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    Act One:Genesis(JOB)


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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by ivyleaf33 12th September 2015, 3:16 pm

    Job Form:
    Sorano and Hoshi had just arrived at the ancient ruins, Hoshi slowly setting her friend down in the same place they had landed last time they'd done a two person job. That had been an experience neither girl wanted to repeat, their partner having left in the middle. Sorano hoped that her new companion, Bellaria, would be better. The ruins still took her breath away, the awe-striking pillars and collapsed stone arches. She quickly snapped herself back to attention quickly, though. Looking about, she peered through the slight mist about to search for their client, Lexa Grimoire. After awhile, it because!e obvious that there was no way to see through the fog about them, and so Sorano stopped looking at things, and started to look through them. Slowly, a few soft colors appeared at the other end of the ruins. Someone's aura! However, it could be Bellaria or Lexa's auras, so for now, she would just wait.

    Today, the young letter mage had prepared for exploration. As Lexa's letter had requested some exploring, she had worn a simple blue t-shirt and flexible tan capris. Her hair had been woven into a braid of black, blue, and white down her back, with her usual hairband looped above her bangs. She'd prepared her pouch with a usual thirty darts with an extra bottle of the sleeping potion she applied to those darts. Beside her, Hoshi stretched her wings before they disappeared back into her furry shoulders. The brown tabby had been named for her star-like paws, which seemed to glow white in the mist along with her amber eyes. Now they only had to wait.


    Act One:Genesis(JOB) B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by Mapleseruhp 14th September 2015, 11:43 am

    In all Honesty, Bellaria had no idea what to expect. She took a job first thinking it was just finding a normal person, but then she screened the area for potential Tranzbose activity. The little buggers were everywhere, and as far as she knew, was the only Nova Girl in own. She was busy enough trying to defend the town she lived in, but it would have been impossible for her to keep up with the new ones that kept on spawning.

    Bell usually checked an area for suicides, accidents and the like to find Tranzbose, as they usually cause such things. If she knew the general area, her Nova Gem would show her the way and light up when she got close. This was a joyous opportunity for her, as she'd get jewels along with a bliss seed, something that would help her magic advance, strengthening its raw power. They were mysterious little things, a small needle shaped object with an ornate ball at the end that shone like a shimmering pearl. Every Tranzbose dropped one, although familiars never would. This was explained to her by that odd voice in her head that would periodically offer her advice. It was a mysterious sounding voice, but maybe she was just going crazy.

    What worried her is that she was supposed to have a partner, but how on earth would she bring along another person into the Transcendial Barrier? It was dangerous, and she didn't like sharing the news that pretty much invisible creatures causing grief and despair live in fiorre and can only be really killed by her. Maybe this girl could be her friend! Bellaria had always wanted a friend, but her new Tranzbose Vanquishing responsabilities always took away that privelage. Too many times had she been trying to get to know someone when one of the damned creatures had to go and hatch, it wasn't like she could leave it til later either, as the thought of someone getting hurt would make her feel horrible.

    When she came upon the Ruins she saw a girl waiting around, it must have been her partner! She was really pretty too, having a long braid going down her back. She seemed really nice, but bell was disappointed too. This was definitely where the Tranzbose was hiding, and she had no idea how to explain these things, so she might as well act cool in front of a new possible friend!

    "Hello there, I'd just like to warn you that this job will be much different than normal, but I'm sure we'll be able to handle it if we work together."

    In all honesty, this would be much harder than what she was used too. This Tranzbose probably had years to fester in its spot, gathering negative emotions and human energy to grow stronger, so she doubted this Lexa girl was alive, so it was probably the familiars that have written the s.o.s note.


    Act One:Genesis(JOB) TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Posts : 2989
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
    Mentor : Speculo (former)
    Experience : 779,415

    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill: N/A

    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by ivyleaf33 14th September 2015, 4:23 pm

    OOC: Even if we use your idea, please keep in mind we have to go with the job, too, so Lexa will have to show up to welcome us sometime.

    Out of the corner of her eye, Sorano noticed a flash of color in the dullness of the mist. She turned around, reading the emotions of the aura that had shown up. Some fear, uncertainty, and worry poked out, but also some excitement showed in the flashes. A few seconds later, a girl stepped out of the fog towards her. Sorano looked the older girl up and down carefully. She had short brown hair held in pigtails, with a Caucasian look. Her shockingly pink eyes caught her attention for a moment, but otherwise, she seemed only a few years older than herself. However, what really shocked the young twelve year old was Bellaria's aura. It was... different. She had never seen anything like it, I mean, sure, it had the usual shifting colors, but the feel of it was just... weird. Bellaria opened her mouth, and said, "Hello there, I'd just like to warn you that this job will be much different than normal, but I'm sure we'll be able to handle it if we work together."

    Sorano kept her face unemotional, and cooled her aura slightly, so anyone around her would feel an icy atmosphere around her. "Yes, I am sure of that as well. It is nice to meet you, Bellaria-san," she said softly. It was disturbing for most to hear how cool and adult-sounding the words were, coming from a mere girl, but Sorano was an intellectual, and she like using perfect grammar in all her phrases. "I have sensed Lexa Grimoire in that direction. Shall we go?" she tilted her head in the other direction, towards the flickering aura she had sensed earlier. Hoshi was already tilting in that direction, leaning on Sorano's shoulder.


    Act One:Genesis(JOB) B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by Mapleseruhp 14th September 2015, 5:05 pm

    OOC: I'm thinking that the Tranzbose is basically is a mimic kind of thing (since its supposed to be a clone of her) so I think we could get away with saying the Tranzbose was trying to lure mages in while keeping the real Lexa Captive. However you feel free to correct me if I overstep my bounds.

    Bellaria nodded and cracked a smile, so this girl did have some potential. It was something that same old annoying voice told her. Some people have more potential than others, usually being queens and monarchs alike. These people with potential were usually ones who would grow quite influential and powerful. Normal people wouldn't have been able to sense the Tranzbose, but this girl must have a lick of potential, probably more, but she couldn't tell.

    Her nova gem around her necklace was glowing a bright white, guiding her to a location an exceed was heading towards. Now her gem was glowing a bright white, this was the spot where she could enter the Transcendial Labyrinth. She had to prepare herself mentally first, as she had entered her last fight unprepared and cocky, and had almost been decapitated by the Transcendial Of Sweets.

    "Stay by my side while we enter. It will be very easy to get lost, and this is not the place to do so, as I predict the creatures inside will be strong. You don't need to be afraid of whatever you see, not that a mature girl like you would fear anything, but because I deal with thing kind of thing all the time, I won't let myself loose to their likeliness."

    Bellaria held out her hand and formed a holographic like glass candy shaped image that spun around at an increasing speed before pushing back into a magical lock type thing that had suddenly appeared before them. Bell just hoped the Tranzbose didn't know they were entering.

    A circular ringed seal appeared before them, it had the pattern of a lightningbolt running through the center and a sort of dial shaped thing behind it. This was the entrance to the Tranzbose's Labyrinth, as soon as they stepped inside, they'd be in a whole other world.

    "Come on, we don't got all day now do we?" Bell smiled and fake complained, it was more of a playful suggestion than anything.



    Act One:Genesis(JOB) TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

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    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by ivyleaf33 14th September 2015, 9:55 pm

    OOC: So, do you mean the transboze will pretend to be Lexa, or Lexa's going to be trapped until the end? And keep in mind that the plot is very strict, and states that the boss must appear at the end, and Lexa at the beginning, so there is not much flexibility with this part. However, Lexa could be influenced by the barrier and go into a state of depression in the end, so, it depends on your idea. I am going to roll a die now, however, as we need 15 rolls, so, why not?

    Sorano walked off in the other direction as she finished talking, following after Hoshi. When Bellaria had walked up, she did something weird with a large pink gem, somehow making a keyhole of candy appear. " Stay by my side while we enter. It will be very easy to get lost, and this is not the place to do so, as I predict the creatures inside will be strong. You don't need to be afraid of whatever you see, not that a mature girl like you would fear anything, but because I deal with thing kind of thing all the time, I won't let myself loose to their likeliness," the older girls said.

    Sorano was immediately suspicious. How come this one mage knew so much about this place? How was she so knowledgeable? However, the letter mage kept her concerns to herself, now wary of her partner. She may be a member of Fairy Tail, but this was just weird. Perhaps she had divining Magic? Sorano had no idea. "I understand," she said smoothly, " my aura sight will allow me to find you at any time, and it is hard to distract me." She flipped her braid back, casually, and shot a searching, piercing glance at Bellaria that very obviously stated ' I don't trust you'. As the older girl ushered them onwards, Sorano stepped in carefully, to be greeted by a confusing sight. What was this place? Hoshi whimpered, and stiffened her back, clinging onto Sorano's shoulder. What an odd place they were in!

    OOC: Just wanted to add that the strong will deal normal damage to you, as you are technically an alien
    TO MODS: I know I made a mistake with the monsters, and I'll try and fix it if I have to, but if I can, can I just swap the strong here with the normal we got later on? Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause.

    Last edited by ivyleaf33 on 22nd September 2015, 5:25 pm; edited 4 times in total


    Act One:Genesis(JOB) B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by NPC 14th September 2015, 9:55 pm

    The member 'ivyleaf33' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Act One:Genesis(JOB) NormalMonster Act One:Genesis(JOB) StrongMonster

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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by Mapleseruhp 15th September 2015, 12:50 pm

    [i]OOC: (Yea, she is being hypnotized or whatever by the Tranzbose but bell will dismiss the Transcendial curse and then she can fight with us. Also, you can just react to the labyrinth and let me start combat or you can get in the first move if you'd like.)

    Labyrinth Theme:

    When they entered, it was certainly different than normal, but bell was used to it by now. Walkways upon walkways where scattered throughout a stark gray metal plated cylindrical opening. It was like one of those weird paintings with upsidedown stairs, except that was perfectly normal for a Tranzbose's Labyrinth. They didn't care about the laws of the universe, and subsequently broke them.

    The whole place seemed wrong, as if it wasn't real. It looked real enough, but it hurt her brain to concentrate on it for more than a few lingering seconds. They had landed on one of the metal grating bridge like pathways that reached out to another end of the opening. Although, she wouldn't continue without transforming of course!

    Bellaria unhooked her Nova Gem and held it in front of her, streams of candy spewing from the crystal only to start levitating in fast moving rings around her. They gathered at her head which gained long luscious pink locks parted into two sectioned ponytails along with a frilly hairpiece. The candy pouring from the gem now started swirling around her torso, solidifying into a dark magenta and light pink cocktail dress with accompanying golden bands and white frills. The floating streams of confection were now swirling around her ankles, which turned into magenta ballet flats and tight thigh high socks which ended in frills.

    Finally, the gem floating in the air lowered itself to her stomach and turned into an over sized round button like belt buckle adorned with candy wrapper frills.

    Bell smiled back at the younger girl, trying to reassure her that everything was alright, although, the girl never seemed to have been bothered by it.

    A wave of the Tranzbose's pain washed over her, she could feel its emotions, and it was clearly distraught.

    Suddenly, movement was sensed above her. What she previously thought was just a spherical decoration, had opened to reveal a giant bloodshot eye staring down at them while its pupil dilated and contracted rapidly.

    "It knows we're here! Get ready to fight!"


    Sweet Finale Charge:


    Act One:Genesis(JOB) TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

    Moderator- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
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    Mentor : Speculo (former)
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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill: N/A

    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by ivyleaf33 15th September 2015, 4:44 pm

    Sorano focused on breathing, and staying calm, doing some sort of last-minute meditation exercise. When she was done, she would seem even more serene than before, if that was possible. The landscape they were in looked like a dream. Sorano had to warn herself that even if it was dream-like, she still had to be as alert and focused as always. "Hoshi-chan, be careful," she said softly to the shivering exceed. The area was laboratory-like, with many high-tech, or futuristic-looking things all over the place. The pathway before them had transformed into an odd metal grated walkway leading into more of that stupid mist. What was even more odd was that Sorano could still spot a mage's aura with her sight. Usually, solid structures would block her supernatural senses, but she supposed that this new world was nothing like real life.

    Her partner Bellaria held out that mysterious gem suddenly, and candy started spurting out of it. The girl had transformed into something else. Before, Bellaria's magical aura had been muted, like many holder mages. Now, it burst out, surprising Sorano. This new girl had pink flowing pigtails, and a flashy outfit with the gem still there. She smiled at Sorano, and Sorano stared coldly back, feeling like Bellaria's kindness was a challenge for some reason. Suddenly, a large red eye blinked open above them. As Bellaria shouted her warning, a circuit-covered spider bounded out, with a circuit-covered dog close behind it. Sorano calmly raised a finger and scribbled a word through the air. "Solid Script: Fire," she spoke, flaming red letters rushing at the monsters.


    Last edited by ivyleaf33 on 15th September 2015, 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Act One:Genesis(JOB) B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


    Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by Mapleseruhp 15th September 2015, 5:40 pm

    "Nice one!" Bell shouted as she winked, focusing her energy as she did a curtsy, six long rifles seemingly appeared to fall from underneath her skirt before clattering to the ground.  The Familiars were now running towards them, and the eye was glancing around the room anxiously as if in intense anticipation.

    When the arachnid like creature with some sort of circuit on its body sped up and charged at her, Bell quickly moved two guns from the floor magically into her hands before firing two pink bullets at its front right leg. They both blasted through the appendage and sent the leg flying backwards. She hoped the insect machine thing was incapacitated from movement, but that little bugger decided to spring up suddenly and jump towards her, causing her to panic for a moment before whipping one of her guns around and batting it away, smirking as it hit the side of a nearby bridge. Bell threw one of her now useless guns off the railing, missing the spider. However her celebration was too early, as the creature shot a web at the railing next to her and launched itself towards her face.

    Bellaria barely made it in time to avoid its dripping fangs, but she had quickly summoned one of the guns into her hand and pointed it out and fired just as the spider's jaw opened. It shot at point blank range clean through another one of its legs and embedding itself in another. The shot had altered the spider's trajectory so it was now in the perfect position for a home run. Although, bell never had much time to prefer a good swing, her swift motion was still enough to send it hurtling off the bridge and out of their sight. For good measure. and to make sure it would actually die this time, Bell threw her last useless gun in the direction of the spider, feeling satisfied as she heard a thunk following with a hiss.

    (3 out of 6 guns used)




    Act One:Genesis(JOB) TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

    Moderator- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by ivyleaf33 15th September 2015, 7:12 pm

    As Bellaria defeated the spider, it hissed away into nothingness, its lights fading to black as she smacked her rifle against it. Sorano, meanwhile, had her hands full with the circuit-covered dog. It was over four feet in height, with a terrifying appearance. Lights flashed on its pelt, and drool dripped from the monster's slavering jaws. Sorano smiled sweetly at it, only being a little taller than it, and shot a dart into its open mouth. It yelped in pain, whining while he pawed at his mouth in an attempt to release the poisoned quill. While it was distracted, Sorano called out, "Solid Script: Water!" As the missiles battered the beast, Sorano tilted her hands slightly to redirect the flow of water every time he tried to dodge. The fire she had sent before, was still burning slightly in his fur, singeing it.

    With a snarl, he jumped up furiously, leaping at her. Sorano let out a yell, and Hoshi screeched in fear as the dog soared at her. Just her luck, Bellaria had been throwing away a rifle at that time, conveniently smacking the mechanical dog in the nose, and throwing it off track just before it could hit the cowering girl. Sorano nodded some quick thanks at Bellaria, before directing her water missiles at the dog again, keeping it off of her for now. Realizing that her water was getting weaker, and harder to control, Sorano closed off the spell neatly, and launched two more poisoned darts at her opponent. It was no match for her, collapsing at her feet and fading into black dust. Hoshi breathed a sigh of relief, and the letter mage turned to her partner, saying, "I believe we can continue on. Shall we go?"



    Act One:Genesis(JOB) B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by Mapleseruhp 16th September 2015, 2:51 pm

    Bell paused, this girl was an able fighter. She seemed capable of taking care of herself, but Bell would still be more careful than needed, as Tranzbose could have anything in store. Although she knew not to judge the Tranzbose and familiars by their appearances after fighting Charlotte. She'd have to be even more careful now, considering she had no idea how old this thing was, but it felt powerful.

    The Novian girl desummoned her guns and turned to face the girl who had asked where they were heading. Bell thought it would be best to find the girl before fighting the Tranzbose, as she had no idea what it had in store.

    "We should find Lexa first before fighting the Tranzbose, each of these labyrinths have a ruler, they are named Tranzbose and bring grief and negative emotions to the world. They are usually the cause of Murders, Suicides and other tragic accidents. We should put all of our effort into finding Lexa. She could already be dead, but I think we should still look for her."

    The older girl continued walking towards the other end of the bridge. There was a dark corridor at the end, and she had absolutely no idea where it led. When the Novian girl crossed the threshold and into the darkness, after walking for a few seconds, she came out on another bridge, but it seemed to be in another cavernous room. No, that was incorrect, but it was confusing. Bell had spotted a spot of web tangled on one of the upsidedown bridges below her and it suddenly made sense. She reached out for the handrail out of instinct, but hadn't fell. This path was under the previous one, and upside down too, yet she still hadn't fell to her death. Her worries were cast aside as she saw movement up ahead in the shadows.

    OOC [i](The monster rolls is for your post. Your character will end up on the same bridge as me if she follows me. Btw the movement was a brainwashed lex advancing towards the Tranzbose.)

    (10/25) posts (4/15) Monster Rolls



    Act One:Genesis(JOB) TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by NPC 16th September 2015, 2:51 pm

    The member 'Mapleseruhp' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
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    #2 'Monster Dice' :
    Act One:Genesis(JOB) WeakMonster

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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by ivyleaf33 16th September 2015, 4:01 pm

    Sorano listened to her partner's explanation, happy that some type of information had finally been released from the candy girl. Transboze. Some type of creepy monster who affected people emotionally as well as physically. They made labyrinths to trap people in, and they could be powerful. Fabulous. As the older girl walked ahead on the bridge, Sorano followed behind, keeping a quill dart close at hand to prevent unexpected ambushes. As they entered the cavern, Sorano noticed more of the technology theme. Turning to her partner, Bellaria, she asked, "So, do these transboze have certain themes? This one seems focused on technology--"

    She cut off as she noticed a large metallic web and a girl slowly walking towards the spider that sat upon it. Lexa Grimoire! Sorano recognized the aura that had wavered at the edge of her vision for the entire exploration so far.

    While she had been distracted with her discovery, a spider had jumped at her from the side. She yelled a warning, and managed to throw the dart in her fingers at the beast, but not before it kicked her with a leg, scraping her left arm, blood dripping onto her charm bracelet. Turning furiously, she wrote a spell out through the air, yelling, "Solid Script: Wind!" A powerful gust of wind with vaguely letter-like shapes gusted into the spider, disturbing the one on the net, as well. They were both blown back a bit, each breaking a leg from the blow. Sorano clutched her arm angrily, ready for revenge.

    Hoshi stared in horror as the spider hit her friend in the arm, scraping her companion. A cry choked in the exceed's throat, wanting to leap over to help, but she was a supporter, not a fighter. Besides, Sorano had gotten up quickly enough, hadn't she? She would be fine. Glancing to the side, Hoshi's eyes fell on a black-clad girl walking in a drunken fashion towards a spider. No! She had to save her! The tabby spread her wings, and dove towards Lexa Grimoire in a valiant attempt to rescue her.



    Act One:Genesis(JOB) B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by Mapleseruhp 16th September 2015, 5:01 pm

    Bellaria was about to explain more about the Tranzbose, but the girl ran on ahead to save Lexa from reaching the web. She gasped as a spider jumped at her partner out of nowhere, scraping her leg slightly. The arachnid that attacked her had been taken care of by a dart and also a wind spell that reached and knocked the other spider from its net.

    The pet had started flying towards the girl, but she couldn't help but gasp. The cat thing would probably be killed by the thing, considering it seemed to have no offensive abilities, so Bellaria would have to prevent that from happening.

    Cracking a smile of reassurance, Bell summoned four peppermint nob stones and sent them hurtling towards the arachnid, barely missing the girl, causing her hair to blow up by the sudden disturbance in the air. Lex never even flinched, so it was obvious she was now under a Tranzbose's curse. She could undo the curse easily, but it would be unwise for her to do so. Cursed humans always headed in the direction of the Tranzbose, so she'd follow her and undo the curse when they arrived at the Tranzbose.

    After the four peppermint knobs had passed the girl, two of the four went to the one knocked off the net and slammed in on both of its sides, jamming it in a vice tight grip. She willed the knobs to moved upwards and start spinning, while the other two followed its movements on the other arachnid. She speed up their rotations so that even if they did shoot webs, their current momentum would slam them against a wall, crushing them.

    To solve this problem quickly, Bell willed the knobs to rotate faster and send them flying off the bridge. Although, the directions were confusing to her now that they were somehow upside with a shifted gravity. All she knew was that the spiders were long gone by now, having been carried down and now hopefully falling down into the eye. Sighing, bell approached the guardrail on the bridge and looked down over it. The eye wasn't there, but instead, still watching them from above somehow. What should she have expected? Tranzbose defied logic, and this certainly wasn't the strangest Barrier she had visited.

     "Anyway, i'll explore more about Tranzbose now."

    She paused, taking a few deep breaths after using her magic.

    "Tranzbose are emotional creatures born from negative emotion and energy. As you know, they cause many of this world's problems, however they are completely hidden in their labyrinths and undetectable by normal humans. Only Nova Girls and a slight few with potential can actually sense them and forcefully open the Barriers, otherwise they must be opened by the Tranzbose inside. They are dangerous because, as far as I know, I am the only Nova girl in this dimension, but they only seem to appear around the big cities and sometimes in places like this. They are easy for me to find because I only have to look for signs of their presence and then I let my gem do all the tracking when I am in the general area."

    Bell paused again, hoping the girl had soaked up the information.

    "They are born from a host, which is a human undergoing intense negative emotions. Normally, a build up of negative emotion will natural fade away, although If enough negative energy has clouded around the human, usually due to a sudden outburst a Tranzbose will form and create its labyrinth. A Tranzbose will take a form related to the human and negative emotion, while also being influenced by the setting. The mazes and familiars are made by the Tranzbose and follow the general theme."

    She paused once again, catching her breath.

    "Tranzbose will try luring humans into their barrier to gather their human energy to further their powers until they get what they desire most and will not stop until they are killed. Lexa has been cursed by this Tranzbose, but this spell can be easily neutralized by me. Human's cursed will enter a hypnotic state and will move towards the Tranzbose, so we will use her to Navigate us through this maze. It may seem like an awful thing to do, but she is perfectly safe right now as long as we protect her. This maze is bigger than normal so we would get lost and overcome by monsters if not for Lexa."

    Bell paused, hoping she didn't sound too cruel, but this was how it had to be.

     "Oh, and about this Tranzbose. I can feel its suffering now and I think its a Tranzbose with a Paranoid nature, explaining the eye. I'm also assuming that the host is a scientist that came to excavate and work here, although I don't know what caused him to harbor this much grief. We are doing a good thing by killing the Tranzbose and ending his suffering, the host won't be harmed, and will be perfectly healthy when we saved him and wont remember any of this. Neither will Lexa either, so I'll deal with that when the time comes. I will be sure of this and will receive all of the information when I absorb the Bliss Seed into my gem"




    Act One:Genesis(JOB) TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by ivyleaf33 16th September 2015, 6:00 pm

    Hoshi squeaked as disks of peppermint candy came shooting around her, squeezing the spiders and flinging them over the edge of the bridge. However, she was still focused on the girl. It was her friend's job to help this girl, and Hoshi had to help Sorano! She grabbed tightly onto the girl's shoulders, ignoring her squirming. She was very good at ignoring the movement of her passengers after retrieving a squirmy ten-year-old who was afraid of heights. She brought the girl back to the two human girls as they finished their conversation, unsure of what to do next.

    Sorano brushed herself off, angry that she hadn't been able to do anything other than blow the arachnids off track. She was supposed to be the higher ranked mage here, but Bellaria had taken the spotlight instead of her. Maybe if she wasn't so clumsy... She scowled, her braid covering her face so Bellaria couldn't see, then brushed away the envious emotion and stood up straight, flipping her braid behind her casually, as aloof as ever. The place's odd gravity confused her, and she had to re-orient her logic to a more dream-like state to achieve complete aloofness. As Bellaria began to explain things to her, Sorano wrote some words in the air, the letters squashing together into a notepad and a pencil. She jotted down notes as the magical girl panted while struggling to get words out between tired breaths.

    Sorano had already trained herself to keep her breathing normal at all times, but she felt kind of embarrassed to be calm and still while her partner was still trying to recover. As if to make up for that, she cracked a rare, soft smile at Bellaria as she finished explaining. "Thank you for telling me, Bellaria, I feel more comfortable knowing what I am dealing with. In fact, I know of something that is similar to a transboze labyrinth; I hope you can help me with it later. But, let us save that for later," she said, "and, what is a bliss seed?"

    As she finished her question, Hoshi flew over with Lexa squirming in her grip, her eyes blank.Sorano hurriedly explained to Hoshi what their plan was, so Hoshi set the girl on the ground, and Sorano with her exceed followed after the hypnotized girl, knowing Bellaria would follow.


    Last edited by ivyleaf33 on 16th September 2015, 6:03 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Act One:Genesis(JOB) B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by NPC 16th September 2015, 6:00 pm

    The member 'ivyleaf33' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by Mapleseruhp 17th September 2015, 3:33 pm

    Bellaria was glad to see the girl taking notes, it was nice to have a levelheaded person by her side. Most people just got scared and turned into a liability, but she couldn't blame them. The first time she had fought one she had gotten sick and thrown up, almost being killed by the pig butcher transcendial. She didn't like thinking about that one, she would have been disturbed fighting it even now.

    "No Problem, and a Bliss seed is dropped when a Tranzbose is defeated. Bliss seeds are the embodiment of hope over despair, as they are the solidified remains of a Tranzbose's positive emotional energy which is guarded until death. If my Nova Gem absorbs them, I get stronger and my magic gets more potent. I also get an organized profile of the Tranzbose that is stored in my nova gem and can be accessed somehow, although I don't know why."

    That was all she knew about the things, as the voice hadn't contacted her with instructions in a while, so maybe she already knew everything she needed to.

    She exhaled deeply while  interlocking her fingers and stretching her hands up over her head. Fighiting Tranzbose was quite a bit of work. She always had to be on her toes or Cygnus knows what would happen. Bell had had many close encounters, and this girl seemed perfectly capable for the job. She was calm and collected, and also seemed to be pretty strong too. Probably more than her, but that was to be expected. She hoped Sorano would stay with her, as she did get quite lonely, but the girl had nothing to gain from Bliss Seeds.

    Bellaria looked around the maze like environment, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.  

    "So, you don't talk much and I think that's pretty cool, but what do you think of all of this? Most people get distraught and never talk to me again, some even spawn a fear based familiar, which are completely harmless in small numbers. "




    Act One:Genesis(JOB) TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by ivyleaf33 17th September 2015, 6:52 pm

    "I see..." Sorano finished off her sentence in her notepad as Bellaria spoke out the last few words. She frowned, though, at a thing the magical girl said. " So, you have no idea whatsoever why you know the things you do? Have you not ever tried to investigate how come you can do these things? I know that I was taught Solid script, but where does this mahou shoujo power of yours come from?" And why is your aura so strange? She thought about her unspoken question, pondering the feeling.

    In front of her, Lexa Grimoire walked on, her footsteps clapping on the metal grating below them. She kept a guard up, for spiders. Though nobody knew it, she was terrified of them. That was why she had been so useless in the spider skirmish before. Glancing sideways at Bellaria's aura, Sorano saw that she was now more relaxed, though her guard was still up. However, that alien glow about her still disturbed the letter mage. What did it signify?

    Then, the older girl said something that made Sorano stop in her path. " So, you don't talk much and I think that's pretty cool, but what do you think of all of this? Most people get distraught and never talk to me again, some even spawn a fear based familiar, which are completely harmless in small numbers. "
    Sorano's eyes were shadowed, and she seemed kind of sad. The only reason why she was so calm and collected, was because she had almost been forced to. In her past, she had struck a stage of paranoia after her family's death, and had trained herself to be this calm.

    "You may think it's cool, I guess..." The younger girl trailed off, then continued, "I think this is perfectly normal. Me and Hoshi have traveled all over, and have seen many strange things." She let the subject drop abruptly, and continued walking.


    Act One:Genesis(JOB) B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by Mapleseruhp 19th September 2015, 7:07 pm

    (I'm so sorry. I have a really bad stomach flu and didn't want to use my computer because i was afraid I'd throw up all over it. I'm going to the hospital tommorow so I might not be able to post.)

    Bellaria paused. Sorano seemed sad. Not nearly sad enough for any Transcendial activity, but it was still concerning in its own way. Bell did the human thing to do and smiled while trying to change the subject.

    "Oh! That's really cool. I've never been able to explore this world, as i'm always busy protecting it. Whats the coolest place that you've been? Tell me all about it!"

    It was pretty much a change of subject. She wanted to avoid revealing her origin, for fear of retaliation. It was something that always nagged at the back of her mind. She smiled wider instead, thinking of something to cheer up.

    She didn't notice, as she was always too busy making other's happy, but there was a hopelessness taking root inside of her, but she was blind to the fact. Whenever that feeling did occur, she just ignored it, because it was impossible for her to spawn a Tranzbose, right? Yea, that would be impossible, as she was the only one who could fight them after all.

    It was true, she had never ever had time for herself as most- if not all, was spent fighting Tranzbose and doing guild jobs for rent, although, she hardly ever had any free time to spend there. It was fine though, she had no problem with it, considering she was doing the right thing. Right now she was happy, even though the hopelessness was growing.

    Bell dismissed the feeling and made a few candies appear in her hand, she outstretched her candy filled hand towards the other girl before winking, "Want a piece?"

    (Don't worry, she wont turn into a Tranzbose/witch lol. Its just character development and foreshadowing for a mental breakdown she'll have later on in hopefully another thread.)




    Act One:Genesis(JOB) TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by ivyleaf33 21st September 2015, 4:35 pm

    OOC: Shall we release the monsters? Lol, I wanted to change the normal here to strong, cuz I accidentally swapped the two for the first attack. Sorry! And, get well soon!
    MODS! As Maple hasn't been here for over a month, I have called in Gamon to be a replacement! Thanks!

    Sorano immediately picked out the abrupt change in subject by Bellaria. Not only was the candy girl's aura flashing very obvious warning signs that something was wrong, but she also had an all too fake smile pasted to her face as she asked another question in response to Sorano's.

    "Oh! That's really cool. I've never been able to explore this world, as i'm always busy protecting it. Whats the coolest place that you've been? Tell me all about it!" she chirped.

    Sorano let her suddenly enthusiastic exceed companion finish off for her. "Ooh, ooh! Beanstalk Village was really awesome, with that ginormous beanstalk in the middle, but I guess Rose Garden would be even more awesome, where even the paving stones change color if you step on them!" As Hoshi yammered on, Sorano pondered the mystery of Bellaria. In front of them, Lexa Grimoire continused, her footsteps echoing eerily through the interior of the labyrinth.

    "Let's get more on out guard..." Sorano voiced her concern, looking around in caution, wondering if any danger lurked nearby. Suddenly, something else caught her eye. What was up with the candy girl's aura? It was suddenly flashing brief sparks of depression out on the edges, the bright cheery colors of before being replaced by a sickly green color. Sorano had seen depression before, and knew that the sick colors would eventually eat up the whole aura. Bellaria stretched her hand out, and smiled, asking if the younger girl wanted a candy. Sorano let Hoshi grab one, but politely declined for herself. Candy could upset her emotional control, adding too much energy into her system.


    Act One:Genesis(JOB) B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 13th October 2015, 6:14 pm

    “Admit it, we are lost aren’t we.” A small black cat said to a tall guild wizard. “Okay I’ll admit that this looks nothing like Magnolia.” He said. “But hey, have you seen anything like this? I just took us on an unexpected adventure.” They started to walk around all the rubble of the ancient city. It appeared to have been suddenly abandoned, as if something had gone horribly wrong very abruptly. Someone had taken good care of this city, right up til the end; their perseverance was evident within how well it had been preserved. The city itself was gorgeous, carefully crafted by a skilled architect years ago. The stone and clay around him feel oddly comforting, if not slightly eerie.

    His mind begins to wonder what had become of this place. He could practically feel the people brushing past him, hurrying to get where they needed to be. Gamon could hear the local guild members, shouting and wrestling for sport. The sound is an echo of a long time gone; an apparition of what was, and would never be again.

    Below his feet is beautiful granite, with directions to small shops and other places carved in at the intersections. The silence is… unsettling. This place felt as if it should have been bustling with people. It should have had vendors on street corners and families with children; There simply should have been more.  The city was an unfinished story book, ended abruptly by the death of the author.

    He continues on, slightly jarred by the preservation of the abandoned city. A silence had settled between him and his feline companion as they continued on. “Gamon?” Tykva asked, quietly. He’s awakened from his thoughts and responds with slight confusion. “What? Huh?” Tykva quickly points her (fluffy) tail to the girls up ahead, wordlessly signalling that he had been lost in his own world for far too long. “Oh. Right.” He responds, now practicing what he was going to say in his own head. Gamon always seems to stumble over his own words.


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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by ivyleaf33 13th October 2015, 6:40 pm

    OOC: I will rp Lexa, since I have a better understanding of the plot.
    Sorano whirls around suspiciously when her partner doesn't answer, as the magical girl was usually quite talkative. She easily received a shock when she realized that Bellaria had simply disappeared into thin air! "Bellaria-san!" she called out, the air still at her words. Then, in front of her came a startled and confused voice. "Whoa. Wait one whole second here. What just happened?" Sorano whirled back around, startle to see that the black-clad girl once mesmerized by the tranzbose's power was now perfectly conscious and staring in a confused manner at Sorano and Hoshi. Lexa was awake.

    "L-lexa Grimoire?" Sorano stuttered, suddenly nervous at the presence of the much older girl who had been walking into a tranzbose's trap just a moment ago. Their voices echoed throughout the labyrinth, the hollow footstepping sound suddenly ceased. "Yeah, I'm Lexa, alright, so who, in the world are you?" the mage asked, glancing nervously around at these unfamiliar surroundings, before noticing Hoshi and Sorano's Fairy Tail tattoos. "You girl's are the people here to help me explore, right?" she asked the duo, "But where's that other girl, the, um, Bella-san person?"

    Hoshi sighed, and Sorano took a deep breath, eventually explaining the events that had occurred up until now. "Whoaa..." Lexa murmured, "That's a lot to take in..." However, just as she trailed off, the hollow sound of footsteps on the metal bridge hanging in midair started towards them. Immediately, that familiar giant red eye opened again, and an eerie squealing sound started as the mist drifted away to reveal two blank-eyed scientist men and one eerie circuit-covered spider. Sorano hated spiders. Why were there so many here?  She then looked behind her to spot a glimpse of a friendly aura. Kinzoku-san! "Help us fight, will ya?" she yelled at him, and Lexa too gripped a strip of metal, making her body glow with circuits, ready for battle.



    Act One:Genesis(JOB) B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 14th October 2015, 5:17 pm

    As Gamon started to walk up to two girls, he noticed that they were standing on a nicely constructed metal bridge. He guesses maybe an old iron or steel was used in the build. He notices the mist which blocked his vision, slowly started to drift away revealing the identities of the two females. Gamon definitely recognized as one of the first people, whom he had met when he came to join Fairy Tail. Sorano, and her exceed Hoshi. He wondered if Hoshi and Tykva would get along. Gamon didn’t know much about exceeds, other than what Tykva has told him. The other girl standing next to Sorano did not look familiar at all. A new guild member, maybe. Who ever it was, she looked to be about the same age as Gamon.

    He stepped on to the metal bridge and just stood there. Through the vibrations, and through the creaking, he could sense that they weren’t the only people on the bridge. As he neared closer to the girls the youngest called out the Gamon, “Help us fight, will ya?” Then he looked beyond the girls and noticed a glowing red eye. Which made his heart skip a beat. Then the squealing started. Gamon wasn’t to sure what to think about it, but he had to guess it was a battle cry of some sorts. The mist cleared more to expose two men in white lab coats coming walking in their direction. Close behind the scientist followed a massive spider with what looked to be some kind of circuity wired onto it. The girls got into a fighting stance, which gave off the vibe that these were not the welcoming party.

    Gamon ran up to join the front lines with the girls. “If these guys want to pick a fight, then I’m down to teach them a lesson.” He said with a hint of cockyness in his voice. “I’ll follow your lead.”

    Last edited by Gamon_Kinzoku on 20th October 2015, 1:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Te9PCpv

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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by ivyleaf33 14th October 2015, 6:37 pm

    Sorano lifted a dart out of her pouch smoothly, flicking it towards the creepy scientist dudes to see how they would react. One neatly pulled out a scalpel, the other a bone saw, neatly deflecting the dart and breaking the end so it couldn't be reused. Sorano scowled, not being the type to swear, and beckoned discreetly to Hoshi, who flew towards her, neatly picking her up and flying her over to the scientists and the spider. The scientists looked normal enough from the first glance, wearing plain white lab coats, but on their necks, each had an oddly shaped mark, proving that they were under the tranzbose's control.

    Lexa, however, was not as patient as Sorano. She immediately disappeared before reappearing behind one of the scientists, dealing rough blows to him, dodging his swings of the bone saw with smooth precision, and nearly knocking him over the bridge. Her circuits were glowing fiercely, almost blinding her opponents as she kicked, punched, and dodged. Sorano sighed, wishing she could move just as perfectly as her client could.

    “I’ll follow your lead.” Gamon spoke, and Sorano snorted. In battle, there really was no lead, nothing was honorable, and nothing was organized. It might be so at first, but by now, it was all chaos. At least it was good that a fellow guildmate was supporting her in the back. Whirling her fingers through the air, she yelled, "Solid Script: Water!" Spreading her arms out, the bullets swarmed towards the scientist with the scalpel, and Hoshi neatly dropped Sorano behind him while the possessed man tried to block the bullets of water with his scalpel.



    Act One:Genesis(JOB) B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Empty Re: Act One:Genesis(JOB)

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 15th October 2015, 7:01 pm

    Gamon watched as the non guild member sprung into action. She’s faster than anyone he has seen before. She got behind the two scientists and started to deliver some hard hitting blows. Her moves seem to flow as she fought and dodged the man's attacks with the bone saw. She had similar looking circuity that the spider had, but hers was glowing brightly. Gamon sure was glad she was on their side.

    Sorano then took on the second scientist, the one with the scalpel. “Solid Script: Water!” She called out. Then a bombardment of heavy water drops made contact with the man. For some reason he tried to block the heavy rain coming at him with his scalpel. He managed to block some of the water, surprisingly. While the man was distracted blocking the barrage of water droplets, he didn’t noticed that the young wizard moved her position. Her small exceed had softly dropped her off behind the scientist. She was ready to strike again.

    Gamon turned his attention to the final enemy, that he could see. The massive spider was walking closer to him. Its yellow circuits shown brightly. He slammed his closed fist into the open palm of his left hand. “Metal Make: Falcons!” With a brilliant light, two birds of prey flew up into the air. Then made a sharp turn heading straight down toward the large spider. One hit dead center of the spider's body, and the other one hit close by closer to the legs. They both explode, causing dust to be kicked up. “Nice going! That was a direct hit.” Tykva cheered from the sidelines. Gamon wasn’t too sure it was going to be that easy, though. As the dust started to settle, he could see the yellow light from the circuitry on its back. “Did I do any damage to this thing?” he thought out loud to himself. Then the dust finished settling and he could see that one of the long legs was blown off. It laid on the ground slowly twitching.



    Act One:Genesis(JOB) Te9PCpv

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