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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient


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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient Empty General improvements to make things easier and more efficient

    Post by Shard 7th August 2016, 2:13 am

    Step 1. Remove rank from character apps. There is no need for it as everyone starts at D rank and this isn't updated unless that person wants to change their character. We can easily keep track of this in the mini-profile. So...yeah remove this as it looks silly if a H rank mage's character app still says D rank.

    Step 2. Remove 'job location' from the starting a job code. The job info details where the job will take place and if it doesn't...does it really matter? Its just silly and a waste of time.

    Step 3. https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t22702-face-claiming As a note on this: This wouldn't mean changing current apps as they already have their face claims, but would be for future apps to make things easier. I also don't think we should be able to claim more than one face claim per account except perhaps via a special purchase or something? Make that another thing you can buy with jewels perhaps?

    Step 4. Add range guidelines to the magic rules (so people have something to work from)

    Step 5. Give some examples of what tertiary magic can do as we are only told what it can't do and it seems like it can't do anything

    Step 6. Allow mods (if possible) to do acheivements so we don't have to wait for an admin

    Step 7. Allow certain mods (maybe the head mod and a couple of others) to approve custom lineages as otherwise...we wait forever on one admin to do it. No offense to the admin and I realise they are busy and probably swamped but still. If i've paid for something I kind of don't want to have to wait weeks to use it if ya get me?

    Step 8. Improve the speed limitations on speels as currently an average person could throw a baseball faster than someone can throw a spell. I shouldn't be able to just take a step sideways  whenever to dodge a spell. No wonder we get dodgy mc dodgekins about. Heck, you could complete a game of COD before some spells hit

    Step 9. HP regen https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t22724-about-the-new-hp-regen-rule

    Step 10. Allow legal guilds to form teams between guilds without alliances being needed. Heck, limit this to like A ranks and above or something if you like.

    I'd actually modify the bonus rules as follows:

    Same guild: 25%
    Same team: 25%
    Same guild and same team: 50%

    Then add a limit that:
    Dark guilds can form teams with dark guilds and independants
    Legal guilds can form teams with legal guilds
    Independants can form teams with dark guilds and independants though teaming with a dark risks darking the guild if the situation is not handled by the GM.

    Step 11. Clarify what alignments (legal, dark, independant, guildless) can do which jobs and the consequences of doing jobs of certain alignments e.g. a legal doing dark jobs to much would cause that person to be classified as a dark mage and then we have a situation similar to FT where they had to choose between excommunicating a member or going dark themselves.

    This isn't as big an issue for dark guilds doing legal because 'oh wow that bad guy did some good work'. However, it might make the dark guilds question them or something? Though thats more of an IC thing.

    A dark guild could perhaps do legal jobs to try and get changed to being 'independant' in the magic council's eyes and maybe even legal eventually. This adds a bit of dynamics to the alignments rather than 'this is a dark guild and will be a dark guild till the end of time'

    Step 12. Remove 'Guildless' as an actual faction. Its not a faction. Its for people who don't have/don't want a faction. Two people in the same guild who are the same person thats an issue as you could end up populating a guild with like two people playing three accounts each. This is not an issue for guildless. It also doesn't make sense.

    There. Twelve easy steps to make the site better for everyone methinks.

    Last edited by Shard on 7th August 2016, 3:19 am; edited 4 times in total


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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient HqzsHuT
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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient Empty Re: General improvements to make things easier and more efficient

    Post by Irina Naginata 7th August 2016, 2:22 am

    I actually like a lot of these... Range guidelines can be good or bad considering that everything else that's posted in the rules is taken as absolutes but at the same time it's an unwritten rule that is invisible for everyone but the staff. Faceclaiming has other issues I don't feel like touching on.


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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient Empty Re: General improvements to make things easier and more efficient

    Post by Wolfe 7th August 2016, 2:55 am

    I agree with all the above made points.

    very much so on 11. as i recently witnessed a conversation regarding that exact point, and i felt that one side was very unprofessional about it, and the current rules do not help at all to fix an event of this type.

    as an added point, if a rule is to be made about how it works, just add a line to the "Apply for Jobs" code. add a line that says:

    Character or Guild shift:

    or something like that, can they can say

    Dark trying for Legal, Personal
    Legal trying for Dark, Guild
    depending on if it is a personal or guild related shift

    it this doesn't apply, then N/A it

    Also make some rules about the number of jobs required for each type, and if for a guild state that an event is needed after reaching X amount of opposite jobs or something


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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient QO55HpX

    Grand Duelist

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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient Empty Re: General improvements to make things easier and more efficient

    Post by Hikachu 7th August 2016, 3:47 am

    I support quite a lot of suggestions mentioned by Zack. I really think head mods should take care of the achievements, the thread is flooding and none of the admins have taken care of it yet. I really want to say this again though, just because Zack stated it above: I don't think dark mages should be restricted to doing a certain kind of jobs only. Normally, they should have the freedom to do any type of job they want because technically, they're dark lol. But that's just my opinion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient JhB4MAf

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    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient Empty Re: General improvements to make things easier and more efficient

    Post by Shard 7th August 2016, 4:06 am

    Hikachu wrote:I support quite a lot of suggestions mentioned by Zack. I really think head mods should take care of the achievements, the thread is flooding and none of the admins have taken care of it yet. I really want to say this again though, just because Zack stated it above: I don't think dark mages should be restricted to doing a certain kind of jobs only. Normally, they should have the freedom to do any type of job they want because technically, they're dark lol. But that's just my opinion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    My point was that they should be able to do any kind of jobs and so should legals, but there shoudl be consequences.


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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient HqzsHuT
    Meisa Suzume
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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient Empty Re: General improvements to make things easier and more efficient

    Post by Meisa Suzume 7th August 2016, 6:13 am

    I second what you say here Zack.


    The Geezer
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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient Empty Re: General improvements to make things easier and more efficient

    Post by The Geezer 7th August 2016, 7:29 am

    I'm with you almost the entire way. I'm endorse almost all of this.

    Except the first thing. Now without better defined character reseting rules, characters can start as something other than D-Rank. It's not really common but there is now clearly a purpose. Also it makes sure new members know the official starting rank before they get to their magic app. Imagine the frustration generated by one of those "I want to start at S-Rank!" types who only skims the rules, gets his character app approved, and creates a full S-Rank magic application only to find he must be D-Rank. It'd be ugly.

    I particularly endorse darkies doing legal jobs. By definition they are a guild that was disbanded by the council but refused the order and continued operating anyway. Since continuing to do mage work in spite of the magic council telling them no is in their very definition, I don't see how being dark would stop them from taking legal jobs. I mean in canon we see this is a paper and pencil system, it's not like the magic council has DNA scanners on every job request to check who is doing them.

    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient Empty Re: General improvements to make things easier and more efficient

    Post by Guest 7th August 2016, 7:46 am

    Step 1. I can agree with the rank section being removed, as it's pretty pointless to be updated on a constant basis when the character isn't updated as a whole. If people really wanted to keep track of that, then they can just make a more detailed biography on their bank thread and update it there at their digression. However, I feel that there needs to be somewhere that states all magi start at D-rank, and if there is, I forgot where it was. Then again, it is in the character perks thread, but who knows how many people actually look at that thread (I think very few do in the end). Anyway, long story short, I'm down with removing this.

    Step 2. I actually like there being job locations and why shouldn't jobs have them? It'd be a little strange to do one job on one board and everyone else doing them all on different boards.
    After all, the job has to come from a client and that client has to be in one specific location, not just everywhere in Fiore. It'd be a little weird in my opinion.

    Step 3. There's a thing called sharing a face claim, while you might not like the idea of it, only one other person can use it aside from you. Disguises are disguises, I feel like it'd be really cool to share those with other people because you can then utilize that to taint or make their image better.
    As for demon forms and the like, I don't really know why it's necessary for a person to claim though, but you know, it's them. I don't really see it as far that someone has to purchase a face claim in order to have it.

    Step 4. I agree with this.

    Step 5. I agree with this as well.

    Step 6. That's a little more difficult because if I'm correct, you have to go into the admin panel in order to add achievements to someone's account. You might not, you might have to, I don't know the correct answer to it. However, I don't see why mods can't do that when they can technically just go to the request money thread in the mod corner and link the person's profile along with stating what achievements they need to be added to their account.

    Step 7. While I want to agree with this. Aiyana's really the only one who knows how to properly balance a lineage. But like I had told him, I'm willing to learn if he absolutely needs someone to help him grade lineages and get them handed out.

    Step 8. Personally, I don't think spells should have speeds at all. It's really dumb and it's not really something you can calculate. As far as I know, mmorpgs don't have speeds defined for their spells unless it's a speed reduction debuff. Then again, this isn't a mmorpg.

    Step 9. Don't care about this enough since I'm not a numbers person and I don't care enough to pvp people.

    Step 10. I'm down with this, but I feel like the percentages should stay as they are already and just let people in the same guild and same team have the 50% for team bonus because in the long run, the 50% is better than the 25%. Plus, it doesn't make quite that much sense to drop the team bonus to 25% with guild bonus and make those people not in the same guild and same team lose an extra 25%. It's an unnecessary nerfing to the job bonuses.

    Step 11. Agree with this.

    Step 12. Agree with this, too.


    Omen Angel

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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient Empty Re: General improvements to make things easier and more efficient

    Post by Aliannah 7th August 2016, 9:16 am

    I like many of these.



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient Empty Re: General improvements to make things easier and more efficient

    Post by Shard 7th August 2016, 9:57 am

    Marceline Anicetus wrote:
    Step 1. I can agree with the rank section being removed, as it's pretty pointless to be updated on a constant basis when the character isn't updated as a whole. If people really wanted to keep track of that, then they can just make a more detailed biography on their bank thread and update it there at their digression. However, I feel that there needs to be somewhere that states all magi start at D-rank, and if there is, I forgot where it was. Then again, it is in the character perks thread, but who knows how many people actually look at that thread (I think very few do in the end). Anyway, long story short, I'm down with removing this.

    Step 2. I actually like there being job locations and why shouldn't jobs have them? It'd be a little strange to do one job on one board and everyone else doing them all on different boards.
    After all, the job has to come from a client and that client has to be in one specific location, not just everywhere in Fiore. It'd be a little weird in my opinion. I didn't mean on the jobs themselves, but I meant on the starting job thread. The job location is already defined in the job details itself so why do we need to put it our app to start the job?

    Step 3. There's a thing called sharing a face claim, while you might not like the idea of it, only one other person can use it aside from you. Disguises are disguises, I feel like it'd be really cool to share those with other people because you can then utilize that to taint or make their image better. Aye but you need to get their permission to share the face claim. This was more just to make claiming a face easier. The rest of the rules wouldn't need changing. However, the reason I said perhaps make it so people can claim more than one face somehow is just to give jewels some other purposed
    As for demon forms and the like, I don't really know why it's necessary for a person to claim though, but you know, it's them. I don't really see it as far that someone has to purchase a face claim in order to have it.

    Step 4. I agree with this.

    Step 5. I agree with this as well.

    Step 6. That's a little more difficult because if I'm correct, you have to go into the admin panel in order to add achievements to someone's account. You might not, you might have to, I don't know the correct answer to it. However, I don't see why mods can't do that when they can technically just go to the request money thread in the mod corner and link the person's profile along with stating what achievements they need to be added to their account. I'm pretty sure you don't need admin panel for this. Its been a while

    Step 7. While I want to agree with this. Aiyana's really the only one who knows how to properly balance a lineage. But like I had told him, I'm willing to learn if he absolutely needs someone to help him grade lineages and get them handed out. The load needs to be shared. Having all the information in one head is bad because if someone happens to that person we're screwed. So we need multiple people who can do it

    Step 8. Personally, I don't think spells should have speeds at all. It's really dumb and it's not really something you can calculate. As far as I know, mmorpgs don't have speeds defined for their spells unless it's a speed reduction debuff. Then again, this isn't a mmorpg. Its mostly for PVP purposes. Just to say how quickly you cover range, but the amount of speed we are allowed at low ranks is ridiculously low

    Step 9. Don't care about this enough since I'm not a numbers person and I don't care enough to pvp people. I see what you mean but for those who do PVP the current system is silly is my point of view. Thats all

    Step 10. I'm down with this, but I feel like the percentages should stay as they are already and just let people in the same guild and same team have the 50% for team bonus because in the long run, the 50% is better than the 25%. Plus, it doesn't make quite that much sense to drop the team bonus to 25% with guild bonus and make those people not in the same guild and same team lose an extra 25%. It's an unnecessary nerfing to the job bonuses. This isn't a debuff to it. Guild and team bonus don't stack. You either get the 25% for guild or the 50% for team. However, for legals you can only get team bonus if you are in the same guild. So it seems that for legals you get the 25% guild bonus + 25% from being in a team to bring it up to 50%. Whereas darks just can be in the same team and they get the full 50% even if they aren't in the same guild. It adds a level of unfairness and makes ranking up as a legal harder because you can't get the same bonuses as easily as darks.

    Step 11. Agree with this.

    Step 12. Agree with this, too.

    My comments on this are in teal


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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient HqzsHuT
    Heavens Empress Daiki
    Heavens Empress Daiki

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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient Empty Re: General improvements to make things easier and more efficient

    Post by Heavens Empress Daiki 7th August 2016, 10:06 am

    Well, speeds for having D rank spells go at the speed of sound makes it just so much easier for people to say that people can't dodge their attacks and all. =/ All my 2 cents I'm adding to this.


    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient 8ZbrsUC

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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient Empty Re: General improvements to make things easier and more efficient

    Post by Aoi 7th August 2016, 10:36 am

    So imma throw my wholeful honest two cents into here.

    Shard wrote:Step 1. Remove rank from character apps. There is no need for it as everyone starts at D rank and this isn't updated unless that person wants to change their character. We can easily keep track of this in the mini-profile. So...yeah remove this as it looks silly if a H rank mage's character app still says D rank. This sounds good. And like Marshy said, the bank thread can keep a good record, as does your exp on the side panel as well.

    Step 2. Remove 'job location' from the starting a job code. The job info details where the job will take place and if it doesn't...does it really matter? Its just silly and a waste of time. This I don't agree with entirely, but have other means of suggestions as well. Certain missions it makes sense to do it, and some people won't read through to know where to post the mission, only to get mad if they post it in the wrong place and be denied in the end. What I suggest is more broad locations. For example, you take a job that's to clean up the beach. Your location is any town or area with a beach, rather than specifically Cedar or Hargeon.

    Step 3. https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t22702-face-claiming As a note on this: This wouldn't mean changing current apps as they already have their face claims, but would be for future apps to make things easier. I also don't think we should be able to claim more than one face claim per account except perhaps via a special purchase or something? Make that another thing you can buy with jewels perhaps? I laughed a little at this. Your only means for this is because you got denied an FC because someone had it before you. Sure, it's not their PRIMARY faceclaim, but secondary ones are meant usually for plot, for dark mages to hide in public so people with hero complexes don't swoop in and wreak justice over your fun social thread and killing the joy for your character. Think of back when invasions were a thing. The RK would jump into thread after thread and try to be the big hero, pissing off an entire portion of a site because of it. Making this something you need to buy with jewels is ridiculous of an idea too, but I won't comment further into it.

    Step 4. Add range guidelines to the magic rules (so people have something to work from)

    Step 5. Give some examples of what tertiary magic can do as we are only told what it can't do and it seems like it can't do anything It's a cantrip magic... That's all it is. There's nothing more to it.

    Step 6. Allow mods (if possible) to do acheivements so we don't have to wait for an admin I do agree with this though. Mostly in the sense of Quality Badges really. Other than that there's no real need for mods to have to grade it, personally speaking.

    Step 7. Allow certain mods (maybe the head mod and a couple of others) to approve custom lineages as otherwise...we wait forever on one admin to do it. No offense to the admin and I realise they are busy and probably swamped but still. If i've paid for something I kind of don't want to have to wait weeks to use it if ya get me? Again, I do agree with this. If a guideline of custom lineages was created, only specially permitted mods could grade them whom are decided upon by the admins, but this sounds good to me.

    Step 8. Improve the speed limitations on speels as currently an average person could throw a baseball faster than someone can throw a spell. I shouldn't be able to just take a step sideways  whenever to dodge a spell. No wonder we get dodgy mc dodgekins about. Heck, you could complete a game of COD before some spells hit Speed and range are more than just what it appears to be, and a lot of people don't realize that. When you're given a range and a speed, you have a time from which it takes the spell to reach. Usually if it's a spell of 10 m's up to 10 meters away takes a second, one that does 10 m/s over 5 meters is a half a second. The time it would take to dodge versus the actual speed and distance are things people never take into consideration when trying to get hit or not get hit by a spell.

    Step 9. HP regen https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t22724-about-the-new-hp-regen-rule ...Just a link?

    Step 10. Allow legal guilds to form teams between guilds without alliances being needed. Heck, limit this to like A ranks and above or something if you like.

    I'd actually modify the bonus rules as follows:

    Same guild: 25%
    Same team: 25%
    Same guild and same team: 50%

    Then add a limit that:
    Dark guilds can form teams with dark guilds and independants
    Legal guilds can form teams with legal guilds
    Independants can form teams with dark guilds and independants though teaming with a dark risks darking the guild if the situation is not handled by the GM.

    Honestly, this seems fine really. I've been disliking the idea that we can't branch out between guilds for teams, but this makes it a lot more fun honestly.

    Step 11. Clarify what alignments (legal, dark, independant, guildless) can do which jobs and the consequences of doing jobs of certain alignments e.g. a legal doing dark jobs to much would cause that person to be classified as a dark mage and then we have a situation similar to FT where they had to choose between excommunicating a member or going dark themselves. This is why we categorize missions in legal, neutral, or dark.... If the mission requires one thing, but needs another, then it shouldn't be there in the first place. As far as consequences go, that's all on the GM. If they choose to overlook the issue, then well that's there problem and nobody elses.

    This isn't as big an issue for dark guilds doing legal because 'oh wow that bad guy did some good work'. However, it might make the dark guilds question them or something? Though thats more of an IC thing.

    A dark guild could perhaps do legal jobs to try and get changed to being 'independant' in the magic council's eyes and maybe even legal eventually. This adds a bit of dynamics to the alignments rather than 'this is a dark guild and will be a dark guild till the end of time' I explained this to Marcy before about a ladder system to climb back from dark to legal. It would require time, patience, and lots of work, but more so some guild plots and events would need to be done to bring them back. to their former glory. However, it would never stop others from being skeptical about them only doing so for nefarious reasons.

    Step 12. Remove 'Guildless' as an actual faction. Its not a faction. Its for people who don't have/don't want a faction. Two people in the same guild who are the same person thats an issue as you could end up populating a guild with like two people playing three accounts each. This is not an issue for guildless. It also doesn't make sense. 1,000,000% agree.

    There. Twelve easy steps to make the site better for everyone methinks. Seems more like you wanna just fix things you made as a former admin in some areas because you possibly realize mistakes you may have made when in it.



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    General improvements to make things easier and more efficient Empty Re: General improvements to make things easier and more efficient

    Post by Shard 7th August 2016, 10:54 am

    Aoi wrote:So imma throw my wholeful honest two cents into here.

    Shard wrote:Step 1. Remove rank from character apps. There is no need for it as everyone starts at D rank and this isn't updated unless that person wants to change their character. We can easily keep track of this in the mini-profile. So...yeah remove this as it looks silly if a H rank mage's character app still says D rank. This sounds good. And like Marshy said, the bank thread can keep a good record, as does your exp on the side panel as well.

    Step 2. Remove 'job location' from the starting a job code. The job info details where the job will take place and if it doesn't...does it really matter? Its just silly and a waste of time. This I don't agree with entirely, but have other means of suggestions as well. Certain missions it makes sense to do it, and some people won't read through to know where to post the mission, only to get mad if they post it in the wrong place and be denied in the end. What I suggest is more broad locations. For example, you take a job that's to clean up the beach. Your location is any town or area with a beach, rather than specifically Cedar or Hargeon. This was from the starting a job code. Not from the job descriptions themselves, but when you sign up jobs you then have to say the location again. Now if we made the locations in the description more vague as you've suggested then it would make sense to put them in the job code, but as it stands its just an extra line in the STARTING JOB CODE that isn't needed. Emphasis on STARTJING JOB CODE

    Step 3. https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t22702-face-claiming As a note on this: This wouldn't mean changing current apps as they already have their face claims, but would be for future apps to make things easier. I also don't think we should be able to claim more than one face claim per account except perhaps via a special purchase or something? Make that another thing you can buy with jewels perhaps? I laughed a little at this. Your only means for this is because you got denied an FC because someone had it before you. Sure, it's not their PRIMARY faceclaim, but secondary ones are meant usually for plot, for dark mages to hide in public so people with hero complexes don't swoop in and wreak justice over your fun social thread and killing the joy for your character. Think of back when invasions were a thing. The RK would jump into thread after thread and try to be the big hero, pissing off an entire portion of a site because of it. Making this something you need to buy with jewels is ridiculous of an idea too, but I won't comment further into it. Except that when they jumped in it was regardless of face claim. This is more to speed things up for face claiming. Its very easy to forget to go and do the face claim thread. This will mean that its all handled on character creation rather than someone having to go to another thead.

    However, people do want to claim more than one face. I've seen it and then people get annoyed they can't have that face claim. So if people want more than one face claim then they should have some kind of payment for them to take that face claim. Its more for fairness

    Step 4. Add range guidelines to the magic rules (so people have something to work from)

    Step 5. Give some examples of what tertiary magic can do as we are only told what it can't do and it seems like it can't do anything It's a cantrip magic... That's all it is. There's nothing more to it. Except that cantrips can do damage in a lot of games or can provide mild support. This can apparently do nothing it seems. Especially as you get one of each rank. So an S rank that makes sparkly lights seems a pointless waist of magic.

    Step 6. Allow mods (if possible) to do acheivements so we don't have to wait for an admin I do agree with this though. Mostly in the sense of Quality Badges really. Other than that there's no real need for mods to have to grade it, personally speaking. Aye I didn't mean grading, just ya know able to add them to the list properly

    Step 7. Allow certain mods (maybe the head mod and a couple of others) to approve custom lineages as otherwise...we wait forever on one admin to do it. No offense to the admin and I realise they are busy and probably swamped but still. If i've paid for something I kind of don't want to have to wait weeks to use it if ya get me? Again, I do agree with this. If a guideline of custom lineages was created, only specially permitted mods could grade them whom are decided upon by the admins, but this sounds good to me.

    Step 8. Improve the speed limitations on speels as currently an average person could throw a baseball faster than someone can throw a spell. I shouldn't be able to just take a step sideways  whenever to dodge a spell. No wonder we get dodgy mc dodgekins about. Heck, you could complete a game of COD before some spells hit Speed and range are more than just what it appears to be, and a lot of people don't realize that. When you're given a range and a speed, you have a time from which it takes the spell to reach. Usually if it's a spell of 10 m's up to 10 meters away takes a second, one that does 10 m/s over 5 meters is a half a second. The time it would take to dodge versus the actual speed and distance are things people never take into consideration when trying to get hit or not get hit by a spell.

    Step 9. HP regen https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t22724-about-the-new-hp-regen-rule ...Just a link? Aye because I don't see the point of copying the details I put in there into another thread.

    Step 10. Allow legal guilds to form teams between guilds without alliances being needed. Heck, limit this to like A ranks and above or something if you like.

    I'd actually modify the bonus rules as follows:

    Same guild: 25%
    Same team: 25%
    Same guild and same team: 50%

    Then add a limit that:
    Dark guilds can form teams with dark guilds and independants
    Legal guilds can form teams with legal guilds
    Independants can form teams with dark guilds and independants though teaming with a dark risks darking the guild if the situation is not handled by the GM.

    Honestly, this seems fine really. I've been disliking the idea that we can't branch out between guilds for teams, but this makes it a lot more fun honestly.

    Step 11. Clarify what alignments (legal, dark, independant, guildless) can do which jobs and the consequences of doing jobs of certain alignments e.g. a legal doing dark jobs to much would cause that person to be classified as a dark mage and then we have a situation similar to FT where they had to choose between excommunicating a member or going dark themselves. This is why we categorize missions in legal, neutral, or dark.... If the mission requires one thing, but needs another, then it shouldn't be there in the first place. As far as consequences go, that's all on the GM. If they choose to overlook the issue, then well that's there problem and nobody elses. Except that if a legal does too much dark activities that guild can be darked. So it would be good to have something here. Perhaps a point system or something

    This isn't as big an issue for dark guilds doing legal because 'oh wow that bad guy did some good work'. However, it might make the dark guilds question them or something? Though thats more of an IC thing.

    A dark guild could perhaps do legal jobs to try and get changed to being 'independant' in the magic council's eyes and maybe even legal eventually. This adds a bit of dynamics to the alignments rather than 'this is a dark guild and will be a dark guild till the end of time' I explained this to Marcy before about a ladder system to climb back from dark to legal. It would require time, patience, and lots of work, but more so some guild plots and events would need to be done to bring them back. to their former glory. However, it would never stop others from being skeptical about them only doing so for nefarious reasons.

    Step 12. Remove 'Guildless' as an actual faction. Its not a faction. Its for people who don't have/don't want a faction. Two people in the same guild who are the same person thats an issue as you could end up populating a guild with like two people playing three accounts each. This is not an issue for guildless. It also doesn't make sense. 1,000,000% agree.

    There. Twelve easy steps to make the site better for everyone methinks. Seems more like you wanna just fix things you made as a former admin in some areas because you possibly realize mistakes you may have made when in it. [color=teal] Some of these are perhaps mistakes I made or just didn't fix when I was admin. However, a few of these things aren't my rules such as the HP regen, face claim, custom lineages, acheivements, character apps etc So to say these are things that I made incorrect and now want to fix is perhaps a bit harsh lol. But I do see your point


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