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    Grand Duelist

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    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 Empty Re: Welcome to the Skype Chat

    Post by Hikachu 19th January 2016, 9:31 pm

    [10:56:41 AM] ▴ ʜɪᴋᴀʀɪ | Єƨтнɛя ▴: I need to post for you T.T
    [10:56:44 AM] ▴ ʜɪᴋᴀʀɪ | Єƨтнɛя ▴: but i'm so lazy
    [10:56:48 AM] ▴ ʜɪᴋᴀʀɪ | Єƨтнɛя ▴: whack some motivation to me
    [10:58:19 AM] *** Decayuss nods and then disappears for a few minutes. He comes back, wearing a baseball helmet and an enormous bat, weighing in at easily over three hundred kilograms. On the bat he had spray painted the words "motivation". Taking his stance at Hika's side, he dug his foot into the ground, and then gave her a hard whack of Motivation. ***
    [10:58:39 AM] ▴ ʜɪᴋᴀʀɪ | Єƨтнɛя ▴: o__________o
    [10:58:42 AM] *** ▴ ʜɪᴋᴀʀɪ | Єƨтнɛя ▴ passes out and dies ***


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    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

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    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 Empty Re: Welcome to the Skype Chat

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 15th February 2016, 6:23 pm

    [7:57:13 PM] Hearty || Levi: me at mcdonalds drive thru
    me: i would like to order . .. 69 hamburgers please!!!
    cashier: sir thats way too many hambur- wait did you just say 69
    me: ye
    cashier: holy shit. Holy shit LINDA!! Linda get over here. Linda this guy wants 69 hamburgers. Its the sex number linda. Linda. 69 is the sex number. Linda
    [7:57:30 PM] Niyol|Lexa|Azurius: I would have ordered 666 porknuts... god I hope someone gets that reference....



    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 Empty Re: Welcome to the Skype Chat

    Post by Guest 2nd March 2016, 8:50 pm

    Meanwhile, in the FT Developer Chat....

    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

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    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 Empty Re: Welcome to the Skype Chat

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 2nd March 2016, 10:59 pm

    Izayuki wrote:Meanwhile, in the FT Developer Chat....


    out of all people, why the hell am I the one pissing in my coffee?


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    Merlin Ambrosius
    Merlin Ambrosius

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    Post by Merlin Ambrosius 3rd March 2016, 8:04 am

    [10:48:27 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): v.v Why does this chat work and not any other? Stupid mobile app.
    [10:49:51 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: Because I thought you were a guy?
    [10:50:15 PM] Leo: Lolz
    [10:50:27 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): ...
    [10:50:44 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): Marcel's a guy.
    [10:51:02 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: Oh that's straightforward
    [10:51:07 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: So you're not a girl
    [10:51:10 PM] Leo: Lol
    [10:51:17 PM] Leo: Her character's a guy
    [10:51:20 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): I am a girl!
    [10:51:22 PM] Leo: But she's a girl.
    [10:51:33 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: But I thought you said you're a guy?
    [10:51:51 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): So mean!!! T.T
    [10:52:14 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: "Marcel's a guy" so technically you're a guy
    [10:52:52 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): v.v
    [10:53:13 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: So just tell me again... are you a girl or are you a guy?
    [10:53:39 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): No
    [10:53:44 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): I hate you
    [10:53:50 PM] *** Marshy (Marcel, Kanix) stomps off ***
    [10:54:18 PM] *** Dubhlainn/Merlin stomps after him/her ***
    [10:54:39 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): Go away!!!
    [10:54:43 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: So I can't determine your gender, so what you're cool that way :D
    [10:55:01 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): ;-;
    [10:55:04 PM] Leo: Lol
    [10:55:12 PM] *** Leo watches them while eating popcorn. ***
    [10:55:33 PM] Leo: Ok would it help that her other char, Kanix, is a girl?
    [10:55:59 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: Ok so Kanix is a girl but Marcel is a guy but isn't Marcel a unisex name?
    [10:56:10 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: Isn't kanix also a unisex name too?
    [10:56:23 PM] Leo: I don't think so...
    [10:56:39 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): Kanix isn't even a name
    [10:56:45 PM] Leo: ^
    [10:56:51 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): Marcel is a male's name
    [10:56:54 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: So if Kanix isn't a name then you're not a girl
    [10:57:01 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): ...
    [10:57:18 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: You're confusing me >.<
    [10:57:44 PM] Leo: Lol
    [10:58:10 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): You're making me hate you. So, we're even
    [10:58:29 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: Wait does that mean Nekros is...
    [10:58:47 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: Bisexual?
    [10:59:06 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): No, but I am
    [11:01:15 PM] Marshy (Marcel, Kanix): That got you to shut up. Didn't it?
    [11:01:25 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: Ah so that explains it, you're neither man or woman, you're a slime being who can change and shapeshift into any gender you want! :D IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!
    [11:01:45 PM] Dubhlainn/Merlin: NEKROS HAS A SLIME FETISH, CONFIRMED!

    On that day, I have made a grim discovery... Nekros is into slime monsters...

    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 K94POqK


    [16:54:16]Dubhlainn : What does the name Hikaru mean?
    [16:54:27]Eclipse Valerie : Hikari means light o-o
    [16:55:04]Eclipse Valerie : I think Hikaru is like the male form of it? maybe..
    [16:55:34]Dubhlainn : So does that mean Hikaru is a transgender?
    [16:56:04]Eclipse Valerie : uhm o-o
    [16:56:08]Joan Blackheart : Lmao.
    [16:56:53] Merlin Ambrosius : 10 out of 10 would still bang.

    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 Merry_10
    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

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    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 Empty Re: Welcome to the Skype Chat

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 10th March 2016, 4:42 pm

    So, this was in a call, so you'll have to take my word for it.

    -Venir trying to pronounce Shuhei's name-

    Venir: "Shuwei hei...?"


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    Seru's Main Theme


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    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Post by King Elyx 2nd May 2016, 7:21 pm

    [10:15:17 PM] Codex: Should I make Kiru look serious?
    [10:15:25 PM] ♦ Izayuki: omfg toast
    [10:15:27 PM] ♦ Izayuki: LOL
    [10:15:28 PM] Eryn: Of course! That is her nature! x3
    [10:15:34 PM] Eryn: Iza can have a toaster! : D
    [10:15:38 PM] ♦ Izayuki: owo
    [10:15:42 PM] ♦ Izayuki: WHY
    [10:15:49 PM] Eryn: Lucius can have the bagel cream cheese spread : d
    [10:15:52 PM] ♦ Izayuki: We need to commission a Kamikaze chibi from Kiru! : D
    [10:15:57 PM] Eryn: BECAUSE RANDOM!
    [10:15:57 PM] Rissa Bug: why?
    [10:16:02 PM] Codex: YO!
    [10:16:04 PM] Rissa Bug: why does lulu have a bagel
    [10:16:05 PM] ♦ Izayuki: OWO
    [10:16:11 PM] Eryn: Because it's random! : D
    [10:16:21 PM] Rissa Bug: okay, but hes more of a tea person
    [10:16:21 PM] ♦ Izayuki: Iza will have a toaster waffle, thank you very much >:T
    [10:16:23 PM] Codex: NO ONE GETS TOAST!
    [10:16:25 PM] Rissa Bug: or meat person
    [10:16:29 PM] ♦ Izayuki: A FROZEN TOASTER WAFFLE
    [10:16:31 PM] Eryn: D:
    [10:16:33 PM] ♦ Izayuki: Give Kakuma the fuqing toaster.
    [10:16:37 PM] Eryn: I WANT A WAFFLE THEN!
    [10:16:37 PM] Codex: No CARBS!
    [10:16:42 PM] Eryn: OWO
    [10:16:48 PM] ♦ Izayuki: NO
    [10:16:50 PM] ♦ Izayuki: U GET TOAST
    [10:16:50 PM] Codex: Only Vaia gets a pop tart.
    [10:16:52 PM] ♦ Izayuki: I GET WAFFLE
    [10:16:52 PM] Eryn: I WANT AN APPLE!
    [10:16:56 PM] ♦ Izayuki: WE CAN ALL HAVE TOASTER FOODS
    [10:16:58 PM] Codex: ELYX
    [10:17:01 PM] ♦ Izayuki: THEN KAKUMA CAN HAVE THE TOASTER
    [10:17:02 PM] Eryn: KIRU
    [10:17:03 PM] Codex: YOU GET A CABBAGE!
    [10:17:04 PM] Rissa Bug: hides
    [10:17:08 PM] ♦ Izayuki: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    [10:17:09 PM] Corvy: Ha, finally got my skype working on the laptop. xD
    [10:17:10 PM] Eryn: CABBAGE PATCH KID!
    [10:17:15 PM] ♦ Izayuki: OH GAWD NO
    [10:17:17 PM] ♦ Izayuki: //burns it
    [10:17:19 PM] Rissa Bug: NO
    [10:17:20 PM] Eryn: : D
    [10:17:25 PM] Eryn: TOAST!
    [10:17:26 PM] ♦ Izayuki: T.T
    [10:17:29 PM] Eryn: owo
    [10:17:31 PM] ♦ Izayuki: fuq
    [10:17:32 PM] Eryn: YES!
    [10:17:36 PM] Rissa Bug: goes back to hiding
    [10:17:36 PM] Eryn: DO EET! : d
    [10:17:45 PM] ♦ Izayuki: You're asking to be tackled and sat on! D<
    [10:17:55 PM] AMI. (Kimial, Astrid, Annazima): what the fuck
    [10:18:01 PM] ♦ Izayuki: ^Ami
    [10:18:03 PM] ♦ Izayuki: Best timing


    The Star Child

    The Star Child

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Post by Sybil 9th May 2016, 6:05 pm

    [5:30:44 PM] Ahote: MOMMY, HELP.
    [6:02:12 PM] (Famine) ℛℓtʑ тнє вιѕн¢υт ♥: hug magic
    [6:02:17 PM] Ahote: XD
    [6:02:22 PM] Ahote: X-rank Hug Magic
    [6:02:31 PM] (Famine) ℛℓtʑ тнє вιѕн¢υт ♥: Yus crush heero in half
    [6:02:37 PM] (Famine)ℛℓtʑ тнє вιѕн¢υт ♥: with the ultimate bear hug!



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    Post by Guest 11th May 2016, 2:14 pm

    Just dropping this here:

    *whistles innocently and sneaks out*
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Post by King Elyx 31st May 2016, 4:51 pm

    [7:36:43 PM] Eryn: Anyways, now you're my status! x3
    [7:37:42 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): XD
    [7:37:50 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): cause I am the friend zone?
    [7:38:29 PM] Eryn: Well it is the equivalent of hell owo So.. Yeah?
    [7:39:01 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): Oh no you didn't
    [7:39:06 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): don't you sass me
    [7:39:27 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
    [7:39:55 PM] Eryn: Omg! I've seen that one! xD
    [7:40:01 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): I had too
    [7:40:06 PM] Eryn: Also, I have the best roast for that brick wall of text! x3
    [7:40:10 PM] Eryn: Your parents...
    [7:40:14 PM] Eryn: They don't like you
    [7:40:18 PM] Eryn: And guess what
    [7:40:23 PM] Eryn: ...I don't like you either
    [7:40:27 PM] *** Eryn drops the mic ***
    [7:40:55 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): You better watch yourself, i'm a wanted man, I have the death sentence on twelve systems
    [7:41:16 PM] Eryn: Well at least I don't look like...
    [7:41:21 PM] Eryn: A Grapefruit
    [7:41:25 PM] *** Eryn drops the mic again ***
    [7:42:06 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): a grape fruit, more like great fruit
    [7:42:19 PM] Eryn: You will always look like...
    [7:42:24 PM] Eryn: A banana peel
    [7:42:33 PM] *** Eryn jumps into the crowd ***
    [7:42:39 PM] Eryn: I swear, this is too much fun xD
    [7:42:59 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): making fun of me is too much fun?
    [7:43:05 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): Well I suppose so, I mean I do it all the time
    [7:43:30 PM] Eryn: You and your sister harem jokes... But at least I don't look like a Snowman
    [7:43:41 PM] *** Eryn throws the mic at and steps back x3 ***
    [7:44:42 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): a snowman?
    [7:44:49 PM] Eryn: A fucking snowman! : D
    [7:44:49 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): bitch, you can't even see me in snow
    [7:44:52 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): Well
    [7:44:55 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): at least I got laid
    [7:45:12 PM] Eryn: Ouch! My pride! owo I'm going to syringe some bleach!
    [7:45:16 PM] Eryn: But know THIS!
    [7:45:23 PM] Eryn: You are a mug
    [7:45:28 PM] *** Eryn drops the mug x3 ***
    [7:46:08 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): I don't even know anymore
    [7:46:38 PM] Eryn: That's right! Feel the burn! x3
    [7:49:00 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): I can't feel a burn if I don't understand the burn
    [7:49:30 PM] Eryn: You know what you don't understand. English Class!
    [7:49:40 PM] *** Eryn jumps into another crowd of roaring fans ***
    [7:50:08 PM] Pikmin (Sharp, Erika, Aurora): SEE THERE YOU GO

    Rip, TAK. Died from being roasted too hard.

    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 Empty Re: Welcome to the Skype Chat

    Post by Guest 8th June 2016, 9:56 am

    Meanwhile, in the BR Chat...

    We were discussing ways for Izayuki to ICly get her revenge on an X-rank NPC, Elyx's companion, for dissing her accent. >:T

    And then this came up. KAKUMA'S SECRET IDENTITY.

    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 Dje6aV1

    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 Empty Re: Welcome to the Skype Chat

    Post by Guest 16th June 2016, 10:30 pm

    BR be like:

    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 TTTxLXe


    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Post by Decayuss 26th June 2016, 6:11 pm

    [5:55:23 PM] Eryn: owo Gets a scroll out
    [5:58:57 PM] Decayuss: Scroll?
    [5:59:08 PM] Eryn: The list of things that are wrong with you : D
    [5:59:26 PM] Eryn: Chapter one, it all started when a boy named Deniel was born! : D
    [5:59:32 PM] Eryn: The end owo
    [6:00:34 PM] Decayuss: Fabulous.
    [6:00:36 PM] Decayuss: Good thing it's that short.
    [6:00:51 PM] Eryn: But it explains a lot owo
    [6:01:01 PM] Eryn: That was the biggest mistake! owo
    [6:01:15 PM] Decayuss: Well I'm just glad the only thing wrong with me is my birth.
    [6:01:16 PM] Decayuss: Whatever that is.
    [6:01:36 PM] Eryn: And because of your birth, we now have the mistake that is Deca owo
    [6:01:58 PM] Decayuss: Yeah! I think
    [6:02:38 PM] Eryn: xD So sure
    [6:03:06 PM] Decayuss: Well....at least I think!
    [6:03:36 PM] Eryn: Thinking is overrated x3
    [6:03:45 PM] Decayuss: That explains so much about you.


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    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Post by King Elyx 26th June 2016, 6:13 pm

    [9:03:45 PM] Decayuss: That explains so much about you.
    [9:12:57 PM] Eryn: And yet you're the mistake x3
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Post by King Elyx 28th June 2016, 5:41 am

    [6:27:58 AM] *** Iayui (Aiyana, Chaoris, Rasparov, Christine) added Le sei ***
    [6:28:07 AM] Iayui (Aiyana, Chaoris, Rasparov, Christine): everyone welcome our newest lord and savior
    [6:28:16 AM] Le sei: Fuck you all

    Greetings from our Panda at it's finest x3

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    Post by Guest 6th July 2016, 5:38 pm

    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 SEQIw7g


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    Post by Rohma 6th July 2016, 11:04 pm

    [11:02:22 PM] Jacob (Ardere): Oh lord lmao
    [11:02:55 PM] Jacob (Ardere): So I was standing 50 feet away from a lake
    [11:03:10 PM] Chrono (Mao): IN THE WATER
    [11:03:13 PM] Chrono (Mao): MIDDLE OF HTE LAKE
    [11:03:15 PM] Chrono (Mao): GET THERE OR BE SQUARE
    [11:03:17 PM] Tony Stark [Iron Man]: XD
    [11:03:21 PM] Decayuss: GET A GALAXY S5 THAT'S WATERPROOF
    [11:03:24 PM] Decayuss: AND GO STRAIGHT INTO THE WATER
    [11:03:26 PM] Decayuss: THEN YOU'LL SEE ONE



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    Post by Guest 8th July 2016, 11:52 pm

    I get BR on a Google Doc to begin reworking the guild morals.... and then Yew, Marshy, and Vex come in with all this in the doc....

    Yew: Don’t burn down guild property
    Don’t troll the guildmaster. Its her job to troll us.
    Don’t get caught
    Only serve alcohol to minors
    If you kill someone, hide the body.
    No gluten is allowed in the guildhall
    Anyone who eats pancakes will be sentenced to death.

    Vex: No furry butts allowed
    What happens in the guild, stays in the guild, unless someone pays you.

    Yew: Sharing secrets of the guild will result in public humiliation.
    F*** the police. And film it. And sell it. It doesn’t have to be in that order.
    Buckle your seatbelts.
    You can dance if you want to. You can leave your friends behind.

    Tuesdays are a holy day and will be reserved for waffles. Anyone who eats or drinks anything other than waffles or syrup during this day will be kicked out

    Please refrain from sleeping with the entire guild. We’ve got a bad enough rap from Suzuran telling people without giving the media further proof.

    You can only be evil on Tuesdays

    Marshy: Friendship is Magic  : D

    Yew: Magic is witchcraft. Burn anyone convicted of friendship.

    Marshy: Fine, give Marschal all the alcohol

    Yew: Then once he’s at a high enough blood alcohol level light him on fire
    Do not feed the animals.(This includes you Izayuki)

    Someone save this guild. ._.

    i love you guys
    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Tournament Participation Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Post by Chaotic Rumble 10th July 2016, 12:07 am

    It has been a long time...

    [3:00:24 AM] A Gift Horse: People think I'm mean
    [3:00:27 AM] A Gift Horse: Basically
    [3:00:38 AM] *** James shrugs ***
    [3:00:44 AM] James: You sound like my type of person, then.
    [3:00:55 AM] James: 'Cus I have a history of enjoyment when it comes to mocking and making fun of people.
    [3:01:10 AM] James: All in good fun, 'course.
    [3:01:34 AM] A Gift Horse: Well it didn't really work out with my irl friends
    [3:01:51 AM] A Gift Horse: Now I'm just called Manhid nowadays, which means Stone-hearted in english.
    [3:01:58 AM] James: ROFL
    [3:02:00 AM] James: HAHAHHAHAHAHHA
    [3:02:08 AM] James: Okay, yeah, definitely my type of person.
    [3:02:59 AM] *** A Gift Horse shrugs. ***
    [3:03:50 AM] James: But what looks so funny to me
    [3:03:54 AM] James: is fucking "Manhid" LOL
    [3:04:01 AM] A Gift Horse: How so? XD
    [3:04:14 AM] James: I have no idea. I just imagine a religious statue like a Buddha statue
    [3:04:21 AM] James: a fat, golden guy.
    [3:04:24 AM] James: With nipple rings
    [3:04:25 AM] James: I dunno
    [3:04:31 AM] A Gift Horse: TF
    [3:04:33 AM] A Gift Horse: CHAO
    [3:04:34 AM] A Gift Horse: HAHAHA
    [3:04:44 AM] James: So
    [3:04:49 AM] James: Whenever you're called "Manhid"
    [3:04:54 AM] James: you can always imagine that LOL


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    Seru's Main Theme


    Seru's Battle theme

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Post by King Elyx 13th July 2016, 12:03 pm

    [2:57:49 PM] Bryce Richardson: My entire computer is frozen
    [2:57:51 PM] Mama Bird [Ven/Gil]: Lmao
    [2:57:59 PM] *** AMI. (Kimial, Astrid, Rosa) screams ***
    [2:58:01 PM] Bryce Richardson: ;-;
    [2:58:07 PM] Mama Bird [Ven/Gil]: Want me to take the Paino-way?
    [2:58:09 PM] Bryce Richardson: I was about to poset too :c
    [2:58:19 PM] *** Eryn tries to speed up Bryce's computer owo ***
    [2:58:23 PM] AMI. (Kimial, Astrid, Rosa): please take mercy i am a smol japanese woman
    [2:58:25 PM] AMI. (Kimial, Astrid, Rosa): i try
    [2:58:31 PM] Bryce Richardson: OH IT WORKED ELYX
    [2:58:38 PM] Mama Bird [Ven/Gil]: I too am a small somewhat Japanese woman
    [2:58:40 PM] Eryn: OMG!
    [2:58:46 PM] Eryn: I'M MAGIC!


    Lord of Domination

    Lord of Domination

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Post by Daddy 16th July 2016, 11:49 pm

    [2:43:06 AM] 写本 バイオレット: What do you call a Jewish Pokemon trainer?
    [2:43:12 AM] She-Hulk: What? :0
    [2:43:16 AM] 写本 バイオレット: Ashe

    [2:45:46 AM] Zeke Rosyln/Veil Crane/Magna Victus/Rosetta Crawford: What pokemon do you use to defeat a jewish trainer
    [2:46:12 AM] She-Hulk: owo
    [2:46:16 AM] Zeke Rosyln/Veil Crane/Magna Victus/Rosetta Crawford: Koffing

    [2:46:47 AM] Zeke Rosyln/Veil Crane/Magna Victus/Rosetta Crawford: What pokemon makes americans feel fat?
    [2:47:05 AM] She-Hulk: What?
    [2:47:11 AM] Zeke Rosyln/Veil Crane/Magna Victus/Rosetta Crawford: Snorlax

    This is the BR chat in a nutshell


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    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

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    Post by Terith 20th July 2016, 11:47 pm

    The Manhid Series, Part two.

    [2:44:10 AM] Eden: :T
    [2:44:24 AM] Eden: And your sarcasm is always on point, as I see pwp
    [2:44:52 AM] James: I'd like to say it is!
    [2:44:55 AM] James: you're just so serious....
    [2:45:00 AM] James: Why so serious?
    [2:45:18 AM] Eden: Bruh
    [2:45:31 AM] Eden: It's 2 AM in the morning
    [2:45:41 AM] James: Serious pooper.
    [2:45:42 AM] James: Hmph
    [2:46:04 AM] Eden: rofl
    [2:46:42 AM] James: How do you like being a serious pooper?
    [2:48:01 AM] Eden: It's enlightening
    [2:49:32 AM] James: Does it feel nice?
    [2:50:19 AM] Eden: Bish I'm practically Buddha
    [2:50:32 AM] James: well,
    [2:50:36 AM] James: you are Manhid LUL
    [2:50:51 AM] Eden: LMAO
    [2:50:56 AM] Eden: GODDAMMIT CHAO

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    Post by Guest 29th July 2016, 12:25 am

    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 277f59183b984e5db3fc07c357fab6fb

    Any questions? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    Post by Kiku 30th July 2016, 6:49 pm

    [9:44:48 PM] Deadpool: Yeah baby
    [9:44:53 PM] Deadpool: Gimme some sugar
    [9:45:13 PM] *** Medusa grumbles ***
    [9:45:16 PM] Medusa: Fiiiiiiiiiine
    [9:45:33 PM] *** Medusa kisses Seijins cheek ***

    Deadpool = Seijin
    Medusa = Venir


    Welcome to the Skype Chat - Page 5 L6LrqaP

    fart king ardere has been kicked by Seijin
    Fart King Ardere joined the chat on Sun 29 Nov - 16:34
    [3:20:38 PM] Jacob (Ardere): IM THE BIG SPOON
    [3:21:13 PM] Jacob (Ardere): I AM ALWAYS THE BIG SPOON

    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

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    Post by Hikachu 13th August 2016, 12:02 am

    [8/13/16, 4:16:02 PM] Decayuss: HAPPY FEET
    [8/13/16, 4:16:03 PM] Decayuss: WOMBO COMBO
    [8/13/16, 4:16:11 PM] Decayuss: THAT AIN'T FALCO (That ain't falc--) OH
    [8/13/16, 4:16:11 PM] Decayuss: OH
    [8/13/16, 4:16:12 PM] Decayuss: OH
    [8/13/16, 4:16:13 PM] Decayuss: OH
    [8/13/16, 4:16:14 PM] Decayuss: OOOOOOOOOH!
    [8/13/16, 4:16:17 PM] Decayuss: WHERE ARE YOU AT
    [8/13/16, 4:16:18 PM] Decayuss: WHERE ARE YOU AT
    [8/13/16, 4:16:19 PM] Decayuss: OH
    [8/13/16, 4:16:21 PM] Decayuss: OH MY GOD
    [8/13/16, 4:16:22 PM] Decayuss: WOMBO COMBO
    [8/13/16, 4:16:23 PM] Decayuss: OH
    [8/13/16, 4:16:25 PM] Decayuss: GET YO' ASS WHOOPED
    [8/13/16, 4:16:26 PM] Decayuss: OH MY GOD
    [8/13/16, 4:16:30 PM] Decayuss: (WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!) WHAT WAS THAT!?
    [8/13/16, 4:16:37 PM] Decayuss: OH MY GOD! (MY DICK HURTS. MY DICK HUUUUUUUUURTS)
    [8/13/16, 4:16:42 PM] Decayuss: FALLBACK'S DICK IS HARD! (WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?)
    [8/13/16, 4:16:44 PM] Decayuss: OH GOD...
    [8/13/16, 4:16:50 PM] Decayuss: I think we're all a little hard right now.
    [8/13/16, 4:16:52 PM] Decayuss: (End)
    [8/13/16, 4:16:56 PM] Decayuss: There. There's your wombo combo.
    [8/13/16, 4:59:47 PM] 〈ᴇsᴛʜᴇʀ | ʜɪᴋᴀ〉: what the actual fuck
    [8/13/16, 4:59:53 PM] 〈ᴇsᴛʜᴇʀ | ʜɪᴋᴀ〉: deca are you retarded


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