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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)


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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Zeon 14th March 2014, 8:42 pm


    Alexander sat at the edge of Serene Cliff at the scene of his C-rank exam. The scorch marks were still there from over a month ago. The blunder of an exam that sent Alexander to hell for 3 weeks before serendipity got him out. It was surprising how easy it was to usurp a demon summoning ritual when you kill the demon that they were trying to summon! In hell it was all about pain, destruction and hopelessness, but it makes one appreciate life a lot better and in a new perspective. The simple things in life that people take for granted become much more enjoyable. Then there was Rin Minamoto who he met down the river near the river around here. Now there was a light on his heart. Something to live for at least, but did he deserve the one bit of happiness? Only time could tell.

    He stood up from the cliffs edge and walked towards the rendezvous. He took a C-rank wanted poster for finding a lion cub and wanted to facilitate Viola’s C-rank admittance by putting his recommendation on. Besides the experience would make her stronger and more experienced. He had high hopes for the team after all and her especially. He walked up to the cross roads where they were supposed to meet and said, “Sorry for making you get the onions, but it makes you feel any better I made you some raspberry brownies like you asked.” He gave some plastic wrapped brownies to Viola with a smile on his face. Alexander liked this opportunity to work with her, he never had the pleasure to do so.


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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Viola-chan 14th March 2014, 8:58 pm

    Viola turned to his her team-mate holding the food she had been oh so waiting for. Her hands reached out and took the food, devouring the sweet treats quickly. "S-sorry." she apologized, still chewing a bit of the brownie, her face heating up in embarrassment. Like usual she had let her hunger get the best of her. "Thanks, for the brownies." she said once she had swallowed the last bit, wiping the crumbs off her mouth, before placing her hands onto her hips.

    "Well gee, thanks for saving some." Melody snorted, and Viola peered over her shoulder, completely forgetting that her friend was also hungry. She lifted her hand and nervously scratched the back of her head, smiling with her eyes closed. "Hehe, sorry Mel. I'll buy you something later." she said, and the silver fox just sighed, rolling her lemon yellow orbs. "So, let's get started!" she said, pumping her fist in excitement. "All we have to do is bait the lion cub?" she asked, holding the bag of onions away from her, an un-pleasant look on her face. Sure, she was a fun for practically every type of food, but the burning smell of onions got to her always.

    She was happy she got to go on a job with Alex, since they had never talked before. It always got her pumped up whenever she got to go on a job with somebody she didn't know to well. She wanted to see his magic, it was probably the number one thing that fascinated her the most was magic. Since Viola never got to see any other magic besides her own, it was always a fun opportunity to see different magic.


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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Zeon 14th March 2014, 11:24 pm

    Alexander was glad that she enjoyed the brownies. It was always good to see someone enjoy his cooking and especially when people ate the goods. So far he has very few complaints, one of them being a peanut allergy (how was that his fault?) and the other being when he tried to make homemade ice cream (came out like soup). Mostly he found out that baking was his forte above all else. Alexander replied, "Oh don’t apologize, you did nothing wrong. I am just glad somebody enjoys my cooking." It was then the fox popped out and complained about not being fed. Well darn, he didn’t expect the fox. Alexander went through his bag to find something to eat and came to his jerky that he planned to eat for lunch. He pulled it out and offered it to the fox, “Sorry, I did not know that there was going to be a second partner on this.”

    Alexander then took the onions and sniffed. Yes their fragrant was strong, but according to contract they were what was needed to attract the lion cub. It was very weird in that case, because he expected the jerky to work. Onions though? This was going to be interesting. Alexander nodded, “Yes, that’s the plan. I’ll use my heightened senses to get a general location of the cub and hopefully we can use this onion to lure it to a trap that will capture it.” Alexander then placed the onion in his bag and proceeded to walk to the forest. He would take point and attract any of the beats that lurked around here. He was the more durable of the 2.

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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by NPC 14th March 2014, 11:24 pm

    The member 'Zenneth' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) WeakMonster

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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Viola-chan 15th March 2014, 1:33 pm

    Viola smacked Melody away as she reached out toward Alex's sandwich. "Melody no." she paused looking up at Alex. "Mel can wait, I wouldn't want her to eat your food, you were probably saving that for later... Besides, this thing eats practically all day long, I think she can handle not being fed every 5 minutes today." Vy said with a sharp look, peering over at the fox who rolled her lemon yellow eyes.

    She began to follow Alex, walking to his pace so she could walk beside him. Though her number one priority was to make sure he didn't get hurt, she felt that he was tougher than he looked. After all, Vy did hear some things about him, but she couldn't quite recall what those things were. Her alluring blue eyes watched as she took step after step on the dusty barren ground, before she halted to a stop noticing a fairly large beetle, about the size of her hand. "What's this..?" she said to herself, bending down so she could get a closer look at the interesting looking bug. Before she could even react, hoards of them suddenly came out of the ground, causing Viola to stumble back surprised.

    "A-alex! Look at all these things!" her voice called out toward him, un-aware that these bugs were not friendly as they started to crawl onto her body. "H-hey that tickles!" she laughed, rolling on the ground, before suddenly jerking in pain. She lifted up her arm to notice that one of the beetles had ripped a good layer of her flesh of, blood now rolling down her elbow and ascending onto the ground. She stood up, shaking around like a monkey, hoping these things would release her as she desperately tried to get them off. Knowing that was a waste of time, she brought her palms together, and closed her eyes. "Fire Creation: Burst!" she shouted, a coat of flames coating her body, burning the insects that were on her to ashes, the other half heading toward Alex. "You could've warned me!" Melody suddenly barked, as the flames disappeared Viola peered over her shoulder to see she had burnt her friends tail.



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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Zeon 15th March 2014, 4:01 pm

    Alexander continued down the path gently, trying to scout out what was ahead of him. Sadly there was no sign of the lion cub. Also there was no sign of any tracks either. In fact now that he thought about it… It was awfully quiet in this forest, which was not a good sign. It meant either 2 things: something was frightening them or something supernatural was happening. And there was the possibility of both happening right now. Alexander checked the dirt and checked the dirt, rubbing between his hands and noticing the bug feces there. They were close to a bug nest, which meant they had to take a detour. Alexander said, “I think we need to-“

    That was when he heard the shout and turned around to the hoard of bugs jumping on to her. Alexander turned around to immediately try to help her, but already did the job herself. There were burned beetles on the ground and the other half turning around to go after Alexander. He halted in the middle of its tracks and reached out to the fire in his inner soul. His eyes glowed red and his footsteps scorched the ground as he reached into Viola’s fire. It was perfect for this scenario. Less mana consumption and thus more energy. He called out, “Fire Control: Scorch these insects with Holy fire!” Soon Violas fire turned white and had a semi-calming effect on them. Some could call it beautiful in fact, but it leapt from viola’s body and carpet bombed the beetles. It was Alexander’s fire infused with Viola’s, but it was also taking control of her fire. This could have caused issues as he stepped on that least beetle along the way. Alexander asked, “are you all right?”

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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Viola-chan 15th March 2014, 4:48 pm

    Viola just layed there on the ground, somewhat leaning up as she stared at Alex, eyes enlarged. He uses Fire Magic? she couldn't move, and her instincts were telling her to run. Though some would find it weird that she wasn't afraid of her own Fire, there was always a reason. The mages that killed her family, and stole her away all used the magical abilities that possessed fire. So whenever somebody brought up fire it reminded her of all the horrible past memories, and the fear that the person using Fire Magic had something to do with either stealing her away like before. Her body shook violently as she lifted her hand up, and weakly pointed her index finger at him. "Y-you.." she couldn't finish her sentence, as her frightened yet alluring blue eyes looked up at him from the ground.

    Melody licked her tail, finally noticing that Vy was in her scared-state whenever fire appeared near her. The silver fox floated up toward Alex, and sat on his head. "She's scared of fire." was all the fox said, knowing Viola probably wouldn't enjoy if she blurted out all her depressing past stories, that was for her to tell, not Melody. "F-fire.." Viola stuttered once more, her gaze was lost in the image of those white flames. Though she was comforted by the presence of them, it was eaten away by the flames that killed her family. Memories whirled around her, and she shut her eyes, hands grasping onto her head tightly.


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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Zeon 15th March 2014, 5:23 pm

    Alexander was satisfied with the burnt beetles that were on the ground. It was satisfying that they were all dead, but now he faced a new problem. There was now a team mate paralyzed in fear from his fire. Holy fire mind you that was supposed to leave a calming effect on his allies. Instead she seemed to be lost in total fear. Her eyes were wide open, but seemed like she could not see. Alexander sighed, he had to go through this again. There was only one thing left to do. Try to fix partly the problem. Besides she was bleeding in the arm and needed to be healed.

    “Okay then, we can set camp here for a bit. We want to smoke out all these beetle nests anyways or we are going to keep stumbling on them.” It was then that Alexander started a campsite and lit up camp with his own bare hands. He would get this bright white fire glowing that would be just as calming as before, but otherwise would probably scare the dickens out of her. Alexander looked up at Viola, “I want you to watch very carefully. There is a secret you need to know about the stuff I cook.” Alexander grabbed a small pot in his pan and mixed ingredients in the camp fire. In about 20 minutes he had cooked a batch of brownies in the camp fire and was beginning to cut them up. He threw one piece to Melody and put 1 to Viola, “That’s the secret, all this time you been eating my fire as well as the brownies. Its magic, it depends on the user who casts it. I like to create things as well as destroy with my magic. You don’t need to fear it any more than other magic. You are family now and I promise to never hurt you.”

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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Viola-chan 16th March 2014, 12:38 pm

    Viola leaned up, hugging her knees to her chest and looking away with a frown. She was surprised she had been eating basically fire for awhile now, yet loved how it tasted. In-fact the brownie that he had thrown at her was already devoured into her system. "You are family now and I promise to never hurt you.” his words broke through her thoughts and she looked up at him, a bit baffled at first. It was obvious he wasn't out to hurt her, but she couldn't be to sure. Viola had serious trust issues when it came to anybody that used fire magic. "It's just not that easy." she said, her serious yet saddened eyes were looking away once more.

    Melody suddenly came crashing down on Viola's face, startling her as she made a weird shrieking noise. "Okaayy~ Let's just drop this subject Vy~" Melody sang, her voice showed it was somewhat anxious, yet firm on acting happy. Melody didn't like when Viola brought this subject up, mostly because she hated to see her friend in such a bad mood. The silver fox didn't endure what Vy did for years on end, in-fact she didn't even know her friend as well as she thought she did. But, it wasn't her fault though, Vy lost her memory, so how could she know anything that happened before she awoke to two giant eyes. Viola peeled the fox off of her face, sending Melody rolling onto the ground beside her. "Yeah, never mind." Viola said, her voice was blank and she still kept her upset look on, but before anybody could say anything else she jumped up on both of her feet with a slim smile.


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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Zeon 16th March 2014, 3:57 pm

    Alexander paused for a second as he saw Viola’s fake smile. It was not one of calm and happiness, it was a mask one puts on so they don’t worry. She was a team mate though, so of course he worried! He was worried now that his magic would send her in a state where it would put her in even more danger. What if she went into a comatose state like that in combat? The enemy will smell fear and take advantage of that. He also could not resort to his guns either, it would scare the lion cub. This was going to be a problem. There was for a few seconds worry in his eyes, but hed figure something out.

    He did notice something though, that the experiment of field battle magical healing fire worked. Her wound closed up and without scars as well! This was a new breakthrough with fire magic! He would need to market it in future! His food was sinfully delicious, non-fattening and healed you! He smiled back, this may turn out to be okay if he survived this.

    Alexander turned around, “Okay we need to press on before these beetles decide to eat our lion cub. The mission was to bring it back alive after all. I’ll take point, but don’t hesitate to point things out if you see anything weird.” Alexander walked ahead, this time being more aware with beetle nests this time around. He went ahead and hoped that deep in his heart that Viola was going to be okay. This was not going to be a fun mission, but he was duty bound to this job as needed. The cub would be found, dead or alive. "Well its good to know that you are all right at least. I was worried about you being hurt."

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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by NPC 16th March 2014, 3:57 pm

    The member 'Zenneth' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) WeakMonster Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) StrongMonster Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) WeakMonster

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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Viola-chan 16th March 2014, 7:27 pm

    Trust. In all honesty it was quite easy to gain her trust, especially if you used fire magic. In battle, she would always easily gain trust from her team-mate, depending on how they did on battle together.

    Last time with Kali, her fear had been replaced with anger and hatred, making it much more easier for her to fight. It was easy to replace that emotion with a hateful one, she share both similar emotions either way.

    Still being a tad bit anxious, she followed Alex, keeping up a firm pace so that she walked beside him. Her hands folded behind her back neatly, eyes watching her feet hit the ground in rhythm, small bags of dust appearing on the ground every time her foot collided with the barren ground.

    "Well its good to know that you are all right at least. I was worried about you being hurt." Alex suddenly said, breaking her away from her focus on stepping symmetrically. Her sky blue hues lifted up to look at him, studying his facial features for a moment or two. Then she remember that she had gotten bitten by that large beetle, and lifted her arm up to expect a wound. Rather than seeing a wound she saw nothing but her smooth, healthy pale skin, clear as daylight.

    "His fire healed my arm?" she said out loud, meaning to think that to herself, rather than speak out loud. Dropping her hand to her side, her bottom lip was bit lightly in slim embarrassment. "Thanks Alex. Sorry, for freaking out like I did back there. I have no right to do that, especially when we're on a mission." she apologized.

    Her alluring blue eyes darted over to him again, with a more real smile. But, that all changed in a matter of moments, before she went back to watching her feet step in rhythm against the barren dusty ground. The wind was picking up around her, in-fact she could hear something as the wind spoke to her, gliding across the surface of her skin like a light feather.

    Peering over her shoulder, a large shadow cast over the two, making Viola react swiftly. Her feet, turned on an angle, pushing off against the ground, and tackling Alex making it so the two were sent rolling off to the side, out of the way of the large creature.


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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Zeon 16th March 2014, 10:30 pm

    Alexander shrugged, “You don’t have to apologize. We are a team and that is all that matters to me.  We all fear something, don’t feel ashamed. I have fears as well, but enough of this talk.  Now let us go find us a lion cub!” Alexander took a deep breath and relaxed a bit, there was slightly less tension now. That was out of the way and her true smile came out, much better than masks and lies. He decided to not question it anymore as they stepped further in, dust picking up with each footstep. He forgot how dusty it was here, but didn’t matter.

    It was then that Alexander paused for a bit, there was 2 beetles nests in front of him and thus had to burn them. He was about to cast a spell when a shadow loom over him. He was distracted from the beetles nest if it weren’t for Viola tackling him to the side. He looked up to see a great white moose with enormous bleached antlers. This thing was going to be tough as nail just by the sheer 10 good height it had.  It wouldn’t be too much of a problem if it were not for the beetles behind them.  They needed a plan and fast, and it was going to hurt.

    Alexander spoke up, “Okay here is plan, I need you to get the beetles gone first before they slow us down enough for this moose to kill us. Afterwards we kick this things arse. Go it?” The moose was quickly coming in for another charge, but Alexander was ready for it this time. He ran up to the monster and gained momentum, causing him to burst in white and propelled himself forward. However it was 2 equal forces colliding towards one another. They both stopped in midcharge, Alexander obviously taking more damage as his head accidentally hit the antler. A stream of blood fell from his forehead, but he was too stubborn to quit. He had a friend that depended on him as much as he depended on her.

    HP- 60% (Ouch)


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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Viola-chan 17th March 2014, 9:47 pm

    Viola nodded her head, getting up hesitantly as the beetles approached her, blanketing the grass with the amount of them all together. "Yuck." she said to herself, a unpleasant look coating her face as she smacked her hands together. "Fire Creation: Burst!" it was the same spell she had casted before, but this time she was going to make the fire a bit more.... violent. The flames reached out toward the bugs, burning them to ashes as they attempted to get around toward Alex, but failed. It was strange in some way, as she let the flames do the work, lifting her hand up to see she was also wrapped up in the fire, but it wasn't affecting her at all. Once the bugs were completely burnt away, she spun around noticing how hard Alex was trying to hold of the Moose. At first, she was suspecting a giant mouse, due to
    quickly grazing over the name in a book she was reading about dangerous species in Serene Cliff. A small wave of stupidity washed over her as she anime-sweat dropped before walking a bit closer to the fighting scene.

    As her hues studied the scene as she got a bit closer she noticed Alex was bleeding from his head, but for some reason ignored the pain. It would've been obvious to anybody that the moose must've hit him in the head, and a slim amount of anger filled up inside Viola. Her feet pushed off the ground, and she darted forward like a breeze in the wind. The ability to move at an un-imaginable pace had always been given to her, as she swiftly neared the battle scene, eyes narrowed intensely. "Wind Creation: Sword!" she roared out, swinging her arms around to now be holding onto a sword that was made out of wind it-self. The object collided with the moose, sending it rolling off to the side. She landed with a thud, getting up casually as the sword vanished in her hands. Viola peered over at her partner, approaching him as her hand lightly brushed his fore-head, lifting up his silver hair as she examined the wound. "Be more careful next time, I wouldn't want my teammate getting all knocked up." she smiled lightly, removing her hand as a weird sound came from the left. The moose was getting up again, shaking it's head around, probably about to prepare another attack. "Kay, let's do this." she smirked, running forward to also prepare another attack. Even though she wasn't completely aware of it, she was slowly gaining her trust back for Alex, little by little.



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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Zeon 18th March 2014, 3:36 am

    Alexander rubbed his bloody forehead for that was very stupid. There were so many options he could have chosen, but instead chose brute force method. It ended up hurting Alexander more than the moose itself and thus he was angry. Angry at himself for not doing it smarter than that. He stood up again with his glowing white eyes, there was going to be blood spilled tonight. He was about to prepare a Hellball spell, but suddenly a gust of wind came and blew it out of his hands and into the moose, well that was one way to do that. Not only was the moose flipped over, but it was caught on fire. Alexander’s napalm-like fire stuck to the moose. There was little he could do now watch as it passed by. While it was on fire, it was far from down. It was definitely going to take more effort to down this thing.

    Viola’s concern was heartening but unnecessary, however he saw something that now worried him. Alexander responded, “I can’t promise that, but I will try to not use my head that way again.” The moose was on fire all right, but so was a good chunk of the local vegetation. In fact it cause a miniature fireball to expand into white grass fire. This was going to cause plenty of fear on Viola, but there was little time to react. In fact the 2 mages seemed to be resolved in defeating this Moose. Alexander sighed, “My jobs are never that easy. Well here we go…  Got any water? Because I may need to cause more fires before this is done…”  He was concerned for what effect this would have on Viola, but she needed to start facing her fears. Alexander ran up to the moose and jumped in the air. On his way down he slammed the ground, causing a blast of fire that flipped the moose over his head and unto his back. This would leave an opening for Viola to take advantage of the flaming moose.

    HP: 60%
    MP: 60 %

    Moose HP: 55% and on fire
    Terrain: Several small grass fires and a small scorched crater.


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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Viola-chan 18th March 2014, 2:41 pm

    As Alex gave an opening for Viola to strike on the large animal, her eyes slowly widened once she noticed how the land was on fire, beginning to reach the forest. Distracted as she continued to near the moose, it got up panicking and kicking, also kicking Viola as she flew back, rolling along the barren ground, sharp jagged rocks swiping past her skin and tearing her clothes. Once her body came to a stop she weakly leaned up lightly, her body trembling as a small stream of blood rolled out of the corner of her mouth. Squinting to regain her sight all she could see was fire, and the poor animal that was also on fire, being eaten by the comforting white flames. Is it happening again? she thought to herself. Everything is on fire again..

    "Viola!" a voice said, echoing through her mind. It was much more clear to tell who it was as the bright yellow eyes blinked at her with concern and worry. "Mel.." Viola slowly tried to get up, shaking as she held onto her left arm in pain. "I.. I have to save...the.." she stood a step forward, falling onto the hard ground, but attempting to get up again. Her body was a bloody mess, scratches everywhere, it was a surprise she was even still conscious. "No, Viola we have to get out of here!" Melody barked, as the flames began to grow and grow. She got up again, leaned over slightly no longer holding arm as her hands tightened into fist. "No." she said, her voice was somewhat bitter, causing Melody to shudder slightly. "If you think I can just walk away from something like this, then you must not know me as well as you think." she said, lifting her head, narrowing her eyes intensely. It was going to take a lot of magical energy for her to put out this fire, but, she would bear with it.



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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Zeon 18th March 2014, 5:01 pm

    Alexander was hurt, tired and now officially pissed off. As he saw Viola flew back, there was a sinking feeling in his gut. Was she going to be okay? Would she recover from that? Why did it attack her and not him? He was the one setting it on fire! Now the feeling of causing it pain was mutual and thus would not hesitate to kill it. He would have given it mercy if it ran, or gotten it away. Now as his glare was intense and thus would make even some arch demons pause for a bit. The moose once again came for a charge, but not even towards Alexander. It decided to target Viola instead, but Alexander was not letting that thing anywhere near her.

    Alexander ran up and jumped on the moose as it was passing by, and grabbed it around the neck. He was not going to let his team mate get hurt again. He channeled all his fiery anger and rage into a center point and burned the side, all the while being burned by his own fire. It wasn’t like it burned him much, but it was a slight annoyance. The moose was quickly paralyzed by pain from the contact burns as they burned directly to the nerves. Alexander yelled, “YOU WILL NOT HURT MY FRIENDS ANYMORE!” The moose stumbled and fell from the force of the pain and the violent reaction to the muscles. However it also slid and fell over the cliff, dragging Alexander down with him. Maybe that was too rash of an action, he realized as he fell over.

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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Viola-chan 18th March 2014, 5:17 pm

    Her intention was to get the animal to like them, but that obviously wouldn't of happened now due to the amount of pain they had put on the moose. Before she could react quickly, Alex and the large animal were fallen off the edge of the cliff, making a frightening feeling enter into her stomach. First the fire, now this. She was jumping from question to question on how to do this, either save Alex, or stop the fire before it spreads and probably kills thousands of wildlife, maybe even the lion cub. "Viola, I'll get Alex! Stop the fire!" Melody suddenly shouted, whizzing past her in the flash of a light. Mel had the strength to carry large weights, it wouldn't bother her to carry Alex.

    Viola nodded, counting on her friend to bring him back before facing the fire. Yes, she was anxious, very very anxious to the point she wanted to throw up. But, she closed her eyes, raising her hands outward. It wasn't a spell as the water appeared on the palm of her hands, swirling around and increasing in size. Once she opened her sky blue hues the water shot from her hands, blanketing the fire. It was almost like a wave, washing all the fire away as the water disappeared, leaving the ground now burnt and fire-less. A sigh loomed from her mouth as she fell onto her knees, exhausted and in pain. She had been reminded by terrible memories of fire, as her hands clenched together into fists trying desperately to get rid of them.



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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Zeon 18th March 2014, 6:36 pm

    Alexander floated over the edge for just a little bit, the world seemed to slow down as he fell. Was this a good way to go? Well he could think of worse and more painful ways to die. At least he did so in a heroic fashion, saving his team mate from harm. It was an honorable death, one that would not make him forgotten. Alexander did not fear death, but feared being alone. What would death be like? Would he feel it if he hit the ground? There was little point in worrying, it was all going to be over soon….

    It was then Alexander was grabbed by the back off his jacket. He was confused for a bit, didn’t he leave his hellhound at home? Wait it didn’t even fly! So what was carrying him up? He stared to see Melody the magical fox carry him back up. That was the most badass thing he saw all day! A flying tiny fox was lifting a full grown man! He looked up and said, “Remind me to give you something to eat after this, you earned it.”

    He was placed on the edge of the cliff and witnessed the fire being put out by Viola, this was amazing to see someone control the 4 elements as she did. Did she have an archmages seal as well? He walked over next to Viola and just stayed there. He spoke up, “Want to know how I live with having fire magic? Having such raw destructive power in my hands and live with it? Because fire is renewal, after all this death and destruction there will be new life. One day Viola you will have to make a choice whether that fear of fire leaves you in ashes or starts new life in you.” It was his way of trying to comfort her, that despite all the destruction, all of this will be healed. He patted her in the back with fire, which allowed some of her muscles ease up from the warmth. It also allowed her flow of magic to regulate faster to recast her spells. Typical Alexander would be the one fire mage that gave fire massages, he was really pushing the term fire demon slayer.

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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Viola-chan 19th March 2014, 9:23 pm

    As she was trying to get rid of the pain, she heard Alex's voice behind her, and a smile made it's way to her lips, eyes closed. She wasn't sure who or what was touching her in the back, but it was comforting, like a heavenly feeling almost. So she just sat there for a few moments, eyes closed, horrible memories vanishing. Though she was very interested in who was pressing this relaxing feeling against her, she hesitated at first before turning to look over her shoulder. Fire? she thought at first before turning back and facing the ground once more. She lifted her hands out-ward so that she could look at the palms of her hands as they rested on her lap.

    "It's harder for some people to make a decision like that, to make a choice. Although I'm not left in the ashes, everybody I've ever loved is left there, gone forever. That's why, it's not easy for me, to trust Fire anymore." a small laugh escaped her mouth as a ball of fire appeared in her hand, about the size of a tennis ball. "I'm surprised I've even learned to trust my own fire." she said, speaking out of no thought what-so ever. Slowly rising, her body shaking as she stood on her two feet, the flame in her hand disappeared into the air as she dropped her hands back by her sides. "Let's go find that lion club." was all she said as she walked forward, her feet pressing against the burnt ground, the fire had gone out thanks to her wave of water, but she was still beat.


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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Zeon 20th March 2014, 6:27 pm

    Alexander answered, “That’s a good thing. If it were easy then I would be calling you a sociopath right now. And you know it is not true, you have Melody. You have friends that care for you. In truth there is only 1 fire that you can trust. And that the one that sparks your soul, your inner fire that makes you who you are. When that burns out, then that is when you truly turn to ash.” Alexander released the touch on her shoulder, he did it so that her spells would be ready for the next challenge. He stood up and followed Vy’s lead. He watched all the destruction that was created in this encounter and understood why Vy feared it.

    There was a bit of an awkward silence that followed and a search that did not take too long until the lion tracks were found. He started placing the onion out and started peeling. The thing caused him to tear up in his eyes with each layer removed, but it worked like a charm. The lion’s nose came running after the tasty treat and bit on the onion…. With Alexanders hand still holding it. Alexander winced, “ow.”

    At the very least they got the runaway cub and after freeing his hand, placed the lion cub in Viola’s hand. Alexander chuckled, “Viciously cute thing isn’t he? Let’s retrieve it to owner and celebrate with rum cake. Emphasis on the rum part.” Alexander started to lead the way back to the owner of the lion cub. He hoped to have gotten closer to his team mate at least…

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    Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola) Empty Re: Find My Lion Cub! (Zenneth and Viola)

    Post by Viola-chan 20th March 2014, 8:11 pm

    As the two continued on searching for the lion cub, and luring it out with onions, it had came quicker then expected. Alex placed the cub into both of her hands, and she looked at the adorable ball of fluff as it chewed on the onions that were shoved into it's mouth. Viola's bottom lip quivered as the lion cub gazed up at her with it's big brown eyes. She hugged the small creature close to her, smiling largely as the lion purred against her, rubbing his head in the crook of her neck. “Viciously cute thing isn’t he? Let’s retrieve it to owner and celebrate with rum cake. Emphasis on the rum part.” Alex suddenly said, beginning to walk off, as Viola quickly ran up to him, walking a steady pace next to him.

    She was glad that they had successfully finished the mission, both walking back with a smile on their faces. Although her body was relaxed now, she was still sore as now only bruises were left on her legs and body. “I’m glad your alright. I was so worried when you disappeared over that cliff.” she mentioned, smiling as she faced ahead and not anywhere else, mildly petting the lion cub on the head. “Luckily Melody saved you, it’s amazing that she can lift things heavier than herself.” Viola pointed out, as Melody smiled, rolling her eyes with a smirk. A loud growl was suddenly heard, and Viola felt her face heat up slightly as she looked away. “That rum-cake sounds good.” she smiled shyly as the two of them continued on.

    Mission Complete.


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