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    Claire "Lightning" Farron (Done)


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Claire "Lightning" Farron (Done) Empty Claire "Lightning" Farron (Done)

    Post by Masquerade23 1st April 2014, 11:39 pm

    Claire "Lightning" Farron (Done) Lightning_render_by_tehfrostyheart-d7cgcf1

    Name: Claire Farron
    Nicknames: Lightning, Light
    Gender: Female
    Age: 519
    Birthday: 03/22-March 22
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Silver navel piercing

    Lightning is an independent woman; she prefers to work alone much of the time, and she's cold and standoffish towards others. She has a stubborn streak a mile wide, although it's a bad thing as much as it is a good thing; most of the time, she refuses to allow herself to be swayed from her decisions, even if she is wrong. She's incredibly intelligent, although she uses her intelligence mostly for battle and for coming up with witty comebacks to people that annoy her. Lightning is quick to anger and slow to forgive; she makes degrading comments about those who annoy or upset her, but that is the extent of her external display of emotion. She prefers to distance herself from such people, be it physically or emotionally.

    A no-nonsense personality, Light can be easily annoyed and tends toward an almost sarcastic despair that makes her seem old and young all at once. Born of a defensiveness against the things she does not like or does not want to like or know, that distant exterior and lone-wolf behavior makes her appear everything from standoffish to downright frigid--the kind of frigid that lets the other party know they may think they're worth her time, but she doesn't nearly so much. Important distinction

    This does not mean that she is not compassionate, though. She would do anything for her little sister, and she also has compassion for those who share her plight; her heart goes out to those who care about nothing but their family, even themselves, and she will also do anything to help them achieve their goals.
    Though seeming cold and distant, if enough time is spent with this particular mage her trust can be earned, emotions may not change outwardly but that does not mean Lightning will not hold some inward feeling or another for those who get to know. If close enough one may even see actual other emotions like happiness and sadness and all those ones that normal people display.

    When it comes to men, Lightning is strangely dispassionate; she doesn't truly care about whether a man is hot or sexy. If he can't hold his own in battle, he's worthless to her. Such is her opinion of almost every person, exceptions being her sister and others that are near and dear to her. As for those who can hold their own in battle and are physically attractive... well, she goes about displaying her emotions rather bass-awkwardly, so Lightning actually falling for someone would be kind of hilarious. So yeah she’s not very good at the whole love romance stuff.

    She could easily be a leader in battle; she’s just that kind of person exuding an inspiring if a bit frightening aura. People sometimes want to follow her, trust her and she’ll pull through. That said Claire/Lightning is very much a loner and not the biggest fan of working with other people unless it helps her to meet the end of her goal faster or more effectively. When she does need to work with groups of people the mage takes the opportunity to study her allies strengths and weaknesses, how they fight and how well they do. Though she knows full well that she is in fact not the strongest of people and needs plenty of practice herself, she still pretends that she is inwardly and sets herself with high stakes challenges that others of her strength would probably not be able to handle. Despite this Lightning knows when she’s taken on too much and needs to back down, though generally it’s with much reluctance that she will do so.

    • Good, self thinking People: Lightning has a high like and respect for those who are willing to put other's needs above their own. She also likes those who think for themselves.
    • Weapons: They're pointy, sometimes bullet filled and used for making fights more fun.
    • Violence to a degree is also something she likes.
    • Strong/skilled Fighters: If you can't handle a fight, you get no like or respect rom this beauty. She likes people who can handle themselves in a fight.

    • Followers: Lightning doesn't like those kinds of people who unquestioningly follow orders and can't think for themselves, 'cause they're tools.
    • Abusive people: Claire hates abusive people, especially those that would target children, finding them despicable, pathetic and a scum on earth and wishing very much she could get rid of them all.
    • Losing: Claire doesn't like to lose in battle, defeat is not something she enjoys and most of all something she wishes to avoid.
    • Weak People: Those kinds of people who can't handle themselves in a fight, ok perhaps she doesn't dislike them, just finds them a bit annoying and damsel-in-destress-ey…so annoying.

    • Protection: Claire is a very protective person, wishing to help and if possible save as many people as she can.
    • Fun: Claire is the type of person who does whatever she can to just have fun in life, take everything for what it is and live as best she can.
    • Knowledge: Claire wants to learn whatever she can from whoever she can about magic and perfect her own.

    • Death: quite obviously Claire is afraid to die, afraid to get into such a situation that she can’t get out of it and will lose her life.
    • Hurting those around her: Claire is most deffenatly afraid of causing those around her physical pain, and sometimes immense mental pain, if she knows the person that is…if not she does not care.
    • Losing everyone she cares about: Claire is afraid of losing those she loves, either by their deaths or abandonment she fears this as something that will happen if she’s not careful.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5.6
    Weight: 120lbs
    Hair: Long rose coloured hair.
    Eyes: Light aqua, can appear green in some lighting.
    Skin Tone: Light
    Claire or, Lightning, is an attractive young woman with long, pale pink hair that drapes over her left shoulder, aqua eyes and a heart-shaped face. She's physically fit, has decent curves, and incredible legs; she knows it, and she dresses in a way that shows off her body but doesn't automatically label her as 'easy'. Lightning wears a sleeveless white overcoat over a brown mock turtleneck and green metallic pauldron with yellow stripes that signify her former rank as Sergeant in The Old World as she calls it. A brown miniskirt over black shorts adorn her lower body, while her legs are clad in knee-high leather boots, and a red pack is strapped to her left thigh. She also wears a red cape that is attached to her back on the left side, a long black sleeve over her left arm, a necklace with a lightning bolt pendant, two black bands around her right bicep, and a silver navel piercing. This particular outfit is one that symbolized her former life, before present day and something she holds onto to preserve more semblance of that life.

    This is only one of the many outfits the old world mage can be seen wearing.


    Guild: Fairy Tail
    Tattoo: Yellow, right under her left breast…still totally visible depending on the outfit.
    Rank: D
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

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    Claire "Lightning" Farron (Done) Empty Re: Claire "Lightning" Farron (Done)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 3rd April 2014, 4:50 am



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