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    ~Unique Job~ The Orphanage

    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
    Second Skill:
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    ~Unique Job~ The Orphanage Empty ~Unique Job~ The Orphanage

    Post by Godlike Frederik 20th November 2014, 11:41 am

    The Orphanage


    Player Requirements:
    - 2 - 3 Mages, must have at least 1 S rank
    - 400 words per post, 25 post per player .

    Job Requirements:
    - One S-rank at least
    - Each player has to at least roll the monster dice 8 times. The witch appears regardless of rolling the boss dice.

    Optional Requirements:
    - Discover the secret behind the witch
    - Don't harm the children, they'll still attack you tho.
    - Create an insane plot twist involving the Mayor

    Job Description:
    An orphanage just a little while outside Clover Town holds an terrible secret. It is being run by an ancient witch, who uses the children in experiments to find a suitable host body. The children who fail the experiment are left with a corrupted mind. The mayor of Clover Town suspects that this orphanage is not as it seems to be and has asked for any mage or mages to help him investigate the place. Little does anyone know of what truly goes on in that orphanage...

    Weak: 4 Deranged children (B-ranked)
    Despite their fragile-looking figures, these kids are far from weak. They are heavily infused with the witch's magic, greatly improving their physical capabilities in exchange for their sanity. As a result, they have a 75% resistance to all magic and a 50% resistance to non-magical attacks. It takes 3 B-ranked hits to take them down.

    Normal: 2 Otherworldly Beings
    Some kind of inhuman apparitions that exist on a different level, thus are above the human being's ability to comprehend. All one can make out of them is that they appear to be an ever-changing body of unidentified and undefined substance which gives off immense magical energy, or at least something that feels like it. They are hostile and absolutely impervious to any kind of attack, so the means to their defeat are unknown. Perhaps you would be able to figure it out? Regardless, they deal A-ranked damage per hit.

    Strong: Humanoid Spirits
    Much like the Otherworldly Beings, they are incomprehensible apparitions that exist on a different level than humans, but the difference is that the Spirits have had their idea defined, so it is possible to partially understand what they are. Beings that may have once been human - or part of one - which roam the orphanage's many maze-like halls. They seem to be able to interact with physical object if they desire it, despite their otherwise permanent intangibility, which suggests that the only time to attack them is when they attack you.  It also seems that despite interacting with physical objects directly, they seem to affect their souls, so any attacks they land against mages bypass any form of resistances they might have, as the attacks wound directly the soul. These attacks can not be healed forcibly, only through natural restoration of the body and spirit which can only be boosted via deep meditation. Each Humanoid Spirit fights via different means, but the one common trait among them is that they all use attacks that are melee ranged and deal S-ranked damage per hit.

    Boss: The Witch (SS-rank)
    A woman who always appears dressed differently. Very little is known about her, but through the aura you feel from her one thing is for sure; she has been dabbling with things no one should. It takes 12 S-ranked damages to take her down.

    - 80,000 Jewels each upon defeating the witch

    Optional Reward:
    - 30,000 Jewels

    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 27th February 2015, 11:23 am; edited 1 time in total


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