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    Needle Magic

    Jade Weston
    Jade Weston

    Lineage : Zues's Descent
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    Posts : 21
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
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    First Skill: Needle Magic
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    Needle Magic Empty Needle Magic

    Post by Jade Weston 15th December 2013, 9:58 pm


    Primary Magic: Needle Mahic
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Needle magic is a fairly new magic which started out on 1,000 years ago. This magic is a graceful magic which allows the users to control needles in ways people never thought possible. Some may be able to call a needle storm, which releases thousands of needs upon the target, and some may only know how to release only 10 needles from their palm. Though, no matter what spell a Mage uses, this magic is amazingly strong, but it can only release this true strong power if the caster is a great Mage who can think things out. Needle magic can harm the user themselves at times though, which is why many users carry around umbrellas when use their magic. Another thing to know is that many mages generally have their needles covered in poison, which could make the person it strikes go blind for a while or even be unable to move. Also, this magic goes greatly along with martial arts, which is why many users of this magic are great martial artist.

    • A Variety of rangers
    • A variety of combat styles
    • strong offensive moves


    • The needles may harm the castor
    • Needles can be redirected towards the castor.
    • The needles can easily be defended


    • Poison has less of an effect on these users.
    • Users are faster than usual mages, able to do more graceful looking moves and have more of a DPS
    • All the needles a needle Mage uses has either one of their signature poison: A poison which causes a Mage to be blind when it comes in contact with skin, another which Removes the sense of touch t, and one which paralyzes the enemy. All three poisons last for 2 posts. The poison being used will be stated before the needle is thrown and the Cooltime for the posions is 3 post


    Last edited by Jade Weston on 17th December 2013, 4:47 pm; edited 6 times in total
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Needle Magic Empty Re: Needle Magic

    Post by Godlike Frederik 16th December 2013, 2:34 am

    Primary Magic: Needle Mahic
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Needle magic is a fairly new magic which started out on 1,000 years ago. This magic is a graceful magic which allows the users to control needles in ways people never thought possible. Some may be able to call a needle storm, which releases thousands of needs upon the target, and some may only know how to release only 10 needles from their palm. Though, no matter what spell a Mage uses, this magic is amazingly strong, but it can only release this true strong power if the caster is a great Mage who can think things out. Needle magic can harm the user themselves at times though, which is why many users carry around umbrellas when use their magic. Another thing to know is that many mages generally have their needles covered in poison, which could make the person it strikes go blind for a while or even be unable to move. Also, this magic goes greatly along with martial arts, which is why many users of this magic are great martial artist.

    A Variety of rangers
    A variety of combat styles
    strong offensive moves


    The needles may harm the castor
    Needles can be redirected towards the castor.
    The needles can easily be defended


    Poison has less of an effect on these users.
    Users are faster than usual mages, able to do more graceful looking moves and have more of a DPS
    Any hits with their fists or legs/feet cause a bit more damage and pain than a normal person's attacks.


    Name: Needle swords
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive
    Description: The castor can have two overly large needles stick out of their palms, one for each hand, which could be used as swords. The needles would be 1 ft long and 3 inches wide, and it could take up to 2 D rank spells or one C rank spell. Despite the look, the needle would be quite light so the user could hit very quickly. And lastly, it takes 10 seconds to grow from out of the palms. It produces D ranked damage.

    The attacks the needles can do damage very quickly, the higher rank the spell, the quicker the user can attack.
    The needles are quite durable for their rank.
    The needles are great for sneak attacks.


    The cooldown time is 5 posts and the time to take out the needles is 10 seconds for each palm.
    The time it takes to get the needles out leaves the user open for attack.
    This spell could fall weak against armor covered mages and some far range mages
    this spell stops her from using any other spell until she dismisses the needles or it's destroyed.


    Name: Needle bullets
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive
    Description: The user shoots out 20 needles, 10 from each hand, which are covered in poison which can either cause some to become paralyzed, for some to have their mana sucked out, or one which causes blindness. All of the poisons goes on for 4 posts. The distance these needles can be thrown are up to 10 ft. The needles are made out of metal and they are as thin as toothpicks. They are thrown at 10 mph.

    The needles reach a good distance.
    The poison can give the user the upper hand during the 4 posts. (the duration of the poisons is a bit too long for a D rank spell. A 2 post duration for this would suffice)
    Once the needle hits someone, it's extremely painful to pluck it out of the skin.


    The needles can hurt the user themselves.
    The duration is until it hits or misses and the cooldown is 2 posts. (cool down always have to be one post longer then the duration, And starts at 3 posts)
    A shield can easily block the needles.
    The needles can be redirected by winds.


    Name: Blockade of needles
    Rank: D
    Type: Defensive
    Description: The user shoots 5 needles from each finger, making them stick out in the ground in front of them to form a 6ft wall of tall and wide needles. This needle wall can be broken down by 1 D rank spell.

    The wall can protect the user from spells of D ranked mages.
    The wall is tall enough to cover most, even when they stand.
    The wall instantly summoned once the needles hit the ground.


    the wall is easy to break
    The wall only covers the front of the mage.
    the Cooltime is 3 post and the duration is 1 post
    The wall can take time to summon since it takes at least 5 seconds to shoot the needles at the ground.


    Name: Spikes ahead
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Once slamming the right palm on the ground, the user can cause several 3 ft tall needle spikes to rise from the ground, in the direction of where the middle finger was pointing at when the user slammed their palm on the ground. The line of needle spikes reaches up to 5 ft ahead of the user, and the needle spikes are in a two per row line.
    The needles instantly rise from the ground once the palm comes in contact with the ground and the spell is said.
    The needles are painful even if the contact it made with the skin was minor.
    The needles may contain poison, depending what the user cast.

    The person can move two steps to the right and they'll be fine.
    The needle spikes will barely hurt when the enemy is within armor.
    The needles can easily be blocked by 1 C ranked spell or two D ranked spell.
    The cooltime is 3 posts and the duration is only one post.

    (You have a variety of poisons at your disposal, yet you have not a system for how you are going to choose one. So instead of the two spells that say that contain poison. I would make it a standard ability of yours. With the three poisons Blindess, Paralyzation and MP draining a choice you can make before using some of your spells. And give it a duration for how long you can use it, how long the targets are affected and give this ability a cool down.
    Anyway give it a thought, I think your spells will be more effective this way. It is still up to you xD

    Also for the MP draining you need to determine how much the target will lose)


    Jade Weston
    Jade Weston

    Lineage : Zues's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Needle Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Needle Magic Empty Re: Needle Magic

    Post by Jade Weston 16th December 2013, 6:26 am

    Bump!~ edited
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
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    Needle Magic Empty Re: Needle Magic

    Post by Godlike Frederik 17th December 2013, 4:48 pm



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