopped onto one of the slightly raised paths, and the young woman followed, easily keeping pace with him.  She had no idea if he now had another destination in mind, or if they would simply walk along for a little while-- either way would be pleasant, for sure.  Hearing Ardere place Crocus among the top three cities, Vendredi thought about the others that she had seen.

    "I'm not sure that I would be able to rank it, since there are so many other beautiful places and they each have their own charm-- but it is an extraordinary place," the young woman ended up saying, nodding slightly.  Once again, Ardere asked her about something that the mage had said before, when she mentioned that finding fulfillment in life and accomplishing her goals was the entire point.  Debating what to say for a few moments, Vendredi started out, "Typically, I prefer to stand by on the sidelines.  I prefer peace over everything else, but I also enjoy fighting... it's a strange mindset.  One of my goals is to protect this country from harm, since it has granted me refuge from my own and those who have corrupted it.  But I also must protect something else, which is personal to me, and unfortunately..." here, Vendredi's expression darkened just a little bit.  "Unfortunately, right now this second goal is a higher priority.  I'm unsure of whether this will change, but it is so, for now."  Vendredi knew that Rune Knights set out to protect Fiore, and it was their highest priority-- she was unsure of how one would react to her saying that it was not, in her mind.  
    tagged: @Ardere notes: ---  words: 973
    made by ∆ ashycat of adoxography


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

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    Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv) Empty Re: Hello Crocus! (Ven/Priv)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 8th July 2015, 11:35 am

    Fight you?
    No, I want to

    kill you

    Ardere nodded at her words, he too had a strange mindset. I know what you mean, I'd rather everyone sit around and read but fighting does give me a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It was not often that people had such contradicting views, but in a way it made more sense. There had to be a balance in this world, not everything was so one sided. The fire mage knew that more than most, which was why he chose the Rune Knights. Reaching a hand to pat Vendredi on the shoulder, he would listen to the end of her thoughts as they continued to walk through the park. It was breezy and calming, with several benches if they needed to stop and sit for a moment. Fortunately, he didn't see that need until the sun began to go down and they would be able to watch it. I thought the Rune Knights would be a good place for me to start, and get better. So far it's turned out well, but it's a long road.

    Looking to Vendredi, he noticed she was a bit down. On a lighter note, I recently stopped some guys from stealing hundreds of gallons of beer. It was kind of a random assignment honestly, I got shot at a lot. He chuckled a bit, it wouldn't be funny to most people but he thought a mage being shot at was a bit ironic. Magic tended to make guns look bad, but there were magic guns out there that were powerful. Those guys were quite fond of their beer, considering they tried to blast me for it. Ardere thought about it for a moment. I really do get the odd jobs. Looking over to the small playground, he saw a small girl on the swing set with her dad pushing her. As anti social and brooding as he could be at times, seeing things such as that made him happy, he knew what he was fighting for. Life was about being happy, reading and fighting made him happy, then the Rune Knights gave him an opportunity to ensure other's happiness.

    If you're looking for a guild that fights a lot, I'd suggest Sabertooth by the way. They're pretty feisty, I know a few of the members. But if you're looking for a healthy mix of fighting and companionship, Fairy Tail is definitely the way to go. He nodded slightly, pulling out the thermos to take a sip of his sake. Ardere was not one to get drunk easily, honestly he preferred the taste more than the buzz. He exhaled deeply after taking a sip, and they went down a winding path a bit. There was a small wooden bridge that went over a pond within the park. I suppose this is as good a place as any to stop for the moment, he thought. Walking over to the railing, he would look down into the pond to see many colorful fish. Capital Crocus really was a nice place to be, he rather enjoyed his time here so far. Very nice. The rune knight would breathe in the air, and exhale it deeply. There was not much pollution at all, considering lacrima ran most of the town. Crocus was superior in many ways, but it was not his home after all.

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